Contents 03 About Catholic Mission 04 Welcome to Pope Francis! 05 National Director’s Report 06 Catholic Mission’s work with Communities 08 Catholic Mission’s work with Children 10 Catholic Mission’s work with Church Leaders 12 Mission Formation and Education Report 14 Fundraising, Communications and Donor Services Report 16 Financial Report
“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” … Jesus Christ (John 10:10)
This image: A young Peruvian boy receives a meal every day thanks to funds from Catholic Mission. Cover image: Sister Maureen Cejas, sharing the grace of a loving God with a young Filipino girl whose village was destroyed by Typhoon Ondoy. All photographs contained within are the property of Catholic Mission. Published August 2013 by Catholic Mission. © Copyright Catholic Mission 2013 ABN 52 945 927 066
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers should be aware that this publication may contain images or names of people who have passed away. Catholic Mission acknowledges the traditional owners of the land.
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About Catholic Mission Catholic Mission is the official mission aid agency of the Catholic Church, continuing the mission of Jesus Christ in the world. Catholic Mission reaches out, gives life and calls all people in the world to faith, justice and love. We continue the mission of Jesus Christ in the world by: • Sharing the Word • Caring for people in need, and • Acting for justice and creation.
systematically work through all of the requests for funding and to decide how much each application will receive from the funds obtained through your generosity. Each Director has an equal vote regardless of whether they come from Germany, Internationally, Catholic Mission operates through the global Catholic Canada, India or Zambia. Due to there being greater need than network known as Pontifical Mission Societies and is the Pope’s own mission funds available, applications usually aid agency. Essential funding is receive approximately half of what provided to an existing community or has been requested. Additionally, a work, often from a parish community local contribution is required from or a religious congregation through the people of the community, such as three societies: our work with clearing land for a new orphanage to communities, our work with children be built, making mud bricks for a new and our work with church leaders. parish hall or feeding the labourers who are working on a new health clinic. Compelled by the message, life and love of Jesus Christ, Catholic Mission Following the meeting in May, forms Australians for mission and Catholic Mission is advised as to raises funds for mission, in over which particular projects we are to 160 countries to support initiatives send money to directly. In August, we in 1,100 dioceses, including remote transfer these funds to each individual Australia. This enables heroic country and the Bishops pass the missionaries to support communities funds on to each local project. We then and children in need, and provide receive project updates and photos vital training for seminarians, novices from the project, on how the funds and catechists. are being used, how the communities’ lives are being affected and what Grassroots needs are identified by impact the project is making. local Catholics, to give people an opportunity for a full, enriched life— Catholic Mission shares the Church’s physically and spiritually—regardless responsibility for a world where all of race, stigma, religion or gender. people, free from all barriers to a full life, can reach their complete The application process for funds potential and experience God’s passes through the local Bishop of the love. We believe Faith + Action are diocese. Though the requests come intrinsically linked; only if we are from parishes or groups within the people who live our faith, only if diocese, they must communicate we can explain our faith and only with the local Bishop and inform him if we personally care for people in of their request to gain approval. need can we be credible Christian The Bishop then sends these requests witnesses in today’s world. Standing to our headquarters in Rome in solidarity with those who are according to the type of project, weak and suffering, we can protect before 15 December each year. the innocent, the powerless and exploited; we can empower, enable The following year in May, all the National Directors of Catholic and ennoble them to reclaim their Mission—or Pontifical Mission rightful participation and inclusion in Societies—meet for a week to our human family.
Annual Report 2012
A Warm Welcome to our New Patron! We welcome the arrival of our new Pope with excitement and enthusiasm! As the Australian arm of the Pope’s own mission organisation, we are glad that a church of the ‘South’ has contributed the gift of Pope Francis to the whole Church. We pray that our new Holy Father will bring new life into the Catholic Church and inspire all Catholics in our mission of sharing the Word, caring for those in need and acting for justice and creation throughout the world. Address of Holy Father Francis Clementine Hall, Friday 17 May 2013 I am particularly glad, dear brothers and sisters, to meet for the first time the National Directors of Catholic Mission who have come from all over the world. I also greet all the co-workers of the Dicastery and of the Pontifical Mission Societies, priests, religious and lay people.
For every Christian, for the whole Church, this is not an optional mission, but essential. As St Paul said: “if I preach the Gospel, that gives me no ground for boasting. For necessity is laid upon me. Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel!” (1 Cor 9:16). God’s salvation is for everyone!
I would like to tell you that you are particularly dear to me because you help me to keep ever alive the activity of evangelisation, the paradigm of every work of the Church.
I repeat to you, dear National Directors, the invitation that Paul VI addressed to you almost fifty years ago, to jealously guard the universal breadth of the Mission Societies, “which have the honour, responsibility and duty to support the mission [to proclaim the Gospel], to administer the necessary aid” (Discourse to the Pontifical Mission Societies, 14 May 1965: aas 57, 1965, 520).
Mission is the paradigm of every Church institution; it is a paradigmatic attitude. And in this task Catholic Mission is a privileged instrument in the hands of the Pope who is the source and foundation of the unity and universality of the Church (cf. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Dogmatic Constitution, Lumen Gentium, n.23). It is urgently necessary to find new forms and new ways to ensure that God’s grace may touch the heart of every man and of every woman and lead them to him. We are all simple but important instruments of his; we have not received the gift of faith to keep it hidden, but, rather, to spread it so that it can illumine a great many of our brethren on their journey.
Dear brothers and sisters, as I renew my thanks to you all, I encourage you to continue your commitment to seeing that the local churches assume ever more generously their share of responsibility in the Church’s universal mission. To you, to your co-workers, to your families, to all those who are dear to you, and to your missionary work, I impart my Blessing. © Copyright 2013 - Libreria Editrice Vaticana
National Director’s Report Thank you for your generous donations and prayer intentions, which support our essential work of sharing faith and caring for those in need. In a recent speech to a conference in Australia, Archbishop Zimowski, the President of the Pontifical Council for Healthcare, spoke of Pope Francis’s recent address, where he stated that a Catholic ministry cannot simply become a caring and compassionate non-government organisation. The Archbishop told the Conference, “It must be distinctive. As His Holiness said, ‘If we do not profess Jesus Christ, things go wrong.’” The Archbishop described the proclamation of the Gospel and the care of the sick as two essential and inseparable activities of the church (Sydney Catholic News, 22 April 2013). In our mission formation in Australia and our support of mission internationally, Catholic Mission continues the mission of Jesus Christ, by both: 1. Sharing the Good News of Jesus 2. Caring for people in need, and 3. Acting for justice and creation. Word and Deed, Faith and Life, Contemplation and Action… most importantly Jesus’s command to love God and love your neighbour; these two elements are not only essential to the mission of Jesus—every Catholic organisation and every Catholic person must act on both. Additionally, every person and every organisation should act both locally and globally. There has been a pleading by some that Catholic Mission should only support direct spiritual work. Others have encouraged Catholic Mission to only support care and justice initiatives. We refuse to support only one. We refuse because to only do one or the other is to present an inadequate witness to the world. The world needs us to show our faith by our actions, but also to show and to share our faith. In being a witness to both, we will present an attractive and inspirational way of life that makes sense to others.
One of the key witnesses that we offer is that Catholic Mission is able to do more with your donation compared to other charities. This is because their life of faith has led so many Catholic missionaries—lay people, priests and religious—to work with poor communities for just their keep. They are often full-time, highly skilled volunteers for their whole lifetime. As a result your donation is stretched further to help many more people. In 2012, Catholic Mission in Australia supported the work of the Church in 187 dioceses in thirty seven countries. We provided more than two million Catholics with opportunities for spiritual growth and outreach to others.
Annual Report 2012
We funded the training of 1,082 seminarians in twenty seminaries and at least 5,226 catechists. We funded eighteen Catholic radio and television broadcasters, built or renovated thirty seven pastoral centres, convents (for Sisters involved in pastoral and practical care), churches and other key buildings, used for outreach, education and catechetical formation. Australian Catholics directly supported 249,112 children through Catholic Mission.
In 2012, Catholic Mission in Australia supported the work of the Church in 187 dioceses in thirty seven countries. In turn, these mission projects of faith and action worldwide provide inspiration to Australian Catholics to make faithsharing, practical care and justice essential ingredients of their lives as Catholics. In both Australia and around the world, this authentic mission of sharing faith and practical care provides a credible and attractive Christianity which others will hope to share. I would like to especially congratulate and thank all of the dedicated staff, volunteers, Council members, clergy and teachers who contribute in a wonderful way to our Catholic Mission team around Australia. Your tireless efforts provide hope, encourage faith and generate the generous donations that make the work of the international mission possible in over 160 countries. Yours in Christ,
Martin Teulan BA Dip Ed.,MA Th. St. National Director
Catholic Mission’s Work with Communities During 2012, Catholic Mission’s Work with Communities campaign focused on the desperate plight of the people of Ethiopia, specifically in the southern diocese of Hawassa, and their struggle to be able to provide food for themselves and their loved ones in their drought-ridden environment. Throughout 2012, Catholic Mission was able to raise $8,817,246 for our work with those in crisis in Ethiopia and throughout the world. Catholic Mission provides funds for global projects that assist whole parish communities in their pastoral work. These projects are local initiatives and range from practical activities such as nutrition programs for malnourished youth, to outreach for members of the community suffering from diseases such as HIV/AIDS and leprosy, to the building of parish community halls, convents and churches. One of the beneficiaries of Catholic Mission’s support in Ethiopia is Genet Nuka who was orphaned as a child and suffered from severe malnutrition. Sorrowfully as a result, she had to have one of her legs surgically removed at the tender age of eleven. With both Genet’s parents having passed away, sadly no one from her extended family came to collect her when she was discharged from the hospital. Thankfully, Sister Maureen Elliott, an Australian Franciscan Missionary of Mary, and her fellow sisters were there, and have been ever since, offering practical, emotional and spiritual support to Genet and other members of her community. Over the past fifteen years, Sister Maureen and Genet have established a very close and caring relationship. It is thanks to the invaluable and ongoing support and love of the sisters that Genet has been able to receive essential medical assistance, including a prosthetic leg, in addition to an education and home. For the last few years, Genet and her young daughter, Elsabet, have been living in a small, simple room with only the most essential possessions, which include a mattress, and a crib and bath for Elsabet. Despite being extremely grateful to have a roof over her and her daughter’s head, Genet’s dream has always been to earn an income so that she can support herself and Elsabet without relying on welfare. Below: Genet is incredibly grateful for her new home and the support of Catholic Mission donors
Annual Report 2012
Since sharing the story of Genet with you last year in our Ethiopia appeal DVD, Genet has been able to successfully complete her hairdressing qualifications, and has started her journey towards becoming self sufficient by selling items such as maize and handicrafts while building her hairdressing clientele. Today, also through the generous financial support of Catholic Mission’s donors, Genet and her daughter have been able to happily settle into a new, safer house, with a kitchen, bathroom and fence. Sister Maureen writes:
“I don’t know how to thank you… it’s made a wonderful difference for Genet and her family… congratulations and many thanks! May our loving God bless you in many, many ways!” The Catholic Church’s on-the-ground long-term network is always there for people who need practical, emotional and spiritual support, and it is through this on-the-ground network that Catholic Mission works. Our missionaries are often the first responders following disasters like famines, floods and earthquakes—playing a critical role in minimising their impact on desperate families by offering immediate spiritual, pastoral and practical care. Together, through prayer and financial support, we can continue to care for our fellow brothers and sisters throughout the world.
Right: Sister Maureen—an integral part of the lives of Genet and her daughter, Elsabet
“The Holy Spirit brings to our hearts a most precious gift: profound trust in God’s love and mercy.” Pope Francis, via Twitter, 9 May 2013
Catholic Mission’s Work with Children In the developing world, countless parents and carers stuggle to provide the basic needs for their children—such things as food, medicine, education and shelter are luxuries for some. In Cebu City in the Philippines, Sister Bridget Anne Healy works tirelessly within the Blessed Sacrament Parish at a centre called Spring of Hope. The centre provides a variety of programs and services including child minding, nutritional programs, medical care, catechism classes, educational support, special needs training and physiotherapy for malnourished children. Spring of Hope is just one of thousands of child-focused projects around the world that receive funding from Catholic Mission. With the financial support of faithful donors, Catholic Mission was able to raise $6,041,604 to support children on a global scale. Catholic Mission funds crucial local initiatives, which specifically benefit children under the age of fifteen, such as schools, health and nutrition programs, orphanages and rehabilitation centres. These programs enable children to develop their physical, social, emotional and spiritual well-being, thus engaging in a holistic approach to child development, and additionally assisting whole families in desperate need. Today, the prayers and financial support received through Catholic Mission has helped Spring of Hope become an integral part of the community. Ten-year-old Jessamae, her nine-year-old brother Roger and nineteen-year-old sister Annalou, are some of the many families in the Blessed Sacrament Parish who have received vital care and support. All three siblings were tragically orphaned and faced a future of extreme poverty, with the responsibility for the family falling to Annalou. Annalou works long and hard hours washing pots to provide some small income for her family. The meagre income allows for the family to live in a very poor neighbourhood that has high levels of unemployment, crime and drug abuse. They share one simple bed, a dresser and a few cooking utensils. Below: (Images 1 & 2): Children receiving care at Spring of Hope (Image 3): Sister Anne with Roger, Jessamae and Annalou at their home
Annual Report 2012
Until recently, both Jessamae and Roger were malnourished. Sister Anne, with the support of Catholic Mission was able to provide Jessamae and her family with practical assistance including milk, rice, canned goods, vitamins, school uniforms, school supplies and medical checkups, in addition to spiritual care and formation. Jessamae now enjoys going to school, playing with her friends and singing with Roger. She dreams of one day becoming a teacher and being able to support and encourage children to gain an education to fulfil their potential. Sister Anne says,
“We’d like to thank so many people out there in the Catholic Mission society who are so generous to us and I ask you to continue being generous and to continue to help us in the years to come. We are more than grateful. And for us here and our children, we will continue to pray for you each day as this is all we can offer at this very moment.”
Right: Sister Anne, reaching out to the local children of the Blessed Sacrament Parish
“Dear young people, do not bury your talents, the gifts that God has given you! Do not be afraid to dream of great things!� Pope Francis, via Twitter, 26 April 2013
Catholic Mission’s Work with Church Leaders At the beginning of the year, Catholic Mission asked supporters to help train more desperately needed local priests in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Our work with Church Leaders provides funds to support the training of priests and religious brothers and sisters in their initial years of training or novitiate. Just as we in Australia know conflict within our own communities, so do our northern neighbours. With more than a thousand different tribes across PNG, tribal conflicts over such things as land claims and religious differences continue to cause widespread grief. The Catholic Church and local priests play an important role in reducing the hostility and animosity between the different tribes. As respected leaders of the community, the priests act as mediators and encourage harmony and reconciliation. Through the generosity of faithful supporters to Catholic Mission in Australia, $1,885,136 was raised in 2012 to help support seminarians and novices throughout the world. One such seminarian supported by Catholic Mission is Elias Zambria—a twenty six year old seminarian from the Mendi diocese in the southern part of PNG. Similarly to many of his fellow seminarians at the Holy Spirit Seminary in Port Moresby, Elias has experienced tribal conflict first-hand in his home village. He knows the important role the Catholic Church is playing in reducing tribal conflict throughout PNG, as well as the crucial work of the Church in areas such as evangelisation and building schools and hospitals. Elias first experienced his call to priesthood when he was just sixteen years old. However, after finishing school, he started working as an auto-electrician, and slowly drifted away from his once strong faith. With the help and guidance of his grandmother, Elias returned to the Church and decided to follow his calling. He is now in his second year of study and is aspiring to become a seminary lecturer, so that he can help other young men on their journey to priesthood. In preparation for priesthood, Elias and his fellow seminarians are already reaching out to the people of PNG, offering not only spiritual support, but also practical assistance. Every week, Elias helps the Canossian Sisters Below: Life as a seminarian keeps Elias very busy!
Annual Report 2012
provide basic health care to the people on the outskirts of Port Moresby—these are his brothers and sisters challenged with extreme poverty—they are unable to afford the high fees in the city hospitals. Elias and his brothers are assigned to different areas and have different responsibilities such as prayer leader, health educator, pharmacist, distributing nutritious food and weighing patients. Priority is given to children who are often sick with coughs, influenza, malaria, diarrhoea, headaches, fever or sores. Elias really enjoys the pastoral work; for him it is a unique opportunity to meet the people, help them and to be with them. As he says, “It prepares and equips me with practical experiences to be an effective pastoral worker as a priest in the future Universal Church of Christ. It helps me to know how best to work with people who are poor and underprivileged by reaching out to them with the help of the Lord and showing his love and compassion.” To those that have helped him fulfil his calling, he says,
“Thank you, our Church is still young and your donations really help us… when we receive donations we feel someone is responsible in terms of faith and existence… what you are contributing is some encouragement. I have to reach out to the people and experience God’s love in the heart of the people. Loving God is loving the people.” Through our church leaders, your support plays a huge part in helping to bring faith, tolerance and peace to those in turmoil in PNG and throughout the rest of the world. Right: Elias, heeding his call
“Keep always before your eyes the example of the Good Shepherd who came not to be served but to serve, and who came to seek out and save what was lost.� Pope Francis, 21 April 2013
Mission Formation and Education Report Mission Month
Local initiatives and activities in Dioceses
‘Restore Hope… to a Special Someone’ was the theme of World Mission Month 2012 in schools and was an invitation to individuals and communities Australia-wide to join with Catholic Mission in celebrating the work of mission with over a billion Catholics all around the world at this special time. This theme focused on Jon-Jon—one of millions of children in the Philippines who are faced with extreme poverty, growing up in informal settlements, on the streets and on garbage dumps. Our message continues to be that mission is a work of hope in such dire situations.
Much of the outreach in mission formation and education is delivered by the hard working Diocesan Directors and staff around the country. The face-to-face work in promoting the various national programs such as Mission Month, as well as providing local formation and education initiatives is an immense task. Mission Masses, lecture series, workshops, prayer and Sacramental programs, dinners with missionary speakers, parish talks, school visits, launches and more— the formation and education work done by the Diocesan Directors and staff is substantial and deliberate to help individuals and communities across Australia come to know and engage more deeply in the work of global mission; the work of continuing the mission of Jesus Christ in the world.
Throughout our formation and education programs the overarching theme is to engage and inspire both young and old to continue the mission of Jesus Christ in the world, to share faith by: speaking the Word, caring for people in need, and acting for justice and creation.
The Catholic Mission National Conference in 2012 provided more than forty staff members with formation and detailed knowledge of Catholic Mission projects around the world, and this proved to be very inspiring for our staff. Father Timothy Lehane, Secretary General of the Pontifical Mission Society for the Propagation of the Faith, was the international guest at Catholic Mission’s National Conference in 2012, and his presence provided a huge boost to our animation. He was guest speaker at many events throughout Australia, and also visited many schools and parishes.
“The Catholic Mission National Conference provided more than forty staff with formation and detailed knowledge of Catholic Mission projects around the world and proved to be very inspiring for our staff.” In 2012, Catholic Mission was a major partner in the ‘Proclaim’ conference, in partnership with the National Office for Evangelisation and the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC). The focus of this conference was new evangelisation and over 400 participants attended. There was a growing number of mission speakers for our church appeals throughout 2012. Approximately 350,000 Australians heard a missionary speaker in Mass, with at least 80% of parishes in a number of dioceses recording a visit from a missionary speaker.
Number of people participating in Immersion Programs
Number of professional development sessions completed
Number of adult Mission Formation & Advocacy events that have been organised across the dioceses
Number of volunteers (non-Catholic Mission staff who regularly work with Catholic Mission in the dioceses)
Number of groups (schools, parishes, community groups) who participated in a planned World Mission Month/Catholic Mission celebration
Total number of students involved in Mission Formation
13 Global Immersion Programs
Catholic Mission’s ‘GIG’ (Getting Involved Globally) Immersion programs are wonderful opportunities for experiential learning and mission formation. In 2012, sixteen immersion programs with over 192 participants travelled to indigenous communities throughout Australia, Papua New Guinea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Timor-Leste, South Africa and Zambia. Upon their return participants consider and action ways of mission in response to their immersion experience including their ongoing involvement with Catholic Mission.
Catholic Mission continued its focus in its work of advocacy on two areas throughout 2012— advocacy on behalf of children and in support of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.
Village Space In 2012, Catholic Mission’s Village Space program—interactive dramatised storytelling—travelled to many venues across Australia, including schools in country and rural areas from Tasmania to central Queensland. There were eighty seven Village Space performances to over 11,000 students and teachers, across sixteen primary schools and sixty secondary schools. Of special note has been the inclusion of Tasmania in the tour and outreach to the Aboriginal communities in Roma and Toowoomba. Both initiatives were extremely successful and we will continue to build on this success in 2013.
“The Village Space was an amazing experience that I wish I could do again and again.” Year 8 Student
Despite Government policy to the contrary, children are mandatorily detained in locked facilities with their families for unspecified periods. In March 2012, 591 children were detained and by December this number had grown to 1,221. There is well documented evidence that this form of detention damages children. The Coalition that has been formed to support the End Child Detention initiative consists of the Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office (ACMRO), the Australian Young Christian Students (AYCS), ChilOut, Catholic Religious Australia (CRA), the International Detention Coalition (IDC) and Catholic Mission. Since the launch in September 2012, ‘UnitingJustice’ Australia and the Uniting Church in Australia Assembly have joined the Coalition, extending its reach even further. An important part of the strategy has been to work with AYCS to prepare them to be the spokespeople on the campaign—young people working for young people. The film clip and campaign material has generated the support of 3,000 supporters who signed the petition to the Minister for Immigration, as well as recorded their own video messages. School groups began taking a ‘detention for children in detention’ as part of World Mission Month. In addition to our advocacy in regards to children, significant collaboration with the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council (NATSICC) continues with engagement in key meetings and sponsorship of NATSICC’s national convention in Melbourne. In 2012, Catholic Mission continued to support NATSICC through hosting their Council meetings and assisted with a submission to the United Nations regarding the importance of language, culture and identity.
“There are many forms of mission formation and education that we are involved in with the aim to help form a missionary spirit in the hearts and minds of people so to participate in God’s mission in the world.” Peter Gates Education and Formation Manager, Deputy National Director
Annual Report 2012
Fundraising, Communications and Donor Services Report ”What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but do not have works? Can faith save you?” (James 2:14) Since starting at Catholic Mission almost two years ago, I have been privileged to be able to witness first-hand the amazing work of our dedicated missionaries in both India and Mongolia, who, through your generous gifts and prayers, are reaching out and giving life both spiritually and physically to so many people in desperate need. On both visits I was inspired by how our missionaries balance sharing their faith with ‘doing good works’—a natural extension of them demonstrating the love of Jesus Christ. Myself and the amazing fundraising, communications and donor services team, in addition to the wonderful Diocesan staff, are privileged to be able to use our God-given talents to raise money for, and share the stories of, this essential missionary work, as well as care for our donors. It is our way of putting our faith into action, and utilising our gifts to help more and more of the poor and marginalised. For Catholic Mission, 2012 was an outstanding year for fundraising. We successfully integrated our fundraising and communication activities, ensuring that they worked harmoniously and collaboratively together—with all channels supporting one another to achieve optimum results. This was demonstrated through the success of our 2012 Church appeal ‘I was hungry and you fed me’ (Feed my body, feed my soul), which took a closer look at the onthe-ground network of the Catholic Church in southern Ethiopia. Their response to the aftermath of the devastating drought and famine in the Horn of Africa was to provide health and nutrition programs, in addition to spiritual support and care. Our supporters responded to the call for help, donating almost three million dollars to the campaign via their parish, online or in response to our mail campaign.
This was an increase in income of 34% compared to 2011.
”We successfully integrated our fundraising and communication activities, ensuring that they worked harmoniously and collaboratively together—with all channels supporting one another to achieve optimum results.” Our supporters embarked on a ‘Journey of Faith’ by providing crucial funds to support vocations in Peru, including the important work of indigenous priest, Father Ritman, as he travels by boat to reach out to incredibly remote villages scattered along the Peruvian Amazon. In October, donations to the World Mission Month ‘Restore Hope, Share Grace’ appeal contributed to providing long term practical, spiritual and pastoral support to the struggling community of Sitio Ronggot in the Philippines, following the devastation left behind by typhoon ‘Ondoy’. Again, our supporters responded very favourably to this appeal with income from online and mail fundraising increasing by 60% compared to 2011 income. In the spirit of Christmas giving, donations to our 2012 Christmas appeal helped provide opportunities for Sisters working in Zambia to provide life-saving health care, as well as love and support, to children affected by HIV/AIDS. Bishop McKenna and the Diocese of Bathurst continued to support the world-wide church through its Christmas appeal for Catholic Mission, raising a very impressive $40,000 for the Diocese of Baucau in Timor-Leste.
15 Across Australia, parishes also supported Catholic Mission through hosting the St Francis Xavier Relic Pilgrimage. Donor events were also held across the country including an inaugural formal ‘thanks giving’ dinner in the Brisbane Archdiocese, addressed by Archbishop Mark Coleridge. During 2012, Catholic Mission successfully trialled its new school fundraising initiative ‘Socktober’ in several dioceses and will now roll out this campaign for World Mission Month 2013 in all schools. Socktober is one way schools and workplaces can fundraise for Catholic Mission during World Mission Month in October or throughout the year via fundraising activities involving socks! Other highly successful new fundraising initiatives included the new Christmas and Easter gift catalogue, and the introduction of digital fundraising initiatives such as electronic direct mail, campaign specific web pages, online advertising, ‘Google AdWords’ and ‘Google Analytics’. However, fundraising is also about improving efficiencies and return on investment. A considerable effort was spent on streamlining processes in our donor services team, particularly those relating to retention of regular givers, reactivation of lapsed donors, and improving our fundraising intelligence through enhanced reporting and use of our database to segment donors and test new initiatives. All this lead to us retaining the number of active donors and increasing the number of active regular givers.
”Our supporters responded to the call for help, donating almost three million dollars to the campaign via their parish, online or in response to our mail campaign. This was an increase in income of 34% compared to 2011.” Following on from the successful Pontifical Mission Societies International Fundraising Exchange in 2010, Australia again organised the bi-annual international exchange in Rome, which was attended by eleven English-speaking countries, with the theme ‘Sustainable Mission’. The purpose of the Exchange was to more effectively raise support for the global work of Catholic Mission through sharing best practice fundraising techniques and establishing an international fundraising development plan. As we move into the 2013/14 financial year, the focus for the fundraising, communications and donor services team will be on continual improvement of the work we currently do, specifically in the area of donor service and communication, plus increasing the effectiveness of our parish appeals and resourcing of schools at the diocesan level. Through speaking to donors at parishes and on the phone, and by receiving your letters and donations, I am continually blessed, humbled and inspired by your dedication and generosity to the work of our missionaries in the developing world. When I visit our projects on your behalf, I always take your love and support with me to pass onto our heroic missionary partners in sharing the love of Christ with those in need. Natalie Moses National Fundraising and Communications Director
Annual Report 2012
Financial Report For 12 months ended 30 November 2012
2012 Distribution of Australian Funds to Overseas Projects# From 2011 Income
Catholic Mission’s work with Communities
Ethiopia India Kiribati and Nauru Myanmar Nouméa Papua New Guinea Peru Timor-Leste Uganda Zambia
659,953 743,143 94,804 59,515 55,468 1,440,966 103,029 107,029 200,459 256,820
Total Disbursements
of total funds raised in Australia were distributed to our work with communities, 40% to our work with children, 11% to our work with church leaders and 6% for special projects.
Catholic Mission’s work with Children
Albania 56,806 Algeria 7,714 Azerbaijan 2,492 Bangladesh 49,831 Bolivia 20,974 Burundi 55,159 Cambodia 20,929 Democratic Republic of Congo 161,450 Dominica 15,374 Egypt 49,332 Ethiopia 44,847 Ghana 69,763 Haiti 54,814 India 1,039,563 Indonesia 49,830 Kenya 209,288 Kiribati 13,953 Madagascar 194,339 Malawi 47,837 Myanmar 93,283 Nigeria 184,373 Pakistan 50,475 Panama 5,980 Papua New Guinea 136,170 Peru 34,881 Philippines 119,394 Sierra Leone 96,671 Solomon Islands 25,912 South Africa 122,085 Tanzania 45,072 Uganda 144,010 Ukraine 3,986 Vietnam 73,450 Zambia 128,563 Total Disbursements
Catholic Mission’s work with Church Leaders Nigeria Papua New Guinea Philippines Solomon Islands Timor-Leste Uganda Vietnam Zambia Total Disbursements Special Fund Funds to Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Malawi, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Palestine, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste, Uganda, Ukraine, Zambia TOTAL OVERSEAS DISBURSEMENT
199,695 40,681 15,272 23,691 144,069 67,719 333,460 108,822 933,409
#1. These amounts are extracts from the audited financial statements of Catholic Mission for the periods specified. Full audited financial statements are available on request from Catholic Mission’s National Office. #2. Where changes in accounting standards have required re-statement of balances, prior year comparisons have also been amended.
2012 Distribution of Australian Funds to Australian ‘Home Mission Fund’ Projects# From 2011 Income AUD
Armidale Broome Cairns Darwin Geraldton Port Pirie Rockhampton Sale Toowoomba Townsville Wilcannia-Forbes PALMS TOTAL
13,000 945,000 56,000 453,987 152,000 51,000 51,000 6,000 9,000 152,000 70,000 42,000 2,000,987
Total Global Distribution by Catholic Mission (Pontifical Mission Societies)** From 2011 funds ** Figures have been converted to AUD from USD at a rate of 1 AUD = 0.9 USD
Catholic Mission’s work with Communities Africa Americas Asia Europe Oceania
53,476,010 3,991,778 26,351,778 74,333 2,650,333
Total Disbursements
62% Africa 30% Asia 05% Americas 03% Oceania <1% Europe
Catholic Mission’s work with Children Africa Americas Asia Europe Oceania
14,151,878 861,000 8,867,222 70,556 297,556
Total Disbursements
58% Africa 37% Asia 04% Americas 01% Oceania <1% Europe
Catholic Mission’s work with Church Leaders Africa Americas Asia Europe Oceania
24,937,212 407,759 9,800,926 131,311 366,910
Total Disbursements
70% Africa 28% Asia 01% Americas 01% Oceania <1% Europe
#1. These amounts are extracts from the audited financial statements of Catholic Mission for the periods specified. Full audited financial statements are available on request from Catholic Mission’s National Office. #2. Where changes in accounting standards have required re-statement of balances, prior year comparisons have also been amended.
Annual Report 2012
Financial Report
For 12 months ending 30 November 2012 + interim 4 month period ending 31 March 2013* *Catholic Mission has changed its financial year period from 1 December - 30 November to 1 April - 31 March. This resulted in an interim 4 month financial period from 1 December 2012 to 31 March 2013.
Gross Income by Diocese for 2012-2013# Diocese Adelaide Armidale Ballarat Bathurst Brisbane Broken Bay Broome Bunbury Cairns Canberra and Goulburn Darwin Geraldton Hobart Lismore Maitland-Newcastle Melbourne Parramatta Perth Port Pirie Rockhampton Sale Sandhurst Sydney Toowoomba Townsville Wagga Wagga Wilcannia-Forbes Wollongong Maronite Ukraine Other ~ Total
Year Ended 30 November 2011 AUD
Year Ended 30 November 2012 AUD
Four Months Ended 31 March 2013 AUD
592,996 134,899 119,758 94,118 1,482,107 679,857 7,959 101,099 402,928 475,163 53,517 38,692 63,418 627,455 438,127 4,708,024 702,746 1,557,247 90,201 193,893 69,449 111,444 2,071,747 122,656 138,034 156,798 15,802 611,859 338 3,937 1,888,098
407,965 95,096 166,946 311,983 1,724,123 1,761,828 9,040 96,141 117,595 381,376 45,146 41,142 66,058 198,490 495,866 4,206,627 629,818 1,608,765 95,277 217,645 80,397 87,000 1,885,114 110,653 130,579 187,580 18,884 638,544 23,080 5,953 1,900,486
76,208 52,770 37,215 69,041 417,305 196,802 1,990 32,598 43,422 93,413 18,269 15,752 22,090 62,402 134,105 694,079 164,333 341,948 35,754 49,495 31,653 35,711 642,589 42,611 29,069 60,973 3,644 137,672 15,850 253,362
~ Other includes investment distributions, interest, cost recovery initiatives, partnerships and any other non-operational income.
Breakdown of 2012-2013 Income Funds Distributable for Overseas Funds Distributable for Home Mission Fund Movement in Carry Over Funds Community Education Transferred to/(from) Reserves Abnormal Expenses Special Project Cost Net Operating Expenses Total
Year Ended 30 November 2011 AUD
Year Ended 30 November 2012 AUD
Four Months Ended 31 March 2013 AUD
8,613,461 1,860,593 55,274 2,280,520 1,311,840 0 136,832 3,495,846
9,759,792 1,878,251 30,854 2,756,684 -431,748 0 205,129 3,546,235
2,057,059 295,475 125,918 809,058 -564,872 0 54,156 1,035,331
#1. These amounts are extracts from the audited financial statements of Catholic Mission for the periods specified. Full audited financial statements are available on request from Catholic Missionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s National Office. #2. Where changes in accounting standards have required re-statement of balances, prior year comparisons have also been amended.
Annual Report 2012
Funds Raised by Works in 2012-2013 Year Ended 30 November 2011 AUD
Year Ended 30 November 2012 AUD
Four Months Ended 31 March 2013 AUD
8,822,702 6,407,839 2,018,725 505,100 ~
8,817,246 6,041,604 1,885,136 1,001,211 ~
1,626,494 1,535,191 527,905 122,535 ~
Working with Communities Working with Children Working with Church Leaders Special Purpose Appeal Other ~ Total ~ Since 2010, other income has been allocated to the three works.
50% Working with Communities 34% Working with Children 11% Working with Church Leaders 05% Special Purpose Appeal
“The measure of the greatness of a society is found in the way it treats those most in need, those who have nothing apart from their poverty.” Pope Francis, address from World Youth Day Brazil, 25 July 2013
In Memory Catholic Mission would like to acknowledge the following faithful supporters who, though they have passed away, through the gift of their bequest continue to inspire our work and ensure that we may “reach out, and give life” for years to come:
Baker Barwinski Battley Baxter Bennett Black Bryant Bugden Bush Camenzuli Canavan Castro Comerford
Derks Dermond Devaney Devlin Diggins Duffy Durkin Dwyer Flood-Holmberg Gibson Goffman Gregory Halpin
Hansberry Hansen Hofman Hughes Johnson Kean Kelly Kenny Mangan Martin McAleese McMillan Morrisey
Norris O’Shea Ryan Seaman Smith Snaidero Sorensen Spongberg Sweeney Sweet Teulan White Wright
For information about leaving a lasting legacy through your Will and to become a member of the Fellowship of St Thérèse of Lisieux, please contact your local Catholic Mission Diocesan Director for a confidential discussion. You can find their contact details on the back page.
Dates to remember in 2013/2014: International Day of the World’s Indigenous People 9 August International Literacy Day 8 September World Mission Sunday 20 October Children’s Mission Day 23 October World AIDS Day 1 December Human Rights Day 10 December World Day of Social Justice 20 February International Women’s Day 8 March World Health Day 7 April International Day of Families 15 May World Refugee Day 20 June PO Box 1668 North Sydney NSW 2059 T: 02 9919 7800 F: 02 8904 0185 E:
Freecall: 1800 257 296
Your Local Diocesan Director: Adelaide Deacon Anthony Hill 08 8210 8199
Melbourne Mr Kevin Meese 03 9639 1344
Armidale Mrs Linda Hanrahan 02 6771 3517
Melkite Eparchy 1800 257 296
Ballarat Ms Sue Searls 0409 401 329 Bathurst Mr Michael Deasy 02 6334 6400 Brisbane Mr David McGovern 07 3336 9239 Broken Bay Ms Kathryn Endicott 02 9919 7800
Parramatta Ms Kathryn Endicott 02 9919 7800 Perth Mr Francis Leong 08 9422 7933 Port Pirie Father Matthew Newman 08 8626 1025 Rockhampton c/- Mr David McGovern 07 3336 9239
Broome 1800 257 296
Sale Mrs Susan Grout 03 5622 6600
Bunbury c/- Mr Francis Leong 08 9422 7933
Sandhurst Mr Adrian Gallagher 03 5443 8321
Cairns Mrs Anna Jimenez 07 4046 5636
Sydney Ms Kathryn Endicott 02 9919 7800
Canberra and Goulburn Deacon Joe Blackwell 02 6163 4321
Toowoomba Mrs Beatrice Lucas 07 4638 2805
Chaldean Eparchy 1800 257 296
Townsville Sister Therese Marie Fleming 07 4726 3253
Darwin 1800 257 296 Geraldton Mrs Tricia Rogers 08 9964 2716 Hobart Mr Rafal Kozlowski 03 6208 6236 Lismore Mrs Michelle Sullivan 02 6622 0407 Maitland-Newcastle Mr Barry Urwin 02 4979 1142 Maronite Eparchy Father Yuhanna Azize 02 9642 0211
Ukrainian Eparchy Archpriest Michael Kalka 03 9320 2560 Wagga Wagga 1800 257 296 Wilcannia-Forbes Mr Michael Deasy 02 6334 6400 Wollongong Mr Michael Deasy 02 4222 2400 National Office Mr Martin Teulan National Director 1800 257 296
ABN: 52 945 927 066