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Reconciliation Action Plan
Over the past twelve months a group of five Catholic Mission staff members have been meeting virtually each fortnight to discuss and develop the organisation’s first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).
The process and development of this plan has been intentionally slow and has allowed opportunities to engage our staff across the country.
“We have learnt much more about the experiences and connections our staff have built together with Aboriginal and Torres‑Strait Islander peoples through their work and community engagement and have begun sharing these experiences,” says Catherine Towiro, Chairperson of the RAP Working Group.
Speaking with representatives at the National Aboriginal and Torres‑Strait Islander Catholic Council (NATSICC) and Aboriginal Elders on how best to approach engaging our staff in Reconciliation, these conversations have led to a series of yarning circles with staff both virtually and face‑to‑face. “The yarning circles provided opportunities to share where we are each at in our Reconciliation journey and to encourage one another to continue actively pursuing Reconciliation.”
The formation of the group is having a positive impact cross the organisation.
“We have seen an increase in Acknowledgment and connection to Reconciliation in the workplace,” says Catherine.
“There is greater communication across departments and dioceses regarding the best ways to weave Reconciliation into our work and overcome any fears or misunderstandings that may have been a hindrance in the past. More staff are voluntarily contributing their stories of Reconciliation and we are learning and growing together.” •