Annual Report 2022-23

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This image: Lay missionary Maria is dedicated to helping young women in Meki, Ethiopia to secure their independence.

Cover image: A young Timorese teacher passionate about her work with children, in Timor-Leste.

2 Catholic Mission l Annual Report 2022-23

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Contents We Are Mission 4 A Message From the National Director 5 Impact Snapshot 6 Our Global Network 8 Mission Development Work 10 Work with Children 12 Work with Communities 14 Work with Church Leaders 16 Work in Mission Formation and Education 18 Engaging with School Communities 20 Engaging with Parishes 22 Partnering for Impact 24 Amplifying Our Voice 26 Accelerated Digital Transformation 28 Financial Report 30 Feedback: Catholic Mission would love to hear from you. Call toll free 1800 257 296 Write PO Box 1668 North Sydney NSW
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Catholic Mission l The Pope’s International Mission Agency 3

We Are Mission People, Organisation, Culture

Catholic Mission is the Pope’s international Mission agency in Australia. We partner with communities, helping them to flourish by supporting grassroots projects, including healthcare, education, and faith formation, and being an active voice for human rights.

Our Vision

That all may have life in Christ.

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

Our Mission

(John 10:10)

As the Pope’s international Mission agency, we respond to the call to love God and to love our neighbour by forming individuals and communities as missionary disciples of Jesus who share their faith in action and through prayer. We share in God’s mission to reach out and give life by sharing our personal and financial resources to:

• proclaim the Gospel

• serve people in need

• act for peace, justice and creation in partnership with local churches, so that all may have life in Christ.

“Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.”

(John 13:34)

Our People

Reflecting on my decade as the Communications and Digital Manager at Catholic Mission, I feel profound gratitude. I have witnessed missionaries’ life-giving work globally, and I am proud to serve as their voice. Using digital channels and social media, I have sought to give a voice to the people we serve and drive meaningful transformation. Focused on our mission, I have been committed to maintaining our brand identity, fostering international collaboration, and remaining humbly proud of the role we play in Pope Francis’s global Mission.

I have always worked with not for profit organisations, so it was no surprise that I gravitated toward Catholic Mission when I moved to Australia. I am inspired by our project partners, supporters, and mostly my colleagues for their dedication and genuine desire to provide hope and opportunities to many communities. Being here is a grace, and I am grateful to be part of this life giving work.

Anniversaries Jaswinder Kaur 15 Gigi Par Adriano 15 David McGovern 15 Simone Medri 10 John Kerrigan 10 Sharon Messina 10 Judith Nyamuli 5 Kronwyn Halasan 5 Liesje Barratt 5 Lydia Stanley 5 Helen Tarttelin 5 Tom Tarttelin 5 Pisey Souern 5 Catholic Mission l Annual Report 2022-23 4

A Message From the National Director Fr Brian Lucas

I am delighted to introduce you to the 2022-23 Annual Report as Catholic Mission’s National Director. Your unwavering support and devoted prayers have significantly impacted the lives of many, and for that, I am profoundly grateful.

Inspired by Blessed Pauline Jaricot and the Gospel, ‘You shall be my witnesses’, this year’s report bears witness to the love of God through the dedication of missionaries and their life giving work.

This year has been marked by significant milestones with flourishing community projects, and the deepening of our global collaboration, all woven into the rich tapestry of our faith.

From celebrating the beatification of Blessed Pauline Jaricot, the founder of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, to our collective response providing support to the victims of the devastating earthquakes in Turkey (officially the Republic of Türkiye) and Syria, we have navigated a year of intense purpose with a faithful response.

The historical importance of the year was heightened with the beatification of Blessed Pauline in Lyon, France, coinciding with the bicentennial anniversary of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. It was an historic occasion to honour this extraordinary woman whose vision of Mission and her legacy continue to inspire our global network, the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS).

The gathering of PMS National Directors, for the beatification and the Annual General Assembly in Lyon, not only served as a tribute to our revered founder but also reinforced our worldwide commitment to Mission.

A commitment to Mission which was highlighted in February 2023, when our network rallied to offer relief to the people affected by the earthquakes, in Turkey and Syria, demonstrated our international relationships and unity, the hallmarks of our global network.

Under the guidance of our newly appointed PMS president, Monsignor Emilio Nappa, we look forward to furthering our efforts in serving the people most in need. This past year has been a powerful reminder of our Mission’s global reach and the strength derived from our collective endeavors.

We, at Catholic Mission, are mindful of the contribution we can make to the way of synodality which Pope Francis has called the worldwide Catholic community to “journey together”, so we can live and proclaim the Gospel in the way of Mission entrusted to us all.

In the Synod for a Synodal Church 2021 24, the three priorities are Communion, Participation and Mission. In this report, there is witness to these three priorities.

As we reflect on our accomplishments, we aspire towards an even more impactful future. Our journey continues, thanks to your ongoing support and prayers.

Yours in Mission,

Part of the international Pontifical Mission Societies/Missio network • Propagation of the Faith • Children’s Mission • St Peter Apostle • Pontifical Missionary Union 5 Catholic Mission l The Pope’s International Mission Agency
Fr Brian Lucas

Impact Snapshot

With your help we supported: 265 projects in 41 countries.

91,671 children

82,400 community members

349 catechists

2,936 future Church leaders

>140 countries part of the network.

Through our global network:

2,534 projects supporting children.

71,047 future Church leaders

6 Catholic Mission l Annual Report 2022-23

Your generosity genuinely makes an impact. Here are just a few highlights of how your kindness and support have made a difference in the lives of children, individuals, families and communities this financial year.

$15.1M raised

554 schools engaged with Socktober

15 indigenous catechists’ supported

960+ parishes partnering in World Mission Month

7600+ phone calls answered by our Donor Services Team, ensuring supporters were heard and helped

Together, we responded to communities when they needed it most:


provided in emergency relief and pastoral support for refugees who have fled their homes in Ukraine.


provided in immediate relief and ongoing support to individuals and families who suffered the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.

Catholic Mission l The Pope’s International Mission Agency

Our Global Network

As the Australian representative of the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS), Catholic Mission is part of an international network of over 130,000 missionary stations worldwide. Led by religious and lay missionaries, these stations are committed to providing life-giving support to children, communities, and church leaders across education, healthcare, and spiritual nourishment. They are the embodiment of Mission work.

As the Pope’s international Mission agency, PMS is the largest network of missionaries operating across Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania, and the Americas.

For the past 200 years, we have been supporting the work of missionaries around the world and helping communities in need through mission development projects. In Australia and internationally, we have been engaged in advocacy work to defend and empower individuals in need.

During 2022 23, our network again showed its strength, working hand in hand with communities to address their grassroots needs and advocating for peace, justice and creation.

In the town of Meki, Ethiopia, we directly collaborated with Maria Jose Morales, a lay missionary, who founded the Kidist Mariam Pastoral Centre, a vocational Centre for women from disadvantaged backgrounds. The Centre, which offers a pathway to employment for many women from the region, required financial help and we were able to fund new materials and supplies to keep the Centre running and accessible to more women.

The PMS network also responded to emergency crises by providing tangible support and pastoral care during hardship.

In Sri Lanka, we answered the emergency call of Fr Basil, PMS Director in Sri Lanka, during a time of political and economic crisis. Working together, we ensured that the most vulnerable in Sri Lankan society were able to access vital resources such as food and medical supplies.

The network also came together in early February to provide emergency care and pastoral support to communities in Turkey and Syria following the devastating earthquakes. We partnered with missionary priests, religious sisters, and lay

missionaries on the ground to provide ongoing pastoral support and assistance to those impacted by the earthquakes.

PMS is a strong network driven by its love for people and for all creation. In May 2022, the network came together for the beatification of Blessed Pauline Jaricot, to celebrate her life and legacy as a founder of one of the main societies of PMS.

Our international collaboration is key to creating a global and efficient response to provide life changing opportunities to the people most in need, and it is possible thanks to the support of our friends and supporters.

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#wearestillhere Together we are Mission Watch now 9 Catholic Mission l The Pope’s International Mission Agency

Mission Development Work

“We always need someone else. Trust, thus, cannot exist without the other. Only if we are willing to get to know them, to discuss with them, to see in them the face of Christ, to share their joys and sufferings, can we trust them. Encounter, thus, is the basis of trust.”

Catholic Mission places significant emphasis on its Mission Development approach to engaging with Dioceses and Religious Congregations across the globe. By establishing relationships, we prioritise building trust with our partners, which enables community projects to have greater impact.

This involves melding faith and best practice in the international development space. As Pope Francis explains, “Common good is not a mere possibility, but the cement on which to build a just, true and beautiful society.”

Catholic Mission’s long term partners in Africa, Asia, the Pacific and across rural Australia have seen a significant positive impact in the lives of many communities due to the importance we place on trust and relationships, but without foregoing best practice.

An example of this is St Francis Technical High School in Cambodia. Its students are taught practical skills through the Natural Paradise Farm which is used as a training facility as well as a social enterprise to support the local diocese and communities. This project, which has been in operation for several years, is continuing to have a significant impact on the local area.

In Timor Leste, Catholic Mission has continued to engage with local congregations, such as the Salesians Sisters, to extend current educational and medical support to communities in rural areas. You can read more about our work in Timor Leste in our 2023 Project Booklet.

Our unique approach has also borne fruit through our partnership with the Kidist Mariam Pastoral Centre in Meki, Ethiopia, a country that has experienced much instability as it recovers from the pandemic, conflict and economic shocks. Throughout this difficult period, we have walked together with lay missionary Maria Jose Morales in a spirit of trust and understanding. As a result women who are vulnerable have continued to learn vital skills and have grown in confidence to gain employment or to start their own businesses, setting themselves on the path to economic independence.

In the coming months, after many conversations and years of relationship building, new projects will be launched in Zambia, Malawi, Mongolia, and Laos. At the same time, we will continue our work in Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand, Ethiopia, Peru, the Pacific and in Australia. Supporting local missionaries on the ground enables us to have a significant impact in addressing locally identified societal issues. Of any group in the world, the Church has the greatest capacity and widest network to make positive change in these communities. Catholic Mission is at the forefront in many missionary dioceses, providing both technical and financial support to help transform lives. Our work and project report are available on our website, where we provide timely updates on the projects and its impacts on the local communities.

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11 Catholic Mission l The
International Mission Agency

Work with Children

During 2022-23, Catholic Mission’s work as part of the Society of the Holy Childhood raised awareness and funds for the Camillian Social Centre in Rayong, Thailand. The Centre is a healthcare facility dedicated to providing an environment of welcome and wellbeing for children and adults living with HIV/AIDS.

Under the supervision of Fr Paul, a local priest of Rayong, the Centre provides relief to 40 children and young people, and their families, by ensuring their access to medication and helping them to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The Centre also plays a vital role in the reintegration of people living with HIV/AIDS in a society where their condition is not well understood and carries social stigma. Fr Paul, shares,

“First of all, they could realise that they are human beings with dignity and value, the same as other people in society.”

Misunderstood and rejected by the community, many children and adults with HIV/AIDS are not receiving the appropriate care and treatment for their condition.

This situation is often exacerbated by the lack of financial resources of the family, who cannot

afford to pay for treatment or care for their loved one, resulting in distressing situations for the patients and their families.

To provide relief to the patients and their families, the Camillian Social Centre responds by providing its residents with appropriate treatment, care and opportunities to reintegrate them into society. It represents a life giving opportunity for patients, like Kiet and his family.

Kiet is one of the children living at the Centre. Born with HIV, his parents tragically passed away from the same disease due to lack of treatment. Left in the care of his grandparents, who could not afford to care and provide medicine for him, Kiet has found a safe home at the Camillian Social Centre. There, he receives appropriate treatment for his condition and is now looking toward the future with hope.

Catholic Mission l Annual Report 2022-23 12

$1.9M* distributed to support children’s programs

*For the exact amount, see page 30.

153 projects supported in 19 countries

91,671 children supported

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Catholic Mission l The Pope’s International Mission Agency 13

Work with Communities

In the rural region of Emdibir, Ethiopia, 70 percent of the families struggle to put food on their tables on a daily basis. To develop a long-term solution that would benefit the local communities, Catholic Mission has worked hand-in-hand with the local Church and Emdibir communities to establish a sustainable project: the Deberety Farm.

This project was built in two phases. The first phase provided the community with a dairy farm, which is now home to more than 60 cows. The second phase focused on adding a goat rearing centre to complete the infrastructure and develop the local economy.

Led by Fr Habte, a local priest dedicated to lifting the local community out of poverty, the Deberety Farm aims to create employment, provide sustainable food resources, and bring hope.

The local production of nourishing milk is directly distributed to eight clinics in the Eparchy of Emdibir. It is a significant contribution to the fight against malnutrition, a phenomenon that still contributes to 50 percent of child deaths.

The farm also provides employment and is creating more economic activities in the surrounding area,

providing workers with a stable income to provide for their families.

“By creating a goat farm in Emdibir, we provide food and create employment opportunities, but more importantly it helps the local community to gain independence and ensures that they have access to a brighter future,” says Fr Habte.

“The Goat Rearing Centre represents an outstanding opportunity to see the community develop and grow.”

The project, which was first established in 2021, is now completed and the farm fully operational with more than 150 goats purchased, which are now breeding.

Catholic Mission l Annual Report 2022-23 14

$4.8M* distributed to support community programs

*For the exact amount, see page 30.

49 projects supported in 21 countries

82,400 community members supported

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Catholic Mission l The Pope’s
Mission Agency

Work with Church Leaders

Providing a safe and nurturing environment for seminarians is essential in their development to becoming future Church leaders. In 2022-23, Catholic Mission supported the St Aloysius Seminary in Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka, in providing pastoral care and tangible support to seminarians, as the country is facing significant hardships.

According to a 2022 report by the World Bank, in the period 2021 2022 Sri Lanka’s poverty rate doubled from 13.1 to 25.6 percent, increasing the number of people living in poverty by 2.7 million. This economic crisis has reversed decades of progress for Sri Lankans as the country experiences its highest poverty rate since 2009.

In the face of economic hardship marked by record heights of inflation, power outages, and shortages of food and petrol, protestors have been gathering across the nation since March 2022 to voice their frustration.

The economic and social crisis disproportionately affects the most vulnerable communities. Priests play an important role in communities, as they dedicate themselves to serving people who are vulnerable, through charitable and outreach programs. They help to create community and provide a sense of purpose and direction for many people. They offer a listening ear and encouragement to get through the dark periods.

Working hand in hand with other PMS agencies to provide support to the St Aloysius Seminary, Catholic Mission has contributed to a safe and nurturing environment for seminarians to continue on their pathways to priesthood. Nilan is one young seminarian supported by the program. He has shown strength and determination in pursuing his vocation, with the hope of one day serving his community as a Church leader.

Director of Catholic Mission Australia, Fr Brian Lucas, commented, “The generosity of our donors and supporters allows us to provide these seminarians with an opportunity to pursue their calling, so one day they will become the cornerstone of their communities by dedicating themselves to serving those who need it most.”

Catholic Mission l Annual Report 2022-23 16

$887K * distributed to support programs for future Church leaders

*For the exact amount, see page 30.

52 projects supported in 14 countries

2,936 future Church Leaders supported

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Catholic Mission l The Pope’s International Mission Agency 17

Work in Mission Formation and Education

The Mission Formation team carries the work of the Pontifical Missionary Union in transforming hearts and minds to live the joy of the Gospel and lead Mission. Our programs are founded on an immersive, interactive pedagogy of dialogue, encounter and experience which engages the whole person.

Adult Formation and Professional Development

Recognising that we are a small team, we have worked to consolidate an approach that engages the leadership teams of Catholic organisations. We work with them to devise programs that bring the concept of Mission to life for their staff and those they serve.

This approach has enabled us to secure five significant diocesan collaborations and three agency collaborations, including our role as consultants to the Plenary Council of Australia. We were also engaged by a tertiary institution to deliver a short course exploring a contemporary understanding of Mission.

One longstanding program that continues to form the basis of many of these partnerships is Educating with A Mission Lens. This comprehensive work, now in its seventh year, consists of six modules spanning three years.

The Interculturality Program

The Interculturality Program is designed to build cultural awareness and to develop cross cultural skills that help participants live and work more effectively in multicultural communities. The program is tailored to the needs of each diocese and group, while maintaining a central focus on ‘cross cultural and interpersonal competency for Mission’.

In 2022 23 there has been engagement by eight dioceses across Australia. An important example of this work is the ‘Cultural Competency for Mission – International Relocation’ program which has supported the relocation of international priests in several dioceses.

Youth Engagement

After a period of freeze on new appointments, Catholic Mission successfully recruited a young person for a Youth Engagement role. This has enabled a focus on youth networks Australia wide. The role of Youth Engagement works closely with our Schools, Immersions and Interfaith teams to ensure a streamlined and strategic approach to Mission formation and activity.


Direct advocacy on behalf of children and families seeking asylum in Australia is an important part of Catholic Mission’s work. Communicating with parliamentarians and government bodies seeking to secure more favourable policy and legislative protection, Catholic Mission provides in kind support to the End Child Detention Coalition Australia (ECDC), as a founding member of ECDC and as a representative on its board. In 2022 23, the ECDC, as part of a coalition of organisations, successfully advocated for the release of two young Iranian men who had been detained for nine years, having arrived in Australia as children. Also though the parish sponsorship scheme, the ECDC supported advocacy on behalf of an Female Afghan judge and an Afghan family. As an important follow up to the 2022 Federal election, letters of congratulations were sent to newly elected members of Parliament to establish a relationship with them and regular communication has continued throughout the year.

Catholic Mission l Annual Report 2022-23 18

Interfaith Encounters

The Interfaith Encounters Program brings together senior students and staff from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds. It encourages them to develop new friendships, to celebrate difference, to deepen faith, and to promote peace and social cohesion. Interfaith Encounters facilitates workshops and events that increase participants’ knowledge, skills and experience in relation to identity, dignity and diversity. The program aims to achieve this through partnership, dialogue, facilitated activities and youth leadership.

In 2022, the program brought together eight colleges with 150 Year 10 and 11 students from four Islamic and four Catholic Colleges. In the 2023 reporting period the program engaged four Colleges of 80 Year 10 and 11 students, two Islamic and two Catholic Colleges. Two critical developments in 2023 include the engagement of two agency partners to assist with the program and to provide trainers in order for the work to expand. Two university partners have also committed to the program to provide a comprehensive evaluative component.

Interfaith Encounters received a grant for its 2022 program by the NSW Government through Multicultural NSW COMPACT Program. A great achievement for this program, that thanks to the grant, has been extended until 2024.


Catholic Mission Immersions engage the entire person; their empathy, humanity, faith and responsibility. The program provides an opportunity to ‘be with’ others to share daily joys and sorrows and to celebrate the richness and gifts that each of us bring. This immersive, experiential approach enables participants to explore far beyond the tourist trail.

With the disruptive effects of the pandemic now easing, the Immersions program has started to show strong signs of recovery as demand and inquiries increase weekly. We were able to facilitate five groups as they undertook a transformative experience in 2022. As the whole travel industry is picking back up, we have 14 immersions planned for 2023. These experiences will see both school group immersions and adult immersions travel to Alice Springs, Tiwi Islands, Timor Leste, and Cambodia. The growing demand has led our team to develop more immersion opportunities, including the launch of a new immersion in Coober Pedy, South Australia, to gain a deeper understanding of the heritage Australia has to offer and how it is our duty to preserve and carry this heritage. The new program in Coober Pedy has already shown great success from its first group of participants, leading to new inquiries from schools. As we return to a higher volume of demands, the question of qualified staff creates an ongoing challenge for the Immersions Team.

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International Mission Agency 19
Catholic Mission l The Pope’s

Engaging with School Communities


schools engaged in Socktober

Catholic Mission continued its steadfast commitment to fostering faith formation and community engagement through its work with schools during 2022-23. By building and strengthening partnerships between school communities, parishes, and youth networks, Catholic Mission created meaningful connections and provided opportunities for spiritual growth and service.


The Socktober community engagement program grew, raising over $612,000 for communities in Ethiopia and around the world – more than any other year. In partnership with over 550 active schools across the country, we raised awareness of the issues affecting children and babies in the focus community of Emdibir. Students and staff threw their support behind families in need, not only providing tangible financial assistance but enhancing their personal sense of Mission and justice.

Mission Ambassador Program

A growing priority for Catholic Mission in the schools engagement space is developing and strengthening partnerships among schools, parishes, and youth networks. This was demonstrated most prominently in 2022 23 with the growth of the Mission Ambassador Program. After a successful pilot, this program is now being promoted within schools and across several dioceses. It empowers students to share their understanding of Mission, formed through experiential workshops or through their commitment to initiatives like Socktober, alongside parishioners in their local community. This builds confidence in the student and shares the Good News message beyond the classroom and family setting.

Workplace Giving

Praying, Advocating and Acting

Resuming due to easier travel, Immersions offers unique opportunities in foreign and Indigenous Australian communities. These experiences expose participants to marginalised communities’ challenges. They foster renewed commitment and inspire action through cultural encounters and service projects. They enable students to broaden their perspectives and inspiring them to act (see page 19).

Recognising the importance of Mission formation activities for both students and staff, in 2022 23 Catholic Mission continued to provide enriching experiences that nurture spiritual growth and understanding of each other through our Interfaith Encounters program (see page 19).

We revamped Catholic Mission’s Workplace Giving program, offering opportunities for professionals from education and other sectors to make an impact through pre tax payroll deductions. One of the benefits of the initiative is that it allows teachers to take action for the people whose stories they are sharing with their students through programs such as Socktober. Opportunities to support Mission projects through workplace giving continue to be offered across Australian dioceses.

Schools Community Engagement

Catholic Mission l Annual Report 2022-23 20
The School Community Engagement wheel guides educators in looking for year round opportunities to empower their students to respond to the call to mission. By following the simple conceptual flow of the strategy, education professionals can visualise their mission engagement plan for the year or expand their visionary planning to a period of several years.

$612,000 raised in schools across Australia

17 Australian and overseas immersion groups

12 Secondary Colleges involved in Interfaith Encounters

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Engaging with Parishes

Parishes are at the heart of many communities and essential to creating a sense of belonging. Catholic Mission collaborates with numerous parishes across Australia, offering them many ways to engage in the great work of Mission. Here are some of the opportunities for parishes and Catholic Mission to work together to realise the kingdom of God.

Catholic Mission Church Appeal

Church Appeal is a tangible way to engage in the great work of Mission, by sharing the important and vital work of missionaries with parishioners. It gives parishioners the opportunity to learn more about the life giving work of missionaries around the world, and to partner with the essential work of the community and Church by sharing their personal and financial resources to make a difference and proclaim the Gospel.

During 2022 23, more than 960 parishes generously donated to support the work of missionaries in Ethiopia, along with many other Church r un mission programs around the world.

Community Refugee Sponsorship

Community Refugee Sponsorship enables parish and community groups to sponsor newly arrived refugee families and to assist them in their first year of settlement in Australian society. Sponsor groups are matched with families by the United Nations High Commission for Refugees. Through Catholic Mission’s partnership with the End Child Detention Coalition (ECDC), it has supported one parish sponsorship group which has assisted three families across two years. As an auspice body, the ECDC has developed a legal structure to enable more parishes to take up this opportunity to welcome a newly arrived refugee family.

Community Catechist

The Community Catechist leadership program is designed to develop Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parish and community leaders. It began its pilot in Alice Springs in 2019 with the support of community elders who are involved in nominating and supporting candidates. This program is

an important collaboration between the local Catholic church and elders, the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council and Catholic Mission. Rebuilt post COVID, in 2022 23, the program provided leadership formation for 15 Catechists from eight communities. The leaders were invited to share their work at a major assembly to assist with the promotion of the program to other dioceses and parishes.

This model has been positively received across Australia, with the recent Plenary Council providing support through one of its decrees which calls for more meaningful inclusion and participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their cultural practice.

Cross-cultural Competency

The Cross cultural Competency Workshop is a program offered to clergy, parishes, employees, and Catholic corporate organisations who recognise the need to deepen their cultural knowledge in order to enhance their capability to work with others. Aiming to enhance cross cultural communication within the diverse Australian Catholic community, participants learn about the importance of cultural differences, the potential challenges they may present, and how to address those challenges to establish bona fide relationships. This initiative fosters genuine relationships among community members, regardless of their cultural backgrounds, as they strive to live the Church’s Mission of sharing the Gospel through service to communities.

During 2022 23, the program was successfully implemented with clergy from the Archdiocese of Perth.

Catholic Mission l Annual Report 2022-23 22
Photography credit to CRSA Catholic Mission l The Pope’s International Mission Agency

Partnering for Impact

We offer a wide range of opportunities for engagement, each with the potential to enact enduring, positive change for communities around the world. Whether you’re inspired to support projects in education, healthcare, community development, or spiritual growth, your partnership with us is a testament to your commitment to the great work of Mission. Every contribution, big or small, makes a difference, lighting the path toward a brighter, more hopeful future. Here are different ways you can become part of this transformative journey, fostering resilience and progress through your generous support.

Together, let’s make a difference that lasts.

Corporate Partnerships

Individuals, families, trusts, foundations and private ancillary funds partner with Catholic Mission to deliver programs and services to children, communities and Church leaders in Australia and overseas. These partnerships make a positive and lasting impact in the lives of the world’s most vulnerable and disadvantaged. In addition to financial support, you or your teams can access education and formation resources.

Impact Investing

Impact Investing at Catholic Mission is similar to the parable of the loaves and fish; one seemingly small contribution can go on to impact hundreds, if not thousands, of people. We partner with projects that can generate their own income, placing long term sustainability and lasting generational impact at the forefront while building the capacity of local churches and the communities they serve as they generate reliable income streams through social enterprise.

Workplace Giving

Workplace Giving is a simple, powerful and cost effective way for employees and employers to support Catholic Mission to reach more people with life changing practical and spiritual support. Payroll deductions through workplace giving provide the opportunity to give in a sustainable way so that, together, we can reach out and give life to those most in need in communities around the world.

I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10
Catholic Mission l Annual Report 2022-23 24

Professor Francis Campbell

“As a tertiary institution with a strong commitment to providing both research and post-graduate courses on modern slavery, and ending the business models and supply chains that sustain its practice throughout the world, the University of Notre Dame Australia values the opportunity to partner with Catholic Mission in this one particular area of work, raising public awareness of both the local and global problem of modern slavery in all its guises and the overseas projects that offer hope and provide support for its potential victims and survivors. The University is pleased to be a major partner for the Catholic Mission Christmas Reflection event on modern slavery in December.”

Francis Campbell, Vice Chancellor, University of Notre Dame Australia

Catholic Mission l The Pope’s International Mission Agency 25

Amplifying Our Voice

This year’s achievements are a testament to our commitment to Catholic Mission’s strategic plan objectives. Our actions remain true to our charism, reflecting our unique mission-inspired identity, whilst recognising the opportunities presented by today’s digital era. We have harnessed international collaboration and innovative technology to strengthen our brand and amplify our unique voice—resonating with the spirit and resilience of missionaries worldwide.

Embracing digital transformation, our joint Communications and Digital strategies successfully engaged millions, with some of our content going viral on YouTube.

#Wearestillhere, Catholic Mission’s international awareness campaign, celebrated our unity during World Mission Month and honoured Blessed Pauline Jaricot.

Our media presence expanded significantly. The monthly newsletter, Mission Today Digital, saw its readership double, while cybersecurity was amplified to ensure a smooth and secure online experience for our friends and supporters.

As Catholic Mission goes forward, we are committed to expansion and innovation, while reducing our environmental impact.

Igniting Hearts, Transforming Lives: Strengthening the Brand and Impact of Catholic Mission

In 2022 23, we set out on a journey to strengthen the branding of our organisation, including the establishment of a unique voice for Catholic Mission.

As the international Mission agency of Pope Francis, we actively promoted the life giving work of missionaries and remained true to the people we serve. A Brand Book, Key Messaging Guidelines, and our Tone of Voice documents are some of the milestones we have developed along this path.

Our #Wearestillhere campaign during World Mission Month celebrated international collaboration within the PMS network, while paying tribute to Blessed Pauline Jaricot.. Our Communications Team ensured that this campaign harnessed the power of storytelling, amplified by technology.

In 2022 23, Catholic Mission co led an international work group in a review of the state of communications and fundraising across 120 PMS offices. The insights gained will continue to drive positive change and transformation on a global scale.

A global collaboration that will continue in the coming year, in light of creating momentum for World Mission Month 2023, we unveiled a comprehensive omnichannel campaign, “Hearts on fire, feet on the move”, inspired by the global theme selected by Pope Francis.

As we look to the future and respond to Catholic Mission’s 2022 25 strategic plan, we continue to broaden our reach to Catholic communities and to the wider society. By building new relationships and nurturing existing ones, our media presence has witnessed a significant expansion. Catholic Mission has gained recognition in over 35 domestic and international publications, both Catholic and secular. In addition, our preliminary Public Relations strategy has opened up new opportunities for cooperation between the Catholic and secular sectors.

Our operations are aligned with our Ecological Action Plan. This includes reevaluating our paper sources and redesigning our printed publications to minimise environmental impact. The first publication to incorporate the new eco friendly design was Mission Today in May 2023, followed by the 2022-23 Annual Report

Learn more Catholic Mission l Annual Report 2022-23 26
Catholic Mission l The Pope’s International Mission Agency 27

Accelerated Digital Transformation

Over the past year, Catholic Mission Digital has witnessed tremendous growth and embarked on a progressive path of digital transformation.

In its second year, Mission Today Digital, our monthly email newsletter, continues to serve as a beacon of inspiration, providing our audience with uplifting content and insightful updates. Over the past year, we achieved a significant milestone: our readership has doubled.

The exponential growth of our readership is a testament to the impact Mission Today Digital has on the lives of individuals. With each passing month, more people are drawn to its effective resources and inspirational stories.

In response to the significant surge in email communications over the past two years, we recognised the need for even greater operational efficiency. Taking decisive action, we embarked on a consolidation journey to streamline our email platforms. This strategic move allowed us to centralise our efforts and optimise the delivery of emails – over 500,000 sent in 2022.

In this digital era, we are unwavering in our commitment to enhancing the online experience of our donors. We have fortified our efforts to provide a user fr iendly interface along with robust cybersecurity measures. Safeguarding our organisation and protecting the data of our supporters against potential cyber threats is among the highest priorities of Catholic Mission.

Amidst the ever changing landscape and mounting restrictions in the digital advertising arena, we remain dedicated to fostering strong audience engagement. In 2022 23, our robust digital strategy successfully reached and impacted over six million individuals. Our goal to create compelling storytelling materials, coupled with the strategic implementation of display ads, achieved an impressive milestone of reaching over one million users in December alone. This achievement paves the way for exploration of exciting future possibilities.

Catholic Mission l Annual Report 2022-23 28

Digital Engagement Snapshot

Social media

2,539,408 Facebook impressions

77,460 Facebook engaged users

224 Facebook posts

134,353 Instagram Impressions

154 Instagram posts

Catholic Mission TV


6,227 Subscribers

319 Videos

Catholic Mission l The Pope’s International Mission Agency 29

Work with Church Leaders

Work with Communities

with Children

Managed Funds

Financial Report
Country $AUD Australia 1,382 Bangladesh 42,887 Burundi 83,669 Cambodia 3,956 Democratic Republic of the Congo 63,852 Congo 6,605 India 223,263 Sri Lanka 37,474 Myanmar 44,544 Malawi 39,562 Mozambique 169,692 Peru 5,871 Thailand 73,483 Zimbabwe 90,348 Total 886,588
Country $AUD Australia 400,000 Bangladesh 32,236 Cambodia 1,406,569 Cook Islands 58,611 Ethiopia 510,966 Fiji 33,000 Ghana 54,310 Indonesia 213,929 India 56,104 Sri Lanka 140,000 Myanmar 33,967 Mongolia 73,263 Malawi 79,096 Peru 57,524 French Polynesia 96,708 Thailand 162,599 Timor Leste 818,054 Tonga 122,350 Ukraine 300,000 Holy See* 121,924 Vanuatu 52,750 Total 4,823,960 *Supporting international seminarians. Work
Country $AUD Cambodia 45,423 Democratic Republic of the Congo 5,000 Ethiopia 39,347 India 192,859 Kenya 111,360 Lao People's Democratic Republic 14,653 Sri Lanka 63,593 Madagascar 123,830 Myanmar 613,002 Mongolia 17,583 Malawi 56,266 Nigeria 92,312 Papua New Guinea 126,755 South Sudan 8,059 Swaziland 27,840 Thailand 200,140 Vietnam 34,312 South Africa 68,868 Zambia 80,956 Total 1,922,158
Country $AUD Cambodia 30,009 India 47,723 Lebanon 8,000 Madagascar 47,000 Malawi 962 Peru 30,280 Philippines 129,725 Palestinian Territory 3,951 Uganda 1,963 Total 299,613 Catholic Mission l Annual Report 2022-23 30

To view our full 2022‑23 Financial Report, or past Publications, please visit our website at

Gross Income by Diocese 2022‑23

of 2022 23 Income

Global Distribution by Pontifical Mission Societies

Thank you

We would like to thank those who chose to support Catholic Mission with a gift in their Will, whose gifts were realised in 2022-2023. We are eternally grateful for their compassion and generosity.

For more information about leaving a gift in your Will, please contact your local Catholic Mission Diocesan Director for a confidential discussion.

Diocese $AUD Adelaide 320,653 Armidale 77,632 Ballarat 89,608 Bathurst 135,052 Brisbane 1,939,534 Broken Bay 617,508 Broome 1,685 Bunbury 80,872 Cairns 131,380 Canberra & Goulburn 340,379 Darwin 63,613 Geraldton 32,519 Hobart 101,159 Lismore 180,793 Maitland 376,976 Melbourne 3,432,593 National Office 1,877,726 Parramatta 828,099 Perth 1,543,385 Port Pirie 78,728 Rockhampton 180,936 Sale 124,780 Sandhurst 126,033 Sydney 2,658,760 Toowoomba 339,872 Townsville 123,495 Wagga 210,081 Wilcannia Forbes 14,056 Wollongong 529,990 Total 16,557,897 Distribution
Diocese $AUD Distributable Funds 7,197,995 Community Education 1,165,733 Program Support 1,162,635 Diocesan Support 1,744,093 Transferred to (from) Reserves 12,813 Net Operating Expenses 5,274,628 Total 16,557,897
Work with Children 15,555,870.00 USD Work with Communities 74,399,241.56 USD Work with Church Leaders 23,975,213.12 USD
Catholic Mission l The Pope’s International Mission Agency 31

Diocesan Directors


Tony Johnston

0407 168 002


Jacqueline Toakley 0459 981 927

Bathurst/Maitland-Newcastle/ Wilcannia-Forbes

David McGovern 1800 257 296


Martin Lewis 0438 583 873

Broken Bay/ Parramatta/Sydney

Luke Tobin 02 9919 7829


Francis Leong 08 6234 1760


Shendelle Mullane 0423 219 665


Peter Hade 0407 413 124


Michael Hangan 0438 243 533


Loana Wallace 02 6621 9444

Melbourne/Sale/West Victoria (Ballarat & Sandhurst)

Kevin Meese 0411 256 112

Port Pirie

Michael Preece 0428 881 423


Greg Clair 0419 029 839


Thomas Tarttelin & Helen Tarttelin OAM 0484 784 919

Wagga Wagga

Jane Plum 0400 445 605


Mark Raue 0417 431 827

National Office

Fr Brian Lucas

National Director 1800 257 296

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