This image: Eager to learn: The Centre for Child Development (CCD) in Bolgatanga, in the upper east region of Ghana, is educating at‑risk children from early primary through to late high school. Thanks to Catholic Mission supporters, the CCD can provide shelter, food, healthcare and education for vulnerable children. Cover image: Sr Stan established the Nazareth Home for God’s Children, in Ghana, working tirelessly to support and care for children in need.
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Published: August 2020 by Catholic Mission. © Copyright Catholic Mission 2020 ABN 52 945 927 066
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Catholic Mission acknowledges that we live and work on the land of Australia’s First Peoples. We pay our respect to the ever‑present spirituality of Elders past and present. Warning to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people – This publication may contain images or references to those that have passed.
All photographs contained within are property of Catholic Mission.
Catholic Mission – Annual Report 2019-20
CONTENTS We are Mission: People, Organisation, Culture
page 4
Immersions Report
page 14
National Director’s Report
page 5
Programs Report
page 15
Catholic Mission’s Work in Mission Formation and Education
page 6
Fundraising and Donor Services Report
page 16
Catholic Mission’s Work with Communities
page 8
Communications and Media Report
page 17
Catholic Mission’s Work with Children
page 10
Financial Report
page 18
Catholic Mission’s Work with Church Leaders
page 12
Catholic Mission – Annual Report 2019-20
We are Mission People, Organisation, Culture Our Vision:
Our Mission:
That all may have life in Christ.
I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. (John 10:10) As the Pope’s international mission agency, we respond to the call to love God and to love our neighbour by forming individuals and communities as missionary disciples of Jesus who share their faith in action and through prayer. We share in God’s mission to reach out, give life by sharing our personal and financial resources to: • proclaim the Gospel • serve people in need • act for peace, justice and creation In partnership with local churches so that all may have life in Christ.
Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. (John 13:34)
Our people
Jacqui Toakley
Kelly Girone‑Shorten
Cathy Ransom
Diocesan Director, Diocese of Armidale Five years at Catholic Mission “A lot of my work with Catholic Mission is about relationships. From front‑line missionaries to dedicated donors and our wonderful diocesan priests, I’ve been blessed to meet many people of devout and inspiring faith.”
Donor Services & Engagement Manager Five years at Catholic Mission “I love working at Catholic Mission and knowing that our work makes a difference by helping people in need throughout the world. It’s a great feeling! Five years have flown by – It’s such a great place to work and I am still enjoying being part of the Catholic Mission Family.”
Diocesan Director, Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn Five years at Catholic Mission “My time at Catholic Mission has provided a rare opportunity to put my love of Jesus and His Church into action! I have seen how God’s love – expressed in both practical and prayerful ways – can reach across miles: from the relatively comfortable classrooms and parishes of my Archdiocese to the families and communities far away who are in need of the basic necessities of life.”
Anniversaries Term
30 years
Peter Gates as at 25 Jul 2020
5 years
Kelly Girone‑Shorten as at 13 Apr 2020
5 years
Andrew Hurt as at 20 Apr 2020
5 years
Anna Jimenez as at 3 Aug 2020
5 years
Cathy Ransom as at 15 Jan 2020
5 years
Jacqui Toakley as at 15 Jul 2020
In Memoriam
Fr Noel Connolly SSC Fr Noel Connolly SSC was a Columban Missionary Priest for over 50 years, living and working in many countries overseas and most recently here in Australia. A much loved, respected and admired mentor, teacher, friend and a person who found new and creative ways to communicate God’s mission in this world. Rest in peace. (1945‑2020)
Catholic Mission – Annual Report 2019-20
National Director’s Report As I prepare this annual report, I am very conscious that we are living in troubled and uncertain times. We are not sure of the medium and long term impact COVID‑19 has on our futures.
Without doubt, the short-term impact has been devastating for so many people. Here at Catholic Mission, we are still feeling the impact on parish giving, as churches remain closed or are only now reopening, albeit with restrictions in place. I have been truly edified by the generosity of our regular giving partners and those who have made significant gifts to our various projects. Thank you for being here for us as we seek to be there for our overseas partners. When things are not going so well locally it is tempting to look inwards and be protective of ourselves. Solidarity with those who are ministering in the mission churches, who are even worse off than we are, is a courageous response to the gospel exhortation to love our neighbours. Pope Francis’ implementation of a special emergency fund for the Church’s response in mission territories, under the management of the Pontifical Mission Societies, supports those in need. The PMS President, Archbishop Giampietro Dal Toso wrote to all National Directors on 2 April 2020: We are all aware of the gravity of the pandemic that is now striking the entire planet. I believe that the Pontifical Mission Societies should also feel involved in a matter that has now become universal. We have already received a number of requests for help in this emergency, and I am sure that the consequences of the current situation will soon also have serious effects on the management of Diocesan structures. Catholic Mission has contributed US$65,000 to this central fund, at the request of the PMS President, including US$40,000 to the church in Bangladesh to support their work during this crisis.
In her task of evangelization, the Church is often on the front lines of major threats to human well‑being. In Africa alone, there are over 74,000 religious sisters and over 46,000 priests operating almost 10,000 hospitals, clinics and homes for the elderly and the vulnerable, and educating over 19 million children in primary schools. The Holy Father is directly calling upon the Church’s entire vast network to face the COVID‑19 challenges ahead. Our other initiatives are also bearing fruit. The messages we have received through the in‑house call center, remind us that the work of mission is not only fundraising but also prayerful solidarity. We record these messages into our book of remembrance to encourage our team at Catholic Mission. It is a powerful reminder of the good work we can achieve together. With many people unable to attend their parish churches support for Mass for you at Home has been a blessing. The Extraordinary Month of Mission in October 2019 provided an impetus for the work of mission in our local church. The announcement of a miracle attributed to the founder of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, Pauline Jaricot and her beatification at a future date will be another opportunity to reflect on her vision of how the local churches can support the work of mission. The stories in this report are an example of all the projects that we support, and I commend them to you and again thank you for your generosity. Yours in Christ,
On the announcement of the fund, Cardinal Luis Tagle, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples said: Fr Brian Lucas National Director
Catholic Mission – Annual Report 2019-20
Catholic Mission’s Work in Mission Formation and Education Jenny Collins‑White, Mission Formation Manager
The Mission Formation team carries the work of the Pontifical Missionary Union to transform hearts and minds to live the joy of the Gospel and lead mission. We facilitate opportunities to encounter God in the world through an immersive, interactive pedagogy of dialogue, encounter and experience which engages the whole person.
The Pontifical Missionary Union (PMU) is the society of the Pontifical Missionary Societies that seeks to affirm Pope Francis’ call that mission is much more than fundraising. ‘May the missionary ardour that consumed Blessed Paolo Manna, and from which the Pontifical Missionary Union flowed, continue still today to burn, to impassion, to renew, to rethink and to reform the service that the work is called to offer the whole Church. Your Union must not be the same next year as this year; it must change in this direction, it must be converted to this missionary passion.’ Pope Francis’ Address to the Superior Council of the Pontifical Missionary Societies, June 2016. The Mission Formation team carries the work of the PMU to transform hearts and minds to live the joy of the Gospel and lead mission. We facilitate opportunities to encounter God in the world through an immersive, interactive pedagogy of dialogue, encounter and experience which engages the whole person. Our formation and education programs and resources have local and global perspective and include: • International and Indigenous immersions for students and adults; • Engaging workshops and international guest speakers on mission for school students; • World Mission Month resources for students, teachers and catechists; • Advocacy in support of children and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples; • Professional development and learning programs of contextual mission for adults and leaders working in Catholic organisations, institutions and agencies across sectors of health, social services, education and diocesan local church. This includes a biennial mission leadership conference.
Adult Formation and Professional Development The Adult Formation team has been continuing its great work this past year in major partnerships with Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong (CEDOW), the Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta (CEDP), the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC) and Catholic Religious Australia (CRA). With CEDP, the team was involved in a number of retreats and formation days, and also worked with the Parramatta deacons on a formation program from May to October 2019. The team’s partnership with the ACBC consisted of the work of the Plenary Council with Catholic Mission’s Deputy National Director leading this work with the support of Fr Noel Connolly. We pay tribute to our friend and colleague Fr Noel Connolly who made an immense contribution to this work, but sadly passed on recently. The ‘Mission: one heart many voices’ conference was held in partnership with CRA, from the 13‑15 May 2019 with more than 450 people attending. With over 50 presenters, participants enjoyed a diverse range of workshops, masterclasses, keynote speakers and seminars. The interculturality program had another successful year, extending its reach. With an aim to build cultural awareness and develop cross‑cultural skills to help participants live and work more effectively in multicultural communities, the program’s facilitator, Patrick Fox, worked with the Townsville, Rockhampton and Wollongong Dioceses, the Redemptorist Congregation, Clergy Life Ministry National Directors, Marist Missionary Sisters, and the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions RNDM.
Catholic Mission – Annual Report 2019-20
Schools Formation Programs and World Mission Month
From the moment Pope Francis designated and called for an Extraordinary Mission Month (EMM) in October, the Mission Formation team began designing a web-based interactive resource focusing on the work of the Church in Ghana and children with a disability.
In November 2019 the Indigenous leadership body, the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council met in Sydney to workshop with Catholic Mission. This meeting helped to shape the local leadership program we have been developing together since 2016. Local leadership will be led by Community Catechists and work is underway to establish two pilot programs in 2020. This ground‑breaking work has also received support from a number of religious congregations.
Youth Liaison Officer, Marilyn Bellett completed two immersion programs giving her direct experience in all phases of the program: preparation, in‑country, post‑immersion. Marilyn also focused on building partnerships between the Australian Young Christian Students (AYCS), the Australian Young Christian Workers (AYCW), and Catholic Mission. January 2020 saw AYCW, in consultation with AYCS, adopt an organisation strategy to support the transition of emerging immersion students into the AYCS model, recognising this pathway as a totally new source of students for the movements. New Youth and Schools Engagement Coordinators have been employed in Brisbane and Melbourne who will support this work.
The End Child Detention Coalition Australia Ltd (ECDC) has continued its work in the sector, to advocate for the end of immigration detention of children. Whilst children are out of detention in Nauru and a small number are held on the mainland, there is still no legislative protection that ensures children will not be detained in such facilities in the future. ECDC reviewed its strategy this year and is developing an arm of community engagement assisted by range of experts including, specialist paediatricians, child psychiatrists and detention lawyers.
Learn more about our work in mission formation and education
Catholic Mission – Annual Report 2019-20
Catholic Mission’s Work with Communities Ghana in the Gulf of Guinea region on Africa’s west coast was the focal point of Catholic Mission’s work with communities in 2019‑2020. Stories from across Ghana illustrate a struggle between the remnants of colonialism and a proud generation working to shape the future of their country, their region, and their continent as it continues to emerge from a tumultuous past century.
distributed to community programs
projects in 9 countries
catechists supported through Catholic Mission programs
In parts of Ghana, an antiquated and widely condemned practice continues to endanger the lives of hundreds of children. In some regions, particularly in the north, some people in the community consider children born with a disability or who exhibit unusual characteristics, to be “spirit children”, a danger to their family and community, unless an intervention takes place and the child is rescued, their life is in grave danger. Children whose parents pass during or shortly after childbirth are also at risk of this abandonment. Sister Stan Therese Mumuni was called by the Church over ten years ago to support the local community in Yendi. Through these interventions Sr Stan is rescuing babies and young children from an unimaginable fate. She established the Nazareth Home for God’s Children, a haven for over eighty children with physical and intellectual disabilities, orphans and other vulnerable children. Responding to urgent and often anonymous tip‑offs from concerned community members, Sr Stan will rescue the children, providing a home for them for the remainder of their childhood. Most importantly, the children now have a family, with other children at the home, its staff of volunteer workers, and enduring love of Sr Stan, but now they can also access nutritious food, medical care and nursing. They also receive education suited to their needs, including enrolment in the government school. Sr Stan’s hope is to educate the community about the value of every child. “If any one of these children that is abandoned,
Catholic Mission – Annual Report 2019-20
Most importantly, the children now have a family, with other children at the home, its staff of volunteer workers, and enduring love of Sister Stan, but now a child can also access nutritious food, medical care and nursing. They also receive education suited to their needs, including enrolment in the government school.
rejected and accused, one day returns to their village and says, ‘Do you know me? I was rejected by you and I was rescued by the Church, and this is who I am now.’ I think that would be a way for them to stop that tradition and return to God.” As part of our ongoing partnership with missionaries in Ghana, Sister Stan visited Australia along with Bishop Alfred Agyenta, Monsignor Thomas Anamooh, Dr Joseph Ayembilla, and Felix Frederick Amenga‑Etego to share their work with Australian parishioners, donors and students. Learn more about our work with communities
Catholic Mission – Annual Report 2019-20
Catholic Mission’s Work with Children Each year at Christmas, we turn the spotlight on programs that enable and empower children around the world to enjoy fullness of life. In 2019 our Christmas Appeal highlighted a part of the world where children had been senselessly robbed of that right, by an act of unspeakable violence on one of the holiest days of the year.
distributed to children’s programs
The indiscriminate attack on St Sebastian Church claimed the lives of women, men and children. Among them, the entire family of Susantha, a taxi driver in Colombo. His wife, son, and two daughters now rest in graves and Susantha’s unimaginable trauma and grief will always remain with him.
Sharing this painful story during the celebration of Christmas was not taken lightly, but the impact for our supporters knew pales in comparison to the challenges faced everyday by Sri Lankan families. Australian Catholics have always been incredibly generous, and throughout the Holy Season in 2019‑20 they opened their hearts to our friends and neighbours across the Indian Ocean.
projects supported in 9 countries
children supported through Catholic Mission programs
On Easter Sunday 2019, Sri Lanka was rocked by a series of bombings that killed over 250 people and injured countless others. One of the worst hit areas was the capital, Colombo, where hotels and places of worship were targeted.
The bombings specifically targeted places of worship, along with hotels and other areas where large numbers of people congregated, leaving the Catholic Church in Sri Lanka with a unique role in responding to the crisis. Its people were suffering and in need of deep pastoral care, as well as practical support in the form of trauma counselling and packages to assist families to get back on their feet. Fr Basil Fernando, the National Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies (Catholic Mission) in Sri Lanka, articulated the goals of his support program.
Catholic Mission – Annual Report 2019-20
Scholarship opportunities and the services of expert post‑trauma counsellors from the Emmaus Centre in Colombo are just two programs that Fr Basil hopes to be a source of peace and comfort to the victims of this terrible event and their families.
Although there is still a long way to go, Fr Basil said he is “trying to launch programs to provide immediate relief to children and families affected by the bombing and to provide long‑term trauma counselling and spiritual care for victims and their families.” Scholarship opportunities and the services of expert post‑trauma counsellors from the Emmaus Centre in Colombo are just two programs that Fr Basil hopes to be a source of peace and comfort to the victims of this terrible event and their families.
Learn more about our work with children
Catholic Mission – Annual Report 2019-20
Catholic Mission’s Work with Church Leaders To mark the fresh start a New Year brings, in January Catholic Mission’s focus turns to support of vocations and the training of future priests through our Seminarian Appeal. A committed and generous community of Catholic Mission supporters contributes faithfully each year to this appeal, helping seminarians with the cost of essential learning materials, accommodation, pastoral care, and the upkeep of the seminaries in which they live and study.
distributed to programs for Church leaders
seminarians supported globally by St Peter the Apostle
projects supported through Catholic Mission programs in 8 countries
In early 2020, we told the story of Patrick from Ghana, who exemplifies the dedicated, missionary minded young men who benefit from this support. Patrick, who is 26 years old and studying at St Victor’s Major Seminary in Tamale, never thought of becoming a priest until he heard his bishop speak at his school. From a remote part of the country, Patrick had always seen and admired the spiritual and practical support that local priests offered his community. Aware that Patrick and his classmates had enjoyed this pastoral care without ever expressing a desire to serve, the visiting bishop asked them simply, “Why do you not want to go to the seminary, but you always want priests to serve you?” It was a lightbulb moment for Patrick, leading him to listen carefully to the calling to priestly life. Telling his parents of this decision to join the seminary, Patrick was met with mixed reactions; his father expressed pride, while his mother was less enthusiastic. Eventually, the young man’s conscientious devotion to his studies and vocation was enough to convince his mother that her son had made a genuine and heartfelt decision. In his sixth year at St Victor’s and approaching ordination to the deaconate, Patrick is on his journey to priesthood. Just as he witnessed as a young boy in Ghana, Patrick hopes to provide pastoral as well as practical care. For communities where this practical care is often influenced by the challenges of seasonal impacts on agriculture, this
Catholic Mission – Annual Report 2019-20
For communities where this practical care is often influenced by the challenges of seasonal impacts on agriculture, this additional responsibility for priests has led the seminary to establish a comprehensive agricultural training program, equipping future priests with rounded skills and knowledge in farming and land management.
additional responsibility for priests has led the seminary to establish a comprehensive agricultural training program, equipping future priests with rounded skills and knowledge in farming and land management. Rector Monsignor Thomas Anamooh says, “It is aimed at preparing the future priests to become active agents of progress and transformation in the lives of people they will be ministering to in the future.” Learn more about our work with Church leaders
Catholic Mission – Annual Report 2019-20
Immersions Report John Kerrigan, Immersions Business Manager
The Immersion Program continued steadily in 2019‑20. Though not lengthy, the intensely immersive experience of 10 to 12 days, living as the local people live, is challenging in personal growth and opens the participant’s mind to a broader vision of the world and God’s mission in it. Catholic Mission is proud to continue these programs to meet the needs of our global Church.
Catholic school groups form the core of our program, with school and two adult groups participating in this valuable program. With an average of 16 people participating and a total of 247 participants across the program we reached 95% of our target for the year, an excellent result in this challenging time. Multiple school groups went to Timor‑Leste, Alice Springs, and Cambodia, whilst one school group visited Sarawak. Malbago and Virac in the Philippines also hosted group visits. A specific aim this year was to initiate a new route for the Camino pilgrimages via the ‘Portugal Route’, in addition to the Spanish route. We were able to pilot the Portugal route this year beginning in Lisbon, led by Dr. Veronica Rosier OP. This year we have consolidated the Indigenous program in Alice Springs and Uluru. Currently we are expanding our Indigenous locations with pilot programs to include Tiwi Island and Coober Pedy to be delivered in 2020.
Despite the many risk factors always present on immersion ventures, 23 years of experience has taught us how to mitigate and manage as best as realistically possible. This year has gone smoothly without any major issues and all participants returned safely and generally in good health and in excellent spirits.
Quotes from students from MacKillop Catholic College, Hobart, who visited Timor‑Leste, summed up their learnings; “I understand now that happiness doesn’t come from what you have, but from how many other people ‘see you’ in the community and how much you feel you belong.” “Trust is important; trusting others and welcoming them and beginning from an attitude of trust.” “The immersion hasn’t so much changed my career choice, but it has definitely changed my mindset in whatever career I choose.”
The addition of Bernadette Sullivan to the Immersions team is part of our focus to strengthen the program this year. Bernadette has taken up the role of Timor Country Coordinator, part of her role is to develop our busiest host location, overseeing Timor‑Leste including managing workshops and training program facilitators. A micro funding option has been developed as a new initiative, in partnership with locals hosts, to help groups ‘stay involved’. The aim is to provide project funding with a cap of $10,000. This will give schools and groups the opportunity to fund small projects they can see and connect with, within the community that hosts them. The micro projects will be organised through the Immersions Program and funds will be channeled via Catholic Mission.
Catholic Mission – Annual Report 2019-20
Programs Report Lawrence Gigliotti, Programs Manager
In his speech to National Directors of the Pontifical Mission Society in May 2020, Pope Francis, called for us to move forward with enthusiasm, to not forget the other, and to be of service.
The first half of 2020 has been a truly challenging time for many, and never more has the network of the Pontifical Mission Societies been so vital, as we are called to be witnesses of the Gospel and serve those in greatest need. Starting with the devastating bushfires and then the COVID‑19 pandemic, which has affected each of us in many ways, as an organisation committed to serving those in need, we are still here. In countries where civil liberties are already perilous, the vulnerable are now at greater risk. Since the start of this pandemic, we have been in close contact with all our partners, to better understand the challenges they are facing on the ground. Catholic Mission is supporting communities affected by COVID‑19 in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Ethiopia, India, Philippines and Thailand. We have made additional resources available where necessary to ensure our partners can continue implementing their vital work. The importance of relationship building and active listening with our grassroot partners and the local Church have been highlighted through this unfolding pandemic. It is this unique support and partnership that has allowed Catholic Mission and our partners to trust that we are all still here for each other, through the most difficult and challenging times. We will continue to draw on the encouraging words of Pope Francis for strength and solidarity to ensure that the Church is there for all, no matter what circumstances we may encounter along our journey together.
courses in 2019. The Centre also gained official accreditation and is now able to provide government‑approved certificates upon student’s graduation. In Ghana, Sister Stan has overseen the completion of the first phase of construction of the main building at the Nazareth Home for God’s Children. The second phase, which includes equipment installation, is underway. With the support of Catholic Mission, and the dedication of Sr Stan, the school is to breaking down social barriers and stigmas surrounding children with disabilities in the local community. The Regional Mission and Development Office, located in South East Asia, is in its second year of operation and continues to build capacity of local lay staff and religious in Mission development. Last year the Programs team conducted a two‑day workshop on church administration and child protection in Yangon Myanmar. The project is continuing and is to be delivered in India, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and the Philippines. In the words of Pope Francis; the Missionary Societies arose spontaneously from missionary fervour expressed by the faith of the baptised. Catholic Mission continues to serve those in need with the same Missionary fervour as our founders.
Projects in Africa have been a focus over the past year. In Uganda, Sister Mary has overseen many improvements to the St Luke’s Health Centre in Bujuni. There has been a much‑needed upgrade to the outpatient and maternity ward, providing a safer environment for mothers and their babies. In Meki Ethiopia, the Kidist Mariam Training Centre a total of 309 students gained employment after finishing skills training Catholic Mission – Annual Report 2019-20
Fundraising and Donor Services Report Adrienne Green, Fundraising Manager and Aynsley Vernon, Senior Fundraising Officer
This year we introduced the mission work of Sister Stan Therese Mumuni to supporters across Australia. Sr Stan has dedicated the last decade to running the Nazareth Home for God’s Children in the Diocese of Yendi in Ghana, a haven where vulnerable children are given shelter, nutritious meals, healthcare, education and unconditional love. Here, Sr Stan spends time with Josephite nuns Sr Moya and Sr Stella during her visit to Brisbane.
This has been an unprecedented year and one that leaves us incredibly thankful for the faithfulness of our donors and supporters. In spite of bushfires, droughts and floods that ravished regions of our country, and the COVID-19 pandemic that swept across the globe, our donors continued to be there for our mission partners as Catholic Mission stood beside them in their work. In spite of the challenges of the last half of the financial year, together, we raised $13.4 million this financial year, excluding bequests, and we finished 14% up on the previous financial year. In response to the horrific 2019 Easter Sunday Bombings in Sri Lanka, we launched an emergency appeal raising over $74,600 to support the immediate needs of those impacted with medical care and rebuilding costs. Catholic Mission continued to be there for our partners during the rebuilding, and at Christmas, asked our faithful supporters to again assist the people of Sri Lanka. Our supporters responded, giving more than they had for the previous Christmas appeal. These generous donations supported trauma counselling and education for children who had lost parents. This year, our appeals supporting the Society for the Propagation of the Faith focused on the work of the Church in Ghana, where missionaries like Sister Stan Therese Mumuni work tirelessly to support and care for children in need. Connecting with supporters around Australia, our generous donors gave almost $3 million in support of vital mission work, not just in Ghana but globally. Continuing our focus on Ghana, students learnt, advocated and fundraised for vulnerable children in Ghana for Socktober, Catholic Mission’s community engagement platform for students, teachers and schools where students engage their heads, hearts and hands in an effort to end poverty. Launched in over 45 schools, students raised over $46,000 to support mission. We look forward to significantly growing the program
in schools and increasing our impact in communities locally and internationally in the coming year. The key to building our strong relationships with parish priests, schools and donors in every diocese across Australia is our Diocesan Directors, Donor Relations Officers and their teams. They continue to connect supporters to the work of the Church around the world, and this year helped increase major gifts income by 24%. Diocesan initiatives, which include a Valentine’s High Tea (Melbourne) and St Therese of Lisieux Retreat (Perth), were also up 118%. This year, we saw an increase in our regular giving income. Although regular giving is stable across the sector, it is one of the most effective ways to give and makes an incredible difference. This allows Catholic Mission to forecast and plan, ensuring we can continue to support our mission partners. This year, we invited donors to a new monthly giving program, Ghana Mission Partners, where a regular contribution supporting life‑changing projects for children and communities in Ghana can make a difference for the future. This year we also shared with our supporters the new agriculture program at St Victor’s Major Seminary in Ghana, which is training the seminarians with practical skills that will complement their faith studies as they become priests in the rural villages in the north‑west of Ghana. We also shared the story of Fr Rajesh and the Eden Gardens Children’s Home in remote north‑east of India which supports over 250 children with education, healthcare and faith formation. We are thankful for the faithfulness and generosity of our supporters, and together, are serving those in need around the world.
Catholic Mission – Annual Report 2019-20
Communications and Media Report Matthew Poynting & John Hyde, Senior Communications Officer and Simone Medri Digital & Online Manager
It is hard to imagine, when there was a time before the bushfire, drought and COVID‑19 emergencies took hold. In a year that concluded amid so much ongoing crisis and chaos, drawing out the many successes we enjoyed in the communications team in 2019‑20 seems an incongruous task, yet we achieved some pleasing results. It has been nothing short of outstanding that Catholic Mission’s response to the recent challenges, in which the communications team played a specialist role, has delivered good results.
Several successful innovations from the previous financial year have been continued in 2020, in particular, using video and multimedia to tell our story at Catholic Mission. The communications team integrated new techniques and new technology across several different platforms, leading increased engagement with our supporters and partners. Most importantly though, it meant more people across the country and around the world could hear the good news we had to share. In May we reached 1 million views across YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. This is an outstanding achievement, highlighting how far our social media campaigns have come, comparing this to just 30,000 views, only four years ago. Our digital channels are connecting with our supporters of tomorrow, reflected in the number of views across all age demographics, as seen in the graphic, bottom right. ‘Mission: one heart many voices’ conference, one of Australia’s premier mission conferences with over 400 attendees, and the Australian Catholic Youth Festival in Perth in December were two major events the communications team assisted through publicity, and logistical support. Our ongoing strategy to expand our engagement with a younger audience and the youth festival was an outstanding success in this respect. Thousands of young adults interacted with our stall – stepping out of their comfort zone and discovering their faith. We travelled to Cambodia and Thailand on a joint trip with our Fundraising team to gather multimedia material – including our innovative Mission in 360 virtual reality content – for major appeals that will be unveiled in 2020 and 2021, and supported the delivery of Catholic Mission’s major appeal in 2019, focused on Ghana. The communications team played a leading role, internationally in the promotion of the Extraordinary Missionary Month, collaboratively developing and delivering the global #MyMission is… campaign, was a highlight of the teams work this year. Lay and religious missionaries were called upon to share a video showing what they feel is their personal mission in the world. Australia joined Germany, the United States, the Philippines and
Uganda among other countries sharing their stories of mission. In Australia, we promoted the Extraordinary Missionary Month broadly, with advertising, integrated messaging, and publicity campaigns across the country. The second half of the year required an agile approach to our communication strategy, as the bushfire and drought emergency and coronavirus pandemic presented challenges none of us could have imagined. The COVID-19 crisis will continue to have a significant impact on our mission partners and the worldwide Church. In response, the communications team worked collaboratively to launch a campaign that has become an international rallying cry for Catholic missionaries and their supporters in Australia and abroad. It was a simple message, with great impact: #WeAreStillHere. The simple aim of the campaign was to ensure those most in need were still being given the best practical and pastoral support during this global emergency. As we progress further into these uncharted waters, we take confidence and faith from clear evidence showing #WeAreStillHere is as much a call to our supporters as it is of Catholic Mission. Their contribution to global mission has shown generosity far beyond what we could have expected, given such difficult circumstances. In April 2020, Matt Poynting stepped out of the Communications team to take up the role of National Community Engagement Officer – Socktober, leading Catholic Mission’s schools and community engagement program. John Hyde has since joined the team as Senior Communications Officer. Digital Channel Connection – age demographics
Women reached
0.037% 13-17 0.0293%
3% 18–24
Men reached 13%
Catholic Mission – Annual Report 2019-20
Financial Report Distributions from 2019‑20 Income All figures in AUD unless otherwise specified.
Catholic Mission’s Work With Children
Catholic Mission’s Work With Communities
Catholic Mission’s Work With Church Leaders
Myanmar Papua New Guinea Tanzania
Madagascar Malawi Myanmar
Palestinian Territory
Papua New Guinea
Sri Lanka
Vatican City State
* Return of unused distribution
* Includes Home Mission Fund and Managed Fund Partners distribution
* Sharing the Word distribution
Total Distributions (AUD)
Total includes distribution by Catholic Mission through Universal Solidarity Fund and direct funding partnerships
Australian Home Mission Fund Distributions Recipient diocese/ organisation Armidale Broome Townsville
Amount distributed ($AUD) 5,000 400,000 50,000
Wilcannia Forbes
Port Pirie
Catholic Mission – Annual Report 2019-20
Gross Income by Diocese 2019‑20 Diocese
Distribution of 2019‑20 Income $AUD
Program Support
Diocesan Support
Transferred to (from) reserves
Broken Bay
Net Operating expenses
Canberra & Goulburn
976 632
Port Pirie Rockhampton Sale Sandhurst Sydney Toowoomba Townsville Wagga Wagga Wilcannia Forbes Wollongong
Community Education
Global Distribution by Pontifical Mission Societies Work with Children
USD $19,950,432
Work with Communities
USD $99,051,517
Work with Church Leaders
USD $22,484,717
National Office Perth
Distributable Funds
1,509,762 57,001 161,865 77,541 64,261 2,433,411 111,427 91,726 160,827 15,966 528,299
We would especially like to thank those who have supported Catholic Mission through a gift in their will in 2019‑20, ensuring a lasting legacy after departing this life. A. J. McBeath, A. M. Attridge, A. P. Colquhuon, C. E. M. Connell, C. J. Kelly, C. J. McAndrew, C.D.F Bunbury, D. Battley, E. Burton, E. M. Sommer, E. M. T. de Souza, F. M. Lyons, G. F. Barro, Hansen and Kean, K. Kock, K. V. Whelan, L. H. Snell, L. Halpin, L. J. Dunne, L. Pope, M. C. Murray, M. Doyle, N. Ben, N. Harrington, N. R. McNamee, O. W. Bourke, P. V. Phelan, S. M. Pelletier, V. R. Jewell, W. J. Urner For more information about leaving a legacy in your will, please contact your local Catholic Mission Diocesan Director for a confidential discussion.
To view our full 2019‑20 Financial Report, or past annual reports, please visit our website at
Catholic Mission – Annual Report 2019-20
Diocesan Directors Adelaide Mr Tony Johnston 0407 168 002
Canberra & Goulburn Mrs Cathy Ransom 02 6201 9834
Armidale Mrs Jacqueline Toakley 02 6771 8703
Chaldean Eparchy 1800 257 296
Parramatta Mr Alan Wedesweiler 02 9919 7842
Darwin Br Bill Tynan 0409 115 876
Perth Mr Francis Leong 08 9422 7933
Geraldton Ms Rosemary Taylor 08 9964 2716
Port Pirie Mr Michael Preece 08 8632 0556
Hobart Mr Michael Hangan 0438 243 533
Rockhampton Mr Greg Clair 07 4887 3083
Lismore Mrs Michelle Sullivan 02 6622 0407
Sale Mr Kevin Meese 03 9412 8408
Maitland-Newcastle Mr Mark Toohey 02 4979 1141
Sandhurst Mr Kevin Meese 03 9412 8408
Maronite Eparchy 1800 257 296
Sydney Mr Alan Wedesweiler 02 9919 7842
Ballarat Ms Sue Searls 0403 902 921 Bathurst Mr Michael Deasy 0417 048 880 Brisbane Mr David McGovern 0431 481 731 Broken Bay Mr Alan Wedesweiler 02 9919 7842 Broome 1800 257 296 Bunbury Dr Deborah Robertson 0474 928 765 Cairns Mrs Anna Jimenez 0450 213 042
Melkite Eparchy 1800 257 296
Melbourne Mr Kevin Meese 03 9412 8408
Syro‑Malabar Eparchy 1800 257 296
National Office PO Box 1668 North Sydney NSW 2059
T: 02 9919 7800 E:
Toowoomba Ms Emily Connors 0467 191 065 Townsville Mr & Mrs Thomas and Helen Tarttelin 07 4726 3253 Ukrainian Eparchy 1800 257 296 Wagga Wagga Ms Jane Plum 02 6937 0013 Wilcannia Forbes Mr Mike Deasy 0417 048 880 Wollongong Mr David Harrison 02 4222 2482 National Office Fr Brian Lucas National Director 1800 257 296
Freecall: 1800 257 296 ABN: 52 945 927 066