MARCH 28, 2004, vol 54, no 7

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CathoIicNews SUNDAYS MARCH 28 AND APRIL 4, 2004



M.I.T.A.(P) No. 130/01/2004 PPS 201/4/2004 Vol 54 No. 7


Pastors,teachers andfriends T h e M arch 14 and 21 issue o f C atholic N ew s carried a tw o -p ag e report on the sexu al a b u se o f m in ors by p riests in the U .S. T hat report cau sed som e un easin ess ab ou t h ow priests w ill be perceived. H ere’s an a rticle by S tep hen M . K en t w h ich reflects w h a t w e at C N think o f priests. MORE than 17 years as a Catholic journalist has given me more frequent contact with priests than perhaps the typical Catholic. During these years, I have prayed with priests and played cards with priests; confessed to and played sports with priests; argued with priests and agreed with priests; known some priests with the ego of a Donald Trump and others who make Francis of Assisi look pride-filled. In short, they are like any other man. But they are in a position like no other. The priesthood has a characteristic and

charism unlike anything else available to a human. It is the position, not the person. To point out a positive in light of recent reports that 4 per cent of priests in the U.S. were accused of child abuse, is neither a defense nor an excuse nor does it dishonour their primary victims. The 10,667 victims of the sinful acts deserve the sympathy and compassion of all. As the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops reported sheer numbers, however, it was hard not to think of those broadcast reports being heard by a priest as he left a hospital after spending all night at the

bedside of a seriously ill person. Or a priest who spent many hours throughout several days with a family, attempting to assist them to comprehend why their son died in a car accident or helping them mend a troubled marriage. These priests are among the secondary victims - honest, hardworking, holy men - who do not deserve to wear the stain of the sins of a few. The 50-year sordid history is disillusioning and disappointing. It is neither depressing nor discouraging because if the church had depended on human effort unaided for 2,000 years,

there would have been little confidence in its existence. “The action of the Holy Spirit, a gift of Christ who has died and was resurrected, is no less strong today” than before, Pope John Paul II said to priests recently. Later, the pope told priests in his diocese of Rome not to be afraid to spend their time and energy and using their Godgiven spiritual gifts for families. “Beyond being a pastor and teacher, be a caring and trustworthy friend,” said the pope. We continue to be blessed that most have been juSt that. □ The Catholic Northwest Progress.

Mel Gibson’s “The Passion Of The Christ” has been given an M l8 rating by the Singapore Censorship Review Board. This means only those aged 18 and above may view the film. Passion will be shown in full, as edited by the film producer. There will be no censorship cuts. Tickets for the Catholic Churchorganised premier of the film in aid of the Family Life Society have been sold out. The film’s regular screening begins April 1. □

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New devotion draws big following and causes some tears

A day with Mary By Peter Ooi

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Marian devotees invested in A Day With Mary at the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour (OLPS) March 13. The event was the first of its kind in South-east Asia. A Day With Mary is a Marian devotion that was initiated by a lay apostolate group 13 years ago in England under the spiritual direction of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate(FFI). Their intent was to help parishes devote a day in prayer and reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary based on the message of Fatima. The devotion at OLPS began with a procession and crowning of Our Lady of Fatima statue which caused some devotees to cry. The Joyful Mysteries were recited and FFI Bro. Gabriel Cortes, who came from Australia to help with the organization, sang the litany of Loreto in Latin. The queues for confesssion were long during Mass celebrated by parish priest Fr Gregoire Van Giang. After Mass, the day’s activities continued with the exposition and procession of the Blessed Sacrament, sermon by Father Ambrose Vaz, meditation on the passion of Our Lord, recitation of the Glorious Mysteries, Act of Consecration, Benediction and the enrolment of the brown scapular and miraculous medal. The day ended with a farewell hymn. The congregation bade Our Lady

farewell with white handkerchiefs and tears flowed again. Response to the devotion was very positive. Patrick Lau, 36 and wife Chin Chyn, 30, from St Francis Xavier parish felt it was a beautiful celebration and looked forward to more. “It is good way to reflect. We had six hours of reflection,” noted Richard Koh, 55, from OLPS. William Ng, 46, another OLPS parishioner said: “Mother Mary holds a special place in our hearts. This devotion is a good thing for us to come together as a community to thank God for her.” H ow the devotion got here A chance meeting with A Day With Mary group from England at Fatima last June prompted Phoebe Khoo to start the devotion in Singapore. The devotion in England is held at a different parish each

week. Phoebe plans to do the same in Singapore. “We would like to go round to all the different parishes and OLPS is the first one,” said Phoebe. “Initially I was reluctant,” she said. She was aware of the commitment required “but through a series of spiritual experiences I decided to consecrate myself to Our Lady and do whatever she wants me to do,” Phoebe explained. A lot of work is involved. “In Australia, it is held every month and we move from parish to parish. This first one in Singapore is quite large,” said Bro. Gabriel. A Day With Mary is also held on Saturdays in Italy, Africa, the United States and Brazil. David Chow, the Singapore group coordinator, said holding A Day With Mary on the first Saturday was in keeping with Our Lady’s request at Fatima. □

FR G R E G O IR E van Giang bows before the im age o f the Im m aculate Conception after crow ing it on M arch 13 at the D ay with M ary event held at the Church o f O ur Lady o f P erpetual Succour. Photo: Vincent Kwa

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Healing and joy at Triduum By K.R.G oh SINGAPORE - Lent is a time of

spiritual renewal and the Lenten Triduum at St Ignatius Church drew about 900 people despite being held at 6pm on weekdays (March 10 to 12). They came to hear Fr Gino Henriques preach on how to go about “Finding Joy in Communion”, the Triduum theme and he did not disappoint them. Each day he gave them some words of wisdom to take away. Some of those attending the

Triduum said they experienced being healed. Corinne Tham, a parishioner recounts the experience of her husband who had been suffering from pain in his upper back for some time. “Right after the service, he turned to me, wide eyed in disbelief, and asked me if Fr Gino had spoken to me. Fie told me that he was healed. He had suddenly felt the Lord Jesus holding his shoulders quite firmly and correcting his posture,” said Corinne. □

CORRECTION In the previous issue of CN (March 14 and 21) we printed that the Church of St Anthony holds adult baptisms during the Christmas Eve Mass. This is incorrect. The parish has adult baptisms during the Easter Vigil only. We are sorry for the error.



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T H O S E w ho know Fr F ran k well w ill know that he w as a seam an at heart - he once w orked as a purser on a ship plying the E nglish C hann el - and som e o f his happiest m om ents were w hen he w a s out at sea.

Fr Frank Depoorter

fo n d ly re m e m b e re d By Bobby Lee

FATHER Frank Depoorter always said that he was a survivor and fighter and he demonstrated that through two years of fighting cancer and almost a month in hospital before going home to the Lord. He died March 15, 2004 at 1.08pm. Fr Frank’s missionary journey took him to the Democratic Republic of Congo and Belgium, places where he worked many years before coming to Singapore in 1991. He came to love Singapore, made the island his home and became a permanent resident in 2000. Although a very meticulous person, Fr Frank was also a man of culture and he loved the arts. He often became fully immersed in classical music and he continued to enjoy it even at the very end of his life. He had the gift of acting and brought laughter and joy to the B O BBY and G eok Lee lives of many people. In the parish looked after Fr Frank at of St. Michael, he is remembered their hom e during the two as someone who taught a dog how years he was ill. to pray. His unassuming ways won him thousands of friends all over Singapore. He loved his flock and he had a very special place in his heart for little children and students, and the poor, abandoned and troubled people. Even in his illness he worked tirelessly and was disappointed when he could do no more. Many of those whom he had touched prayed with him as death neared and cried at the wake and funeral. Fr Frank is interred at the Church of St. Michael and will always be fondly remembered. □

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KINDERGARTEN:For children born in the year 2000 (limited places), YEAR 1 Date of registration: 19th April to 21st April, 2004 Place of Registration: 15 Flower Road, Singapore 549404. Registration Time : 8.00 am to 12.00 noon. Tel : 6283-3821 Fax : 6284-7783 Documents and fees required for registration: 1. Birth Certificate 2. Health Booklet 3. Baptism Certificate (for Catholic Children) 4. 2 passport size photographs 5. $30.00 registration fee (non-refundable)

Counselling for youth via Internet Pioneer Catholic service proving to be very popular, wins award “It is a great opportunity to have another source of counselling for our students - especially METOYOU - an innovative because it is anonymous (very counselling programme good for our shy and reserved developed by Catholics - has students) and pressure-free,” said met with such good response Mrs Lysia Kee, principal of that the National Council of Katong convent CHD. Social Services plans to set up a Mrs Ethel Koh, head of the similar programme. pupil welfare department at St Through metoyou, youth are Anthony’s Canossian Secondary able to “talk” to a cyber­ School agrees. “The counsellor in a private service provided has chat room about their enhanced our concerns. The school’s culture of sessions are private care for our pupils. and anonymous and The counselling and offer youth, who are outreach not ready for face-toprogrammes have face counselling or contributed in one have no access to it, way or another to the an alternative to the character traditional telephone development of our hotline. pupils,” she said. Launched in CyberDecember 2000, Counselling for the metoyou - its official Youth was jointly name is Cyberorganised by Counselling for the Catholic Welfare Youth - is the first of Services, South East its kind in Singapore. Community The one-to-one m Development interactive Council and the counselling service is Brothers of St conducted along the Gabriel. It is lines of online chat managed by the programmes such as Marine Parade ICQ and IRC. Cyber­ Family Service counselling works Centre and funded much like a telephone 4 by Catholic Welfare hotline, just that it is Life can be a bumpy ride Services and the conducted over the And m etoyou may ju st be the cushion to smoothen the journey. Ministry of Internet. Being Singapore's first and only online real-tim e 1-to-1 cyber­ Community “We wanted to counselling chat service, w e are professional counsellers who are friendly and understanding enough to take the journey w ith you. Development and reach out to the W e take pride in playing a role in the form ation years o f our youth Sports. youth, to engage and w e're juat a click away. It was recognised www .sg them, and if you ask Ba• cybaroounMUortoday JoM»• MMgraupandbacom*ttMpfflowot Wppoit tor our nationally in 2002 me where the youth when it received the are, many are in the Merit Award for New Family Resource Training cyber world,” said Samuel Ng, Outstanding Volunteer Initiative Centre. They are also 37, executive consultant for the from the National Volunteer and supervised by professional programme, which is based in Philanthropy Centre. counsellors. the Marine Parade Family metoyou Feedback from students and Service Centre. ( is schools has been positive. According to Samuel, a available every weekday from A grateful student wrote, survey on Internet usage by 2.30pm to 5.30 pm and on “All thanks to you, I’m very students conducted by Nanyang Wednesday nights from 7.30pm grateful for giving me that little Technological University in 1999 to 10 pifi. In addition to counselling which helps me a showed that 83.5% of students counselling, the website also lot. Your nick is COOL (sic) are Internet users and 79.6% have features articles of interest and and your counselling is COOL access at home. In addition, relevance to young people. too! That explains your nick! 81.7% of students participate in The programme, which is (sic) The burden I’ve been on-line chat sessions. only available to students in carrying is finally unloaded. I From January to October member schools, is already hope I can keep in contact, after 2003, metoyou managed 2,184 running at capacity and cannot all you have helped me, I owe chat room counselling cases expand without more funding you one. Thank You Very from the six schools and more volunteers. Much! Keep in contact!” participating in the programme, Another student said, “thanks which is aimed mainly at Volunteers needed for helping me and I (sic) really secondary school students. glad to have someone to talk to.” Confidentiality and security Volunteers are needed especially For the member schools, this are observed as the youths and for the day sessions. They have alternative source of counselling counsellors use pseudonyms to to be able to commit to at least complements their pastoral care identify themselves. one weekday afternoon (from programme. In addition, they Students who prefer to email 2.30pm to 5.30 pm) and attend can obtain useful data to chart their questions and concerns can the training programme. emerging trends among their choose to be counselled via Anyone interested in students and the issues they face email. Should a cyber­ volunteering can contact Irene as general information such as counsellor find that a student Chua at 6445-0100 or email user profiles and the nature of requires more in-depth therapy, metoyou<® can be extracted. she will encourage the student to By K . R Goh

make an appointment with the student counsellor at school or a counsellor at the Marine Parade Family Service Centre. The students are counselled by a team of dedicated volunteers who have to undergo a rigorous Certificate in CyberCounselling Services (ParaCounsellors) training programme accredited by the

We'll c u s h i o n y o u r fall

C ath olicN ew s □

Su n d ays M arch 28 and A pril 4 ,2 0 0 4



Joyful Marriage &ChildAdoptionAgency ID , Yio Chu Kang Road, Singapore 545510

A place of healing and hope for abused women

• Many babies from Asean countries • Very affordable adoption package • Easy interest-free instalment plans

By K .R.G oh

THE Good Shepherd Centre is a haven for abused wives and domestic helpers. It is a place where women, mothers and their children can rebuild their lives after violence and abuse. “Our whole programme is about healing and calling forth the dignity of the person,” said Anna Low, the centre’s director. Established in 1986 by the Good Shepherd Sisters, the centre is true to the Sisters’ mission to reach out and assist children, youth and women in need so as to facilitate reconciliation with their families and society and enable them to be mature and responsible persons. The centre provides a holistic service in its residential programme, case management and counselling. “The first reason they come is safety, but after that what?” asked Anna. “We must add self­ empowerment,” she answers. “We provide them with a safe and caring environment in which they can heal but we can’t tell them what to do with their children and their lives.” The women remain at the centre for varying lengths of time; some for a week, others as long as a year. The original Good Shepherd Centre at Jalan Shaer was a halfway house for female ex­ drug addicts and prisoners. It later provided shelter to women in crisis as well as those from violent households. To accomodate the number of people seeking its assistance, it moved in September 1990 to the present location in Yishun. In 1999, the Good Shepherd Sisters decided to focus the centre’s efforts on women (and their children) facing spousal violence and abuse and on foreign domestic helpers who have been abused by their employers. According to Anna, the Good Shepherd Centre is one of

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R E SID E N T S o f the G ood Shepherd Centre at one o f the sessions to help them cope with their situations.



Good Shepherd Centre

“Came here with sadness and heartache to this place. I did not foresee in my dreams that I would come to a place like this. Every minute in this place, I have to thank God. In this place, a mother looks after her own children and everyone lives together. In my life, I cannot forget this place.” - Foreign domestic worker














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W e p ro v id e th e fo llo w in g m a te ria ls and services at re a s o n a b le p rice s ;

priests, religious, family and friends, while the foreign maids are referred to them by the police. In 2003, Good Shepherd Centre served 224 persons victims of spousal violence and their children, and foreign maids. It now has 38 victims in residence. It is managed by Marymount Centre, which is under the direction of the Good Shepherd Sisters. Funding is provided by Catholic Welfare Services, the Ministry of Community Development and Sports and private benefactors. The centre is run by a staff of five including Anna and Good Shepherd Sister Lucy Chia and about 20 volunteers. The centre is looking to recruit an experienced and committed social worker to join its team. Applications can be emailed to You can contact the Good Shepherd Centre at 6755-6496 or email them at

only three such centres in Singapore and is the only one that takes cases 24 hours a day. “This is a crisis shelter so we can’t close. Sometimes we get calls at night or early in the morning,” she said. Cases of spousal violence are referred to the centre by family service centres, hospitals, police,


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i tews ‘The Passion Of The Christ” seen through the eyes of Singaporeans. Franciscan Friar John Wong shares his experience with us.

I w as num bed I SAW Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ” in the U.S. recently. During the silence at the end of the showthe audience was stunned - a young man near me declared, “I think I will have to give up sinning altogether!” The Passion is that kind of a film. It is emotionally engaging enough to move some of the grown men around me to tears. I was numbed by the brutality when the film was about half way through. The visuals are sufficiently arresting and the acting sufficiently superb that the foreignness of the languages used - Latin and Aramaic - is not a barrier. Look out for the scenes when Jesus appears with his mother, Mary. Jim Caviezel is convincing as Jesus. Maia Morgenstem is an inspired choice for the role of Mary. I wouldn’t recommend any young person under 15 to watch Passion unless accompanied by an adult. I would also not recommend it as a means for non-Christians to understand the Christian faith if they are unfamiliar with who Jesus is and what he died for. Without

Several of the Singaporean Catholics who went to the recent LA Congress stayed on to watch “Passion”. These are their views. “It w as certainly very m oving ... you could easily see the “red eyes” on m any after the m ovie. T he scourging w as very brutal and very real. T his m ovie w ould enhance o n e ’s faith. I w ould encourage all C atholics to see it.” - Ian Favacho Church of St Ignatius

MYEXPERIENCE this understanding, all the suffering is meaningless and the resurrection scene incomprehensible. If viewers are sufficiently moved so as to re-think their lives and to give up sin, that is a good thing. Back in 1995, when the movie Babe hit the big screen, numerous film-goers, moved by the charming antics of the porcine character and his barnyard friends, declared that they were going off pork. However, all the people I know who gave up eating pork as a result of watching Babe eventually relapsed. One can only hope that the effects of the Passion on the young man with the noble intentions will be longer lasting. □

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“T his m ovie did an excellent jo b is show ing us how m uch Jesus suffered fo r us so that w e can jo y fu lly sing our E aster Song. I w ill not take m y E aster fo r granted.” - Lawrence Nonis Church of Holy Trinity


“There is nothing anti-Semitic in it (The Passion O f The Christ); otherwise they (the Voikom. as well as local bishops) would condemn it.” - Joaquin Navarro-Vails, the pope’s spokesman, said the Vatican’s silence is a positive judgment of the film. If the film is anti-Semitic, “then the Gospels also would be,” he added.

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

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By Friar John W ong, ofm

I WATCHED World-in-Theatre’s The Gospel According to Mark” in the Substation Garden in February. Part of the performance was uneven and the open-air venue compromised the acoustics, but there were some inspired moments. What made Mark an interesting experience was that it was put up by a secular theatre group.The cast and crew focused on delivering the Gospel story as theatre. Mark’s Gospel was chosen because it “gives the most dramatic and action-filled account of the life of Christ.” PlaywrightActor-Assistant Director Sonny Lim prides himself on the script’s fidelity to the Gospel account. Many of the miracle stories were brought together in a single scene which helped to move the performance along. In Mark, the nature of Christ’s temptations in the desert is not spelt out. In the play, this was turned to dramatic advantage by Sonny Lim, who played an

The Gospel according to Mark impassive-eyed tempter with the image of a serpent hennaed on his bare torso, dancing an androgynous Javanese-inspired dance with waist-scarf encircling Sonny In n p l a y e d n il im p a s s iv e eyed lem plei in I h i s s c e n e o f I lie lemplfifion of Jesus

a kneeling Jesus. One did not need to know the exact temptations faced by Jesus. The reality of the seductiveness of sin was already sufficiently apparent. Due to the limited number of actors and the wide variety of parts to be played, most actors took on more than one role. Christina Chelliah, who played the woman with the hemorrhage was particularly effective. Cyril Wong’s counter tenor voice was well used. World-in-Theatre aims “to bring to the stage works of universal significance.” The Gospel According to Mark enjoyed a four-night run at Sculpture Square and a five-night run at the Substation Garden. The ambience was different at the two venues and interpretation by the actors was also slightly different. The Gospel of Mark will be performed at the Esplanade April 22-24 at 7.30pm and April 25 at 2.30pm. Tickets at $28 and $22 (concession and for groups of 10 or more) are available at Sistic outlets. □

News Maris Stella Nursery and Kindergarten By G ina Ann Sebastian

ON the day dedicated to love, Maris Stella Nursery and Kindergarten gathered together its staff, former and current pupils, family and friends to celebrate their Golden Jubilee - 50 years of giving and loving - at the school chapel with a Mass of Thanksgiving. Archbishop Nicholas Chia, who was the main celebrant, prayed that God would bestow upon them the graces and strengths they would need to continue their mission as educators in early childhood care and development. Nursery and kindergarten pupils perform the history o f their school on Feb 21. Archbishop Chia likened children to seedlings. He gave an analogy about how environment. They could even recall the seedlings in the nursery need tender lessons from days past like the importance loving care to grow. He said the Franciscan of not being choosy, saying grace before Missionaries of Mary (FMM) Sisters have meals and of course, their teachers. taken it upon themselves to plant the “I feel that my time here has made me seedlings, nourished them with water and a well developed person. Learning through fertilizers and protected them against bugs. play helps,” said Celeste. And it is due to the dedication of the sisters The school’s three longest serving and those involved that while the seedlings teachers; Ms Guo, Ms Yang and Ms Chan, have now grown and scattered, they have who have taught for over 30 years, all said also become strong trees. it was their love for children and the good “It is a work of love,” he said. staff support that kept them at Maris Stella “Like Jesus’ love for children, you for so long. Excited former students enjoys going to school and learning,” agrees over 600 students. Over the years, it has must try to cultivate the special love as surrounded them, teased them about them another parent, Mr Henry Lim. also been ranked among the Top 10 well. You must help to cultivate a spirit of not changing after all these years and the Former students; Edward Yang from kindergartens a couple of times. diligence in the children. Cultivate a sense memorable lessons they learned from the Class of 83, Celeste Goh from the Sr Marjorie Almodiel started out as a of honesty so that they will appreciate the them. For them, it was seeing the joy and Class of 85 and Ashley Khaw from the teacher in 1973 and became the principal truth. Cultivate encouragement so that they curiousity in the eyes of their boys and Class of 87 could not agree more. Their in 1974. She has watched will have confidence in girls and the love for the school that kept best memories were of a fun, smiling, and the school and the children themselves. Cultivate a these ladies going. □ loving, wonderful playground grow and change sense of fairness so that throughout her 40 years as they will grow up and be principal. She feels that the able to recognize and In tr o d u c in g th e challenges the school faces appreciate justice. Cultivate today are an increasing a sense of security so that number of single parents they will be fair and have and the single child \ps,; confidence in themselves B ring y o u r fa ith to A«nevvr EasterJoy • \ phenomenon - where the mSeville -\ and others. Cultivate children are often the only t \ > \\ life - e v e ry day! features' friendliness so they will be child and their parents tend able to develop good T h e N e w C a th o lic D ig e s t is m o re co lo u rfu l, m ore to be over-protective. n Depression relationships amongst in fo rm a tiv e and m o re re le v a n t th a n e v e r be fo re . “Children before are so | Don't Be themselves and others. different from children Afraid E x p e rie n c e n e w fe a tu re s th a t w ill h e lp re fre s h Sr M arjorie Alm odiel has These are all part and parcel y o u r p e rso n a l c o n n e c tio n w ith y o u r fa m ily , today. Before, they were been as the principal for of leading a good life.” y o u r frie n d s a n d e s p e c ia lly y o u r fa ith . easy to handle, less ! Sold into. 30 years. He encouraged them to demanding and contented. S u b s c rib e to d a y a n d s e e fo r y o u rs e lf how be filled with the spirit of Nowadays, they are more m u ch th e N e w C a th o lic D ig e s t h a s to offe r. love and to let the love overflow to the self-centered and demanding. Nevertheless, Y o u w ill re c e ive a s p e c ia l F R E E g ift children. “For where there is love, there is Maris Stella is here to continue to be of J E S U S + 2 V C D . D o n ’t m i s s o u t ! God and where there is God, there is love. help, to love through love.” All Cheques made payable to: The Catholic News Nothing good can come without G od’s For about 15 years now, Maris Stella help. The fruits of your labour will only be has also opened their classes to special F ill out, d e ta ch a n d m a il this tod ay! seen later on. Be inspirations, sources of needs children. They aim to develop joy and God’s blessings will continue to holistic individuals with the spiritual flow and empower you to be powerful energy of Gospel values who are able to instructors of God.” bond and love. Sr Marjorie shared that After Communion, an emotional Sr about 80 per cent of the students who □ Y E S ! I want to see what the N e w Catholic Digest has to Marjorie, the principal, came forward to attend Maris Stella are non-Catholics and offer. Please send me a risk-free issue and my FREE gift, JESUS + give thanks to all the school supporters. expressed hope that more Catholics would 2 V C D ’s. If I like it, I’ll pay just S $37.00 for an additional 12 issues She expressed her pride and happiness in send their children to them. (1year subscritpionl). seeing so many of her ex-students, coming The students and their families had Otherwise, if the N e w Catholic Digest is not for me, I’ll return the back to sing and read for the Mass. “I feel nothing but praises for the hard work and like a great grandmother”, she joked. She invoice marked “cancel” and keep the free gift. dedication of the Sisters and school staff. also presented her staff with tokens of February 2004 issue AI1 Cheques made payable to: The Catholic News Ms Maria Nathan whose son, Mitchell, just appreciation for their dedicated service. started school said that she felt it was Nam e ______________________________________________________________ m o important for him to have a good A top k indergarten Address foundation in the faith in pre-school by o g * CM Tel: ___ learning in a Catholic environment. Founded in 1954, Maris Stella Nursery Email: “I was afraid if he was not able to get and Kindergarten was the first Catholic lz" oS2 City: — S i n g a p o r e Postal Code into a Catholic primary school, he would kindergarten in Singapore. Only three to £ not have a strong foundation in the faith. four FMM Sisters ran the school then. And EHPayment Enclosed EH Bill Me Later EH By Credit Card \ v is a . ts <o o Here, Mitchell loves going to school and it continues to be run by them today. It So Credit Card # __________ finds learning fun”. started out with only about 100 students, “It is a good school and we have heard a 5 -c mostly children of British soldiers < I- CMC/3 Signature: ______________________________ D a te :_________ lot about Sr Marjorie. My daughter, Felicia, stationed in Singapore, but it has grown to

Singapore’s first Catholic kindergarten turns 50


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DIVINEMERCY : Sunday A pril 18, 2004 C E L E B R A N T : Archbishop Emeritus G regory Yong VENUE : Church o f Christ the King DATE


3.00 pm Exposition of Blessed Sacrament Chaplet of Divine Mercy 3.30 pm Eucharistic Celebration

N O V E N A TO T H E D IV IN E M E R C Y Blessed Sacrament Church Good Friday Apr. 9 Sat. Apr. 10 Sun. - Sat. Apr. 11-17

1.30pm 3.00pm 8.00pm

Church of St Ignatius Good Friday Apr. 9 Sat., Sun. Apr. 10,11, 17 Mon.-Fri. Apr. 12-16

10.00am 3.00pm 6.30pm

Church of the Holy Spirit Good Friday Apr. 9 Sat.- Sun. Apr. 10-11 Mon.-Fri. Apr. 12-16 Sat. Apr. 17

5.30pm 3.00pm 8.00pm 5.00pm

Church of Immaculate Hear t of Mary Good Friday-Sat. Apr. 9-10 9.00am 7.15pm Sun., Sat. Apr. 11,17 Mon. - Fri. Apr. 12-16 6.45pm Church of Our Lady Star of the Sea Good Friday Apr. 9 6.45pm 3.00pm Sat., Sun. Apr. 10,11,17 7.00pm Mon. - Fri. Apr. 12-16 Church of Our Lady of Perpetu al Succour Good Friday Apr. 9 12.00pm 7.15pm Sat. Apr. 10 Sun. Apr. 11 5.15pm Mon.-Fri. Apr. 12-16 6.45pm Sat. Apr. 17 5.45pm Church of Our Lady Queen Good Friday-Sun. Apr. 9-11 Mon.-Thu. Apr. 12-15 Fri. Apr. 16 Sat. Apr. 17

of Peace 5.15pm 6.00pm 5.15pm 5.00pm

Church of St Mary of the Ange s (English) Good Friday Apr. 9 7.30pm Saturday-Sun. Apr. 10 -11 2.30pm 7.30pm Mon.-Fri. Apr. 12-16 2.30pm Sat. Apr. 17 (Mandarin) Good Friday-Sat. Apr. 9-10 9.00am Sun. Apr. 11 3.00pm Mon.-Sat. Apr. 12-17 9.00am

Church of Christ The King Good Friday Apr. 9 Sat., Sun. Apr. 10,11,17 Mon. - Fri. Apr. 12-16

8.00pm 3.00pm 8.00pm

Church of the Holy Cross Good Friday Apr. 9 Saturday Apr. 10 Sun. Apr. 11 Mon.-Wed. Apr. 12 -14 Thu. Apr. 15 Fri.-Sat. Apr. 16-17

5.30pm 7.15pm 2.30pm 7.15pm 8.00pm 7.15pm

Church of Sts Peter and Paul Good Friday Apr. 9 : 3.00pm Sat., Sun. Apr. 10,11,17 : 3.00pm Mon. - Fri. Apr. 12-16 :6.00pm Church of St Joseph (Bukit Timah) Good Friday Apr. 9 : 1.00pm Sat., Sun. Apr. 10, 11, 17 :3.00pm Mon. - Fri. Apr. 1 2 -1 6 : 8.00pm Church of St Francis of Assisi (English) Good Friday Apr. 9 7.30pm 3.00pm Sat. - Sun. Apr. 10, 11 8.00pm Mon. - Fri. Apr. 12-16 7.30pm Sat. Apr. 17 (Mandarin) 5.00pm Good Friday Apr. 9 7.00pm Sat.-Fri. Apr. 10-16 Sat. Apr. 17 5.00pm Church of St Anthony Good Friday Apr. 9 Sat., Sun. Apr. 10,11,17 Mon. - Fri. Apr. 12-16

8.00am 3.00pm 8.00pm

Church of St Bernadette Good Friday Apr. 9 Sat., Sun. Apr. 10,11,17 Mon. - Fri. Apr. 1 2 - 16

1.30pm 3.00pm 7.30pm

Church of Nativity of the BV M Good Friday Apr. 9 1.00pm 3.00pm Sat., Sun. Apr. 10, 11, 17 Mon. - Fri. Apr. 1 2 -1 6 7.15pm

Organised by Archdiocesan Divine Mercy Devotion Core-team.

- John Paul II urged Catholics to make a “leap in quality” in the intellectual field, to better respond to questions on the meaning of life posed by a society increasingly indifferent to religion. The pope made this request when he received in audience the participants of the plenary assembly of the Pontifical Council for Culture. The assembly was reflecting on “The Christian Faith at the Dawn of the Third Millennium and the Challenge of Unbelief and Religious Indifference.” In his address, the Holy Father said that the topic of the meeting is “an essential concern of the Church in all the continents.” In the three-day assembly, the pontifical council analyzed a worldwide study on unbelief and religious indifference, which reported that “from the militant and organized atheism of other times there has been a move to a situation of practical indifference, of the loss of importance of the question of God, and of abandonment of religious practice, especially in the Western world.” The assembly’s working document explained, however, that it is not a question of “abandonment of belief in God.” When Cardinal Paul Poupard, president of the Pontifical Council for Culture, presented the participants to the pope, he said that the plenary assembly recognized that the church is facing “a new situation of inner emptiness” in modem people. This “sort of spiritual sluggishness,” the cardinal said, is a call to the whole church to “a renewal in thought, prayer and action,” in particular, to discover “new languages to transmit the Gospel and touch both the reason as well as sensitivity, combining the ways of truth and beauty.” In his response to the cardinal, John Paul II said that “beyond the crisis of civilizations, of philosophical and moral relativism, it is up to the pastors and faithful to discover and delve into the basic questions and aspirations of the men and women of our time.” Pastors and faithful must also dialogue with people and “propose the Gospel message and person of Christ, the Redeemer,” the pope added. “Cultural and artistic expressions are not lacking in riches or resources for the transmission of the Christian message.” ”It is necessary to support the world of culture, of the arts, and of letters, so that it will contribute


Pope calls church i to an intellectual “leap in quality” to meet challenge of society’s indifference to religion.

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to the building of a society that is not founded on materialism, but on moral and spiritual values,” the Holy Father said. He added: “The spread of ideologies in the different realms of society calls Christians to a

new leap in quality in the intellectual field to propose vigorous reflections that present to young generations the truth on man and on God, inviting them to an ever more acute understanding of the faith.” □ zf.nit

CODE OF ETHICS for professional church leaders

1 . I promise to do all in my power to deepen my understanding of the church as a community and as such the body of Christ, and I will evaluate my service in the church daily in the light of my relationship to the person of Jesus Christ and his command to love one another as he has loved us. 2 . I will pledge to strengthen my understanding and practice of Catholicism, its teaching, principles and values on an ongoing basis so as to apply them to church operations and thus to be a credible witness to the faith. 3 . I will do everything in my power to be accountable and open in my professional and personal life while fostering transparency and openness in the church.

4. I will exercise the authority of my office in a way that empowers those whom I serve and work in a collaborative spirit of servant leaders. 5 . I pledge to observe the highest standards of my profession by regularly seeking evaluation from those I serve, as well as peer reviews. I will work with others to identify and address problems in my profession and will refuse to be silent when I become aware of wrongdoing of any kind. 6 . I will devote a percentage of my time to public or volunteer service in order to discharge my Christian responsibilities to care for others, especially the poor, in an exemplary manner and to deepen my understanding of the needs of the community. 7 . I will seek to be an excellent communicator, developing skills to listen compassionately and to speak boldly when necessary. 8 . I will do all in my power to foster broad participation in the life of the church, to encourage public opinion to respect honest differences and the rights of others. 9 . 1 will oppose anything that encourages clericalism and decisions and actions that foster a caste system of membership and power in the church. 1 0 . I promise to be a good steward in the use of the church’s money, insisting on full public disclosure, independent audits, honesty and accountability in all fund raising. The professional code o f ethics was proposed by Francis J. Butler, president o f Foundations and Donors Interested in Catholic Activities, at a conference in Boston Feb. 14. □

News A third Catholic university for Thailand? BANGKOK - Catholic educators in Thailand have set up a threemember committee to study the feasibility of setting up a national Catholic university to meet the need for master’s and doctoral degrees in particular fields such as theology. However it will take a long time for a third Catholic

university to become a reality. There are now two Catholic universities in the country Assumption University run by the St. Gabriel Brothers and lay-run St. John’s University - with 21,540 students. The 2003 report of the Catholic Commission for Education show

the church there runs two Catholic colleges with 828 students, 20 technical schools with 10,806 students, and 279 Catholic primary and secondary schools with 431,818 students. There are about 300,000 Catholics among Thailand’s 63 million people. □ u c a n

T h e e th ic s o f

SUSTAINING LIFE Different opinions expressed at Vatican conference; some want explicit instructions from church ROME - Many Catholic doctors, relatives of seriously impaired patients and pro-life activists would like explicit directions from the church on when medical treatment is obligatory and when it can be suspended, said speakers at a Vatican conference. But, many said, that is unlikely and probably unwise given the vast differences between patients and the resources of their families and communities. Physicians and ethicists invited to speak at a March 1720 conference sponsored by the Pontifical Academy for Life and the World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations said, in general, that nutrition and hydration are obligatory care for patients who are in a persistent vegetative state but not dying. Dr. Gianluigi Gigli, president of the federation, said the invited speakers either fully share the position of the academy and the federation or are leaders in medical or ethical research who “are substantially in agreement.” But the conference also provided space on the program for 30 experts who asked to speak; many of them, including Catholic priests and physicians, have opinions that differ significantly from those of the academy and the federation. Their presence, Gigli said, reflects the complexity of the issues involved and the continuing search by Catholic ethicists and physicians to make decisions informed by the best medical opinions and the highest moral standards. Ann Verlinde, president of the International Committee of Catholic Nurses, said she wished nurses had been given more space at the conference and, even more, that their opinions would be given greater weight on hospital ethics boards and in discussions with individual families about continuing or withdrawing certain types of care. “We nurses are the ones who spend the most time each day with the patients and with their

families,” she told Catholic News Service March 18. Verlinde was one of the many participants who asked for “clear guidelines, a framework” for deciding when and under what circumstances treatment may be withheld or withdrawn. “Most nurses in the developed world have training in medical ethics,” and as the health care professionals most directly involved in patient care their opinions should be heard, she said.

BISH O P Elio Sgreccia, vice president o f the Pontifical A cadem y for Life says nutrition and hydration are “obligatory to the m om ent o f natural death.” c n s p h o to

In many situations, she said, “nurses find it easier than doctors to say, ‘It is finished; let them go. We will be with them, caring for them as they die.’” “It is terrible to see patients suffering from overtreatment, and it is horrible to see people dying from starvation and dehydration,” she said. But, Verlinde said, nurses and loving family members often notice even the slightest signs of increased comfort or discomfort in individual patients and can react accordingly. With dying patients, she said, the goal “is to keep them comfortable, not by putting all these tubes in them, but by spoon-feeding them, giving them ice chips, keeping their lips moist, caressing them.” Msgr. Kevin T. McMahon,

an invited conference speaker from St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia, said, “When we feed those who cannot feed themselves - the infant, those who suffer from paralysis or the persistently unconscious - we do more than sustain their lives,” he said. “We demonstrate our love and concern for them as fellow human beings and, from a specifically Christian perspective, as brothers and sisters in the Lord.” Dr. John Collins Harvey of the Georgetown University Center for Clinical Bioethics in Washington was one of the experts who asked for time to speak at the conference. His presentation, written with Ronald P. Hamel of the Catholic Health Association of the United States, spoke about the Catholic husband and six children of a 66year-old woman who had been in a persistent vegetative state for four years and “developed aspiration pneumonia from regurgitation of gastric contents.” When the woman was hospitalized for the 16th time, he said, her family began a discussion about the morality of discontinuing nutrition. The family, after consultation with the hospital ethics team, concluded that “the burdens of employing the artificial administration of nutrition and hydration far outweighed its benefits” by damaging her lungs, by increasing their pain and trauma each time she was hospitalized, by draining their financial resources and by using a disproportionate share of community medical resources, he said. “They questioned whether continued biological life was the highest good for the human person and whether maintaining biological life was always morally obligatory,” he said. Human life is sacred, he said, but the duty to prolong life “is not absolutely binding under all circumstances because we know that our ultimate end lies in eternal life with God.” □ c n s

Fresh Vatican condemnation of fertility treatments - The Vatican has issued a broad condemnation of fertility treatments such as invitro fertilisation, calling the destruction of embryos in the process a “massacre of the innocents”. L’Osservatore Romano published the final communique from the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life following a conference it hosted last month on “The dignity of human procreation and reproductive technologies: anthropological and ethical aspects.” In the communique, it restated the Vatican position that any treatment that substitutes for sexual intercourse between a husband and wife - such as the creation of an embryo in a VATICAN CITY

laboratory that is later implanted - is considered illicit because the embryo isn’t the fruit of the “conjugal union.” However, the Pontifical Academy supported therapies that can facilitate the natural sex act such as drugs that help a woman ovulate. In the statement, the Academy expressed concern that doctors were referring couples more often to in-vitro technologies rather than diagnosing and correcting their underlying sterility. It condemned the use of embryos for research, and called the destruction or loss of embryos in the in-vitro process “a true massacre of the innocents of our time: no war or catastrophe has ever caused so many victims.” □

Internet biggest challenge, gift in communications

BISH O P R enato Boccardo and Archbishop John P. Foley, vice president and president, respectively, o f the Pontifical Council for Social C om m unications, at the m eeting that identified the Internet as the biggest gift and challenge in com m unications in the past 40 years, c n s p h o to By C indy W ooden

- The Catholic Church must counter the flood of lies and immorality available on the Internet with Web sites full of truth, beauty and righteousness, said a cardinal from the Dominican Republic. “It is not enough to complain about the negative (Web) pages that multiply daily; we must accept the challenge of creating pages with a different content that certainly will reach millions of people of good will,” said Cardinal Nicolas Lopez Rodriguez of Santo Domingo. The cardinal was one of several cardinals and bishops at the March 8-12 meeting of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications to identify the Internet as the biggest blessing and the biggest challenge for the Catholic Church’s communications efforts in the past 40 years. Cardinal Lopez told the council, “Men and women of faith who believe in a better future for humanity and want to promote spiritual and moral health have a serious responsibility” to ensure that “goodness, morality and the VATICAN CITY

great ideals of justice, peace and solidarity circulate on these electronic paths.” The cardinal also said it was his hope that access to computer technology would spread beyond the developed world and that users would create “virtual classrooms, offering education to the large part of humanity that does not have it.” Retired Brazilian Cardinal Eugenio de Araujo Sales of Rio de Janeiro said the church would be wrong not to take advantage of computer and Internet technology. “Computer systems are making the universe smaller, producing rapid and perfect contacts, reducing distances,” he said. Through the Internet and e-mail, a real dialogue between people of different faiths and cultures is possible, the cardinal said. Bishop Crispian Hollis of Portsmouth, England, told the council that e-mail “has been a vital piece of new technology for my work” it “also accelerates, in sometimes unacceptable ways, the process of decision making, building into itself its own imperative for instant - and sometimes ill-considered responses.” □ c n s

Su ndays M arch 28 and April 4, 2004 □


C athoIicN ew s




Almost everything you need to know How often must we confess? Q.

Different ways of giving absolution

Does the precept to confess at least once a year still apply? A . Despite the absolute way the precept was usually stated, confession once a year has never been a church law for everyone, only for those who have a serious (mortal) sin to confess. Even when this “obligation” first appeared (in the year 1215 at the Fourth Lateran Ecumenical Council) it is clear that only confession of mortal sins was required once a year. Confession of serious sins would be necessary, of course, to fulfill another requirement of that same council, to receive the Eucharist at least once a year, during the Easter time. All who have reached the age of reason must confess any serious sins once a year (Canon 989). The Catechism of the Catholic Church (No. 1457) says the same. You need not feel obligated, therefore, to yearly confession unless you have a serious sin. Confession of nonserious (venial) sins is not strictly required in church law at all.

Q. Is it good to go often? A. It seems to me that any Catholic who understands how the sacrament of reconciliation heals our spiritual weaknesses, and how it reconciles us with God and our brothers and sisters, will try to receive it with at least some regularity. How often? The Rite of Penance, the official guide of the church for this sacrament, mentions only Lent, obviously an appropriate time. Advent and other occasions in life that invite us to re-examine our life with God would also be fitting.

Q . Must I make a confession before receiving Communion?

A. While Catholics are formally obliged to receive the Eucharist only once a year, during the Eastertime if possible, we are strongly urged to receive this sacrament each time we participate in the Mass (Catechism, 1388; Canons 919-920). This simply recognizes the significant place that Holy Communion by all the faithful holds in the liturgy of the Eucharist at Mass. Confession of all serious sins in the sacrament of reconciliation is required at least once a year because of the obligation of annual Communion, since anyone conscious of serious sin must receive the sacrament of reconciliation before receiving the Eucharist (Catechism 1457; Canon 989).

Q . What is the church’s teaching on absolution?


The church has three rites for celebrating the sacrament. First is the oneon-one private ritual similar to the one with which at least older Catholics are most acquainted. Second is the rite for a number of penitents, with individual confession and absolution. Typically for these liturgies, all present listen to the word of God, examine the conformity of their lives to that word and support one another by prayer together. Individual confession follows for those who wish to receive the sacrament of penance. This form of communal penintential service is usually available during Lent and Advent. Third is for a number of penitents to receive general (not individual) absolution from the priest at one time. It’s important to note that, with one possible exception, all these forms are valid. The church’s official Rite of Penance states that, in the third rite, a general confession is made by all in the form of an act of sorrow (for example the prayer, “I confess to almighty God ...”), and penitents show their desire for forgiveness by bowing, kneeling or another approved sign (No. 35). The priest then gives absolution. Canon law lists several conditions which must be fulfilled for licit celebration of general absolution (Canon 961). One circumstance that makes it lawful is imminent danger of death, with no sufficient time for priests to hear confessions individually. Another is grave necessity, when sufficient confessors are unavailable to allow individual confessions properly within a “suitable” period of time, and penitents would be deprived for a long while of the grace of the sacrament of penance or the Eucharist. It is the responsibility of the diocesan bishop to judge whether these required conditions for general absolution are present, considering the criteria agreed upon by the regional conference of bishops. Vatican authorities have often expressed concern that too broad a use of general absolution will lead to a lesser importance given to traditional “private” confession, and they insist on strict observance of the limitations church law places on this rite of the sacrament. Nevertheless, canon law continues to

approve the third rite of reconciliation when the above requirements are fulfilled. For a valid reception of absolution given to many penitents at one time, those conscious of serious (mortal) sins must intend to confess those sins in private confession within a suitable period of time (Canon 962). Apart from this instance, however, even when the required conditions are not fulfilled, the third rite of reconciliation —

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with general absolution is unlawful (illicit) but still valid. All present who have the intentions indicated above, along with other intentions always necessary for confession, receive the sacrament validly, with all the graces which accompany the sacrament of penance. ( During the Sars crisis last year, Archbishop Nicholas Chia permitted the rite of reconciliation with general absolution.) □ MmmmmmmmmmMT


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tori?ive me, t ather, L How to make a good confession

Examine your conscience. Be sorry for your sins and resolve not to sin again. Confess your sins. Listen to the advice of the priest, and do your penance.

EXAMINATION OF CONSCIENCE Here’s a list of questions to help you reflect on your life and prepare for confession. I am the Lord your God. You shall not have strange gods before me. • Do I give God time every day in prayer? • Do I seek to love Him with my whole heart? • Have I been involved with superstitious practices or have I been involved with the occult? • Do I seek to surrender myself to God’s Word as taught by the Church? • Have I ever received Communion in a state of mortal sin? • Have I ever deliberately told a lie in confession or have I withheld a mortal sin from the priest in confession? You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. • Have I used God’s name in vain: lightly or carelessly? • Have I been angry with God? • Have I wished evil upon another person? • Have I insulted a sacred person or abused a sacred object? Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day. • Have I deliberately missed Mass on Sundays or Holy Days of Obligation? • Have I tried to observe Sunday as a family day and a day of rest? • Do I do needless work on Sunday?

Honour your Father and your Mother. • Do I honour and obey my parents? • Have I neglected my duties to my spouse and children? • Have I given my family good religious example? • Do I try to bring peace into my home life? • Do I care for my aged and infirm relatives? You shall not kill. • Have I had an abortion or encouraged anyone to have an abortion? • Have I physically harmed anyone? • have I abused alcohol or drugs? • Did I give scandal to anyone, thereby leading them into sin? • Have I been angry or resentful? • Have I harbored hatred in my heart? • Have I mutilated myself through any form of sterilization? • Have I encouraged or condoned sterilization? You shall not commit adultery. • Have I been faithful to my marriage vows in thought and action? • Have I engaged in any sexual activity outside of marriage? • Have I used any method of contraception or artificial birth control in my marriage? • Has each sexual act in my marriage been open to the transmission of new life? • Have I been guilty of masturbation? • Have I sought to control my thoughts? • Have I respected all members of the opposite sex, or have I thought of other people as objects? • Have I been guilty of any homosexual activity? • Do I seek to be chaste in my thoughts, words and actions? • Am I careful to dress modestly?

The place for confession Q. Is it compulsory to receive the sacrament of penance behind a screen? Many people prefer to go face-to-face. Is the decision to be made by the priest?

As of a few years ago, a priest does have permission to make that decision for anyone who comes to confession to him. The 1973 revision of the Roman Ritual for the sacrament of penance provided that conferences of bishops should determine “the place proper for the ordinary celebration of the sacrament of penance” (38). Fixed grates or grills between penitent and confessor should always be provided, however, so those who wish to use them can do so (Canon 964).

Priests, especially pastors, are to “choose a place more suitable for the celebration according to the regulations of the conferences of bishops so the entire celebration may be enriching and effective” (40). Many conference of bishops decreed that it is desirable that reconciliation rooms be provided in which people might choose to confess either informally faceto-face or kneel to speak with the priest anonymously through a stationary screen. This, of course, is what most Catholics have become accustomed to since then. However, in July, 1998, the Pontifical Council for Interpretation of Legislative Texts said that priests have the right to refuse face-to-face confessions, even if penitents request it. For a just reason, said the document, “and excluding cases of necessity (emergencies, in hospitals, when patients are dying at home, etc.) the minister of

the sacrament can legitimately decide, even in the event the penitent asks otherwise, that sacramental confession be received in a confessional equipped with a fixed grill.” In other words, the priest may decide not to minister the sacrament face-to-face. Why did the Vatican agency require this change? When the new interpretation was presented, a council official referred to two reasons. Confessing behind a grill is an ancient practice. And it “responds to the need for prudence.” “It is a protection against human weakness both on the part of the priest as well as on the part of the penitent,” he said. “The sacrament of confession should not be an occasion of sin for either priest or penitent.” To answer your question, if a priest feels he should hear confessions only with a grill between him and the penitent for these or other “just” reasons, the ritual gives him permission to do so. □

for I have sinned. ’’ “ W h o s e s in s y o u s h a l l fo r g iv e , th e y a r e fo r g iv e n a n d

th e m ;

w h o s e s in s y o u

s h a l l r e ta in , th e y a r e r e t a i n e d . ” Jn 20.23


You shall not steal. • Have I stolen what is not mine? • Have I returned or made restitution for what I have stolen? • Do I waste time at work, school or at home? • Do I gamble excessively, thereby denying my family of their needs? • Do I pay my debts promptly? • Do I seek to share what I have with the poor? You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour. • Have I lied? • Have I gossiped? • Have I spoken behind someone else’s back? • Am I sincere in my dealings with others? • Am I critical, negative or uncharitable in my thoughts of others? • Do I keep secret what should be kept confidential?

You shall not desire your neighbour’s wife. • Have I consented to impure thoughts? • Have I caused them by impure reading, movies, conversations or curiosity? • Do I seek to control my imagination? • Do I pray at once to banish impure thoughts and temptations? You shall not desire your neighbour’s goods. • Am I jealous of what other people have? • Do I envy the families or possessions of others? • Am I greedy or selfish? • Are material possessions the purpose of my life? • Do I trust that God will care for all of my material and spiritual needs? F or m ore inform ation on E xam ination o f conscience and m aking a good confession visit h ttp ://w w w .th ew o rk o fg o d .o rg / L ib r a ry /e x a m in e.h tm # to p

ENTER the confessional and kneel, or sit in a face-to-face confession. Make the Sign of the Cross and then say “Forgive me Father for I have sinned. It has been( weeks, months,or years) since my last confession. These are my sins.” (Do not worry if you haven’t confessed in years or do not know where to start. Explain your difficulty to the priest and ask for help.) Confess your sins. You must confess all mortal sins you have committed as far as you can remember. You may also confess yor venial sins. When you have finished confessing, say “For these and all my sins, I am truly sorry.’ The priest may give some advice and spiritual direction. You may ask for advice. The priest then gives a suitable penance and asks the penitent to make an act of contrition. You may say one that is familiar to you or use this traditional formula: “O my God, because you are so good, I am very sorry that I have sinned against you, and with the help of your grace I will not sin again. Amen” The priest then says the prayer of absolution. When he is finished, say “Amen”. The priest will then dismiss you with “Go in peace,” or “God bless you.” Answer “Thank you Father” and leave the confessional. Do the penance given by the priest. □

How to return to the church Q .I

have two friends who left the Catholic Church years ago, one because he became disillusioned with a priest, and the other just stopped attending Mass. Now they both want to return, but don’t know how. I ’m sure other former Catholics would also like to know how to come back.


You are right. Many Catholics have departed from the practice of their faith and sometime later wish to return, but are discouraged because they envision some complicated process to do so. Most of us don’t realize how hesitant and afraid Catholics can be who have been away, perhaps feel some guilt and frequently see themselves as somehow unworthy to be active in the church again. Encouragement and support from regular churchgoers is invaluable. Theoretically, all one needs to do is return to the sacraments - penance and the Eucharist - and resume a prayer life and regular participation in the Mass. In practice, however, most of the time something more is at least helpful, if not practically necessary. If one has been away for a number of years, for example, much may have happened in the intervening time that could be unfamiliar; they need to catch up. Particularly, anyone who has not been to Mass for the past 30 years or so will have missed many changes in the liturgies of the Mass and sacraments that will confuse them if they’re not prepared. Perhaps most obviously, experiencing and trying to participate in the Mass in English will be puzzling unless someone helps them understand reasons for those changes, and how they enhance and enrich our Catholic worship. Another factor in helping them return could be the reason they stopped living a Catholic life in the first place. A real or perceived injury suffered from a priest or other representative of the church, or just a serious misunderstanding, is the reason a huge number of Catholic people stay away, often for years. They need help in healing. Whatever the reason, I believe it is well worthwhile for “former” Catholics to meet with a parish priest or other parish minister to explain what is necessary, and ease their return. Of course, a priest will also be able to help such individuals deal appropriately with other possible factors, previous marriages for example, that will necessarily be involved in renewing their practice of the Catholic faith. □ The Q & A section is an edited version o f Father John D ietzen’s column.

“I tell you... there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over thirty-nine righteous people who have no need o f repentance.” - L uke 15.7

Bulletin of the Family Life Society, Archdiocese of Singapore

One More Child

From the E D Dear Friends of Family Life, As we move into this season of Lent and journey towards Easter, we at Family Life Society are filled with awe and gratitude at the blessings and support that we’ve received the past 12 months from God and our faith community. At a recent Network Meeting attended by Coordinators from FLS’ and Affiliates’ 14 programmes and services, our Patron Archbishop Nicholas Chia reminded everyone o f the vital importance the Family is to all of society, and that we are called to work handin-hand to support one another in protecting this Godgiven institution from the worldly influences threatening to undermine it. This message is not just for us in FLS, but for everyone out there who cherishes the fam ily and all that it stands for. Yes. there are threats to undermine the real meaning and understanding of the family, of marriage and of human life - work stress and secular lifestyles, promiscuity and cohabitation, contraceptive practices and abortions, divorces^and separations, embryonic stem cell research and human cloning, homosexuality and gay marriages - the list goes on as selfishness and concupiscence set in and take over from faith, hope and love. Some of the results of the family in crisis include our alarming and fast-declining fertility rate - at 1.26 per cent the lowest ever in Singapore's history - yet with one-out-of-four live births being sadly aborted, one-outof-four marriages breaking up, with single-parent families on the rise and extended fam ilies on the decline. The trauma all these lead to can only be comprehended by those experiencing or being affected by such events, and by all those in positions o f authority who realise the negative effects on the health and future of a nation, For sure, there are many out there who are in need of help to understand, accept and cope with these issues. Let us then reflect on our personal role and identity as Christians in God’s plan, and on our larger role as we are called to serve God, His Church and the community at large in promoting a deeper understanding and reverence for marriage, fam ily and human life.

By Joann &John Ooi

In the wake o f the ba by shortage in Singapore, Joh n an d Joann O oi - Fam ily Life E ducators and parents o f s ix children, age 3 to 16 years old, share h o w C atholics can m eet the challenges o f ju g g lin g careers an d ra isin g a fam ily. Jo h n is a ls o the a u th o r o f “ B alancin g W ork an d F a m ily - and E n jo yin g I t ’’. The fo llo w in g article is taken from the ir presentation at the 10th Human Life International Asia-P acific Congress in N ovem ber 2003, w hich is available on the H LI C ongress VCD a n d in the B ook o f Proceedings.

God bless you and your families, James Wong Executive Director


y S.17.4Jl-S

“ The P assion” C ath olic C hurch C harity Prem iere 29 March, O rchard C ineleisure 7 pm In aid of Family Life Society. Tickets at $80, $50 and $30 are available from Family Life Society. For ticket bookings by cash and card, call 6488 0280. For block bookings (above 20 seats) call Jarod Chiew: 98501215. M arriage E ncou nter W eekend, 2 - 4 A p ril, S alvation A rm y C hangi C onference C entre A weekend marriage enrichment programme for couples to deepen their relationship. Tel: 6289 5349 Legal A id 5 A p ril, M onday, Fam ily Life S ociety Free legal counsel on fam ily related issues given by experienced lawyers. From 7 pm to 9 pm at 2 Highland Road. No appointment required. Jo y fu l P arenting - C ath olic Moms S upp ort G roup M eetings The monthly prayer meetings and support group is open to all Catholic mothers. * 28 March, 11.45 am to 12.45 pm at Church of the Holy Cross (St Matthew Room). Topic: “ How Y o u r C hild Learns” ~ Tel: 90227652 • 4 April, 4,30 pm to 5.30 pm at Church o f Christ the King (Rm 109) Topic: "T he D iffe re n t Stages o f C h ild h o o d ” -T e l: 92713335 C hoice W eekend 23 - 25 A p ril at C hoice Retreat House, 47 Ju ro n g W est S t 42 A weekend programme for single adults to discover self and the importance of fam ily relationships. Tel: 9307 7752/ 9671 0767

F a m ily Life S o c i e t y Catholic Archdiocesan Education Centre 2 Highland Road, #LG-01, Singapore 549102 Tel: 6488 0278

Our Programmes and Affiliates: Family and Marital Counselling; Pregnancy Crisis Sen/Ice; Youth Life-Line; Joyful Parenting; Catholic Legal Aid; Celebration of Life; Marriage Encounter; Engaged Encounter; Couples for Christ; Marriage Preparation Course; Natural Family Planning; Hope, Retrouvallle and Choice,

Why are Singaporeans having so few babies? When you talk to young couples, you hear explanations such as “It is too costly to raise children', “I don’t have enough time - my job is too demanding" or “Children will slow me down in my career”. There is a common trait to these - fear o f some sort - and a root cause for it - materialism and a consumer mentality. We have as a society put things before people. If the declining birth rate continues, it is a matter of time before Singaporeans become extinct. How do you address people's fears and the deeply embedded consumer mentality? For Catholics, there is a dear solution which simply lies in knowing and accepting God's plan for you. For some couples, the number o f children you have now may be just what God wants you to have. Now your task, His Plan for you, is their education (in the fall sense of the word). For some couples, He may give you no children. His Plan for you may be to become spiritual parents to others. Yet for other couples, His Plan may be for you to have one or even more than one child. If so, our God of Love is hoping that you will make the gift o f yourself, your time, energy and effort to become a parent once more, God may be asking you, inviting you to become a co-creator with him, hoping that you will be open and receptive to his invitation, We wouldn’t know, of course, what God Is asking o f you, in your own marriages. However we do know that each and every Christian Is invited to live the human and Christian virtues heroically. In addition to faith, hope and charity, these virtues Indude generosity, detachment and order. Certainly, one o f the virtues to be lived with regard to fam ily size is generosity, A child Is a gift from God. God wants us to be generous in accepting His gifts, so much so that if we are serious in trying to live our Faith, with regard to family size, generosity should be our first consideration, If you feel daunted by the thought o f a large family, just think - every new addition to your fam ily is just one more child. You can be sure that God will give you the strength and graces to cope heroically with one more child.

Only if there are “grave m otives', should we consider avoiding a new birth for the time being or for an indeterminate period, The Church has not defined what a grave motive is. But reasons such as a desire for an annual holiday overseas or a desire for a still higher living standard when we are comfortably well off are not “grave". Our Faith tells us not to fear (Luke 1:31, Matthew 14:27, Mark 5:36, Luke 12:32). We need to learn to trust in God’s divine providence, which never falls. A D D R E S S IN G C O M M O N FE A R S Cosf; Right now, you may feel that what you are earning is barely sufficient to for the needs of your family. Let’s do a thought experiment. Let’s say your boss doubles your salary tomorrow. Will there be sufficient for the needs o f your family? Probably. But what If you are asked the same question a year later? At that time, you may again be saying that what you are earning is barely sufficient to for the needs of your family. Why? Because you have changed your cost or standard of living and increased your expenditure.

“How happy are the poor in spirit, theirs is the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 5:3) The point is that we all need to try to live the virtue of detachment and the spirit o f poverty. We need to get rid of the delusion that what we have belongs to us alone, as if it were a fruit solely of our own efforts. We should recognise that we are trustees of all that God has given to us, be it our talents, money or children. Time: Are you fearful about how time will be demanded from you as a parent, time that you may prefer to use to advance your career? With regard to time, we all need to live the virtue o f order, that is, organising ourselves and using our time according to a right order o f priorities. The key to managing one’s time is to be able to differentiate between the urgent and the important. Urgent matters demand immediate attention, Important matters have great consequence on our lives, our major goals or on our key relationships.

John and Joann Ooi and their six children age 3 to 16 years old.

Knowing our first things means knowing what is important to us, and refusing to be distracted from these by other matters. In particular we need to focus on matters that are important but which do not urgently demand our attention. It also requires that we identify the important matters and say no where necessary, even to good but unimportant things. S E L F -R E N E W A L Striving to be a good parent is energy sapping, but there are three sources we can tap into for self-renewal: From oneself; from one’s relationship with God and from the support and encouragement one gets from one’s spouse. The first source implies that it is important for us to make time for ourselves, to increase our ability to deal with the demands being made on us. On a regular basis, we should do something we enjoy or simply have some time for solitude to catch our breath and recover our composure. The second source implies that parents must pray. This means that they bring to God their joys and sorrows, ask for strength and fortitude to deal with the difficulties and challenges faced, and try to discern what God is asking of them as spouses and parents so that they re-affirm what they are doing or reset direction. The third source requires that spouses work at becoming a team, supporting each other in performing their parental duties. It also means that the spouses need to work at settling issues or conflicts that can sap their energy and divert their attention from parenting responsibilities. Are you consciously working at becoming a more effective parenting team?

10t h H L I A s i a P a c i f i c C o n g r e s s V C Da n d B o o ko f P r o c e e d i n g s O NS A L EN O W ! HLI Book of Proceedings: $25 per copy Single VCD / Talk costs S$12.90 each Set of 6 VCDs for Each Day costs S$40.00 Full Set costs SS144.00 To o rd e r call 9876 5091 o r e-m ail: video.ed@

A“MIRACLEBABY”- THANKSTONFP A re yo u h a vin g tro u b le c o n c e iv in g ? A re yo u unable to re cognise y o u r fe rtile p e rio d s ? Have yo u ju s t had a baby and need to po stpon e y o u r ne xt p re g n a n cy w ith a safe, re lia ble a n d inexp ensive m ethod? A re yo u in keeping w ith the teachings o f o u r m o th e r C hurch on fa m ily p la n n in g ? When Sybil Anthony discovered she had kidney failure in 1988, she was told by doctors that she could not have children as a pregnancy couid cost her life. Although she longed to have her own children, she avoided conception by using Natural Family Planning, Sybil, who was a converted Catholic, was no stranger to NFP. After her was baptism in Blessed Sacrament Church in 1982, she choose to volunteer with the NFP service in her parish even though she was single then, 'I can’t explain why. It’s a calling," she says. A kidney transplant in 1990 gave her a new lease of life and also the hope of having children. Applying her knowledge of Natural Family Planning, she conceived and gave birth to her daughter Sarah in 1991, whom she calls her “miracle baby". Sybil still volunteers actively with NFP, As an instructor, she teaches couples about the method of fam ily planning at Our Lady Star of the Sea every Friday and occasionally helps out at the NFP sessions at Church of the Risen Christ and Mount Alvernia Hospital, As a volunteer, she was also sent to Melbourne to attend the 50th Jubilee Conference and TeacherTraining Course in March last year, She says, “NFP has helped me to understand my struggle. Instead of viewing abstinence as a burden, I’m coping with it, accepting it, making it a part of my marriage and am joyous about it.”

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Sybil Anthony and Her “Miracle t Baby” Sarah.

N F PI s AP o w e r f u l T o o lF o r A c h i e v i n gO r P o s t p o n i n gP r e g n a n c y

N F Pc o n t r i b u t e s t o t h eh e a l t h a n dw e l f a r e o f t h e m a r r i a g e

The greater effectiveness of NFP is due to a much more precise and systematic approach in which couples observe changes in the womanfs cervical mucus to determine fertile and non-fertile phases. Since cervical mucus is responsive to the chemical/hormonal changes that regulate fertility, NFP users are able to accurately determine when they are fertile and when they are not. The outmoded calendar rhythm method was more of an educated guess that relied heavily on the erroneous assumption that fertility cycles are the same from month to month. The process takes only minutes a day, and with the observance of a few simple rules yields an effectiveness for achieving pregnancy, Numerous studies show NFP can be used at the 99 per cent level of effectiveness for postponing pregnancy.

Unlike contraception, which acts as an inhibitor of one’s natural fertility, NFP keeps it intact and works within it. In this way it is not a rejection of the gifts that husband and wife have to offer each other. The marital embrace is a complete gift of self to one’s spouse. Yet these gifts are not reducible to a sharing in the physiological aspects of fertility. The marital act is a visible sign of the reality that two have become one; that in the covenant of marriage each spouse belongs fully to the other - nothing is held back. If fertility is withheld, this covenant expression is weakened. It becomes a conspicuous reservation in which spouses say, "you can have all of me except my power to give life." It is not hard to understand why many married people feel used, even betrayed, by contraceptive sex; for implicit in this mutual withholding of self is a mutual rejection. Sex that does not accept the fullness of the other can easily become self-directed, reducing sex to a matter of self-indulgence and physical gratification, so much so that it becomes a wedge instead of a bond. The Church teaches against contraception not to impose arbitrary prohibitions, but to safeguard marriage and to deepen the expression o f marital love.

N F Pi s s a f e , h e a l t h y , a n di n e x p e n s i v e NFP does nothing to chemically alter a woman's natural cycle and makes use of no invasive or prophylactic measures such as lUDs, diaphragms, condoms, and spermicides to interfere with a woman’s fertility. There is no cost to NFP. Compare this to the cost of pills, condoms, implants, Injections, doctor visits, treatment for side effects, and the cost difference is obvious. One advantage o f NFP over contraception is that it Is immediately reversible unlike lUDs, injections, implants, and sterilisation,

W h a ti s N a t u r a lF a m i l y P l a n n i n g ? NFP is a comprehensive method of fam ily planning whereby the couple monitors their fertility to determine fertile and non-fertile phases for the purpose of either achieving or postponing pregnancy.

To learn NFP: Call FLS: 6488 0278 or your parish for details. To teach NFP: If you currently use NFP and want to share the joy of a Pro-Life method with others, join us at our next Instructors Course on 17,18 and 25 April. Contact Celia: 97353707 or Sybil: 91061990. Or email





Monday, Mar 29: 8 pm



Monday, Mar 29: 8 pm


Tuesday, Mar 30: 8 pm



Tuesday, March 30: 8 pm

Wednesday, Mar 31: 8 pm



Wednesday, March 31:8 pm

Thursday, Apr 1: 8 pm



Friday, Apr 2: 8 pm

Thursday, Apr 1: 8 pm CHURCH OF ST IGNATIUS Friday, Apr 2: 8 pm




D ate: T hursday, A pril 8, 2004 at 10.30 am, V enue: C hu rch o f O ur L ady o f Perpetual Succour. C elebrant: A rchbishop N icholas Chia. C oncelebrated by all the priests serving in the A rchdiocese o f Singapore.

• • • •

H o ly T h u r s d a y (A p ril 8) G o o d F r id a y (A p ril 9) H o ly S a tu rd a y (A p ril 10) E a ste r S u n d a y (A p ril 11)

CITY DISTRICT CATHEDRAL OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD Holy Thursday: M ass 6.30 pm. A doration till 12 M n. Good Friday: W ay o f the C ross/ S ervices 2.30 pm & 5.30 pm . Holy Saturday: E aster Vigil 9 pm. Easter Sunday: 8 am , 10 am & 6 pm. C H U R C H O F SS P E T E R & P A U L Holy Thursday: M ass 6 pm & 7.30 pm (*M ). A doration till 12 M n. Good Friday: Service 10 am (*M ) & 3 pm Holy Saturday: E aster Vigil 6.30 pm (*M) & 8.30 pm . Easter Sunday: 8.30 am (*M ), 10 am & 5.30 pm. ST J O S E P H ’S C H U R C H

Holy Thursday: M ass 6 pm . A doration till 12 M n.

Good Friday: W ay o f the C ross 9 am,

Wednesday, Mar 31: 10.30 am & 8 pm



Tuesday, March 30: 10.30 am & 8 pm

CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF LOURDES Holy Thursday: M ass 6 pm. Good Friday: Service 8 am (*T), 10 am, W ay o f the C ross, 11 am (M alayalam ), 3 pm . Holy Saturday: E aster Vigil 9 pm . Easter Sunday: 8 am (Tamil), 10 am, 5.30 pm (M alayalam ). CH URCH O F TH E SACRED HEART

Holy Thursday: M ass 6 pm. Good Friday: W ay o f the C ross/Service 10 am (M *), 3 pm.

Holy Saturday: E aster Vigil 7.15 pm (M *), 10 pm.

Easter Sunday: 8 am (M *), 9 am , 11 am & 5.30 pm. CHURCH OF ST BERNADETTE

Holy Thursday: M ass 6.30 pm. Good Friday: W ay o f the C ross/Service 9 am (C *), 3 pm . Holy Saturday: E aster Vigil 9 pm . Easter Sunday: 8 am (C *), 9.15 am , 10.45 am & 5.30 pm. C H U R C H O F S T M IC H A E L Holy Thursday: M ass 8 pm , A doration till 12 M n.. Good Friday: W ay o f the C ross/Service 9 am (M *), 11 am , 3 pm. Holy Saturday: E aster V igil/M ass 8 pm with baptism . Easter Sunday: 7.30 am (M *) w ith baptism & 9.30 am .


Thursday, Apr 1: 10.30 am & 8 pm



Wednesday, March 31: 8 pm

Wednesday, March 31: 8 pm

Friday, Apr 2: 8 pm



Thursday, Apr 1: 10.30 am & 8 pm

Thursday, Apr 1: 8 pm



Friday, Apr 2: 10.30 am & 8 pm

Friday, Apr 2: 8 pm




Monday, Apr 5: 10.30 am & 8 pm CHURCH OF OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE

Tuesday, Apr 6: 8 pm

C H U R C H O F ST T E R E S A Holy Thursday: M ass 7 pm . A doration till 11.30 pm. Good Friday: W ay o f th e C ross/Service 10 am (C hildren Service), 2.30 pm . Holy Saturday: E aster Vigil w ith B aptism 9 pm Easter Sunday: 8 .30 am , 10 am & 6 pm . NO VENA CHURCH Holy Thursday: M ass 7 pm , A doration till 11 pm. Good Friday: W ay o f th e C ross/Service 3 pm. Holy Saturday: E aster Vigil 8 pm . Easter Sunday: m asses as usual.

EAST DISTRICT CHURCH O F OUR LADY OF PER PETUAL SUCC O U R Holy Thursday: M ass 5 pm , 6.30 pm. A doration till 12 M n. Good Friday: W ay o f the C ross/Service/ Veneration 7.30 am (*M ), 10 am , 12.30 pm , 3 pm , 5.30 pm . Holy Saturday: E aster Vigil 8 pm with adult B aptism . Easter Sunday: 7.30 am (M *), 8.45 am, 10.15 am 12 noon & 6 pm .

Service 6 pm.

Holy Saturday: Veneration 7 am -noon, E aster Vigil 8 pm. Easter Sunday: 8.30 am , 10 am & 5 pm .


C H U R C H O F T H E H O L Y F A M ILY Holy Thursday: M ass 6.30 pm. A doration till 12 M n. Good Friday: W ay o f the C ross/Service 8.30 am , 11.30 a m , 2.30 pm. Holy Saturday: E aster Vigil 8 pm with adult B aptism . Easter Sunday: 7.15 am , 9.15 am 11.15 am & 6 pm (*M ). C H U R C H O F T H E H O L Y T R IN IT Y Holy Thursday: M ass 5 pm , 6.30 pm. A doration till 12 M n. Good Friday: Service/V eneration 8 am (M *), 10.30 am , 1 pm , 3.30 pm , 6 pm. Holy Saturday: E aster Vigil 8 pm w ith baptism . Easter Sunday: 8 am , 9.30 am , 11 am , 12.30 pm & 6 pm . 3 pm (*M ) with baptism . CHURCH OF OUR LADY QUEEN O F PEACE Holy Thursday:Mass 6.30 pm (B ilingual) A doration till 12 Mn. Good Friday: W ay o f the C ross/Service 9 am (M *) 3 pm. Holy Saturday: E aster Vigil 7.30 pm (M *), 10 pm. Easter Sunday: 7.30 am (M *), 9 am, 10.30 am & 6 pm.

Monday, Apr 5: 10.30 am & 8 pm

Monday, Apr 5: 8 pm

S T J O S E P H ’S C H U R C H


Tuesday, Apr 6: 8 pm

Tuesday, Apr 6: 8 pm

Holy Thursday: M ass 6.30 pm . Good Friday: W ay o f the C ross/Service

CH U R C H O F ST M ARY O F THE ANGELS Holy Thursday: M ass 6 pm , 8 pm. Good Friday: Prayer 9 am . Service 11 am (M *), 1 pm , 3 pm , W ay o f the C ross/P ray er 6 pm. Holy Saturday: 9 am , E aster Vigil 9 pm. Easter Sunday: 7.30 am (M *), 9 am , 10.45 am , 12.30 pm & 5.30 pm.

7.30 am , 10 am , 12.30 pm (M *), 3.30 pm & 5.30 pm. Holy Saturday: E aster Vigil 7 pm , 9.30 p m w ith B aptism s. Easter Sunday: 7.30 am (* M w ith B aptism ), 9.45 am , 11.30 a m & 6 pm .


Holy Thursday: M ass 6.30 pm . Good Friday: 10 am & 3 pm, 12 JO pm (M*). Holy Saturday: E aster V igil 9 pm Easter Sunday: M asses as usual. C H U R C H O F T H E HOLY C RO SS Holy Thursday: M ass 7 pm . H oly H our 8.30 pm (*M ), 9 pm , 10 pm & 11 pm . Good Friday: 8.30 am (M *), 11 am , 3 pm , W ay o f the C ross 7 pm Holy Saturday: E aster V igil 8 pm with B aptism . Easter Sunday: 7.15 am (M * w ith B aptism ), 9 am , 10.45 a m & 6 pm. C H U R C H O F ST F R A N C IS O F A SSISI Holy Thursday: M ass 7 pm . Good Friday: W ay o f th e C ross/Service 8 am (T*), 10.30 am , 3 pm (M *), 5.30 pm. Holy Saturday: E aster Vigil 6.30 pm (M *) & 9 pm both w ith B aptism . Easter Sunday: M asses as usual. C H U R C H O F ST IG N A T IU S Holy Thursday: M ass 7 pm . Good Friday: P rayer 7 am , W ay o f the C ross 11 am , S erv ice 3 pm , 6 pm. Holy Saturday: E aster Vigil 8.30 pm w ith baptism . Easter Sunday: 7 am , 8.15 a m , 10.15 am , 12 noon & 6 pm.

NORTH DISTRICT CHURCH OF OUR LADY ST A R O F T H E SEA Holy Thursday: M ass 6 p m ,7.3 0 pm. Good Friday: Service 9.3 0 am (M *), 3 pm , 5.30 pm . Holy Saturday: E aster Vigil 8.30 pm Easter Sunday: 7.45 am , 9 am , 10.15 am , 11.45 am , & 6 pm . HOLY S P IR IT C H U R C H

Holy Thursday: M a ss 6 .30 pm , H oly hou r 8 pm .

Good Friday: W ay o f the C ross/Service 10 am & 3 pm .

Holy Saturday: 8 pm w ith baptism . Easter Sunday: 7 am , 9 am , 11 am & 6 pm


Holy Thursday: M ass 6.30 pm. Good Friday:Way o f the C ross/Service 3 pm .

Holy Saturday: E aster Vigil 9 pm w ith adu lt B aptism & Pot-L uck. Easter Sunday: 7.30 am (*M ), 10 am & 5.30 pm.




Holy Thursday: M ass 4 pm , 6 pm. Good Friday: W ay o f the C ross/Service 8 a m (M *), 10.30 am , 2.30 pm , 5 pm . Holy Saturday: E aster V igil 9 pm Easter Sunday: 7 am , 8.15 am (*M ), 9.30 am , 11 am , 6 pm .

C H U R C H O F ST A N T H O N Y Holy Thursday: M ass 7 pm. Good Friday:S ervice 9 am , 12 noon (M *), 3 pm. Holy Saturday: E aster Vigil 7.30 pm w ith Baptism . Easter Sunday: 7.30 am (C *), 9.15 am , 11 am & 6 pm . ST J O S E P H ’S C H U R C H Holy Thursday: M ass 6.30 pm . Good Friday: Service 10 am & 3 pm , Holy Saturday: E aster Vigil 9 pm. Easter Sunday: 7.30 a m (M *) w ith bap tism , 9.30 am , 11 am & 5.30 pm.

SERANGOON DISTRICT C H U R C H O F T H E N A T IV IT Y O F T H E B L E S S E D V IR G IN M A R Y Holy Thursday: M ass 6.30 pm (*M ), 8 pm Good Friday: W ay o f the C ross/Service 2.30 p m (C *), 5.30 pm . Holy Saturday: E aster Vigil 7.30 pm (*M at Youth C entre), 8 pm . Easter Sunday: M asses at usual.

C H U R C H O F S T F R A N C IS X AVIER Holy Thursday: M ass 6.30 pm . Good Friday: Service 9 am, 11.30 am, 3 pm Holy Saturday: Easter Vigil 7 pm. Easter Sunday: 7 am , 9 am , 10.45 am & 6 pm . C H U R C H O F ST V IN C E N T D E PAUL Holy Thursday: M ass 7 pm . adoration till 12 m idnight. Good Friday: W ay o f the C ross/Service 3 pm , 5 pm. Holy Saturday: Easter Vigil 8 pm with baptism . Easter Sunday: 7 am , 9 am, 11 am , 6 pm. C H U R C H O F T H E IM M A C U L A T E HEART O F MARY Holy Thursday: 6.30 pm , exposition o f the B lessed S acram ent till m idnight. Good Friday: 9 am , 10 am & 3 pm. Holy Saturday: Easter Vigil 8 pm with baptism Easter Sunday: 7 am , 8.30 am , 10.45 am & 6.15 pm. C H U R C H O F ST A N N E Holy Thursday: M ass 6 pm & 8 pm. Good Friday: Service 8 am , 10.30 am , 2 pm , W ay o f th e C ross 5.30 pm. Holy Saturday: E aster Vigil 8 pm w ith baptism Easter Sunday: 7.30 am , 9 am , 10.30 am. N o te: (*T) Tamil, (*M ) M andarin, (*C ) C hinese.

6 2 y e a r s to g e th e r a n d w a n tin g m o r e

Statistics on rising divorce rates and stories of failed marriages that we hear from the mass media or friends may sometimes cause us to feel that happy families are a dying breed. Not true. There are still many, many happy marriages and even troubled ones can be made better. Two of these success stories are told by Sr Wendy Ooi, fsp.


The vocation By H. Richard M cC ord Jr.

EVERY year, parishes and dioceses hold celebrations to honour married couples and emphasize the value of marriage. This is often an occasion to recognize couples who have reached milestone wedding anniversaries. The couple who have been married longest are customarily asked to pass on some wisdom about married life. The stories these couples tell differ in the details, but commitment is always at

ROSIE SEAH, aged 85 and Peter, aged 86, celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary earlier this year at the Church of the Holy Trinity. They have five children and nine grandchildren. The couple met through friends and tied the knot after three years of courtship. Peter remembers that day - Jan 17, 1942 vividly. “It was during the Second World War and we had war planes flying above us.” The newlyweds were not Catholics then. Rosie did aspire to join the Catholic Church but Peter came from a staunch Buddhist family. He recalls, “When I was young, I didn’t think of God. But as I faced a lot of problems, I started going to Novena Church and found a sense of peace there.” Almost immediately after the death of Peter’s father, the couple, with their first two children had instruction in the Catholic faith and were baptized as a family in 1957 at the Church of Our Lady Queen of Peace. Peter used to work with the father of Rosie at Singapore Auctioneers. Today, even in his 80s, he runs his own insurance agency. Rosie, a great-granddaughter of philanthropist Tan Tock Seng, was always a housewife, taking care of their children. The couple are grateful and marvel at the longevity of their lives and their marriage. As to the secret of their nuptial success, Peter reveals, “Marriage is a two-way traffic. We have to give and take. We do quarrel but the next moment, we are friends.” He then adds, “I never lay a hand on Rosie, nor use vulgar words.” Rosie says with a smile, “Peter still has a temper but my policy is to forgive and forget, as God also forgives us.” A G od-filled relationship God is at the centre of their lives. Both Peter and Rosie exude a peaceful countenance that comes from a prayerful life. Rosie admits that Peter is more prayerful than she. “He never misses his morning and evening prayers, and his rosary.” Peter adds, “It is part of my daily prayer and I have a ring rosary which makes it convenient for me to pray even on the bus or on the MRT. The minimum I pray is 15 decades.” Peter’s great devotion to Our Lady springs from his long allegiance to the Legion of Mary which he joined in 1957,

the year he was baptized. He served as president for many years and though he left the Legion when he reached his 70s, he is still invited from time to time to give talks. He declares, “The Legion helped me grow in my faith and prayer life.” Faith and prayer are also what Rosie and Peter tried to impart to their children. When the children were young, the whole family would pray the rosary together every Sunday. Peter affirms, “The only way to bring up children is by setting a good example. I was strict with them especially

faith, “God helps me. When I feel lonely, I pray.” On her good days, she is able to step out of the house and attend Mass. She exclaims, “When I am able to go to church, I am so happy.” In moments of pain and suffering, she admits that she sometimes asks God to take her home but Peter would comfort and encourage her, telling her, “In his (God’s) time,” and to leave everything in God’s hands. Peter too has his share of illness with heart problems and also watches his food.

Abiding love when it comes to religion and going to church. I also gave them the best I could.” The Seahs ensure that their home is always filled with holy pictures. They now stay with one of their sons and his family in a home which is also decorated with holy pictures. The couple is proud of all their children and confident that they are good Catholics and regular church goers. Both Rosie and Peter see everything, especially their life and their love, as God’s gift. However the greatest trial for the couple is the one they are facing now Rosie’s 26 years of illness. She has cancer of the colon and stomach, and has been operated on three times. The last operation, six years ago, lasted eight hours after which she went into a coma for 10 days. All were ready for the worse but miraculously she pulled through. She continues to suffer bouts of acute pain and with only half a stomach, she has to be careful with her diet. Rosie continues to find strength in her

Yet he still leads a busy life, shuttling daily between work, church and providing spiritual and moral support to Rosie at home. Every day, after attending Mass, he brings back Holy Communion for Rosie. The recipe for the Seahs’ love and commitment to one another is evidently grounded in their fidelity and faith in God who works all things well for those who trust in him. Their marriage is an inspiration for all Catholic couples. □

helping couples get through inevitable moral considerations, financial realities, the heart of their relationship. They didn’t difficulties. social pressures, concerns for the children, just stay together, they remained A long-term perspective can also be the etc. Constraint commitment makes ending committed in their promise. They even hallmark of a holy marriage when the view a relationship seem more costly than grew more committed over the years. In a or “story” of the marriage arises out of a staying in it. Not a bad thing! Marriages sense, they came to be committed to the sense of vocation. Catholic teaching can still be reasonably happy when very idea of marital commitment. traditionally has understood marriage to be constraint commitment rules. When we think of the effort involved in 2. Dedication commitment. This causesa vocation on a par with vocations to priest­ living the marriage vows, we picture many hood and consecrated life. The Catechism a marriage to thrive and brings couples to a specific behaviors and daily attempts to place of the Catholic Church says, “The vocation deeper level of peace. It is founded on the the good of one’s spouse above personal to marriage is written in the very nature of characteristics of love that St. Paul needs. Commitment is all this and more. man and woman as they come from the enumerates in 1 Cor 13:4-8: patience, Scott Stanley, co-director of the Center for hands of the Creator” (No. 1603). In short, kindness, trust, truth, humility, etc. Marital and Family Studies at the University marriage is the foundational vocation. It is Stanley says that a core component of of Denver, has studied marital commitment also the calling of most Christians. dedication commitment is wanting and for more than 20 years. He distinguishes two Yet it is frequently the forgotten or expecting the relationship to continue and to types of commitment that can be present in overlooked vocation. From a certain last. This type of commitment constructs a a marriage. In most cases they are blended. vantage point, marriage seems so ordinary. 1. Constraint commitment. This keeps long-term view of the relationship. Such a In another view, marriage can seem more perspective is crucial to a healthy marriage, the relationship together from the force of


R A Y M O N D and K ay now volun teer as a H ouse couple for the R etrou vaille w eekends. T heir d au ghters, K im berly, aged 12, and Sarah, aged 15, accom p any them on these “fam ily ” w eek en d s w h ich they all enjoy.







RAYMOND and Kay Chia were married in 1986. Their first six months together was fine, but after that it was “bumpy all the way.” There were some happy moments and many periods of “bad times.” Spells of violence resulted in the breaking of bowls, tables and a door at their home. Often they would give each other the silent treatment in cold wars that could last up to two weeks, speaking to each other only through their two daughters. Sometimes things would get so bad that Raymond would move out of the house for a week or two. Despite this, they plodded on in the volatile relationship because they loved each other. However, their marriage continued to deteriorate and it got so bad that they seriously considered separating in 1994. Kay sought counseling help ( where??) and found out from her counselor about the Retrouvaille programme. (Retrouvaille is a French word pronounced as “retro-vie”, meaning “rediscovery”). The programme is

like a personal choice influenced by the desires and devices of two people. For these and other reasons calling marriage a vocation might seem a bit of a stretch. Not so. The Bible is filled with stories of people being called. The Bible’s “vocation stories” are woven of common threads. Think of the times Jesus called people to follow him. In these stories are elements of being attracted to or “falling for” someone, being invited into a life of intimacy, entering upon a larger venture or more important mission than ever and having the implications of all this unfold over time. Doesn’t this sound like getting married? We all have a vocation. Marriage would be the path for most of us. Others would follow a call to be a priest or nun. Everyone’s life has a purpose, though, and








described in brochures as a “lifeline for hurting marriages.” Kay recounts, “I was really desperate and here was one resort which we hadn’t tried. I felt there was no harm in trying. If our marriage works out, then it’s saved. If not, then at least we tried.” However Raymond’s initial reaction was one of resistance and scepticism. He says, “I felt at first that our problems were personal and I was reluctant to go for help. Why go outside when you can settle by yourself? And what can a programme do over a weekend?” “Anyway, I just tagged along,” he adds. A relationship-changing weekend At the Retrouvaille weekend, Raymond and Kay were surprised to see couples worse off than they including one where the wife would stand at one end of the room and the husband at the other. The Chias realised then that their marriage was not as bad as they had thought. They were

this begins with God calling us to a choice in life. It is really God’s choice or dream for us, but we have to make it ours by our decision to respond. To see marriage as a vocation is to imagine God opening a road before us and inviting us to follow him along it all our days. This journey becomes “the story of us” - really the story of us and God - that defines who we are as a couple. It provides a direction, a framework for interpreting what happens to us along the way. It gives us reason to endure, to rejoice, to grow. No doubt it is one of the main reasons couples can stay happily married for many years. Once they said yes to their vocation, there was just no turning back. M cC ord is director o f the U.S. b ish o ps’ Secretariat f o r Fam ily, Laity, Women an d Youth.

also amazed to see there a couple who were already grandparents trying to improve their marriage.This was another motivation for the Chias. Through Retrouvaille, Raymond and Kay realized that their problems in communication and not being able to see things eye-to-eye resulted from many issues that they refused to talk about. These were swept under the carpet, the cumulatice effect of which was explosive from time to time. Raymond says, “Basically we just didn’t know how to handle our problems or control ourselves.” From the presentations made by team couples, the Chias were able to identify and relate to the different problems that all marriages face but realized that it is how one handles the problems that is the key. Raymond says, “I would say ‘that’s us’ they are talking about but this is how they view it or handle their problem.” At the end of the Re trouvaille programme, Raymond and Kay realized that they must make a decision to change. And d change they have, for the better. With additional help from follow up sessions in smaller groups, the Chias have now successfully reconciled their differences and improved their communication skills. Their home no longer suffers from violence. Raymond says, “We still have our tiffs but at acceptable levels. But this is healthy otherwise we w on’t understand the changes in each other. If I make Kay angry, then I realize ‘oops, I ’ve hit on something she doesn’t like.’” The Chias continue to discover and understand the changes in one another day by day. Raymond and Kay currently volunteer as a House couple for the Retrouvaille weekends, taking care of the logistics and preparing breakfast for the participants. Their two daughters, Kimberly, aged 12, and Sarah, aged 15, accompany and help them on those weekends. Raymond says, “The whole family enjoys being together on those weekends which is considered a family weekend.” The Chias also enjoy occasional family holidays. But Raymond and Kay find it also important to spend time together alone, away from their children. They sometimes leave the children at home and go out for a meal together. Kimberly says, “We would then beg, ‘please take us along.’” Sarah would then add “if not, then bring home some supper!” Both Sarah and Kimberly agree that their home is much more peaceful now than before their parents attended Retrouvaille. Kay highly recommends the Retrouvaille programme which is now in its 10th year in Singapore, “Couples should not be ashamed of attending Retrouvaille but should be proud that they have rectified their marriage rather than end up in divorce. We have truly benefited from the programme. All that’s needed is an open mind.” Though Retrouvaille is a programme of the Catholic Church, it is open to couples of any faith as it is not a spiritual retreat. □


Saving troubled marriages RETROUVAILLE, a programme of the Catholic Church, offers hope to couples caught in troubled marriages. Retrouvaille says most of its participants reconciled and some re­ married, and marriage therapists hail it as a marriage saver.

What it is: Retrouvaille is a 3month peer ministry made up of a Weekend Programme, a Post­ weekend Programme and a peer group support programme. The Weekend programme is conducted by a team of three married couples and a priest who take turns to share their values and insights on marriage and personal stories of struggle, reconciliation and healing. The hurting couples attending the programme are given time for personal reflection and are invited to see how listening, forgiveness, communication and even fighting are healthy tools for building a stable relationship.

Who it is for: Retrouvaille is for couples (of all faiths) whose marriage have become troubled, unloving or uncaring, cold and distant, or if they are thinking of separation or divorce or if they are already divorced or separated but want to try being together again.

Cost: A registration fee of $50 and a donation later. But Retrouvaille will give the weekend free to couples in financial difficulty. Information: Contact Lawrence or Christina at 64239756 or visit the Retrouvaille website http:// RTVhome.html □


Good marriages made better Who it is for: Marriage Encounter is for any couple who want to enrich their marriage whether they’ve been married for a short time or for many years.

What a Marriage Encounter Weekend is: The weekend is a positive, common sense experience between husband and wife that revitalizes marriage by helping couples see what their relationship could and should be. It offers couples a technique of loving communication that they can use for the rest of their lives. It is not a retreat nor a marriage clinic. It looks at the future, not the past. □

Information: Visit http://

S 3 Sunday, March 28 □

Jesus suffered in solidarity with man WE tend to misunderstand “the Passion of Jesus”. Spontaneously we think of it as the pain of the physical sufferings he endured on the road to his death. Partly, that misses the point. Jesus’s passion should be understood precisely, as “passio”, passivity, a certain submissive helplessness he had to undergo in counter-distinction to his power and activity. The passion of Jesus refers to the helplessness he had to endure during the last hours of his life, a helplessness extremely fruitful for him and for us. And the first component in that helplessness begins in the Garden of Gethsemane, immediately after he has celebrated the Last Supper. The Scriptures tell us that he went out into the garden with his disciples to pray for the strength he needed to face the ordeal that was now imminent. It is significant that this agony should take place in a garden. In archetypal literature (and Scripture, among other things, is this kind of literature), a garden is not a place to pick cucumbers and onions. Archetypally, a garden is the place of delight, the place of love, the place to drink wine, the place where lovers meet in the moonlight, the place of intimacy. The garden is paradise. That’s why Adam and Eve are described as being in a garden. So it’s no accident that Jesus ends up having to sweat blood in a garden. And it’s precisely as a lover that he’s in agony there. The Jesus who sweats blood in the garden of Gethsemane is not the great King, full of pain because the sheep will not heed the shepherd; nor is it the great Magus, full of sorrow because nobody wants to pick up on the truth he’s revealed; nor is it the great warrior, frustrated in his efforts to defeat the powers of sin, death, and darkness. These pains and frustrations mostly take place elsewhere, among the crowds, in the temple, in the desert. The garden is for lovers, not for kings, magi, and warriors. It’s Jesus, the lover, the one who calls us to intimacy and delight with him, who sweats blood in the garden. That’s why, in describing his suffering during his passion, the evangelists focus little on his physical sufferings (which must have been horrific). Indeed, Mark puts it all in a single line: “They led him away and crucified him.” What the Gospel writers focus on is not the scourging, the whips, the ropes, the nails, the physical pain - none of that. They emphasise rather that, in all of this, Jesus is alone, m isunderstood, lonely, isolated, without support, unanim ity-m inus-one. W hat’s By Fr Ronald emphasised is his suffering as a lover; the agony Rolheiser of a heart that’s ultra-sensitive, gentle, loving, understanding, warm, inviting, hungry to embrace everyone but which instead finds itself misunderstood, alone, isolated, hated, brutalised, facing murder. That’s the point that has been too often missed in both spirituality and popular devotion. I remember, as a young boy, being instructed by a wonderful nun who told us that Jesus sweated blood in the Garden of Gethsemane because, in his divine nature, he was saddened because he already foresaw that many people would not accept the sacrifice of his death. That’s a wonderfully pious thought, but it misses the point of what happened in Gethsemane. In Gethsemane, we see Jesus suffering as a lover. His agony is not that of the son of God, frustrated because many people will not accept his sacrifice, nor even is his agony the all-too-understandable fear of the physical pain that awaits him. No, his real pain is that of the lover who’s been misunderstood and rejected in a way that is mortal and humiliating. What Jesus is undergoing in Gethsemane might aptly be, paralleled to what a good, faithful, loving, very sensitive, and deeply respectful man or woman would feet if he or she were falsely accused of paedophilia, publicly judged as guilty, and now made to stand powerless, isolated, misunderstood, and falsely judged before the world, family, friends, and loved ones. Such a person too would surely pray: “If it is possible, let this cup pass from me!” The agony in the garden is many things, but, first of all, it’s Jesus’s entry into the darkest black hole of human existence, the black hole of bitter misunderstanding, rejection, aloneness, loneliness, humiliation, and helplessness to do anything about it. The agony in the Garden is the black hole of sensitivity brutalised by callousness, love brutalised by hatred, goodness brutalised by misunderstanding, innocence brutalised by wrong judgement, forgiveness brutalised by murder, and heaven brutalised by hell. This is the deepest, black hole of loneliness and it brings the lover inside us to the ground in agony begging for release. But, whenever our mouths are pushed into the dust of misunderstanding and loneliness inside that black hole, it’s helpful to know that Jesus was there before us, tasting just our kind of loneliness. □

Isaiah 43:16-2 1; Psalm 126:1-6; Philippians 3:8-14; John 8: 1 -11

Jesus doesn’t condemn us

HAVE you ever been caught red-handed doing something wrong? Do you remember how you felt? Well, that’s how this woman must have felt: guilty, ashamed, and scared of the consequences for her crime. And to top it all off, she was brought before Jesus - a renowned and controversial rabbi - and publicly denounced as an adulteress. But instead of chastising her, Jesus reminded the teachers and Pharisees of their own sins and was soon left alone with the woman. Then, even though he had every right to condemn her, he had mercy on her instead. Jesus offers us the very same m ercy and

forgiveness he offered this woman. He doesn’t condemn us but offers us all the hope of a new beginning in him. As we come to experience this mercy, we will begin to appreciate that it has been given to us, not because of what we have done but because of what Jesus has done for us. And this knowledge will lead us to change our lives and reassess our priorities. John Newton, the eighteenth-century writer of the hymn “Amazing Grace,” learned this lesson well. He was sailing a ship during a violent storm that had all but sunk the vessel. Terrified, he called out to God for mercy, and the winds calmed down immediately. Newton had been a slave trader, focusing almost exclusively on material gain and not caring about the people he was putting into chains. Now, after experiencing God’s mercy in so dramatic a way, he gave his life to Jesus and became a tireless servant of the Lord. Like John Newton, we will feel moved to change our lives to the degree that we experience God’s mercy and power. We will remember that, like the woman caught in adultery, we too deserve punishment but have been given mercy, peace, and life instead, □ “Lord, I will never understand the depth o f your love fo r me. It amazes and humbles me beyond words. Thank you, Jesus."

Sunday, April 4 Palm Sunday □ Isaiah 50:4-7;Psalm 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24;Philippians 2:6-11; Luke 22:14-23-56

Obedience to God brings exaltation AMONG all the sights, sounds, and smells of our liturgies during Holy W eek, one im age will overshadow all the others: Jesus Christ crucified. What comes to mind when you look at the cross? Love? Redemptive suffering? Mercy? Salvation? What about obedience? The cross is the greatest sign we will ever have of perfect, loving obedience to the will of God. Jesus spent his entire time on earth living in humble obedience. He obeyed his parents (Luke 2:5 1). He obeyed God’s call to public ministry (Matthew 3:14-15). He was obedient to God in times of trial and temptation (John 12:27-28). He spent time with his Father in prayer so that he might know and obey the Father’s will (Luke 6:12-13). Obedience was not always easy for Jesus - Just th ink about his stru g g le in the G arden of Gethsemane. But Jesus constantly relied on the Holy Spirit’s power and so won the victory of obedience: his resurrection into glory! Do you want a summary of all the readings for today - and of the w hole gospel? I t ’s this: Obedience to God always brings about exaltation. Jesus passed through death to new life because of his obedience, and he has paved a way for all of us to e x p erien ce the sam e d e a th -to -life transformation. As we meditate on the death and resurrection of Jesus this Holy Week, let’s especially focus on the glorious victory that Jesus won for us by his reverent subm ission to God. L e t’s allow the promise of the gospel to move us to imitate Jesus’ life of obedience. Of course it will entail suffering at times, but it will also bring deeper intimacy with Jesus and greater freedom and joy. L e t’s be confident that every time we obediently die to self, our Father will bring us to new life. □

“Jesus, how awesom e are your hum ility and obedience! Help me to follow your example o f obedient love and so share in your glory, both here and in heaven.”

“Father,” he said “if you are willing, take this cup away from me. Nevertheles, let your will be done, not mine.”

CatholicNews Fortnightly newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore M a n a g in g E d ito r

F r Jo h n so n F e rn a n d ez S taff co rresp ond en ts M s. M e l D ia m se -L e e F r F re d e ric k Q u e k S r W en d y O o i L ayout: M s. E la in e O n g C onsultant: M r F ra n c is Yeo

TO CONTACT US E d ito r ia l

Email: Please include your full name, address and telephone number. A d v e r tis e m e n ts :

Ms. Elaine Ong Email: In M e m o r ia m :

Ms. Susan Lim Email: S u b s c r ip t io n s :

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The Catholic News Office 2 Highland Road, #01-02 Singapore 549102. T elep hone: 6858-30 55 Fax: 6 8 5 8 -2055

Viewpoints -* We need a book of local conversions ft

IT’S really great to read about more and more Singaporeans entering the Body of Christ. In my heart, I rejoice to see the grace of God moving people to accept Jesus and join his church. This Easter, we will celebrate with greater joy than ever! With hundreds of people joining the Catholic Church each year, I wonder if it would be possible to compile a book of conversion stories. I ’m sure that of the many individuals who have received the gift of faith, there are some who have very interesting, enlightening, perhaps even moving and dramatic, stories to share. In recent years, there have been some popular books in the local Catholic bookstores, books of conversion stories from America. With the church in Singapore seeing steady growth,

surely there must be some neophytes who are willing to testify to the Lord’s goodness. Of these people, some must surely have printworthy stories. Such a book can be shared and discussed in RCIA classes. It would make a good gift and a tool for evangelisation and catechesis. It could be given to anyone who has an interest in the Faith. It would strengthen us in our own faith to read such stories and encourage those who are struggling with it. Such a project would tie in perfectly with what Cardinal Dulles says in the article “Apologetics” on page 6 of the same edition of CN. He calls for a revival of apologetics, the defense of our faith by reason, but one more based on personal witness. So far, every year, we only read short sharings here and

there, which could hardly be called articles. As Singapore progresses into the new millennium, there is a greater hunger for more substantial explorations of the workings of grace. I ’m sure the church in Singapore is ready to hear from our new brothers and sisters in Christ and be edified. Since St Paul’s Damascus experience, Christians have always witnessed to the Lord’s grace in their lives. I hope someone in Singapore, perhaps CN, can take up this challenge and make a real publishing event in our local church. Augustine Chen Singapore Editor’s Note: It is a project that we may consider undertaking in cooperation with other groups.

More views on free books and priests’dress code I READ with great interest Abel Goh's concerns over the dress code of priests and also the free distribution of leaflets. These are the same issues which have been in my mind for some time but I thought why bother since I am not running the church, maybe the parishes have their own concerns. Finally one convert speaks out. Congratulations. Just like Abel, I am an ex-Buddhist. Like him, I am quite surprised that most priests do not wear their habits as often as the religious leaders of other religions. I think wearing it is a form of witnessing. Recently I wore my rosary around my neck and a friend asked me what it was. 1 explained to him and brought him to church. Unlike the Protestants, Catholics have so many sacramentals that we can use to witness to our faith. I sincerely

Report is disturbing THE report “Why the Society of St. Pius X, is wrong” (CN, Mar 14-21) is truly disturbing as this schismatic society has now extended its arm to Singapore and used the pictures of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, who is revered by Singapore Catholics, to serve its ulterior motive. Their refusal to obey the pope made it right and imperative for the church to forbid their priests from celebrating Mass. We pray that the members of the society will be reconciled to the church and Christ will be overjoyed to see the return of his “prodigal sons”. Joseph Lucas Lee Singapore 650213

hope that all religious and priests wear their habits wherever they go. If it is too hot or inconvenient to wear in our climate, perhaps we should modify the dress code. Another feature found in many Buddhist circles is the distribution of free literature. I am not saying that we should start doing this as this may cost a lot of money. But I strongly recommend the archdiocese to publish a simple leaflet on introduction to the Catholic Church. A leaflet is like a marketing brochure. Parishioners can pass this on to a friend who might be interested in the faith. At the moment, we do not have anything for somone to refer to other than personally bringing the person to church. ACMA once published a booklet on the faith. However the content is not clear enough on what the Catholic Church is. I suggest a leaflet where it

clearly explains the Catholic Church’s physical and spiritual structures, how it is different from other religions and weblinks to parishes, institutions and other useful sources of information. Sebastian Liew Singaporel51001

IF I read Abel Goh’s letter correctly, he was probably highlighting the subject of evangelization - make the Catholic faith known to non-Christians by making books easily available. This is something that the New Evangelization Team (under ACMA) can think about. On the subject of books, I observe that not much has been done in the churches to distribute books on devotions. I am not talking about flyers. For

example, I purchased a $2 book from a Catholic book shop on the Divine Mercy Devotion and learned more about the devotion. Perhaps the Archdiocesan Divine Mercy Devotion would like to consider giving away such books for free so that the Catholics in Singapore will be aware what is this devotion all about. This can also apply to other devotions. I thank Abel for giving us his views on the free distribution of books. Perhaps we can develop the proposal further from here on. Paul Tan Singapore Editor’s Note: Catholic News is prepared to edit and design a brochure on the Catholic Church suitable for use in Singapore provided there are sponsors to defray the cost of production, printing and distribution.

Why church is not attractive to some people I SOMETIMES wonder why people do not become Catholic inspite of what the Catholic Church offers. The following observations may be a reason why they don’t find the church attractive: 1. To become a Catholic, one needs to attend more religious classes as compared to 15 to 20 years ago. I believe that the core value of our faith is in the teaching of Jesus and we should have a good grasp of it. His teachings are simple to understand and we should not make the religious class too complicated and too long. 2. We are called to participate in church activities. However, once you join a group, you will be asked to help in other activities because it is difficult to get

enough participants for them. If a group is doing meaningful work it will attract participants, as an ant is attracted to sugar. Those groups or activities that are unable to draw people should close or rethink their direction. The leaders should not pressure people to join them. They are imposing their wishes on others; sometimes these leaders make you feel that you owe them your time. 3. Fund solicitation in our church is one area that needs improvement. Often when you come out of the main door after a service, you will be asked to buy this, join that, etc. This is rather similar to sales people along Orchard Road trying to get passers-by to buy their products. 4. Due to the shortage of participants, some people take on

too many “duties” and they become grumpy. Parishioners see grumpy faces instead of joy in these office bearers. Being a Catholic is a blessing for me. As I am guided by the teaching of Jesus, I will be able to find my direction and meaning in this very confusing world. Going to church and participating in its activities should be a confirmation that our faith is real. It should be an enjoyable experience even though at times it may be physically or mentally demanding. If this can be achieved, I believe our church will attract more people to become Catholic. Henry Ong Singapore 679036

No Latin in liturgy for me I DO not remember much of Latin Masses even though my life covers both the pre-Vatican II and post-Vatican II era. I was fortunate to be exposed to some Latin, Hebrew and Greek and formal liturgy. I still enjoy listening to Gregorian chants at some of my prayer times. The melody, voices of the singers and tempo is easy on the ears and heart but I must admit that the words do not mean anything at all to me and sometimes I wonder why I am listening to the music. There have been some calls recently to introduce Latin to some parts of the Mass. I suspect that many in the congregation will question the reasons for such a move even for parts of the Mass like the Kyrie or Lord’s Prayer. By the way, the word Kyrie is actually Greek! I suspect there are many like me who would leave the service with a sense of non-fulfillment because the Latin words would be absolutely “Greek” to us. I cannot imagine what having Latin in a Mandarin Mass will be like! I think it would be a grave pastoral disservice to the congregation just like a poorly delivered sermon would. The use of Latin at Mass will make for bad liturgy and cause a sense of dissociation from the celebration of the liturgy. The call, I suspect, comes from sentimentality. Latin had its time and role in Christian liturgy. But Christian liturgy has evolved over time particularly following Vatican II. Bringing back Latin would go against the ecumenical movement so strongly encouraged by Vatican II. A celebration of any liturgy in Latin would exclude our “brethens” and anyone from a different religious tradition. A good example would be our own local Inter-Religious Organization where most of the prayers in a joint service is conducted in English. If there is a call to go back to Latin in our liturgies, there would need to be an additional section in our children’s catechism classes and the RCIA journey. I do not think it will happen in the near future. Groups with enough members may be given the option of Latin prayers, music and the Gregorian chant but for the rest of us, let’s keep the liturgy in English or vernacular. Jerome Pang Singapore 680529

Liturgy Ninth Anniversary In the never ending and everloving memory of

Sounds of silence Q ! What is the role of silence in a Mass? When should there be silence? Father Edward McNamara answers: Silence has a very important role to play in the celebration as indicated by the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, No. 45. Sacred silence also, as part of the celebration, is to be observed at the designated times. The GIRM says. “Its purpose, however, depends on the time it occurs in each part of the celebration. Thus within the Act of Penitence and again after the invitation to pray, all recollect themselves; but at the conclusion of a reading or the homily, all meditate briefly on what they have heard; then after Communion, they praise and pray to God in their hearts. Even before the celebration itself, it is commendable that silence “be observed in the church, in the


sacristy, in the vesting room, and in adjacent areas, so that all may dispose themselves to carry out the sacred action in a devout and fitting manner.” To this we would add that silence should also be observed after Mass until one is outside the Church building, both for respect toward the Blessed Sacrament, and toward those members of the faithful who wish to prolong their thanksgiving after Mass. The specific periods of silence recommended in the GIRM encourage a general atmosphere of interior and exterior silence for all the participants at Mass. This silence should be sought while listening to the readings, the homily, or the proclamation of the eucharistic and other priestly prayers. This helps quiet our imagination, our worries and our toils so as to join our hearts to the

prayers and be fully attentive to whatever the Holy Spirit should inspire in us. Thus silence at Mass is an active, not a passive disposition. This form of interior silence does not impede, and indeed favours, full and active participation in those parts of the celebration where the community is united in acclamation and song, for each person is more fully aware of what he or she is doing. Our modem world is starved of silence and Holy Mass should be a privileged moment to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life and, through worship and participation in Christ's eternal sacrifice, become capable of giving an eternal value to these same daily and transitory activities. □

NICHOLAS PILLAI Departed:Mar 23,1995 D ear father, since you went away, The ones you loved so true, Try hard to carry on the way We know you’d want us to. Forever remembered by wife Mary Pillai, daughter Dorothy, son-in-law Martin, grandchildren Patricia, Adrian and Andrea.

W O R K S H O P F O R C A T E C H IST S A b e tte r U n d e r s t a n d in g o f th e C a te c h is m o f th e C a th o lic C h u r c h

By Sr Genevieve Ng, M.S.S. Four sessions of 2 hours... a bird’s eye-view of the C.C.C. (Basic course) Date: Sun May 2,9,23 & 30. Venue: Holy Spirit Church, Thomson Rd. Cost: $30

3.30 pm. Venue: Holy Spirit Chapel (2nd fir. P r a y e r a n d w o r s h i p on every Thursday, 2.30 pm and every last Friday, 7.30 pm. V e n u e : Rm 0302, 3rd Fir, Church of the Holy Spirit, Bus: 130,132, 138, 162, 162m, 162x, 163, 165, 166, 167, 169, 410, 74, 852, 855, 980.

L itu r g y o f th e W o r d fo r C h ild r e n .

Basic-course for all facilitators and helpers, Seminar cum Workshop. Five sessions of 3 hours for seminar and w orkshop (learning to prepare liturgies for children). Date: Sat. July 3,10,17,24 and 31. Time: 3pm-6pm. Venue: Holy Spirit Church. Cost: $35. L itu r g y M ille n iu m G a th e r in g fo r all in v o lv e d in c h ild r e n ’s L itu r g y .

For facilitators, helpers, homecatechetics, co-ordinators and parents. All welcome to come, learn and share the Good News..Date: Sun. July 11. Time: 3 pm to 5.45 pm. Venue: St Joseph’s Church, Bukit Timah. Potlunch aftemoon-tea. Love offering. Basic course based on Vatican II, the Eucharist Is the heart, the sum m it-and-source of the C atholic Faith. All w elcom e especially people involved in the Liturgy of the Word for children. Date: Tues. Aug 3,10,17 & 24. Time: 7.45 pm to 10 pm. Venue: St Bernadette’s Church. Cost $30. E u c h a r is t I.

Come and put on the mind and heart of Christ. Be Jesus today. Four sessions of two hours... a few, close looks at Jesus and his attitudes. How to Be Jesus today. Date: Tues. Sept 7,14,21 & 28. Time: 7.45 pm to 10 pm. Venue: St Bernadette’s Church. Cost: #30. B e - a titu d e s ...

F o r a b o ve w o rk sh o p , c o n ta ct Sr G e n e v ie v e T e l/F a x : 6 2 7 2 4 0 5 6 fo r r e g istr a tio n . P a y m e n t in F ir s t d a y o f c o u r se


The NFP service provides couples with inform ation on how to achieve pregnancy naturally. Now we want to train new teachers. Course on Apr 17, 18 and 24, 25. Sat.: 2.30-5 pm. Sun.: 9 am-5 pm. V en u e : CAEC at Highland Rd. Briefing on Aprl 3 at 2.30 at Mt A lvenia H ospital. C ontact Sybil Anthony (9106-1990) or email to register. C H U - SC H O O L F E A ST DAY C U M F U N D R A IS IN G D IN N E R

Our Lady of Good Counsel holding their School Feast Day cum Fund­ raising Dinner on Sat., Apr 24 at 7.30pm - School grounds. The school will be demolished in June 2004 and rebuilt on-site. C O M M O N S E N S E P A R E N T IN G W ORKSH OP

A six-session hands-on workshop (using video examples, role-plays and actual practice) by Morning Star Community Services empowering parents to correct and prevent problem behaviours, teach children self control and help parents them selves stay calm in upsetting situations. D a te : Sat., Apr 17-May 29 except for May 1, 2.30-4.30pm. P la ce : Morning Star Community Services, 4 Lor Low Koon. F e e : $150. E n q u ir ie s : 6285-1377.

SELLING YOUR HOME? For d m on juicing I'm just ujihone c d m y ...

© K M 0 W [L



Sixth Anniversary In loving memory of

KESSLER JAM ES SHANE Departed: Mar 26,2002 He always smiling We always crying In silence he suffered, In patience he bore. Till God called him home to suffer no more. Deeply missed by Mum and Dad W ife and Daughter Sister-Kerry and Godma-Mary.



Father Edward M cNamara is professor o f liturgy at the Regina Apostolorum Pontifical Athenaeum.


12 sessions with Fr Ambrose Vaz. Consisting of the first five books of the Old Testam ent, the P entateuch forms a backbone for the rest of the Old and New Testaments. It is the founding of the Theocracy - the re-establishment of God's rule on earth through his children over evil and over all creation. D a te : Mondays, 7.45pm-9.45pm on Apr 12,19,26, May 3, 10, 17, 24, Jun 28, Jul 5, 19, 26 & Aug 2 OR Thursdays, 9.30am - 11.30am on Apr 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13, 20, 27, Jul 1, 8,22, 29 & Aug 12 V en u e : Singapore Pastoral Institute. C o n tr ib u tio n : $35. E n q u ir ie s : SPI (6858-3011. Fax: 6858-2011) Email: or register online at

SIMON ANTHONY Departed: Apr 8, 1993 We miss you in so many ways We miss things you used to say And when old times we do recall It’s then we miss you m ost o f all. Deeply missed and fondly remembered by wife, children, grandchildren and all loved ones.

KATHERINE SAMY (RAJAM) Departed: Apr 9,200 3 The angels came to take you home And you left us all alone We know you keep watching us from above As we still pray for the one we love. Dearly missed by your loving children, grandchildren and loved ones.

T hanks to the Infant Jesu s, M o th er M ary and S t Ju d e fo r answering our prayers. Please continue to bless o u r fa m ily . G e o r g e and Bridgette Heartfelt gratitude to St Ju d e fo r p ra y e rs a n sw e re d . P le a se continue to pray for me and a s s is t m e, and please my family and me. Tina D ear St Jude, Thank you for granting me my p ra y e rs . P le a se continue to pray with me and for me and let me never lose faith and hope in you, in Mary, in Jesus and in God. Blessed St Jude, please pray for us. Jeanette May the most Sacred H e art o f J e su s be p ra ised , a dored and glorified throughout the whole world now and forever. Amen. Grateful thanks to our Lord Jesus fo r a n sw e rin g o u r prayers. Please continue to bless and guide our family with good health and success. Thank you Mother Mary for your p ra y e rs and intercession. Continue to bless and intercede for our petitions to be answered. S.K.Lim

O h H oly St Jude Thaddeus Apostle and martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus C h rist, fa ith fu l intercessor of all who in vok e yo u r sp ecial patronage in time of need, to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg to whom God has given such great power, to co m e to my assistance. Help me in my urgent petitions. In return I promise to make your name known and cause you to be invoked. Thank you St Jude for all your p ra y e rs a n sw e re d . P lease continue to bless, pray and intercede forme and m y fa m ily alw ays. S.K.Lim

Departed: Mar 28, 1985 Time takes away the edge of grief But memory turns back every leaf Gone from our lives one so dear But in our hearts forever near. Mass will be celebrated at Church of the Holy Family on Mar 28, 2004 at 9.15 am. Deeply missed by loving wife, children and grandchildren. In loving memory of our parents

Tenth Anniversary In loving memory of

Third Anniversary



D eparted: N ov 24, 2001 A pr 3, 1992

T H A N K S G IV IN G Dear holy St Jude. I am most grateful to you for answering my prayers. P le a se c o n tin u e to graciously guide and protect me. Thank you, Gerard

God looked around His garden And found an empty place He then looked down upon this Earth And saw your tired face. He put his arms around you And lifted you to rest G o d’s garden must be beautiful He always takes the best. Dearly missed and remembered by family and loved ones.

In everloving memory of

Eleventh Anniversary In everloving memory of


IN D O N E S IA N C H A R IS M A T IC P R A Y E R G R O U P S (K K I H S ) P a lm S u n d a y M a s s on Sunday, Apr 4,

Second Anniversary In loving memory o f

Departed: Apr 6, 2001 In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true, There is not a day, dear father, That we do not think of you. Sadly missed and always remembered by his loved ones in Brisbane, Gold Coast and Singapore. Seventh Anniversary In loving memory of

Oh Holy St Jude, apostle and martyr, great in v irtu e and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invo ke yo u r special patronage in time of FENENDEES need. To you I have Departed: Apr 4, 1997 recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly There is a place in our beg you, to whom God hearts which is yours alone has given such great A place in our lives power, to come to my No one else can assistance. Help me in ever own my urgent petitions. In We hold back tears return I promise to make when we speak your name known and your name cause you to be invoked. St Jude pray for me and But the ache in our hearts Remains the same. all who invoke your aid. Deeply missed and Humbly in need o f your fondly cherished in te rc e ssio n . A m en. T hank you fo r by wife, children and grandchildren. answering my prayers.

SENG CHIU Departed: Apr 10,1994 In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true, There is not a day, dear son, That we do not think o f you. Fondly remembered by mum, dad and loved ones. Mass will be celebrated at Church of Christ the King at 6.15 am on Apr 10,2004.

Thank you for the years we shared Thank you for the way you cared We loved you then and we love you still Forget you, we never will. Mass will be celebrated at the Church of Christ the King on Saturday April 3, 2004 at 5.30 pm. Remembered with love and deeply missed by all in the family. Fourth Anniversary In loving memory of

Twenty-fifth Anniversary In loving memory of

OLIVE EDITH SAM BOO Departed:Mar 31,1979 D ear Mother, you passed away 25 long years ago. In our hearts your memory lingers. Sweetly tender, fond and true. There is not a day, dear Mother, That we do not think of you. Dearly missed and fondly remembered by children, in laws, grandchildren, great grand children and all loved ones.

BRENDAN MARIO BOUDEWYN 27 Aug 1 9 5 5 - 3 A pril 2000 Death leaves heartache, no one can heal, M emories are treasures, no one can steal Some may forget you, now that you are gone. But we will rem em ber you, no m atter how long. Fondly thought of and missed by Beloved wife, Maylena Brother, Myron Sisters: Davida, Louise & Geraldine Brothers in-law, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends.

Second Anniversary In loving memory of

MAGDALEN THIAN SAI NGOH Departed: Apr 5, 2002 Always remembered by son, daughters, their families and all loved ones. Mass will be celebrated on M onday, Apr 5, 2004 at the Church of Christ the King, Ang Mo Kio at 6.15 pm.

Fourteenth Anniversary In loving memory of

Softly within the shadows God gave a gentle call With farewells left unspoken, Mum, you silently left us all O ur hearts still ache with sadness and Silent tears still flow For what it means to love and miss you, Mum No one will ever know.

FLORA AROKIAMARY PAUL Departed: Mar 14, 1990

Deeply missed and fondly remembered by husband, A.S. Paul, children, grand-children, great-grand-children and loved ones.

Tenth Anniversary Treasured memories of

Seventh Anniversary In loving memory of

FRANCIS WILLIAM DO ROZARIO Departed: Apr 1,1994 In G o d’s hands Forever in our hearts. Always remembered by all your loved ones.

ROLAND KENETH OLIVEIRO Departed: Mar 31,1997 Just a thought of sweet remembrance, Just a memory sad and true, Just the love and sweet devotion, O f one who thinks o f you. Fondly remembered by wife and all loved ones.

F irst A nn iversary In loving m em ory o f

Seventeenth Anniversary In loving memory of

SOH KENG NEO LUCILLE (LUCY) D eparted: M a r 28, 2001

D eeply m issed and alw ays ^ rem em bered by fa m ily y _an d a ll loved o n es.. F o u r th A n n iv e r s a r y In lo v in g m e m o r y o f

Catholic Guidance Counsellors: Ms Olivia Stravens (9675 6950) : M r Dave Lim (9 6486 855 )

Twenty-second Anniversary In everloving memory of

Blk 3 8 # 0 1 - 5 2 7 / 5 3 1 Sin Ming Drive Singapore 575712 Tel; 6 4 5 1 4 4 9 6 (24 Hours)

C A SK ET FA IR PR IC E F R A N C IS C H E O N G W H Y E K H U N D eparted: M ar 18, 2003 RAYMOND IGNATIUS JOSEPH Departed: Apr 2, 1987 We miss you in so many ways We miss things you used to say And when old times we do recall It’s then we miss you m ost of all. Dearly missed by family. Second Anniversary In loving memory of

ETHEL KENNEDY Departed: Apr 2,2002 God knows how much we miss her, Never shall her memory fade; O ur loving thoughts ever wander, To the spot where she is laid. Always remembered by children, grandchildren great grand children, sister, brothers, in-laws and loved ones.

T H E B R O K E N C H A IN We little k new that m orning that G od w as going to call y o u r nam e. In life w e loved you dearly, in death w e do the sam e. It broke o u r hearts to lose you, you did not go alone; F o r part o f us w ent w ith you, that day G od called you hom e. You left us peaceful m em ories, y our love is still o u r guide; and though w e cannot see you, you are alw ays at our side. O ur fam ily chain is broken, and nothing seem s the same; but as G od calls us one by one, T he chain w ill link again. D early m issed and alw ays rem em bered by t fam ily and all loved ones. 2 “There is no greater love than to lay down your life fo r a friend.

CU TH BERT LA FABER D e p a rte d : M a r 3 1 , 2 0 0 0 SONG POH Departed: Mar 28, 1982 Upright and just in all his ways, Loyal and true through all his days, Silently suffered, patiently bore, God took him home to suffer no more. Always remembered by loving wife, children, daughters-inlaw and grand children. M ay he rest in peace.


• • • • •

Please turn to page 18 for more “ In Memoriam” announcements and classified advertisements.

Charles Wan

m b ie

Tel: 6454-8167, 6456-7423 Fax: 6458-2151

"5C CT

We would like to take this apportunity on Brendan’s first anniversary to thank our friends for all the Masses prayers, loving support and consolations you have offered us in the past one year. Memorial and Thanksgiving Masses will be held on the April 8 (Maundy Thursday) at Novena Church, 7 pm. Church of St Francis Xavier, 6.30 pm and Church of St Joseph (Victoria Street), 6 pm.

m b ie ,

Blk 37, Sin Ming Drive, #01-575 Singapore 575711

In loving m em ory of

Fourth Anniversary In loving memory of

AMALA THERESA LOURDES Departed:Mar 31,2000 A light from our home has gone Gone is your face we loved so dear A place is vacant in our home N ever will your memory fade Sweet thoughts of you. Will always remain within our hearts. A mass will be celebrated at Church of Risen Christ on Mar 31, 2004 at 6pm. Sadly missed by loving husband and all loved ones.

Christian and non-Christian funerals - local / export. Qualified Embalmers. Columbarium work, exhumation, photo enlargement etc. Air-con, non air-con Parlours, tentage etc. Good Discount on Casket price!!

Directors: Philip Tan

Jn 15:13

BRENDAN LOO Departed: April 8, 2003 Begin each day without you Remains painful End each day w ithout you Not easy to get used to Do know that you are safe now A nd in the bosom of our Father N ever ending joy in heaven Looking forward to our reunion On that day, when we will meet again Oh, what joy! M issing you Your wife, Angie Your boy, Bryan your families and friends.

P g/ iJjcui/ iA,

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k p’dwe W O M E N AT THE V A T I C A N

By John Thavis

- In naming three women to key Vatican institutions, Pope John Paul II was chipping away at centuries of male dominance at the center of the universal church. On March 6, he appointed the first women members of the International Theological Commission, the prestigious group that advises him on doctrinal issues. One of the two women appointees is Sister Sara Butler, 65, a member of the Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity who teaches dogmatic theology at the New York Archdiocese’s St Joseph’s Seminary, Yonkers, NY, USA. The other is a German lay person, Barbara Hallensleben, who teaches dogmatic theology at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. She has written on religion and culture in Eastern Europe. Three days later, he named Mary Ann Glendon, a Harvard Law School professor, to head the Pontifical Academy for Social Sciences. The same week, a Vatican official marked International Women’s Day by telling a U.N. commission that women deserve real equality in all areas of social life, including career advancement. The groundbreaking Vatican appointments were celebrated as a sign of the times. But the new appointees are still exceptions to the rule. Of the approximately 400 people on the administrative, professional and technical staff of the Vatican’s 10 most VATICAN CITY

position - of the Vatican’s nine main curial agencies, called congregations. That issue remains unresolved. But over the last few years laymen have quietly moved into the undersecretary position of two lower-ranking Vatican departments, the pontifical councils for laity and for social communications. “There’s no reason why a woman couldn’t hold the same M A R Y Ann G lendon, a office,” said one Vatican professor o f law at H arvard expert in church law. University, was nam ed by Pope Why aren’t there more John Paul as president o f the women at the staff level of Pontifical Academ y o f Social Vatican offices? For one Sciences. The Vatican press thing, the hiring process office said the M arch 9 still favors priests, who appointm ent m arks the first usually come tim e a w om an has been nam ed recommended by a bishop president o f one o f the major or other church official. pontifical academ ies, c n s file photo The Vatican doesn’t advertise job openings, “It’s ambiguous,” said one canon law and people don’t just drop off resumes. expert in Rome. “The argument could The Vatican’s diplomatic corps remains certainly be made that serving as a secretary all-male and all-clerical. The reasoning is or undersecretary in a Vatican congregation that, in addition to representing the Holy is such a form of cooperation.” See to a foreign state, Vatican diplomats act Sister Holland, a member of the Servants as the pope’s personal representatives to the of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and one of local churches and so should be ordained. four “section leaders” at the Congregation Most of the women at the Vatican are for Religious and Secular Institutes, said the found in newer departments that have position of secretary - the No. 2 job in most grown up since the Second Vatican Council Vatican departments - is reserved to bishops and in the academic and cultural institutions under current Vatican mles. of the Holy See. Women comprise 35 But she said the question has arisen percent of the staff of the 11 pontifical whether a non-ordained man or woman councils, which address issues like health could serve as undersecretary - the No. 3 care, migration and ecumenism. □ c n s

Breaking into the old-boy network important offices today, only 38 are women. O f the 35 chief administrators in the same offices, none are female. Why aren’t women better represented, especially in the top positions? Part of the answer is tradition. For centuries, cardinals have been the ones who help the pope govern the church. Although the expanded Roman Curia now includes hundreds of officials, the rules still stipulate that cardinals or bishops must hold the top two positions in major departments. Before women break through the “all­ male” barrier at these higher echelons, the church has to accept that non-ordained Catholics can occupy those offices. And that’s a hot topic right now inside the Vatican. The argument commonly voiced by Roman Curia officials is that jurisdiction and governance in the church flows from holy orders, so lay people cannot hold positions of authority. They cite Canon 129 in the church’s Code of Canon Law, which says “those who have received sacred orders are qualified ... for the power of governance.” But the same canon goes on to say that lay Catholics “can cooperate in the exercise of this same power.”

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