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e M.I.T.A.(P) No.105/01/2003
POPE JOHN PAUL’S MOMENTOUS REIGN Page 8 You are not alone in times of trouble, pope tells youth
Page 14
PPS 201/4/2003 VOL 53 No. 7
M el G ibson
Peace will come sooner when we pray for it. Pray also for the victims of war. And give generously to humanitarian aid programmes for the Iraqis. —
A medic from the U.S. Marines treats a group of Iraqfcivilians if. ,4gMght in crossfire.
Below: A worker checks sacks of wheat flour at a warehouse in Amman, Jordan. The U.N. said more than two months of food aid for up to 900, 000 displaced people and refugees will be necessary in countries bordering Iraq. Photos: CNS
CATHOLIC Church leaders and aid organizations have pleaded for humanitarian aid for Iraqi civilians and begun mobilizing resourcs to cope with an influx of Iraqi refugees into neighboring countries. The United Nations predict that as many as three million Iraqis may flee their homes but remain within Iraq while another 600,000 may flee the country. In Britain, leading aid agencies have urged the government to ensure the protection of Iraqi civilians and to provide Iraq with much-needed humanitarian assistance. In Singapore, the government has donated $440,000 to a relief fund to be coordinated by the Singapore Red Cross Society and supported by religious and community groups including the Catholic Church. □
A soldier genuflects in front of a crucifix during Mass at a US Army camp in Kuwait before the shooting started.
It’s never too early or too late to pray
Peacemakers at the prayer service in Singapore.
THE CATHEDRAL of the Good Shepherd was filled on March 21 with Catholics gathered to pray for the end of war in Iraq Children and young people, locals and expatriates, they joined Archbishop Nicholas Chia and members of Religious congregations in solemn and fervent chanting of the Psalms. In his homily, the archbishop said that even though the war had started, it was not too late to pray together for its immediate end “because we all believe in the power of prayer, the power of solidarity.” He quoted repeatedly from a January
address of the pope who had said, “No to death, no to selfishness, no to war. Yes to life, yes to peace.” War is atrocious and inhuman and it is not the way to settle differences between nations except as a last option, stated the archbishop. “ Now is it the last option of the US government? We leave it to God (to judge),” he said. After the homily, the congregation’s candles were lit and the prayer service, which was organised by the Singapore Pastoral Institute, continued in candlelight.
Sundays March 30 and April 6,2003 Catholic News
Church welcomes over 800 catechumens in Rite of Election By Mel Diamse-Lee
r c h b is h o p
Nicholas Chia expressed the Church’s joy and thanksgiving as 813 catechumens were enrolled in the Book of the Elect at three separate rites recently. “We rejoice with you because you have responded to the call of God. We pray that your response will be truly a zealous response... that you put God above all things,” he told 304 catechumens gathered with their godparents, sponsors, family and friends at a Mass held at the Church of Christ the King on March 8. The catechumens came from 12 parishes of the North, West and Serangoon Districts. The names of another 408 catechumens from the nine parishes in the East and City Districts were enrolled at a Mass in the same church the following day. At the March 16 Mass, also celebrated by the archbishop at the parish of Star of the Sea, 101 catechumens were received in the
Rite of Election for the Mandarin-speaking group. The three events also witnessed the presentation of 29 candidates, Christians baptised in other Churches, who wish to be in full communion with the Catholic Church. The Rite of Election brings the catechumens, now called Elect, one step closer to the reception of the Easter Sacraments of baptism and Holy Communion, which will take place during the Easter Vigil, April 19. The candidates will then be able to take part in the Holy Communion as full members of the Catholic Church. The Elect and candidates have journeyed in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) and Rite of Christian Initiation of Youth (RCIY) for about one year in various parishes. Being a Catholic is so important that catechumens and candidates are required to journey in the RCIA/RCIY process to ensure that they have a “solid grounding” and “have journeyed in the way of life in Christ by becoming acquainted
“We rejoice with von because you have responded to the call of God.” -Archbishop Nicholas Chia
Archbishop Nicholas Chia blesses the Books of the Elect at the Rite of Election for the parishes in the East and City Districts on March 9 at the Church of Christ the King. Photo: Raymond Tan
with the Church,” explained the archbishop. Mr Tham Chew Kuan, 62, said he was “very happy and privileged” to be given a chance to join the RCIA. “I feel excited that I am one step closer to receiving
Four New Years celebrated on same day Inter-faith groups come together for fun and profit
o u r r e l ig io u s
communities attracted thousands of participants to their joint celebrations of New Year on March 15-16. The colourful two-day event, “Celebrating New Year through Community Bonding”, highlighted the Gregorian New Year which took place in January, the (Chinese) Lunar New Year traditionally celebrated in February, the Islamic New Year for Malay/Muslims, which falls in March and the T^tmil New Year which will be celebrated in April. The objective was to “bring together under one common platform people from various races and religions” remarked Mr Mohd Hasbi Abu Bakar, a member of the organising committee. Sr Theresa Seow, who represented the Catholic archdiocese to the organising committee, noted in her New Year greeting that “ the community bonding event augurs a new hope and a new beginning for Singaporeans... May this
because we were selling but we witnessed social cohesion among the different people. It is fun to be involved.” Forty percent of the proceeds of the two-day events, which included a multi religious exhibition and a day-long carnival, will go to an Education Trust Fund for poor children from the Muslim Children from various religious communities prepare to community, said perform at the multi-religious carnival on March 16. Photo: Anthony Chan Mr Mohd Hasbi. The rest of the proceeds will be used to fund celebration be an experience of the welfare projects of six cowhat we call ‘a new heaven and a new earth’ where relationships are organisers: Jamiyah Singapore, Singapore Buddhist Lodge, the based on trust, respect and Catholic archdiocese, Taoist understanding.” Federation, Hindu Endowment Church of Christ the King Board and the Citizen’s parishioners, Alice Yeo and her Consultative Committee and daughter, Geraldine, sold halal Inter-Racial Confidence Circle of fried bee hoon and chicken Bishan-Toa Payoh North. The porridge at the carnival. Inter-Religious Organisation co Said Geraldine, 16, “ We organised the event. □ didn’t have much time to interact
communion and baptism,” he said, adding he is the only nonCatholic in his five-member family. “I have already joined the choir and I would like to help out in other areas,” he said. Ms Monica Wong, 49, journeyed in the RCLA at the Holy
Spirit parish. “I feel a sense of enlightenment at the blessings I received through the Church. I was overwhelmed by the whole ceremony. It gave me a sense of belonging to the community and made me feel that I am recognised as a catechumen,” she said. □
Parish secretaries discover their mission
IXTEEN secretaries and administrative staff from
13 parishes came together Sr Beth Cruz discusses with Ms Connie for a day of recollection recently Yip during the Day of Recollection on to draw meaning from their March 17. church work. not as work but as mission. Cenacle Sister Beth Cruz Miss Christine Tiong, a helped them to“discover their secretary for 15 years at the spirituality by helping them connect their faith with their work.” Church of Christ the King, found the session interesting and The participants formed small enlightening and a good groups to share and reflect on the opportunity to get to know others joys, sorrows and challenges they better. faced at work and their response. She added: “I learned that the They were told that as key to spirituality is to find God Christians, it is the Spirit of in prayer and in all activities in Christ they are carrying and every moment of our life.” projecting in their encounters Church of the Holy Family with parishioners. secretary, Ms Agnes Quek, said Sr Beth noted that the the group felt they could have participants have been living out and hope to continue to live out in spent more time together in recollection. their work the spirituality of love, “It would be good if the service and hospitality. Their secretaries can get to meet agreed mission was “to serve with quarterly or twice a year for love without counting the cost.” fellowship and to exchange She added that many consider pointers,” she said. □ their responsibilities as parish secretary or administrative assistant
Catholic News
Sundays March 30 and April 6, 2003
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LifeSpriNGS: St Nicholas’ own ‘living water* By Al R Dizon Special Correspondent
we have a lot to be thankful for,” Ms Choo added. “I always tell the girls that St Nicholas is doing so T NICHOLAS’ Girls’ well in many spheres of activity. School’s (SNGS) People have noted and have told launching of its own us that hey, we are good. And we water brand in midadmit that yes, indeed, we are March paled in terms of publicity champions in this, first place in to the politically timed roll-off of that.” Newater last year. But the St Nicholas student But for Ms Helen Choo, will add that it is God who blesses principal of SNGS, and the 3,000 them with this abundant talent, and pupils, what was more important they wouldn’t have been able to was that LifeSpriNGS represents achieve what they have achieved not just their creativity, but also these years without His help. the water-based theme of the Miss Choo adds: “And of school’s 70th anniversary which it course, our students will thank celebrates this year, and more their parents who have been so importantly, the school’s gratitude supportive and trusting, the for the many blessings and graces teachers and coaches who have it had received from God. taught and coached them, and LifeSpriNGS, which is their friends and classmates who oxygenated water, was launched have come to watch, encourage before SNGS students, alumni, and support them.” parents and other well-wishers Miss Choo says that as the during the school’s International school is raising funds for the Food and Funfair on March 15. future, she reminds the current Bottled in pretty light blue crop of students that the facilities motif, LifeSpriNGS was sold to that they enjoy now - the gigantic more than 10,000 visitors at the track complex, the life skills funfair, and enjoyed brisk sales. centre — are the result of the hard Ms Choo said the bottled water aptly celebrates the school’s anniversary theme. “Our theme is based on the NEW DELHI — Four Missionaries Chinese proverb “yin shui si of Charity nuns were at morning yuan”, meaning, “when you drink prayers in Baghdad when the first the water, always remember the bombs fell. “We stopped praying source,” Miss Choo told CN. “It and rushed to our children,” Sister actually means ‘gratitude and Densy, local superior of the humility’.” congregation’s orphanage in The need for gratitude and Baghdad, said. The four nuns, humility becomes even more three Indians and one apparent when one considers the Bangladeshi, refused to leave Iraq despite the risks. fact SNGS, an autonomous and Special Assistance Plan school, is Recalling that first day, Sister the top Catholic school in Densy said, “A wave of noises Singapore. It is also among the was heard during the first attack. top 10 schools in Singapore in Then there was complete silence terms of academic achievements, for five minutes and again and a powerhouse in sports, explosions.” Most of the 26 music and the arts. children asleep in the orphanage awoke when they heard the “As the top Catholic school
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work of their “older SNG sisters” who worked hard to raise the money so that the current crop of SNG pupils could use and enjoy them. “So the girls appreciate the blessings God has bestowed on them as they are raising money for the future,” says Miss Choo. “We have to do our part for the future. And that is why we are trying to raise $500,000 for additional facilities.” “So at St Nicholas, that’s the meaning when we say ‘gratitude and humility’”, says Miss Choo. The launching of the bottled water is also well timed in terms of the Catholic liturgical season. “Water reminds us of our Easter baptism, of renewal. In the Catholic tradition, water is a symbol of eternal life. SNG recognizes that water symbolizes eternal life. It gives life to humans, animals and plants. Water cleanses, heals and anoints. We can be made whole again by the-living water, who is Jesus Christ himself,” Ms Choo says. “LifeSpriNGS says it all.” □
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Nuns comfort orphans as bombs drop noises, and several started crying. The mentally or physically challenged children “are very sensitive to noises,” Sister Densy remarked. The nuns comforted the children by telling them that the blasts were thunderbolts and that it would “soon rain.” The celebration of Mass, frequent phone calls by priests from the Vatican embassy and a visit by a priest from Voices in the Wilderness was reassuring, said Sister Densy, a veteran of several conflicts. She was confident the children and the nuns would get through the war “with your prayers and blessings of our Lord.” □ u c a n
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Sundays March 30 and April 6, 2003 Catholic News
Church ‘unaffected’ by row between Hong Kong and Beijing bishops HONG KONG — Church-inChina watchers predict that a media-triggered debate between Catholic bishops in Beijing and Hong Kong will not jeopardize Catholic Church relations between those two dioceses. The observers were talking about a row that began when government-recognized Bishop Michael Fu Tieshan of Beijing commented on Bishop Joseph Zen Ze-kiun of Hong Kong and the latter’s opposition to pending anti-subversion legislation. No matter how high a cleric may be, one must “render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s,” Bishop Fu said when Hong Kong reporters covering the National People’s Congress in Beijing early March asked him about Bishop Zen’s opposition to Hong Kong’s proposed anti subversion law. Bishop Fu, a standing committee member of the congress, the top legislative body in China, said the anti-subversion law is important for national security and (Hong Kong) clerics should love their country, Hong Kong and the Church. Bishop Zen responded that he felt “strange that Bishop Fu interferes (in) Hong Kong’s internal affairs.” Bishop Zen also said, “Our worries over the anti subversion law and discontent about the government’s consultation process are exactly a demonstration that we love our country and Hong Kong.” He added that he“understands
Bishop Zen, voted Hong Kong’s most significant person.
Something about Zen BISHOP Joseph Zen Ze-kiun was Hong Kong’s most significant person of the year 2002, according to readers of
Bishop Fu of Beijing is a member of China’s congress Bishop Fu is in a situation where he can’t control himself.” This is interpreted by observers to mean that Bishop Fu could not avoid giving answers that reflect the official government position when he was confronted by reporters. Bishop Zen hopes that the media-triggered public dialogue between himself and Bishop Fu will not affect the relationship of the Beijing and Hong Kong Churches. He recalled having several courteous and friendly encounters with Bishop Fu and expressed hope the debate will subside. Church-in-China watchers think that the media debate between the two bishops will not jeopardize Church relations between China and Hong Kong, nor negatively impact ChinaVatican relations. □ u c a n
also conducted a competition “The Apple Daily,” the territory’s among their readers and listeners most popular Chinese language for the Hong Kong Person of the newspaper. Year. Again, most votes went to More than 2,500 readers, who Bishop Zen. voted through the Internet in Participants in “The Apple “The Apple Daily” survey, gave Daily” survey were asked to give Bishop Zen 50 percent of the reasons for their choice. The votes. A distant second was a newspaper reported some person whom the bishop __ of their responses and the often opposes in important “In him, editor chose one sentence policy matters, Regina I can find that he thinks best Yip, the secretary for expresses the mind of the security. She received 24 justice readers: “In him, I can percent. Deceased pop and hope. find justice and hope.” singer Roman Loh and One reader said, local movie star Carina “Bishop Zen is courageous in Lau ranked third and fourth naming the injustices. He does respectively with 19 and 9 not fear the powerful, he has percent. brought the Church into the life Hong Kong’s English leading of society.” newspaper, “South China Another said, “Hong Kong needs Morning Post,” and the just, wise, courageous and caring “Backchat” program of Radio 3, leaders. The bishop has all these an English language station on qualities.” □ government-sponsored RTHK,
Secularization greater threat than government to Church in China HONG KONG - Secularization
and modernization pose a greater challenge than government control to the mainland China Church.This is particularly true regarding the formaion of young priests and nuns. Father Gianni Criveller, a researcher at Hong Kong diocese’s Holy Spirit Study Centre, says government control of the Church and its use of religion to serve the Communist Party’s interests have not changed much in the past 20 years, while tremendous social changes during that time increasingly pose challenges to the formation of young Church workers. He told participants at a seminar that young priests today face a new challenge from
materialism. He said older clerics who survived various campaigns against religion from the 1950s to the 1970s emerged from persecution and even imprisonment with their faith strengthened. Father Criveller told UCAN that while most young priests and nuns in the mainland are faithful to their religious mission, he has observed that some are attracted to the “good life” brought by modernization. For example, he said, cars, computers and mobile phones can facilitate pastoral work, but they are also material goods that often set priests apart from the people they serve, especially in the poorer rural areas. Sometimes, he continued, young priests and nuns use or
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desire such goods too much. This applies also to other luxuries such as travel, he added. “Twenty years ago, we thought of helping the Church in China by providing them with things like religious books and religious articles which they desperately needed. Now, we should help them to face the challenges in this social transition,” Father Criveller said Another researcher said that with growing individualism, discipline and obedience are not strong among younger priests and seminarians. The lack of proper mechanisms to monitor Church expenses further tempts some priests to spend money inappropriately, he added. □
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Catholic News
Sundays March 30 and April 6,2003
--------------------- News This weekend: Concert in aid of migrant welfare projects - A multi-cultural concert will be staged this Sunday, March 30, at the Victoria Theatre to raise funds for welfare projects for migrant workers. Two Sri Lankans, Ms Shyama Perera, a renowned pianist and fellow at a music school in London and Swinly Perera, a 15year old piano-violin prodigy of the Royal School of Music in London will lead the performances. There will also be songs and SINGAPORE
dances by migrant workers from the Philippines and Indonesia as well as by local talents. The event is organised by the Archdiocesan Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People. Shows will be staged at 3pm and 8pm. Tickets for the matinee are priced at $10 (adults) and $8(children). Evening show ticket prices range from $15 to $75. To order tickets, call 6280-5424. Tickets are also available in some parishes.
Filipinos rally for peace despite security fears
W h a t’s O n IHM LENTEN VIGIL Venue: C h u rch o f Im m acu late H eart o f M ary. Date: A p r 12 (S at) a t 9 .3 0 pm to A p ril 13, 6 am . P ro g ra m m e s in c lu d e a ta lk , S ta tio n s o f the C ross, R osary, film show , a d o ra tio n and M ass. Ticket: $2 e ac h , a v ailab le in fro n t o f the C h u rch or P arish O ffice d u rin g w eekdays
NEW RCIA PROCESS Starting: A p r 2 3 (every W ednesday) at
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7.45 pm . V e n u e: C hurch o f Im m aculate H eart o f M ary. C ath o lics are e n co u rag e d to brin g a n o n -C ath o lic frie n d o r relative along.
ARCHDIOCESAN LIFE IN THE SPIRIT SEMINAR "M ee t Jesus at the L IS S ” by F r W illiam G oh, F r L arry F arao n (P h ilip p in e s) and P h ilip K ok. Venue: C h u rch o f Im m ac u la te H eart o f M ary, H ig h la n d Rd. Time:7.45-9.45pm Date: S even F rid ay s from A p r 25. Baptism in the Spirit: June 8 , l - 6p m , w ith P e n te c o st R ally by A rc h b ish o p N ich o las C h ia at 7.45- 10pm. R e g istratio n /en q u irie s: L IS S IH M @ h o tm a il.c o m Form s a v ailab le fro m C h arism atic p ra y e r g ro u p s/ p arish es. Call R o b ert (6288-9140). R eg istratio n c lo sin g date: A p r 18.
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SALVATION HISTORY by M sg r Eugene Vaz. A t S in g a p o re P astoral In stitu te on F rid ay s 9 .3 0 a m - 11.30 am . A p ril 4, 11, 25 M ay 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Jul 4, 1 1 ,1 8 ,2 5 A ug 1, 8 , 1 5 ,2 2 , 2 9 , S ep t 5, 12, 19 o r M ondays, 7.45 am 9.45 pm A p r 7, 14, 21 , 28 M ay 5, 12, 19, 26 Jun 3 0 Jul 7, 14, 21, 28 A ug 4, 11. 18, 25 Sep 1, 8 , 15 o r at B lessed S acram ent C h u rc h o n T uesd ay s, 7.45 pm to 9.45 pm
DAVAO - A group of women,
including a Catholic nun, wait for the start of an inter faith peace march in Davao in the southern Philippines March 12. Carmina Teo, a 10-year-old Muslim, holds a sign that reads “Peace” in Tagalog. A week earlier a bomb had exploded at the Davao airport killing 21 people. The government blamed a rebel
separatist group for the attack. Two days after the inter faith march, about 50,000 people came to Davao, despite security concerns, for a Mass and rally with former Philippine president Corazon Aquino and Archbishop Fernando Capalla of Davao at San Pedro Cathedral and nearby Rizal Park despite security concerns. □ u c a n
Nojobs at home, so Filipinos 'risk life’ in West Asia M A N ILA — Despite the war in
Iraq, most of the 1.5 million Filipinos who work in West Asia are not returning to the Philippines because they have no livelihood back home. Xavier Bayoneta of Migrante International, an alliance of workers’ groups, told UCAN the day the war began, that only 30 persons had returned to the Philippines from among the 60,000 Filipino workers in Kuwait, a country bordering Iraq. P r p S i, P R U
Bayoneta’s 36-year-old wife, Marissa, works as a nurse in Kuwait and has opted to stay there with her Indian, Egyptian and Bangladeshi colleagues. Bayoneta said the women are afraid of biological warfare because they have no protective gear such as gas masks and do not even know if their hospital has a bomb shelter. He said his wife, like many Filipinos, decided to risk her life because she has no job to come home to. □ u c a n (S )
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A p r 8 , 15, 2 2 ,2 9 M ay 6, 13, 20, 27 Jul 1 ,8 . 1 5 ,2 2 , 29 A ug 5, 12, 19, 26 S ep 2, 9. 16. Contribution: $60. R eg istratio n form s a v ailab le in the P arish O ffice or visit w w w .c a th o lic .o rg .sg /S P I/
SPECIAL FEAST DAY MASS IN HONOUR OF ST PEREGRINE P a tro n S a in t o f th o se su fe rin g from C an c e r o r any o th e r life-th re ate n in g illness. Date: M ay 2 at 7 .3 0 pm . Venue: S t J o se p h ’s C h u rch , V ictoria St. Celebrant: R ev F r G e ra rd V ictor, O FM . A ll are w elcom e.
A DAY OF PRAYER WITH ST FRANCIS AND ST CLARE L e d b y S r F lo ren ce W ong. F M D M . and E u c h a ristic M ass c eleb rate d b y F r G erard V ictor, O F M . Date: M ay 1 (P ublic H o lid ay ). 9 am -6 pm (M ass at 5 pm ). Venue: F M M H o u se o f P ra y e r & F o rm atio n . Cost: $20. O rg a n ised b y St C lare F raternity, S e c u la r F ran c isca n O rder. Enquiries: P a u lin e 6583-0 0 5 6 , M ary C la ire 9 6 2 0 -7 7 6 8 o r em ail: m cla ire fa n @ h o tm ail.c o m R eg istratio n form s c an b e o b ta in e d from the p arish office.
TEOCHEW RETREAT Date: S u n M a r 30, 9 am - 5 pm . Venue: SF X R etre at C entre. A d m issio n is free.
DAILY INTERCESSION SCHEDULE Intentions: F o r the C h u rch , W orld E v a n g e lisatio n and C o n v ersio n . M onSun: 10.30 am - 12 n (E nglish), 8 p m 9.30 pm (E nglish). Sat: 2 pm - 4 pm (T eochew )
INTERCESSION VIGIL Jo in us fo r p ray ers e v ery S at 12 m n to S u n 6 am to p ra y fo r the c o n v ersio n o f sinners.
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Sundays March 30 and April 6,2003 Catholic News
Interview Mel Gibson’s great passion
inv as you’ve never seen O
SCAR winning actor-director Mel Gibson is in Rome these days, working on a film on the passion of Christ. The movie focuses on the last hours of Christ’s life. Gibson speaks of his Catholic beliefs and the motivation for making the movie in an exclusive interview with ZENIT.
Q: This seems like a switch from the usual Mel Gibson productions. Your specialty is action, adventure and romance. What made you decide to do a religious film?
had a greater impact on the course of history. Q: But if this film is focused on bringing the Gospels to life,
something that just gets inside of you and has to come out. I’m just trying to tell it well, better than it’s ever been told before. When you’re dealing with non-fiction, a director’s responsibility is to make it as accurate as possible. Openminded people will appreciate it for what it is.
Gibson: I’m doing what I’ve always done: telling stories I think are important in the language I speak Q: What about the best: film. I think most violence? Won’t people great stories are hero find some of the more stories. People want to graphic scenes reach out and grab at inappropriate? something higher, and Jesus will be played by Jim Q: What made you decide to do vicariously live Caviezel (“The Thin Red Line,” Gibson: Some people this project? through heroism, and “Angel Eyes,” “The Count of might, but, hey, that’s lift their spirit that Monte Cristo”) the way it was. There is Gibson: It’s been slowly coming way. There is no no gratuitous violence on for about 10 or 12 years now. greater hero story than in this film. I don’t I’m a pretty old guy, but if you go this one — about the think anyone under 12 back 12 years I was 35. That’s greatest love one can “God becoming man and should go see it — when I started to investigate the have, which is to lay men killing God — if that’s unless they’re a very roots of my faith. I had always down one’s life for not action, nothing is.” mature 12-year-old. It’s believed in God, that he existed, someone. The Passion pretty heavy. I think we and I was brought up to believe is the biggest have gotten too used to in a certain way.But in my middle adventure story of all startling about watching it in the seeing pretty crucifixes years, I kind of drifted, and other time. I think it’s the on the wall and we original languages. The reality biggest love-story of things took center stage. At that Mel Gibson believes the film will attract believers and comes out and hits you. Full forget what really point, I realized I all time; non-believers. Photos: c n s contact. I know we are only re happened. I mean, we ............... needed something God creating, but we are doing the won’t it be offensive to nonknow that Jesus was scourged, more if I was going to becoming man and “There is no Christians? For example, the role that he carried his cross, that he best we can to simulate an survive. A closer men killing God —greater hero story of the Jewish leaders in Jesus’ had nails put through his hands experience of really being there. investigation of the if that’s not action, than this one — death. If you depict ______ _________ and feet, but we And I think it’s almost Gospels, of the story, nothing is. about the greatest rarely think about counterproductive to say some of that, won’t it be of the whole piece, “The struggle these things in a modem offensive? what this means. love one can was demanded of Q: Who will want to between good Growing up I didn’t language. It makes you want to me.That’s when the see a film like this? have, which is to Gibson: This isn’t a stand up and shout out the next realize what was and evil, and the idea started to lay down one’s story about Jews vs. involved in this. I line, like when you hear “To be percolate inside my Gibson: I think overwhelming life for „ Christians. Jesus didn’t realize how or not to be” and you head. I began to see it everyone will. The power of love go hard it was. The full someone.” himself was a Jew, instinctively say to yourself, realistically, re story has inspired beyond race and “That is the question.” But if you his mother was a horror of what Jesus creating it in my own .............. —— — —— art, culture, culture.” Jew, and so were his suffered for our hear the words spoken as they mind so that it would behavior, Twelve Apostles. It’s — — —— ................ redemption didn’t were spoken at the time, it can make sense for me, so I could governments, kingdoms, really strike me. Understanding true that, as the Bible says, “He kind of stun you. I’ve seen that relate to it. That’s what I want to countries — it has influenced the what he went through, even on a happen when we’re working. It came unto his own and his own put on the screen. world in more ways than you can received him not”; I can’t hide human level, makes me feel not gets a clarity to it through the imagine. It’s a pivotal event in only compassion, but also a debt: that. But that doesn’t mean that acting, through the nuances of the Q: So many movies about the life history that has made us what we the sins of the past were any I want to repay him for the characters, the movement of the of Christ have already been are today. Believers and non worse than the sins of the present. enormity of his camera — it’s the made. Why make another one? believers alike, we have all been sacrifice. — ———Christ paid the price movement, it’s the affected by it. So ............... for all our sins. The timing, it’s Gibson: I don’t think other films many people are “Understanding struggle between Q: What about the everything. All of a have tapped into the real force of searching for what he went “The story has good and evil, and the language barrier? sudden it’s very, very this story. I mean, have you seen meaning in life, through, even on inspired art, overwhelming power You’re filming in clear to me. That’s any of the others? They are either asking themselves a human level, culture, behavior, of love go beyond two dead languages when I cut and move inaccurate in their history, or they a lot of questions. race and culture. This —Latin and Aramaic makes me feel on. governments, suffer from bad music or bad They’ll come film is about faith, — and you’re not hair. This film will show the looking for not only kingdoms, Q: When you finish planning to use passion of Jesus Christ just the answers. Some compassion, but countries — it has hope, love and this project, will it be forgiveness. These subtitles. Won’t that way it happened. It’s like will find them, also a debt: I influenced the are things that the be a turnoff? a letdown to go back traveling back in time and some won’t. want to repay world in more world could use more to less sublime watching the events unfold him for the ways than you of, particularly in Gibson: subject matter? exactly as they occurred Q: So this film these turbulent times. Caravaggio’s enormity of his isn’t only for can imagine.” This film is meant to paintings don’t have Gibson: No, it will Q: How can you be sure that Christians? sacrifice.” inspire, not to offend. subtitles, but people ______ be a relief to do your version is so accurate? get the message. The something that’s a Gibson: “Gandhi” was a Nutcracker Ballet doesn’t have Q: Even so, some people are little lighter. There is a Gibson: We’ve done the blockbuster hit, but it wasn’t just subtitles, but people get the going to think that you just want tremendous burden of for Hindus. This film is for research. I ’m telling the story as message. I think that the image responsibility in this one, not to to “push your beliefs on others.” the Bible tells it. I think the story, everyone. For believers and non will overcome the language sell anything short. I just hope I Is that true? as it really happened, speaks for believers, Jesus Christ is barrier. That’s my hope. I’m just can do justice to the story. You itself. The Gospel is a complete undoubtedly one of the most trying to be as real as possible. Gibson: I didn’t invent this story. can’t please everybody, but then script, and that’s what we’re important historical figures of all There is something kind of I do happen to believe it. It’s again, that’s not my goal. □ z e n i t filming. time. Name one person who has
Catholic News
Sundays March 30 and April 6,2003
News Cuban Church not at inauguration of convent HAVANA - No representative of the Catholic Church in Cuba was on hand at a ceremony that inaugurated a religious house — and attracted Fidel Castro. The inauguration ceremony had marked the establishment in Cuba of the Bridgettine Order of the Most Holy Savior and media reports implied that a Cuban Church official and the Communist leader were at the same event. The bishops’ conference clarified that Cardinal Jaime Ortega officially welcomed the Bridgettine Order during a Mass at the cathedral of Havana. John Paul II’s message of greetings to Cardinal Ortega and the Cuban people for the occasion was read during the Mass. The bishops’ statement explained that the Catholic Church in Cuba had no part in the renovation of the building for the
fcutfan President-Fidel Castro greets Mother Teklsr Famig'liette during the inauguration of a new B ridg^ifl£ ton vent iiv Havana. The community will start with eight nuns from Mexico, India and.' Poland, .They came at tbereqiiest of.Castro following the 1998 visit'hj' Pope John Paul II to Cuba... •„
Bridgettine sisters, nor in its inauguration or blessing. The order’s arrival in the Island is due to an initiative of President Castro, who sent a letter to John Paul II, following arrangements made by Mexican ecclesiastical, business and political personalities, the statement explained. Cardinal Ortega said he offered “canonical approval” for the order’s establishment in the island. The Cuban government continues to refuse the permits the Church has requested for the entry of 15 religious congregations that wish to come to the island, as well as for several priests and numerous women religious. The statement also criticized the excessive kindness with which Castro was treated in the public gatherings linked to this event. LJ z e n i t
Hans Kung seeks reconciliation with Vatican Father Hans Kung, a prominent theologian said he hopes his teaching rights at Catholic universities will be restored.
A young boy hugs a pole in the drought- | stricken village of Meki, south of the ij Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa, in March. Although food aid from llu- World Food Program will last *t through June, it’s considered a Band-Aid I approach lo the economic troubles and, the effects of the recently ended war with Kritrea. /'/id/m : ( Y.S
BERLIN - Father Hans Kung, who turned 75 March 19, said he wanted to be considered a “loyal Catholic theologian” in spite of disagreements over specific issues. Father Kung, who by a 1979 injunction is no longer allowed to teach as a Catholic theologian, said that he and the Vatican could achieve a “pragmatic reconciliation.” “Rome wouldn’t have to adopt my positions, it would be
enough if they were just tolerated,” he said. Father Kung was one of the youngest advisers called by Pope John XXIII to the 1962-65 Second Vatican Council, but he soon entered into controversy with dissident views on the infallibility of the pope and on the exclusivity of the Catholic Eucharist. Cardinal Karl Lehmann of Mainz, head of the German bishops’ conference, said Father
Kung’s desire for reconciliation was “a remarkable expression of will” and said the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is “certainly ready to take it up,” Cardinal Lehmann said many bishops would welcome a reconciliation, if it were possible, but that a compromise was needed “on both sides.” However, a reconciliation could not take place “as a matter of mood,” but would have to come “out of truth,” the cardinal said. □ cm
Agencies work to avoid famine in Ethiopia ARBA GOSA — The sword of
famine hangs over Ethiopia yet again. A scorching drought last year ruined the harvest; now there are chronic food shortages with 14 million people at risk. Even areas that used to produce a crop surplus are stricken. “People’s grain stores are empty, their cattle are dying, and they are selling their oxen for over half the normal price,” said Father Giovanetti Giuseppi, a 66year-old Consolata missionary with more than 20 years’ experience in Ethiopia. Father Giuseppi said he could remember the last major famine in the area, in 1984, when children survived on emergency drips, health clinics were full and many people died. Then, as now, he was relying on relief aid from Catholic Relief Services, the U.S. bishops’ international relief and development agency, to help feed the hungry.
Relief workers say that in a worst-case scenario this year could see a repeat of the 1984 famine, but that scenario looks unlikely, at least for now. Western nations have filled the food “pipeline,” or supply chain, until late June. Supplies for the following months have not yet been promised, but government officials are confident. But if this is success, it is of a very narrow kind. Despite more money and better relief organization than ever, Ethiopia’s hunger crises are getting deeper and more frequent. In 1984 more than 8 million people were affected. Now at least 4 million need food aid, even in a good year, to survive. A local population explosion and a quasi-medieval farming economy are partly to blame. Two decades ago there were 40 million Ethiopians; now they number almost 70 million. □ c n s
Sundays March 30 and April 6,2003 Catholic News
—-------------------------------- Special Report --------------
P O P E J O H N P A U L l l ’S M O M E N T O U S R E IG N
Cardinal Karol Wojtvla being installed as Pope John Paul II. He was elected pope on October 16,1978, the second day of the conclave.He became the first Polish pope and the first nonItalian pontiff in 455 years.
Vatican marks pope’s 25th anniversary with special stamp set HE VATICAN celebrated the quartercentury anniversary of Pope John Paul II’s election with a 25-stamp set that includes one image commemorating the 1981 assassination attempt against him. The stamps, bearing a photographic image from every year of his papacy, were released March 20, and each has a face value of .41 euros — about 80 cents. The stamp dedicated to 1981 reproduces the famous black-andwhite photograph of the pope crumpling into the arms of aides in his popemobile after being shot by a Turkish gunman in St. Peter’s Square. The other 24 stamps are color images and include the pope’s unprecedented visit to Rome’s synagogue and his meetings with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and Cuban President Fidel Castro.
The Vatican stamp and coin office said the set was intended as a tribute to the “constant and tenacious” activity of the pontiff. His activity “has been primarily spiritual, but became history through the political, social and human effectiveness of this pope who is so firmly resolved to live his earthly
experience among the people and with the people, seeking to understand their problems and trying to solve them,” it said. The Vatican had said it would print 250,000 sheets of the special stamps, which were also being co-issued by Poland. For the anniversary, the Vatican office also will issue 200,000 silver stamps bearing the pope’s image and with a face value of 2.58 euros ($5), as well as 20,000 commemorative envelopes. The images selected for each year are: — Pope John Paul’s first appearance to the public after his Oct. 16, 1978, election. — His 1979 visit to thencommunist Poland. — His 1980 visit to France. — The 1981 assassination attempt. — His 1982 visit to the Marian shrine at Fatima, Portugal. — The 1983 opening of a holy year. — His 1984 visit to the Italian president’s residence. — The first World Youth Day in 1985. — His 1986 visit to Rome’s synagogue. — The 1987 opening of a Marian year. — His 1988 address to European institutions in Strasbourg, France. — Gorbachev’s 1989 visit to the Vatican. — The pope’s 1990 embrace of a leprosy patient in GuineaBissau. — The 1991 special assembly for Europe of the Synod of Bishops.
— The 1992 publication of the “Catechism of the Catholic Church.” — The 1993 Assisi, Italy, prayer service for peace in the Balkans. — His first Mass in the newly restored Sistine Chapel in 1994. — His 1995 speech to the United Nations in New York. — His 1996 speech at the Berlin Wall. — His 1997 visit to Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. — His 1998 visit to Cuba. — The 1999 opening of the jubilee year. — The vigil during World Youth Day 2000 in Rome. — The 2001 closing of the holy door at St. Peter’s Basilica. — His 2002 visit to Italy’s Parliament. The stam ps m ay be ordered fro m U fficio F ilatelico e N um ism atico, G overnatorato, 00120 Vatican City, Europe. Inform ation on ordering the stam ps is available by fa x in g the office at: 011-3906-6988-3799. □ CNS
Pope John Paul II gestures from his apartment window as his gives his Sunday blessing March 16 above St. Peter’s Square. In a passionate plea for peace, the pope said Iraqi leaders had a duty to cooperate with the international community to avert war and told both sides there was still time to negotiate.
STATISTICS released by the Vatican highlighting Pope John Paul’s activities during the 24year pontificate to October 16, 2002, showed that he made 98 foreign trips to 129 countries. In all, he spent 570 days - about 6.5 percent of the pontificate on the road and travelled a distance of 716,000 miles. The pope had visited 301 of Rome’s 334 parishes, created 201 cardinals, named 465 saints and beatified 1,297 people, and held 1,055 general audiences attended by 16.6 million people.
Catholic News
Sundays March 30 and April 6,2003
Special Report
Y A P R I L , P o p e J o h n P a u l I I ’s p o n t i f i c a t e
w i l l b e t h e f o u r t h - l o n g e s t i n t h e C h u r c h ’s
h i s t o r y . At the end of August 2002, the pope surpassed the papacy of Pope Hadrian I, who ruled for 23 years, 10 months and 16 days in the eighth century. On Oct. 16, Pope John Paul marked the 24th anniversary of his 1978 election. Of the four popes whose pontificates have lasted longer, three reigned during the last 200 years. Next month, the current pontificate would exceed that of Pope Pius VI, who ruled for 24-and-a-half years in the late 1700s. Pope Leo XIII reigned for 25 years and 5 months, 18781903, and Pope Pius IX’s papacy lasted more than 31 years and 7 months, 1846-1878. By tradition, the church’s longest pontificate was that of St. Peter, the first pope. Historians have established no official dates of his papacy, but he is believed to have reigned between 34 and 37 years. □ cns
THE ROLE of Mary in the life/' of the pope is strongly reflected in his public teachings and / actions. A He believes that Mary saved him from death when he was shot by an assassin in 1'981. His first official act October 16, 2002, the 24th anniversary of his election, was to sign a new apostolic letter on the rosary, calling it his favorite prayer and urging Catholics to rediscover its contemplative richness. He thanked God for his 24 years in the See of Peter and
re-entrusted the church and “much-tormented” humanity to Jesus’ mother. “I also entrust my future to her. I place everything into her hands so that with the love of a mother she will present it to her son,” said the pope, whose papal motto, “Totus tuus” (All yours), is dedicated to Mary. The pope recalled his words in Poland in August of that same year when he asked Mary to give him “strength in body and spirit, that I may carry out to the end the mission given me by the risen Lord.” □ c n s
Sundays March 30 and April 6, 2003 Catholic News
The Word Of God Without Jesus, we are dead Sunday, March 30
John 3:14-21 30 SKA PHYSICIST to define light, and you might hear that light consists of electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye. Ask a biologist to define life, and you might hear that it is the property that distinguishes living organisms, and that it manifests itself in growth, reproduction, and response to stimulus. Ask one of the writers of the New Testament, however, and you’ll get an entirely different answer. Most likely, you’ll hear that light and life are dynamic gifts from God made available to us in Jesus Christ. There is so much more to the Christian life than the “light” that consists of intellectual understanding. There is so much more than the “life” that consists of surviving in this world. Endless galleries of divine revelation and unmerited grace exist that can bring us to a personal knowledge of God and his plan for our lives. One of the greatest promises of the Christian life is that our minds can be lifted up by the Holy Spirit and our hearts filled with the light of divine revelation.
Where do we find this revelation? In Jesus Christ, the Word of God. According to the church, “in giving us his Son, God spoke everything to us at once-and he has no more to say” (Catechism, 65). For the rest of our lives, however, we can dig ever more deeply into the revelation of Christ. “He is like a rich mine with many pockets containing treasures; however deep we dig we will never find their end or their limit” (St. John of the Cross, Spiritual Canticle). Why do we need the light and life of Christ? Because without him, we are dead. Scripture tells us that, because of sin, we have forfeited our inheritance of divine life. The law of death holds sway over all of us, and there is no escaping it on our own power, Only the wooden beam and the open grave can restore this life to us. Faith in Christ can open so many more doors than we can imagine. Let us come to Jesus today and ask for a double portion of his light and his life. “L ord Jesus, I believe that by y o u r cross you have overcom e m y darkness an d restored m e to divine life. M ay I be like you, bringing light and life into a needy w orld. “
Like a grain of wheat Sunday, April 6
John 12:20-33 ESUS chose to die on the cross so that we might live. This is the very heart of the gospel message. He is the “seed” that fell to the ground and died, producing much fruit. Now, we who are baptized into his death and resurrection are called to surrender our lives to him-to die to the life of sin-so that we too may bear fruit. The thought of dying like a grain of wheat can be frightening at times. We fear the cost of discipleship. Even Jesus, the Son
of the Father, drew back from this prospect: “Now is my soul troubled” (John 12:27), he said, foreshadowing his agony in Gethsemane. Yet Jesus knew that his death and resurrection would allow him to draw people into his Father’s kingdom (12:32). The author of the Letter to the Hebrews alluded to Jesus’ struggle, saying that he “offered up prayers and supplications with loud cries and tears.” Yet, “although he was a Son, he learned obedience through what he suffered, and being made perfect he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey
won eternal life for us. God the Father showed the depths of his love for us in his I t desire to ^ ‘ establish a new covenant with us, one that is written on our hearts (Jeremiah 31:33). Unlike the old covenant, which the people of Israel broke, this new covenant is unbreakable because it does not depend on the weakness of the human heart. It is based on the power of the indwelling Spirit, who will give grace to anyone who turns to him in humility and trust. "Lord Jesus, by y o u r Spirit, enable us to overcom e our fe a r o f dying. L ike a grain o f wheat, enable us to die to ourselves, so that we can bear m uch fiu it fo r yo u as w e w ork to build your kingdom on earth. A s you glorified yo u r F ather by y o u r obedience to his will, m ay our w illingness to obey him also bring him glory a n d honor. ”
Temptation and sin UNDERSTANDING THE OLD TESTAMENT BY REV AMBROSE VAZ SSL Professor Of Sacred Scripture St Francis Xavier Major Seminary
G en 3:1-7 THE TEMPTATION begins with an insinuation of doubt (3:1-3) and increases as suspicion is cast upon God’s motive (3:4-5); it becomes irresistible when the couple sense the possibilities of freedom (3:6). 3:1-3 : The Serpent is nothing more than the narrative symbol of this power of temptation; it is not Satan, though later traditions so interpreted it (cf. Wis 2:24). It does not exist as a speaking, tempting force outside this scene. The narrator is not entertaining his hearers with a story from the past but is speaking of them themselves : of the mysterious power of enticement and temptation inherent in human existence, familiar to every human being, which marks a limitation of humanity. The snake’s questions in 3 :lb and the w om an’s answer in 3:2-3 are both inaccurate interpretations of the originally simple divine command in 2:16-17, i.e., the premise for the temptation and the subsequent reflection on it are both based on what is not true and real! (The prohibition is intended to protect them ... and not to threaten them!) 1. A re m y reflections a n d decisions based on the truth? 2. D o I see prohibitions in the m oral order as negative restrictions or as p o sitive blessings?
Michaelangelo’s The fa ll and expulsion from paradise
3:5 : “you will be like God knowing good and evil” : The temptation offers an enhancement of her life with the entirety of knowledge; but, what the tempter does not say is that by transgressing God’s command, the human beings will transgress a limit set for them. With the transgression, they will in fact gain knowledge; only later will they realize that at the same time they will lose the security which God’s
command was intended to provide. 3:6 : The tempter is after both, the man and the woman; it is enough, however, that he tempts the woman. The community of man and woman - so positive in Gen 2 - also has its negative side; there is no ideal hum an com m unity. H ere, the transgression is in joining in and cooperating in the initial transgression rather than teaching and advising not to! [cf. Ezk 33:7-9 - “ ...warn the wicked to renounce wicked ways...”; Mt 18:15-17 - “ ...point out the f a u l t C o l 3 : 1 6 b - “teach and admonish one another in all wisdom”] 3 . H o w d o I w o r k a t b u ild in g tr u e relationships? D o I “jo in in ” the transgressions o f o th ers [e ith e r through m y silen c e o r m y a ctu a l involvem ent]? D o I “teach a n d adm onish . . . i n all w isd o m ”?
3:7 : Bodily shame symbolizes the loss of an innocent, trusting relationship with God. The temptation scene was introduced by the words: “They were naked and they felt no shame” (2:25); but, now they feel shame! They have learnt something, and can also act on that knowledge: they make themselves loincloths. This makes it clear that their shame is shared. The surprising thing is that shame can also be positive: “Shameless” is a pejorative term! A transgression can have a positive result, insofar as repentance follows from it. The shame of the two human beings is meant in this ambivalent sense. 4. H o w h a v e I b e n e fit e d fr o m th e sham efulness o f m y p a st transgressions? D o I still repeat m y transgression?
N ex t: The human race in its limitations
Catholic News
Sundays March 30 and April 6, 2003
Viewpoint CatholicNews ED ITO R: Msgr Eugene Vaz M ANAGER: Rev. Fr. Johnson Fernandez STAFF C O RR ESPO N D EN T:
Can we act on the lessons of Jesus’ life?
Ms. Mel Diamse-Lee
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About th e w a r on Iraq
ITH THE arrival of Lent, we will possible when someone kills those you be meditating on the real love? Isn’t it just weakness to forgive? Isn’t meaning of the life and death of that letting evildoers get away with their Our Lord. Taking up the plea hurting actions? of the Holy Father to pray for ..—.■■■■ •- ■ ■ 1 Again, we offer the words of peace, we will discover that the Pope: “Forgiveness is above “Forgiveness is Jesus’ life was about teaching a personal choice, a decision a decision of the all us to end injustice, violence of the heart to go against the heart to go and inequality in this world, to natural instinct to pay back evil end hate with forgiveness and with evil... Forgiveness may against the love, and thus make this a seem like weakness but it natural instinct demands universe of peace. great spiritual strength to pay back evil and moral courage, both in Pope John Paul II has been preaching this for his entire with evil...” granting it and accepting it.” papacy: “To pray for peace is Many voices have been to seek God’s forgiveness and raised in the past century to implore the courage to forgive those who warning about the dire future if we have trespassed against us. What sufferings continue our love of war as a way of are inflicted on humanity because of the solving conflicts. G H Wells, in his 1920 failure to reconcile!” Outline of History, affected by the millions But as we meditate on these issues killed in World War I because of emerging during Lent this year, with a war on, we technology in airplanes and weapons, wrote may ask ourselves: how is forgiveness of the necessity for “unity in mankind”. He
said: “Sooner or later that unity must come, or else plainly men must perish by their own inventions.” Another voice, after World War II, was writer Lewis Mumford’s, whose son was killed in that war. The atomic bomb had changed the history of the human race, he believed and he wrote: “Not to seize power but to protect and cherish life is the chief aim of man; and the godlike powers that the human race now commands only add to its responsibilities for self-discipline and make more imperative a post-magical, post-mechanical, postnuclear ideology which shall be centred not on power but on life.” This Lent may we learn from the numerous people who raised their voices crying for peace. For Lent is the time to raise awareness again of how Jesus’ life was, indeed, about atonement for the sins of the world and redemption - the hope that love and life can prevail. □ The Universe
Too little local news
The Catholic News PLEASE W R IT E CLEA R LY
A Kuwaiti citizen applauds the start of war which he believes will lead to the “liberation” of Iraq.
POPE SAYS IRAQI WAR [UNJUS' ILLEGAIJ An American Catholic carries a sign at a prayer vigil, near the White House in Washington, for a peaceful resolution to the Iraqi C riS lS . Photos: CNS
ONCE MORE, Catholic News has changed guards. In any organisation, changes are inevitable. In recent months, we had very little local news. Surely we should be proud to read the activities of other parishes. As Paul implied, the right hand cannot say we have no use for the left hand for we are all part of the Body of Christ. Views “From The Pews” got off to a very good start. I always looked forward to reading it and liken it to the “Forum Page” of our local newspaper. Unfortunately, “From the Pews” is now reduced to a mere whisper I wonder how many persons read and understand the Old Testament series.The articles appear to be written more for seminarians and students serious about understanding how the Bible came to be written. It is like a lay person trying to find out about a disease and its treatment by reading the British Medical Journal. In its place, may I suggest that readers write in if they have any questions or doubts about the
Catholic Church or Faith. Other readers can benefit from the answers provided. This is how I feel about Catholic News, of which I have been a subscriber for many years.
P-e.n.4.ojia£ SubAxJiiptioji Starting Date:___________________ DR. / MR. / MRS. / MS. ADDRESS:
Ronald Lee
A pleasant surprise I WAS PLEASANTLY surprised when I bought the latest copy of Catholic News! When I was at the Novena church recently I heard a gentleman selling CN tell people that CN was now different and there were many interesting articles. I thought it was just sales talk! I was a subscriber for more than 15 years, but stopped this January. I can see the difference and it is good, every page worth reading. □ Valerie
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Sundays March 30 and April 6, 2003 Catholic News
In Loving Memory
Lenten Penitential Sen/ices ________CITY DISTRICT________ CHURCH OF SS PETER & PAUL Wednesday, Apr 16: 8 pm. CHURCH OF ST TERESA Friday, Apr 11: 7 .3 0 pm. NOVENA CHURCH I Tuesday, Apr 15: 8 pm. CHURCH OF ST BERNADETTE | Thursday, Apr 10: 8 pm. 1 CHURCH OF ST MICHAEL Monday, Apr 14: 8 pm.
Blessed Arnold Janssen is to be canonized by Pope John Paul II on Oct 5. The German-born priest established the Society of the Divine Word - the Divine Word Missionaries - in 1875. The community numbers more than 6,000 priests and brothers working in more than 70 countries. □ c n s photo s
j CHURCH OF ST IGNATIUS | Friday, Apr 11: 8 pm. BLESSED SACRAMENT CHURCH I Wednesday, Apr 9: 8 pm. f CHURCH OF ST MARY OF THE ) ANGELS | Monday, Apr 7: 1.10 pm, 8 pm. CHURCH OF ST FRANCIS OF ASSISI Thursday, Apr 10: 8 pm. | CHURCH OF THE HOLY CROSS J Tuesday, Apr 8: 8 pm.
| CHURCH OF ST JOSEPH Thursday, Apr 17: 8 pm. CHURCH OF ST ANTHONY Wednesday, Apr 9: 8 pm. CHURCH OF OUR LADY STAR OF THE SEA | Tuesday, Apr 15: 10.30 am, 8 pm. | CHURCH OF CHRIST THE KING I Thursday, Apr 10: 10.30 am, 7 pm & f I 8.30 pm. | CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRIT | Wednesday, Apr 16: 10.30 am & 8 pm. j CHURCH OF THE RISEN CHRIST | Monday, Apr 14:10.30am, 7pm, 8.30pm.
Blessed Joseph Freinamedetz Blessed Joseph Freinamedetz, one of the first foreign missionaries of the Society of the Divine Word, is to be canonized on Oct 5 by Pope John Paul II. The Italian priest served in China from 1879 until his death in 1909. Q - C N S p h o to
__________ s
I CHURCH OF THE I NATIVITY OF THE BVM J Friday, Apr 11: 8 pm. | IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY I CHURCH Thursday, Apr 10: 8 pm. I CHURCH OF ST FRANCIS XAVIER Wednesday, Apr 9: 8 pm. j ST ANNE’S CHURCH I Tuesday, Apr 8: 8 pm. I CHURCH OF ST VINCENT DE PAUL j Monday, Apr 7: 8 pm.
SACRED HEART CATHEDRAL, JOHOR BARU | Thursday, Apr 3: 8 pm. ST JOSEPH, PLENTONG Monday, Apr 14: 8 pm. * IM M ACULATE CO N C EPTIO N , JOHOR BARU Monday, Apr 7: 8 pm. HOLY FAMILY, ULU TIRAM j Tuesday, Apr 1: 8 pm. I ST ELIZABETH, KOTA TINGGI J Tuesday, Apr 1: 8 pm. SKUDAI CATHOLIC CENTRE Tuesday, Apr 15: 8 pm.
Sixth A n n iv e rsary In loving m em ory of
ROLAND K EN ETH O L IV E IR O Departed: Mar 31, 1997 Just a thought o f sw eet rem em brance, Just a memory sad and true, Just the love and sw eet devotion, O f one w ho thinks of you. Fondly rem em bered by wife and all loved ones.
ROCKY FENENDEES Departed: Apr 4, 1997
Third Anniversary In loving memory of
27 Aug 1 9 5 5 -3 April 2000
For those who have no one to pray for them we pray to the Lord.
O Holy St Jude, apostle and martyr, great in virtue and rich in m iracles, near kinsm an o f Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage in tim es of need. To you I have recourse from the depth o f my heart and hum bly beg you to whom God has given such great pow er to com e to my assistance. H elp m e in my present urgent petition. In return I promise to m ake your name know n and cause you to be invoked. St Jude pray for me and all w ho invoke your aid. H um bly in need of your intercession. Amen. Thank you for answ ering my prayers. G rateful thanks to D ivine M ercy, Holy Spirit, O ur Lady of Lourdes, St Jude, St G erard, and all the saints for answ ering our prayers. Please continue to help us. L ee’s fam ily
Blessed Daniele Comboni Blessed Daniele Comboni, 19thcentury Italian missionary to Sudan and founder of the Comboni religious orders, is to be canonized on Oct 5. Bishop Comboni, who was an apostolic vicar for Central Africa, believed the continent should be evangelized with outside help but primarily through the work of Africans themselves. He died at age 50 in 1881 in Sudan, worn out by fatigue and fever. □ - c n s photo
Just a thought of sw eet rem em brance, Just a memory sad and true, Just the love and sw eet devotion, o f one who thinks o f you. D eeply m issed and fondly cherished by loved ones.
MELAKA-JOHOR DIOCESE _______________(SOUTH)_______________
Sixth A n n iv e rsary In loving m em ory of
Blessed Arnold Janssen
CHURCH OF THE HOLY FAMILY Saturday, Apr 9: 10.30 am, 8 pm. CHURCH OF OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE Tuesday, Apr IS: 8 pm. : CHURCH OF OUR LADY 1 OF PERPETUAL SUCCOUR I Monday, Apr 14: 10.30 am, 8 pm. CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY I Friday, Apr 11: 10.30 am & 8 pm. 1 CHURCH OF ST STEPHEN Thursday, Apr 10: 8 pm. WEST DISTRICT
TONY CARDOZA Departed: A pr 6,-2001
In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true, There is not a day, dear father, That we do not think o f you. Sadly m issed and alw ays rem em bered by his loved ones. M ass will be celebrated at the C hurch o f the Im m aculate Heart o f M ary on Sunday, A pr 6,2003 at 8.30 pm.
Third Anniversary In loving memory of
_______ EAST DISTRICT_______
I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me shall never die.
Second A n n iv e rsary In loving m em ory of
G rateful thanks to Sacred Heart o f Jesus, and Holy Spirit for favours received. Through constant prayers, God has transform ed my new phew not only for his character and also his attitude tow ard his study with his recent ‘O ’ level results, he did well. He is now preparing for ‘Pre U ’ course. Praise the Lord. J K R D earest St Jude, I w oul like to thank you for answ ering all my prayers. I am absolutely grateful to you. G e ra rd
S ixteenth A n n iv e rsary In loving m em ory of
‘In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true, There is not a day, dear Brendan, That we do not think of you” Fondly thought o f a nd m issed by B eloved wife, M aylena Brother ; Myron Sisters: Davida, Louise & G eraldine Brothers in-law, nieces, nephews, relatives a nd friends.
CUTHBERT LA FABER Departed: Mar 31,2000 The depths of sorrow we cannot tell, Of the loss of one we love so well, And while he sleeps a peaceful sleep, His memory we shall always keep. Dearly missed by wife, children, grandchild and loved ones.
M a y the road rise w ith you. A n d the w in d be alw ays a t yo u r back, A n d m ay the L o rd ho ld you in the p a lm o f his hand.
RAYM OND IG N A T IU S JO S E P H Departed: A pr 2, 1987 Just as a thought o f sweet rem em brance, Just a m em ory sad and true, Just the love and sw eet devotion, O f those who think of you. D early m issed by family. T e n th A n n iv e rsary In everloving m em ory of
passed away peacefully on 6 March, 2003 leaving behind: W ife: Cynthia V. O’Hara
S IM O N A NTHONY Departed: Apr 8, 1993 R est in peace, dear loving father, Ten long years have passed away; Y ou’re gone, but are still living In the hearts o f those w ho stay. D eeply m issed and fondly rem em bered by wife, children, grandchildren and all loved ones.
In- laws:
Maurice G. O’Hara Julian F. O’Hara Gordon M. O’Hara Kevin S. O’Hara Maureen K. O’Hara Patricia Ann O’Hara
Brenda J. O’Hara Jocelyn Low Juliet Low Siew Hoon Xavier Podisingho
and grandchildren:
Gwendolyn M. O’Hara, Abigail C. O’Hara, Loma A. O’Hara, Kean Z. Podisingho, Keagan A. Podisingho (O’Hara).
Catholic News
Sundays March 30 and April 6,2003
In Loving Memory T h ird A n n iv e rsary In loving m em ory o f
AM ALA TH ERESA LOURDES Departed'.Mar 31,2000
A light from our home has gone G one is your face we loved so dear A place is vacant in our home N ever will your m em ory fade Sweet thoughts o f you. W ill a lw a y s re m a in w ithin o ur hearts. A m ass will be celebrated at The C hurch o f Risen Christ on M ar31,2003 at 6pm. Sadly m issed by loving husband and all loved ones.
Fifty-ninth Anniversary
Your R ight C hoice....
Ninth Anniversary
T Alm ighty God, we rejoice to know
In loving m em ory of
that your reign extends fa r beyond the limits o f this life. In the mystery o f what lies beyond our sight we pray that your love may complete its work in those whose days on earth are done; and grant that we who sen'e you now in this world may at least share with them the glories o f your heavenly kingdom; through the love o f Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
JO H N TH ESEIRA Departed: Apr 28,1944
Trinity Casket Pte Ltd
In loving memory of
• Complete & dignified funeral arrangements by professional and caring staff. • Catholic male & female specialist embalmers. Note: Female embalmer will attend to all female deceased.
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Still loved and cherished by your children June and George.
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Departed: M arch 26, 2002
B ro k en is th e fam ily circle, O u r d e ar o n e s h av e p a sse d aw ay, P a sse d fro m the earth an d earth ly d ark n ess In to b rig h t an d p e rfe c t day B u t w e all m u st c ea se to lan g u ish O v e r the g rav e o f th o se w e love, S trive to b e p re p a re d to m e e t th em , In th e b e tte r w o rld above.
Departed: Apr 4, 1973 In our hearts your m em ory lingers, Sw eetly tender, fond and true, There is not a day, dear father, That w e do not think o f you. Fondly remembered by w ife, children, grand-children, great-grandchildren and loved ones.
D e arly m isse d a n d fo n d ly re m e m b e re d by fam ily m e m b e rs an d lo v ed ones. N in th A n n iv e rsary In loving m em ory o f
ASIA CASKET [Tel: 6455*5288,6456-5288,9691-3229 m , ' * Professional services for Christians * Qualified professional embalmers * Quality local and imported caskets * Special package and discount price for Catholics |* Professional handling of repatriations and import cases Blk 38 Sin Ming Drive, #01-523 Singapore 575712 (COMPLETE FUNERAL SERVICES)
D E R E K L IM SE N G C H IU Departed: Apr 10, 1994 In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true, There is not a day, dear son, That we do not think o f you. Fondly remembered by mum , d ad and loved ones. M ass will be celebrate at C hurch o f Christ the King at 6.15 am on A pril 10, 2003.
F R A N C IS C H E O N G W H Y E K H U N A g e: 7 7 w a s c a lle d h o m e to b e w ith th e L o r d o n M a r c h 1 8, 2 0 0 3 . L e a v in g b e h in d lo v e d o n es. W ife: Teresa S o n s: D a u g h te r s -in -la w : G regory F loren ce K oh Joachim V. Sarah Sarasvathi A lo y siu s A lic ia Tan F elix Janice A w D a u g h te r : S o n -in -la w : T ony K oh G race G r a n d d a u g h te r s: G r a n d so n s: Sam antha Jonathan M atthew R eb ecca C hristopher C heryl B enjam in V alerie K oh Jerem y A ndrea K oh Jordan D a n ielle K oh Gareth K oh b ro th er, s is te r s, b r o th e r -in -la w , sis te r s-in -la w , n e p h e w s, n ie c e s a n d r e la tiv e s. M a sses w ill b e celebrated at all the churches in Singap ore in the ev en in g r on Saturday, M arch 2 9 , 2 0 0 3 . L.
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-=- #=E -ct m W s B , m m m m . -A. [=] S i »£ . ! «e . m m — S B x f e DE !
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Please turn to page 12 for more “In Memoriam” announcements and classified advertisements.
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[oC er spoke
b e a u tifu l one. an b com e h ith me.
To us your name will ever be the key that unlocks the memory o f a dear father gone but cherished yet. A beloved face, w e’ll never forget not just today but every day. You are still very m uch in our hearts. Alw ays remembered by beloved wife and loved ones.
Quality service affirmed by families which we had the honour to serve
an b saib to m e. .'A r is e , m y barling, m y
SE B A S T IA N V E D A M A N IC K A M Departed: Apr 11, 1990
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Sundays March 30 and April 6,2003 Catholic News
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Christian Family And Social Movement is 40 years old By Firancis Mane mmxmm
THE MOVEMENT celebrated its 40th year on Dec 7 with Mass at the Church of the Blessed Sacrament - its birthplace - an exhibition on the movement, reminiscences by three pioneering members, dancing, singing and a children’s treasure hunt. CFSM had its beginnings in the early 1960s when Rene Delacluse and the late Fr Charbonnier co-founded a Christian adult lay apostolate
Children in the CFSM community take part in a treasure hunt during the 40th anniversary on Dec 7.
movement with a “social orientation”. Their aim was to get the members to relate their faith to every aspect of their life. Today, CFSM has about 100 couple members including teachers, clerks, businessmen, bank executives, school
principals, and university lecturers. They meet regularly in parishes and homes to share their life experiences and reflect on the Gospel and how it applies to their life. □ F r a n c is M a n e is p r e s id e n t o f C F S M .
More post-abortion help available Volunteers sought for pro-life, pro-science, pro-Christian post abortion counsellors ■Lee
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N INTENSIVE session on Post-Abortion Syndrome was held recently to create a pool of counsellors in Singapore. Participants to the sessions on counselling post-abortion trauma sufferers put on The week-long, live-in costumes during their evening get togethers. training at the Lifesprings Spirituality Centre on Jalan treatment group at Sallim Road, include lack of commitment, Merbok was conducted by Hope where she is based as director of inability to trust, anger, multiple Alive founder Dr Philip Ney, a Canossaville Children’s Home. fears and insecurity, guilt, low child psychologist and “The more trained people we self-esteem and anxiety. psychotherapist, and his wife have the more we can help Dr Philip, a Canadian, founded Marie, a paediatrician and others,” she said of the continuing Hope Alive after research he counsellor. recruitment for conducted revealed the various Hope Alive is a volunteers. effects of abortion on marriage group counselling The Feb 23and members of the family. programme that March 1training At his presentation on the examines all the was attended by 18 results of Hope Alive at the factors that practicising American Group Psychotherapy contribute to a counsellors, Association meeting in Los person’s “un Religious, Angeles, doctors noted big wellness” as a housewives and changes in depression levels, result of abortion. other professionals self-respect and other symptoms Dr Ney from Singapore, in PAS sufferers. The programme described it as Malaysia and the is now available in 24 countries. “pro-life, proPhilippines. From One participant in the training family, pro-science this group some was Felix Wong, 36, director of a and pro-Christian” will be invited to local company. “I found it very Dr Philip Ney, a child programme. The take an examination enlightening and it made me feel psychologist and psychotherapist doctors rely on to qualify as co good,” he said. conducted the sessions. scientific facts to counsellors. “I regretted not doing more back their arguments against Dr Philip said that about 80% when I had a chance to speak abortion. of all those who have had an against abortion. I now feel better Canossian Sister Rose Low abortion had been abused and or equipped,” stated the father of said she wants to establish the neglected as children. The fathers two who once contemplated programme here because of the and surviving siblings of aborted abortion when one of his children high rate of abortion. “There are babies are also deeply damaged was diagnosed with serious lots of people who don’t by abortion. medical problems. understand the challenges faced Some children manifest this For further information or to by people who have gone through post-abortion syndrome by be a Hope Alive group abortion,” she said. becoming distant from their counsellor, contact Sr Rose Low She trained in the programme parents.They sense the loss of at hope_alive_singapore last year in Hawaii and now their sibling, Mrs Ney noted. @yahoo.com. Scientific data is coordinates the programme in Some of the symptoms these also available on: Singapore. She hopes to start a children carry into adulthood messengers2.com
Catholic News
Sundays March 30 and April 6,2003
Young Catholics
POPE TO YOUTH : “KNOW THAT IN DIFFICULT MOMENTS, YOU ARE NOT ALONE” “Mankind has a decisive need for the witness of courageous and free young people who dare to go countercurrent,” says pope in World Youth Day message. OPE John Paul II is calling on youth to bear witness to the world that only Christ can give true peace of heart to men and women, families and nations. This conviction is reflected in the pope’s message for thel8th World Youth Day, which will be celebrated at the diocesan level worldwide on Palm Sunday, April 13.The theme for this year’s WYD, “Behold, Your Mother!” (Johnl9:27), is linked to the current Year of the Rosary. “Jesus, before he died, gave the Apostle John the most precious gift he had: his Mother, Mary,... [who] at the foot of the cross, in John, received the whole of humanity in her heart,” the pope says in his message. “You, dear young people, are more or less that same age as John, and he himself wanted to be with Jesus. Today it is to you that Christ asks expressly to receive Mary ‘in your home,’ that you welcome her ... [to] learn from her ... [the] interior disposition to listen and the attitude of humility and generosity,” the pope says.
families, the violence of wars and the death of innocent people” are situations of suffering faced by young people today, the pope continues. “Know, however, that in difficult moments, which are not lacking in anyone’s life, you are not alone” like John at the foot of the cross, the Holy Father says. “Jesus gives you also to his Mother so that she will comfort you with her tenderness.” In this context, John Paul II invites youths to give themselves to Mary with full confidence. In this way, they will shine “with the beauty of Christ. Open to the breath of the Spirit, you will be intrepid apostles, you will learn to put (Christ) in the first place in your life, to direct your thoughts and actions to him.” In the Year of the Rosary, John Paul II invites young people to pray it, because it is a way of “learning to contemplate Jesus with the eyes of his Mother, to love Jesus with the heart of his Mother.” “Don’t be ashamed to recite the rosary,” the pope says, encouraging young people to pray it “on the way to school, university or work, on the street or on public transportation; recite it among yourselves, in groups, movements and associations, and don’t hesitate to suggest praying it at home” with the family, because it “revives and consolidates the ties” among its members. “This prayer will help you to
“Behold, Your Mother! ” Stating that Christianity is not a personal opinion nor does it consist in vain words, the Holy Father adds, “Mary is given to us to help us have a more authentic, more personal relation with Jesus.” “Christianity is Christ! It is a Person, it is the Living One! To encounter Jesus, to love him, and to make him loved — this is the Christian vocation,” John Paul II stresses. The “solitude, failures and disappointments in personal life, difficulties in becoming part of the adult and professional world, separations and deaths in
An unidentified young man bursts into tears after greeting Pope John Paul II as the pontiff arrived to celebrate World Youth Day 2002 in Totonto.This WYD, being celebrated at the diocesan level,the pope will not be going anywhere. Photos: c n s
be strong in faith, constant in I JOHN PAUL II, whose health in charity, joyful and persevering in recent weeks is noticeably hope,” he says. improved, met with European John Paul II also exhorts university students March 15 and young people to flee from egoism told them he is preparing for and sloth. “Now more than ever, World Youth Day 2005 in it is urgent that you be the Germany. “I thank the cardinal morning watchmen.” of Cologne, Joachim Meisner, “Mankind has a decisive need for his invitation, as I am certain for the witness of courageous and that this invitation is addressed free young people who dare to go also to me, although as you see, I countercurrent and proclaim am no longer that young,” the strongly and enthusiastically their pope said, wringing loud faith in God, Lord and Savior,” applause from his young he says. audience in Paul VI Hall. The pope announced the The Holy Father prayed with theme of the 19th World Youth them and then asked them to Day (2004), “We Want to See participate in a rosary on April Jesus” (John 12:21), and that of 10, an “occasion of prayer and Cologne, Germany, in 2005, “We celebration” in St. Peter’s Square, Have Come to Adore Him” so that “the destiny of the world (Matthew 2:2). □ z e n i t may change” □ z e n i t
MORE THAN a hundred students, helped by teachers and alumnae, entertained some 300 guests and staff with a vibrant musical on the spirit of CHIJ St Joseph’s Convent while they dined. Among the guests in the gym turned banquet hall were Archbishop Nicholas Chia and Education Minister Teo Chee Hean. The celebration on March 19 marked the official unveiling of the school’s unique learning model by which all school facilities, and that includes the toilets and lockers, are used for incidental learning. Teachers are allotted classrooms that they adapt for the particular needs of their students and subjects. Mr Teo commended the school for responding to the needs of the IT economy by providing opportunities for students to learn creatively. He noted that SJC has not rested on its laurels despite its achievements since moving to new premises in 2001. □
Sundays March 30 and April 6,2003 Catholic News
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POPE SLAMS SLOPPY LITURGY “Worship must be purified of stylistic rough edges, of sloppy forms of expression, and of clumsy music and texts, which are hardly consonant with the greatness of the act (the Eucharist) being celebrated,” he said.
being celebrated. “It is necessary to discover and constantly live the beauty of prayer and the liturgy. It is necessary to pray to God not only with theologically exact formulas but also in a beautiful
and dignified way.” He said music and song could assist believers in prayer, which he described, as the opening of a “channel of communication” between God and his creatures.
OPE JOHN PAUL II has challenged Catholics to make an “examination of conscience” over the state of the liturgy in parish churches. In some of his most forthright comments on the subject for years, the Pope said that “sloppy” playing and “clumsy” music were distracting worshippers from the beauty of the Mass. Speaking at his weekly general audience, he said church music needed to be “purified” so that the faithful could rediscover the grandeur of the liturgy. “The Christian community must make an examination of conscience in order that the beauty of music and song increasingly return within liturgy,” the Pontiff said, in an extended reflection on Psalm 150. “Worship must be purified of stylistic rough edges, of sloppy forms of expression, and of clumsy music and texts, which are hardly consonant with the greatness of the act
Liturgy preparation goes online PORTLAND, OREGON: For Oregon Catholic Press, it has been a long road from battling antiCatholicism with leaflets to providing an online liturgy planning service. Begun as the Catholic Truth Society in the 1920s to battle the anti-Catholic influence of the Ku Klux Klan, Oregon Catholic Press is now offering liturgy planners full access, via the Internet, to readings, prayers, psalms and homilies at its new Web site, Liturgy.com . For US$52 a year, subscribers have access to a variety of tools that can be used in putting together a liturgy. Company officials claim the site simplifies liturgy preparation, allowing music, prayers and Readings, all on the Internet. “Liturgy.com is a complete liturgy preparation resource,” said Glenn Byer, one of the developers of the programme and managing editor of the Pastoral
Press, the book division of Oregon Catholic Press. “Liturgy planners no longer have to gather several resources as they prepare liturgies; it’s all right there at your fingertips,” he said in a statement. Byer, who holds a licentiate and doctorate in sacred liturgy, is a director of worship and has served on several liturgy commissions. He also has written several articles on the liturgy, marriage preparation, church renovation and the anointing of the sick. “Liturgy.com is a resource developed and maintained by experienced liturgists who know the needs of liturgical planners,” said John Limb, Oregon Catholic Press publisher, “The site is simple to use, thorough and efficient.” There is no software required for subscribers, and the site can be reached from any computer with Internet access. D - c j v s
Pope John Paul celebrating the Eucharist with the reverence worthy of •the greatness of the act". Photos : c n s
“During prayer, we make a sort of ascent toward the divine light, and together we experience a descent of God, who adapts to our limits to listen to us and talk to us,” he said. “The highest music’ is that which rises from our hearts. It’s precisely this harmony that God waits to hear in our liturgies.” The Pope will open up a new front in the debate about liturgy on Holy Thursday, when he publishes a long awaited encyclical on the Eucharist. The encyclical, John Paul’s first since his 1998 meditation on philosophy, F ides et R atio, is expected to underline the fundamental importance of the Eucharist for Christian life. It is also likely to call on Catholics to show greater reverence for the sacrament. Vatican sources told Catholic News Service that the encyclical will be followed by a “doctrinal note” on the Eucharist that is being drafted by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and is aimed at correcting Eucharistic abuses. The 67-page document is in
final editing stages . Holy Thursday this year falls on April 17. In recent months, the Pope has highlighted the theme of the Eucharist repeatedly. Speaking to Brazilian bishops in January, he called the Eucharist the “supreme spiritual good of the Church’ ‘and said its “spiritual strength” must infuse the Church’s evangelisation, catechesis and charitable works. “But to give its full efficacy to the Eucharistic sacrifice, it must always be marked by the worthy and genuine celebration of the mystery according to the doctrine and directives of the Church,” he told them. In the same month, he encouraged Christian spouses to face the “inevitable difficulties of any family life” by drawing strength especially from the Eucharist. In a speech to the Vatican’s laity council last autumn, he said that to effectively live the faith, modem Catholics need to rediscover the centrality of the Eucharist and the importance of parish life. □ Catholic Herald
Like beautiful music, beautiful art and design can also help to lift man’s thoughts towards God as is evident in the Gian Lorenzo Bernini tabernacle in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel of St. Peter’s Basilica.
P salm 150 A lleuia! Praise G od in his Temple on earth, praise him in his temple in heaven, praise him f o r his mighty achievements, praise him f o r his transcendent greatness! Praise him with blasts o f the trumpet, praise him with lyre and harp, praise him with drums and dancing, praise him with strings and reeds, praise hm with clashing cymbals, praise him with clanging cymbals! Let everything that breathes praise Yahweh! A lleluia!
Not enough reverence, too much noise INSUFFICIENT reverence for the Eucharist - a lack of appreciation that Christ is in the Eucharist - is a problem in many countries. In England, Martin Baker, master of music at Westminster Cathedral, said: “There’s often a lack of silence in the liturgy and one hurries through the Mass to get to the end. I think that
P U B LIS H E D BY A R C H B IS H O P N IC H O L A S CHIA , 2 H IG H LA N D R O AD #01-03, S IN G A P O R E 549102.
allowing for silence is as important as the music.” But silence is very hard to obtain. In some Singapore churches, noise can be very distracting, disrespectful and annoying. Noise is often caused by children crying or playing, people chatting, kneeling benches being
raised or lowered, mobile phones ringing and late arrivals making their way to the pews. When the church is air conditioned, the noise is amplified. There is also a rush to leave the church while the recessional hymn is being sung. All these sometimes make for a less than edifying experience. □