APRIL 11, 2004, vol 54, no 8

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THE FATHER JOACHIM KANG CASE “Let us continue to pra to the Risen Lord for the peace to accept the truth


As a church, this is a humbling experience which can serve to help us focus on the principal mission of the church. This can also be a learning process by which we can be better accountable to one another. Whatever may be the outcome of the trial, we must learn from this episode and seek to be of better service to the people of God. 9 ?

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M .I.T .A .(P ) No. 130/01/2004

PPS 201/4/2004

Vol 54

No. 8



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| 1 IR O DAY '• ^ y

G u est-o t-H o n o u p ft

i Honourableir iflh Minister for th<~’;

By Mel Diamse-Lee


SIN G A P O R E -T he InterReligious O rganisation (IRO) Singapore celebrated 55 years o f helping to forge peace and inter­ faith harm ony in Singapore M arch 25, paying tribute to its founder M uham m ad A bdul A leem Siddique, w ho form ed the organisation in 1949. IR O president, M r A bu B akar M aidin, noted that w hile discord, violence and aggression are reported in m any countries, Singapore, “an oasis o f peace, cannot take our stability lightly”. To continue efforts tow ards peace and harm ony building, he announced that tw o m ajor projects are to be im plem ented this year: a regional sem inar in Septem ber and a “m am m oth” Peace C arnival in N ovember. This year w ill also m ark the start of inter-faith study courses. H aji M aidin said the objective o f such inter-faith activities is to “foster not only an appreciation o f our rich religious heritage and cultural traditions but also further enhance our m utual respect and love for each other.” The clim ate o f goodwill, harm ony and peace in the country is very healthy and this has to be

Inter-faith harmony IRO celebrates 55 years of helping to forge peace maintained, he said. “We need to m aintain and enhance the same not only for our future generations in Singapore but also to create a m odel for other com m unities.” M inister for E nvironm ent, M r L im Sw ee Say, w ho w as the ev ening ’s guest o f honour, noted that because Singaporeans continue to believe that religion is a path to peace, m ulti-racial and m ulti-religious harm ony continue to prevail. “T he path we choose to take fo r ourselves, and our children, is that religion has the pow er to bind us as one m u lti­ racial and m ulti-religious

com m unity, ” he said. “We hold the firm belief that all religious beliefs em phasise building peaceful hum an relationships, m aintaining m utual respect and seeking social progress for all hum ankind.” T he observance o f the IRO D ay was m arked w ith the invocation o f representatives of the nine m ajor religions com prising the IRO, and colourful presentations from various ethnic com m unities and religious groups. T he D eclaration on Religious Harmony, w hich will be a m ain feature in all sim ilar gatherings, was also recited. □

St Patrick’s rocks again! SINGAPORE - In true Patrician spirit and tradition, The

O ptic p # in t

Patrician Society, the old boys association o f St P atrick’s School recently celebrated St P atrick’s D ay at the Irish pub, B allym oon’s. Bro. M ichael B roughton, A uxiliary V isitor o f the La Salle Brothers in Singapore, w as present as the G uest-ofHonour. M any old boys - som e from 1933 - gathered for the happy reunion, the first in m any years. The occasion also marked the launch o f the new Patrician Portal http://w w w .patriciansociety.com which seeks to network all the old boys; old girls and (former) teachers and staff. Every Patrician is welcome to sign up online. Look out for exciting activities in the website. The Patrician Society plans to hold get-togethers every m onth. □


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Happy graduates! Domestic workers learn new skills at church supported programme By Mel Diamse-Lee SINGAPORE - It is w orthw hile

for dom estic w orkers to spend tim e learning m arketable skills that can be put to good use w hen they go back hom e, said Philippine Consul G eneral M inda C ruz to dom estic w orkers on M arch 21. T he idea o f leaving fam ily m em bers behind and w orking overseas is a tem porary m easure to im prove o n e ’s living conditions, she told som e 200 guests and the graduates o f the skills developm ent program m e run by the H oly Fam ily Filipino Com munity. The graduates proudly received their certificates of com pletion during a M arch 21 lunch at a restaurant in the East Coast area.

In all, 65 students in computer, dressm aking and nursing aid com pleted the eight-month long courses, held from June last year to February this year. The graduation was m arked w ith a colourful perform ance by Psalm i D eo Chorale, a Filipino singing group, and dance num bers by the graduates. Fr A ugustine Joseph,

SOM E of the graduates of the Holy Family Skills Development Program m e.

*2 a Jf* ©

assistant priest o f the Churh of the H oly Fam ily and m em bers o f the parish pastoral council w ere also at the event. Hetti Arachchi, completed the dressmaking and computer courses. She said delightedly, “The com puter course is excellent. I learned M icrosoft Excel, Word, Powerpoint. I know how to surf the Internet now and I even have my own email account.” T he next courses w ill begin in June. R egistration form s m ay be obtained from Em m aus Centre during all the Sundays o f May. □

: : : : : : : :

20 May 17 June 15 July 19 Aug 16 Sept 21 Oct 18 Nov 16 Dec


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with the day to day care o f their chronically ill child, the dearth of resources that may help them along aggravates their confusion, sadness and feelings o f isolation. Such is the experience o f Helen Ng, 47, author of the book “The Special Child: Coping with Your Child’s Chronic Illness”. H elen ’s youngest child, now 12, was diagnosed w ith a com plex congenital heart defect w hile still in the w om b. H elen, in trying to find answ ers to the m ulti-dim ensional needs o f raising and caring for Paesan after he was bom , scoured libraries and bookshops, only to find lim ited inform ation on her so n ’s m edical condition. But then these w ere w ritten from a W estern perspective. In 1994, Helen started an informal circle comprising families whose children have congenital heart defects. The families o f the group - aptly nam ed ‘Heartkids Singapore’ openly shared their experiences and thus provided emotional support to each other. The group has since grown and formed under Club Rainbow (Singapore), a non-profit organisation that acts as an umbrella body for families of children with chronic and potentially life-threatening illnesses. She now sits as a mem ber in the HeartKids Consultative Group. H elp fo r p a r e n ts N ow parents o f children w ith chronic illnesses can take heart in the practical inform ation and suggestions given in the book, “T he Special C hild” . (C hronic illness is m edically defined as that w hich is long-term , often life-long that requires treatm ent, m edication and m aintenance.) In an almost step-by-step m anner, the handy 144-page book addresses the stages parents go through while caring for their special children. It gives helpful tips and practical coping strategies that address the challenges o f the physical, em otional and psychological

T U E S 27th A P R IL 2004

“Serving as EnlightenedDisciples of TheLordJesus Christ” R E V F R W IL L IA M G O H

Mom writes book to help families with children who are chronically ill needs o f both the child and his caregivers, gleaned not only from H elen’s ow n journey w ith her son but also from the sharings o f parents in sim ilar situations. The author, to her credit, does not view chronic illness in the family, as the end of everything good and fun.’T h e Special Child” is peppered with anecdotal accounts, some startling, some hilarious - pointing to the fact that hum our is sometimes a necessary coping mechanism. It also addresses the need for spirituality. The author feels that such parents from any or with no religious background, will be challenged to re-exam ine the purposes o f their lives in the light o f the child’s chronic illness.

U.S. France

*8 4




>48% — •6 4 •5 3

Turkey - • 3 1 W E D 28th A P R IL 2004

"Moving as a United Community Empoweredby the Holy Spirit ” H IS G R A C E A R C H B ISH O P N IC H O LA S C H IA

The author is giving away 50 free copies o f ‘The Special Child: Coping with Your Child’s Chronic Illness’. Any fam ily who needs the book, please contact: helenng@singnet.com.sg or call 9647-5313. Currently not available in the bookshops y et but is sold at $10 per copy directly from the author or Club Rainbow ( tel 6377-1789).

In an obscure section o f the book, there is a very short story about how a m other’s world came crashing down on discovering her child’s chronic illness. The illness proved to be the catalyst to the m other’s change o f heart, from being a corporate go-getter mom in love with the world to being a renewed Catholic and devoted. On her part, Helen, a parishioner o f the Church o f St

Those in the following countries that have a favorable view of...


Francis Xavier says, “I see the hand of G od in many, many blessings. I am led down different paths to do the things I never would have thought I ’d do, had things been the same. But because the circumstances changed, life is different. I attribute a lot o f it to Paesan’s being. It is a new awareness that draws us closer.” □

A changed h ea rt

View of Believers

M O N 26th A P R IL 2004 Acts 17:28 “Living OurInheritance as Children ofTheFatherof Love ” REV FR LUKE FONG

Left to right: PHAELYN, 17; w riter Helen, husband Dominic, Phaemie, 19; Paean 16; and Paesan, 11. The family m em bers are parishioners of C hurch of St Francis Xavier.

Pakistan • • 2 4 Morocco • 23

VIEW OF BELIEVERS Christians get much lower favourability ratings in predominantly Muslim countries than Muslims get in mostly Christian countries. CNS graphic


7.45pm at Church o f Our Lady of Perpetual Succour 31 Siglap Hill S(456085)

Fromsurveys conducted February 19 to Match 3 under Princeton Survey ResearchAssociates International


Source-Pew Global Attitudes Project



b 'r !

JRS discuss greater cooperation SINGAPORE - Jesuit R efugee

Service (JRS) representatives in the region m et in Singapore recently to share their experiences in advocacy and discuss how they can increase cooperation. “JRS is internationally com m itted to the issues o f landm ines and child soldiers in addition to m any local issues in each country,” said Fr A ndre Sugijopranoto, S.J., the regional director for JRS A sia Pacific based in Bangkok. “We are m eeting to share experiences in advocacy and talk about how to coordinate better w ith each other for durable solutions on refugee issues, such as w orking with other non-governm ental organisations, U nited N ations agencies and host countries.” JRS is an international Catholic organization w ith a m ission to accom pany, serve and plead the cause o f refugees and forcibly displaced people. JRS w as set up by the Society of Jesus in 1980 and now w orks in over 50 countries. In the region, JRS has program m es in Thailand, Indonesia, C am bodia, A ustralia, and M alaysia and contact persons in Japan, South K orea, P hilippines, and Singapore. JR S expresses the voice of the people. “F or exam ple, we speak out against landm ines because m any o f our refugees are victim s o f landm ines,” said Fr Andre. T he group o f 14 people from A ustralia, Cam bodia, Indonesia, M alaysia, Singapore and Thailand, including a JRS International representative from R om e, m et from M arch 23 to 25 at the Jesuit N ovitiate at V ictoria P ark Road. □

Landmines victim M ore countries ratify ban on landm ines YAN Lay is one o f the many victims o f landmines in Cambodia. W hile foraging for food near her home in Cambodia in February last year, the then three-month pregnant woman stepped on a land mine and both of her legs were blown off. It took a while to get to hospital because she lived in a remote a r e a . Six months later she gave birth to a healthy baby and with the help of JRS, manages to care for her child despite having stumps for “legs”. JR S has been cham pioning her cause and that o f the m any other victim s internationally for 10 years as part o f the International C am paign to Ban L andm ines (ICBL). It is the landm ine m onitor researcher in Cam bodia, Indonesia and T hailand, the three countries in the region w here landm ines continue to be an issue. There w ere 88 new victim s of landm ines in C am bodia in January this year, according to Sister D enise Coghlan, R .S.M ., a M ercy Sister, w ho has been in C am bodia for 15 years. D espite the num ber, Sister D enise is hopeful as she has seen significant progress in h er years w orking w ith the M ercy Refugee Service and w ith JRS in Cam bodia. “I have seen victim s o f landm ines speak up for them selves. I have seen m ines cleared in m any countries although there are still m any to be cleared, and I have seen governm ents accept the landm ine ban as an international norm , that landm ines are m orally outlaw ed by anybody w ith a hum anitarian heart,” she said. Sister Denise said they will know exactly how m uch the landm ine cam paign has accom plished at the 2004 Nairobi Summit on a M ine Free World to

be held from Nov 29 to D ec 3. According to the ICBL’s Landmine Monitor Report 2003, the M ine Ban Treaty and the ban m ovem ent are generally making tremendous strides in eradicating anti personnel landmines and in saving lives and limbs in every region o f the world. As of Oct 23, 2003, the 1997 treaty banning the use, production, stockpiling, and transfer o f anti personnel landmines has been ratified or acceded to by 141 countries. Another nine countries have signed but have not yet completed their ratification process, bringing the total num ber of countries supporting the treaty to 150. Countries that have not yet joined the treaty number 44. More information on the ICBL and the Landm ine M onitor Report can be found at http://www.icbl.org/. □

‘THERESE’ L IN D SA Y Younce stars as St. T herese o f Lisieux. U nlike “The Passion o f the C hrist,” “T herese” , the story o f St. T herese o f Lisieux, also know n as the L ittle Flow er, who lived a short life in a French C arm elite m onastery doing little things w ith great love, needs U S$2 m illion before it can open in select theaters. “T herese” has been postponed until O ctober to drum up public and m onetary S u p p o r t . CNS photo

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“The Passion of the Christ” 4 4 My intention for this film was to create a lasting work of art and to stimulate serious thought and reflection among diverse audiences of all backgrounds. My ultimate hope is that this story’s message of tremendous courage and sacrifice might inspire tolerance, love and forgiveness. We’re _ definitely in need of those things in today’s world. / / Mel Gibson, Director of the film.

M y dear people o f G od,

“Peace be with you


These w ere the w ords o f O ur L ord to the disciples w hen he appeared to them after his resurrection having suffered his passion and death. We offer these w ords o f O ur Lord to you as w e celebrate the glorious feast o f Easter. D uring the past year our local church has indeed gone through som e very trying m om ents w hen it seem s that som e o f the things w hich she stands fo r are b eing questioned by the events surrounding the trial o f F r Joachim K ang. T his letter com es at a tim e w hen it is im portant for us to reaffirm w hat w e believe as a church and how she is to carry out h er service to the people o f G od. O f utm ost im portance is that the church stands on the side o f Truth. A s servant o f her M aster, Jesus C hrist w ho is the Way, the Truth and the Life, she cannot but uphold the principle o f Truth in all that she does and prom otes. In possessing earthly assets, the church recognises that its pro per objectives are principally fo r the regulation o f divine w orship, providing fitting support for the clergy, carrying out o f w orks o f the sacred apostolate and o f charity, especially for the needy. As you m ight w ell be aw are, the church has her internal law s governing the use and adm inistration o f m onies that are donated by the people o f G od. T his sacred stew ardship w hich is being carried out by her m inisters and lay adm inistrators is bound by the dem ands o f C anon L aw and the C hurch D irectory. Sim ilarly, C anon L aw also dem ands th a t these assets be safeguarded in w ays w hich are valid in civil law. H ence, every adm inistrator in the church w hen dealing w ith m onetary assets is bound to observe both canonical and civil legislations. T he non-observance o f either could lead to a cause o f action being taken by com petent authorities. A lthough this p resent course o f action w as not initiated by the church, nevertheless, as a church we believe that as the m atter is now before the civil courts, the law takes its course. We ask that you continue to pray fo r all parties involved. A s a church, this is a hum bling experience w hich can serve to help us focus on the principal m ission o f the church. T his can also be a learning process by w hich w e can be b etter accountable to one another. W hatever m ay be the outcom e o f the trial, w e m ust learn from this episode and seek to be o f better service to the people o f G od.

M EL Gibson directs actor Jim Caviezel as Jesus during filming of “The Passion of the C hrist.” C NSphoto

AT the Vatican, Jim Caviezel, who plays Jesus in the film, said he thanked Pope John Paul II for encouraging artists to do “ redeemable w ork” that pierces the w orld’s darkness with the light of tru th .

L et us continue to pray to the R isen L ord for the peace to accept the truth. T han k you all fo r your understanding and support at this tim e.

Dos and Don’ts

A B lessed E aster To You.

on watching the movie Yours devotedly in C hrist,

DON’T w atch the film

A rchbishop N icholas C hia, D D




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w ith a tub o f pop com and a soft drink - it’s not a film to entertain you, but to draw you closer to prayer, reflection and conversion. • D o n ’t w atch the film and be overly concerned w ith the historical accuracy o f details this is an artist’s (G ib so n’s) interpretative dram atization of historical facts. • D o n ’t encourage children and young teens to view this film - the graphic scenes o f torture and crucifixion, a suicide and som e frightening im ages are sim ply not suitable for them. • D o n ’t w atch the film if you yourself c a n ’t stand gory, brutal scenes and the sight o f blood - you m ight faint w ithin the first 15 m inutes. • D o n ’t use this film alone as a tool for evangelisation for non-believers - it focuses

m ostly on the “how ” and not so m uch on the “w hy” o f Je su s’ death (The Gospel o f John is a better alternative film as a m eans for evangelization to your non-C hristian friends).


say a prayer before the film starts so that you m ay be prepared to hear the S pirit’s m essage for you in the film. • D o try and w atch the film with a friend or a group o f friends from church, w ith w hom you can share your faith experience and reaction after the film. • D o bring a hanky or lots o f tissue as there w ill m ost likely be tears to w ipe away. • D o pay close attention to the flashback scenes. • Do spend som e quiet m om ents at the end o f the day, reflecting on the film and how you can change in the light o f w hat you have experienced. □

AN EVENING OF “PASSION” SINGAPORE - I t’s a rare treat for Catholics to see their archbishop and priests com e together for a show in town. B ut th a t’s w hat they did M arch 29 at the prem ier o f “T he Passion o f the C hrist”, a m ovie by M el G ibson about the last 12 hours o f Jesus. M om ents before the film w as screened, A rchbishop N icholas C hia thanked the 1,600 guests w ho generously forked out $80, $50 and $30 to see the Church-organised show in aid o f Fam ily Life Society. Fr R ichards A m brose, the brains behind the prem ier, gave a short introduction to the film, inviting the audience to respond “in love” as C h rist’s passion is played out in their everyday life.

Som e $65,000 was raised from the charity prem ier, he later told CN. A t the press conference held after the screening, A rchbishop C hia said the film “helps us com e to a deeper appreciation o f w hat the Lord suffered for us.” H e noted that too often Christians take G o d ’s love for granted. “This particular film show s vividly the great suffering Jesus had to undergo in order to atone for the sins of the w orld.” V iewers C N spoke to after the screening unanim ously agreed “P assion” w ill change the w ay they w ill look at the sufferings o f Christ during his last few hours o f earthly life.

Clergy, religious and laity hang out together for church charity premiere A NUN REFLECTS ON THE MOVIE


“By his wounds you have been healed”

to the movie


I have lost count o f the num ber o f tim es I w ept ^ ^ during the film. y / K aren Teo, student


I cried throughout the film. It was terribly violent. All the whipping! E ven while Jesus was carrying the heavy cross, they w hipped him. I thought my heart couldn’t take it. D e f in ite ly ^ ^ not for the w eak at heart. / / M agdalene Lee, housew ife


I couldn’t take (the torture scenes). Can people be so cruel as to torture som ebody like that? W hen I go for the L enten service, the passion (narrative) w ill becom e m ore ^ ^ m eaningful to me. / / - Molly Koh Church o f St A nne parishioner


O n the w hole it rem inds us very m uch about the suffering and love o f Jesus Christ... I £ ^ would prefer less brutality. / / - F r Patrick Goh Church o f the H oly Fam ily parish priest


It left m e shaken for m any reasons. B ut I think the graphic depiction o f the passion was inevitable. We have to look beyond the scenes o f the torture, scourging... but at the end o f the day it takes a lot o f tim e to absorb the m essage. You would have to go back and reflect and see ^ ^ the deeper m eaning in it. / / - Senior Counsel Michael Khoo Church o f St Bernadette parishioner


It is a very good film to watch at this time when we are coming to Holy Week. It helps us to reflect on the love and forgiveness of Christ - how much he loves us, how much he suffered, and it is a film that helps us also to reflect _ _ on the seriousness of sin. y y Archbishop Nicholas Chia


W atching the show, I felt like I was the one driving the nails into Jesus. It helped me to visualise the intensity o f his suffering, w hich is correspondent to the intensity o f his love, which is very hard to visualise just by reading. It is very appropriate to ^ ^ show during Lent. y y - Dr John Lee C hurch o f O ur Lady Q ueen o f Peace parishioner


If you go (to the show) w ith an open m ind, you m ay get som ething out o f it. But if you go purely out o f w anting to m ake an analysis o f the scriptural text, that w ill be too difficult. I ’m not sure that G ibson really w anted that. He ju st w anted to be as close to the (biblical) storyline ^ & as possible. y y - Mgr Eugene Vaz Vicar G eneral

as a r e li g io u s . T h e I FIR ST heard o f M el G ib so n ’s “T he P assion of fo llo w in g quote from the C hrist” w hen I w as in R om e in 2002. G ibson “ S ta r tin g A f r e s h . . . ” and his crew had ju st begun film ing in M atera, w h ic h c a n a ls o be Italy and we am ong the D aughters o f St. Paul were a p p lie d to e v e ry ex c ite d to h ea r about th is new p ro je c t o f our baptized Catholic, who outstanding C atholic actor/director. T he film was is each consecrated to originally sim ply entitled “P assion” and the actor G od, linked rem arkably playing the leading role, Jim C avaziel w as only well to the film, making know n to m e in his previous roles opposite D ennis the w ords very relevant Q uaid in “F requency”, a sm aller part in “Pay It and real to me: F orw ard”, and in a scripture video produced by “ O n th e c r o s s , the A m erican B ible Society. Jesus gives his very life as the greatest gift o f self. W hat I discovered from m y A m erican sister (a We m ust frequently contem plate the fellow D aughter o f St. Paul w ho was face o f the Crucified One. He is the fo rtu n a te to h av e m e t G ib so n in source from w hom w e learn w hat person) w as that C avaziel w as not love is and how G od and hum anity only a C atholic but he w as a dailyshould be loved. C onsecration is to rosary-praying C atholic and had a relive the m ystery o f the Crucified g rea t c o n v e rsio n ex p e rie n c e after Christ - w ho cam e into the w orld to visiting M edjugorje som e years ago. give his life as a ransom for m any T his m ade m e all the m ore curious and to respond to his infinite love.” an d e x c ite d ab o u t th is n ew Je su s “ T h e P a s s io n o f th e C h r is t” film , as o u r P a u lin e s p ir itu a lity should lead us tow ard a journey of e n t a il s p r a y in g f o r a ll m e d ia generous, sacrificial love, w hich is practitioners, including artists like what the life o f a Christian is all about Cavaziel and Gibson, that they would - a life b a s e d o n lo v e th a t is be able to bring out G ospel values in s y n o n y m o u s w ith c o m p a s s io n , their life and work. sacrifice, and forgiveness. “In love I w a s in R o m e a t th a t tim e By S r Wendy Ooi, fsp there is no pain but if there is pain, it attending a course o f p reparation for is pain that is loved.” (St. A ugustine) p e rp e tu a l p ro fe s s io n w h ic h to o k A ll w ho have deeply loved w ill know the truth o f place soon after on M arch 25, 2003. P erhaps it is these words. St. Peter w ho once denied Jesus now by no coincidence that a y ear later, on the eve o f aptly gives us in a nutshell the m eaning o f our m y first anniversary o f perpetual profession, I was Christian vocation and redem ption: invited to a preview o f “T he Passion o f the C hrist”. “ C h ris t su ffe re d fo r y o u , le a v in g y o u an Since I w as celebrating m y first anniversary, I exam ple that you should follow in his footsteps. w as taking a few days o f quiet tim e for renew al ‘H e com m itted no sin, and no deceit was found in and recollection and apart from the B ible, I took his m outh.’ W hen he was insulted, he returned no w ith m e to the retreat house a church docum ent, insult; w hen he su ffered, he did n o t threaten; “ S ta r tin g A fr e s h fro m C h r is t - A R e n e w e d instead, he handed him self over to the one who C om m itm ent to C o nsecrated L ife in the T hird ju dges justly. He h im self bore our sins in his body M illennium ” . upon the cross, so that, free from sin, we m ight R ather than a distraction from m y recollection, live for righteousness. By his w ounds you have w atching the film w as a grace-filled opportunity to reflect upon the very act o f consecration for m e been healed.” (1 P eter 2:21b-24). □


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The mysterious unity of creation acknow ledge, w e ’re still toddlers trying to snatch FAITH and instinct both give us a sense o f w hat the toys from each other and trying to shout louder H in d u s and B u d d h ists c a ll the law o f karm a. than others to get attention. T he real air w e ’re Sim ply put, we have a gut-feeling that our actions, breathing out is fraught w ith self-interest, jealousy, good and bad, have consequences that com e back com petitiveness, pettiness, fear, and less than full to either bless or haunt us. But is this true? D o we honesty. In subtle and not-so subtle ways w e ’re really have to pay for everything we do? saying to each other: M ary Jo L eddy, in h e r w onderful b ook on “Y ou’re a rival - sexually, professionally, and gratitude, claim s that one o f the great principles in term s o f popularity and a tte n tio n ... W ho do you innate w ithin reality itself is this: “T he air you think you are? ... I ’m m ore im portant than you ... breathe into the universe is the air that it w ill I ’m brighter and m ore successful than you ... I ’m breathe back and if your energy is right it w ill b etter lo oking than you ... I ’ve had renew itself even as you give it away.” m ore life-experience than you ... I ’m In essence, that’s the law o f karma, sophisticated beyond your naivete ... a m ystery expressed in different ways I ’m the person here w h o ’s the m ost in all the great religions o f the world. k now led g eab le, ev eryone should be Jesus, for instance, puts it this way: listening to m e ... M y sufferings are “The m easure you m easure out is the deeper and m ore im portant than yours measure you will be given.” The air you ... I ’m m ore interesting than others and breathe out is the air you will re-inhale. m y story is m ore im portant ... I hate If that’s true, and it is, it explains a you for your good looks and good luck, lot o f T he L ast T hings (though not none o f w hich you deserve ... I really n e c e s s a rily to o u r lik in g ). W hy, d o n ’t like you, but I ’ll be nice to you p e re n n ia lly , a re w e c a u g h t up in until I find a w ay to free m yself o f this By F r R o n a ld situations o f pettiness, jealousy, and R o lh eiser r e la tio n s h ip th a t c irc u m s ta n c e has non-forgiveness? W hy are we inhaling dictated.” We w ould never adm it that so much bitter air? Perhaps it has to do we feel these things, but, too often, th a t’s the air w ith the air w e ’re breathing out. W hat are we w e ’re breathing out. breathing out? W e’d like, of course, to think that w e’re Is it any m ystery then that our lives are full of b rea th in g o u t th e air o f g ratitu d e, g enerosity, com petition, jealousy, bitterness, anger, accusation, forgiveness, honesty, blessing, self-effacement, joy and false judgem ent? Is it a m ystery w hy so often, and delight. W e’d also like to believe that we are beneath a polite surface, there is so m uch thinly breathing out the air o f concern for the poor, the d is g u is e d c o m p e titio n , je a lo u s y , an d n o n ­ suffering, the unattractive and the bothersome. And, forgiveness around? W e’re breathing these things w e’d like to believe too that w e’re big-hearted people, into the world. Should we be surprised that w e ’re breathing out understanding and reconciliation. re-inhaling them ? The m easure w e ’re m easuring W ould it w ere so. Too often w e ’re blind to out is the m easure that w e ’re receiving. w h a t ’s r e a lly g o in g o n in s id e u s a n d a re A nd Jesus takes this even further. H e adds: “To unconsciously breathing out the air o f arrogance, those w ho have m uch, even m ore will be given; self-interest, pettiness, jealousy, com petition, fear, and from those who have little, even w hat they have paranoia, dishonesty, interest in others only w hen w ill be taken aw ay.” T hat sounds so unfair, the it is convenient, and are em itting signals that others innate cruelty o f nature, the survival o f the fittest are a th r e a t to us as w e se e k a tte n tio n and ap p lied to the G ospels, Jesus as D arw in. I s n ’t p o p u la rity , and jo s tle w ith th e m fo r se x u a l, Je su s’s m essage supposed to be about the survival financial, and professional position. o f the w eakest? It is, but a certain law o f karm a still applies: to the big o f heart, w ho breathe out L e a rn in g fro m to d d le rs w h at’s large and honest and full o f blessing, the w orld w ill return a hundred fold in kind, honesty We can learn som ething from w atching toddlers and b le ssin g th a t sw ells th e h ea rt ev en m ore. play. T h ere’s a disarm ing, brutal honesty in them. C onversely to the m iserly o f heart and dishonest T hey sim ply rip w hat they w ant from each others’ o f spirit, the world w ill give back in kind, pettiness hands and try to shout louder than the rest to gain and lies that shrink the heart still further. attention. We do the sam e thing, except in m ore T h a t’s the deep m ystery at the centre o f the subtle and less honest w ays. Beneath the surface universe: the air w e breathe out into the w orld is o f our every day politeness and decorum , in ways the air we w ill re-inhale. □ we d o n ’t often have the courage to look at or

« The

air you breathe into the universe is the air that it will breathe back.” P a n

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This April 15, the archdiocese of Singapore will celebrate the golden jubilee of not one, not two, but three priests. Fr Bonaventure Tung, ofm, Fr Paul Tong, and Fr. Joseph Chao - all of whom originally came from China - will celebrate the 50th anniversary of their ordination to the priesthood with a Mass at Church of St. Bernadette and dinner at Meritus Mandarin Hotel. F r B o n a v e n tu re T ung, ofm was ordained M ar 13, 1954, San Sebastian, Spain; F r P a u l Tong D ec 2 0 ,1 9 5 3 , Rom e, Italy; F r Jo se p h C h a o A pril 17, 1954, G enova, Italy. Photo at right shows the trio celebrating their 40th anniversary in 1994. From left: F r Tung, F r Tong and F r Chao

CN published a profile on Fr Paul Tong last year. This issue, S r W e n d y O o i, f s p talks to Fr Joseph Chao.



FATHER Joseph C hao celebrated his 76th birthday recently. H e was bo m M arch 15, 1928 into a pious Catholic fam ily in Pingyang, Z hejiang, Southern China. Fr C hao was the m iddle child, w ith an elder sister and a younger brother. H is father w as a great influence on his faith. “M y father was converted first,” he shares. “H e w as a first generation C atholic and also a catechist in our church.” W hen the com m unists were about to seize pow er in 1949, Fr Chao left China w ith a group o f seminarians for Genova, Italy. H e was 21 then and felt excitem ent m ore than sadness as they left. “We were about 30 seminarians and because we w ere so young and innocent, I don’t think we realized that w e w ere actually leaving our country for good and m ay not be able to go back, for a long, long tim e,” he explains. H e studied Philosophy and Theology in C ollegio B rignole-Sale in G enova, and w as ordained to the priesthood on A pril 17, 1954 at the age o f 30. A fter his ordination, he w ent to L ouvain Catholic U niversity in B elgium and obtained his M A in Sociology in 1957. It w as in L ouvain that he m et F r Paul Tong. Since C hina was com pletely under the Com m unists then, there was no possibility for both these young Chinese priests to return to their hom eland after their studies. Fr Chao reveals, “M y bishop in China had m ade preparations for m e to go to Vietnam. H ow ever because Vietnam turned out to be politically unstable, arrangements were then m ade to com e to Singapore.” The year was 1958 w hen A rchbishop M ichael Olcomendy, mep, welcom ed Fr Chao and Fr Tong to the M alacca-Singapore diocese. F r Chao recalls Singapore back then, “T hose days, w e lived in quite crude


A humble and kind priest aura » le ta m m 15 S i ; g i B i 3 a W J « - ,

Top: FR CHAO (extreme left) pose with parishioners during the joint silver jubilee celebration of St Teresa’s Church and F r Lek in 1966. Left: YOUNG F r Chao cleans a statue of Mary. conditions. We had no pro per sanitation, and we used ju st one bucket o f w ater for w ashing all the dishes. I also rem em ber haw kers cooking and selling their food by the side o f the road.” A lthough he had lived alm ost 10 years in E urope w ith better living conditions, Fr C hao had no problem adjusting. H e adds, “th a t’s part of being a m issionary.” F r C hao’s first assignment in Singapore

was to serve as an assistant priest at St. T eresa’s Church at K am pong B ahru Road and then at St. Joseph’s Church in Bukit Timah. In 1963, he w as posted to the Church o f St. T heresa in M alacca. He explains, “Singapore and M alaysia were one country then so priests were easily transferred within the Singapore-M alacca diocese.” He rem ained in M alacca for eight years, m inistering also to the areas surrounding the parish. Fr C hao ’s pastoral zeal w as especially evident am ong the youth w ho were very fond o f him. He served as the Chaplain o f the Chinese Young Christian S tudent’s M ovem ent as w ell as the Legion o f Mary. In 1971, Fr Chao was posted back to Singapore, this time to the Church o f St.

Bernadette. He also started contributing his talents to the m edia apostolate, writing for the Chinese Catholic paper, Hai Sing Pao. At the same time, he was also deeply involved with the Catechism by Correspondence Course in Chinese, then called the “Religious Instruction Course,” with their office at Nassim Road. (Today this ministry has been taken over by A.C.M.A.) All the while that Fr Chao served in Singapore and Malacca, he counts him self fortunate to be able to correspond with his family back in China. His dream however was to return one day to his hometown. That day came in 1983, five years after China started to open its doors to the world. It was the first time that Fr Chao had stepped into his motherland, after 34 years of exile. His concern was always about his small village, which has since grown into a town. “We have a high percentage o f Catholics there, and at one point in tim e, 500 Catholics w ere sent to ja il,” he rem em bers. “E ven my father was im prisoned m any tim es.” H is parents and younger brother have died, but his elder sister w ho is now in her 80 ’s, is still alive. Since 1985, Fr Chao has been a resident priest of the Church of the Sacred Heart, and continues his work with Hai Sing Pao. As he approaches his golden jubilee, he says gratefully, “I thank God for giving m e the grace to be faithful to my vocation during all these years.” He then humbly adds, “I didn’t really do very much.” W hen asked w hat advice he w ould like to give the younger priests in the diocese, he says w ith deep conviction, “U nity is im portant. T here m ust be unity am ong priests. Trust and love each other. Be united w ith G od and help each other. H ow ever m uch we work, how ever m uch we do, it com es to nothing if we have no love for one another.” A lthough Fr Chao today feels the w eakness o f aging, and adm its that he cannot even open a can o f food by him self, he is still a shining exam ple o f the sim ple, kind, and hum ble priest that anyone can approach. Being w ith him is to encounter (as I did) the tenderness and m eekness o f a true servant o f Christ. □

Onecial Rcbdt Christ:

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around us w hen we see t at dawn. The clear, quietly and quickly will t appearance of light at dawn y rellects the consequence o f G o d ’s com m and on the first day o f creation in G enesis 1: “ Let there be light.” T his light cam e forth even before G od created the sun (an event in the G enesis account that happened later, on creation’s fourth day).

first act o f creation. G od seem s have made light a spiritual reality with qualities reflecting his ow n being. Light kes its presence felt im m ediately by its ity to penetrate and envelop things. Il not only illum inates and reveals but also prom otes good order and peace. In the G ospel o f John, Jesus identifies him self as “the light o f w orld” (8:12). He gives life and guidance to (hose who receive him. The birth o f Jesus in this w orld created controversy. T hose who did not want his light lo reveal their collusion with darkness rejected him (John 3:19-21). A battle betw een light and darkness w as fought on a field w here the determ ining force was the pow er o f choice. T hose w ho accepted him were em pow ered to becom e children of God (John 1:12) T his battle betw een light and darkness has continued dow n through the

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RITE W hat’s the big candle for? By F a th e r L a w re n c e E . M ick FIRE is so valuable for hum an civilization. A ncient legends tell how fire was stolen from the gods! T he day that our ancestors learned to tam e and control fire for w armth and cooking m arked a m ajor step in human cultural evolution. Fire naturally found a place in religious rituals too. In Christian w orship, fire generally is used for light rather than w armth. W orshipers gather around the E aster fire, kindled in Holy Saturday nig h t’s darkness. The fire's light overcom es the darkness. From this paschal fire we light the paschal candle - a strong symbol o f Christ as the light o f the world. This candle then leads our way from the fire outside into the church w here we celebrate the Easter sacram ents. The paschal candle’s historical origins are not entirely clear. Reference to a special paschal candle first appears in papal cerem onies in the late 11th century. But much earlier, in the fourth century, St. Jerom e was asked to com pose a song for the candle, presum ably like the "Exsultet" used at the Easter Vigil today. St. Augustine apparently com posed a similar hymn in North Africa around the same time. The practice o f cutting into the candle a cross and the first and last letters o f the G reek alphabet (alpha and om ega) appears in a seventh-century Spanish liturgical

book. And V enerable Bede in England (seventh-eighth centuries) w rites about inscribing the y e a r’s date on the candle. The paschal candle d e a rly is intended as a sym bol o f the risen Christ, w ho is the light o f the w orld and w hose resurrection destroyed the darkness o f sin. A s the presider at the liturgy cuts the cross, the alpha and om ega, and the date into the candle, he proclaim s: “Christ yesterday and today, the beginning and the end. A lpha and O m ega; all tim e belongs to him and all the ages; to him be glory and pow er through every age forever. A m en." As he lights the candle from the new fire, the presider says, “ M ay the light o f Christ, rising in glory, dispel the darkness o f our hearts and m inds.” Follow ing the candle into the darkened church calls to m ind the journey o f the Israelites through the desert, led by a pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar o f fire at night. T he “ E xsultet” suggests this when it proclaim s, “This is the night w hen the pillar o f fire destroyed the darkness o f sin” and calls the candle “a pillar o f fire that glow s to the honor o f G od.” L ater in the liturgy the paschal candle is carried to the baptism al font for the blessing o f its water. It is plunged into the w ater (once o r three tim es) to sym bolize the pow er o f Christ m aking fertile the w om b o f the font in order to bring forth new life. T hose who are baptized then are given baptism al candles lit from the paschal candle, sym bolizing the light of Christ they are lo carry in their lives. W henever baptism is celebrated throughout the year, the paschal candle is lit again; il then serves as the source o f light for all the baptismal candles, linking us

back to the Easter celebration o f baptism. A nd w henever a m em ber of the com m unity dies, the paschal candle is placed near the casket. The candle serves as a rem inder o f the prom ise o f resurrection that Hows from baptism into Christ. Christ lighls the way from beginning to end. He is truly the light o f the world. cm,

generations in the hearts o f those who encounter C hrist (1 T hessalonians 5:5; Ephesians 5:8; 1 John 1:5-7). Vital as this battle is to the salvation o f individuals and their com m unities, the outcom e o f the battle on a cosm ic level already has been determ ined: Christ won the victory. His light has banished the pow ers o f darkness (Colossians 1:15-20; 2:15). We hum ans, caught in the struggle between the forces o f light and darkness, need to be transform ed by C hrist's light. At the Transfiguration. Peter, Jam es and John were overcom e by the sight o f the glorified Jesus: “ His face shone forth like the sun and his clothes becam e white like light” (M atthew 17:2). Jesus allowed these three privileged disciples to see beyond the appearance of his human form to catch a glim pse of his divine nature. They fell to the ground, overcom e with awe. This type o f encounter with the

glorified Christ as overpow ering light also happened to St. Paul on his journey to D am ascus (Acts 22:6-9). The light o f the glorified Christ illum ined these apostles at the heart o f their being so as to guide and strengthen their m inds and their wills. The Israelite people, w hose very identity rested on the presence o f the Lord am ong them , yearned to see the light o f G o d ’s face (Psalm 4:7). T hey expressed this yearning by going to the tem ple to offer sacrifices o f thanksgiving and praise. T here they could find their lives renew-ed through com m union with God. Such com m union also w as expressed in term s o f light: “ In your light we see light" (Psalm 36:10). G od's life-giving presence cannot be contained in a place, an object or an idea; it engulfs. T here is now here to take cover from this G od. T he psalm ist proclaim s that w hen G od is near "the night

becom es bright like day; darkness becom es like light” (Psalm 139:12). This pervasive presence o f G od is a source o f life and consolation for those w ho seek God. But the prophet A m os challenged his contem poraries w ho stood in need o f reform to recognize that the L ord’s appearance for them w ould be a day “o f darkness, not light” (A m os 5:18. 20). G o d 's light penetrates to the depths o f the heart, challenging his people to rem ain true to the covenant relationship. W hen Israel underw ent deportation and lost its land to the A ssyrians in 721 B.C.. the prophet Isaiah tried to lift their sights beyond this devastating experience o f judgm ent to see that the Lord would act again on their behalf. “The people w alking in darkness have seen a great light: upon those sitting in a land o f deep darkness a light has shone (Isaiah 9:1). M atthew quoted this passage w hen he

introduced Jesus' m inistry in G alilee with the call, “R eform , for the kingdom o f heaven is near" (M atthew 4:17). T hose who accept this good new s of the com ing o f G od will find that the light o f C hrist w ithin m akes them “the light o f the w orld” (M atthew 5:14). Jesus exhorts his disciples to let their light shine forth before others. Just as the dawning light seems to arise from a region beyond the horizon, so the light o f Christ that rises within us brings us into com munion with the eternal life o f God. T he glorified Christ filled St. Paul with the conviction that he had overcome death. The destination o f those illum ined by the light o f Christ is not the dark, gloom y region o f Sheol but the new, heavenly Jerusalem . This heavenly city has no need of the sun or the m oon because Christ him self constantly gives light to it (R evelation 2 1 :22-24). ms

T his cycle o f life, death and rebirth/ resurrection is at the heart o f Easter faith. It is also how we m ove into authentically m ature faith. With C hrist’s light pushing back the darkness and G od’s word tilling our hearts, we who gather for the Easter Vigil move together tow ard the baptismal w ater o f new birth. We fearfully, yet joyfully, renounce evil and profess faith in the Triune God. We also support those now com ing to

the baptism al font for the first time. Entering as sinners, they em erge as saints, T h a t’s why baptism is the perfect m etaphor for adult faith that goes deeper into the m ystery o f C h rist’s saving pow er and rises to greater life. The E aster Vigil next takes each adult to the eucharistic m eal-banquet-sacrificethanksgiving. All eyes finally are open. O ur Lord and S avior is m ade real, w hole and entire. O ur “A m en!” is the boldest of

faith statem ents: "L et it be that you and we becom e one!” Finally we hear with new ears: "G o in peace, Alleluia! A lleluia!” “Thanks be to G od. Alleluia! A lleluia!" is the only possible response o f an adult church that has just journeyed tow ard the light, encountered the w ord, been cleansed by the w ater and fed at the table. And m ission is how w e, G o d 's Easter People, are now called to live. <\s

S OF Christ pushes the darkness back for us By S c o tt J . R u ta n HOW does the E aster Vigil model an adult faith journey? The vigil begins in darkness, at night. There is a sense o f loss, abandonm ent. Every ad u lt’s faith journey also starts there, with confusion, lack o f clarity and security, in the face o f the truly difficult questions. “W hat is right and good?” “ W hat is sinful?” “W hat really happens when I die?” “W hat am 1 supposed to do about this w o rld ’s injustice?” At the Easter Vigil, a light shines in the darkness. First it is ju st a new fire, giving off w arm th - like that o f a distant but treasured memory. Then, a new flam e arises from it. A candle is held aloft, and we look up. “Christ our Light!” the deacon sings! We respond, “Thanks be to G od!” As adults, we “begin" to rem em ber that it is Christ w ho enters the darkness o f our lives, bringing a sense o f clarity, calm ness and hope that did not exist before. In the Easter Vigil, his light is rekindled in us. And then the “story" o f faith - salvation history - is broken open through the proclamation o f the word. The familiar Scripture stories remind us that we arc created by and for God, that all are delivered from sin, that our lives are a perpetual sacrifice and that we will return to God.

-Special Report is a powerful symbol. We use w ater in baptism as a symbol of both death and life. Through the w ater o f the baptism al font, we die to sin and come to new life in Christ. W hen baptism al w ater only is poured across the forehead, we m ight think o f it sim ply as an instrum ent o f cleansing. We are cleansed o f our sins, but the change goes deeper. We also are to die to sin. D ying to sin is sym bolized m ore clearly w hen those being baptized are im m ersed in the w ater (since, as w e know, it is in w ater that people drow n). T his is w hy the church prefers im m ersion over pouring. The baptism al font can be seen as a tom b in w hich sin is buried, but it also can be view ed as the w om b from w hich w e are bom to new life. This new life is the life o f C hrist him self, for through baptism w e becom e m em bers o f his body and share his life force, the H oly Spirit.


The second m ajor sym bol in baptism is anointing w ith oil. If we are baptizing as an adult or a child o f catechetical age, this anointing is the sacram ent of confirm ation. W hen w e baptize an infant, w e anoint on the top o f the head as a hint o f the confirm ation that w ill com e later. In either case, anointing expresses the gift o f the H oly Spirit, the source o f the new life w e receive in baptism. O ther sym bols accom pany these basic ones in baptism . T hose baptized are clothed in a w hite garm ent - a rem inder that they have put on C hrist and are to live in G o d ’s grace. T hey are given a candle lit from the paschal candle - a rem inder that they have been enlightened by C hrist and are to show his light to the world. Taken together, these rich sym bols tell us that baptism initiates us into a new way o f life in Christ, a life o f grace rather than sin, a life guided by the H oly Spirit, a life o f holiness and a life dedicated to bringing C hrist’s light to others. □

“In the beginning when... the earth a formless void and darkness covered the face o f the deep, ... a windfrom God swept over the face of the waters”- Genesis 1:1

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By S iste r K a th e rin e H o w a rd , O SB

What a difference VFI rfRM makes!

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“Baptism is the sign that God has joined us on our journey , ... that he transforms our history into a history o f holiness,” - P o p e J o h n P a u l n

“Water, water, cool, clear w ater!” We cannot live w ithout water. We w ould not have com e to birth w ithout the w ater o f the am niotic fluid in w hich we grew. The earth w ould not have brought forth living creatures w ithout water. T h a t’s w hat we are looking for on M ars: traces that m ay show there once w as w ater and so the possibility o f life there in outer space! The biblical description o f life’s origins starts w ith water. “In the beginning w hen ... the earth w as a form less void and darkness covered the face o f the d e e p ,... a w ind from God sw ept over the face o f the w aters” (G enesis 1:1). G od spoke, and out o f that w ater the Spirit o f G od brings light, earth, living creatures, hum an beings. The life-giving w ater o f the first creation stands as an apt im age for the regenerating w ater o f baptism. Water, the w om b o f life, can also be a tom b. R aging floods at tim es cause havoc, destruction, loss o f life - in the M ississippi Valley, along C h in a’s Yellow River, on hurricane-sw ept shores, in the low lands o f M ozam bique, on the flood plains o f B angladesh and in terrible storm s at sea. W ater can be a fearsom e, destructive thing. T he biblical R ed Sea w aters that part to save the Israelites in their E xodus are the sam e w aters that destroy the Egyptians, their oppressors. In b aptism ’s flow ing w ater w e are recreated, bo m into the life o f God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In b aptism ’s flow ing w aters our sin is destroyed - that deep tendency in the hum an psyche driving us to separate ourselves from G od and from others in the hum an family. In the celebration o f baptism the Spirit o f G od “sw eeping over” the baptism al

w ater perm eates our being w ith divine life, draw ing us into the living love betw een F ather and Son. We, like Jesus at his baptism , know ourselves as “beloved children o f G od,” sisters and brothers o f one another. T he baptism al rite is our entry into the paschal m ystery, Je su s’ dying and our rising up w ith him to new life in the H oly Spirit as he did after three days in the tomb. O ur baptism al identity as children o f G od and m em bers o f the body o f Christ living the paschal m ystery m akes it possible for us to participate fully in the ch u rch ’s sacram ental life and in the ch u rch ’s life o f service. Each o f the other sacram ents celebrates in a particular w ay the paschal m ystery into w hich w e are initiated in baptism . For exam ple, in E ucharist Christ as food and drink unites us to him self in his dying and rising. In the sacram ent o f reconciliation he is present as the forgiving love o f God. O ur baptism al identity is also the source o f the gifts w hich m ake service to one another and our C hristian service in the w orld possible. E ach m em ber o f C h rist’s body, Paul tells us, shares in the one Spirit, but each one has unique gifts w ithout w hich the love and service o f the body o f C hrist is incom plete (1 C orinthians 12). W hether we w ere baptized last year or m any years ago, these effects o f the sacram ent o f baptism live on in us. Reborn as beloved children o f G od, we live the paschal m ystery as m em bers o f the body o f Christ. We are draw n by the Spirit to com e together. A nd, as we look forw ard in hope to the w orld to com e, we serve one another and celebrate C h rist’s dying and rising in us in w ays that strengthen, nurture and heal us and our world! ! c n s

W here baptism leads us ADU LT faith form ation is a lifelong jo urney into the w ondrous m ystery o f baptism. T hrough baptism we becom e apprentices to Jesus C hrist and we will learn to be his disciples in our ow n tim e, place and circum stances. Scholars today suggest that the G reek w ord for disciple, “m athetes,” is better translated as apprentice. A n apprentice learns from a m aster and once w as bound legally to the m aster until he (the apprentice) learns the craft. T hat is a useful w ay to describe adult faith form ation. We are lovingly bound to Jesus and to one another in the faith com m unity. T ogether we learn from the m aster, Jesus. The rites surrounding the baptism o f adults are rich w ith sym bols that reveal


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the m eaning o f this sacram ent and the m eaning o f adult faith form ation. T he cand idates’ stories rem ind us that we are not alone in our journey tow ard m ature faith. L ikew ise, the sponsors and the assem bly support the candidates as they m ake their profession o f faith. Thus, one goal o f adult faith form ation is to prom ote and support active m em bership in the Christian com munity. W ithin the com m unity we discover Jesus C hrist every day o f our lives. Like us, the new ly initiated will realize that intim acy with Jesus m ust be nurtured each day or it will wither. T he Spirit em pow ers us to share in Je su s’ m ission and our lives should tell the w orld about the good new s o f Jesus and bring his light into all the dark places we encounter.

IA Journey

I f everything com es fro m God, does that include suffering? I f G od gave man fre e will, why m ust we do his will? I f G od is always beside you, why are there m om ents when you fe e l isolated? TH ESE are just som e o f the questions that used to plague me. How can you reconcile anything w hen the world is made up o f dichotom ies? I could never understand the need for suffering. Even though I know that with every letdown eventually com es a fuller understanding o f why it happened, in the interim that can stretch up to years, the intensity o f that pain can be unbearable. That I am sure m any o f us know all too well. I had a good friend w ho passed away w hen w e w ere 1 5 .1 couldn ’t understand how such a w onderful girl could be m ade to suffer so m uch. I m issed her so. The m em ory o f one particular night rem ains startlingly vivid. I w as doing som e w ork w hen an overw helm ing sense o f loss overcam e m e and I started w eeping uncontrollably. Seized w ith a deep sense o f loss and fear - fear that life was m eaningless, I looked up at the night sky and dem anded to know if G od w as there. A m idst m y sobs, I cried out, “W hat if, when people die, they really becom e ju st ashes and dust w ith no soul anyw here? If you are there, if you do exist, give m e a sign. I need to know. Is she still there?” I shall not go into details here but suffice to say that I got m y sign. It was ju st w hat I needed. T he experience touched m e to the core. M y friend’s death w as the first thing that helped m e identify w ho G od is. Yet it w as another seven years before I finally decided to m eet him halfw ay - at RCIA. Naturally, I had accum ulated m ore hurts and confusion by then. I w as filled with questions like those above that I ju st could not com prehend.


Asking questions, getting answers

Jo y c e G a n fo u n d G o d a t age 15 w h en a good frie n d died . Jo y ce, w ho tu r n s 25 th is year, is a g r a d u a te o f C a th o lic J C a n d N U S. S he w o rk s as a co p y w rite r a t a local a d v e rtisin g agency.

HERE, Joyce is enjoying the company of Muffin and Tasha. Joyce loves animals. Her favourites are cats though. “ I have a cat at home,” she says. “Her nam e’s, well, Kitty.”. Joyce once took care of 15 strays and “I tried to hide them when they started culling cats,” she confesses. “ But just imagine, 15 cats... not one o f them survived. I watched some kittens die because some kid apparently tortured two of them - this I was told by a passerby. The rest were caught or got lost one by one. I put the last one to sleep because he was so badly injured. D on’t know why. Hospitalised him but the vet told me it was a goner. That was a very painful experience, the entire encounter with them.” Why does she do these things? “ I don’t think there needs to be any motivation for such things,” she says. “Sometimes, certain things come your way or somehow, you find yourself ‘straddled’ with ‘responsibilities’, big or small. How do you just stand by and do nothing? I mean, I’m sure I do enough of that every other day but this happens to be something I could actually take a proactive step in. So one thing led to another.”

D uring those seven years, I went to church on my own just to pray because M asses were intimidating. Everyone knew the responses and I was always trying to catch up. It terrified me until I met my boyfriend about tw o years ago and he brought m e to church and guided m e along step by step. It took me one year to overcome my shyness, especially the part when we wish each other “peace”. O ften, I felt left out when Com m union was given. As time passed, it turned into a very strange kind o f desire. I yearned for it so badly! It was only later at RCIA that I

learnt it’s a com m on desire. All along, I had w anted to join RCIA but I told m yself I w ould only do so with my parents’ support. Finally, I realised that I w as never going to be able to find the courage to tell them that I had been going to church. R ealising that, I decided to com m it to R C IA anyw ay and take w hat com es. But I was really clueless as to w here or how to start. It so happened that w hen I w as at N ovena, recruiting for R C IA w as going on and so I signed up there. B ut nobody called m e for a long, long time. I thought perhaps they were

full. So m y good friend brought m e to H oly Spirit Church. Initially, I was still quite overw helm ed and it could get quite tough finding the energy to m ake it to church after work. B ut after every session, I left feeling so w onderful that I ju st kept telling m yself to stick it through. A lso, there w ere a lot o f things I w anted answ ers to. I had waited seven years already. It w as about time! So, my R C IA journey started! I cam e to R C IA to seek answ ers and the depth o f som e o f these answ ers still astounds me. M y journey, at least this stage, ends in baptism at the Easter Vigil. I w ill be the first Catholic in my family. B ut what about m y parents! How w ill they react? M um never w anted any o f us to convert because she had a bad experience w ith a relative w ho did and caused a lot o f trouble at their grandfather’s Taoist funeral. But w e had a talk and she was m ore open to the idea than expected. D ad ’s alw ays been m ore open. H is only concern is that I can still attend my grandparents’ funerals, for exam ple... w hich o f course, I will do. I feel that I have answ ered G o d ’s call in taking this jouney. G od alw ays calls. Som etim es the calls go unheard though . I ’m sure he understands. But he never, ever leaves you alone. W hen we feel isolated, perhaps it’s because we ju st d o n ’t listen carefully enough. If we m eet Jesus now, m any o f us will probably cast everything aside to follow him. Live our lives according to his will. So w hy aren ’t we doing that right now? Because he isn 't here? O r are we not listening hard enough? A t R C IA , I learnt about discipleship. W hat it m eans to surrender your will to God. A nd how im portant it is to strive hard to live as if Jesus is physically here with m e everyday. I still long to be w alking with him physically but I see ju st how fortunate I am not to have to endure the hardships of his era. Indeed, it is so m uch ^ ^ easier to be his disciple today. :

RCIA Journey TH E route that Johnny and M avis Lee took to the Catholic Church was influenced significantly by their tw o daughters, Janice and M arie, who were baptised last November. Johnny, w ho turns 50 at his next birthday, is A gency M anager at Zurich Insurance (S) Ltd . He has been at the same com pany for the past 30 years. M avis is 48. She takes care o f the home. Johnny and Mavis took the first step towards Christianity in 1998 when a relative invited them to attend services at one o f the new non-mainline churches. “We were not comfortable,” Johnny says. It was then that Janice and Marie, though not yet Catholic, persuaded them to attend Mass. “A t the beginning, we w ent to Holy Trinity as it w as the nearest to our home. T hen later on, w e attended novenas at the N ovena Church on Saturdays - however, we were not very regular M ass-goers yet.” “We find that it w as m ore system atic and m ost im portantly they d id n ’t force anyone to convert,” Johnny explained, “I guess the seed o f faith w as first planted then, though not strong enough,” Johnny rem arked.

B E FO R E I jo in ed R C IA Journey 49 at the Church of O ur Lady o f Perpetual Succour m y wife, Mavis, and I had been attending Mass occasionally. We tried our best to learn as m uch as we could whilst listening to the homily by the priests but still felt that we could not fully appreciate and understand the true teachings of Christ. After each service, we would tell ourselves to get the form and register for the RC IA journey but somehow never got round to it. Perhaps our faith was not strong enough and the time was not right. Both our daughters had been educated at the C onvent o f the H oly Infant Jesus (K atong), and som ehow they w ere influenced and developed an interest to learn about the teachings o f Jesus. W ith encouragem ent and support from their C atholic friends, they started going to church to explore further the C atholic faith. Gradually, through the years, their faith grew stronger and they

Led by the children E lder daughter, Janice, a civil servant, has shared that having Christ in her life has certainly helped her to live life m ore positively. “ M y younger daughter, M arie, is currently doing her undergraduate studies in Brisbane. Being a Catholic has definitely helped her to cope well with life’s challenges - especially having to be away for the first time from her family. As parents, m y wife and I have lesser worries

know ing that she’s in the L ord’s care.” “T hey never failed to encourage us to go to church again each tim e we stopped attending,” Johnny says o f his pre-R C IA days. On their part, Johnny and M avis did try several tim es to jo in the R C IA but each tim e they w ent to register, no one w as available to help them. But their daughters w ere so determ ined for them to jo in the R C IA that they got the form s from O LPS for Johnny and M avis to fill


The jo y we experience began their R C IA journey at OLPS C hurch w hich finally led to their baptism on N ov 23, 2003. W hilst hom e, our daughters shared w ith us their experiences in Journey 48 and encouraged us to jo in the R C IA journey. T hrough them , w e felt a new desire to gain a better understanding o f the C atholic faith and decided that we w ere ready to em bark on the RC IA journey. Since then w e have m oved

forw ard, tow ards the light o f Jesus, and have not regretted. We have been inspired by the teachings o f Jesus and feel touched by God. It has been an intense soulsearching experience. We now feel that we are ready for baptism. O ur journey tow ards baptism w ould not have been possible w ithout the open and honest sharing sessions w ith our fellow travelers, gaining a deeper understanding


A spiritual reawakening DOUGLAS Tseng, 31 and a freelance writer, will be baptised at Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour He hasn’t told his mother about his baptism yet. “In due time,” he says.. “ But my elder brother knows about mv conversion even before I told him. He said he saw ‘it’in my behaviour hut I’m sure it was the Bible on my desk that gave it away,” Douglas continued. “I’ve never discussed religion with my colleagues. But I have a group of Christian friends who are happy about my baptism, especially the ones who encouraged me to embark on the RCIA journey.” And what happens after baptism? “I’ve been slated to help out the next RCIA Journey in some capacity,” he confides.’Tf time permits, yes, I ’ll like to help out with the parish newsletter.”

W HEN asked to reflect on my conversion to Christianity and share the experience, I was very nervous about it. But after much deliberation (mostly spent in the adoration room), I thought the only way to go about it is to do what I do best: the movies! The movie in question is “Wide A w ake”, an early effort - and an ignored gem - by M Night Shyam alan, the same guy who did “The Sixth Sense”. It tells the endearing story o f a ten-year-old b o y ’s search for G od, with the hope o f deciphering som e existential questions about life and the after-life. In one scene, the kid asks his classm ate, “You ever think about G od?”

in the particulars. “W hen w e told them that we had subm itted the form s for registration, they w ere very glad o f our decision to jo in the C atholic faith - after m uch procrastination,” Johnny rem em bers. Johnny believes that finding Jesus has enriched his life greatly and he is able to do his w ork well, w hile living acccording to C hrist’s teaching. M ost im portantly, it has definitely helped to strengthen fam ily relationships at hom e. Currently, the fam ily has opened their hom e to host the “Pre-catechum enate H om e Sessions” for R C IA Journey 51 for OLPS church. The fam ily shared that, “ So far, it has been a w onderful experience to m ake new friends and to share our faith with our inquirers. We hope that they will continue to be touched by G od ’s calling...” To those w ho are not sure if they should enroll in the R C IA , Johnny advises them to attend M ass and explore for them selves how the com m unity prays, and to jo in the R C IA for a better understanding o f the Catholic faith w hen they are com fortable and ready. O '

o f the true m eanings behind the various rituals and sacraments, coupled with the guidance and strong com m itm ent from the priests, catechists, faith sharers, core m em bers, sponsors and godparents. We are elect now, we feel privileged to be chosen by God. H aving experienced joy in the RCIA journey, w e are eager to share w ith others our experience o f Jesus. We have offered and are hosting the six pre-catechum enate sessions for the inquirers o f the new RC IA Journey 51 at our home. We now look forward to our baptism on Easter Vigil, 10 April 2004. With G od’s love entrusted upon m e and my family members, the Lord will continue to guide and bless us. We hope that our faith will continue to grow stronger each passing day. We will be able to serve the Lord by helping others to find their path to Him and also volunteer services to ^ ^ help in the church activities. / / O .

“We go to Catholic school. G o d ’s like our hom ew ork,” his pal replied. And that was essentially how I’ll describe my early relationship with God. I did n ’t come from a Christian home (I do have Christian relatives but we never discussed religion) and the closest daily contact with Christianity was spending 10 years at Maris Stella High. Back then, I d o n ’t think I was ever an atheist. I believed in a Supreme Being watching over us but I never, for whatever reasons, allowed him to play a bigger role in my life. Now, fast forw ard to the present. I was going through a rough time. I was unhappy with m y job. 1 w asn ’t proud of some o f the things I had done. I had let friends down. And there were deaths in the family. My life was fuelled by depression, hatred and cynicism and I was running on empty. For a while, I was like, no wait, was that kid in “ Wide Awake” all confused, frightened and lost. It was at that point, with a little help from my friends, I started attending

) c)li'C'J T h e tu r n in g p o in t fo r

S : T S E lVJI s a fe tv" A fte r s o m e tim e I b e g a n p r a y to Je su s. I to ld h im , “ I ’m te rrib ly c o ld , m y L o rd , an d I k n o w th a t th e r e ’s n o th in g I c a n d o for m y s e lf e x c e p t lo w a it fo r th e

m e o u t o f th is te rr ib le s itu a tio n '’. I r e p e a te d the p r a y e r a g a in “ I 'm

terribly cold, my Lord

and again

a n d ag a in . H ow it h a p p e n e d

there was only a single-room and t had to pay more. By now 1 felt so cheated, but there was not much 1

ipon the inicident and ’ringing m e out c)f Ihi ielieve it v/as the Hof irompted the pol icem

to get some warmth, a.s.a.p. 1 felt cheated again when I was shown my room. The heater that had been promised did not exist. The bed was just a plank and the mattress a thinly folded cloth. 1 opened up my sleeping bag and huddled inside, hoping to get warm, but to no avail.

prayer - until "b a n g '’, a loud knock on my door, silence for a while, then I shouted that I w asn’t expecting anyone and thought there was no one 1 knew w ho 1would know that I was staying there. The 1'ellow insisted that 1 open the naliy opened the door. He :o see my identification paper. I had no idemtification paper so I showed him m y pa>isport instead. Browsii tg through my passport, he t _ j T i r ? \ U r ! . w r s a H B i H

the faith. My sisters w ere baptized several years.ago but that did nol influence me A t that time. I neither fancied nor took m uch interest in becom ing a Catholic 1 was in a Catholic schools all my 14 years o f student-life - kindergarten. primary, secondary and JC. Studying in to observe the way o f Catholics. Back then, 1 was young and naive and 1 d id n ’t see the need to convert, not yet anyway. I went to church (all denom inations!) thinking it was a cool thing to do. 1 delayed and procrastinated from m aking

church. So I joined the RCIA. 1 guess it must be a reward for joining RCJA that within a month or so I found a job - 1 should say it's a good jo b that I enjoy. RCIA has taught m e the Catholic faith and this journey has been parallel to m y social and working life. T he sharings and readings guide me on what to do in

young and adults. They are fun-loving and in them 1 see happiness and hope in life. Most importantly, this strengthen our faith as w e a a have each other. / y


Grateful to the Lord church and finally in early 2 0 0 3 ,1 took concrete steps to em brace C hrist by enrolling into RCIA. Ten y ears’ w orth of Catholic schooling finally kicked in. T he RCIA was a spiritual reaw akening. I learnt about the redeem ing pow er o f unconditional love and forgiveness, self-renew al through selfexam ination (facing your dark side is never a pretty sight), and that prayer is not about presenting G od a laundry list of desires and dem ands but appreciating G o d ’s presence. But RCIA is a long and gruelling journey and no journey is not w ithout obstacles. One of those barriers surfaced ju st before m y Rite o f Election. Suddenly, I began to ask myself: Have 1 done enough good to receive G o d ’s G race? Was I really ready and w orthy for baptism ? I was just plain petrified. It was really a bad case o f self-doubt - bad enough to consider dropping out. But I d id n ’t com e this far to quit the journey. When in doubt, you pray. A nd I got my

answer that same week during Mass. It was a reading from the gospel of Luke (Lk 5:58). W hen Simon Peter said to Jesus, “Go away from me, Lord! I am a sinful m an!”, Jesus said, "D o n ’t be afraid; from now on you will be catching people.” “D o n ’t be afraid” . W hen I heard those w ords, it was as if they were directed specifically at me. It had this resounding clarity that there and then, I stopped worrying. As I w rite this, I am two weeks away from m ybaptism . A fter baptism , the easy part is over. The end o f the RCIA also m arks the beginning o f another journey a new journey wherein I hope to lay to rest the old ways and begin life as a transform ed person. T h ere’ll alw ays be the struggle between the tw o and the tem ptation to indulge in transgressions. Should I ever slip up, I can always turn to Jesus and the inspiring new friends I've made at RCIA Journey 49 to keep me “ wide aw ake” and stay ^ ^ on the right path. J /

R U B Y T an is fro m C h u r c h o f th e H oly S p irit. T h is is h e r c o n v e rsio n story.

L ooking back... m y life during the tw o years before m y R C IA journey, I am em barrassed to say, w as a total w reck - indulging heavily in night life, thinking only o f m yself, feeling that life w as so boring and pointless and feeling a sense o f redundancy. I did not care that I w as hurting people around m e, especially people w ho love m e dearly. T hen the L ord called m e in a peculiar way. The R C IA journey changed m y perspective on life. I started to reflect on m y w hole life and began to realize that I w as very blessed w ith w onderful gifts from G od - m y sons and an am azing husband who never failed to stop caring, understanding and loving me; and close-knit fam ilies and friends w ho w ere alw ays there for me. N ow I am grateful to the Lord and every day I reflect “w hat m ore can I ask from you, L ord, w ho has never failed to be by m y side and show er me w ith your love”. F or w hat he has done for m e, I am resolved to reciprocate his love by learning to love m yself, learning to love the people around m e and m ost im portant o f all to love him. T hough at tim es I am still struggling to be C hrist-like, I am a m uch happier ^ ^ person and a contented child o f God. / / □


— -■


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0, H O W easy it is to lift our eyes to heaven today! Jesus is risen! H e has defeated death, conquered the devil, and disarm ed sin! H eav en ’s gates have been opened w ide for us! Now, baptized into C hrist, w e can share in his victory and w alk in freedom . Truly, w e all should rejoice today, but w hat about tom orrow ? H ow can we hold on to our E aster joy? L e t’s be realistic. We should expect “bum ps” in our daily path. D ay s w ill com e w h en our m in d s w ill seem lik e a battlefield o f tem ptation and anxiety. But these bum ps d o n ’t have to rob us o f our inheritance. G rounded in the k n ow ledge th a t w e “have been raise d w ith C h rist” (Colossians 3: 1), w e can face the battle directly, and overcome! Imagine that a cow orker or friend hurts you in some way. W hat will you do? It w ould be easy to feel deflated, angry, or defensive. But rem em ber that Jesus has raised you up with him. If you keep filling your m ind w ith the truths o f G od’s love - both for you and for the other person - there will be no room left for resentm ent or revenge. Perhaps you feel that the dem ands on your tim e are over-w helm ing. Still, m ake tim e for prayer. W hen you take y o u r eyes o ff e v e ry th in g you h av e to do and contem plate heaven instead, y o u ’ll find yourself better able to keep your tasks in perspective. You m ay even becom e m ore efficient! L e t’s resolve now to let our E aster celebration take deep root in our lives. A s the H oly Spirit fills our m inds with the reality o f w hat happened on the first E aster Sunday, w e w ill becom e a “heavenly m inded” people, stro n g , p e a c e fu l, and h o p e fu l no m a tte r w h at o u r circum stances. We w ill becom e living w itnesses to the pow er o f the resurrection. □

Rejoice, we have been raised with Christ. “Jesus, I praise you on this Easter day! You have risen from the dead and overcome sin and death! You have opened heaven fo r me! I rejoice with all the heavenly host fo r all you have done!”

Sunday, April 18 □ John 20:19-31; A cts 5: 12-16; Psalm 118:24, 13-15, 22-24; R evelation 1:9-13,17-19

Doubting Thomas is just like us T H E apostles had gathered in locked quarters, worrying whether they were next in line for arrest and execution. But in the m idst o f their worries, Jesus’ appearance brought them joy and peace. Only one apostle - Thom as - was absent and so m issed out on the excitement. The shock o f Jesus’ betrayal and crucifixion had left him broken hearted, and it seems that in his grief he sought isolation rather than the com forting presence o f his fellow disciples. Imagine T hom as’ surprise when Jesus suddenly showed up a week later. Surrounded by his brothers and sisters in faith, T hom as finally saw the Lord, and his doubt gave w ay to firm conviction and unspeakable joy. N ot only did T hom as go from u n b e lie f to b elie f; he w ent fro m iso la tio n to com munity. St G regory the G reat once w rote that G od ordained “that the doubting disciple, as he touched the w ounds in the flesh o f his M aster, healed in us the w ounds o f our unbelief.” He w ent on to say that T h o m as’ doubt can help us to believe even more than the faith o f the disciples who did believe. W hy? B ecause we know w e ’re not alone. Thom as - one o f the chosen Tw elve - w as ju st like us! Do you know someone who is wavering in faith or feels abandoned by G od? Pray that the Lord Jesus w ill “ show u p ” for that person and reassure him or her w ith his ow n presence. Perhaps you feel distant from the L ord yourself, or w orried that y o u ’ve done som ething he w o n ’t forgive. K now that Jesus is present for you w ith his m ercy and grace. Today at M ass, as you are surrounded by fellow believers, he w ants to show you his love.

St Gregory the Great once wrote that God ordained ‘‘that the doubting disciple, as he touched the wounds in the flesh of his Master, heal in us the wounds of our unbelief” He is always ready to speak to you, even in tim es o f adversity, loneliness, or tem ptation. W elcome Jesus into your heart today. Let him strengthen your faith as he did for his friend Thom as. □

“Lord, I believe that your victory over sin and death can free everyone from unbelief. Give Faith to the faint-hearted and hope to the hopeless so that everyone may fin d life, peace, and joy in your presence.”

CatholicNews Fortnightly newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore Managing Editor

Fr Johnson Fernandez Staff correspondents

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Publish church accounts I T H IN K it is about tim e the Catholic Church be open and transparent about how she m anages her funds. I think parishioners have a right to know at the parish level. I suggest that the church publish m onthly accounts in the parish bulletin and a bi-annual diocese report in the C atholic New s. P a tr ic k T an Singapore


JENNIFER WEE 9105-0312

m em ber

T R U S T E D F O R 16 Y E A R S H A S S L E -F R E E T R A N S A C T IO N S !

Whatever happens, let’s stand by the church DAILY m edia reports on the F r Joachim K ang trial have kept C atholics in Singapore aw are and concerned. T he desire to know w hat happened and the im portance o f know ing is understandable as priests, good Catholics and the constitution o f the C atholic C hurch are involved. This court case m ay have shaken our faith a little bit and m ay even have led to some C atholics doubting the credibility o f som e officials o f the church. B ut at the end o f the day, the question I pose to all Catholics is, w here do you stand? I recognize that it is more difficult to share our Catholic faith with our friends during times like this. But I, for one, w ould stand by the Catholic Church. This is more cm cial, especially w hen religion is all about faith: believing w ithout seeing or fully understanding. D uring this challenging period, Catholics in Singapore are invited to take a closer w alk w ith God.

W hat others perceive o f the Catholic Church in Singapore is far less im portant than how firmly we Catholics are rooted in the Catholic faith. W hatever the outcom e, as Lent com es to an end, it is more im portant to resurrect with Jesus and stand up as Catholics. We need to stand by the church, by our priests, religious and fellow Catholics. If we are united and grateful to be Catholics, I ’m sure we can be “light o f the w orld and salt o f the earth”. (M atthew 5:1316) We need to “forget all that lies behind us, and straining forw ard to w hat lies in front.” (Philippians 3:13-14). We are called to “race tow ards the finishing point... in C hrist Jesus.” T he challenge is, w here do you stand? I hope the answ er w o n ’t be “on the fence”.

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A.C.M.A. responds to “Place free books in churches” I A M w riting on behalf o f the A rchdiocesan C om m ission for M issionary A ctivities (A .C.M .A .) w ith reference to “Place free books in churches” (CN , M ar 14 and 21) by Mr. A bel Goh. A .C .M .A . has a range o f booklets and tracts on Christianity, and the Catholic faith available at our office at 49, H olland Rd, S(258849). In


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We should evangelise with “Passion” FIRSTLY , I am grateful that my suggestion on a book o f local conversion stories is being considered. It w ill not be easy but I ardently hope that the idea does not rem ain a dream but becom e a real tool o f evangelization for Singapore. I refer to the letter o f M r H enry O ng in C N M ar 28/A pr 4 on “W hy church is not attractive to som e people”. H e gives several observations: lack o f form ation, overload o f activities, too m uch focus on fundraising etc. M y p erspective is that not enough evangelization is done in the first place. D o our nonC hristian brothers and sisters know that they are invited w ith no strings attached to find out m ore about our Faith? W hen was the last tim e w e extended a hand o f invitation and outreach? Let us take the m ovie “The Passion o f the Christ” as an example. H ere is a quality movie m ade by a com m itted Catholic that has generated so m uch publicity and interest. It w ouldn’t take much to ask a friend w hether he or she would be interested to w atch it.

W hat a golden opportunity to let people know about Jesus, right? And even if we did not w ant to use the m ovie as an outreach or ecum enical activity, we should still encourage all Catholics to see w hat a fellow Catholic has done to portray the sufferings o f our Lord. But w hat has our Church done? A s far as I know, only a charity fundraising premier. O nly one group I know tried to organise a special screening and get tickets subsidised so that people w ould be attracted to go. By contrast, T he N ew Paper reported that C ity H arvest Church booked 26,000 tickets. If Singaporean Catholics did m ore than this to encourage their ow n selves and their non-C atholic neighbours to this m ovie, I h av e n ’t heard o f it. If we w ant to evangelize, we should be doing all w e can to encourage C atholics to w atch this m ovie and encourage Catholics to bring others too. Parishes should organise special screenings. Tickets should be subsidised or even given free as a gift to nonCatholics. If the m ovie is hard to

understand, a booklet can be given to help them understand it. A ll this costs money, but if we did not put our m oney w here it is truly im portant - for the K ingdom o f G od - w e should only blam e ourselves that the Church attracts too few people. Based on the information I have received, I can only conclude that we have missed a great opportunity to reach out with Faith. We have failed to tap the potential of this event. O ur Protestant brethren, on the other hand, have no lack o f zeal, imagination and dynam ism and are willing to put their money in this area. E ven today, in 2004, we as a C hurch have not understood the im portance o f evangelization. S om ehow o r other, our attention is directed elsew here. We do not see or seize the chances that com e by to let the m essage o f Christ reach others. We should ask ourselves w ith regard to this movie: W hen w ill such an opportunity com e by again? A u g u stin e C h e n Singapore


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yytei^j* POPE John Paul II raises the chalice during Mass at the Vatican March 27. The pontiff has signed a document on liturgical abuse which will be released soon.


A Vatican document to correct


ABUSE By J o h n T h av is VATICAN CITY - A long-aw aited


Vatican docum ent on liturgical abuse has been signed by Pope John Paul II and is expected to be published after Easter. The Latin text is being translated into various languages, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, head o f the Congregation for the D octrine o f the Faith, said in late M arch. O ther Vatican sources said the docum ent probably w ould be ready for release tow ard the end o f April. T he docum ent has been unusually controversial. Last summ er, details w ere leaked from a draft o f the text, w hich denounced a long string o f liturgical errors and called on bishops to correct them . Am ong other things, the draft insisted on limiting the role of lay m inisters, forbade liturgical dance, w arned against use of nonapproved texts, cautioned against pseudo-liturgical rites by and for w om en, and said distribution o f Com m union under the form s o f bread and w ine is not always a good idea. The draft also encouraged lay people to report abuses to their bishops and, if necessary, directly to the Vatican. A ccording to Vatican sources, the draft docum ent was

altered after a review by members o f the C ongregation for D ivine W orship and the Sacram ents, w hich is issuing the text. It was prepared in collaboration with the doctrinal congregation. A lm ost as m uch as the content, the tone o f the draft docum ent alarm ed some liturgists in R om e, including several w ho w ork w ith the Vatican on papal liturgies. T hat apprehension em erged in D ecem ber at a sym posium to com m em orate the 40th anniversary o f “Sacrosanctum C oncilium ,” the Second Vatican C ouncil’s docum ent on liturgical renew al. A m ong those in attendance w as the head of the w orship congregation, C ardinal Francis A rinze.

Fears of restrictions A t the end o f the session, Servite F ather Silvano M aggiani, president o f the A ssociation o f Professors o f Liturgy, read a m essage expressing the liturgists’ fear that the liturgical reform m ovem ent opened by Vatican II w as being closed down. Father M aggiani told Catholic N ew s Service that the association later sent personal letters to Pope John Paul II and other high officials at the

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O)□ Y O U R P A R T N E R IN R E A L E S T A T E

Vatican, expressing “bew ilderm ent, unease, fear and concern” at the apparent direction o f the liturgical abuse document. F ather M aggiani, a consultor to the office that prepares papal liturgies, wrote that it w as not right to “define as abuse things that are not.” Any real abuses should be corrected not w ith a “repressive” spirit but through form ation, he said. H e also w rote that it w ould go against Vatican II to try and return to a “schism ... betw een lay faithful and ordained m inisters.” Vatican sources said the docum ent has been ready for som e tim e, but w as held for several w eeks o f review at the Secretariat o f State. That has led som e to believe that significant changes have been made. W hatever the final form, the docum ent takes aim at liturgical abuse, and it was written at the specific request o f the pope. W hen he asked for its preparation alm ost a year ago, the pope said he w anted it to include “prescriptions o f a juridical nature” regarding church rules for the celebration o f M ass and adoration o f the Eucharist. Part o f the concern behind the docum ent focuses on the lay role during liturgies. The Vatican does not want lay people giving sermons, pronouncing the eucharistic prayers, breaking the eucharistic bread, or distributing Com m union unless there is an “urgent” need. The thinking is that all this dim inishes the proper role o f the ordained minister. O ther areas o f liturgical and sacram ental concern include: — T he practice o f inviting non-C atholics to share in Com m union. — A llow ing laicized priests to adm inister sacram ents. — Substituting non-biblical texts for biblical readings during M ass. — Introduction o f nonChristian elem ents in Catholic liturgies, and celebration of M ass in non-C hristian places of w orship. — A llow ing non-Catholic m inisters to w ear Catholic vestm ents. — A doration o f the E ucharist in unw orthy settings. — G iving first C om m union outside o f M ass and before first confession. — U sing corruptible metals, glass or ceram ic for the sacred vessels, including the chalice. — Breaking o f the host at the consecration, instead of im m ediately prior to C om m union. □

LRSS ON FIRST CORINTHIANS FOR YOUNG ADULTS WITH THE HARVESTERS Discover a community united even in the midst of conflict, discovering weaknesses and strengths. When: Every Thursday from Apr 22 to Jul 1. Registration: Email: info@harvesterscommunity.org or call Jane (6481-5912) by Apr 16. Cost: $20 (includes materials). Venue: Chinatown Point, #16-02. Time: 7.30 p.m.-9.30 pm. WORKSHOP BY SR. GENEVIEVE A better U nd erstan d in g of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Four sessions of 2 hours... a bird’s eyeview of the C.C.C. (Basic course) Date: Sun May 2,9,23 & 30. Venue: Holy Spirit Church, Thom son Rd. Cost: $30. Registration: Tel/Fax: 6272-4056. R.C.I.A CLASSES Blessed Sacrament Church, Damien Centre. Com m encing Apr 28, every Wednesday, 7.30pm-9pm. Enquiries: 6474-0582 Fax: 6472-6545. E-mail: tanytjoe@pacific.net.sg

LnLoTinv!! In loving m em ory o f

K A TH ERIN E LOH JOO GEK Departed: Apr 15, 1977 Just a thought of sweet remembrance, Just a memory sad and true, Just the love and sweet devotion, O f one who thinks o f you. Inserted by loving daughter Lucy and family. Third Anniversary In loving m em ory of

Fourth Anniversary In loving m em ory o f

MARTIN STEWART FELIX GOMEZ Departed: Apr 12, 2000 Close to our hearts you will always remain we still often talk about you and cry each time when we miss you. Rest in peace dear. Forever cherished by family and loved ones. Fourteenth Anniversary In loving memory of

Queen of Peace Church. Commencing in M ay every F riday at 7.45 pm. Enquiries: Martin de Souza (9137-2607) William Chia (9817-4155) or Raymond Chong (9771-9050). Non-Catholics who wish to know the Catholic Faith and Catholics who wish to deepen their understanding of the faith or to jo u rney as sponsors w ith the catechumens are welcome. DEVOTION TO ST ANTHONY Day and Time: 8 pm every Tuesday at the Church of St Stephen, 30 Sallim Rd. IN D O N E SIA N CH A RISM A TIC PRAYER GROUPS (KKIHS) Prayer and worship every Thursday, 2.30 pm and every last Friday, 7.30 pm. Venue: 3rd Fir, Church of the Holy Spirit. INDONESIAN MASS Indonesian Mass will be held every 3rd Sunday of the month at 3.30 pm. Venue: Church of St. Mary of the Angels.

A N TH ONY LEONG Departed: Apr 13, 2001 God looked around His garden and found an empty place He then looked down upon this Earth And saw your tired face. He put his arms around you And lifted you to rest G od’s garden must be beautiful He always takes the best. Dearly missed by all loved ones.

SEBASTIAN V E DA M A N IC K A M Departed: Apr 11,1990 To us your name will ever be the key that unlocks memory o f a dear father gone but cherished yet. A beloved face, w e’ll never forget not just today but every day. You are still very much in our hearts. A lw ays rem em bered by beloved wife and loved ones.

T h ir d A n n iv e rsa ry In loving m em ory o f

CHIJ - SCHOOL FEAST DAY CUM FUNDRAISING DINNER Our Lady of Good Counsel are holding th eir School F east Day cum Fund­ raising D inner on S at., A pr 24 at 7.30pm - School grounds. SPECIAL MASS IN HONOUR OF ST PEREGRINE Patron Saint of those suffering from Cancer or any other life-threatening illness. Date: Thurs., May 6,8 pm. Venue: St Joseph’s Church, 143 Victoria St. Celebrant: Fr Gerard Weerakoon. St Peregrine’s feast day is on May 4. The date of this mass, May 6, is a substitute. E nquiries: E laine 979 8-8295/ mizee@singnet.com.sg or Molly 64818109. Organised by The Cyrenes, a Catholic-based inter-religious support group for the people with AIDS, cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. All, including non-Catholics, are welcome.

THANKSGIVING O Holy St Jude, apostle and martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsm an of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor for all who invoke your special patronage in times o f need. To you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg you, to whom God has given such great power, to come to my assistance. H elp me in my present urgent petition. In return I promise to make your name know n and cause you to be invoked. St Jude pray for me and all w ho invoke your aid. H umbly in need o f your intercession. Amen. Thank you for answering my prayers.

Most grateful and sincere thanks to Holy Apostle, St Jude Thaddeus for urgent petition answered. M any thanks also to the m ost Sacred Heart of Jesus and Holy Mary. M ay the names of St Jude, Sacred Heart o f Jesus and Holy M ary be always invoked. My heartfelt gratitude to St Jude for answering part o f my prayers. Please continue to pray for me and the rest o f my petitions. Thank you Lord Jesus and M other Mary, I know G od’s love is powerful and great. Your non-catholic daughter Anusuyah Devi Thank you once again to Lord Jesus, holy apostle, St Jude for answering my prayers. Also grateful thanks to O ur Lady M other of Perpetual Help for favours, protection and prayers answered. Please continue to guide me always. Veronica H.

S O L O M O N JA C O B D eparted: A pril 14, 2001 N ot only today but every day w e can feel you in our lives. We know y o u ’re w atching and praying for each o f us. We love you and w ill alw ays m iss you. A lw ays cherished by your loving w ife, children and all loved ones. F ifteen th A nn iversary In loving m em ory o f

B E N N E T T M A R T IN (B E N N Y ) D eparted: A pril 18, 1989 D earest M one R em em bering you is easy W e do it every day M issing you is the hardest part A s it n ev er goes aw ay To h ear y o u r voice To see y o u r sm ile To sit w ith you and talk aw hile W ould be o u r greatest w ish. W e love you. D early m issed by A cha, M um , M ol, L ahiru, K utten and loved ones.

In Loying M fiiiiorj Fourth Anniversary In loving m em ory of

XAVIER CHARLES Departed: Apr 18,2000 R em em bering you is easy We do it every day M issing you is the Twenty-first Anniversary In loving m em ory of

hardest part As it never goes away To hear your voice. To see your smile To sit with you and talk awhile Would be our greatest wish today Today, tomorrow, ou r whole life through We shall alw ays love and rem em ber you. Mass will be celebrated at the Church o f St T heresa’s on A pr 18, 2004 at 6 pm. Alw ays remembered by loving wife, children, grandchildren and loved ones. Fourth Anniversary In loving m em ory of

Thirteenth Anniversary In loving m em ory o f

T R IN IT Y CA SK ET F T i LTD To hear your voice. To see your smile To sit with you and talk awhile Would be our greatest wish today Today, tomorrow, our whole life through We shall alw ays love and rem em ber you.

KURIAN SEBASTIAN Departed: Apr 24, 1991 Rem em bering you is easy We do it every day M issing you is the hardest part As it never goes away

Lovingly remembered by wife Ivy Sebastian nee Ivy Paglar, sons, daughters-in-law and grandchildren. Mass will be celebrated at the C hurch o f the Im m aculate Heart o f Mary at 6.15 pm on Saturday April 24. Please treat this as a personal invitation.

Tenth Anniversary In loving memory of

First Anniversary In loving m em ory o f

Seventh Anniversary In loving m em ory o f

AGN ES ANNE PEREIRA Departed: Apr 17, 2003

ANNA SIM SEE ENG Departed: Apr 14, 1997

T hank you for the years we shared Thank you for the way you cared We loved you then and we love you still Forget you, we never will. Always loved and deeply m issed by T om and children. May she rest in peace.

H er smile is so sweet H er gentleness felt H er love overflow s even to these days H er generous heart m ultiplies am ong us. Thought o f her warms us. Thankful and fond m em ories o f a great women, mother, grandm other, great grandm other and wife.

T e n th A n n iv e r sa r y

Eleventh Anniversary In loving m em ory of

FRANCIS FERNANDEZ Departed: Apr 17, 1993 In the em ptiness and silence of our mourning com es the com fort From on high With peace in our hearts and the joy that you are alw ays nearby. Deeply m issed and always remembered by wife, Celine Fernandez, children, and loved ones.

N in e te e n th A n n iv e rsa r y

In loving m em ory o f G E O R G E VICTOR SA N T H O U Departed: Apr 13,1983 Y our presence is ever near us, Y our love remains with us yet; You were the kind o f father, Y our loved ones will never forget. A lw ays rem em bered by w ife and children.

FREDDY JOHN NEO Departed: Apr 23, 2000 God looked around His garden and found an em pty place He then looked down upon this Earth And saw your tired face. He put his arms around you And lifted you to rest G od's garden must be beautiful He alw ays takes the best.

Tenth Anniversary In loving m em ory of

Sadly m issed by wife and children and all loved ones.

MARY AUGUSTINE Departed: Apr 18, 1994 Take her in Thy arms, dear Lord, And ever let her be A messenger of love Between our hearts and Thee. Fondly remembered by family and loved ones. Mass will be held at the Church of Our Lady Star of the Sea at 7.45 am on April 18, 2004.

9th Anniversary In loving memory of

CatholicGuidanceCounsellors:Ms OliviaStravens(9675 6950) :MrDaveLim (96486855) Blk 38 #01 - 5 2 7 / 5 31 Sin Ming Drive Singapore 575712 Tel: 6 4 5 1 4 4 9 6 (24 Hours)

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D eparted: July 8, 1994 Departed: A pr 6, 1985 Y ou are both gone, dear parents, G one beyond the w orld o f tears, B ut the m em ory o f you both will ever linger T hrough the passing years. Fondly rem em bered by children and grand-children.

D A N IE L TAN SZE OON Departed: Apr 21, 1994 A light from home has gone The voice w e loved to hear is stilled G one is your face we so dearly loved Leaving a vacuum in our home N ever shall your m em ory fade Sweet thoughts o f you will alw ays remain. Dearly m issed and alw ays remembered by G race and Desiree and all loved ones. First Anniversary In loving m em ory of

HELEN W O N G <S) O N G TIEN MOI Departed: Apr 13, 2003 God looked around His garden And found an empty place He then looked down upon this Earth And saw your tired face. He put his arms around you And lifted you to rest G o d ’s garden m ust be beautiful He alw ays takes the best. Deeply m issed by children, grand-children and loved ones. Please turn to page 18 for more “ In Memoriam” announcements and classified advertisements.


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D early rem em bered by beloved w ife, daughter, granddaughter, relatives and frien d s.

Masses will be celebrated in his memory on Friday, April 23, 2004 at: Church of The Holy Spirit Church of St Ignatius Mt Alvemia Chapel Cathedral of the Good Shepherd Church of The Sacred Heart Church of St Teresa

6.30 am 7.00 am 7.45 am 1.15 pm 5.30 pm 6.00 pm

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By J u d ith S u dilovsky JERUSALEM - In the gray, florescent-lit office o f the undelivered letters departm ent o f the Israel Postal A uthority the letters gather. They are the letters people send to God and are addressed in a variety o f ways: “God, Israel”; “The A lm ighty God, Jerusalem ”; “Jesus Christ, Jerusalem ”; “To God, Jerusalem ”; “A ngels o f H eaven.” “People w ho feel lonely, people in despair send letters to G od,” said Yitzhak Rabihiya, spokesm an for the Israel Postal Authority. “These are very private letters.” T his is also the place w here letters to S anta Claus are sent - a far cry from his legendary w orkshop in the N orth Pole. M ost o f the letters arrive in w aves around C hristm as and N ew Y ear’s and the Jew ish holidays o f R osh H ashana and Yom K ippur, R abihiya said. T he letters are w ritten by people o f all ages, in every language - including A rabic - and com e from all over the w orld. T hey ask for love, health, peace, money, help w ith studies - and m any ask for forgiveness, said Avi Yaniv, director of the departm ent. “T here w as a letter from one girl who had stolen a few things and asked G od to help her stop stealing,” Yaniv said. “O ther people w ho stole things even send the m oney covering the cost o f the item .” T he m oney is sent to charity, he said. Because the departm ent deals with all



Letters to God Final destination often the W estern W all in Jerusalem letters with insufficient or undeliverable addresses, certain em ployees are perm itted by law to open the letters to try to determ ine where they w ere m eant to be sent. N ot all the letters to G od are read, and as with all the letters that reach the postal authority em ployees strictly protect the confidentiality o f the writers, Yaniv said. Sample letters show that m ost letters are handwritten; some are written with awe and a tone of great respect, while others are much more relaxed and familiar in style. “D ear G od, H ow are you doing today?

I hope and pray you are doing fine and feeling great,” w rote one person from the U nited States. A nother person from an undisclosed country w rote seeking help for some financial difficulty: “Please G od, help me. I am entrusting you w ith m y fears.” O ne m an from Spain w rote asking for peace for Israel and the entire w orld. A w om an from an undisclosed country asked for forgiveness for forging dates on a prescription, w hile another w om an from an undisclosed country asked G od to help

her w ith her addiction to pistachios. “M y God! A lot o f time has passed partly because o f lack o f courage and partly because o f lack o f faith. ...Today ... I ask to be rid o f pistachios and fruit and dried fruit and all the other drugs which dam age m e . ... I am now in a stage of gaining weight. A llow m e to accept m yself as I am and to forgive m yself,” she wrote. The letter that stands out in Y aniv’s m ind is the letter his departm ent received from a w idow w ho asked G od to allow her husband to appear in her dream s so she could see him again. Several tim es a year the letters are taken to the W estern Wall in Jerusalem ’s O ld City, and there the rabbi o f the W estern Wall deposits them in the cracks of the wall, follow ing an ancient Jew ish tradition, Yaniv said. Jew s believe that the H oly L and is the center o f the w orld, that Jerusalem is the center o f the H oly L and and that the W estern Wall is the holiest place in Jerusalem , “closest to G od,” Yaniv said. “O ur only role is to get the letters to w hom they w ere addressed. W hen it is addressed in this case to G od, there is no place to send it, so w e take it to the rabbi at the W estern W all,” R abihiya said. “We see it as an im portant role. We feel that by doing this w e are fulfilling the m ission asked o f us by the people who w rote these letters trying to get to God. We d o n ’t have an address for G od, but we try to do our best,” he said. 1c n s


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Rally @ Church of the Holy Spirit FREE A d m issio n tries W hitehead

ishop Nicholas Chia the inspired teaching ;d speaker. Among his Catholic Charismatic an honour bestowed i

of Mr. CharU many titles Renewal Se

ihitehead - author, editor and interna arles is also the former-President ( :es in Rome and a Knight of St Gre; t individual Catholics who have m,

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