APRIL 27, 2003, vol 53, no 9

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M.i.T.A.(P) No.105/01/2003





In the sim plicity o f the eucharistic sym bols — the bread an d wine shared — the table o f the L o rd is revealed also as a table o f concrete brotherhood. Those who take p a rt in the eucharistic celebration cannot rem ain insensitive in the fa c e o f the expectations o f the p o o r a n d needy.

pps 201/4/2004" v o l S3 No. 9..............|


Pope John Paul II


WHAT POPE JOHN PAUL II SAYS ABOUT THE EUCHARIST IN LATEST ENCYCLICAL HE EUCHARIST is the greatest gift Christ left his Church, a gift that makes the sacrifice of his life present for all time and gives strength and hope to the world, Pope John Paul II wrote in a new encyclical letter. The pope said he issued the letter, his 14th encyclical, in the 25th year o f his papacy as a sign of his gratitude and with the desire to share his faith in the sacrament. The letter, “Ecclesia de Eucharistia,” on the Eucharist and its relationship to the Church, was published April 17, Holy Thursday; the pope signed a copy of the encyclical during the evening Mass o f the Lord’s Supper. In the letter, the pope reaffirmed the traditional teaching o f the Church on the real Above: Pope JohnPaul II presence o f Christ in the concelebrates Mass with Cardinal Eucharist, on the need for validly Joseph Ratzinger. c n s photos ordained ministers for its celebration, and on the on altars built in stadiums and importance o f follow ing the city squares.” church’s liturgical norms. Whether in a grand basilica or Pope John Paul said he had a small country church, the pope asked the Vatican offices said, “the Eucharist is responsible for always in some way sacraments and for doctrine “to prepare a p ope J0hn Paul II celebrated on the altar o f the world. It more specific said he wrote unites heaven and document, including prescriptions o f a Ecclesia de earth. It embraces and juridical nature,” on the Eucharistia so that permeates all creation.” obligation to follow aj] Catholics Christ’s sacrifice Church rules for the , , celebration o f Mass and w o u ld ^ greater on the cross — his attention to the offering o f love to adoration o f the Eucharist. Eucharist, C hrist’s God the Father — A publication date embraces and “supreme redeems all creation for the second testam ent o f love.r and offers it back to document was not ........... —— — God, the pope said. announced. The 82-year-old pope also “The church draws her life used the encyclical to express from Christ in the Eucharist; by how important the Eucharist has him she is fed and by him she is been in his life and to offer a enlightened,” the pope wrote. reflection on the Blessed Virgin “This is no metaphorical Mary, “woman o f the Eucharist.” food,” he said. As the Gospel o f From the day he was ordained John says, “M y flesh is food in 1946, he said, as a priest, indeed, and m y blood is drink bishop, cardinal and pope, “I indeed.” have been able to celebrate Holy Pope John Paul said the Mass in chapels built along Second Vatican Council led to a mountain paths, on lakeshores “more conscious, active and and seacoasts; I have celebrated it fruitful participation” in the


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Mass, but at the same time, “som e abuses have occurred, leading to confusion with regard to sound faith and Catholic doctrine concerning this wonderful sacrament.” In some places, he said, eucharistic adoration has almost disappeared, and some people focus so much on its character as a “fraternal banquet” that they forget its sacrificial meaning. The Mass, the pope said, “makes Christ’s one, definitive redemptive sacrifice present in time” and allows people o f all times to participate in it as if they had been in Jerusalem with Jesus. “The Eucharist is too great a gift to tolerate ambiguity and depreciation,” he said. Faithful observance o f liturgical norms is “a guarantee o f our love for Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament.” W hile the pope said he has seen firsthand how beautifully local language, customs and culture can be incorporated into the Mass, creativity has sometimes been overemphasized. “Liturgy is never anyone’s private property, be it o f the celebrant or o f the community in which the mysteries are celebrated,” he said. The Eucharist and the church

See pages 5 to 11

are so intimately connected, the pope said, that those who share the Eucharist must share the church’s faith in the real presence o f Christ and acknowledge the unity o f faith as passed on and protected by the pope and the bishops in unity with him. Regular eucharistic sharing with other Christians is a hope to be prayed for and a goal to work toward, but it is not a step on the way toward c n s FUe photo Christian unity, he said. “If this treasure is not to be squandered, we need to respect

the demands which derive from its being the sacrament of communion in faith and in apostolic succession,” the pope wrote. Pope John Paul reaffirmed church teaching that those who have committed a serious sin must go to confession before receiving Communion, but he also said people who are indifferent to the suffering o f the poor are not worthy to partake of the sacrament. In a chapter on the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Eucharist, Pope John Paul described Jesus’ mother as “the first tabernacle in history,” the vessel “in which the Son o f God, still invisible to our human gaze, allowed him self to be adored by Elizabeth” as the pregnant Mary visited her cousin. M ary’s “yes” to the Incarnation and believers’ “Am en” to receiving Christ in the Eucharist are similar, he said. □ CNS

Pope John Paul II holds a candle during the Easter Vigil at St Peter s Basilica. The pontiff celebrated the resurrection o f Christ amid concerns over Iraq, and called for understanding among believers o f different faiths.

Sundays April 27 and May 4,2003 Catholic News


--------------------------- N ew s -----------------Archbishop’s statement on Fr Kang’s arrest SINGAPORE - Archbishop Nicholas Chia released a press statement on April 9 regarding the arrest o f Fr Joachim Kang. We reproduce the text below: “We are shocked and deeply saddened by what has happened. However, as the matter is sub judice we cannot comment on the charges. We let the law take its course. We do not know the circumstances under which the transfers o f funds were made or the reasons why Fr Kang made those transfers. Until investigations are completed and the full details made known, we are unable to comment on how he was able to transfer large amounts o f money. The current measures in place are that all parishes have to submit monthly statements o f receipts and payments, bank statements and bank reconciliation to the Finance Department for checking. Discrepancies are taken up with the parishes concerned immediately. However, w e w ill be making a review o f our accounting system with the assistance o f consultants. Should there be any weaknesses in the present system, corrective measures w ill be taken. If Fr Kang is convicted, he cannot hold a post o f responsibility such as a parish priest. M eanwhile, he w ill be told to take leave o f absence until the conclusion o f his trial.” □

Big group visits seminary Some of the parishioners who visited the Major Seminary on March 31.

By Bro Lionel Thomas - The normally quiet St Francis Xavier Major Seminary at Ponggol was the scene o f activity and laughter when it played host to l 80 parishioners from the North District on March 31. The occasion provided an opportunity for youth and parents to mingle with formators and seminarians from Singapore Myanmar, Vietnam, Brunei and Malaysia. The latest additions to SINGAPORE

the seminary are three Singaporeans who began their Initiation Year Program recently. In his welcom e speech, seminary rector, Fr Anthony Ho told the parishioners that they all “have a role to play in spotting candidates for the priesthood”. With proper guidance and support it can bear fruits for the diocese, he added. The Q&A session chaired by Fr William Goh and Bro Christopher Lee saw a high level o f interest particularly from the

youth. Many were keen to know the formation process o f seminarians, requirements for entry and the ways o f discerning on e’s call. After prayers led by Fr Henry Siew, the guests toured the seminary grounds. Many felt that the environment o f the seminary was peaceful, and conducive for prayers and studies. The chapel drew keen interest, one question being the possibility o f holding a wedding there . Parishioners were hopeful and enthusiastic o f their own children making the bold venture to serve the Lord o f the greater harvest. □

War’s over, time for humanitarian action AID OFFICIALS say Iraq is in desperate need of medical and food assistance following a month of fighting and years of economic sanctions and misrule. Humanitarian aid is still not getting to the people in need because of the poor security situation. Photo shows Iraqi children scrambling for water at a distribution point overseen by British troops in Basra in southern Iraq April 11. □ cns


Priests must be guided by love, says pope - In his homily during the morning chrism Mass, before leading hundreds o f priests, bishops and cardinals in renewing the promises made at their ordination, the pope asked, “Have we remained faithful to these promises?” “We made a commitment to unite ourselves intimately with Christ, model o f our priesthood, and to administer faithfully the mysteries o f God, letting ourselves be guided not by human interests, but only by love for God and for our neighbors,” he said. Christ, the high priest, “wanted to perpetuate his priesthood in the church through the service o f ordained ministers, to whom he entrusted the task o f preaching the Gospel and celebrating the sacraments of salvation,” the pope said. Pope John Paul asked lay people at the Mass to pray for their priests “so they would administer attentively the gifts of divine grace, especially o f G od’s mercy in the sacrament of confession and o f the bread of life in the Eucharist, the living memorial o f Christ’s death and resurrection.” □ c n s


THE GREAT ST. JOSEPH CELEBRATION S U N D A Y , 4 M A Y 2003 FAMILY li\ITY BFACON TO COMMUNITY 1 MAT 2003 lSlShK Church (AOur Lady of Perpetual Succour

Time of Masses


S a tu r d a y , 3 M a y ‘ 0 3

Please do not buy candles and flowers from illegal vendors outside the church gates. This is to ensure that your contributions will go to the Church Development Fund.

Sunset Mass (a) 6.00pm S u n d a y , 4 M a y ‘03

06,00am 07.00am 08.00am 09.30arn

Mass in English Mass in Mandarin Mass in English Goncolobraled High Mass

11.30am 5.30pm

Mass in English Evening Mass followed by Candlelight Procession with the Statue of SI Joseph


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Catholic News


Sundays April 27 and May 4,2003

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Singaporeans attend BOM training MELBOURNE - Five Singaporeans joined hundreds o f natural family planning proponents for a conference and training on the Billings Ovulation Method (BOM) in Melbourne rcently. The four-day training for teachers o f BOM was attendedby doctors, pharmacists, nurses, priests, nuns and others. Archbishop Peter Turkson o f Ghana participated in the conference and training sessions. Malaysia sent 27 delegates including Bishop Murphy Pakiam o f Kuala Lumpur . BOM is a natural family planning method started 50 years ago in Australia by Drs John and Evelyn Billings in response to a priest’s call to help couples with medical problems that required the postponement o f pregnancy. Couples now use BOM to postpone or achieve pregnancy.

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Standing from left: Elizabeth Cheah, Genevieve and Pollen Soh, Sybil Yap-Anthony, Celia NgFrancis. Seated: Drs Evelyn and John Billings. BOM is 99% effective when properly used. BOM has also helped apparently infertile couples to achieve pregnancy. Women are taught to recognize their times of fertility and infertility based on observations o f cervical mucus symptoms and apply this knowledge to their their reproductive life. Familiarity o f an individual’s normal patterns is helpful to reproductive health.

Observation o f abnormal cervical mucus symptoms has enabled many women to seek early medical help and trea'tment. Since the early 1960s, Drs John & Evelyn Billings and a team o f teachers have travelled all over the world to spread BOM to women and couples. Drs Billings ventured to China in 1986 and the Chinese Ministry o f Health officially introduced BOM in 1995. Since then, 14 centres have been established in China and over 36,000 BOM teachers have been trained. □

DEACONS Peter Zhang (right), Stanley Pang and A loysius Ong respectively offer the Oil o f the Sick (for annointing the sick), Oil o f Catechumen (for baptism) and the Oil o f the Holy Chrism (for baptism, confirmation, ordination and the dedicaton o f churches) at the Chrism Mass at the Cathedral o f the Good Shepherd on Holy Thursday. Archbishop Nicholas Chia led about 100 priests in the concelebrated Mass. He said that the Chrism Mass manifested the union between the archbishop and priests, andasked the 1,000 congregation to pray that all priests be credible w itnesses in all respects o f priestly life. □

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Peace be with you all and peace for our world!


The Singapore' Pastoral Institute is launching this publication in the Catholic News to • Development of curriculum and reach a wider audience and to make workshops in Catholic Schools more available the resources; for Religious Education, Civics workshops, seminars and courses and Moral Education, Sexuality being offered. The staff of the Education and Pastoral Care. Pastoral Institute is introduced to • Training and formation of you along with some aspects of children's catechists and leaders their work, for example: in the Liturgy of the Word for • Formation of parish teams, children at all levels. sponsors, and priests iilvolved in • Formation provided through the RCIA at parish and diocesan courses given on the Bible and levels, as well as organising the on other areas of the faith - on annual Rite of Election.

We hope that through these few pages that will be published quarterly, you w.ill be able to keep up-to-date with the trainmg programmes and courses we offer, discover the treasures of the Pastoral Institute book and video library, and the work of our various departments. We look forward to feedback from you on how you like these pages and what you would like to see more of. Our next publication in the Catholic News will be in


Catholic Education Council has been in existence :,~r some years. I think we have come to the point when it is timely to review the role and functions of the Council and to ask it to assume responsibility for our education enterprise, on behalf of the Church in Singapore.


Fr. Johnson Femandez Easter, 2003

Fr.Johnson F ernandez is the Director of the Singapore Pastoral Institute johfern@catholic.org.sg




conjunction with Bible Sunday in early July. We wish you a wonderful celebration of this Easter Season and a Spirit-filled Pentecost!

prayer, the liturgical seasons, the sacraments, moral living, and so on.

• Training and development of Sm~ll Christian Communities in parishes.

According to .l the Law of the Church, the Archbishop is responsible for To this end, I am therefore requesting the Council to begin all Catholic work immediately on drafting a proposal that will enable our schools and Council to become the responsible and accountable body has a duty which will oversee Catholic Schools on my behalf and seek to guarantee to develop a more coherent and coll<iborative way of that they seek approaching the challenges to our schools." to deliver a good Catholic Excerpt from Archbishop Nicholas Chia' s address to Principals education for all. of Catholic Secondary Schools. 13 February 2003

ffiUNCIL Chairman: Mr. Bernard Chen Vice-Chairman: . Mr. John Yip Secretary: Sr. Cecily Pavri, FDCC. Members: Prof. Leo Tan, Mgr. Eugene Vaz , Ms. Wendy Louis, Mr. Bernard Fong, Mr. Noel Hon, Ms. Donne Marie Aeria, Dr. John Lim, ~- Bernard Thio, & Br. Paul Rogers, FSC)



by Wendy Louis


VERY day we say 'this is good' and

Teachers of St Theresa's Convent participating in ·the workshop

W endy Louis is the Assistant Director of the Singapore Pastoral Institute, Coordinator for Religious Education in Catholic Schools, and Coordinator of Pastoral Training Programmes wendyl@catholic.org.sg

workshop was for all the teachers of CHIJ St. Joseph 's Convent late last year.

that is bad'. 'I like this' and 'I don't ike that'. What is at the base of these judgements? What are we really saying - to our children, our students, our friends and colleagues?

Our understanding of basic moral concepts affects our attitudes and the way we teach. How we view the human person will determine our approach to students of varying ability, background and race.

Teachers of CHIJ St. Theresa's Convent had a six-hour workshop in two afternoons to explore the meaning behind concepts like Freedom anci'Responsibility, the Human Person and Dignity, and forming our conscience.

With regard to freedom, Fr. Garcia asked the question - which kind of freedom do you want? The one that allows you to thump out any old notes on the piano and make sounds or the kind of -freedom that frees you to play the ninth symphony?

Forty teachers of the school discussed case studies to apply the concepts after an explanation by Fr. David Garcia, OP. The workshop was the second one conducted by Fr. Garcia and Wendy Louis. The first

Many teachers felt that this kind of formation is very important and helps personally too. These workshops are available on request from the Singapore Pastoral Institute.

Sundays Apri/27 and May 4, 2003 Catholic News 4


Make Communion-only-in-the-hand pennanent

CatholicNews EDITOR:

many things on the way and may be carrying I AM GLAD that Catholic churches in infec~ious germs and unknowingly pass them Holy Singapor e have stopped giving on to those to whom they give Holy ' Sars the since tongue Communion on the Communion. outbreak. Catholic churches in some countries I understa nd that in some parishes , stopped giving Holy Communion on the ion Ministers wash their hands with Commun , practice. tongue long ago as it is an unhygenic water before distributing Holy and soap only on Communi Holy I hope that receiving Communion. This is a good practice, for in the hand will become a permanent practice beside safeguarding the health of parishoners in all parishes in Singapore. it is also a mark of respect for the Lord whose ion Commun that In my parish, I notice body they are handling. the to seats their from straight go . Ministers I hope all parish priests will ask their altar to collect and distribut e Holy ion Minister s to follow this Commun Communion to parishoners. Even if they practice. 1 home leaving before hands have washed their Christine Wong to attend Mass, they would have touched

Msgr Eugene Vaz MANAGER:

Rev. Fr. Johnson Femandez STAFF CORRESPO NDENT:

Ms . Me! Diamse-Lee

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Singapore 549102 Tel: 6-858-3055 Fax: 6-858-2055 Email: cathnews@catholic.org.sg

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Mass is marked by outward signs aimed at emphasi zing · the joy which assemble s the commun ity around the incompa rable gift of the Eucharis t. Architec ture, , sculpture , painting, music, literature and, more generally , every form of art demonst rate how the church, down the centuries , has feared no extravag ance in her witness to the love which unites her to her divine spouse. A recovery of the sense of beauty is also needed in today's celebrati ons."

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AS THE health authorities are not certain whether the Sars virus is airborne, I suggest that all airconditioned churches in Singapore have their doors and windows open during Mass so as to facilitate proper ventilation. Rozario De Silva

Jesus' name degraded RECENTLY my family went to the cinema to see J ohnny English. We were disgusted and appalled at one scene when a bare buttock was shown with a tattoo of the name JESUS. This is degrading Jesus' name. JohnLim



Celebrants must set prayerful tone for-Mass little quiet, so that people can I REFER TO the article "Not actually call to mind their sins; enough reverence, too much so that we can whisper a pause, and 6) -Apr noise" (CN Mar 30 prayer in our hearts, before the response from Ms Teo (CN continuing with the Liturgy. Apr 13 - Apr 20). who are already paying Those I agree that we can all do will pray more deeply attention to strive better. Parents should those who are uplift and : keep to how children their teach quiet at Mass; all mobile phones ; distracted. So, the problem of noise is should be switched off; we just Ugly Singaporean not . should be punctual Catholics who show lack of But the solution to the respect and decorum. The problem of noise starts with the celebrant, with the cooperation of men at the centre of it all: the the commentator and choir, sets example an set they If . celebrants the tone and pace. The way Mass of prayerful, reverential worship, is celebrated is vital in sending the people will take their cue. the right message to the is People will know that there congregation. .. for quiet keep to something Augustin e Chen It is so sPJtple: just keep a



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Sundays April 27 and May 4, 2003 Catholic News

Salt & Light-----------------------------------SEVEN SECRETS OF FAMILY - CENTRE CATECHESIS by Joseph D. White


MILY-centred catechesis” is once again a popular term long parish catechetical leaders, and with good reason, re is a growing appreciation o f the key role o f adult faith formation in the life o f the Church, reflected in Church documents such as Our H earts Were Burning within Us. There is also a growing awareness that, in this fast-paced and com plex society, w e may touch so little o f a child’s life in one hour a w eek, but the fam ily can do so much more within the ebb and flow o f life ’s daily routines. Indeed, the Church has long taught that parents are the first and m ost important teachers o f their children. Yet our parish catechetical programs have often focused primarily, if not exclusively, on children, and offered few ways for parents to be integrally involved, unless they feel called to be catechists. The challenge is to engage w hole fam ilies in the process. Here are a few suggestions for making your catechetical program more family-centred.


T hink B roadly One m odel o f fam ily catechesis has parents and children meeting together in groups in a classroom -type atmosphere. Som e parishes hold adult faith formation classes at the same time as the children’s classes, and perhaps even on the same topics. For exam ple, both the children and adult classes may be discussing the H oly Trinity on Trinity Sunday. This approach can help to facilitate discussion on faith themes at hom e during the week. Still another m odel o f fam ily catechesis has parents and children m eeting together in m ulti-fam ily groups in hom es during the week and m eeting once a month for a large group gathering at the church. A more traditional catechetical program can be made more family-centred by increasing catechist-fam ily communication, inviting parents into the classroom on a periodic basis, or providing new and creative ways parents can contribute to the program.

T eachable M oments U se natural opportunities to interest parents in fam ily catechesis. Certain m ilestones in a ch ild ’s faith developm ent, such as First R econciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation, provide excellent occasions for fam ily and/or adult catechesis. Parents are often excited for their children and anxious to learn ways they can contribute to the ch ild ’s know ledge and experience o f the sacrament.

D on ’t R einvent the W heel Whether you are planning fam ily retreats or a year-long class for a m ulti-fam ily group, be sure to take a good look at the resources that are already available. Several new books on family catechetical experiences have been published in recent years. Other resources, such as books o f lectionary-based activities, can be easily adapted to provide activities for the w hole family. R e p r in te d w ith p e rm is sio n fr o m th e O c to b e r 2 0 0 2 issu e o f R e lig io n T e a c h e r 's J o u rn a l. P u b lish e d b y T w e n ty -T h ir d P u b lic a tio n s, M y stic , C T 0 6 3 5 5 , U SA. (8 0 0 ) 3 2 1 -0 4 1 1 . A n n u a l s u b sc rip tio n , U S $ 2 1 .95.

C onsider E veryone’s N eeds W hen planning fam ily experiences, consider the needs o f all participants. It’s important that the experience speaks to everyone present. If the content is geared too much toward adults, the children may get bored and restless. If activities are exclusively childoriented, the adults may feel silly or unengaged. One way to help m eet the needs o f all participants is to make time for expression, such as art response projects that the family can com plete together (e.g., a family mural or sculpture on the theme). Providing such opportunities can also foster a sense o f fam ily identity and strengthen family cohesiveness.

B e C ertain F aith C oncepts A re T aught Make sure children are learning more, not less, from family-based catechetical experiences. As previously m entioned, there are multiple reasons for and benefits o f fam ily catechetical experiences, but if your parish adopts a model o f ‘total fam ily catechesis’, be sure

EARNING OFF TO A GOOD START by Bailyne Sung BO UT 30 facilitators went back to the classroom in the last weekend o f March to learn about the process o f learning!


that faith concepts are still being presented in a systematic and com prehensive fashion, as discussed in the General Directory fo r Catechesis. If parents are given practical resources and guidance, they can also help to ensure that children learn the basics o f the faith in an organised way.

U se R itual E xperiences The use o f ritual, such as group prayer with movem ent, visual stimuli and/or m usic, can greatly enhance a fam ily faith experience. Consider incorporating prayers and sym bols from the liturgical year in combination with opportunities for the fam ily’s unique expressions o f faith.

Firstly, they realised that learning could indeed be fun and therefore they would certainly ensure that future sessions they

Joseph White is a child psychologist and parish director o f fa ith form ation in College Station, Texas. H e is the author o f “Seven Secrets o f Successful Catechists”

A cknowledge D iversity R ecognise the diverse characteristics o f fam ilies in today’s Church. When planning fam ily catechetical experiences, be sure to consider the needs o f single parent fam ilies, children being raised by relatives other than their biological parents (e.g., grandparents), and fam ilies o f diverse cultural backgrounds.

Christina Ying is the Coordinator fo r Parish Catechesis chrisy@ catholic.org.sg

facilitated would include this elem ent o f ‘fun.’ Secondly, they realised that imparted in a Vatican I way, Vatican II content would invariably becom e Vatican I content. The participants, who were from different parish churches in Singapore, had a first-hand experience of this type o f learning at the workshop organised by the Singapore Pastoral Institute. They went through a journey o f self-discovery and learnt how to work as individuals as w ell as in groups. Through gam es, they

learnt to put strategising aside, paying more attention instead to the process o f learning. Gabriel Kumar o f the Church o f Star o f the Sea said: “I realised through the workshop that indeed something was lacking in the way m eetings are conducted. Usually, it is resultoriented, racing to finish something by a given tim e.” A s Br. John found out him self, when he tried to give instructions at the start o f a game and he realised no-one was paying heed to him! They were all too busy ‘strategising.’ Other participants said they would apply what they learnt to RCIA and other catechetical sessions.

Under the skillful guidance o f D e La Salle Brother John D ’Cruz, FSC, (who called •himself their ‘learner’ and not ‘teacher’), the participants came out with more than they bargained for.

Br. John D ’Cruz is an advocate for a community o f learners.

R ecognising the various faces of fam ilies in our Church helps us to be a w elcom ing and inclusive community in the spirit o f Christ him self. It is only fitting that catechetical leaders are once again taking a closer look at how to make our programs more family-centred. After all, the Second Vatican Council called the family the “domestic church” (Lumen Gentium, 11). May our fam ilies and our parish com m unities m ould one another in the spirit o f Christ as w e worship and learn together.

Members o f the audience included alumni from the Diploma in Adult Faith Formation (DAFF) course.

Another participant, Daphne Leong o f Church o f St. M ichael, said that the whole process o f learning does not end with the workshop and there are certainly no lim its to learning.

Catholic News Sundays April 27 and May 4, 2003


Salt & Light

RIIEofCHRmiANINinA'nON G e ttin g th e R ite R ig h t: FR O M T H E COO RD IN A TO R IK E N o a h ’s ark fin d in g its e lf in calm


w aters after the flo o d , the ship that is

th e C ath olic C hurch em e rg es in to the

radiance o f E astertide from the L en ten d elu g e o f forty d ays and forty n igh ts. T h e storm o f L ent, lik e G o d p ro m ised N o a h , is n ’t m eant to co n d em n or d estroy but to fortify. W ith turbulent grace, G od jo lts us ou t o f our c o m p la c e n c y and rew a sh e s us in cle a n sin g w aters o f co n v er sio n . O n ce m ore, w e - salty P e o p le o f G o d - stand re n e w ed in our id en tity and our m issio n . A s w e w e ig h an ch or and prepare to set sail to the w in d s o f the S pirit, le t ’s spare a m o m en t to co u n t th o se w h o h a v e jo in e d us. P lu ck ed from the m urky d ep th s o f sin , G od has g iv e n our n eo p h y tes rebirth from the w aters o f b aptism . T h rou ghou t their jo u rn ey in to the C hurch the n eo p h y tes h a v e b een d isc o v e r in g that C ath o lics are n o strangers to seafaring. F a cin g the tem p ests o f our m o d e m w orld w e h a v e taught the n eo p h y tes, o ften w ith our o w n ex a m p le, to n a v ig a te the seas g u id ed b y the b ea co n o f G o d ’s w ord. In resp o n se, th ey h ave ch o se n to cast their lot w ith us in o b e y in g the ca ll o f Jesu s C hrist, our d iv in e C aptain.


PERIOD o f INQUIRY o r PRECATECHUMENATE This informal time is for non-Christians who wish to find out more about the Church to ask their questions about faith. Members o f the Catholic Community offer a warm w elcom e to them and evangelise by telling stories o f their own faith in the living God as w ell as stories in the Christian tradition. This is done in order to help those who are searching, called Inquirers, to recognise G od’s call in their own lives and to form a personal relationship with Jesus. Each inquirer takes her or his own time to say ‘y es’ to the Gospel, and faces no obligation or pressure to progress to the next step if she or he is not ready.

RITE o f ACCEPTANCE I N T O T H E ORDER O F CATECHUMENS At their own pace and in their own fashion, inquirers become ready to respond to G od’s invitation to adopt the Gospel as their own way o f life. The parish then officially w elcom es them in the Rite o f Acceptance, where inquirers publicly ‘accept’ the Gospel, and where Christ ‘accepts’ them into his loving care by the prayers and caring support o f the Catholic community. The period o f precatechumenate ends and inquirers become Catechumens. Each catechumen is accompanied by a Sponsor, who is an ordinary lay Catholic. Journeying with the catechumen, a sponsor shares her or his own joys and struggles o f being a faithful Christian in daily life. God forms catechumens in a powerful way through the ministry o f sponsors.

PERIOD o f CATECHUMENATE From Greek meaning ‘to ech o’, the catechumenate is a lengthy period o f time, usually lasting about a year, when catechumens hear, reflect on the word o f God, and allow it to resound in their lives. Under the guidance o f Priests and Catechists, catechumens begin to develop their faith by participating in the life o f the Church: studying the teachings o f Christ, taking part in the com m unity’s liturgy and worship, and getting involved with the Church’s work o f service to others, especially to the poor and the needy. Throughout this time, the community keeps catechumens in their prayers and gives them hope by showing - with their example - how it is a sign o f God for the world by the love that they show in their relationships with one another.

C and id ates a lso stand a m on g us. T h ese h av e p rev io u sly ex p er ie n c ed the sa v in g w aters o f bap tism in another C hristian co m m u n ity and h av e n o w b een r e ce iv e d in to the fu ll c o m m u n io n o f the C a th olic Church: so m e o f th em still y o u n g in the w a y s o f d iscip le sh ip , others already veteran s o f the cross. F rom here on all h ands, from the g reen est d eck scru b to the sa ltiest se a d o g , sail in the sam e boat. T og eth er w e ’ll h o ld each other stead y in our d a ily storm s, and p led g e our a lle g ia n c e to the resurrected S a viou r w h o steers us su rely through the co n fu sin g fo g o f l i f e ’s fears and a n x ieties. T o g eth er w ith the rest o f the R o m a n C ath o lic fa m ily , I tip m y sa ilo r’s hat ( if I had o n e) to salu te our n e w fe llo w p ilgrim s: B y you r co u ra g e and faith in sa y in g ‘I d o ’ to C hrist y o u h a v e in spired our faith an ew . T h ank y o u , and w e lc o m e aboard!

RITE o f ELECTION o r ENROLMENT o f NAMES A s representatives o f the Church, those responsible for the formation o f catechumens (priests, catechists, and especially sponsors) have the duty o f discerning which catechumens are ready to receive the sacraments o f initiation and, at the Rite of Election, testify to the community on their behalf. The catechum ens’ names are written in a special register called the Book o f Elect as they are ‘elected’ or chosen by God during this rite to enter the Catholic church through baptism, confirmation, and eucharist. Godparents take over the duty o f sponsors at this point and become permanent Christian guides for catechumens after their initiation. Normally, this rite is celebrated as a diocese at the beginning o f Lent with the Archbishop, who ‘elects’ in the name o f God and the Church. The Rite o f Election marks the end o f the period of catechumenate and the catechumens become Elect.

PERIOD o f PURIFICATION a n d ENLIGHTENMENT Lasting forty days, this period o f time is aimed at preparing the elect for the Easter sacraments. During this time, the elect undergo three scrutiny rites o f intense spiritual reflection on their thirst for God’s love, becoming more aware that every earthly solution to this thirst falls short. Supported and encouraged by the Catholic community, the elect practise fasting and penance to become open to G od’s purifying power of healing, allowing the light o f Christ to enlighten their minds and hearts. The community ritually presents the elect the Creed and the Lord’s Prayer, signifying the readiness o f the elect to own and share the Christian heritage o f doctrine and prayer with others.



o f The Roman Catholic church's official time for celebrating initiation is at the Easter Vigil. When the entire community gathers to commemorate the passion, death, and resurrection o f Christ, the elect experience their own ‘death’ and ‘rising to new life ’ through the waters o f baptism. With the oil o f confirmation, they are anointed into the full sharing o f Christ’s mission and by receiving the eucharist, they join the Church as members o f Christ’s mystical body. The newly initiated are called Neophytes.

Arthur Goh is the Coordinatorfor the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults spircia@ c atholic.org. sg

PERIOD o f MYSTAGOGIA o r POST-BAPTISMAL CATECHESIS Mystagogia or ‘entering into the m ystery’ is the time for neophytes to join the Roman Catholic community and grow in appreciation o f the mystery o f G od’s love. After experiencing the profound power o f the sacraments, neophytes gather regularly until Pentecost to reflect more deeply on what they celebrate and what God calls them to do as disciples o f Jesus Christ. The neophytes begin their lifelong journey o f continuous conversion as full members o f the Catholic family.

Sundays April 27 and May 4, 2003 Catholic News


Salt & Light

ircmOURNEWCATHDUCS com e from a non-Christian family background, and what had prompted me to join RCIA was witnessing G od’s work and love through m y late husband.


He was critically ill and at the last stage o f his illness. He knew that he was dying, and had requested to convert to be a Catholic before his death. Arrangements were made for him to be baptised when his condition became worse. Father Albert N g cam e to baptise my husband when he was still somewhat in a state o f coma. At that time, he was able to listen, but was unable to m ove or speak.

H owever, after the baptism, a miracle happened. W hile he was still in the state o f com a, he actually hummed the song ‘Am azing Grace’. At that moment, I had the feeling o f assurance that he was no longer suffering pain, but was happily received by God in heaven. During those painful moments as I walked with him during his last days, I was comforted by the unconditional help o f the people around me and my family. I was touched by their care and concern and was very grateful for all their prayers, support and assistance.

They continued to give m e and my family a helping hand, even after the death o f my husband, and even now. Through them, I was able to see and feel G od’s love and work. Through this incident, I was encouraged to join the faith and sincerely wanted to learn more about God, as w ell as to do something about m y life, and to change for the better. N o matter how busy I was with my work, I would make it a point to attend catechism classes to get to know more about God and be closer to Him. In the process, I was able to find meaning and have a more positive outlook in life.

Susan Wong RCIA 2002, St Michael’s Church

N e w c o n v e rts set o u t 011 a s p ir itu a l jo u rn e y b y m eans o f w h ic h they p ass f r o m the o ld p e rs o n to the n ew p e rs o n w h o has been m ade p e rfe c t in C h ris t. T h is tra n s itio n , w h ich in vo lves a p ro g re ssive change o f o u tlo o k a n d m o ra ls , s h o u ld be m a n ife s te d in its s o c ia l im p lic a tio n s . Second Vatican Council, Decree on the Church's Missionary Activity, no. 13


{ RCIA journey started in

March 2002; at that time it seem ed so long and uninteresting. I remember attending my first two sessions at N ovena Church before switching over to Saint M ichael’s Church. The reason for the switch over was because I, being a shy person, was intimidated by the large group they had. Recalling my first session at Saint M ichael’s, I was so nervous and so shy I couldn’t even sing the hymn with my fellow catechumens and sponsors. A s sessions began, w e were introduced to Father Peter Tan, who was heading the RCIA group for this year. He took the time to explain to us what w e would encounter during our journey and what to expect in our daily life. Strangely, as each session passed, I looked forward to the next. Perhaps it was because I felt peace and calm ness whenever I entered

IE winds o f change led me to begin m y RCIA journey at the Church o f Our Lady Queen o f Peace in May 2002. As a baptised Christian, I was unafraid because I knew I could count on G od’s presence, his power, and his promise to be with me always.


I found comfort in m y journey o f faith. Even though I was in new surroundings, I was certain that the same Jesus, who walked this earth 2000 years ago, would accompany m e in this new adventure to re-discover him in the Catholic Church. Like my fellow sisters and brothers in the

PO N signing up for the RCIA last year, I was told that the journey to seek the know ledge o f the Christian Catholic faith would take about a year. My immediate reaction was, ‘why so long and what’s there to learn?’


Before the class com m enced, there was a struggle within me as to whether I should make use o f the time to pursue a financial planning course or to go through the RCIA. Eventually, given the comfort that I could drop out anytime if I chose not to continue the faith journey, I

the church from my daily stressed up life. On top o f that, the parishioners and the other members o f the RCIA made us feel as if we were their brothers and sisters. I learned during the eleven months how to understand the Word o f God, and also learnt from the sharing w e had every week with our fellow catechumens and sponsors. I realised that w e all share the same problems and that our com m on goal is to pray to God and to have a better life by being faithful and abiding in our Creator. I realised that we have the choice to say no to temptations and sins with the help o f God. RCIA is not only a journey for young Christians like me, but also a journey that can strengthen faith for sponsors who are long-tim e Christians too - that is why it is a journey that never ends.

Irwin Jovian Raj RCIA 2002 , St. Michael’s Church RCIA, I was challenged to walk with Jesus and seek a loving relationship with him. Prayer and reflection on the word of God was a tremendous help. Together with my Catholic husband and daughters, I give thanks to the Lord for his love and I continue to put my trust in him, the Good Shepherd, knowing that he leads me (and my fellow catechumens) to green pastures and still waters. The success o f any journey depends much on the leaders. I thank God for giving us a committed RCIA Spiritual Director and Committee - men and wom en who

attended the first few sessions. Subsequently, my desire to find out more about the faith increased and I didn’t want to m iss any of the sessions. I’m glad that I’ve journeyed through, and wish to share with you how God has touched and transformed me in the short time that I have com e to know him. I was educated in a Catholic school and despite my shallow understanding o f the Catholic faith then, I attended the N ovena devotions at N ovena Church regularly during m y secondary

Irwin (second from left) with friends from St.Michael’s ,

“Be strong, stand firm, have no fear, do not be afraid, for Yahweh your God is going with you; he will not fail you or desert you” D eut31:6

school days. However, in the subsequent years, due to work commitments and being complacent, I kind o f drifted on without any religious attachment. I was carefree and contented until four years ago when m y father passed away during the Chinese 7th lunar month. I believed that ‘d evils’ had taken him away. Follow ing that, the harassment by ‘ghosts’ during the 7,h lunar month had tremendous negative effects on me: I did not want to leave the house at night, avoided funerals, and offered sacrifices to appease the ‘ghosts’ so that my late father

dedicate their time and effort to show us the way to Jesus the light. I am also grateful for my sponsor’s guidance and prayers. I pray that the Lord w ill continue to lead me now that I am in the full communion o f the Catholic Church. I also pray that the good Lord w ill bless our RCIA team members so that they w ill be refreshed to continue leading me and others to know, love and serve the Lord.

Clarice Sng RCIA 2002 Journey 46 Our Lady Queen o f Peace

would be taken care of. Year after year, I carried on with worship rituals to avert any disaster or bad luck. Fear led me to becom e a superstitious person, much to the dismay o f my family members. I visited temples and bathed with flowers from the temple to cleanse away bad luck. A ll this while I was confused and restless, but refused to turn to the Lord because I was disappointed that he did not help m y late father to recover from his illness.

continuously counselled me to trust and accept the Lord Jesus as my personal saviour. Touched by his concern, I decided to register for the RCIA last year and at this point o f time, I am enjoying true peace and freedom brought about by the Catholic faith.

My younger brother, who is the only Catholic in m y fam ily, was very sad with my behaviour and

Joyce Loke RCIA 2002-3 St. Bernadette Church

It is something I have never experienced before. I am thankful to God for granting me spiritual insight through the RCIA journey.

Catholic News Sundays April 27 and May 4, 2003


----------------------------------- Salt & Light

a S P O N S O R ’Sjolrney r all started when I met a friend from university. We were talking about religion, and he said he was considering joining the RCIA. Hearing this, I felt a clear inner urging to offer to journey with him as his sponsor.


than expected. In addition, I had worried that I couldn’t wake up on time for the 10.15 am Mass on Sunday mornings. Surprisingly, this also turned out to be no problem. Soon, I was even able to attend the earlier 8.45 am Mass.

A few months later, w e embarked on our RCIA journey. The worries I had in the beginning melted away as the journey progressed. I had been concerned that work commitments would clash with RCIA sessions, but fitting work around the RCIA sessions proved to be a lot easier

Through these experiences, I learnt that I did not journey alone, nor was I to rely on my ow n power alone. A s the months passed, I began to understand that RCIA w asn’t just a series o f lectures about religion. I saw how conversion occurred with sharing experiences o f God. It was

Bugs & Flowers

Contributed by Cheryl from St. Mary o f the Angels

Round Bugs (Ladybugs, bees) - Scrunch tightly a small ball o f crepe paper. Wrap in a small square piece o f the same coloured crepe paper and glue down neatly. This will be the underside of the bug.

Long Bugs (Dragonflies, grasshoppers, butterflies) - To build up a longish, narrow body, cut a 3 cm strip o f crepe off the end o f the roll. Unravel a bit and twist between the thumb and index finger for 2 cm. Double it back onto the untwisted paper and twist again. Repeat about five times. Cut off enough untwisted paper to fold

over the body, and neatly wrap and glue on the underside.

Less & Feelers Cut a 1 cm strip o ff the end o f the roll o f crepe paper. Scrunch tightly between thumb and index finger to form a long wiry strand. To make feelers, cut three short 3 cm pieces and one longer 7 cm piece. Tie them together with the longer piece. Glue to the underside o f the bug bodies.

wonderful to hear the sharing o f the sponsors and the catechumens. Their generosity touched me. I felt for their pain, grieved with their sorrows, and shared in their joy. M ost o f all, it was wonderful to see lives changing, as old ways were put aside and conversion took root. Not only did the lives o f the catechumens change, but mine as well.

Delvin Ng RCIA Journey 47 Our Lady of Perpetual Succour

four times. To form a continuous strip o f petals, cut equal vertical sections throughout the folded strip. D on ’t cut right through. Shape ends o f petals and unravel.

Centres: Cut 1.5 cm o f end o f crepe paper roll. Cut end through to end up with many short strips. Scrunch strips tightly into tiny balls.

To make flower: Put a circle o f glue 6.5 cm from the edge o f card circle.

(cereal/tissue box)

Stick petal strips all around the circle, slightly pleating at the base. Lay two or more layers for a fuller circle o f petals.

Petals: Cut 3.5 cm o ff end o f crepe paper roll. Unravel, fold into half

Glue tiny scrunched balls to fill up centre.

Flowers Base : 6.5 cm diameter card circle

Delvin, carrying the Book o f Elect, with his RCIA companions at the Rite o f Election

ARTforSPRINGTIME Cross-Stitch Lamb Materials: 1 piece o f white 14 Count Aida Cloth (25 cm by 10 cm) finished product measures 17 cm by 5.5 cm 1 twelve-inch long wooden stick (one end should be sharpened) 1 toothpick with tw o sharpened ends

Back Stitch

3 small red wooden beads 1 tube o f super-glue 1 six-strand embroidery floss (red)



1. U se two strands o f thread for the entire design work. 2. Find the centre o f your fabric and locate the nearest sym bol, then take your first stitch at the corresponding fabric square. 3. Continue to work the remaining cross-stitches.

m m m m m m m m m m m m rnm

mrnmmmmmmmmm- •mm -,*mm m m m m m m m m m m m m rnm >m m m »m m m m m m m m rnm

mmmmmmmmmmmmrnm'•mmmmmmmmmmmmrnm ^m^mm-y^mmmmm

mmmcmmm^mmm^mm^mm^mmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmm\*m’.*m-\*m-^*m-,*-^m‘,*mmmm-,*mmmmm a w w a i^w 'w w a r < « < « V<«««***« WMM WW

<w wmimmw ttWM

4. N ext trim o ff the excess material and start working on the edges using a blanket stitch. For this you w ill need to use three or four strands to give it a nice thick bold border. 5. U se the long wooden stick and the toothpick to form a cross by gluing the two pieces together.

mmmmmmmmmmmmmm-:mmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmm-smm'.*mm:<mmmmmmmmmmm

6. Fold the com pleted cross-stitch design over the wooden cross. The sharp end o f the long wooden stick w ill pierce through the centre fold o f the design.

mmrnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm* -

7. Glue the three red beads onto the sharp ends o f the stick and toothpick.

............ .







rnrnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnmmmmmmm-

8. Secure the bottom edge by sew ing the two edges together.

m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m rnm m m


Contributed by Christina Ying & Wendy Louis

Sundays April 27 and May 4, 2003 Catholic News


----------------------------------- Salt & Light CATECHETICAL COURSES


E u c h a r is t - T h e M e m o r ia l ‘ D oing W h a t J esu s A s k e d U s T ( fo r N e o p h y t e s )

PASTORAL COURSES T h e B e -a t it u d e s ...B eyo n d t h e C o m m an d m ents ...B e J esu s T o d a y !

P en tec o st : W h a t R e a l l y H a p p en ed ? ...W h a t is H a ppen in g N o w ? 3 sessions with Sr. Christine Santhou, FDCC. Fridays Apr 25, May 2, 9. Church o f Christ the King. 9:30am -l 1:30am. Contribution $20.00

4 sessions with Sr. G enevieve N g, MSS. Thursdays, Jul 3 ,1 0 , 17, 24. Singapore Pastoral Institute. 7:45pm-10:00pm. Contribution $30.00 (cost inclusive o f book ‘Introduction to the CCC ’)

C elebra te

C h r is t

th e


ea r of th e

R o sa r y

1 session with Sr. Christine Santhou, FDCC. Saturday May 17. Immaculate Heart o f Mary Church. 2:00pm-4:30pm. Adm ission Free.


C o ven an t F ath er M in is t e r s o f t h e E u c h a r is t )

u c h a r is t as

w it h t h e

( fo r

2 sessions with Fr. Erasto Fernandez, SSS. Wednesday Jun 4 & Thursday Jun 5. Christ the King Church. 7:45pm-9:45pm. OR 1 session, Tuesday, Jun 10. Christ the King Church. 9:00am-1:00pm. Contribution by love offering.

if e

4 sessions with Sr. Mari Ramos, r.c. W ednesdays, Sep 3 ,1 0 ,1 7 , 24. Singapore Pastoral Institute. 7:45pm-9:45pm. Contribution $20.00

u c h a r is t and


if e o f t h e

C h u rch

6 sessions with Fr. M ichael Arro, MEP. Thursdays, Sep 4 ,1 1 ,1 8 , 25, Oct 2 ,9 . Blessed Sacrament Church. 7:45pm-9:45pm. Contribution $20.00

M a r io lo g y

1 session with Fr. Erasto Fernandez, SSS. Saturday, Jun 7. Singapore Pastoral Institute. 3:00pm-6:00pm. Contribution by love offering.

5 sessions with Sr. Christine Santhou, FDCC. Fridays, Sep 5 ,1 2 ,1 9 , 26, Oct 3. N ovena Church. 9:30am- 11:30am. Contribution $20.00

c o m m i s s i o n ’s

th e

E u c h a r is t - A C e le b ra tio n o f G o d ’ s L o v e ( f o r C a t e c h is t s and F a c il it a t o r s o f L it u r g y o f t h e W ord f o r C h il d r e n ) 1 session with Fr. Erasto Fernandez, SSS. Sunday, Jun 8. Singapore Pastoral Institute. 3:00pm-6:00pm. Contribution by love offering.

A d van ced S em in a r cum W o r ksh o p fo r F a c il it a t o r s o f L it u r g y o f t h e W ord fo r C h ild r en 5 sessions with Sr. G enevieve N g, M SS and local trainers. Saturdays, Jun 28, Jul 5, 12, 19, 26. Singapore Pastoral Institute. 3:00pm-6:00pm. Contribution: $35.00

B a sic C o u rse f o r C a te c h is ts M o d u le 3 : S a cra m e n ts and P r a y e r 5 sessions with Fr. M ichael Arro, MEP & Sr. Florence W ong, FMDM. Tuesdays, Aug 19, 26, Sep 2, 9 ,1 6 . Singapore Pastoral Institute. 7:45pm-9:45pm. Contribution: $20.00

RCIA B a s ic C o u rse 4 sessions with Arthur Goh. Thursdays, Oct 9, 16, 23, 30. Singapore Pastoral Institute. 8:00pm-9:30pm. Contribution: $35.00 (cost inclusive o f ritual book ‘RCIA - Study Edition’)

For registrations, enquiries, or feedback, please contact us at:

3 -y e a r d i p l o m a c o u r s e

B ib l e

20 sessions with Mgr. Eugene Vaz. Mondays, Jun 30, Jul 7, 14, 28, Aug 4, 11, 25, Sep 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Oct 6 ,1 3 , 20, 27, N ov 3 ,1 0 , 17, 24. Singapore Pastoral Institute. 7:45pm-9:45pm. OR Tuesdays, Jul 1, 8 ,1 5 , 29, Aug 5, 12, 26, Sep 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, Oct 7, 1 4 ,2 1 , 28, N ov 4 ,1 1 , 18, 25. Singapore Pastoral Institute. 9:30am11:30am, OR Blessed Sacrament Church. 7:45pm-9:45pm. Contribution: $60.00

In tro d u c tio n to th e H is t o r ic a l- C r it ic a l M ethod &

C o n stitu tio n on D iv in e R e v e l a t io n (D e i v e r b u m ) Both courses have been postponed to 2004. Dates w ill be available in the second half o f 2003.


With Fr. Erasto Fernandez, SSS. Friday, Jun 6. Singapore Pastoral Institute. 7:45pm-9:45pm. Contribution by love offering.


S a lv a t io n H is t o r y - G od J o u r n ey in g w it h U s T h ro u g h


M oral L

P r a y e r : W itn essin g to G o d ’ s P r e s e n c e in t h e W o r ld


E u c h a r is t as B e r a k a h T h e P r a y e r o f P r a is e


and t h e

10 sessions with Fr. David Garcia, OP. Thursdays, Aug 7, 14, 21, 28, Sep 4 ,1 1 ,1 8 , 25, Oct 2 ,9 . Singapore Pastoral Institute. 7:45pm-9:45pm. Contribution $30.00


SINGAPORE PASTORAL INSTITUTE 2 Highland Road #02-02 Catholic Archdiocesan Education Centre Singapore 549102 Tel: 68583011 Fax: 68582011 or e-mail us at spi@catholic.org.sg Our web address is www.catholic.org.sg/SPI/

orkshops and formation courses don’t happen by themselves. Without careful planning and organisation such events would often be reduced to chaos. Every successful event run by the SPI depends on the unsung efforts of a dedicated team of workers.

Every outfit needs a good manager. Those shoes are filled by Angela Khoo who oversees the day to day administration o f SPI. She also helps to coordinate the many courses that are offered throughout the year. A ngela is married and has two babies - both Jack Russell terriers.

If SPI could ever be personified, it would have no other face but that of Lucy Kang. Holding fort at the frontoffice for more than twenty years, Lucy has been offering her secretarial services since SPI’s founding days. Lucy is a member o f the secular Franciscan order.

When you call SPI on the phone, chances are the voice at the other end o f the line belongs to Janice Ng. Besides taking calls, registering participants for courses, and answering inquiries, Janice also offers administrative support to Fr. Ambrose Vaz in the Biblical Apostolate. A mother o f two teenage boys, Janice bakes killer chocolate chip cookies.

Besides assisting Angela in her role as manager, Roy Tan is also our fixit guy and ensures that SPI is bugfree in its operation. A s the in-house technician, R o y ’s name is often on the lips o f those who encounter glitches during the use o f SPI’s meeting rooms and auditoriums. Roy is an aquarium-fish buff.

Where there is cash or cheque, there is Clara. The resident accountant, Clara Ro manages for SPI the stuff that makes the world go round. Clara and her hubby Leonard are proud parents o f two lovely toddlers: Bernadette and Nicolette.

SPI ow es its general cleanliness to Rose Neo. Rose is uncompromising on the environmental hygiene o f the office, to the point o f shooing workers out o f their cubicles to get at the dust and grit in every little nook. When she is not busy cleaning up SPI, Rose is a successful grandma.

Catholic News Sundays April 27 and May 4, 2003


Salt & Light Operating hours: Weekdays from 11:00am to 7:00pm Saturdays from 10:00am to 2:00pm Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays Library Membership Subscription is S$ 10 per year

theUBRARY Angela Fernandez is the Administrator fo r the SPI library afem @ catholic.org.sg



keen instincts have led him to the discovery and realisation that all Catholics, regardless o f their religious involvem ent in the church, “whether devout or alienated, reformist or traditionalist, lifelong member or newly converted” share eight distinctive qualities. They are: (1) the sense o f sacramentality (or having an outlook on the world that finds life good and meaningful); (2) a feeling o f community (or nurturing a com m unity-of-persons spirituality in our life); (3) an appreciation o f human potential and (4) fallibility; (5) a concern for justice and the unfortunate; (6) a reverence for tradition; (7) a disposition toward faith and not despair; and (8) a conviction that care should have no borders. All Catholics share a com m on sense o f spirituality em bodied by the above eight qualities.

WHAT MAKES US CATHOLIC: EIGHT GIFTS FOR LIFE Thomas H. Groome 282G R O by Fr. Paul M ichael Kee, CSsR paulkee@ singnet.com. sg

Renowned Catholic religious educator Professor Thomas Groome has done us a great service by writing a new book for all Catholics and anyone remotely interested in Roman Catholicism. Groome’s research, in-depth studies, observations, personal experience and


Carroll Sluhlmueiler.C.l?

N e w P a th s th ro u g h th e O ld T e s ta m e n t

I like the book. Groome writes passionately from his heart, and from the core o f his personal beliefs and convictions. Writing from the standpoint o f a skilled and soulful teacher, each chapter begins with a story about an essential quality o f Catholic identity and ends with questions for personal or group reflection and discussion and suggestions on how to “practice what w e preach”. He


Groome uses the follow ing ingredients for each o f his life-affirm ing and (at the same time) challenging chapters in his book - the focusing stories, the questions, the perspectives, and the supporting practices. His intention is to “encourage you to bring your life to fa ith and your fa ith to your life. And that’s always the core o f what makes people Catholic fa ith at work ” (p.37). For Groome, life is a celebration, but there can be no celebration if w e do not find a place for God in our life. He quips that although Catholics can joke about practically everything they hold sacred in their life, at the same time it’s okay to presume that God has a sense o f humour too. Groome recalls: “One o f the earliest childhood jokes I remember was about the terrible hangover Saint Joseph had the morning after the wedding feast o f Cana. He (Joseph) called into the kitchen, “Jesus, please bring me a drink o f water but not the same again” (p. 291).


By Andrew Fam famworld@ singnet.com .sg

It is very difficult to find a good teacher, harder still to find an expert who is a good teacher. Fr. Carroli Stuhlmueller’s New Paths Through the Old Testament is an effective guide that utilises recent scholarship and insights in such a friendly manner that invites the lay reader to explore the Old Testament. N o special know ledge or expertise is assumed from the reader. A s Fr. Carroll indicates: “Nothing more is required than a bible at hand and the w illingness to be a friendly person o f faith in opening it”. The book starts from a broad perspective by exam ining the way the books o f the Bible are arranged, comparing the Jewish schem e with that o f the Catholic, pointing out how the theology o f each faith is reflected in each scheme. Then it


is also intent on helping us develop a faith-based individual-and-communal spirituality. Groome advocates practice as being integral to a Roman Catholic understanding o f faith. Our faithing process or journey also includes “certain perspectives on life and then lots o f practice” (p. 36).

applies that approach to the book o f Exodus and Isaiah, asking why this chapter follow s another. We learn how a book’s life-cycle consists o f an inspiration phase arising from an exceptional person (e.g. M oses) continuing through the early disciples and culminating to a later editorial phase. To what purpose? For worship and instruction in communities that are assembled in sanctuary settings. This meant the need for the com m on people to be helped to understand. Hence the existence o f “Targum” a translation into Aramaic, the vernacular language o f the people; and “Midrash”. The four Biblical traditions are then analysed: the Yahwist, the Elohist, the Priestly and the Deuteronomic, aided with illuminating exam ples. Then it addresses issues concerning the historicity o f the Bible.

SPIR IT U A L ITY FO R L E N T A N D E A ST E R Gerard F. Baumbach 2 4 2 .3 4 B A U

W E L IV E IN C O M M U N IT Y Eberhard Arnold with two interpretive talks by Thomas Merton 2 8 9 .7 A R N

A N E A ST E R S O U R C E B O O K Gabe Huck and Gail Ramshaw (eds.) R 264E A S

A R ISE N C H R IST IN E A ST E R T IM E Raymond E. Brown 226B R O

101 Q U E S T IO N S A N D A N SW E R S O N V A T IC A N II Maureen Sullivan 2 62.52S U L

SH A PIN G T H E E A ST E R FE A ST Anscar J. Chupungco, OSB 264C H U

Groome is convinced that “Catholic spirituality encourages celebration because the spiritual journey is sustained by the Spirit." Indeed, one o f the greatest gifts w e can give to another human being, another person, another fellow-Christian, is to share our journey, to share our efforts to live m eaningfully and at peace with m ost people, to celebrate and give thanks together as a community of persons. To laugh and yes, even to cry with others. “Otherwise, too much would depend on m e!” Thank you Thomas Groome for your wonderful gift - the gift o f your w hole self in your book. Thomas H. Groome (Thom as.Groom e@ bc.edu) is a senior professor o f T heology and Religious Education at Boston C ollege, M assachusetts, U SA . He is the author o f Christian Religious Education, w idely regarded as the m ost important and influential contemporary work on the subject, and o f Sharing Faith, a foundational work on Christian ministry.

Paul M ichael Kee, CSsR holds a Licentiate in Spiritual Theology (STL) from the Pontifical Weston Jesuit School o f Theology, Boston, USA, and a Licentiate in Effective Communication . (LTCL) from Trinity College o f Music, London, UK. He is the Rector o f Novena Church Redemptorist Community Singapore.

Did the events really happen? Finally, Old Testament prediction o f the M essiah is examined. How the people o f Israel gradually develops the attitude o f awaiting for a M essiah, an orientation towards the future from the present moment, and what might be the M essiah’s attributes. The great value o f Fr. Carroll’s book lies in its design: it is structured for learning by non-experts. Each chapter announces what it intends to cover and ends with a summary o f what has been covered. But learning for a purpose: from study into prayer, from the word o f God to the living God who speaks the word now. Throughout the book, Fr. Carroll keeps showing us how. This book would be a good guide for studying the Old Testament for lay people, parish study groups and junior college students.



This book is availab le at C ath olic N ew s B ook & M edia at 2 H igh lan d R oad #01-02. P erson in charge: V eronica Q uek Tel: 68583066 Price: S$19.70


Sundays April 27 and May 4,2003 Catholic News


--------------------------- ------ Special Report -------------------------------------

CELEBRATING HOLY WEEK WITH A lthough looking and sounding strong, 82 year old Pope John Paul II began his intense liturgical activities leading up to E aster with a few innovations aim ed at cutting the am ount o f tim e he spent standing and elim inating alm ost all w alking in public. For the second year running, the pope did not participate in the w ashing o f feet on H oly Thursday.

HOLY TH URSDAY Pope John Paul II signs his new encyclical, Ecclesia de Eucharistia, urging Catholics to strictly observe the traditional importance of the sacrament of the Eucharist, at the start of the evening Holy Thursday service at St Peter’s Basilica.

GOOD FRIDAY DURING Good Friday’s Stations o f the Cross, Pope John Paul II presented the dead and risen Jesus Christ as the final answer and hope for mankind. An Iraqi Catholic family carried the cross between the 13th and 14th stations o f the Way o f the Cross at the Colosseum. The pope follow ed the event seated from the nearby Palatine Hill. In one o f the earlier stations, the cross was carried by Giuliana Urbani, the widow o f Carlo Urbani, the World Health Organization doctor who was the first to alert the world about severe acute respiratory syndrome. He died as a consequence o f Sars on March 29. At the end o f the stations, the pope put aside the text he had written for the occasion and reflected spontaneously on the central mystery o f Christianity: the death and resurrection of Christ, pledge o f salvation for mankind.

During the morning Chrism Mass, the pope told hundreds of priests, bishops and cardinals present that they must “be guided not by human interests, but only by love for God and for our neighbours.”

-oLeft: Pope John Paul II presides over the Way of the Cross during Good Friday services at Rome’s Colosseum . The pontiff sat for most of the service, holding the cross in his lap for the last station.

PALM SUNDAY CELEBRATING the. entry o f Christ, king o f peace, into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, it is im possible not to pray for peace in the city that continues to be marked by violence, Pope John Paul II said. “And how can w e not express fraternal solidarity with your peers tried by war and violence in Iraq, in the Holy Land and in various other parts o f the world?” the pope asked young people gathered in St Peter’s Square for the Mass which marked not only Palm Sunday, but also World Youth Day. In his homily, the pope spoke about the contrasting cries o f the crowds as Jesus entered Jerusalem and then faced crucifixion, “the festive ‘Hosanna’ and the repeated cry, ‘Crucify him .’” Jerusalem, he said, is “the city o f the prophets, many o f whom underwent martyrdom for the truth; the city o f peace, which in the course o f centuries has known violence, war and deportations.” “In som e way,” the pope said, “Jerusalem can be considered the city sym bolic o f humanity, especially in the dramatic beginning o f the third m illennium in which w e are living.” 1 The city, like humanity, rejoices on Palm Sunday because “Jesus, the king of peace,” has com e to bring salvation, the pope said. □ Zenit

Pope John Paul II (above) blesses olive and palm branches at the start of Palm Sunday Mass in St Peter’s Square . The pontiff offered prayers for peace in the Holy Land and elsewhere while celebrating Christ’s entry into Jerusalem. Left: Pope John Paul II is seated inside a confessional at St. Peter’s Basilica on Good Friday, The pontiff arrived unannounced at the basilica and listened to the confessions of six women and four men. c n s p h o t o s

Below: A cross lighted by a flame stands above Rome’s Colosseum during the Way of the Cross on Good Friday. Pope John Paul II traditionally observes the Good Friday stations at the ancient Roman monument. “We are here, as every year, around the Colosseum, symbol that speaks to us of past times, of that great Roman Empire, which fell, as well as of the Christian martyrs who gave witness with their life and with their death,” the pope said. “ It is difficult to find another place in which the mystery of the cross speaks in a more eloquent way.”

Catholic News

Sundays April 27 and May 4,2003


Special Report

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EASTER VIGIL Pope John Paul II baptizes a man (above) during the Easter Vigil at St Peter’s Basilica. In all, the pope baptized and confirmed seven adults from four continents.The pontiff celebrated the resurrection of Christ asking Catholics for renewed awareness of the gift of the Eucharist, c n s p h o t o s


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Pope John Paul II blesses the 100,000 crowd gathered at St Peter’s Basilica during Easter morning Mass, greeting them in 62 languages . The pontiff delivered his urbi et orbi (to the city of Rome and the world) blessing and prayed for an end to the “chain of hatred and terrorism, which threatens the orderly development of the human family.” THE POPE implored God for the world’s deliverance “from the peril o f a tragic clash between cultures and religions,” in his m essage to the world on Easter Sunday. His m essage was televised live to 53 countries. “May faith and love o f God make the follow ers of every religion courageous builders o f understanding and forgiveness, patient weavers of a fruitful interreligious

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dialogue, capable o f inaugurating a new era o f justice and peace,” he said. Earlier, he called for peace in Iraq, adding that with “the support o f the international community, may the Iraqi people becom e the protagonists o f the' collective rebuilding o f their country.” Pope John Paul II then referred to the “forgotten wars and protracted hostilities that are causing deaths and injuries amid

silence and neglect ” in the Holy • Land and on the African continent. “I am w ell aware o f the centres o f tension and the attacks on people’s freedom in the Caucasus, in A sia and in Latin America,” he continued. To all these places o f pain, the Holy Father offered the risen Christ’s m essage “o f true peace, founded on the solid pillars o f love and justice, truth and freedom.” □ Zenit

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Sundays April 27 and May 4,2003 Catholic News


In Loving Memory

The Word of God

Second Anniversary

In loving memory of

“ P eace b e w ith y o u ” Sunday, April 27 John 20:19-31 IT WAS A confusing time. The Romans had killed Jesus, and the frightened apostles were huddled in a small room, wondering if they were next. Sure, Mary Magdalene claimed to have seen Jesus alive, but how could they trust such a wild report? Then, in the midst o f their fear and confusion, Jesus appeared to them and said, “Peace be with you.” The astounded disciples believed. Too bad that Thomas w asn’t with them. A ll alone, with the testimony o f all the other apostles contradicting his sense o f logic, he too needed to see Jesus in the flesh. In a sense, w e really should commend Thomas for holding out and not just going along with the crowd. That probably took som e courage! But then, when

this famous “doubter” came face to face with the unconditional and overwhelm ing love o f Jesus, he too dropped his guard o f skepticism and worshipped Jesus as his Lord and his God. Thom as’ demand for objective proof that Jesus was alive may seem like arrogance or unbelief to us. But there’s another way o f looking at this passage that gives us a model for our own lives. A young man struggling with his faith once prayed, “God, if yo u ’re real, prove it.” And he did! This fello w ’s prayer may sound disrespectful, but it was really an expression o f the deep longing in his heart. In fact, God loves it when w e seek him out with such aggression. We may find it incredible, but God actually delights in answering these kinds o f prayers because he sees in them open hearts

Second Anniversary

In loving memory of

IF A N Y ONE does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous; and he is the expiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins o f the w hole world. (1 John 2:1-2) Every moment o f every day God is ready to forgive. Has any one sinned? He invites us to turn to him for forgiveness and cleansing. Unlike m ost o f us, God is not miserly with his forgiveness. A ll he asks is that w e turn to him, confess our failings, and ask him to wash us clean. Then w e w ill know his mercy and receive grace to obey him more faithfully. What is the source o f such mercy.? The blood that Jesus

shed for us on the cross-a “once - forall” sacrifice that encom passes all o f time and space (Hebrews 9:26). Is there any sin his blood cannot forgive? We can answer this question with a resounding “N o!” His blood has the power to wipe away, erase, and remove every act o f transgression (Acts 3:19). Once God forgives sin, it simply is no more (Psalm 103:10-12)! Where would w e be without the blood o f Christ? His blood not only brings about our forgiveness, it also sets us free from the hold that evil has on us. It can turn our hearts away from rebellion and self-love, and m ove us to take on the kindness and generosity of Jesus himself. This mercy that God has poured out through the blood of

begging for revelation. Thomas had the good fortune to be alive when Jesus walked the earth. But w e really aren’t disadvantaged in any way. A ll o f us can experience Jesus just as powerfully as Thomas and the other apostles did. A ll we have to do is commit ourselves to honest, humble prayer from the heart. A s we devote ourselves to prayer and beg Jesus for revelation, he w ill show him self to us in ways that w ill convince us beyond doubt that he is alive and filled with love for us. Then w e too w ill echo Thom as’ cry o f love and faith: “My Lord and my God!”

Jesus is available to every person who calls out to him, no matter how horrible the crime or offence. D oes this seem unjust? Shouldn’t there be exceptions - sins so evil that God simply should not forgive? That might make sense to our human way o f thinking, but that is not how God is. His mercy is as lim itless as he him self is. And this is good new s for all o f us. If there were limits to the mercy o f God, we might all be in jeopardy. After all, who among us can claim to go even one day without offending the holiness and love o f God? □



The A ssisi Hom e & H ospice Carnival 2003 scheduled on A pr 27 is postponed. A new date for the Carnival will be announced later. Tickets already issued w ill be honoured on the new date. For clarification call: G eraldine Lee (9386-0620) or Ronita Paul (9789-4260).

Led by Sr Florence Wong, FMDM. and Eucharistic Mass celebrated by Fr Gerard Victor, OFM. Date: May 1, 9am-6 pm (Mass at 5 pm). Venue: FMM House of Prayer & Formation. Cost: $20. Organised by St Clare Fraternity, Secular Franciscan Order. Enquiries: Pauline 6583-0056, MaryClaire 9620-7768 or email: mclairefaiKaihotmail.com Registration forms can be obtained from the parish office.

Conducted by Fr Philip Heng.S.J. and the Jesuit novices. Date: May 10, Sunset M ass at 9pm till M ay 11 at 6.30am . Venue: Centre for Ignatian Spitituality (behind Church o f St Ignatius). Enquiries: 6467-2790. A ll A re Invited

T A G A L O G MASS Date: A pril 27, 2 pm. Venue: Church

o f St Anthony, W oodlands. To be celebrated by F r A ngel Luciano, CICM . Philippine E m bassy staff will host an open forum on E m bassy services, program m es, etc. after the Mass.

Sixteenth Anniversary

In loving memory of

" 3 r~


Departed: May 7, 2002 Peacefully sleeping, resting at last, The world’s weary troubles and trials are past. In silence she suffered, in patience she bore, T ill God called her home to suffer no more. Always remembered by husband, children and all loved ones.


H Jl AGATHA SEAH MENG CHOO Departed: May 3,2001 Loved, remembered, and longedfor, She’ll be with each beat o f my heart; Till in heaven we’re once more together For eternity never to part.

Sadly missed by husband: Bernard Cheong, son: Joseph Cheong and loved ones.

Fourth Anniversary In lovin g m em ory o f


Departed: May 1, 1987 Dearest Mama, Years may come and years may go, But deep in our hearts the pain remains, Just as your love for us will always flow, Our love for you will never end. Sadly missed by loving sons, sisters and loved ones.


P O S T P O N E D - A S S IS I H O M E & H O S P IC E C A R N IV A L 2003

concelebrated m ass with blessing of mothers by Archbishop Nicholas Chia. 7 pm: Chinese Dinner. Triduum on May 8, M ay 9 at 7.15 pm . M ay 10 at 6 pm (Sunset M ass, Praise & Worship). Archbishop G regory Yong will preach in the Triduum.

Departed: May 4,2001 God knows how much we miss her, Never shall her memory fade; Our loving thoughts ever wander,' To the spot where she is laid. Remembered with love and deeply missed by all the family, relatives and friends.


What’s On

ST S T E P H E N C H U R C H S IL V E R J U B IL E E Date: Sunday, M ay 11 ,6 pm:

Second Anniversary In loving memory of


God is ready to forgive us, every moment of every day Sunday, May 4 1 John 2: 1 -5

I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me shall never die. For those who have no-one to pray for them — we pray to the Lord.


Patron Saint of those suffering from cancer or any other life-threatening illness. Date: M ay 2 at 7.30 pm. Venue: St Joseph’s Church, Victoria St. Celebrant: Fr G erard Victor, OFM . All are welcome. TALKS & CANTO NESE RETREAT

Date: Thu May 1, 8.30 am - 5 pm. Venue: SFX Retreat Centre. Free admission.

O Holy St Jude, apostle and martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage in times of need. To you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg you to whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance. Help me in my present urgent petition. In return I promise to make your name known and cause you to be invoked. St Jude pray for me and all who invoke your aid. Humbly in need of your intercession. Amen. Thank you for answering my prayers.

Departed on April 26, 1999 A faithful, devoted, w ell loved daughter Four years have passed A nd I m iss you even m ore Y our w it, Y our sm ile, Y our thoughtfulness, Y our w isd om , Y our guidance. R EST IN PEA C E D EA R . G enerous and caring H ers w as a life w ell-spent. M ass w ill be offered at Church o f St A nthony on April 26, 2003 on 6 pm. D early m issed and lo v in g ly rem em bered by fam ily and all lo v ed ones.

E ighth A nniversary In lo v in g m em o ry o f

Dearest St Jude, I would like to thank you for answering all my prayers. I am absolutely grateful to you. Veronica Once again, thank you apostle Jude for prayers answered. Also, grateful thanks to our Lord, blessed Mother Mary, Infant Jesus, St Joseph, St Anne, St Gerard, St Anthony, St Theresa, Holy Spirit and guardian angels for their blessings, intercessions, protection and prayers answered. Please continue to guide and protect my family. Susan and Family

Classified Advertisements Minimum S$25/for first 25 words. Additional words: 500.

R O B ER T H E R M A N TIRO Former Chairman, Tiro Consulting Services Pte Ltd D eparted: A pr 2 3 , 1995

Dearly remembered by beloved wife, daughter, granddaughter, relatives and friends. M a sses w ill b e celeb rated in h is m em ory o n W ed n esd a y , A p ril 2 3 , 2 0 0 3 at: C hurch o f T h e S acred Heart C hurch o f the B le sse d S acram ent St Ignatius C hurch M t A lv e m ia C hap el C athedral o f the G o o d S hepherd C hurch o f T h e H o ly Spirit St T h er esa ’s C hurch

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Catholic News

Sundays April 27 and May 4, 2003


In Loving Memory

Trinity Casket Pte Ltd

First Anniversary

Fifth Anniversary

Eighth Anniversary

In loving memory of

In loving memory of

Fifth Anniversary

In loving memory of

First Anniversary

In loving memory of

In loving memory of

Your Right Choice....

In lo v in g m e m o r y o f Tenth Anniversary

Twelfth Anniversary

For: • Com plete & dignified funeral arrangements by professional and caring staff. • Catholic male & female specialist embalmers. Note: Female embalmer will attend to all female deceased.

• A ffordable a ir-co n d itio n e d m em orial chapels w ith m icrophone, electronic organ & appropriate furnishing & lighting.


Called home to be with the Lord on May 3, 2002 “A steadfast hand a Helping Heart” His memory we shall always cherish. Deeply missed by wife, childen, grandchildren and all loved ones. Mass will be celebrated at Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary on Saturday May 3, 2003 at 6.15 pm. - Niche B 1-004



Departed: Apr 27, 1998 We cannot forget you Our loved one so dear; Your memory grows Sweeter year after year. Fondly remembered by family members and all loved ones. Mass will be celebrated at Church of St Michael on April 27 at 9.30 am.


Departed: May 3,1995 Although eight years have passed Your smile, your pleasant face and kind words will always be in our hearts Rest in peace, dear loving father. Fondly remembered by his wife, children and grandchildren.

Departed: Apr 27, 1998 In our home you are fondly remembered, Sweet memories cling to your name; Those who loved you in life sincerely, Still love you in death just the same. Always remembered by family and all loved ones.


Departed: Apr 29, 2002 I have lost my soul’s companion, A life linked with my own; And day by day I miss him more, As I walk through life alone. Deeply missed by wife, Sharon Oliveiro, son Alwyn Oliveiro, Father and loved ones.

• All other funeral-related services including im port & repatriation o f human remains.


MARIA WEE BOON SIN 1917-4.11.91

T im e fa d e s b u t fo n d e s t m e m o r ie s liv e fo r e v e r . A lw a y s c h e r ish e d and lo v e d b y ch ild re n an d g ra n d so n .

F if t h A n n iv e r s a r y

Sixth Anniversary

• No overtim e charges. • Special discount for Catholics. • Catholic guidance counsellor Ms O livia Stravens Pg: 9524-9940

O p e n 2 4 H o u rs Blk 38, #01-527/531, Sin Ming Drive, Singapore 575712

In lo v in g m e m o ry o f

In loving memory of


Eighteenth Anniversary

64 51 -4 4 96


In loving memory of

Tel: 6 4 5 5 - 9 9 0 9

C H R I S T O P H E R T S ’A I


Departed: May 1,1985 In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true, There is not a day, dear father, That we do not think o f you. Sadly missed by your loving children, in-laws, grand­ children and great grandchildren. A mass will be celebrated at 6.15 pm on Thursday, May 1, at Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Highland Road. Please treat this as a personal invitation from the Miranda family.


D ep arte d : A p r 2 8 , 1998 A lw a y s re m e m b e re d an d lo v e d b y S u sy a n d all lo v e d o nes.

NG LOI FA, MARGARET Returned to Our Lord on May 6, 1997


Only the memory’s left of the happiness we knew, But the love that kindled memory’s torch will fuel our whole lives through. Deeply missed and fondly remembered by Boon, Herbert, San, Lilian, Ho, Sue, Kelvin, and Ryan.

Ten6455-5288,6456-5288,9691-3229 24 * Professional services for Christians * Qualified professional em balm ers * Q uality local a n d im ported caskets * Special p a c k a g e and discount price for Catholics * Professional handling o f repatriations a n d im port cases


Blk 38 Sin Ming Drive, #01-523 Singapore 575712 (COMPIETF FUNERAL SERVICES)




• Christian and non-Christian funerals - local / export. • Qualified Embalmers. • Columbarium work, exhumation, photo enlargement etc. • Air-con, non air-con Parlours, tentage etc. • Good Discount on Casket price!! Directors: Philip Tan m b ie , Charles Wan m b ie Blk 37, Sin Ming Drive, #01-575 Singapore 575711 Tel: 6454-8167, 6456-7423 Fax: 6458-2151

aged 86 years, wife of the late Frederick Bernard Nicolay and mother of Beverley, Gail, Glen and Gareth, and their families, passed away peacefully in Perth, W.Australia on 22 March 2003. Cremation took place on 25 March. Remains to be interred in Singapore at a later date. We love and miss you Mum. Rest in peace. Please turn to page 14 for more “In Memoriam” announcements and classified advertisements.

^ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

> 1 S F S V A L U E P A C K $ 3 9 8 8 /= Christian Half-glass casket 6. Parlour / Tentage Christian classic set-up 7. Expert Embalming Professional artist make-up 8. Floral arrangement Refreshments services 9. Catering buffet Photo enlargement 10. 1 air-con bus


_ V u A td

b e a u tifu l one. anb com e m it It m e 3o n g o f 3o n g s 2 :6 . 10

24 HOURS A DAY, IN RAIN OR SHINE (Th e B ereavem ent Service Co. catering solely to Christian and Catholic communities) MISSION STATEMENT: Our company continuously seeks to provide dedicated, quality, professional, personalized, dignified, yet affordable bereavement services to fellow Christians who have been called home to be with the Lord. As a ministry partner, we seek to fu lfill the Great Commission, ministering to the needs of bereavedfamily members, while reaching out to the unsaved.

(Managing Director)

In your moments o f need

S IN G A P O R E CASKET 6293-4388 24 Hours

® T e l:

Dedicated Funeral D irectors since 1920

• Complete services for Christians and non-Christians. • Air-con. parlours, open 24 hours. • Qualified professional embalmers.

Affordable package to suit budget constraints Columbarium and tombstones, etc Tentage, chairs, lightings, fans, etc Photo Enlargements Air conditioned bus transportation, hearse and pall bearers

Raymond Roy Gabriel


(Liaison for Catholics)

Peter Wang

• Imported US and quality finished caskets. • Photo enlargement. • Florist service. • Funeral supplies all under one roof. • Professional handling of repatriations and import cases. • Columbarium & Tombstone services.

All Church Members Are Entitled To Discount

ADDRESS : 150 South Bridge Rd, #02 - 05 Fook Hai Building Singapore 058727 Tel: (65) 6 53 3 -1 7 8 7 Fax: (65) 6 53 3-17 29 Website: http://www.therestingplace.com.sg Email: resting@singnet.com.sg


Website w w w .c a s k e tfa ir p r ic e .c o m


lox'er sjtoke

OUR SERVICES ■ Provides counsel for suitable funeral arrangements ■ Certified embalmers ■ Exhumation work, repatriation cases ■ Sound system, floral arrangements, food and beverages ■ Pastors & Priests arrangement for funeral services ■ Arrangement for parlors, cremation, burials, clothing, etc

Blk 37 Sin Ming Drive #01-569/571 Singapore 575711


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CONTACTS: Tan Song Poh

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Email: fairprice@pacific.net.sg

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Blk 3 Toa Payoh Lor 8 #01-1347

■ftti m * - r e - tt m m , ffl 6 ¥ m m m m „ ® m a -A. fa m s a t s „ E * «E . i , £& 3S: — lE sfe de i right arm em braces m e.

Complete one-stop funeral arrangements Affordable air-con funeral parlours with facilities All funeral-related services <s, including columbarium works, exhumation, international repatriation of human remains etc Quality service affirmed by families which we had the honour to serve Transparent & reasonable pricing with genuine discounts No overtime charges, no hidden cost Check out our prices at our website www.casketfairprice.com Member of the Association of Funeral Directors (Singapore)

*Cater within your means*

131 Lavender Street, Singapore 338737.


Internationally linked worldwide with established Funeral Directors

Sundays April 27 and May 4,2003 Catholic News


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Put out into the deep water and pay out your nets for a catch " Luke


Concelebration and personal sharing by young priests VCD presentation Forum and Q& A Exhibition


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Date May (Sat & Sun) I

^ Time—, All Masses

PU B LIS H E D BY A R C H B IS H O P N IC H O LA S CHIA , 2 H IG H L A N D R O AD #01-03, SIN G A P O R E 549102.

(—Venue—, OLPS Church


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