MAY 09, 2004, vol 54, no 10

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CalholicNews SUNDAYS MAY 9 AND MAY 16, 2004


M.I.T.A.(P) No.130/01/2004 PPS 201/4/2005

Vol 54 No. 10

MASS DOs &DON’Ts Vatican issues instructions to stop abuses PAGE 10 Pope John Paul II meets w ith Japanese Buddhists at his w eekly general audience in St. P eter’s Square April 28. The monks were in Rome for a Buddhist-Christian symposium . cNsPho,o

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MEDIA reports of the Fr Kang case such as these in the Straits Times have stirred huge public interest and saddened Catholics.


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K ang’s assets fro zen o n fo rm e r p aiish io n e r’s p le a

Father Kang will be assessed on the degree o f repentance before appropriate sanctions are im posed on him. M eanwhile, he cannot function as a priest. The P riests’ D irectory w hich governs the life and work of the priests in the A rchdiocese of Singapore is being revised and will be in full accord w ith Canon Law and Civil Law. • A ccounting and financial m anagem ent systems are in place to ensure accountability and security o f church assets.

PHOTO: Raymond Tan

THE FATHER JOACHIM KANG CASE H ig h lig h ts A p ril 1, 2003 - Fr. Joachim K ang charged w ith em bezzling $5.1m o f church funds. M a rc h 23 2004 - T rial begins. A p ril 14, 2004 - Fr. K ang pleads guilty to six charges A p ril 19, 2004 - A rchbishop N icholas C hia appeals to court for leniency in F ather K an g ’s sentencing. A p ril 2 3 ,2 0 0 4 - D istrict judg e, Jasvender Kaur, sentences Fr. K ang to seven and a h alf years in prison, T h e S tra its T im e s o f A pril 24 reported that F r K ang said in an interview before he w as sentenced: “M y conscience is clear in that I have acted as a priest entrusted w ith the adm inistration o f a parish. I did m y best to fulfil the obligations placed upon m e. T he trial e n d e d ...b e ca u se I agreed to enter into a p lea bargain... I did w hat I did for the good o f the parish and for the good o f the Church. P erhaps I m ight have breached som e o f the provisions o f the P rie sts’ D irectory but m y intention w as solely the good o f the C hurch. I believe that G od and G od alone, is the ultim ate vindicator and to H im belongs truth and ju stice .”

THE AFTERMATH Archbishop Nicholas Chia said there will be full accountability for church funds in an April 23 statement to the press on the Fr Joachim Kang case. He also said that the archdiocese did not have prior knowledge of the financial irregularities of the parish of St Teresa and the investigations carried out by the Commercial Affairs Department into the financial activities of Fr Kang. Here is the text of the archbishop’s statement.

Church handling of Fr Joachim Kang’s situation

A time to heal Archbishop Nicholas Chia speaks of the need for correction, repentence and forgiveness at healing Mass. By Sr. Wendy Ooi, fsp

R E C E N T w eeks have been a “trying tim e” and brought sadness to the church, says A rchbishop N icholas C hia at a healing M ass A pril 22 - the eve o f Fr. Joachim K an g ’s sentencing. W hile acknow ledging that faith in the church had been shaken for som e, A rchbishop C hia told the congregation that packed the C athedral o f the G ood Shepherd that “w e need not be afraid.” “Trials and tribulations w ill help us to m ature,” he assured them . The gospel chosen for the liturgy was from John 8 - the W oman caught in adultery. A rchbishop N icholas Chia said that the attitude o f Jesus tow ards the adulterous w om an is som ething we m ust all have. A lthough Jesus knew the w om an was a sinner, he did not condem n her. He was “ever loving, ever forgiving.” Similarly, w e are not to condem n or judge others but pray and forgive them. B ut the w ords o f Jesus, “go and sin no m ore” m ust also be etched in our mind. “In the Gospel, the adulterous woman repented and this led to forgiveness, just as the Prodigal son in Luke acknowledged his guilt and received his father’s love.” “Fr. K an g ’s case is a lesson for all o f us,” the archbishop said. “A ll o f us are

4 4 T H E C atholic Church in Singapore has alw ays stood for Justice and Truth and respect for the law s o f the country. W hat happened in the case o f Fr Joachim K ang has been a w ake up call to us to re­ exam ine our practice o f stew ardship and accountability. F r Joachim K ang pleaded guilty to six counts o f crim inal breach o f trust and D istrict Judge Jasvinder K aur has sentenced him to seven and a h alf (1^/2) years o f im prisonm ent. A s archbishop, I feel very hum bled and am saddened for Fr K ang and his fam ily and all the C atholics o f Singapore w ho look to church leaders for exam ples and inspiration. In a way, their trust in the church is shaken. Som e are disillusioned, others are attributing blam e and yet others looking for concrete com m itm ent to im provem ent. To one and all and to the public who are interested in the church, I can assure them that though hum bled w e have learned and are wiser, and hopeful that we still have their confidence. I share m y thoughts on four areas o f concern w hich have been brought to m y attention.

sinners, in need o f repentance. This is a great occasion to look deeper into ourselves, and see the areas w here w e ’ve gone w rong and w here we can im prove.” “L et us not be disheartened by what has happened,” he encouraged those who felt disturbed. “O ur faith is ultim ately in G od, not in any particular person. If we have deep faith - no m atter w hat the experience, good w ill com e out o f it.” H e urged everyone present to pray for healing, for Fr. K ang, and for the whole church to have the strength to live up to her faith and not waver, regardless o f the storm s encountered. A rchbishop N icholas Chia concluded his hom ily saying that as a result o f this incident, the church here is experiencing greater grow th as a church o f Christ. Priests and religious will think m ore of their accountability. H e stressed to priests, “W hat the church has doesn’t belong to you but to the people o f God. We are not ow ners but managers, and m ust manage w ell for the people o f God. This is what w e’re called to do - for growth o f the church and the people o f God, never for our ow n benefit, not for luxurious goods.” He asked everyone to pray for priests to “live in the spirit of poverty, detachment, and generosity in giving to the people o f God, and walk in the footsteps o f Christ.” □

T he church had no prior know ledge o f the financial irregularities o f the parish o f St Teresa and the investigations carried out by the C om m ercial A ffairs D epartm ent (CA D ) into the financial activities o f Fr K ang. C rim inal action w as also initiated by the CAD. We w ere rightly kept inform ed o f the latter as it involved church funds and the actions o f one o f our priests. A s there w as prim a facie evidence o f crim inal acts, we decided to let the law take its course, that Fr K ang is innocent until proven guilty and that he has full right to defend him self in court. H e was given leave o f absence to facilitate the preparation o f his defence and was provided w ith a m onthly living allow ance. He chose to stay w ith his family. H is request for the church to furnish bail w as turned dow n after prayerful deliberation and consultation. H e w as told to provide a clear statem ent o f w hat actually belongs to the church, to him self and to his fam ily because the three accounts w ere conjoint. T his he did not com ply with. H is request for financial assistance from the church to cover his legal cost w as turned dow n, for it w ould be im proper to use church funds for this purpose w hen the church w as the very party he w as accused o f em bezzling m onies from . F unding his legal costs could also be construed as agreeing to or supporting his line o f defence.

Church accounting system We have an A rchdiocesan Finance C om m ission com prising priests and Chartered Public A ccountants. Each parish has a qualified accountant to assist the priest in charge o f the parish account. In January 2004, the full D ouble Entry

A ccounting System w ith the Im age A ccounting Package w as im plem ented in all the parishes. B anks and financial institutions will accept only the resolutions from the A rchbishop o f Singapore to open or close parish accounts and instructions on the operation o f the accounts. T he m axim um am ount to be kept in the parish at the beginning o f each m onth is $20,000.00 for operating cost. A ny single expenditure over $20,000.00 m ust have prior approval from the A rchdiocesan Finance C om m ission. C heques paym ent o f $5,000.00 and above require tw o signatories.

Priest’s Directory (PD) T he P rie sts’ D irectory w hich governs the life and w ork o f the priests in the A rch diocese o f Singapore w as prom ulgated in 1986 and rev ised in 1995. M ore than a y ear ago, w ork began on the second revisio n o f the PD. T he new ly revised PD w hich w ill be com pleted in a few m onths tim e w ill be m ore com prehensive and d etailed and organized in clear sections. It w ill be in full accord w ith C anon L aw and C ivil Law. T he PD w ill be binding on all priests w orking in Singapore. N o priest w ill be allow ed to plead ignorance o f his rights and responsibilities. M easures w ill be put in place to enforce im plem entation at all levels. We believe that this revised PD coupled w ith the revised accounting system already in place in the archdiocese w ill ensure that the K ang saga w ill not be repeated.

W hat happens to Fr Joachim Kang? In our m itigation plea on beh alf o f Fr K ang before D istrict Judge Jasvinder Kaur, we said “ he has been a priest since 1974 and has served the pastoral needs o f the parishioners w ell” . M any people have benefited from his priestly m inistry. H is past contributions w ill not be w ritten off. H ow ever he w ill be sanctioned for breaching the P riests’ D irectory and for bringing the church into bad repute. C onsequently he w ill have to accept spiritual counselling and be assessed on the degree o f repentance and his readiness to change before the appropriate sanctions be im posed on him. In the m eanw hile he cannot function as a priest even though he is still a priest o f the A rchdiocese o f Singapore. In conclusion, I thank all parishioners and the public for their concern and m any for th eir support and prayers in this trying tim e. I invite them to pray for m e and the church. I give m y assurance that there w ill be full accountability in our stew ardship o f church funds and assets. T he trust and confidence th at they have placed in m e and the church challenge us to con tinue o u r m ission w ith confidence and hope in the p o w er o f the R isen C hrist. 9 9

Br. Michael Broughton urges Catholic teachers to answer call to teach in Catholic schools. SINGAPORE - Catholic schools

need Catholic teachers to m aintain their C atholic identity and character and to support their m ission o f providing a different kind o f education from that offered in secular schools, Br. M ichael B roughton told teachers attending a road show at the C hurch o f O ur L ady o f Perpetual Succour (O LPS) A pril 24 and 25. Br. M ichael is D eputy P rincipal o f St Jo se p h ’s Institution. T he L a Salle Brothers w ere at the parish to prom ote vocations to their congregation and seek volunteer catechists and Catholic teachers for C hristian B roth ers’ schools. Being a frequent presenter in RCIA , Br. M ichael has m et many catechum ens who received their education in Catholic schools. W hen he asked them why they chose the Catholic faith, they said that having been educated in a Catholic environm ent, it becam e natural for them to choose the faith they had becom e m ost com fortable w ith and had grow n to love. Br. M ichael explained to his audience that the seeds o f the Gospel had been planted in the catechum ens when

Catholic schools need Catholic teachers they w ere still students by the Catholic teachers w ho touched their hearts and lives. H e likened the school to a battlefield where capturing the students’ minds was not enough to win the battle. Touching their hearts and capturing their lives is what leads to transformed lives. Constantly proposing the Gospel but never imposing it does have a positive influence on all young people regardless of their religious background, Br M ichael said. “M any w ill never becom e Christian but all w ill becom e better people,” he said. He urged Catholic teachers and teachers-to-be, especially

those w ho w ere ex-students o f the Catholic school system, to answer the call to teach in Catholic schools. Calling them ‘products’ o f the Catholic school system, he urged them to return to continue the legacy o f re-sow ing the seeds o f the G ospel w hich had once been planted in them. H e advised teachers to find a Catholic school that has a vacancy if they want to becom e a governm ent-aided staff. U pon the principal’s recom m endation, that teacher can then apply to be under the M anagem ent Com m ittee o f that school. This procedure would give the teacher an advantage as against applying as a governm ent servant. Interested Catholic teachers can contact B r M ichael Broughton at broughton@ sji.m or m b@ or call him at his school office no. 62500022. Interested volunteer catechists w ho w ish to serve in one o f the C hristian B rothers’ Schools can contact Br. Edw ard Seah at se ah e d @ h o tm ail.c o m or call him at 91808544. Interested Catholic trainees in N IE or enrolling into N IE can contact Jam es C han at ja m e s _ c s a @ h o tm a il.c o m . □

you came Now

“Seek and you shall find” I f

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8 Special Talks on Prayer. To pray for Vocations and to teach you to pray.

& -a ■r. f" 2 53i© 43 %£ ir'o C > W j

SINGAPORE - Choicers gathered

at the M E H ouse in Ponggol at daw n April 18 for a 36 kilometre “m igration relay” to Choice Singapore’s new hom e - the C hoice Retreat House (CRH) at 47 Jurong West, Street 42. The first Choice w eekend in Singapore w as encountered in 1981 at M inor Seminary. It m oved later to M E House. The Choice experience began in the United States in 1976. It was brought to Singapore in 1981 as part o f the Fam ily Life Society’s archdiocesan program m es for single young adults in Singapore. It is now m anaged by Catholic volunteers com prising priests, religious, couples and singles. Choice has encountered m ore than 10,000 young adults in Singapore. The program m es’ significance for young adults is evident in its spread to M alaysia, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, H ong K ong and Taiwan. D onned in red and w hite Tshirts, 50 Choicers and their fam ily m em bers w alked, jogged and cycled along the 36kilom etre route to the CRH , m any enjoying the cam araderie forged w hile serving Choice. T hey w ere w elcom ed by A rchbishop N icholas C hia and about 100 priests, religious and representatives from religious organisations and the Fam ily

Life Society w hen they arrived at about three in the afternoon. D uring his hom ily at the M ass for the com m unity, the archbishop reinforced the significance o f program m es such as Choice for youth and young adults, stressed the need

for C atholic volunteers to stay in touch w ith them and provide them som e direction and guidance in the choices they m ake in their daily lives. The day was memorable for m any and Ms. Celina Lin, the Choice (Single) Co-ordinator summ ed it up thus: “Today is indeed special, but what remains im portant is for the Choice Com munity to continue to work with the young adults so that they may live the Choice m otto o f ‘Knowing, Loving and Serving’ our Lord better.” If you w ant to know m ore about the Choice Experience, visit its w ebsite at w w w ,sg. □ ARCHBISHOP CHIA blesses Choice Retreat House and opens it for Choice weekends and use by all religious organisations for their retreats.

A R C H B IS H O P ’S O F F IC IA L D IA R Y May 16

3.30 pm St Andrew’s Chapel: US Military Mass - Confirmation

May 22

6.30 pm Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour: Mass - Confirmation

May 23 12.30 pm Church of St Mary of the Angels: Mass - Confirmation (Youths)

17 June 15 July 19 Aug 16 Sept 21 Oct 18 Nov 16 Dec

Centering Prayer Mary the Listening Woman Training for Prayer The Jesus Prayer The Journey Inward Prayer: A Faith Experience Waiting for the Coming o f the Saviour

Holy Infant Jesus Novena Every Thursday evening 5.30pm M ass 6.00pm

Special Prayers for the Migrant Workers E very S unday N ovena 4pm M ass 4.30pm (Replacing 5.30pm Mass) 1



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Three-day walk planned for young Catholics during Youth Week Y OUNG Catholics take a rest during the Archdiocesan Night Cycling in March.

uubbifiy o A holistic stay-in retreat for recently diagnosed cancer patients, survivors and care-givers.

The programme indudes talks by competent personnel, group sharing, Christian Meditation, Dance therapy, ^ us'c therapy, Lectio Divina Exercise and Counselling.

10 July 2004 Registration starts at 9.15 am 11 July 2004 Retreat ends at 6.00 pm Sunday M ass at 4.00 pm Number o f retreatants is limited to twenty

LifeSprings Canossian Spirituality Centre 100 Jalan M erbok, Singapore 598454 Tel: 64662178 Fax: 64661307 Email: lifspmg@

Cost of 2 days stay-in retreat includes not meals & fees for speakers I facilitators: s: $80 (non-aircon rooms) $100 (aircon tms I wish to attend the Landscape Crossing 3 retreat on the 10th & 11th July 2004. Name: Age:_________ Address:________________________________ Singapore:________ Tel:_____________ (Res)________________(Off) H p/P g:_____________

S e n d to:

Sr. Margaret Goh St. Joseph’s Home 921 Jurong Road, Singapore 649694 Queries: Contact Sr. Margaret Goh at Tel: 62651896 Hp: 94301231 Email:

Closing Date: 26th Ju n e 2 0 0 4

“We wish to see Jesus” SINGAPORE - There will be a buzz am ong Singapore’s Catholic youth from June 7 to 11, judging by the preparations being m ade by the Youth M inistry Office (YM O) for the first ever Youth Week in the A rchdiocese o f Singapore. The Youth W eek has been set aside as a special tim e to honour young people, inspire hopes and dream s, celebrate achievem ents and highlight the possibilities in youth ministry. Parishes are encouraged to turn their spotlight on young people and adults w orking with youths by organizing special activities during the week. It could be as sim ple as an affirmation session during catechism class or youth group m eeting, or a special

youth Mass. In preparation o f the Youth Week, the Y M O is making available a resource aid to all parishes. Included in the aid are suggestions for youth liturgy, sample prayers o f the faithful, affirm ation ideas and also m usic suggestions. F or youth groups, the Y M O has already com piled resources for week-long assignm ents leading to smallgroup sharings. The titles include “ 10 Top Reasons for G oing to M ass” and “Eucharistic A doration”. A t the A rchdiocesan level, Y M O will be hosting a Youth Walk June 8 to 10 . T he idea for this w alk cam e through feedback from over 70 youth w ho turned up for the A rchdiocesan Night

Cycling during the M arch holidays. They w anted to have m ore activities that bring together youth from across the archdiocese. The Y M O w anted a fun event that w ould lead young people to encounter Jesus, to be discipled by him and to m ove out into mission. T he Youth Walk will do what the first disciples did - w alk with Jesus, eat w ith Jesus, spend time w ith Jesus and one another. The Youth W alk is targeted to bring together 200 youths. It is planned like a stay-in youth camp over three days and tw o nights. The only difference is that the youths will be on the m ove to locations in Singapore which they w ere not likely to venture to on their own. There will be pit-stops along the way for reflection or fun. The w alk has been set at a leisurely pace and it prom ises to be refreshing and thrilling with m any m om ents for soul-searching. All planned activities will lead up to the Eucharistic Congress on June 13 at the Singapore Indoor Stadium. The Y M O will be issuing tickets for some 500 seats reserved for youths. U pdates on the Youth W eek w ill be m ade know n on the Catholic A rchdiocesan Youth C entre w ebsite at http:// w w w . □

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R eligion is becom ing m ore and m ore a fam ily affair for Catholics in M ongolia. After M ass on Easter, Utgatogoldor Zoljargal said Easter would always be very special for him and his family, “because our whole family received baptism.” The 28-year-old teacher was accom panied by his wife, O yuntuya, and their 5-m onth-old son. “We know that we live differently from other fam ilies here, because we are a Catholic fam ily,” O yuntuya said.

“We pray the rosary every day Peter and Paul Cathedral. Three and have dinner together. We use children w ere baptized the next the tim e to talk over things that day, as the local church are im portant to us,” she said. custom arily initiates adults into T he young couple used to go the com m unity on H oly Saturday to M ass every day before their and children on Easter. son was bom . Now, w ith the In com pliance w ith baby and full-tim e jobs as a M ongolian law, the Catholic teacher and social w orker in the C hurch in M ongolia baptizes church-run children centre and only adults and children w hose w ith both studying for law parents are Catholics. degrees, they still m anage to go Altogether 18 people were to M ass m ore than once a week. baptized this Easter in U lan Bator. Fam ily churchgoing was also T hat brought the num ber o f a source o f jo y for a w om an ' M ongolian Catholics in the 12identified only as Baigal, 32, a year-old local church to nearly m athem atics teacher at the Divine 190. It is set to increase further W ord Center w ho was baptized M ay 30, Pentecost, w hen 27 along w ith 12 other adults April catechum ens are to be baptized. 10 during the E aster Vigil at Sts. D V C AN, CNS

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Indonesian bishop fears

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“k i t e fie as violence escalates SM O K E rises from sm oldering buildings in A m bon, Indonesia, A pril 26 follow ing M uslim -C hristian clashes. T housands o f residents have fled the recent violence that began after a C hristian separatist group dem onstrated on the anniversary o f a failed independence bid. F ear that the violence could spiral out o f control has prom pted B ishop Petrus M andagi o f A m bon to appeal to the U nited N ations to pressure the Indonesian governm ent to put an end to the violence. “If the central governm ent cannot end this violence, A m bon w ill be the killing fields,” B ishop M andagi said. A w eek o f fighting left at least 34 people dead; the clashes raised fears that the region could plunge back into the M uslim -C hristian violence that killed about 9,000 people three years ago. P ope John Paul has also called on the Indonesian governm ent to restore order. □ c n s p h o t o


PO PE John Paul II reaches to lay hands on a new ly ordained priest at the Vatican M ay 2. D uring an ordination M ass for 26 candidates, the pontiff prayed the new priests w ould stay close to C hrist through prayer and m editation, despite an antireligious culture in the w orld today. “D o not be afraid - G od w ill alw ays be w ith you. W ith his help you can w alk the paths that lead to the heart o f every person and announce that the G ood Shepherd has given his life for them ,” the pope said M ay 2, W orld D ay o f P rayer for Vocations. □ c n s

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A street vendor sells flags outside a church in W arsaw, Poland, where a M ass dedicated to P o lan d ’s entry into the European U nion w as celebrated M ay 2. The European Union welcomed Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta and Cyprus as new members. Pope John P aul II said that E urope m ust reaffirm - not elim inate - its C hristian roots if it is to face the challenges o f the third m illennium . “T he vital lifeblood o f the G ospel can guarantee E urope that its developm ent w ill be in keeping w ith its identity, in freedom and solidarity, in justice and peace,” the pope said. “Only by rediscovering - not removing - its Christian roots will Europe be able to face the enormous challenges o f the third millennium: peace, dialogue between cultures and religions, and the protection o f creation,” he said. CORRECTION: In CN, April 25 and M ay 2 page 5, the top photo show ed M ass at the Church o f the H oly Spirit and not at the Church o f O ur Lady o f Perpetual Succour. W e are sorry for the error.


H om ilies by Rev. Fr. L ucas Thumma V enue: Main Church Time: 8.00pm


B a s ic F o o d H y g ie n e T ra in in g a p p r o v e d b y N E A . A ll c o u rs e s a n d H A C C P tr a in in g e lig ib le f o r S D F a n d S R P fu n d in g .


Mary, Full of Grace & Faith:

26 May 2004

Mother of the Incarnation


Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit:

27 MAY 2004

Mary, the First Charismatic Church


The Spirit that gives Life:

28 May 2004

New Humanity-Mary at Pentecost

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Philippine bishops advise voters, call for prayer, vigilance for peaceful elections

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leaders called for a nationw ide cam paign o f prayer and vigilance for peaceful elections at a special assem bly o f P hilippine bishops. A t least 70 bishops attended the A pril 20-21 conference at the Pius X II Catholic Center, w here they released their pastoral letter, “N ation-B uilding Through E lections,” on the M ay 10 general elections, reported U C A New s. The statem ent urged lay people to preserve the electoral process from fraud, violence and other “unconstitutional m eans” that w ould sw ay results or halt the elections. “The vigilance and concerted action o f ordinary citizens w ould

HOW TO VOTE be the best guarantee o f m aintaining honest, orderly and peaceful elections,” the bishops said. The bishops called on voters to consider three criteria w hen voting. T hey said the candidate m ust be com petent “in term s of leadership experience, professional qualifications and record o f governance.” Second, the candidate should

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M iniC atechism ou t soon


VATICAN CITY - Plans are well

underw ay for the publication early next year o f a com pendium o f the C atechism o f the Catholic Church. C ardinal Joseph R atzinger has w rapped up consultations w ith the w o rld ’s episcopal conferences. A special com m ission is now preparing the final version o f the com pendium . In February 2003, Pope John Paul II instructed Cardinal R atzinger to prepare a short w ork that w ould “contain, in a concise form , the essential and fundam ental contents o f the faith o f the church.” T he original draft o f this new w ork, w hich has now been circulated am ong the w o rld ’s bishops for com m ent, is about 70 pages long, or approxim ately one-seventh the size o f the Catechism . It presents the teachings o f the church in question-and-answ er form at. □

C H IL D R E N injured in the A pril 22 train explosions at N orth K o re a’s Ryongchon Station, near the C hinese border, lie in hospital beds A pril 25. School children w ere am ong 154 dead and 1300 injured w hen tw o trains exploded, destroying a school and large parts o f the town. C aritas Intem ationalis, the C atholic aid and developm ent organisation, has offered assistance such as m edical supplies and other relief goods for the victim s and their fam ilies. T he offer has been acepted by N orth korea. C aritas is expected to launch an international appeal for funds soon. □ c n s p h o t o

be a person o f conscience w ith regard to hum an rights and personal integrity, the bishops said. Finally the candidate m ust show a com m itm ent to life and the fam ily and to other key issues such as eradicating poverty and drug trafficking, they said. “B eyond elections, there is the greater challenge for all citizens: to continue m onitoring w inning candidates in order to ensure transparency, accountability and people em pow erm ent for good governance. We have been praying for clean elections; we continue to pray and w ork for reconciliation and the solidarity that is essential to nationbuilding,” the bishops said. In E aster m essages, various church leaders also called on people to vote conscientiously and responsibly for the next leaders o f the country. It w as only the second tim e in the history o f the b ish o p s’ conference that a special assem bly w as called. T he other tim e w as shortly after thenPresident F erdinand M arcos called a special election in 1985. T hat assem bly led to a conference letter that condem ned M arcos for election fraud. The letter w as seen as instrum ental in M arco s’ fall from power. □ u c a n ,

Swiss Guards get Wi-fi M otorola C orporation has given about 100 Sw iss guards W i-fienabled laptops and personal digital assistants, enabling them to prevent vehicles w ith unauthorised num ber plates getting into the grounds o f the H oly See. T he high-speed w ireless netw ork supports real-tim e video stream ing from closed-circuit television m onitors near the V atican’s gates and allow s for instant rem ote access to a database o f registered autom obile license plates. □ c n s

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NEW YO RK - A group of Franciscan friars in the US has asked The Passion o f the Christ director M el G ibson to m ake a m ovie biography o f their founder St Francis o f A ssisi. T he Franciscan Friars o f the R enew al have posted a letter to G ibson on their w ebsite, along w ith an online petition. It praises the director for his “w ork o f sacred art” and asks him “to produce a sequel about a m an m any acclaim to be the church’s greatest saint”.

St F rancis is the patron saint o f anim als and the environm ent. In the letter to Gibson, the friars say they believe the film, if m ade, “w ould show the world w hat happens w hen a person totally and unequivocally responds to the Passion o f the Christ.” It goes on to suggest G ibson could call the film M an o f the Passion. St F rancis has been portrayed on screen on num erous occasions, notably in Franco Z effirelli’s 1972 film B rother Sun, Sister

M oon and by M ickey Rourke in 1989’s Francesco. A ccording to F r G lenn Sudano, head o f the com m unity o f 82 friars in the N ew York m etropolitan area, saints are too often depicted as caricatures. “T hey are m uch m ore pow erful, m ore interesting [and] engaging,” he said. F ather Sudano adm itted the chances o f G ibson heeding his o rd er’s plea w ere lim ited, but hoped the petition w ould raise the issue. □ c n s


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Gibson’s film needs to be judged as art, not theology. any hum an being w ould have been able to absorb W H E N John Shea w rote his book on Jesus, he them ), is w eaken, deaden really, Je su s’ religious began w ith an apology, asking w hether yet and m oral triumph. B y the time Jesus says: “Forgive another book on C hristology w as really needed. them , they do not know w hat they are doing,” he is I share that sentim ent as I w eigh in on the so beaten-up and rendered so half-hum an that his discussion around M el G ibson’s T he P assion of w ords d o n ’t pack m uch punch and they issue m ore the Christ: Is another opinion really needed? from the m outh o f a physical than a spiritual athlete. Probably not, but w hat are colum ns for? H ad the hero o f E lephant M an spoken those words W h a t’s to be said about M el G ib so n ’s The Passion o f the Christ? at the end o f his story, they w ould, to m y m ind, have been m ore pow erful than the w ords that Jesus, First, that it’s a w ork o f art and, as such, is not portrayed as enduring such horrific physical pain, to be judged, first and forem ost, by its particular utters at the end o f G ibson’s movie. theological slant. A rt isn ’t right or B y em ph asizin g so m uch J e s u s ’ w ro n g , it s p e a k s to y o u o r it do esn ’t, is in good taste or bad, is physical struggle, G ibson is partly unable to show us the real depth o f aesthetically p alatable o r overly Je su s’ m oral and religious struggle. saccharine, is pow erful or flat, and either ennobles the soul or debases Though, to give Gibson his due, the excessiveness o f the physical it. In the end, G ibson’s film needs to be judged by these criteria, not suffering, particularly o f the lashes, is h is m a in p o in t. T h e la s h e s by his particular theology. represent sin and Jesu s’ incredible W h a t’s m y ju d g e m en t? L ike capacity for endurance represents m ost pieces o f art, it’s m ixed. L e t’s begin w ith its strengths: h is w illin g n e s s to a b s o rb an d F ir s t, n o b o d y d is p u te s its forgive them . T hat interplay, as we know, does go on and on and on. power. T he film packs a wallop. O v erall, in b alance, this is a Som e critics w ould counter with, good m ovie. I t’s not anti-sem itic, so does a bad odour. T h a t’s unfair. though i t ’s n o t p articularly deep A foul sm ell isn ’t art. This is art, w hether one likes its m essage or either. This is not retreat m aterial not. for the spiritually m ature, though T h ere a re , to o , so m e n eith er is it the fundam entalistic particularly excellent scenes and a b e r r a tio n th a t th e lib e r a l ch aracter p o rtrayals in the film . com m unity accuses it o f being. T h e m o v ie o p e n s w ith J e s u s ’ W atching T he P assion o f the agony in G ethsem ane and G ibson Christ and seeing its im pact among does this scene excellently. Jesus popular audiences, one is rem inded sw eats the w ater and the blood o f o f som ething M alcolm X said when th e l o v e r ’s a g o n y an d G ib so n he left his Christian roots to embrace f r a m e s it v e r y p o w e r f u lly , Islam. He stated som ething to the effec t th a t, w h ile he p e rso n a lly c o m p le te w ith an a n d ro g y n o u s g y p r R o n a ld preferred Jesus’ gentler m essage o f devil. Je su s’ m other, M ary too, is R o lh eiser p a r ti c u la r l y w e ll d o n e . N o love, he g u essed that, given the s a c c h a r in e , no d r ip p y times, the harder discipline o f Allah sentim entalism . S h e’s the w om an o f the G ospels, was m ore useful in his w ork am ong people in the strong, standing (not prostrate) under the cross, ghettos because they found them selves such a long, pondering, holding her faith, her solitude, and her long ways from the experience o f order, love, and fem ininity at a high level. A s well, the characters peace. The gentler gospel o f Jesus, he felt, could o f M agdala, Peter, Pilate, P ilate’s w ife, and Simon play a deeper role later on, after the ground is cleared o f C yrene are interpreted well. by a harsher initial approach. But more critically: Gibson chooses to emphasize, G ibson, I believe, has a sim ilar intuition about to the point o f imbalance, the physical sufferings of our culture. In an age obsessed w ith celebrity, Jesus. The gospel writers don’t do this, but emphasize reality-TV, entertainm ent as an anaesthetic, in an instead the emotional and m oral loneliness o f Jesus. age w hich has tu rn ed w ith a n asty ad o lescen t In the gospels, Jesus’ primary sufferings have to do grandiosity upon its C hristian roots and thinks The w ith b e in g b e tra y e d , m is u n d e rs to o d , alo n e , D a V in ci C o d e c a rrie s th e o lo g ic a l d e p th and hum iliated, and unanim ity-m inus-one. Indeed in m eaning, perhaps this kind o f portrayal o f Jesus is several accounts of the passion, the physical suffering a w ake-up call. A w ake-up call isn ’t intended to be deep, i t ’s intended to rouse you from sleep. Tens o f o f Jesus are expressed in a single line: “A nd they led him away and crucified him .” m illions o f people are flocking to see this m ovie. W h a t G ib s o n d o e s b y so e x c e s s iv e ly W hatever else, they ’re leaving the theatre a bit more highlighting Je su s’ physical suffering, particularly aw ake and infinitely m ore cognizant o f w hat it cost the lashes (w hich go on and on, far beyond w here Jesus to die for us. □

A last look at Mel Gibsons

The Passion O f I'he Christ


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By K R Goh

Come, spend an hour with me

Bible for reading and reflection during the hour of adoration. The first of these is Psalm 27: IN his April 18 Pastoral Letter to 8-9. Read the verses slowly and Singapore Catholics, Archbishop prayerfully and just remain in Nicholas Chia expressed a desire faith with no words or clever to see more Eucharistic worship thoughts. Just move into silence outside of Mass. and rem em ber that you are “We need to develop in wanted, loved and welcome. ourselves a stronger sense of the The second is Matthew 28: mystery o f G od’s presence in the 20: “And remember that I am with Blessed Sacrament,” he said in his you always, to the end of the age.” letter announcing the Brother Charles de Foucauld, Archdiocesan Eucharistic Congress founder of the Little Brothers of to be held at the Singapore Indoor Charles de Foucald said, “The Stadium on June 13. Eucharist is God with us and in One way in which Catholics us. The adoration of the Blessed can achieve this is through Sacrament is an intimate and Eucharistic Adoration - spending selfless time, since it is a time of time with the Lord in the form of love. W hen I go to the prayer the Blessed Sacrament. room or church it is not because I This can be done individually need to, or because I was drawn or in a group. For those unsure there, it is because I love. Lord, in what to do, the Eucharistic the darkness of faith, maybe even Congress resource committee, in my dry spells, I persevere by working under the direction of the giving you time which, to humans congress organiser the Singapore would seem to be as wasteful as Pastoral Institute, has prepared a that ‘pound of costly perfume guide for spending an hour before made of pure nard’ (Jn 12:3) the Blessed Sacrament. which was poured on your feet.” There are also many prayer An hour with books with beautiful prayers to the Blessed Sacrament be said before the Blessed Sacrament. You can use The guide says that when we any one of them. kneel or sit before the Lord either Or, you can just sit or when h e ’s in the Tabernacle or kneel before the Lord and exposed in our adoration chapels, be still in his presence. we should do so with a silent and Exchange a loving look, submissive heart that is ready to which does not need listen and adore. words, and do not let any The idea is to do as the Holy other thoughts distract you. Father invites all to do: “Allow stifled by the distractions of the A t the end o f the hour, Jesus to gaze into your eyes so that world and by the allurements of you can pray the Divine the desire to see the Light, and to Singapore 2004 pleasures. Allow this desire to Praises - “ Blessed be experience the splendour o f the emerge and you will have the God, Blessed be his Holy Truth, may grow within you.” wonderful experience of meeting Nam e...’’or ju st say the “O ur Father” To do this, we can take up the Jesus.” slowly, stopping at the end o f each suggestion the Holy Father made to “Christianity is more than a phrase to think of what you are young people in his World Youth doctrine. It is an encounter in faith praying. Make a thoughtful sign o f Day message this year. He said, with God made present in our history the cross before leaving. “Create a silence within yourselves. through the incarnation of Jesus.” To This is just one suggestion on Allow this ardent desire to see God help us along with this, the guide how to spend a holy hour of adoration emerge from the depth o f your proposes a couple of verses from the before the Blessed Sacrament. hearts, a desire that is sometimes Another way of deepening our love o f the Eucharist is to read about PLACES FOR EUCHARISTIC ADORATION the Eucharist and what it means to Catholics. The resource committee Parish Opening Hours has compiled a list o f eight books, CITY DISTRICT with synopses. These are available in the Singapore Pastoral Institute St Teresa (*AC) 8 am-7 pm library at 2, Highland Road, the St Bernadette (*PR) 7 am -10 pm Katong Catholic Book Centre, 182 St Michael (*AC) Weekdays:8 am-9 pm, Weekends:8 am-7 pm East Coast Rd. Tel: 6345-1413. Public Holidays: 8 am -12 noon This guide and the recommended EAST DISTRICT reading list are just two o f the Holy Family (*AC) 7 am-10 pm resource material developed by the Queen of Peace (*AC) Mon-Sat: 4.30 pm-10 pm, Sun:7 am-10 pm Eucharistic Congress resource OLPS (*AC) Mon-Fri & Sat: 7 am -12 midnight committee to help Catholics better Sat: 6 am-Sun 6 am appreciate the Eucharist. The Holy Trinity (*PR) 7 am-9.30 pm resource material was given to parish priests for use in parishes at WEST DISTRICT an April 21 briefing. It is also St Ignatius (*AC) 8 am-10 pm available at the Eucharistic Congress Blessed Sacrament (*AC) M on-Fri: 4 pm-midnight website - http:// Sat: 2 pm-M idnight, Sun: 8 am-midnight St Mary of the Angels (*AC) 7 am -10.30 pm St Francis of Assisi (*AC) 9 am-2 pm, 5 pm-9 pm RECOM M ENDED READING Holy Cross (*AC) 6.30 am-10 pm The Eucharist Step by Step by NORTH DISTRICT Erasto J. Fernandez, S.S.S. Star o f the Sea (*AC) 7 am-10 pm Responses to 101 Questions on Holy Spirit (*AC) 7 am-5.30 pm the Mass by Kevin W. Irwin Risen Christ (*AC) 7 am -10.30 pm Sunday Mass Five Years From Christ the King (*AC) Mon-Fri: 7 am-10 pm, Sat & Sun:7am-7 pm Now by Gabe Huck Bread Broken and Shared by Paul SERANGOON DISTRICT Bernier, S.S.S. IHM (*AC) Mon-Fri: 12 pm-9 pm The How-To Book o f the Mass by Sat:7 am-6 pm, Sun:7 am-12 noon Michael Dubriel St Francis Xavier (*AC) 8 am-10 pm The Bible and the Mass by Rev St Anne’s (*AC) Mon-Sat: 8.30 am-10 pm. Sun: 8 am-7 pm Peter M.J. Stravinskas St Vincent de Paul (*AC) Mon-Sat: 8.30 am-10 pm, Sun: 8 am-7 pm Why go to Mass by Greg Dues Eucharist - Participating in the "AC is Adoration Chapel, *PR is Prayer Room Mystery by Frank Anderson MSC

A guide to Eucharistic Adoration

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M A S S D O s & D O N ’T s Vatican says Mass norms must be followed. New document points out serious abuses. By Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY - The norm s for

celebrating M ass m ust be follow ed exactly to ensure reverence for the E ucharist and to preserve the unity o f the Catholic C hurch, said a new Vatican docum ent. “In som e places the perpetration of liturgical abuses has becom e alm ost habitual, a fact w hich obviously cannot be allow ed and m ust cease,” said the docum ent, “R edem ptionis S acram entum ” (“T he Sacram ent o f R edem ption”), w ritten by the C ongregation for D ivine W orship and the Sacram ents. T he 60-page instruction, approved by Pope John Paul II and released at an April 23 Vatican press conference, particularly cited as abuses the use o f eucharistic prayers not approved by the church, changing approved prayer texts, and allow ing lay people to carry out functions reserved to a priest or deacon. C ardinal Francis A rinze, prefect o f the congregation, told reporters, “N o one should be surprised that over the course o f tim e the holy church, our mother, has developed w ords, actions and, therefore, directives regarding this suprem e act o f w orship. “T he eucharistic norm s w ere elaborated to express and safeguard the eucharistic m ystery and, even m ore, to dem onstrate that it is the church w hich celebrates this august sacrifice and sacram ent,” he said. B ecause the M ass and E ucharist are so im portant to the church, he said, practices that violate the church’s norm s cannot be taken lightly. T he norm s reaffirm church teaching that a C atholic, in a situation o f serious sin, m ust go to confession before approaching the Eucharist. Cardinal A rinze refused to answ er a direct question about whether Massachusetts Sen. John F. K erry, the probable D em ocratic nom inee for U.S. president and a supporter o f legalized abortion, should be denied C om m union unless he goes to confession and repents for his position. “T he norm o f the church is clear,” he said. “The church exists in the U nited States. T here are bishops there, let them interpret it.” H ow ever, w hen asked m ore generally if a priest should refuse C om m union to a politician w ho supports abortion, Cardinal A rinze said, “Yes.” “If the person should not receive C om m union, then he should not be given it,” the cardinal said. Introducing the docum ent, A rchbishop A ngelo A m ato, secretary o f the C ongregation for the D octrine o f the Faith, w hich collaborated in w riting the instruction, said that celebrating the M ass in an “arbitrary” m anner not only “deform s the celebration, but provokes doctrinal insecurity, perplexity and scandal am ong the people o f G od.” T he docum ent highlighted violations o f existing church norm s, but did not set new rules. It recognized as legitim ate the various practices that local bishops have been

THE Eucharist is the memorial o f C hrist’s sacrifice and is not simply a “fraternal meal.” Pictured are Archbishop Nicholas Chia and M onsignor Eugene Vaz conceleb ratin g.

authorized to perm it, including C om m union in the hand and the distribution o f C om m union under the species o f bread and wine. W hile it w as “laudable” to encourage boys and young m en to be altar servers, girls and w om en can be altar servers if the local bishop perm itted the practice. A ny m em ber o f the church, it said, “has the right to lodge a com plaint regarding a liturgical abuse to the diocesan bishop ... or to the A postolic S ee.” T he docum ent said, how ever, that a com plaint should be subm itted first to the local bishop and that it should be done

“ in truth and charity.” The docum ent said the Second Vatican C ouncil fostered the participation o f lay people in the M ass through “responses, psalm ody, antiphons and canticles, as well as actions or m ovem ents and gestures, and called for sacred silence to be m aintained at the proper tim es.” It is the right o f the C hristian com m unity that there be “true and suitable sacred m usic” during M ass, especially on Sundays. O nly approved Scripture readings are allow ed, only a priest or deacon m ay give the hom ily and only approved eucharistic

prayers can be recited - and those only by priests. A nyone at M ass w ho gives “free rein to his ow n inclinations, even if he is a priest, injures the substantial unity o f the R om an rite, w hich ought to be vigorously preserved,” said the instruction. “The reprobated practice by w hich priests, deacons or the faithful here and there alter or vary at w ill the texts o f the sacred liturgy that they are charged to pronounce m ust cease,” it said. T he instruction em phasized that the E ucharist is the m em orial o f C h rist’s sacrifice and is not sim ply a “fraternal m eal.” Standing, sitting and kneeling, singing, reciting prayers and praying in silence are all part o f an active participation in the M ass, it said. A ccording to the instruction, som e very serious abuses arise from a misplaced desire to prom ote ecum enism ; the docum ent said M ass is not to be concelebrated with a non-Catholic minister. “T he E ucharist is the apex o f a C atholic celebration,” C ardinal A rinze said. Shared C om m union is the goal o f C hristian unity, not a m eans to foster full unity in faith and doctrine. “T he E ucharist is not our possession to be given to our friends,” he said, but rather it belongs to the church and is a sign o f faith held in com m on. □

What about flowers? What to keep and what to cut: Vatican doesn’t list all Mass abuses By Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY - In m ore than 60 pages

o f text, the V atican’s new docum ent on liturgical abuses deals w ith a m yriad o f topics - but not flow ers. At the April 23 Vatican press conference releasing the liturgical instruction, “Redem ptionis Sacram entum ” (“The Sacrament of Redemption”), a reporter said she w as concerned about the omission. If the E ucharist is a sacrifice m ore than a “fraternal banquet,” she asked, why should som e parishes be allow ed to fill the altar w ith flow ers as if it w ere a dining table set for an elegant m eal? “Flow ers w ere created by G od and do not im pede us from worshipping G od,” replied C ardinal Francis A rinze, prefect of the C ongregation for D ivine W orship and the Sacram ents, w hich w rote the new docum ent. T he cardinal said flow ers should not be placed on the altar, but if there w ere one bouquet on the right and one on the left it w ould not be a huge problem .

T he decision on w hich practices to m ention and w hich to leave to local bishops to handle w as m ade after w idespread consultation, he said. C ardinal A rinze said the instruction took m ore than a year to w rite and went through 12 drafts, w ith som e o f them m arking m ajor changes. All o f the cardinals and bishops w ho are m em bers o f the w orship congregation and those belonging to the C ongregation for the D octrine o f the Faith, as w ell as dozens o f consultants, w ere asked to subm it lists o f w hat they saw as the m ajor questions, concerns and apparent abuses regarding the E ucharist, he said. M em bers o f the tw o congregations m et in June 2003 to discuss an early draft o f the docum ent, then m ore changes w ere m ade, he said. In his 2003 docum ent, “E cclesia de E ucharistia,” on the church and the Eucharist, Pope John Paul II asked the congregations to draw up the docum ent, and the final draft w as issued w ith his approval. □

FOLLOW ING the Vatican Council’s direction, the document said, in the choice o f music, optional prayers, church decoration and the homily, “there is ample possibility for introducing into each celebration a certain variety.” Lnlike an early draft o f the document, which was leaked to the press last summer, the instruction did not ban liturgical dance; it did not mention dance at all. Photo shows Asian youths dressed in traditional costumes hold Chinese decorations during a Mass for the Chinese New Year at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles. The Mass included a lantern and ribbon dance that paid homage to Chinese ancestors.

“In some places the perpetration of liturgical abuses has become almost habitual, a fact which obviously cannot be allowed and must CeaSe, - “ R edem ptionis S a c ra m e n tu m ” By Jerry Filteau

“R ED E M PTIO N IS S A C R A M E N T U M ” (“T he Sacram ent o f R edem ption”) seeks to prom ote reverent celebration o f the M ass and devotion to the Eucharist in accord w ith the ch u rch ’s liturgical norm s. Its concerns range from avoiding such crim es as blasphem ous desecration o f the E ucharist to assuring that the liturgical roles o f priests and laity are kept clearly distinct and that priests w ear the proper vestm ents w hen celebrating M ass. In a short chapter near the end titled “R em edies,” the instruction distinguishes am ong: - “G raviora delicta” - especially grave crim es against the Eucharist that are treated as crim es in church law with serious ecclesiastical penalties attached. O nly the Vatican C ongregation for the D octrine o f the Faith can try such cases. - A buses that, although they do not rise to the level o f ecclesiastical crim es, are “objectively ... grave m atters” threatening the dignity or even the validity o f the Eucharist. - “O ther abuses” described in the instruction w hich do not pose a direct threat to the dignity or validity o f the E ucharist but nevertheless “are not to be considered o f little account, but are to be carefully avoided and corrected.” In alm ost every place that the instruction lists an abuse the church regards as particularly grave to the point that it harm s the E ucharist’s dignity or validity, it uses term inology such as “illicit,” “grave abuse,” “altogether forbidden,” “not to be tolerated,” “not perm issible” or “reprobated.”

H e re a r e th e ac tio n s o r p ra c tic e s h ig h lig h te d as g ra v e ab u ses: —U sin g any grain other than w heat for the host, or “introducing other substances, such as fruit or sugar or honey” into the bread for the hosts - a “grave abuse.” - U sing anything other than wine made o f ferm ented grapes, “pure and incorrupt, not m ixed w ith other substances,” in the chalice. “O ther drinks o f any kind ... do not constitute valid matter.” - U sing any eucharistic prayer not in the R om an M issal or not approved by the H oly See for use w here the M ass is being celebrated; or m aking any changes in the text o f that prayer. - R ecitation o f any part o f the eucharistic prayer by anyone other than the priest - deacon, lay m inister, an individual in the congregation or the w hole congregation. T he eucharistic prayer is to be recited by priests. - O m itting the nam e o f the pope or the local bishop in the eucharistic prayer violating “a m ost ancient tradition” that is “a m anifestation o f ecclesial com m union.” - W hile church norms fittingly recommend celebration o f other sacraments in the context o f M ass, “it is not permissible to unite the sacrament o f penance to the Mass in such a way that they become a single liturgical celebration.” This does not preclude priests from hearing confessions while M ass is going on, however. - Celebration o f M ass “is not to be

Grave abuses against Eucharist inserted in any way into the setting o f a com m on m eal.” If “grave necessity” requires celebrating M ass at a table or in a dining hall or banquet room , “there is to be a clear interval o f tim e” betw een the end of M ass and the meal, and other food is not to be brought in before the M ass is over. - It is “strictly ... an abuse” to introduce into the M ass “elem ents that are contrary to the prescriptions o f the liturgical books and taken from the rites o f other religions.” - The practice w here priests, “although present at the celebration, abstain from

COM M UNION is to be distributed on the tongue to anyone who desires it anywhere and in the hand to anyone w ho desires it in places where that has been approved by the bishop. However, it should be consumed in the presence o f the minister o f Communion and it should not be given to someone in the hand “if there is a risk o f profanation.”

distributing C om m union and hand this function over to laypersons” is banned. L ay people delegated to assist w ith the distribution o f C om m union are to be referred to as “extraordinary m inisters o f holy C om m union,” rather than as eucharistic m inisters to em phasize the fact that in the Catholic liturgy the priest is the m inister o f the Eucharist. Extraordinary ministers are to assist only when the number o f com municants would m ake it difficult for the priests present to distribute Com munion to everyone. If other priests are present at the M ass and able to help distribute C om m union they m ust do so before extraordinary m inisters are em ployed, it said. - “It is not licit” to deny Com m union to “any baptized Catholic who is not prevented by law” from receiving the sacrament. - “It is not licit” for lay people to adm inister C om m union to them selves or for them to hand C om m union on from one to another instead o f it being distributed by designated m inisters. In particular, at w eddings the “ abuse” o f the new spouses

SACRED vessels used at Mass include, clockwise from left, a chalice, ciborium and paten. Vessels for the L ord ’s body and blood “must be made in strict conformity with the norms o f tradition and of the liturgical books” assuring that people o f the region consider them “truly noble.” Common vessels, those lacking in quality or devoid of all artistic merit, those made from glass, earthenware, clay, or other materials that break easily, should not be used.

giving C om m union to one another “is to be set aside.” - “T he practice is reprobated w hereby either unconsecrated hosts or other edible or inedible things are distributed during the celebration o f the M ass or beforehand after the m anner o f C om m union.” - In a diocesan b ish o p ’s decision on the circum stances under w hich C om m union can be distributed under both kinds, “it is com pletely to be excluded w here even a sm all danger exists o f the sacred species being profaned.” - T he practice o f C om m union under both kinds for the entire congregation should be avoided w hen there is such a large num ber that “it is difficult to gauge the am ount o f w ine for the E ucharist and there is a danger that ‘m ore than a reasonable q u an tity ’” w ill rem ain to be consum ed after C om m union. - In the practice o f intinction, or receiving C om m union under both kinds by dipping a host into the w ine, “the com m unicant m ust not be perm itted to intinct the host h im self in the chalice nor to receive the intincted host in the h a n d .... It is altogether forbidden to use nonconsecrated bread or other m atter.” - “The pouring o f the blood o f Christ

after the consecration from one vessel to another is com pletely to be avoided, lest anything should happen that w ould be to the detrim ent o f so great a mystery. N ever to be used for containing the blood o f the L ord are flagons, bow ls or other vessels.” This instruction prohibits the w idespread U .S. practice o f placing one or m ore pitchers o f w ine on the altar before the consecration w hen C om m union is to be distributed under both kinds, and then pouring that w ine into chalices before C om m union. A related instruction says there is no problem w ith placing m ultiple chalices filled w ith w ine on the altar before the consecration, but for the sake o f “ sign value” the m ain chalice should be larger than the others. - M ass can never be celebrated “in a tem ple or sacred place o f any nonC hristian religion.” - B ishops m ust stop “any contrary practice” to church norm s that require com m endatory letters not m ore than a year old vouching for a visiting p riest’s faculties to celebrate M ass or a prudential judgm ent by local authorities that he has such faculties. - Celebrations o f the M ass m ust never be suspended “on the pretext o f prom oting a ‘fast from the E ucharist’” as a w ay to heighten aw areness o f the im portance o f the M ass. C elebration o f M ass by priests w earing “only a stole over the m onastic cow l or the com m on habit o f religious or ordinary clothes, contrary to the prescriptions o f the liturgical books” is strictly prohibited and a “reprobrated” abuse. - Reservation o f the B lessed Sacram ent in any place “not subject in a secure way to the authority o f the diocesan bishop or w here there is a danger of profanation” is forbidden. - “N o one m ay carry the m ost holy E ucharist to his or h er hom e or to any other place contrary to the norm o f the law.” R em oving or retaining the Eucharist for any sacrilegious purpose or casting them aw ay is a church crim e that only the ch urch’s doctrinal congregation has authority to prosecute. - Priests, deacons or extraordinary m inisters o f Com m union are forbidden to engage in any “profane business” w hile carrying the E ucharist to the sick or hom ebound. - A n y tim e the Blessed Sacram ent is exposed for adoration, it “m ust never be left unattended, even for the briefest space o f tim e.” - “It is never licit for laypersons to assum e the role or the vesture o f a priest or deacon or other clothing sim ilar to such vesture.” - W hile priests w ho have been laicized m ay adm inister the sacram ent o f confession to som eone in danger o f death, they are not to celebrate M ass under any circum stances, nor should they serve publicly as lectors or altar servers “lest confusion arise am ong C h rist’s faithful.” □ Editor’s Note: The document can be found on the Vatican Web site at http:// congregations/ccdds/documents/ rc_con_ccdds_doc_20040423_redemptionissacram entum en.html.


Our identity as church A s C atholics, w e often hear that “w e are the church”. “W e-church” refers not to the church building but to people - lay people, religious brothers and sisters, deacons, priests and bishops. W hat kind o f life are w e as church supposed to live? W hat do we w ant ourselves to becom e? This is w hat w e m ean by “the vision o f the church”. T he church’s teaching authority stresses three qualities desired o f the church: M ystery, com m union and m ission.

Church is mystery, mission and communion M ystery T he church is m ystery because it shares in the life o f G od w hich is m ystery. This m ystery refers to the life o f G od w hich w as unknow n to m en in ancient tim es but has been m ade know n to us by G od telling us w ho he is, w hat he plans for us and how he w ishes us to relate to him . G od reveals him self to us as Trinitarian: Father, Son and H oly Spirit. T his T rinitarian G od show s him self m ore fully to us through the Son o f G od becom ing m an, his public m inistry and his dying, rising and ascending. The life o f the H oly T rinity can be sum m ed up in three words: Relational, unity, and life-giving. T he church today lives the m ystery o f G o d b y a c c e p tin g th e p e r s o n a n d proclam ation o f Jesus and by continuing the com m unity started by his disciples. T he H oly Spirit leads us to unity w ith Jesus and to continue his m ission o f realizin g G o d ’s kingdom on earth. A lthough the w ord “m ystery” m ay lead som e o f us to think m ainly o f the “m ysterious” aspects o f our faith, we are actually invited to consider m ore deeply those aspects that have been “revealed” or know n. O ne o f these is com m union.

form our conscience by to prom ote com m union and learning m oral values. by doing so, exem plify the T he church as a school “relational” dim ension of o f com m union m eans that C hristian life. L ike G od it is w here w e learn and w ho reaches out to man, cultivate the spirit o f love w e too should value close and unity. In other w ords, a s s o c ia tio n w ith o n e T h e H oly Spirit through our participation another, share our life and in c h u r c h g r o u p s , w e m ission as m em bers o f a helps us to r e a liz e a n d p r o m o te team , and encourage the be J e su s’ w itness c o m m u n io n . O u r fa ith participation o f people in educational institutions such as fam ilies, all aspects o f parish life. sch o o ls, S un d ay c lass, R C IA , SPI and L ikew ise, a lay faithful should be in sem inary m ust all be oriented tow ards the com m union w ith fellow Catholics. G etting goal o f com m union. involved in a parish group, such as Catholic This com m union m ust in turn be a sign N eighbourhood G roup, is one way o f relating and instrum ent o f m a n ’s intim ate union with to and uniting w ith fellow Catholics.

T h e c h u rc h w e w is h to b e and what PPC can do about it By F r H e n ry Siew

Parish Pastoral Council T he P asto ral C ouncil - a “ stru ctu re o f particip ation” proposed by the church enable lay faithful and parish priest to ponder, in v e s tig a te a n d f o r m u la te p r a c tic a l conclusions on pastoral concerns. It is an im portant w ay for the laity to participate and share responsibility to realize the church as m ystery, com m union and m ission. The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) provides for three levels o f lay participation in decision making. They are Parish Assembly, PPC, and Executive Committee (Ex-Co). W e will provide you with more details in subsequent articles.

■ We are called to share the life o f the Trinitarian God: • We need to be in relationship with one another. • We strive to be united • We are to be life-giving to those around us

C om m u n ion T he church is com m union, in w hich believers h ave fellow ship. St P aul calls believers “ sa in ts” . W e are saints b ec au se o f our relationship w ith God. G od w ills that we be closely united w ith him - Jesus said “I am the vine, you are the branches” - and also that we be united w ith one another - “that they m ay be one, as w e are one.” T he church says that she ought to be the hom e and the school o f com m union. W hy? A hom e is w here we live, rest and shelter from rain and sun, from physical and social dem ands and threats. H om e is w here we experience com fort and love. H om e is an on­ going daily experience. T he church as the hom e o f com m union m eans that people can feel at ease and be them selves in the church. H ere, they will not be attacked or judged. This is w here they will feel safe and protected. A school is w here w e learn life-related and w ork-related know ledge and skills, and

and projects should bring about greater unity and love am ong the people o f God. By our m ission, we becom e life-giving to the world. A s m issionaries w e m ust be w itnesses to Jesus Christ. People today put m ore trust in witnesses than in teachers, in lived experience than in teaching, and in actions and practices than in theories and know ledge. T he w itness o f a C hristian life is the first and irreplaceable form o f m ission. C hrist, w hose m ission we continue, is the “w itness” par excellence and the m odel o f all Christians. T he H oly Spirit accom panies the church along her w ay (of w itnessing). A t the social level, the first form o f w itness is the very life o f C hristian fam ily, and then o f the ecclesial com m unity, w hich should reveal a new w ay o f being and living. Catholics cannot be contented solely w ith p ra y e rs a n d w o rsh ip th o u g h th e y are im portant. M ission im plies that we should be reaching out to the world. T he church exists to serve the w orld and to bring C hrist to them . This is to be done form ally in groups and organizations and, m ore so, inform ally and spontaneously in the course o f daily activities. C hristians are m eant to be the light o f the w orld. Through the light o f the G ospel that they shine in the m idst o f non-C hristians, G od is m ade know n and loved. T he lay faithful are therefore encouraged to participate in “public life”, the econom ic, social, legislative, adm inistrative and cultural areas w hich are their m ission fields.

G od and o f the unity o f the hum an race. W e as sign m eans we are to reveal G od ’s presence and love by our w ay o f life; we as instrum ent m eans that our com m union is the m eans by w hich others can be led to G od and experience him. P rom oting church as com m union m ust begin w ith the bishops andpriests. T heclergy, w hether diocesan or religious, m ust value the im portance o f com m unity. D iocesan priests generally have a strong tendency tow ards independence. W e w ant to do things our ow n way to prove that we are com petent and w orthy. By focusing m ore on in d iv id u al actions, we m ay not interact enough w ith other priests and lay people or listen to them and so inadvertently neglect the spirit o f com m unity living. A p r ie s t s h o u ld a lw a y s w o rk in com m union w ith the bishop and other priests lest his lifestyle and attitudes contradict his p r e a c h in g a b o u t c o m m u n io n . T h is com m union can be expressed in ordinary activities such as sharing m eals and having regular m eetings. Priests m ust m ake it their responsibility

Communion represents both the source and fruit o f mission. • Source: Our experience of communion is the motivation and sustenance of our mission. • Fruit: All our missionary activities and p r o je c ts b rin g a b o u t g r e a te r communion and love among the people. ■ The church should be the home and the school o f communion. • H om e is th e c e n tr e o f o u r d a ily experience; com m u n ion should be something “daily” and “ordinary” in our life. • School is where we learn; that implies that the church should be where we acquire the spirit of communion. • The church’s communion must in turn be a sign and instrument o f m an’s intimate union with God and of the unity of the human race.

Conclusion T he “vision o f the church” is a w ay o f being church. It is not ju st about doing this or that, or about form ing this group or that group, or ab o u t ru n n in g th is p ro g ra m m e o r th a t program m e. It is a spirituality, an approach, a culture, a w ay o f life. W e are the church w e m ust know that - and our participation in its life and m ission is vital. ■

M ission The church is mission; com m union represents both the source and fruit o f m ission. C om m union am ong the people o f G od g iv e s rise to m issio n , an d m issio n is accom plished in com m union. On the one hand, our lived-com m union is the m otivation and sustenance o f our m ission to all nations. O n the other hand, our m issionary activities

Questions for reflection

• Do you experience communion in your parish? • In what way is your parish involved in mission? • Are you satisfied with the present situation? • How would your involvement in the P a rish P a s to r a l C o u n c il h elp to concretize the way we would like to be church? □

KANSAS CITY, Kan. - U rsuline

Sister M arcella Schrant is a cardcarrying C atholic, and proud o f it, too. She got her first holy card in 1935; she got her latest M arch 19. If y o u ’ve grow n up Catholic, it ’s alm ost a given that at one tim e or another y o u ’ve received a holy card. You m ight have started your collection w ith one you received for your first C om m union, and built it up with cards earned w ith correct answers in religious education class. Like scapulars, m iraculous m edals and little bottles o f holy water, holy cards w ere standard equipm ent for the pre-Second Vatican C ouncil Catholic. Sister M arcella figures she m ust have given aw ay a ton of holy cards during her teaching career, from 1947 to 1990. There w as a tim e, particularly in the 1960s, w hen their popularity waned. B ut holy cards are m aking a com eback. “T he kids enjoy them ,” Sister M arcella said. “I put them on my desk for A ll S ain ts’ Day, and they look through them to find their saints.” N ot all o f the appeal o f holy cards is C atholic grade school nostalgia, how ever, said M ichael

P odrebarac, archdiocesan consultant for liturgy. “In their original sense, they w ere an affordable way for com m on people to have im ages o f their patron saints w hen they co u ld n ’t afford a statue or a great piece o f artw ork,” he said. “H oly cards fall into that category o f devotional m aterials w e call sacram entals - item s that assist us in our p rayer life and spiritual life,” he added. T he com m em orative aspect is also a factor. P odrebarac has picked up several cards from special events at w hich he sang, including w eddings, funerals and ordinations. T h e re ’s less em phasis on h oly cards today, but “I think th e y ’re still relev an t,” he said. “P art o f the story o f (the period) after Vatican II is that sacram entals, w hich had been in the forefront o f lay spiritual lives, did kin d o f get replaced by the B ible, liturgy and w itness in the w orld. B ut it ’s n o t because they d id n ’t have value. People ju st saw the need to do m ore — n o t to ju st w ear a m edal, but also to live virtue.” Som e collectors have set up their ow n Web sites, and buy, sell and trade the cards through their

Holy cards are popular again By Joe Bollig

DEPICTED clockwise are images of Our Lady o f Perpetual Help, St. Dominic with Blessed Alanus de Rupe, St. Jose maria Escriva de Balaguer and St. Sofia, cns


sites. R etailers offer to sell electronic holy cards online, or softw are to print out holy cards. A nd collectible holy cards are often sold on eBay, the online auction service. F ather E ugene Carrella, pastor o f St. A dalbert Parish on Staten Island, N.Y., has approxim ately 40,000 cards. He specializes in holy cards that depict saints, som e o f them quite obscure. B rent D evitt, principal o f A scension C atholic School in K ettering, Ohio, has been collecting holy cards since 1989. H e even has his ow n Web site devoted to collecting at: w w w /~devitt. Today, he has m ore than 20,000 cards in his collection. The oldest date to the 1680s. A ccording to D evitt, holy cards parallel the history o f printing. Som e cards w ere m ade by hand; others w ere w ood-block prints, and still others featured finely cut paper pieces and decorative borders w ith a picture o f a saint. H oly cards only becam e w idespread w hen paper becam e cheaper and m ethods of production grew m ore efficient. T hey grew m ore colorful after

lithography w as invented at the end o f the 18 th century. T he next big developm ent in the production o f holy cards occurred during the 1960s, said Devitt. T hese cards featured abstract and m inim alist art. “T he cards o f the 1970s w ere very m uch im age w ithout sentim ent,” said Father Carrella. “T hey m ight have ju st a plain, gold chalice instead o f a G othicstyle chalice inset w ith jew els.” A ccording to D ev itt’s Web site, it w as about that tim e that holy cards began losing som e o f their popularity. C onfusion surrounding the reorganization o f saints in the liturgical calendar m ight also have contributed to their declining appeal. B ut it appears that holy cards have com e back into fashion. N ot only are they grow ing in popularity, th e re’s a m uch greater variety available. M ost com m on holy cards still depict saints and are about the size o f a playing card. Som e feature prayers on the back, and som e even honour living people, such as Pope John Paul II. A nd still others are m ade from plastic and feature a 3-D im age that show s m ovem ent or change w hen the card is tilted. □ c n s



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A T T L T U D t is our most priceless possession in life A tT T iT U D E w i t h G r a t i t u d e i n L if e

U life s o m e tim e * to o h e a v y f o r y o u ? E v e r y d a y le a v e y o u r s e lf s o m e tim e to e n jo y t h i n g s t h a t m a k e y o n c h e e r f u l, s illy k la u g h in g .

W ith o u t a

pvrpoteinl if e , n o t h i n g r e a l l y m a t t e r s . EverflffMmse, w e m u s t h e g r a t e f u l f o r t h e n e w d a y & h e e n t h u s i a s t i c

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a b o u t w e . W ake u p e a r ly e a c h d a y & e m b r a c e it a s a gift. L o o k o n t h e m ir r o r & g rin a t y o u rse lf. S a y “ G ood M o rn in g ” t o y o u r s e l f t o g e t in a little p ra c tic e for w hen you n e e d to s a y it to o th e rs .

I t ’s n o t w h a t h a p p e n e d , i t ’s h o w y o u t h i n k a b o u t w h a t h a p p e n e d t h a t m a t t e r s m o a t. R e m e m b e r t o g iv e t h a n k s g e n e r o u s ly I t s h o w g r a titu d e w ith lo v e fo r th in g s t h a t e v e n b e fo re w e r e c e iv e .

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Life without Samuel

12-year-old Samuel died in a road accident three months ago. S ince th a t tr a g ic day, S a m u e l’s p a re n ts , K o k G u a n a n d D ia n a S h in g - he is th e ir on ly son - a n d S a m a n th a , h is only sister, h a v e lived a t th e h o u se o f a re la tiv e w h o w o rk s a b ro a d . S h iftin g aw a y fro m th e ir ow n hom e, K o k G u a n sh a re s, h elp s th e fam ily a d ju s t to th e loss o f S am u el. “ W e w ill sta y aw a y fro m o u r h o u se u n til w e a re a b le to cope (w ith S a m u e l’s d e a th ).”

be painful. She avoids driving along the part o f Yio C hu K ang R oad w here she and K ok G uan found the corpse o f Sam uel the night o f February 6 this year, prefering to m ake a detour as the shocking im age is still very vivid in her mind. She painfully shares, “W hen I ’m at w ork, I still find m yself w anting to call Sam uel at hom e w ho I ’m thinking m ust be back from school. T hen I realize that he is gone.” D iana tells herself that she has to be strong for 15-year-old Sam antha, w ho is also still adjusting to the loss o f h er only brother. D iana says, “Initially, Sam antha w ould get angry w hen S am uel’s nam e is m entioned but now she accepts it.” B eing a student, Sam antha has also been helped w ith counseling at school. H er father K ok G uan adds, “Faith has helped Sam antha. She has no doubt w here her brother is. W ith her church activities, school w ork, friends, she has been able to cope better than u s.” P rayer and going to church have also been the pillars o f strength and support for D iana. H er husband says, “R eligion helps

Diana copes better D iana is also grateful to have a tem porary refuge aw ay from her hom e w here m em ories o f Sam uel w ould likely

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H u n d r e d s b id fa r e w e ll to fo rem a n H e r o I I e n g

■ssiS sa a s JOSEPHINE N g’s heart bleeds as she reflects upon the tragedy or look at the faces o f the bereaved families in newspapers such as The Straits Times and The New Paper.

Heng Yeow Peow sacrificed his life to save others By Josephine Ng

UNLIKE his wife who is a Catholic, Shing Kok Guan has no religion to fall back upon to cushion the death o f his son. Still, the tragedy has led him to seek answers to questions like “Where does death lead to?”

her, calm s her dow n.” B ut D iana feels that this experience is a real test o f her faith. “I w ould ask G od w hy he w ants to take Sam uel away. He was a very com passionate and generous boy, alw ays w anting to help the poor. I do blam e G od at tim es for taking him away.” She sheds tears as she sadly recounts their nightly routine. She w ould tuck Sam uel in, and they w ould pray together, including prayers for his protection. Fortunately D iana has her w ork to keep herself busy for part o f the day; it is after w ork that she feels the vacuum most. E ven though she still feels acutely the pain and shock o f her only so n ’s death, D iana sees no need for professional counseling, trusting in the D ivine Counselor. “I do believe m y prayers are healing m e,” she says. T he Shings have grow n closer as a fam ily after the loss o f Sam uel. T hey are grateful for the support from relatives, friends and neighbours. □

“The true message of suffering is a lesson of love. Love makes suffering fruitful, and suffering deepens love.” - P o p e J o h n P a u l n, at St. E dith S tein ’s 1998 canonization.

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By Sr Wendy Ooi, fsp

K O K G U A N sought the help o f a counselor im m ediately after the death o f Sam uel; he felt he w as not able to handle the crisis on his ow n. “I have alw ays been in control o f m y self, m y though ts,” he explains. “N ow for the first tim e in m y life, I felt out o f control. I w as aw are that I w as in a traum a and w hat that can do to a person. I did not w ant to go into a depression.” A fter several sessions w ith his counselor, he now feels better. “I no longer w ander around aim lessly w ithout being able to focus or concentrate. I now keep m y self busy, especially w ith physical w ork, know ing w hat to do to overcom e the problem . B ut I ’m still in the process o f going through the stages o f a traum a - the shock, the blam e, the grieving.” H e realizes that only tim e w ill help ease the pain. “N othing else can ease the pain, not even counseling. W henever I think of Sam uel, I becom e speechless.” U nlike his wife, D iana, w ho is a Catholic, K ok G uan has no religion to fall back upon. But the death o f his son has led him to seek answ ers to philosophical questions like “W here does death lead to?” H e says, “I ’m progressing (in coping w ith the loss), but you could say inching, very slowly. I t’s tough.” S am uel’s death has also m ade him realize that “life is so precious. W hen I hear in the new s o f cases o f suicide or m urder, it really m akes m e sad.”


F O U R persons perished in the N icoll H ighw ay collapse. L ike all tragedies, this cam e as a shock.. A fter all, N icoll H ighw ay has been around for so m any years, plain and ordinary - and safe. E ven as we grieve w ith the fam ilies o f the four victim s, we have been inspired by the hero o f this incident H eng Yeow Peow, the forem an w ho gave up his life so that others m ay live. On a hum an level, his sudden death leaves behind excruciating pain and loss, grief w hich is alm ost unbearable. Yet, by his death, m any others have been saved and they are now alive, paradoxical and ironical though that m ay be. O n a spiritual note, such a lifegiving act w ill surely not go unnoticed by the Lord. It seem s to m e that there is a strong

parallel betw een H en g ’s heroic act and C hrist’s salvific sacrifice o f him self. T hat is w hy H eng is a hero in every sense o f the word. I am sure he has moved on to paradise w here he enjoys eternal life w ith God. M y heart bleeds as I reflect upon the tragedy or look at the faces o f the bereaved families in the new spapers like m ost people, I can only stand and w atch from afar. B ut I also w hisper a prayer for each o f the victims and their families, trusting that God will wipe away the tears and fill the sorrow ful hearts with an abiding peace that only he can give. I do not blam e G od or anyone else for w hat has happened; rather it is a tim e for looking into our ow n lives. D o we live lives w orthy o f our C hristian calling? I f C hrist w ere to call us hom e, here and now, w ould w e be ready to go hom e w ith him ? □

H ow the liturgy help us cope By Father Lawrence E. Mick

SO M E w ise person once said that the ch u rch ’s function is to com fort the afflicted and afflict the com fortable. T h a t’s also a fair description o f w hat the liturgy does. - If we are too com fortable, our encounter w ith the Lord in the liturgy calls us to conversion, to m oving ahead on our pilgrim journey o f faith. - If w e are afflicted, the liturgy

offers us needed com fort. Suffering is part o f the hum an condition. A ll o f us carry our ow n unique burdens, and w hen w e com e to liturgy we bring them w ith us. W hen it com es to personal suffering, the liturgy brings us into contact w ith the ultim ate victim , Jesus Christ. T he N ew T estam ent letter to the H ebrew s says, “B ecause he him self w as tested through w hat he suffered, he is able to help those w ho are being tested” (2:18).


When you can’t go it alone By Theresa Sanders

Edmond Branson was a world-class drummer who contributed much to the Christian music ministry. He was only 36 when he died on Febrary 4, 2004 of Marfan syndrome - a connective tissue disorder. He leaves behind a young widow and a 2-year-old daughter, his parents Patrick and Celine( pictured right), and sister Lynette. CN visited his parents to see how they were coping and found them sharing their pain and hope with the Lord.

Take it to the Lord in prayer

By Sr Wendy Ooi, fsp

Besides her strong faith and deep prayer life, Celine also copes by recalling all the joy Edm ond brought her. She says with a hint o f m otherly pride, “Edm ond was a very respectful and loving son, always thinking o f us.” She then adds w ith a smile, “W e’ve also lost our com puter consultant.” “Ave M aria” (As I K neel B efore You) has becom e a song that haunts C eline and fill her w ith m em ories o f E dm ond because E dm ond requested her to sing it during his w edding in 1998. But m any other things also rem ind her o f him. “T here’s never a day that we d o n ’t think o f him. W hen I get up, w hen I ’m eating something, but h e ’s inside us all the tim e.”

“I d o n ’t question G od ‘w h y ’ because had E dm ond lived, the doctors said that he w ould either be paralyzed or a vegetable. I believe G od w as kind, he loved E dm ond so m uch that he reduced his suffering. It w as a sudden death but in E d m o n d ’s interest.” Patrick adm its that he has to be strong, especially for E dm ond’s w idow and the rest o f the family. H e in turn is grateful for all the support from friends and relatives, especially the canteen com m unity o f the parish o f H oly Trinity, w here both he and C eline have been actively involved since the foundation o f the church in 1990. Religion is the keystone in the Branson household. T hey regularly host prayer m eetings in their hom e. Today, accom panying the statues o f M ary and Jesus, a photo o f a sm iling E dm ond sits on the fam ily altar. A little plaque by the altar stirs up the faith o f all those w ho pray there w ith its com forting w ords, “T he w ill o f G od will never lead you w here the grace o f G od cannot keep you.”

“IT ’S painful to com e to term s, know ing that h e ’s not com ing through the door anymore, that I am not able to hear his voice anym ore,” shares Celine Branson, a retired school teacher and Edm ond’s mother. “T he first m onth w as terrible. We all knew that he had a heart problem and that m ade him like a w alking tim e bom b but no m atter how m uch you prepare for the death o f som eone, it still hits you w hen it happens.” But faith has helped the family cope w ith their loss. Celine says, “We believe that Edm ond is in a happy place, w ith no m ore suffering. On bad days w hen I feel his loss m ore painfully, I ’d light a candle and pray, and ask for strength. Som etim es I ’d speak to Edm ond w hen I feel especially low, ‘be with us, pray for us, help us through this trying tim e.’ Prayers have definitely taken us through this difficult tim e.”

Patrick Branson, a retired prison officer, reveals he copes w ith his grief m ainly by going for M ass and long walks. A t tim es he sits w ith Celine and they rem em ber all the good tim es w ith Edm ond, the different things their son w ould say and all the com ical incidents. He adds, “Edm ond always tried to m ake us laugh. H is photos are always full o f funny faces.” B ut the pain is real and ever-present. “M issing him is for sure - every day. W hen i t ’s too overw helm ing, I sit dow n and have a good cry. B ut turning to the L ord in prayer m akes the burden lighter. T he L ord is our strength and salvation.” P atrick ’s faith also allow s him to see the blessing in E dm ond ’s death.

“ There’s not a day that goes by that Edmond is not thought of. The pain never goes away but through prayers and support from relatives and friends it lightens the grief a little. I believe he is in a better place, home with our Lord, and now he will be our “special” guardian angel that will look after us especially PattiefEdmond’s wife) and Ann-Marie (daughter)." - Lynette Branson, sister o f the late Edmond Branson. □

W hatever suffering we bring w ith us, w hen we m eet C hrist in the liturgy w e are invited to unite our suffering w ith his passion and death on the cross. In this way our suffering can be redem ptive, as his was. B ut it is im portant to rem em ber that C h rist’s death w as not the end. T he liturgy alw ays celebrates both his death and his resurrection. So C hristian liturgy closely parallels our life experience, for w e know that suffering is part o f life but we also know that life is not ultim ately extinguished by suffering.

R em inding us that w e are not alone is another w ay the liturgy helps us cope w ith suffering. W hen w e gather w ith other C hristians to celebrate the liturgy, we form one body in Christ. Both our sufferings and our jo y s are shared w ith the other m em bers o f the body. This m eans that our union in C hrist enables us to draw strength from one another. We even draw strength from those w ho have gone before us in faith, especially the m artyrs w ho suffered the ultim ate price but still rem ained faithful. O f course, suffering tends to m ake us focus inw ard, perhaps even to feel sorry

for ourselves. B ut the liturgy calls us out o f our self-centeredness and challenges us to think o f others. Just gathering w ith others helps us m ove beyond the lim its o f our ow n concerns. T hen in the liturgy we pray together for the needs o f the world; those petitions regularly rem ind us o f people around the w orld w ho suffer even m ore than w e do. “C om e to m e,” Jesus said to heavily burdened people, “and I w ill refresh you.” In the liturgy he is alw ays w aiting for us. N o suffering w e endure is greater than his love for us. □ c n s

Taking it to the Lord in prayer

O N E day St. T eresa o f Avila w as out riding w hen her horse bolted; her carriage was overturned. A s Teresa got up and realized her arm w as broken, she raised her eyes to heaven and cried, “If this is how you treat your friends, it’s no w onder that you have so few o f them !” Sooner or later, suffering com es to all o f us. We encounter sickness and death, and m any o f us live w ith other form s o f suffering every day. We m ight be lonely, hopeless or in the grip o f an addiction. We m ight feel depression, anxiety or a sense o f guilt that leaves us exhausted. We often have no control over the suffering w e experience. T he m ost we can do is decide how we want to react to it. The truth is, there is no one right way to do that. T his is show n clearly in the New T estam ent accounts o f Je su s’ death. - In the Gospel o f Luke, Jesus seems at peace with his im pending death. As he draw s his last breath, he says, “Father, into your hands I com m it m y spirit!” Jesus feels a sense o f trust that allows him to go peacefully into the life that awaits him. - In M ark and M atthew, on the other hand, Jesus cries out in agony to a Father w ho seem s far away: “M y G od, m y G od, w hy have you forsaken m e?” N either one o f these reactions to pain is necessarily better than the other. W hat m atters is that we are as open and honest as w e can be about w hat we are going through. G od do esn ’t expect us to deny our feelings and to pretend that everything is fine w hen it isn ’t. We can be angry w ith G od or at peace w ith G od. We can question G od, or com plain, or protest, or give thanks. W hat m atters is that we trust G od enough to be who w e are w hen w e pray. Sometimes, though, when we are in the m idst o f suffering, we cannot sum m on the energy to pray. Cardinal Joseph Bem ardin, who died o f cancer in 1996, wrote about his struggles with prayer in a m em oir called “T he Gift o f Peace.” H e described how, after one o f his surgeries, he had neither the desire nor strength to pray. He advised his friends, “M ake sure that you pray w hen yo u ’re well because when yo u ’re real sick, you probably w on’t.” At times like this, we may have to rely on M ends or the church as a whole to pray for us. When we are too sick or too angry to pray, we can ask others to lift us up to God and to place us in G od’s hands. Cardinal Bemardin wrote: “I go back to one word: ‘connected.’ Without prayer, you cannot be connected or you cannot rem ain united with the Lord. It’s absolutely essential.” E ven the act o f asking others to pray for us is a w ay o f m aintaining that connection w ith God. If we are able to see our suffering in light o f this connection, we m ight discover ways it can transform rather than defeat us. Suffering can m ake us m ore sympathetic to the pains o f those around us. It can awaken us to life’s precious nature. If nothing else, suffering can bring forth tenderness and charity in those around us as they care for our needs. In short, suffering can challenge our spiritual lives trem endously; w hat we can do is pray for the grace to live through it w ith love. □ c n s


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“I give you a new commandment: love one another; ju st as / have loved you, you also must love one another. By this love you have fo r one another, everyone will know that you are my disciples” EM M Y slipped into church for a quick m orning visit betw een errands. E xpecting com plete quiet this tim e o f day, she was surprised to see four w om en bustling around cleaning the church. One

young w om an, w ho w as follow ed by a small child, particularly fascinated Em m y. Both had a dust cloth, and as the m om dusted, so did the little boy. H e enthusiastically did w hatever his m om was doing. E m m y could tell that their love for each other spilled over into their w illingness to serve the church in this concrete way. Jesus said, “I give you a new com m andm ent, that you love one another... By this everyone w ill know that you are m y disciples, if you have love for one another” John 13:34-35). T he w ords can sound so lofty, but in reality, the love that Jesus speaks about is som ething that each o f us can learn as w e practice it in our ow n fam ilies. In fact, it’s the kind o f love that G od w ants to place at the heart o f our fam ily life: a love in w hich we support one another em otionally, physically, and spiritually. W hy is this love so im portant? Because as we learn to love one another at hom e, Jesus w ill take a m ore prom inent place in our hearts, and then w e as a fam ily w ill becom e a stronger sign to everyone around us that Jesus is alive. I t’s through self-giving love that our fam ilies can becom e dom estic churches and lights to the world. T hrough his m o m ’s exam ple, the little boy in the story above cam e to learn how to love and give o f him self. H is m om w as teaching him that by helping a sm all part o f the church, he could serve the bigger church. W hen we give love in sm all w ays in our fam ily, that love will grow until it becom es the w ay w e treat everyone. A nd th a t’s how the w orld can be changed. □

“Jesus, we ask you to pour a special grace upon all families today. Bind them to one another and to yourself in love. Empower them by your Spirit to become a source o f hope and signs o f God’s promises in the world.”

Sunday, M ay 16 □ A cts 15:1-2,22-29; P salm 67:2-3,56,8; R evelation 21:10-14,22-23; John 14:23-29 T H IN K a b o u t h o w m u c h inform ation you absorbed this week. Think about the stories you read in the newspaper or the insights you picked up from the radio. M aybe you found some interesting facts on the Internet or saw an advertisem ent in the m ail that told you about some great new product. W herever you got y o u r d ata, i t ’s u n lik ely th a t m o st o f it enlightened you about the G ospel. I t’s m ore likely that all that inform ation gave you a headache! H ow ever, as you read to day’s G ospel passage, rem em ber that the H oly Spirit is not prim arily in the “inform ation” business! Yes, it’s true that he teaches us and counsels us. In fact, the Spirit can lead us into “all truth (John 16:13). Certainly, w e cannot do w ithout the w isdom o f the Spirit to show us how to serve G od and our neighbour, and we have centuries’ w orth o f inspired doctrines to help us do ju st that. But the Spirit do esn ’t give us know ledge alone. H e gives us Jesus him self. It’s a package deal. M ore th an an y th in g e lse, th e H o ly S p irit is the love outpoured betw een the F ath er and the Son. A nd w h at’s m ore, he is the fullness o f the love Jesus had for us w hen he died on the cross - a love so great that it broke the reign o f sin and death forever. A nd because the H oly Spirit is a fire that cleanses and a dove that brings us peace, he w ants to touch our hearts as w ell as our minds. As you reflect on this passage from John, think o f the m any w ays the Spirit is present to believers. Seek him in your prayer. L ook for him to bring you grace and healing in the sacram ents. A sk fo r his anointing so that you can know Jesus m ore deeply. A sk him to bless your reading o f Scripture, so that G o d ’s w ord com es alive for you. E xpect the Spirit to m ake you a “new creation!” □

Spirits Jesus

n i i i c ^ i

A DOVE flies over Pope John Paul II during a public audience.

“The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and rem ind you o f all I have said to yo u .” “Jesus, I praise you for giving us your own Holy Spirit. Thank you fo r the awesome power he brings to heal and restore, to help us love one another, and to love you in return!”

CathoIicNews Fortnightly newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore Managing Editor

Fr Johnson Fernandez Staff correspondents

Ms. Mel Diamse-Lee Fr Frederick Quek Sr Wendy Ooi, fsp Layout: Ms. Elaine Ong Consultant: Mr Francis Yeo TO CONTACT US Editorial

Email: cnedit@ Please include your full name, address and telephone number. Advertisements: Ms. Elaine Ong

Email: elong@ In Memoriam: Ms. Susan Lim Email: suslim@ Subscriptions: Richard Paul Email: rpaul@ Address: The Catholic News Office 2 Highland Road, #01-03 Singapore 549102. Telephone: 6858-3055 Fax: 6858-2055

evypains Immediate steps we can take to promote the faith IN his letter “Place free books in churches” (CN , M arch 14 & 21) M r A bel G oh suggested that churches m ake available, for free, books/booklets on the faith as a m eans o f evangelization. M r Paul Tan suggested that this is som ething the N ew E vangelization Team (under A C M A ) can think about (CN, M arch 28 & A pril 4). M y w ife and I are both graduates o f the N E T School o f E vangelization (http:// hom ). and w e w ould like to respond in our ow n personal capacity. We visited Cam bridge, E ngland and M elbourne, A ustralia in 2002 and 2004 respectively. W hilst there, we had the opportunity to visit

parishes that placed Catholic m agazines, booklets and leaflets in the church vestibule. Visitors could brow se through the m aterials and take them aw ay if they so wished. A collection box w as placed discreetly for donations to defray the cost. W hile we w ait for our local parishes to consider such a m ethod, there are som e things that w e, the laity, can do more im m ediately. Firstly, how about passing on your copy o f the Catholic N ew s? If you find som ething interesting, pass it on to your non-C hristian contact and ask for his/her opinion. T hat m ay get a conversation going. Secondly, why confine the distribution o f Catholic literature

to the churches? You can put them in your homes or, if circumstances allow, your workplace too for visitors to browse. The cost to you should not be a concern here, as you’d be dealing with only a small quantity. Thirdly, m ake use o f the public library to evangelize! Do you know that you can recom m end materials to the N ational Library Board for their purchase? Better still, offer to donate them to a good Catholic book. Such books m ay include biographies o f exemplary m odern-day Catholics like D r Takashi N agai, Saint M axim illian K olbe and Cardinal Francis X avier N guyen Van Thuan. Finally, w hile evangelizing through literature is a good

D o not “spoil” our priests with expensive gifts A R ISIN G from the sad episode involving Fr. Joachim K ang, the church has learned an im portant lesson and, as adm itted by A rchbishop N icholas Chia, he has been hum bled by it. H e also announced that a proper risk m anagem ent system w ill be put in place so as to prevent a repeat o f that unfortunate incident. This is w ell and good. H ow ever, that aside, I feel that as parishioners o f our respective churches, w e have a role to play by our actions in not causing or encouraging our priests to becom e errant. T here

seem s a tendency am ong the w ealthier m em bers o f the flock to lavish our priests w ith expensive gifts or generous “ang p ow s” during festive and other special occasions, as a gesture o f love for them . H ow ever, in doing so, w e may, unw ittingly, be tem pting them and leading them to yearn for such things. We m ust understand that our Catholic priests hold a special or even unique status. H aving graciously answ ered G o d ’s call and taken on a priestly role, they have w illingly given up a w orldly and m aterialistic life­

style and, instead chosen a hum ble, sim ple and austere way o f life in obedience to our L o rd ’s com m and. B y all m eans, w e should show love and appreciation to our priests by giving them presents or “ang pow s” but they should be o f m odest value. Now, w hat is w orse is to appoint them as custodians o f our personal assets or ask them to act as our investm ent guru. Are we not distracting them and diverting them from their true m ission? Having said this, I have no doubt that m ost o f our priests

possess the strength o f character and will to exercise the discipline im posed upon them by their calling, and have the presence of m ind to act accordingly when faced w ith such circumstances. However, as hum an beings, we cannot expect everyone to be Christ-like totally and indefinitely. There is likely to be the exception now and then. So, please let us not, wittingly or unw ittingly, by our actions tem pt the odd shepherd to stray. E ric Ng Singapore 559187

m ethod, rem em ber that the recipient m ay prefer other means. It is always a good idea to write up your ow n personal faith testim ony and rehearse telling it. T hen w hen the opportunity arises, you will be ready to give an account o f the hope that is in you (cf. 1 Peter 3:15). T eren ce E e a n d A gnes L ow Singapore 461062

Sad day for church T H E F r K ang saga is indeed a sad one, not only for him but also for the church at large. However, what is disturbing in this case is that though the church has not initiated the case against him, the church’s hierarchies have taken the stand as witnesses against him. One would have thought that the case could be settled internally since it is between him and the church. M aybe the church could provide an explanation. The Lord has taught us to show com passion by his exam ple o f leaving behind the 99 sheep to go in search o f the lost one. Even the H oly Father has gone out of his way to forgive his assassin. I am deeply pained by this turn o f event and w onder how our other priests and religious w ill view this episode. A lvin Teo T h ia m C h y e S ingapore 570304

Tough being a priest in affluent Singapore T H E trial o f the decade for the C atholic church in Singapore is over. Fr. Joachim K ang pleaded guilty to siphoning off $5.1 m illion o f church funds for his personal use. H is sentence puts him seven and a h alf years behind bars. For m e personally, the whole case cam e as a surprise and em barrassment. Fr. K ang is, after all, a brother in Christ and a fellow w orker in the L o rd ’s vineyard. W hatever his m otivation could have been, I had hoped that there was an explanation beyond the obvious. But that rem ains in the L o rd ’s realm , and not my prerogative to discover. The media provided extensive coverage o f the case from day one, their reports o f the trial embellished with full colour pictures o f the accused and witnesses - and the public slurped it up. Can anyone blame them?

A priest represents the church, a symbol o f integrity, and here was a case that was a stark contrast. W hen som eone holds up a sheet o f paper w ith a blot o f ink, our im m ediate reaction is to notice that blot, and forget about the purity o f the rest o f the sheet. We focus on the sin and link it to the sinner w ho im m ediately becom es a stigm a, and w e forget or choose to ignore the rest o f the goodness o f the person. Society alw ays dem ands perfection, but w e often forget that w e are not perfect beings. The affluence o f a society like Singapore also provides great temptation for priests and religious. W hile diocesan priests may not have to take the vow of poverty, they are nevertheless called to live a simple lifestyle, something which requires discipline and a deep spiritual life. In the early 1990s a religious

A commentary on the Joachim Kang case AS I SEE IT By Sr. Wendy Ooi, fsp

friend expressed his envy w hen I inform ed him I was going to the Philippines for my formation. He said that h e ’d rather trade his com fortable air-conditioned room for m y dorm itory o f mats and mosquito net, along with the frequent “brow n-outs” (power failures). I didn’t quite understand w hat he m eant then, but having lived in the Philippines for eight years, and now adjusting to life back in Singapore, I know exactly w hat he meant. In the poor barrios (villages) in

the Philippines, a priest would consider it a luxury to have a small can o f sardines and decent rice for his dinner. M any churches are so poor, it takes years to raise enough money to gradually put up its walls. Yet there are m ore smiles on the people’s faces there. H ere in Singapore, parishioners com plain w hen the church is not air-conditioned and at the sm allest inconveniences. W ithout exposure to life in poorer societies in third w orld countries, m any Singaporeans, including priests and religious, run the risk o f being com placent and take not ju st the basics but the com forts o f life for granted. M oreover, the threat of secularism runs high, and m any (m yself included) m ay forget the purpose o f consecration - to be counter-cultural in our values and in our lifestyle, and to live our call to holiness in serving

rather than being served. I w onder if this difference in the level of development and wealth in different societies is the reason w hy m any Singaporean priests I have encountered have an air o f arrogance about them w hile M alaysian priests w hom I have come to know are usually friendlier, kinder and hum bler. In short, I am inspired by the M alaysian priests I have m et. C ountering the values and temptations o f a rich society could perhaps be m ost effectively done during the form ation o f our sem inarians. A re changes here due? Fr. Joachim K ang’s case has indeed provided a graced opportunity for all o f us in the local church o f Singapore to examine ourselves - as laity (how strong our faith is, regardless o f persons and their positions), and as priests and religious (how do w e live and witness our call to consecration), □

evypoms I don’t agree with Rolheiser I D IFFE R from the views expressed in the article “Jesus has shown us how we m ust pray” ( CN, A pril 25 and M arch 2). Fr. R onald Rolheiser, the w riter o f the article, has beautifully described how w e ought to pray by show ing Je su s’ ow n prayer as an exam ple. I have no problem w ith this view. H ow ever, the exam ple he has used in the second paragraph is m y concern. A ccording to Fr. Rolheiser, there w as a w ounded son in his m o th er’s lap com m unicating w ithout w ords that he w anted to live but the helpless m other could do nothing but w atch him die. This com parison is used for Jesu s’ death. I cannot put Jesus and G od the Father in such a situation. T he reason is that the Father was not helpless like the ‘helpless m o th er’ show n in the

exam ple. Rather, he is/w as om nipotent and yet he deliberately w anted Je su s’ end to be that way. So, G od w as not helpless - if he w anted he could have w orked m iracles and saved Jesus - after all that w as w hat Jesus w anted, but G od d id n ’t do that! G od didn’t do that purposely because only in the death o f Jesus w as there fulfillm ent o f his m ission. It do esn ’t m ean G od is sadistic either. It sim ply means that even though God was all-pow erful, he did not w ant to save Jesus from his death. W hereas, the helpless m other could not have saved her dying son even if she w anted to - in fact, she did w ant him to survive, d id n ’t she? B ut could she do anything about it? (I hope I have m ade m yself clear here). Secondly, Jesus cannot be com pared to the son m entioned in the exam ple either. The

sim ple and obvious reason is that both (the son and Jesus) d id n ’t w ant to die, but the difference is that the form er co u ld n ’t accept death but could to nothing about it w hereas Jesus could but for the sake o f the Father, he w illingly accepts it. In other w ords, the son’s death is an ordinary death - evil overpow ering good. In Je su s’ death it is the other w ay round the death is accepted - a w illing death and that death is good overpow ering evil. I express my views in the hope that it will make m e and the readers have a better understanding o f w hat is written. I appreciate that Fr. R olheiser has quoted m any exam ples such as CS Lew is and Iris M urdoch in his article.

InLeyMViiau Fourth Anniversary In loving m em ory of our beloved mother

GR A C E JO SE PH Bom: 1914 Departed:May 20,2000 Just a thought o f sweet rem em brance, Just a memory sad and true, Just the love and sweet devotion, O f one w ho thinks o f you. Alw ays rem em bered by all your loved ones. Twenty-fifth Anniversary In loving m em ory o f

Fourth Anniversary In loving m em ory o f

In loving m em ory of

QUEENIE JOSEPHINE SCOTT Departed: May 16,2000 Lord, I look up to you, Up to heaven w here you rule. As a servant depends on his master, A s a maid depends on her mistress, So I will keep looking to you O Lord, my God Until you have mercy on me. A lw ays remembered by your Children.

CA TH ER IN E ESBR AN Departed: May 20,2001

Sixteenth Anniversary In loving memory o f ou r beloved

Sweet are the memories Silently Kept, O f one we love dearly and never forget,

DOM INIC ALOYSIUS D ’COTTA Departed: May 7, 1979

Random comments on Fr Joachim Kang’s case “O riginally w hen he was charged, I said poor thing, w hat a pity such a thing could happen in the church. M ust pray for G o d ’s grace.” “T he church m ust have a m ore transparent adm inistration o f assets. This w o n ’t invite loose talk or gossip. This does not really affect m y faith. It is ju st one person, not the church.” D avid C hua, 63, Courier proprietor, Parishioner of St. A nthony a “T he archbishop’s hom ily at the healing M ass is refreshing. It rem inded m e to look at m y ow n life. D uring the earlier stage, m y faith w as affected but the archbishop’s m essage tonight has helped.” Joseph N gohk, 52, Sales director, Parishioner o f Q ueen o f Peace

“W hen I heard the new s, it ju st m akes m e boiling m ad. I am very disturbed at his (Fr K an g ’s) com m ents. A m an o f his stature and he still does not adm it his fault. H e has no rem orse. He should apologize to the parishioners and to the church. H e should be guiding us. Instead h e ’s giving discouragem ent to those w ho are trying to go back to the church.” G eorge Lee, 57, Retiree, from C anada


Irene T ay, 47, H om em aker, P arishioner o f lH M

The angels cam e to take you hom e And you left us all alone We know you keep watching us from above. We still pray for the one we love. Deeply m issed by Zelie and children. M ay he rest in peace. Sixth Anniversary In ever loving m em ory of

“I ’m disappointed because h e ’s a priest. A priest should be good and should be loyal to God. He listens to our confession and yet h e ’s doing som ething bad.” C alvin K ang, 14, Student

“If h e ’s really done something wrong, and is repentant, we should forgive him and we should give him a break. If he has interiorly spoken to G od and apologized, then it’s O K. H e doesn’t have to answ er to all of us. But if he feels he hasn’t done anything wrong, even though it looks crooked, w e should give him the benefit o f the doubt.” M ichael Lim , 53, Pilot, Parishioner o f OLPS

Parishes can do better O U R parishes in Singapore can do m ore for parishioners. I ’ve visited m any churches specifically to find out if holy w ater is available for parishioners to bring hom e. I m anaged to find only one church w hich has a ready supply o f holy w ater w hich it keeps in a large ceram ic barrel. It is the Church o f the R isen C hrist in Toa Payoh Central. A nother area for im provem ent is the insufficient supply o f C atholic N ew s at churches. It is often sold out by the Sunday evening M ass, or

“A rchbishop’s hom ily w as very good. H e has m ade an effort to strengthen our faith.”

even by certain m orning M asses. O n the other hand, Hai Sing Pao - the C hinese Catholic N ew s - is often left w ith m any unsold copies. Those churches still using heavy, short-handled m etal boxes to collect donations from the faithful at Sunday M asses m ight want to consider using cloth bags (attached to long w ooden handles if desired) to m ake the w ork lighter for our w ardens, particularly the fem ale ones. Joseph L ucas Lee Singapore 650213

“T he priest should practice w hat he preaches.” D eborah Lim , 17, Student





THE MOVIE “BROTHER SUN SISTER MOON” St. Clare’s Fraternity of the SFO is screening the movie “Brother Sun Sister Moon” in Risen Christ Auditorium on Sat. May 22, at 8 pm. Come and be enriched by the conversion story of St. Francis of Assisi. All are welcome. C ontribution: Love O ffering. E nquiries: M aryC laire Fan, sfo 96207768/Pauline Tan, sfo 63239306 R.C.I.A CLASSES Church of St Vincent De Paul. Commencing June 17, every Thursday, 8 pm. Non-Catholics who wish to know the Catholic Faith and Catholics who wish to deepen their understanding of the faith or to journey as sponsors with the catechumens are welcome. 25th ANNIVERSARY (SILVER JUBILEE) Holy Mass in Tamil on Sunday, May 16 at 6.45 pm in Blessed Sacrament Church. Celebrant by Fr A. Ponnudurai. SPECIAL MEMORIAL MASS In remembrance of our late beloved principal, Br Joseph Mcnally, FSC. Venue: St Patrick’s School Chapel. Date: May 27, 7 pm.

Twentieth Anniversary In loving m em ory of


Leo Joseph Singapore

PAUL M ARTIN May 25,1918 to May 17,1998 O ur Lord Jesus knew w hat was best He took you hom e for eternal rest We wiped our tears and tried not to be sad And rem em ber the precious times w e had. Dearly m issed and forever cherished by wife Patricia, children, children-in-law, grand-children and loved ones.

A UGUSTUS LA UR EN C E PEREIRA Bom: Aug 9,1952 Departed: May 19,1988

Softly w ithin the shadows God gave a gentle call W ith farew ells left unspoken. M um, you silently left us all O ur hearts still ache w ith sadness and Silent tears still flow For w hat it m eans to love and miss you, Mum No one will ever know. A lw ays remembered children and love ones.

M asses will be celebrated at Church o f the Holy Family on M ay 12, 2004 at 6.15 am and 6.15 pm and at C hurch o f the Holy Trinity at 6.30 am and 6 pm.

Eighteenth Anniversary In everloving m em ory o f

ST E PH E N YAP C H O O HUAT Departed: May 21,1986 O ur Lord Jesus knew w hat was best He took you home for eternal rest We wiped our tears and tried not to be sad And rem em ber the precious times we had. Alw ays remembered by wife Elizabeth, daughters Judith and Joanna.

Third Anniversary In loving m em ory of

“W e have loved them dearly in this life, Let us not abandon them , until we have conducted them by our prayers into the House of G od.” Alw ays remembered by Pat, family and loved ones. IN M EM O R IA M M in im u m $ 60 for an in sertio n not e x ce e d in g a tencen tim e tre co lu m n (w ith or w ith o u t a p h o tograp h). A d d itio n al space: $6 .5 0 p e r onec en tim e tre colum n. C LA SSIFIED A D V ER TISEM EN T M in im u m S $28 fo r the first 25 w ords. A d d itio n a l w ords: 5 0 c en ts a w ord. H y p h e n ate d w ords are co n sid e re d as tw o w ords.

SAURIAL SARAL FERNANDEZ Departed: M ay 22, 2001 “O ur hearts are sore, As tim e goes by, we will miss you m ore, Your loving smile, your gentle face, N o one can fill your vacant place.” Always rem em bered by loved ones.

Seventh Anniversary

In loving memory of

THANKSGIVING O Holy St Jude, apostle and martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsm an of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor o f all who invoke your special patronage in times o f need. To you I have recourse from the depth o f my heart and hum bly beg you, to whom God has given such great power, to com e to my assistance. H elp me in my present urgent petition. In return, I prom ise to m ake your name know n and cause you to be invoked. St Jude pray for me and all who invoke your aid. H umbly in need of your intercession. Amen. Thank you for answ ering my prayers.

NG LO I FA , M AR G A RET Returned to Our Lord on May 6, 1997

Only the memory’s left of the happiness we knew, But the love that kindled memory’s torch will fuel our whole lives through. Deeply missed and fondly remembered by Boon, Herbert, San, Lilian, Ho, Sue, Kelvin, and Ryan.

Lrj L


In loving m em ory o f

JOSEPH A. MONTEIRO Departed: May 8,1988 O ur thoughts are alw ays with you, O ur hearts are sore with pain; This world w ould be like heaven If you were here again. Fondly remembered by wife Lilian, sons and loved ones.

f i l l 1 g


B u i

Fifth Anniversary In loving memory

TER ESIN A M A RIE LAZAROO nee DIAS Departed: May 14,1999 A lw ays rem em bered by sons, Jerry and Jeffrey and all loved ones.


Second Anniversary In loving m em ory o f

Softly w ithin the shadows G od gave a gentle call W ith farewells left unspoken M um, you silently left us all O ur hearts still ache with sadness and Silent tears still flow For w hat it m eans to love and miss you, Mum No one will ever know.

JO SEPH IN E C ON C EIC A O Departed: May 7, 2002

Always remembered by husband, children and all loved ones.

In loving memory of

In loving m em ory o f

Fourth Anniversary In loving m em ory of

AR TH UR A D A LPH U S FER N A N DEZ Departed:May 15, 2000 In our hearts you will alw ays live Your love, your voice and your smile Are forever imprinted in ou r minds.

VERO NIC A LLO YD C H U A W EI LING Bom: Feb 10,1948 Departed: May 11, 2003 “I am the resurrection and life. He who believes in me will live forever.” M issed dearly by family and ioved ones.

RAPHAEL AGNES LEE TA Y E G LE K NGIN Departed: May 19,1996 Departed: May 24,1981

“E ternal rest g ran t unto them , O L ord and let perpetual light shine u p on them . M ay they rest in p eace.”

Sixth Anniversary In loving m em ory of

Eighth Anniversary

V. STEPHEN D’ CRUZ Departed: May 12,1998 Rem em bering you is easy We do it every day M issing you is the hardest part As it never goes away To hear your voice. To see your smile To sit with you and talk awhile W ould be our greatest wish today Today, tomorrow, our whole life through We shall alw ays love and rem em ber you.

RAY A.R.P. O ’HARA, BBM Bom: April 30, 1915 Died: May 21,1996 A faithful, devoted, dutiful husband, fa th er and grandfather “MY LORD IS MY SHEPHERD”. Eight years have passed And I miss you even more Your wit, your smile, Your thoughtfulness, your wisdom Your guidance.

Fondly rem em bered by wife, children and grandchildren.

REST IN PEACE DEAR. Generous and caring His was a life well-spent. Fondly remembered by his wife His children and their families, And all who knew him.

Catholic Guidance Counsellors: Ms Olivia Stravens (9675 6950) : Mr Dave Urn (96486855)

Blk 3 8 #01 - b 2 7 / 531 Sin Ming Drive Singapore 575712 , A \ Tel:6 4 5 1 4 4 9 6 (2 4 Hours)


D ear M um and D ad, W e m iss and love you both very m uch. Fourth Anniversary In loving memory of

Sixth Anniversary In loving m em ory of

Fondly rem em bered by wife Luthgarth, sisters, brother and all loved ones. Thirteenth Anniversary In loving m em ory o f our beloved

PARADISE BEREA C L EM E N T DE SO U ZA Departed: May 11,1998 We often think of bygone days When we were together, The fam ily chain is broken But m em ories live for ever.

JA N E T LIM BOO LAT Departed: May 16,1991 In our hearts your m em ory lingers, Sw eetly tender, fond and true, There is not a day, dear mother, That we do not think o f you. Always remembered by children, grand-children, relatives and friends. Eleventh Anniversary In loving m em ory o f


24hrs funeral service for Catholic & other Christian denominations

Dearly m issed by w ife Doris, children: V irginia, Anna and G erard and daughter-in-law Aileen.

STEPHEN FAM CHYE KIM Departed: May 20, 2000 Weeks have turned to months, Months have changed to years. But our memories and love for you will last forever. Always loved and cherished by Marcus, Stephanie, Matthew, Serafina, Monica and all loved ones. Masses will be celebrated at The Church of The Holy Trinity on Thursday, May 20 at 6 pm.

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HA R R Y ARTHUR PETERSON Departed: May 10,1993

Please turn to page 18 for more “In Memoriam’' announcements and classified advertisements.

o u r P ersonal P a rtn e r F o r A II m Bereavement Services

Charity No Glass $ 10 Budget No Glass $ 598 Manager, Budget Half Glass $ 798 Em balm er IFT (France) Economy Half Glass $ 998 C atholic Funeral Advisor NEW MANAGEMENT Duchess Half Glass $1498 We also have a wide selection of coffins to choose from. Discount 10% for church members. No GST! Call: A lo y s iu s

D. H o ed e n

Coffin Price



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F u n e ra l P ric e s Y o u C a n L iv e w ith

Coffin Model

24 Hours

D edicated Funeral D irectors since 1920

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127 Lavender Street Singapore 338735. Tel: 6 -5 5 5 -1 1 1 -5 p hours

D early and deeply m issed by w ife Marie, children and grand-children.

(2 4 hou re)

F u ll range o f caskets, fu n e ra l services are also available.

Blk 37, Sin Ming Drive, #01-575 Singapore 575711

Your m em ory will never grow old. It was destiny that m ade us part The sorrow that broke every heart But as tim e will heal all pain We know w e’ll one day m eet again.

6455-9909 / 6458-9909

B lk 3 7 Sin M in g D r ive, # 0 1 -5 6 9 /5 7 1 /5 7 3 , S in g a p o r e 575711

150 South Bridge Road, # 0 2 -0 5 Fook Hai Building Singapore 0 5 8 7 2 7 F a x : (6 5 )6 5 3 3 -1 7 2 9

W ebsite:

H O T L IN E : 6 5 3 3 -1 7 8 7

Complete services for Christians and non-Christians. Air-con. parlours, open 24 hours. Qualified professional embalmers. Imported US and quality finished caskets. Photo enlargement. / i Florist service. LA Funeral supplies all under one roof. Professional handling of repatriations and import cases. Columbarium & Tombstone services.

All Church Members Are Entitled To Discount *Cater w ithin your means* 131 Lavender Street, Singapore 338737. Internationally linked worldwide with established Funeral Directors


R a lly @ C h u rc h o f th e H o ly S p ir it S u n 3 0 M a y - 7 .3 0 p m to 1 0 .0 0 p m (w ith M a s s )

F R E E A d m is s io n

â– I B

Come and join us in Praising and Worshipping the Lord with a talk by M r Charles Whitehead followed by a Pentecost Eucharistic Celebration. Main Celebrant & Homilist: His Grace Archbishop Nicholas Chia Come with empty hearts and open minds to receive the Word through the inspired teaching of Mr. Charles Whitehead - author, editor and internationally renowned speaker. Among his many titles, Charles is also the former-President of International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services in Rome and a Knight of St Gregory the _ 'J r

Great, an honour bestowed by the Pope on individual Catholics who have made outstanding contribution to the Catholic Church.

feJSS-f#S # 3 tg p liP

Sat 22 M av - 2 1 S u n 2 3 M a y - 9 a m to 6 p m (w ith M a s s ) Speaker: Mr. Charles Whitehead Contribution: $30 for meals and refreshment. W alk-in Registration: 1 pm to 2 pm on Sat 22 May and 8 am to 9 am on Sun 23 May on a first come, first served basis.

O r g a n is e d b y : S in g a p o r e A r c h d io c e s a n C a th o lic C h a r is m a tic R e n e w a l

_____ P U B L IS H E D B Y A R C H B IS H O P N IC H O L A S C H IA , 2 H IG H L A N D R O A D # 0 1 -0 3 , S IN G A P O R E 5 4 9 1 0 2 .

P R IN T E D B Y K H L P R IN T IN G C O P T E L T D , 5 7 L O Y A N G D R IV E , S IN G A P O R E 5 0 8 9 6 8 .

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