20 Pages. No. 9.
10 cents.
"The Cinema can be a School for Crime" Imperial Enquiry Reveals Danger Of Evil Films.
years, what it had seen on the screen of an ugly or • terrifying nature. This meant not only that a child who freouented the pictures was losing healthy sleep, but also that powerful imnressions of the ugly skfe of life were moulding its mentality. In regard to the first method, based on written or related experiences, the following were some of the Committee's findings: (a) The influence of the screen on definite behaviour or action was very marked between the ages of 15 to 30 years, but not so marked i n later years. There was a stronger impression of reality on Y o u t h . The man of fifty shrugged his-shoulders: "It's only a picture."
The findings of an American Committee of Research, which >roved beyond any question, the ippallingly deleterious effect of fhe bad film on morals and mentality, were quoted by Father Owen F . Dudley i n the Picton H a l l , Liverpool, recentlv, when he lectured on the "Clean F i l m Campaign," and impressed on Catholics the dutv of its continuance. Father Dudley sooke under the ausoices of the Liverpool Branch of the Catholic T r u t h Society and was supported bv representatives of the C . Y . M . S . and the K . S . C . , which bodies are engaged in the .ampaign. A s f a r back as 1028, said F a t h e r Dudley, a body of leading psychoE v i l Effect On M o r a l i t y . logists, sociologists, and education (b) A l t h o u g h , at 16 or 17, sex authorities of A m e r i c a were invit- and sophistication i n a book m i g h t ed by the Director of the Motion- barely interest, yet seeiftg the same Picture Research Council to form t h i n g , in all its vividness on the themselves into a Committee of screen, could influence strongly Research, financed b y the Payne and convey misleading and i m Fund, to investigate the influence moral notions. Impulses are of the screen. Its investigation aroused to the loss o f self-control work was entirely impartial, and and to the i n j u r y of moral consolely for the purpose of providing duct. data. (c) In the case of young men The work took four years and and women, the effect of witnessthe results were published in 1933. ing unlawful sex relations and free love on the screen, frequently led Blackening The Mind Of The to unlawful sex relations between Child. The themselves or w i t h others. First, people of all classes and testimony here was incontroverta<?es, but especiallv young men ible. Likewise the presenting of and women and children, were i n - adultery influences against the vited to write or relate their ex- marriage-bond and i n favour of perience of films. Immense pains divorce. were taken to ensure honesty. (d) N e x t i n the report—SexSecondly, by means of an instru- appeal and v i r t u a l nudity on the ment called a hypnograph, three screen, even i f presented as 'art,' eminent doctors t e s t e d the sleep yet by a large section of the audiof children frequenting the films. ence were accepted as pornoThe inyestigators discovered that graphy, and aroused the passions, the child's restlessness i n sleep w i t h obvious consequences. (e) The display o f crime and was abnormally increased by films; also that its reaction to a crime technique on the screen can film was two or three times great- w i t h some, create a mental attitude er than its reaction to a book; also conducive to criminal acts. T h e that its brain retained, even for committee ascertained, on the con-
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fessions of criminals themselves, that many criminaj careers h a d been prompted by gangster and crime films; young criminals, especially confessed to h a v i n g acquired from these films criminal knowledge for use. The Cinema could therefore be a school for crime. (f) A ihember of the Committee, specialising in an examination of altogether fifteen hundred feature films, to ensure a just estimate, found the average heavily weighted w i t h sex and crime. (g) In the case of school children, the investigation found that those frequenting the films averaged lower i n school work, were less self-controlled, and more deceptive. (h) In an examination of high school students, fifty per cent, i n dicated that their idea of sexual
love came from the screen. And it would not be difficult to guess what those ideas were like. Goodness The Exception, (i) The Committee also found that rarely was a good woman portrayed on the screen; also that the room most frequently shown w as a bedroom. The Catholic Church w^s already well acquainted with the facts.. That was why she had taken action. There are, he feared, Catholics themselves to whom her action had come as rather a shock; almost as something to be apologised for—that they could no longer see any film they chose. They forerot that she was their mother, whose care was to safeguard her children; and more—to safeguard a whole world's soul. r
(Continued on page 15)
2 T h e journey was l o n g and weary. T h e hot A u g u s t s u n poured mercilessly into the r a i l w a y carriage, the dust enveloped us. W e had gone beyond the stage of takIxip interest i n a stop at a station, and the probable change of, or addition to our fellow-travellers. We had even gone beyond the wish, or rather wild longing of a few hours ago to fill our lungs w i t h one long breath of pure fresh a i r . W e existed miserably and l i m p l y , only conscious that we were t i r e d , deadly tired. A sudden exclamation f r o m a y o u n g g i r l at the carriage window roused u s : " V o i l a ! L a Grotte!" A h , that first glimpse of Our L a d y ' s famous S h r i n e ! It was but a passing glance i n the distance as the t r a i n slowed d o w n before entering the station, but our apathy and langour fled. T h e dust and the heat and the w e a r y road were all forgotten. One o f t h e dearest wishes we had i n life was o u r s : we were at Lourdes—dear, beautiful, holy L o u r d e s ! Soon the bustle of a r r i v a l was over, and we were d r i v i n g t h r o u g h the t o w n to our destination—the Convent of the Immaculate Conception, up h i g h on the hiH-side. A n d what a drive it w a s ! The m i g h t y Pyrenees looked down on u s ; and sent a grateful cool breeze to revive u s ; the dark pine-woods were a sweet relief to o u r tired eyes. C r o w d s of p i l g r i m s , all i n t h e i r different national costumes, formed picturesque groups everywhere. Lourdes was crowded and only t h a t we had previously engaged our room at the Convent, we would have shared the fate of many there, and have had to sleep under the trees t h a t night. E v e r y now and then we came on a l i t t l e picnic, a group of pilgrims s i t t i n g down by the roadside together, each w i t h a l o n g r o l l of bread, the shepherdesses, who make a l i v i n g by selling the m i l k of t h e i r goats, drive t h e i r l i t t l e herds near them, and the clear c r y that becomes so f a m i l i a r to you i n that little P y reneen village, rings out " U n petit verre de l a i t ! " " T h e picnickers, as they want it, hand over their h o r n goblets, and get t h e i r glass of milk, and to judge by t h e i r happy laughter, seem to enjoy t h i s sim~ple~fare. Our d r i v e r suddenly pulls up his horses, and now we are conscious that f o r some time our ears have been filled w i t h a sweet triumphant sound. It seemed to be part of the a i r around u s ; it came ringing, s i g h i n g , sobbing from every side. We were listening f o r the first time to the world-famed h y m n of Lourdes, A v e , A v e , A v e M a r i a ! Everyone took part i n i t . A l o n g the street, i n the woods, by the river bank, n i g h t or day, that cry of supplication and love is ever going up to M a r y from the pilgrims to her S h r i n e at Lourdes. We now see why our horses are pulled u p : the sick are being carried \0 the Grotto. W h o can describe t h a t slow, sad procession? Here you see suffering i n every form. The patients are borne by attendants qn l i t t e r s ; y o u see the paralyzed, the consumptive, the cancerous, the deformed. Every disease is represented there, and apparently the sufferers have reached the last stage o f their malady. B u t w h a t strikes you most
Memories of By
is the look of calm and hope and resignation on the faces of a l l . T h e greatest care is taken of these poor invalids. There is a beautiful hospital for t h e i r accommodation, and ladies and geptlemen from every rank give their services there to nurse and care them, i n honour of Our L a d y . E v e r y t h i n g is done to lessen t h e i r sufferings. W i t h the tenderest care they are placed on the stretchers and taken to and from the Grotto, to the baths, or to any exercise of the pilgrimage t h e i r state o f health permits, them to take part i n . The attendants are evepywhere watching their charges and supplying their wants. If any get fatigued or show any signs of weakness, they are immediately seen to, and, i f necessary, taken back to the hospital. Y o u hear the constant c r y : "Faites place aux malades, s'il vous plait V Immediately a passage is made t h r o u g h the crowd, and the stretcher w i t h the poor sufferer is borne away. 9
Our horses were kept a long time s t a n d i n g ; it was fully a quarter of an hour before a break occurred i n that procession of human misery. A t last our driver takes advantage of a pause caused by the attendants changing the position of a poor man whom they were c a r r y i n g , and who seemed to he i n great pain. We drove on up the hill, passing by the magnificent Basilica, and i n less t h a n five minutes we were at the Convent. We were expected there, and were immediately shown to our room, where we were glad to remove all traces of our long t r a i n journey. The little blue-veiled Sister had told us she would come back for us, when dinner was ready, and, while waiting, we opened the shutters of the window. What an outlook we h a d ! It is one of our memories of Lourdes, but we fear our pen will never help us to share it. The Convent is built h i g h up on the h i l l ; a thick pine forfest leads down from it to the R i v e r Gave. A t the opposite side of the r i v e r green meadows w i t h their golden hay-stacks, rise up from the valley, and catch the sunshine as it creeps up the hill-side. The fields are fenced w i t h a >small screen of trees, t h e i r pale greerf foliage m a k i n g the contrast to the pine-clad mountains behind very marked. T h r o u g h the trees we can see the spire of the Basilica, and wafted on the breeze is ever the same c a l l : A v e , A v e , A v e Maria! r
Reluctantly we turned from the window when the Sister came for us. She led us to a large refectory, where the same view was again before u s ; and, as we ate our dinner, the strain of the A v e still floated arbund us. A f t e r dinner we set out to visit the Grotto. The nuns told us that we should be in time for Benediction and the Procession of the Blessed Sacrament. They showed us a r a t h through the wood that would le^d us to the Grotto. How often the memory of that walk
comes back! We were so grateful to get under the shade of the*trees from the scorching heat of the sun. W e have been told that wood is now cut down to make room for building. We do not t h i n g of changes at Lourdes, but, i f we were to return there now it is not alone the loss of the trees would make us sad. The Convent, where we were so fondly cared, is shut up and the nuns are scattered. The Fathers who arranged the pilgrimage processions, and all the ceremonies are gone. The hand of persecution, so heavily laid on France, has tried to touch Lourdes, but M a r y is watching over it, and we believe Our L a d y of Lourdes will save France. A s we walked down the winding pathway, a great murmur of voices came up to us, growing louder and louder as we went on. We reached the r i v e r bank, and there we saw a sight that will never be forgotten. A large space before the Grotto was reserved for the sick. There, on their little stretchers, line after line of sufferers lay. Those who were able had their hands stretched out— but, alas! how few were able for even that exertion. A l l around, down to the bank of the Gave, knelt an immense throng of people, w i t h outstretched hands, passionately interceding for the cure of those so patiently waiting. A priest stood i n the pulpit out*side*the Grotto, and gave out the prayers, which were ejaculations nearly all the t i m e : " N o t r e D^me de Lourdes, guerissez les malades!" A n d the crowd repeated with fervour: " N o t r e Dame de Lourdes, guerissez les malades!" In a voice of deep emotion the priest adds: "Notre Dame de Lourdes, gardez la France, ayez pitie d'elle! The people sway to and fro, and, raising up their hands to the statue of the Immaculate Conception placed over the Grotto in the great rock of Massabielle, they repeat in a sobbing w a i l : " N o t r e "Dame" i!e Lourdes, gardez la France, ayez pitie d'elle!" Over and over the prayers are repeated, and always w i t h the same note of passionate appeal. The Rosary is t h e n , s a i d with the same fervour, the A v e is sung until the tinkle of the bell gives w a r n i n g that the Blessed Sacrament is being carried from the church to the Grotto. The Grotto is guarded by a high railing, w i t h a gate at each side. In the centre is a little altar. Y o u can pass i n by one gate, go around the back of the altar and go out by the other gate. There is a constant stream of pilgrims always passing through, pausing for a moment to kiss the stone where Our L a d y stood. The sides of the Grotto and the rock for some eight or ten yards over the F o u n tain are lined with hunderds of crutches, and all kinds of surgical appliances, left there by those who have been cured. When the priest arrives at the Grotto, Benediction is given, and
the Procession starts. The sick are carried first and placed in a large circle before the C h u r c h of the Rosary. The people prostrate themselves for a moment and kiss the ground—to complv w i t h the wish of O u r L a d v when she said to B e m a d e t t e : " Y o u will pray for sinners, you w i l l kiss the ground for sinners." T h e y f o r m into line, and again the A v e , A v e , Ave M a r i a , rings out. W h e n the priest bearing the Host reaches the church steps, he goes around before the invalids and raises the monstrance over them. It is at this time that many of the miracles take place. W e have seen more than one l y i n g anparentlv near death who, when the priest raised the Host, uttered a groan of agony, and. as he passed on, they have left the bed of pain and followed after h i m , quite restored.
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W h e n the round of the sick is over, the priest ascends the steps of the church, and at the door he turns, and Benediction is again given. The sick are then taken back to the hospital, and the pilgrims scatter for an hour or two until it is time to gather at the Grotto again for the evening Pro-J cession. W e were too weary to j join in it that night, but we , watched it from a little distance! and a very impressive sight it J was. Sixteen thousand pilgrims j took part i n it, all bearing lighted I torches. It wound along through the trees from the Grotto up to the statue of Our L a d y opposite the church, on around by the statue of St. Michael. L i k e a huge serpent of fire it crept along; all the time the A v e , Ave, Ave M a r i a , was going up to Mary. The C h u r c h of the Rosary, w i t h ! its large dome, the arched balcony! leading from it to the C r y p t , the! Basilica from its high steeple to the ground, were one mass of electric lights, which kept occasionally changing from red to b'ue and white, and the play of the summer l i g h t n i n g as it flashed now and then, lit up the whole place like day. We returned to the Convent, worn out w i t h fatigue, and had scarcely laid our heads on the pillow before we were fast asleep .We woke about five o'clock in the morning. F r o m every part of the mountains around us came a musical sound. F u l l of curiosity,' v/e jumped out of bed, and, dressing quickly went out. W e metnumbers of little shepherdesses blowing on tiny horns to call their flocks. But what astonished us' was that the goats seemed to know the horn of their own) shepherdess, and came bounding j towards her from the mountain j side as she blew out her call. j We walked on to the Grotto. E a r l y as it was, the place was thronged, and Mass was being celebrated there. We were very much struck by the rapt devotion | of the people; their eyes were fix- v ed on the altar, they seemed j almost immovable; the voice of! the priest and the m u r m u r of the J river were the only sounds that I broke the stillness. A f t e r Mass« we passed through the Grotto, and \ took a drink of water at the Foun-' tain, and returned to the Convent | for a C u p of coffee.
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Nonconformists can whole-heartedly unite. B u t for years past If readers i n M a l a y a are not i n there has been this u n i t y i n the matter of praise for a wonderful danger of suffering a surfeit of news concerning the two approach- little book, b y * a non-Catholic ing Canonizations—the topic up- officer, expounding The T r u t h of per-most in Catholic circles here i n C h r i s t i a n i t y . The author, L i e u t e n England—let two further pieces of ant Colonel T u r t o n , wrote his book many years ago; he has now revisdetail be recorded : ed it. In the interval he has seen 1. T h e G u i l d of O u r L a d y of 65,000 copies of the l i t t l e volume Ransom, w h i c h holds every year sold in E n g l i s h . Thousands of the famous " W a l k " from Newgate copies have been sold of translato T y b u r n i n honour of the E n g - tions into Italian, Chinese, Japanlish M a r t y r s , is arranging for a ese and A r a b i c . It is stated that great pilgrimage on foot i n the the first A r a b i c edition r a n into a other direction. The walk w i l l thousand copies, and second into start from Lincoln's Inn, where double that number. Blessed Thomas More was a Pracitically, every Catholic student and became a member, and newspaper and review i n Great finish at the site of the m a r t y r d o m B r i t a i n has been enthusiastic in of More and F i s h e r on Tower H i l l . commendation of Colonel Turton's The date fixed is June 30, by w h i c h book. Protestants have welcomed time, i t is expected, the two mar- i!< also; likewise the lay press. A t tyrs w i l l have been proclaimed seventy-eight years of age the Saints. gallant Colonel is happy i n the 2. Blessed J o h n F i s h e r has now knowledge that on one matter, at a permanent memorial close to his any rate, he •has united a n otherancient diocesan city, Rochester. wise divided C h r i s t e n d o m ! The walls were blessed, and the * * * * foundation stone laid, for the mePope and Sovereign. morial sanctuary of St. Michael's Westminster Cathedral saw one Catholic church, whose parish takes i n the Rochester area. The of those assemblies t h i s week parish priest looks forward to the which serve to demonstrate to the time when C h a t h a m and Rochester B r i t i s h public that the V i c a r of will hold a place only less import- Christ is not only the head of the ant t h a n Canterbury as a goal of Catholic C h u r c h on earth but that pilgrimage for E n g l i s h Catholics. he is also, both i n r i g h t a n d by recognition, a Temporal Sovereign. The occasion was the clebration of the T h i r t e e n t h A n n i v e r s a r y of the A Loss to Religious A r t . Pontiff's coronation. F i v e A m b a s sadors, representing E u r o p e a n and A widely-known Catholic paintSouth A m e r i c a n countries, were er, M r . M a r k Symons, has died at present, w h i l e m a n y other lands a comparatively early age, leaving were represented by t h e i r M i n i s t behind h i m a number of religious ers, Charges d'Affaires, or other pictures which have caused a good officials. The scene in the deal of. discussion and controversy Cathedral was deeply impressive in art circles. M r . Symons was when all these diplomatic repredevoted to faith, and sometimes sentatives had assembled. In the gave open-air addresses for the absence, through indisposition, of Catholic Evidence Guild. In a the V i c a r - C a p i t u l a r , B i s h o p B u t t , number of his paintings he took the solemn Te Deum was intoned sacred subjects and put them into by the Bishop of L a m u s , Monsigmodern dress and surroundings, nor M y e r s . except for the Divine F i g u r e , In the provincial diocesan cities, which he kept i n the conventional also, the H o l y F a t h e r ' s anniversary jrobe. One of the most widely- was kept by Catholic w i t h solemn discussed of pictures was a paint- functions of t h a n k s g i v i n g . ing rejected by the Royal A c a * * * * demy, called " M y L o r d I meet in C h u r c h Decline—The One Mr. every lane and street." Exception. Symons used to say that he understood modern costume but knew Various non-Catholic clergymen nothing of that worn long ago. and at Stevenage, a small town i n that i f Old Masters could put scrip- Hertfordshire, have been bewailtural subjects*" into the dress and ing the decrease in c h u r c h attendin those parts, and setting of their own time, there ances was nothing irreverent in an E n g - suggesting the causes o f it. One lish painter of to-day who did the puts it down to the motor-car; another finds a ray of consolation same. in the reflection that the places of Not all M r . Symons' paintings worship show only "comparative were religious, but his chief works emptiness," not "emptiness." The were in the field. A much ad- Catholic priest of Stevenage, too, piired Madona, Sedes Sapientiae, is has taken a hand i n the discussion in Downside A b b e y . F o r a n u m - and this is what he s a y s : ber of years M r . Symons was a "Speaking o f the Catholic regular exhibitor at the R o y a l Churches, our one difficulty is to Academy. find the money to build new churches and to enlarge existing ones to cope w i t h the demand for seating accommodation. Since Where A l l C a n Unite. 1921 we at Stevenage have had to It is not often that any event in double Sunday Masses and have the religious sphere occurs in then often been unable to seat all Catholics, Anglicans, and the people who wish to be present. A P i l g r i m Note.
The seating has also been renewed and aditional accommodation thus provided." W h a t is true of Stevenage is true, broadly speaking, of the country as a whole. The Catholic Church is the only religious body that is m a k i n g headway.
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A Great Novena. Our Catholic brethren i n the F a r E a s t can join i n the intentions of a novena which i n past years has been wonderfully fruitful of conversions. The Convent of the Sisters of A d o r a t i o n of the Sacred Heart, not many yards away from the site of T y b u r n gallows, where so many E n g l i s h m a r t y r s gained their crown, is to hold i n its chapel the devotions of the annual Great Novena for the Conversion of E n g land and Wales. The dates will be M a r c h 4 to M a r c h 12. T h e l a i t y are begged for at least one H o l y Communion, or for a Rosary, for the intentions o f the novena. T h e T y b u r n Convent has become a centre of deep devotion i n W e s t L o n d o n ; for there the Blessed Sacrament is always exposed. CATHOLICS IN THE NORTH. Heavier Responsibilities for Yorkshire. FATHER KNOX LOOKS A H E A D . F a t h e r Ronald K n o x , the author and humorist, adopted a serious note when he spoke at the annual dinner of the C a t e n i a n A s s o c i a t i o n (Leeds Circle) at the H o t e l M e t r o pole, Leeds. H e suggested t h a t the time m i g h t shortly a r r i v e when Catholics i n Y o r k s h i r e would have to shoulder heavier responsibilities w h i c h t h e i r co-religionists in the depressed areas could no longer bear. " I t h i n k t h a t this part of the country has probably a r a t h e r i m portant part to play i n the development of the Catholic body i n E n g l a n d d u r i n g the next few y e a r s / ' he said. " One does not know what is going to happen, but at present, it is obvious t h a t those parts of B r i t a i n where Catholicism has been and is strongest are those which are the most badly h i t by unemployment, those where money is more scarce, and those where people are more tempted to migrate to other parts of E n g l a n d . It may be, therefore, t h a t i n the next few years the great block of Tyneside Catholics and even the great block of Lancashire Catholics m a y not be able to play the same p a r t i n spreading the influence of the C h u r c h that they used to do. Outside of London, this diocese is the diocese next i n strength to those I have j u s t mentioned. It m a y be that Leeds w i l l have to take up the position of the protagonist of the Catholic body i n E n g l a n d , and i f that situation should arise, I a m sure that the Catenians of Leeds would be i n the forefront." F a t h e r K n o x said the Catholic population of Great B r i t a i n is now two-thirds as m u c h again as i t was 40 years ago. A s their numbers grew, i t became more difficult for members of t h e C h u r c h to know one another, exchange opinions w i t h each other and talk over the news of the day as it affected their interests. The Catenian Association, which linked together Catholic men engaged i n business and the professions, was performing important work by helping to overcome that difficulty.
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Death Of T h e R t . R e v . P . M . Gendreau. (Continued
from page 12)
age of 82 years, the fifty-ninth of his mission career and the f o r t y s i x t h of his episcopate, he was finishing a vigorous round of six weeks i n the country where he had changed bed and board constantly, travelled by foot, palanquin, boat, as well as automobile, and had no* only confirmed but had confessed and given C o m m u n i o n to thousands, preached long sermons i» Annamese, and received the people of every village i n his parlour. T h e forty-fifth anniversary of his consecration came while he was on tour and to commemorate i t properly he ate no food throughout a long, active day w h i c h began at 4.30 i n the m o r n i n g ; yet i n the evening he appeared as fresh as a rose. "He leads a deeply s p i r i t u a l life, w i t h an hour o f meditation every m o r n i n g and a half-hour's v i s i t every evening. H e loves his people and they on their p a r t w o r s h i p him. One l i t t l e village of 200, in order to have the privilege of a call f r o m h i m , laboured furiously to construct a road of three kilometers to permit his automobile to reach them. D a y after day d u r i n g his visitation there are processions, music, petards, receptions, a l l that permits his flock to express t h e i r joy at his presence. "We sat w i t h h i m i n this l i t t l e house and watched the v i g o u r o f his m i n d . H e was alert to every remark, t h i n k i n g w i t h us and well in advance of us. H e took the initiative in describing h i s v i c a r i ate and then, lost out here i n t h i s remote spot among the rice paddies, he turned the conversation to the news of the world. W i t h i n a few minutes he had touched on the elections in Europe, the C h u r c h i n Equador, the happenings i n Spain, the events i n F r a n c e . " (Fides).
Wh<?n a butterfly pays a flying call to y o u r garden, as a rule, it is most unconcernedly—if you fcotiee it at all—that you look at the v i s i t o r . If, however, it be some large-Winged species w h i c h displays r i c h blazing colours, then, for a moment, your interest is roused up. B u t , hardly has the little wandering fairy gone over the hedge you no longer t h i n k of it. In o u r town-gardens, so remote from primaeval forests and therefore so poor i n plants attractive to them, butterflies are constantly of the same range: generally swift P A P I L I O S w i t h tailed black wings bearing large white patches; lazy E U P L O E A S w h i c h hov^f near the ground and display to the sun the deep purple of their rounded w i n g s ; " W h i t e s " t u m b l i n g from bush to bush like madcaps; tawny J U N O N I A S proud of t h e i r large opened and white-pupilled "peacock" spots; besides but rather scarce, a few species of the numerous f a m i l y of the L Y C A E N I D A E , commonly k n o w n as the " B l u e s . " I don't mention one or two ubiquitous H E S P E R I I D A E w h i c h are v e r y fond of settling on t h e walls i n the dark corners of the houses. There you have, i n short, the l i s t o f " c i v i l i s e d " butterflies which frequent our towns and surroundings. W o u l d you like to form a larger and more intimate acquaintance w i t h t h i s interesting a n d lovely t r i b e of insects? -Make f o r the deep forest w h i c h still cover hundreds o f square miles of the hilly plains and the slopes of the mountains i n the " u l u , " ; and then from 10 i n the m o r n i n g t i l l sunset, wander at leisure up and down along the n a r r o w shady paths which steal t h e i r w a y through thickets of t h o r n y shrubs and f e r n s : walk slowly and be on the look out for G r e a t black-bluish M e m m o n i n company w i t h other species o f a sooty-black w i t h a white spot on t h e i r hind-wings s k i m along the p a t h i n a blunt and large zigzag course while others, still of a larger size, soar above i n wide circles, a l most motionless on their powerful wings, o f w h i c h the second pair shines like gold i n the sun. These gorgeous insects are the princes of the P A P I L I O t r i b e ; they are the famous O R N I T H O P T E R A or birdwinged butterfles. A m o n g s t t h e m the most magnificently arrayed, at least i n M a l a y a , the Ornithoptera brookeana—discovered b y the great naturalist and friend of D a r w i n . A. R . Wallace near the mines of Simunjon, i n Sarawak—was found, in 1878 at Gopeng (Perak) by S i r H u g h L o w . TJhis marvellous i n sect, o f a velvety black, has its elongated forewings crossed by a band o f triangular metallic spots w h i c h are now of a dark blue and green, now o f a resplendent light green, according to the angle from w h i c h y o u look at i t . Brookeana, generally, is met i n the neighbourhood of pools formed b y the water w h i c h trickles down f r o m hotsprings. T h e y congregate there, sometimes hundreds at a t i m e very busy i n s u c k i n g the moisture from the mud. v
In the shade, a m i l k y transparent butterfly gently glides down like a sheet of tissue paper and then flapping its huge falcate wings goes up again to the tree tops. T h i s is the biggest of our D A N A I D A E , and is called 'Hestia* or, to give it its M a l a y nickname, the " K u p u K e r t a s . " Its next of kin, almost its replica i n miniature, is the Ideopsis of w h i c h hundreds hover from flower to flower along the track and in the clearings on the hill slopes. Rama-Rayna. (To be continued).
LOOK OUT for Our Free Entry $
Puzzle Competition Next Week TO
A By
B A D LITTLE BOY. George S. Morrow.
"Come and tell me what you d i d ; Do not t r y to keep i t h i d ; I can see your face is long, T e l l i n g me .that something's wrong It's as plain as plain can be Y o u are hiding things from me "In the drooping of your eyes I can see some mischief lies. Once I was a boy like you D o i n g things I shouldn't do. So I ' l l help you all I can. Come and tell me, l i t t l e man.
1935. AND
St. F r a n c i s Solano, one of the most zealous of Catholic missionaries, was born i n Cordova, Spain, i n the sixteenth century. E a r l y i n boyhood he expressed a w i s h to enter the religious life, and his desire to imitate Jesus found its realisation when he became a missionary member of the Order of St. F r a n c i s . for preference A s a boy, St. Francis Solano was noted for his modest behaviour, his prudent silence and edifying meekness. W h i l e still very young, he was always able to effect a reconciliation between the most bitter enemies. A popular legend has it that one day, when he was still a student, he came upon two Spaniards who were engaged in deadly strife. W i t h daggers drawn, they attacked each other, and a tragedy was i m minent. The boy, heedless of his own danger, threw h i m s e l f between the two infuriated men, crying:— "Brothers, shethe y o u r weapons, I pray y o u . " A n d , falling upon his knees, he prayed w i t h such fervour that the hearts of the combatants were touched and they became reconciled to one another. In the year 1589 he sailed for South A m e r i c a to preach the Gospel to the Indians i n P e r u . W h i l e some distance from the shore, the ship struck a ledge of rocks. The captain hurried the officers and principal passengers into the only lifeboat there was. "Come w i t h us," he said to the missionary. St. F r a n c i s replied:— "Sir, you have done your d u t y ; now I shall do mine. I w i l l stav here w i t h thgse lesser creatures until you return." Then, t u r n i n g to the poor passengers who remained, he besought them to have t r u s t i n God's mercy, s a y i n g that H e would not allow them to perish. HUcU. F o r three days the vessel remained afloat, although when the captain had left it the ship was i n danger of almost immediate sinking. A t last the captain arrived w i t h more life boats, and then, as the last passenger left the ship, i t began to sink. St. F r a n c i s began h i s n ^ s i o n a r y duties at once, and more than nine thousand Indians were converted through his zeal and eloquence and earnestness. God gave St. F r a n c i s a marvel"But look behind h i m , " cried lous power over wild beasts. One time his zeal for converts took h i m another, and even the warriors into the w i l d forest country, which were terrified at the sight. Back of the saint, stealthily was inhabited not only by cruel and bloodthirsty Indians, but also by s t a l k i n g along, was a lion, a manjungle beasts. The Indians i n the eater, w h i c h had terrorised the village w h i c h the saint had marked Indians for days. H i s great jaws for his own were determined to be were slightly p a r t e d ; he crept revenged upon the white men, along behind the saint, awaiting whom they hated because of the for a chance to spring upon him. cruelty of the first Spanish sett- A n d then the miracle happened, St. F r a n c i s turned around and, lers. A runner brought news to the r a i s i n g his hand, blessed the lion. tribe that the W h i t e F a t h e r was A n d as he spoke the great beast nearing their village. W a r r i o r s approached, licked his hand, and and the hunters of the tribe ga- then turned off into the jungle. St. F r a n c i s gained the admirathered at the farther end of the village to await the c o m i n g of the tion of the Indians by t h i s manimissionary. Suddenly someone festation of his powers, and it was an easy matter for h i m to overcried : " "See, he comes!" A n d the figure come t h e i r distrust of h i m and to of the saint appeared, just at the b r i n g them to a realisation of the edge of the jungle w h i c h bordered things of God. on the village. ( F r o m Catholic Fireside.)
All young people need milk every day:
"Brace r i g h t up and let i t g o ; Y o u ' l l feel better i f I k n o w ; A n d I ' l l feel much better, too, K n o w i n g I am helping you. Speak r i g h t out and have no fear There's no one but me to hear." T h i s was told me, word by word, W h i c h nearly every boy has heard, F r o m the age of nine or ten T i l l he takes his place w i t h men. Times have changed and now mv dad Has no little boy that's bad Now this little boy has grown To have children of his own, A n d he tells his little son, W h e n some mischief he has done: " B r a c e r i g h t up and let i t go: Y o u ' l l feel better i f I know. "Just remember, son, and be Not afraid to come to m e ; No one cares as much for you A s y o u r dad and mother do; A n d 'tis I who should be the one F i r s t to hear what you have done."
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Nero's Time Brought Back in Spain by Communists October 19?4.
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" The prisoners were kept i n the Town H a l l for ten hours, d u r i n g which time they had to endure many insults, and listen to horrible blasphemies against God. In the evening they asked for a little coffee and m i l k as they had taken nothing since breakfast. T h i s was brought by some poor women, who were insulted as they passed by the three armed sentries on duty outside. " Towards 10 o'clock they were removed in a small lorry. Upon a r r i v i n g at the Lacoca pit-head, near the entrance to Mieres, they were ordered to get down, one of the guards r e m a r k i n g : * T h i s is the end of the j o u r n e y / There, on the roadside close to the pithead, seeing the guards were about to shoot them, the two embraced and then calmly faced the rifles w i t h a cry of V i v a Cristo R e y ! ( " L o n g L i v e Christ the K i n g ! " ) . " They fell mortally wounded, and were finally despatched w i t h blows of the rifle butts. Afterwards, the bodies were brought to the cemetery of Mieres where they were t h r o w n on the ground and left unburied until the evening of the 8th. T h e y were then buried in the one grave, together w i t h the murdered body of D o n Tomas Escribano, a sergeant of the Civil. Guard. " I made all these inquiries on the 22nd of October i n company w i t h B r . Joaquim Egozcoe, interrogating numerous people, w h o had seen the two either m a k i n g their way along the hillside or descending to the m a i n road, or actually being arrested on the bridge of Santullano. W e v i s i t e d and carefully examined the place of the shooting. W e spoke to the workm a n who heard the rifle-shots, and to his wife who washed up the blood at the Lacoca pit-head on the m o r n i n g of the 8th. They gave us a detailed description of Fr. E m i l i o and B r . Arconada. N e x t , we went to the cemetery of Mieres, where the grave-digger also described them and pointed out the grave where their mortal remains lay, w i t h those of Sergeant Escribano. A s a result of these investigations made on the 22nd, we became morally certain that the two had been barbarously and cruelly shot because they were religious and Jesuits..
D u r i n g the communist outburst i n the Spanish Province of the Asturias, (October last,) atrocities were committed which recalled the bloody orgies of E m p e r o r N e r o . To give a few instances: a priest, F r . Villanueva, Director of a Seminary, was s p r i n k l e d w i t h petrol by the Redjs and burnt a l i v e ; another priest was hanged to a butcher's-hook i n a stall w i t h the b i l l : Pork for sale; another one cut out to pieces had his remains exposed as butcher's meat. These same Communists also blew up two Convents with their inmates,—poor defenceless nuns,—whom they previously had violated. In a village, they forced a priest to celebrate a Requiem Mass near the bj^nk of a trench where they hadi piled up the still w a r m bodies of their v i c t i m s ; and as he was pronouncing the last prayers, they felled h i m w i t h a double shot i n the back. Some soldiers who had fallen i n to their hands were first scalped, then beheaded and the heads t h r o w n , as toys, to the mob. Policemen were fastened to trees and blown up w i t h dynamite, etc., etc. It has been said that i n the only c i t y of Oviedo the people slaughtered by the C o m m u n i s t s reached 2,000. F o r the edification of our readers we reprint below, from T H E R O C K , an account w r i t t e n by the Superior of the Jesuit F a t h e r s of some of these s t i l l recent events w h i c h took place i n the North-western part of Spain. ( E d . M . C . L . ) . however, managed to get away <A G R A P H I C A C C O U N T . ' from the station. T h e y inquired ( B y F r . E n r i q u e C a r v a j a l , SJ.) I a m w r i t i n g t h i s i n order to for the house of Senor Muniz, a are make known how the members of good Catholic whose sons the Society of Jesus fared i n pupils at one of our colleges, but A s t u r i a s , the p r i n c i p a l theatre of it was to the house o f another the recent revolution, and especial- gentleman o f the same name they ly to give an account of the shoot- were directed. H e received them i n g — m a y we not call i t the kindly, provided F r . M a r t i n e z w i t h m a r t y r d o m ?—of F r . E m i l i o M a r - civilian clothes and kept them both (In actinez and B r o t h e r J u a n Arconada. as guests for two days. Definite news of t h e i r death, cordance w i t h the usual Spanish w h i c h took place on the 7 t h custom, B r . Arconada was travelOctober, did not reach me until the l i n g i n civilian a t t i r e ) . 23rd and I determined to travel at " On Sunday the 7th, at about once to A s t u r i a s to see for myself 9.30 a.m., members of the Revoluhow matters stood there. N o one tionary Committee* a r r i v e d to who is aware of the intensity of search the house for arms, and what was n o t h i n g less t h a n a c i v i l Senor M u n i z , w i t h his son-in-law, war w i l l be surprised at the news was taken away under arrest. being so long delayed, for, not only W h i l e the search was i n progress, was A s t u r i a s completely isolated F r . E m i l i o and B r . A r c o n a d a , fearfrom the rest of Spain, but com- ing t h a t t h e i r presence m i g h t munications between the various compromise the family, slipped towns,, of the province were inter- away and took refuge i n another rupted d u r i n g the conflict. E v e n house near the station. H e r e they in Oviedo no one knew what was remained only a quarter of an happening i n the next street. hour, for the place d i d not appear We began to suspect that some- sufficiently safe; and on the advice t h i n g serious must have happened of Senor Junquera, of Gijon, a reto F r . Martinez and B r . Arconada, fugee like themselves, they finally when we learned that the strain decided to make for Oviedo. from Carrion, where the one had been giving, the other m a k i n g , a " A l l three took to flight, makRetreat, had been stopped by re- ing their way along the slope of a volutionaries at U j o ; but i t was h i l l for over an hour. Towards 12 We think, therefore, that i t is unimpossible to make any inquiries o'clock th^y descended by a lane just and unhistorical to trace the until the troops h a d taken this called T e j e r a to the m a i n road at classical decadence to early Christown and civilians were allowed to the r a i l w a y terminus of Santul- t i a n i t y ; rather are we indebted to enter. lano. A few minutes later they early C h r i s t i a n i t y for preserving When communications had been were arrested at the bridge and the Classical tradition through cenre-established—though only to a brought to the Town H a l l , where turies of t u r m o i l and social revoluvery limited extent—the Superior F r . E m i l i o and B r . A r c o n a d a were tion." D r . Shine concluded. (Yorkshire Post). at Gijon at once obtained a m i l i - condemned to death merely betary pass for F r . Gomez del cause they were religious. Senor Castillo and B r . Egozcoe, who, Junquera would have been contracing step by step the path fol- demned also as a Fascist, but an lowed by the dead priest and old foreman from the mines, Jose Principles and Practices of P i e t y . brother, were enabled to piece to- Iglesias, spoke in his defence, and Confidence. gether th story o f t h e i r last days he was set at liberty w i t h a safeWe must not be anxious about on earth. conduct which F r . M a r t i n e z wrote what will become of us, but must revolutionaries establish ourselves i n that holy T oive the report of F r . Gomez and w h i c h the signed w i t h a crass, as they knew joy infused by confidence i n the del Castillo i n his own w o r d s : — " On the 4th October F r . E m i l i o little or nothing about the use of Providence of God. and B r . A r c o n a d a were r e t u r n i n g the pen. Iglesias spoke also on The Bread O f Heaven. P o u r forth on us, O L o r d , the from Carrion on the M a d r i d - behalf of the F a t h e r and Brother, Gijon express. T h e y left Palencia urging in defence of the former Spirit of T h y Love, that those t 4 n.m., and instead of a r r i v i n g that his life was dedicated to the whom Thou hast fed and strengfrom at Giion at 10 o'clock the same service of the workers and their thened • w i t h this bread JiVht, thev only reached U j o at c h i l d r e n ; but he failed to move the heaven may be enabled to despise They all earthly things, and w i t h clean £ 4 5 on the m o r n i n g of the 5th. Revolutionary Committee. The rovolutionaries would not maintained the sentence of death, hearts to seek after Thee, the only allow the t r a i n to proceed further. calling the victims deceivers of God. Martinez and B r . A r c o n a d a , the people.' St. Bonaventure. a
F r
D E B T TO T H E MONKS D r . Shine's Address at H u l l " I t is unjust and unhistorical to trace the classical decadence to early C h r i s t i a n i t y , " said D r . Shine, Roman Catholic B i s h o p of Middlesbrough (formerly Canon Shine, of St. Anne's Cathedral, Leeds) i n a presidential address delivered to H u l l Classical Association, at the U n i v e r s i t y College one night. Speaking on " T h e Classics and the E a r l y C h u r c h . " D r . Shine said the world had never seen a human organisation so admirable and so perfect as the E m p i r e over which A u g u s t u s had ruled for 44 years, and w h i c h he bequeathed to Tiberius. The E m p i r e took 200 years to arrive at perfection. A t i t s height it gave the world men of liter a r y genius, Cicero, V i r g i l , Horace, Ovid, who found t h e i r richest inspiration i n the greatness of Rome. That . Roman literary greatness t h a t classical g r o w t h which flourished i n such favourable conditions, was the outcome of Hellenism, t h a t revival i n the E a s t was vigorously before the beginn i n g of C h r i s t i a n i t y . I n the W e s t the Hellenic t r a d i t i o n reached its highest development t h r o u g h the work of Cicero, and became the foundation of E u r o p e a n classical learning. C h r i s t i a n i t y and H e l lenism were two different things. A t first sight they would seem to be incompatible. T h e Greek at the best period of pagan learning was r a t i o n a l i s t i c ; the C h r i s t i a n relied on a u t h o r i t y . T h e Greek lived for t h i s world, the C h r i s t i a n for the next. There came about a change i n Greek thought and the Greek attitude to life w h i c h facilitated an entente, i f not a synthesis, between Hellenism and C h r i s t i a nity. Reliance on a u t h o r i t y began to take the place of rational i s m : the fact t h a t P l a t o had taught a certain doctrine was regarded as reason enough for accepting it. D r . Shine said t h a t the decline in Classical learning was consequent on the decline, of the E m p i r e . The only means of preserving the classical t r a d i t i o n was t h r o u g h newly-formed private schools and through the efforts of men like Augustine, Jerome and B a s i l . T r a d i t i o n Preserved. T h e classical t r a d i t i o n , dying, did not die. The spark of life was kept alive i n i t not by the p e r i s h i n g paganism, but by the youthful, hopeful Christianity. By the seventh century paganism had died and C h r i s t i a n i t y was a great power. T h e C h u r c h could then, or long before if she had so willed, have destroyed the Classics. She could have burned them i f she would. But she had no desire to destroy them. On the contrary, her monk's treasured them, copied them, multiplied them, spread them. Tnat was the alloted w o r k of monastic copyists i n the s c r i p t o r i a of hundreds o f monasteries throughout Europe. The C h u r c h , i n her monastic schools, taught the classics to the barbarians, who gradually were moulded by t h e i r civilising, refining influence. " It has ever been the tradition of these schools to regard the Classics as the best k n o w n formative intellectual force to provide clear t h i n k i n g , logical reasoning. (Continued at foot of Col. 3)
2nd 1935.
Greenland, discovered i n the year 981 by E r i c t h e R e d , a Norwegian outlaw, and christianized (Continued from page 15.) by his son L e i f who brought missionaries from N o r w a y , h a d 18 the V i c a r authorities recognize State reserves t h e r i g h t to grant Catholic bishops before the " R e official recognition to members of Apostolic of Oslo and the two formation." Denmark controls D i s t r i c t Superiors; they recognize the clergy i n the various communiand keeps i t closed the country ties. A b o u t two-thirds of the also t h e parish priests a n d allow against all outside nations, and them ample liberty i n conducting Catholics i n Denmark are Danish The Danish laws i n force prohibit misby b i r t h , but since 1895 there has their religious functions. sionaries from entering. It is beJesuits, however, are still banned, been a strong P o l i s h immigration. lieved that these rigorous These latter remain attached to and Catholics are not allowed *to restrictions were imposed because assume the direction of state t h e i r own language and customs, of a disturbance occasioned b y the w i t h the result that between them schools. There is i n the Protest- intemperate zeal of a sect called antism of the nation a strong cura n d the Danes there is a noticeA t any rate, the Hernhuttens. able division, visible sometimes i n rent i n favour of Catholicism, there is little to be done at present w h i c h i s linked w i t h a glorious era Catholic activities. of Norwegian history. Though except to hope f o r a mitigation of conditions are relatively favour- the laws and to pray f o r the day Catholics i n Denmark, though able, t h e progress of the Church is when missionary work may be for the most part taken f r o m the carried on among the eskimos. In slow, due, among many other realower class o f society, enjoy a fair sons, to the small number o f Greenland there are 16,222 natives degree of prosperity. priests and to the lack o f a strong and 408 Danes.
people a r e not bigoted, they have c l u n g to their old Catholic traditions, they are religious by nature, have a strong sfense of C h r i s t i a n c h a r i t y a n d their isloated position has kept them f r o m being spoilt by the new paganism. * * * * It is f o r the struggling C h u r c h ir* these countries o f the N o r t h t h a t the H o l y F a t h e r has askfed the Catholic world to pray w i t h special fervour during February, and w i t h them he has included F i n l a n d a n d the other nations of the B a l t i c . F i n l a n d , w i t h 3,500,000 inhabitants, has only 1,400 Catholics. A bishop, who rules as V i c a r Apostolic, has a diocesan personnel of eight priests, three brothers and twelve sisters.
Though Sweden has over s i x million subjects, only four thousand are Catholics. Twentyt w o priests, eight brothers and 119 -sisters, w i t h a bishop a t the head of the vicariate, are doing their best to extend the C h u r c h . Progress, however,, cannot be described as extraordinary. Swedish Catholics live peacefully w i t h their Protestarrt countrymen, and relations w i t h the Government are good. I t can be said, nevertheless, that Sweden i s the most intolerant o f present-day L u t h e r a n countries. Anti-Catholics laws are still i n force and hinder the quiet spread of the faith. Convents and religious orders are officially banned. L u theranism, as the State Religion, enjoys all sorts of privileges a n d favours. T h e municipal registers are controlled b y L u t h e r a n pastors, a n d this" means that Catholics must go to them to obtain the various certificates requisite f o r business transactions, contracting marriage, & c , Converts to Catholicism, i f employed b y the State, run; the r i s k of losing their position. T h e c i v i l laws require The 12th Century Cathedral of Hamar, Norway, Destroyed in 16th Century. t h a t i n the case o f mixed marriage the children are to be brought up Lutherans, unless both parties sign a n explicit declaration to the Catholic The Faroe Islands i n the N o r t h organization. More L u t h e r a n i s m and the Russian contrary. T h o u g h the press is thorough development o f the C a - Atlantic, 300 miles north of the Orthodox rite a r e recognized as generally indifferent i n itÂť- relitholic press wouid aid greatly, i t is Shetlands, belong to Denmark and religions of the State. Freedom gious views i t attacks the Cathoare considered a part of the Scanbelieved. lic C h u r c h every now and then. of worship is granted to all other dinavian countries. They cover Iceland, with an area nearly an area of 540 square miles and 'denominations, but convents are School text-books are stamped w i t h the same spirit of bigotry. equal to that of K e n t u c k y and a have a population of 24,200. The banned, and this latter part of the Sweden, i t w i l l also be recalled, i s population of 108,644, has 276 religion i s . L u t h e r a n . law makes Catholic missionary one o f the countries more promi- Catholics.; There is one bishop, work particularly difficult inasnent i n supporting Protestant five priests, two brothers and 31 Christianity reached these isles much as i t prevents the erection sisters. foreign missions. about the year 1,000. There were of Sisters' schools and stands in The Catholics enjoy absolute 23 bishops before the "Reformathe way of hospital work. liberty i n their religious life. The t i o n ; " monasteries and convents authorities are , well disposed ~ N o r w a y has 2,800 Catholics i n a stood on a l l the 24 islands. In total population o f two-and-a-half towards Catholics, the L u t h e r a n 1857 when the Prefecture Aposmillions. Since 1931 the country pastors no longer show the cfld tolic of the N o r t h Pole was erectEstonia, a former Russian protowards missionaries, has been divided into three ecclesi- aversion ed, a missionary went to the Faroe vince but now a n independent rei t can be * d that were i t not and astical territories, of which Oslo islands and during his residence covers an area equal is a V i c a r i a t e ruled b y a bishop; for the almost total lack of means of 12 years there won eight con- public the other t w o , the District o f of communication on the island verts. Two Dutch secular priests approximately to that of Vermont Central N o r w a y and the D i s t r i c t the Church would advance much and ten Franciscan Missionaries of and N e w Hampshire. O f its total of N o r t h e r n N o r w a y , are under more rapidly. The net increase of M a r y represent the Church on the population of 1,119,518, only the direction of local Superiors. Catholics during the period June islands at present. Three years 3,000 are Catholics. L a t v i a , likeThe C h u r c h here has 'one bishop, 1932-June 1933 was 45. The C a - ago there were no Catholics in the wise a former Russian province, is 38 priests, one brother and 482 tholic Cathedral of Reykjavik, the Faroe, but five persons are now most attractive religious edifice i n 18% Catholic. L i t h u a n i a , though sisters. Iceland, was consecrated in 1929 preparing for baptism, and the a B a l t i c country, can hardly be inSisters have 110 non-Catholic H i e L u t h e r a n i s m St ftbrway is by Cardinal V a n Rossum, Prefect children attending their school. cluded w i t h these L u t h e r a n lands of the Congregation of Propanot nearly so fanatic i n i t s The missionaries say that the since its population of 2,340,000 is attitude towards the Catholic ganda. prospects are good because the Catholic by 8 1 ^ . * * ::* C h u r c h as i t is i n Sweden. T h e s a
2nd 1935.
CORRESPONDENCE A relentless war must be waged [The M.C.L. does not necessarily in defence of truth. T h i s is the endorse the opinions expressed by corfirst objective of Catholic F i l m respondents. Correspondents are requested to adhere to the topic of theirAction, and how else can i t be attained except by a courageous letters and to avoid long rambling epistles. Pen names may be used but,, and concerted offensive on the part of Catholic Actionists and in every case, the name and address of the uriter must accompany each con- their Papers? tribution, not essentially for publication " " The misconstruction and wilful misinterpretation of motives " but as a token of good faith.}
You are a Cathoilc, and therefore ought to take an interAGENTS FOR:— est i n Catholic affairs. In common w i t h all Catholics, you are THE liable to forget Catholic teaching and the doctrines of the Catholic ROYAL INSURANCE Church. Reading Catholic papers and other Catholic works will reCO- LTD. writes Paul Dehn, referring to the mind you. Y o u w i l l re-learn what above picture i n the Summer you ought to know and may have To Number of Young People " is not forgotten. THE LONDON & The Editor, We all admire great men. B u t only an insult to the l i v i n g . It M a l a y a Catholic Leader. militates very violently against the what is still better than admiration, they spur us on to copy their LANCASHIRE cannons of artistic integrity." FILM A N D CATHOLIC Let us therefore organise our lives. In the lives of our saints, ACTION. forces i n Malaya like the Legion heroes and great men, you will INSURANCE CO., LTD. of Decency i n the U . S . A . and with find the highest types this world Sir, has ever produced. Occasionally our Press, this concerted policy of His Holiness Pope P i u s X I wrote ALL CLASSES OF the Press and Catholic action has you will meet sketches of these in 25th A p r i l , 1934:— yet to mature, who is going to the Catholic papers. INSURANCE. " T h e discoveries of Science are give the lead? You have a f a m i l y ? T r a i n them also the gifts of G o d which we How shall we start? T h e Holy when young to read sound litera(Fire, Motor, must use for H i s glory and the exFather again points the way, i n ture, by putting i t i n their hands tension of H i s K i n g d o m . Personal Accident, the interview to the International every week. The devil w i l l see to Catholics of all countries of the the distribution of bad literature, world ought to consider i t a duty Fidelity. Guarantee, and it is much to be feared that in conscience to busy themselves his agents put us to shame by w i t h this question w h i c h i s growBurglary, Baggage, TO O U R R E A D E R S . their activity and dogged pering i n importance. T h e Cinema i s sistence. Speaking generally, a l l Workmen's going to become the greatest and We feel gratified to receive a read nowadays. I f we don't read the most efficacious means of i n - liberal quota of news this week what is edifying, we are sure to Compensation) fluence, «more efficacious even than from various sources. M u c h as read what is not. transacted. the press, for some films are seen we would like to include a l l these W h a t are we doing for God, for by millions of people. It i s there- items of news i n our columns, the fore highly desirable that organis- limited space on hand precludes us the Catholic cause and for our children? L e t every Catholic ed Catholics should occupy them- from doing so. selves constantly w i t h the Cinema Some contributions are held in their meetings to promote over for publication i n our next Catholic Action and their proissue, while others have been exgrammes of study." cised i n parts owing t o want of On reading this letter the loyal space or toned down to be consonCatholic might excusably heave a ant with our policy. Contributors sigh of relief. Owing to the great are kindly reminded t h a t news American Boycott much has been relating to personal events should said for and against the Cinema. be brief and to the point, as much Some have deplored i t s influence, space cannot be devoted to indiviothers accepted i t , but entirely dual incidents i n a weekly newsmisunderstood its power and there- paper of limited size. fore its danger. B u t amid t h i s We thank heartily o u r readers mass of conflicting opinion one for the l i v e l y support they are acthing is now clear, that the H o l y cording us.—Ed. M . C . L . Father not only encourages that i t is our duty t o use i t i n the Apostolate. This i n itself is a step forward, and will relieve many a Federation of the C i n e m a Press, dubious conscience. he said. " It is not a question of W e i n Malaya since the Catholic producing religious films. It is Action movement started, our con- necessary instead that t h e whole booklets, pamphlets, sciences have been disturbed and cinema should be moral a n d educa- reader of this paper stand by our monthly), we are now i n a quandary to know tive." In other words, our pre- promoters and show their appre- (devotional and doctrinal), lives of which film is r i g h t or wrong to see, sent need is not Catholic Films ciation at least to the extent of saints etc. If you happen to fall something exceptionally I am open to correction, I wonder but films made by Catholics. W e spending only 10 cents a week! across if there are any Catholics on the need Catholic film artists, etc., How many 10 cents a r e spent fool- good, hand it round to a neighbour A y e , and dollars! Well, just as y o u would hand round a board of censors, i f there are, Catholics i n fine who understand i s h l y ? would it not be possible for the film and who are prepared to earn then, it is nothing extraordinary box of cigarettes to your friends. board of censors t o inform the their livelihood i n the medium." to spend a few cents i n supplying Good reading has been called a are we to know that the you family with good, clean Catho- spiritual feast. Invite your Catholic Cinema Public that the How picture in question has been passed films i n Malaya are produced by lic reading. Here we always learn friends to that banquet. A good by the Catholic Censors as done i n Catholic artists unless we have something good; as a result of book has been known to reform a certified Catholic Censors on the that knowledge, we frequently do life where great preachers had the U . S . A . Board of Censors i n Singapore. something good. failed. Therefore support your At times t r u t h i s sometimes Surely, for Catholics, no one own Catholic paper. The more the Catholic Public sacrificed to make a picture, more Dear Reader o f the Malaya convincing—to take as an example understands film technique, the can say that political news, howthere is Queen C h r i s t i n a w i t h more i t will despise film pro- ever engrossing, is of more i m - Catholic Leader, is your friend a That is w h y we are portance than Catholic news, C a - subscriber to this periodical? Greta Garbo which h a d crowded paganda. Please show this copy to your that an important tholic doctrine, Catholic piety. houses wherever presented i n convinced Malaya. Historically Queen C h r i s - branch of Catholic Actionists Yet thousands expend not merely friends and recommend them to regularly—the tina vacated the Swedish throne to should exist i n all centres, i n co- 10 cents a week, more often over get the M . C . L . become a Catholic. B u t how d i d operation with the Powers—that 10 cents a day f o r the purpose of Catholic paper for the Catholic Hollywood hope to deal with such be—Associations be formed i n comparing the political items of home w i t h pages of interest for N o t h i n g there- the oldest down to the youngest. a situatuion? S o Hollywood re- Malaya as i n Belgium such as L e different papers. writes history t o suit the pro- Bureau International de Produc- fore can be more reasonable than It is receiving much appreciation ducers, and Queen C h r i s t i n a has a tion of Brussels and L'Office our proposal to spend at least 10 from various classes of readers, disgraceful affair w i t h the Spanish Catholique Internationale de Cine- cents weekly on some Catholic local foreign, and you, C A N Ambassador, and f o r the love o f matographic under Cannon Brohee. reading. help to extend its good work him and not the A l m i g h t y relin- Let us get busy,—Yours etc.,— You can always have a variety against Paganism, Bolshevism and quishes the throne i n favour of h e r of reading matter: Catholic Communism. gs s ft cousin. MICHAEL J. CHONG. C.V.R. papers, magazines (weekly and :
Woman's WOMAN'S
By His Grace The Archbishop of Liverpool.
Mothers should remember that
The s p h e r e ^ ^ h n o r a l s is more particularly woman's domain, and it is for her to repel the insidious attack which is now being launched on the family as the fundamental unit of society. We have seen the organised efforts made i n Soviet Russia to dissolve the bonds of family life i n the alleged interests of the totalitarian state, and there are infiltrations of the Bolshevist for preference movement i n every civilized country in the world to-day. There is, for instance, the pronounced tendency on the part of modern governments to override the inalienable rights of parents i n the vital matter of the education of their children, and the marked secularist trend of i n struction and training i n institutions for the needy or afflicted. This pagan attitude on the part of RECIPES. the powers that be is automatically expedient to deprive some people reflected i n the lives and conduct of their surplus wealth, and apply TO M A K E S T A L E B R E A D L I K E of their subjects. We hear a great it to a good cause, and equally saNEW. deal about the new morality, which, tisfactory to remove some objecafter a l l , is only the immorality tionable members of society from Dip the leaf i n and out of cold with a t h i n veneer of respectabili- the land of the living. But where water or milk, quickly; put i n a ty. There have always been people is this gospel of selfishness going greased tin, or greased paper bag. vision of ethical anto end? The who found the Ten CommandBake in moderate oven t i l l crisp. ments difficult, and broke them, but archy which it conjures up is i n N.B.—Do not let it get too wet, itself sufficient to convince any in the old days they knew and adand it will eat like new bread. mitted that they were doing wrong. t h i n k i n g man of the inherent bindThe object of the new morality is ing-force of the eternal, natural AFTERNOON T E A SCONES to provide some kind of soi-distant and positive law of God. i / lb. flour. scientific or ethical justification for (To be continued) li/ ozs. butter. giving rein to one's passion on the ¥% teaspooniul baking powder. specious plea of the necessity of i / teaspooniul cream of tartar. self-expression or development or 1 or 2 teaspoonf uls castor sugar. personality. In reality the reek of SIMPLE FIRST AID. Pinch of salt. ^ the animal runs through this phiButtermilk or milk. l o s o p h y and its professors seem to Headache may be due to one of Sieve the dry ingredients and regard the Ten Commandments i n various causes some simple, others rub in the butter, add enough butmuch the same way as the list of serious. Tablets containing pheter-milk -to make a soft elastic questions set out on an examinanacetin (four grains) and caffeine tion paper prefaced by the remark, dough, knead lightly on floured (one grain) give relief quickly, " Only five of the following to be board, roll out, cut into rounds. E a u de Cologne dabbed on the attempted." The decalogue, they Put on greased t i n , and bake in a forehead, rubbing w i t h a menthol tell us, is a code which has outlived cone, or a mustard leaf applied to quick oven 10-15 minutes. its u t i l i t y r and consequently need the back of the neck and kept no longer be observed by the en- on until the skin is red, are all B R E A K F A S T SCONES. lightened. What, then, is to be good. The patient should rest i n their guide i n morals? If one is a quiet, dimly lighted room, and a 1 lb. flour. to judge by their conduct, mere ex- cup of tea may be sipped slowly. 2 ozs. butter. pediency. It does not seem to have If headaches are frequent, a docPinch of salt. occurred to them that not merely tor should be consulted, as the 1 egg. sexlial indulgence, but robbery and trouble is often due to eye-strain, 1 teaspoonful baking powder. murder, can be justified on the and spectacles may be needed. Milk. same ground. It would be highly Bake in quick oven for 20 minu-
growing children
need »milk - every
(Second Instalment)
Not for nothing does the C h u r c h speak of the devout female sex. Woman is by nature religious, reverent, pious, and endowed with spirituality of outlook. If, indeed, the sins o f the fathers be visited on the children to the generation, there is Consolation i n the thought that the virtues of the mothers are passed on to their children, and their children's children, not merely for three generations, but for time and eternity, for the mother's vision tends to penetrate beyond the flaming barriers of the world. In these days of revolt against law and order, of discipline and impatience of a l l restraint, it is for the Catholic woman to prove herself to be the true leaven of society. She needs, indeed, to be a Valiant W o m a n to withstand the pressure of public opinion, to set her face against impropriety, to put her hand to strong things, to aim at the cult of the good, the true and the beautiful, only to be written down an obscurantist, a reactionary, and, above all, narrGW-minded. Broadmindedness, she is told, is the s p i r i t of the age, and she is asked w h y she cannot be broadminded, like her sisters i n society. B u t what is this broadmindedness? On analysis it will be found that what passes for i t is merely hopeless nebulosity of i n tellect and staggering confusion of thought resulting from failure to think in a straight line even w i t h regard to principles. One finds this mental vagueness running riot both i n the realms of morals and doctrine, and i t is for the Catholic woman, perhaps even more than for the Catholic man, to resist this drift from first principles, arid to insist on the practical application in everyday life of the eternal verities i n the full knowledge that there are things which cannot be shaken, but must remain.
made i n a
m o m e n t by the mere addition of h o t water. In guaranteed
a n d dated a i r
tight containers.
A Stye. This is a small abscess on the eyelid. -Apply warm boracic fomentations; take a piece of soft linen and w r i n g it out of a solution made of one cupful hot water and half tea-spoonful boracic acid. A little boracic ointment may be put on the l i d at night. When the stye is ready to be opened, pull out an eyelash from the centre. Take care the discharge does not get into the eye. Swab with boracic lotion; use a piece of clean rag and burn it afterwards.
4 lb. castor sugar. 2 teaspoonfuls^ baking powder. 1 lb. sifted floiirT" 6 ozs. butter. 3 eggs. 2 ozs. candied peel. Hind of i/y lemon, grated. Rub butter i n flour; cut peel in small pieces; beat the eggs, keep back a am 11 quantity for the tops; add as much milk as will make a stiff paste. This quantity will make 20 buns. Bake in quick oven about y± hour. J
Agents for South Malaya, Borneo & Sarawak:
J A C K S O N & CO.. L T D . . Singapore.
G u m - B o i l — A n abscess between the gum and the j a w due to a decayed tooth. A hot weak solution of permanganate of potash can be used. The boil should be encouraged to burst internally by holding hot water i n the mouth, and should be lanced as soon as matter has formed.
1 lb. flour. 6 ozs. butter. V4 lb. sugar. Few drops essence of lemon. 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder. 1 egg. Nearly giU milk. Make into 24 buns, bake at once.
e i p h t p t c t i t f t I t t P h T t m ^
The Catholic Church And Peace Entreaty
The other day a local newspaper published what M r . Lloyd George had to say about the Catholic Church, when speaking to a Free Church audience at the City Temple in London, quoting the following from his address: The greatest Church in Christendom—I think this ought to be said—is too arrogant to work w i t h Christians who worship at other altars, even in the service of the Prince of Peace. To this the reply from the Catholic paper, T h e Tablet, was: •"In all genuine peace work, the greatest Church i n Christendom will work w i t h any man of good will, whatever m a y be his altar, but she will not help that unsound and suicidal Pacificism which would make a present of Christian c i v i l i sation to the fast-gathering forces of armed neo-paganism in one country and of militant atheism i n another. The Prince of Peace is not served by the betrayal of H i s Cause."
there could have been no more earnest prayer for peace than from them. Not a mere handful, but thousands upon thousands of them, foes once but friends on that occasion, were united in prayer at the shrine of the Mother of the Prince of Peace. Before they suppliantly appealed to the Queen of Peace, they had prepared their hearts for the reception of the Prince of Peace. Have their prayers been made in vain? Just as some i f not all of those afflicted with illness have had their cures effected through supplication to our Lady of Lourdes, will not the prayers be heard of some out of the thousands that have prayed to the self-same Blessed L a d y — i n another appellation—the Queen of Peace, for her intercession to H i m , th€ Prince of Peace.
A n d as i f the prayers for peace, sent up by the thousands of exsoldiers at Lourdes, earnestly as they doubtless have been offered, W h a t the Catholic Church has were not enough and needed to be so far done i n the service of the supplemented by more prayers, H i s Prince of Peace was demonstrated Holiness, Pope Pius X I , has given in the Pilgrimage of Peace to his cordial approbation to the Lourdes made by ex-soldiers from Peace Triduum of Lourdes that had a l i countries that had taken part been proposed by H i s Eminence, in the world-war. These men who the late Francis Cardinal Bourne had in the w a r fought on one side and H i s Eminence John Cardinal or the other, went to Lourdes, Verdier, Archbishop of Paris. where they joined i n a united sup- This Triduum of public supplicaplication to our Blessed Lady, the tion will be held at the Miraculous Queen of Peace, to put an end to Grotto at Lourdes in A p r i l for the the strife among nations. Details establishment of true Christian of this edifying and impressive p i l - peace in the world. There will be grimage were given in the initial special devotions during the three issue of this journal, and need days and nights ( A p r i l 26, 27 and hardly be repeated here. Of this 28) that will mark the conclusion pilgrimage The Tablet (to quote of the Jubilee for the Redemption this journal again) had the follow- of Mankind, extended to the whole The Bishops, ing to say: " F a i t h i n the power of Catholic world. prayer has waned so fast of late each in his own diocese and under that ordinary men and women find his own direction, are to exhort it hard to take to prayer-pilgrim- Christians to participate i n the Triduum at Lourdes, age quite seriously. So we assure solemn all such sceptics that true Catholics throughmasses and special prayers believe i n prayer as literally as offered everywhere for the object they believe i n steam, i n electri- contemplated. city, and in the waves which b r i n g music to a wireless receiver." Thus the greatest Church in Christendom of which M r . L l o y d That is the Catholic way of George speaks, will be making in thinking—the Catholic idea of the no distant future another efwhat best to do, whether it be i n fort, a gigantic one, in the intethe interests of peace or anything rests of Peace, or, as he puts it, in else,—a spiritual, not a material the service of the Prince of Peace. idea. True Catholics believe i n prayer, and because they do, they have recourse to it. They petiNAMING A STREET AFTER tion when i n trouble, when i n the THE CARDINAL. presence of calamities, when the The decision of the Southwark things on which they are built come down i n a crash. A s people Council to perpetuate the memory thf world over go to friends when of the late Cardinal Bourne by in need of help or counsel, so C a - naming a South London street tholics in such need go to their un- after his Eminence, moves me to failing friend—the Comforter of suggest that the street to be reBland Street— the Afflicted, the Queen of Heaven. named—Lower In the cause of peace they appeal should have as its new title not to the Queen of Peace The C a - merely Bourne Street but Cardinal tholic ex-soldiers who joined in the Bourne Street. Piigrimage of Peace to Lourdes had known the ravages of war. Such a title would be more intiThey it was that had suffered mate, and would recall more readithose ravages, not those who had ly to the visitor to South London made, caused or brought about the the deceased prelate's long and ^var. They prayed for peace and close association with this area.
M A L A Y A ' S H E A L T H F O O D
For health, sleep and
awakening I
M A A3—1A.
That many non-Christians have NOTES A N D COMMENTS. was n o r m a l l y certain that o n e n found it desirable to send t h e i r tering it he w o u l d lose his f a i t h Our editorial footnote to the children to a Brothers' School f o r Post Free, Local and Abroad: and sacrifice that o f his c h i l d r e n letter from a correspondent i n the nought but good reasons, is evidenced by the no mean proportion of 12 Months ... $6.00 the u n i o n w o u l d be forbidden b y previous issue, regarding hon^ such children attending that 6 Months ... $3.00 divine l a w i n the same measure as Catholic boys i n a Catholic school school. However much the B r o sounds a note of caution, of which 3 Months ... $1.50 strange gods are. A n d the C h u r c h notice might well be taken by thers may like to confine themAll correspondence and literary could no more pethiit H i m to those who are inclined to his trend selves to the teaching of Catholic contributi&Hs should be addressed m a r r y than it ooukMailoi? h i m to of thought. Such a suggestion as children, they are conscious of t h e financial help they had i n the past to The Managing Editor, Rev. break the Veii Corrtm**idrtients." he somewhat indirectly makes, the received from non-Christians, and regard to dispensations school itself would feel disposed to feel it incumbent on them to proJ t Cardtm, 75, Bras Basah Road, W i t h look upon with disfavour, exteriorgranted i n special cases the learnSingapore. ly at least, as the adoption of such vide to some extent for the accomed priest s a y * : — " W h e n a l a w is measures as he proposes is a t h i n g modation of children of past nonTel. 7376, Singapore. made b y the C h u r c h it can be that the educational authorities Christian benefactors or their descendants, should they seek admisdispensed w i t h b y the C h u r c h . appear more or less to be set Proselytizing in any sion to the school. M a n y nonJttalaga €ntk*lic Qmbtx For every la^r c a « be rescinded b y against. shape or form is a thing against Christians for more than one geneits author." the Saturday, Mart* 2,' 1935. which Christian teaching bodies ration have acknowledged The conditions under w h i c h undertaking secular education are C h r i s t i a n Brothers' School as t h e i r Catholics are allowed to contract advised, i f not warned. This sub- 'alma mater,' and so long as any among these clamour to be admitmixed marriages are definitely set ject was touched upon in a leading ted the Brothers are reluctant t o article published in a lay journal f o r t h i n C a n o n 1061. some time back. The writer of shut the door against them. T h i s The attitude o f the C h u r c h "Th* Church does not dispense that article seemed to have been goes to explain the presence of a towards m i x e d marriages, i t is from the impediment of mixed induced to speak of proselytizing good number of non-Christians i n feared, has not been clearly u n - religion. when certain correspondents in his a Brothers' school. A n d the reali(i) Uimless there is a grave journal were indulging i n an ex- sation of the acquisition of a moral derstood b y some Catholics w h o and just reason. change of views that centred round tone has had not a little to do w i t h feel that n o h a r m could accrue to (ii) Unless the non-Catholic the subject of the teaching of reli- their presence; a good few of such their f a i t h f r o m such unions, party guarantee that danger of gion in schools at the time. He non-Christians being even known to acknowledge {the good i t had and interference o f the k i n d apperversion shall be removed done them to be reminded of God from the Catholic and both parproaches w e l l n i £ h pettifoggery. and the duties one owes H i m and ties promise that the children It is the purpose o f this article to to his neighbour when i n school. shall be baptised and reared in ACKNOWLEDGMENT. outline, as v i v i d l y as possible, the It may be added that the parents the Catholic religion; We acknowledge with thanks canonical and sacramental aspects (ni) And unless there be a the receipt of a copy of The Singa- of many non-Christians seeking* o f M a t r i m o n y w h i c h set f o r t h the mora! certainty that these pro- pore U r b a n Co-operative Union's admission to a Brothers' School evince jkeenness in doing so, on mises be kept. well-considered objections o f the report of the committee and stateThese promises shall, as a rule, ment of accounts for the year account of the moral influence C h u r c h to such unwelcome m a r exercised i n it and would gladly be exacted in writing/' ended 31st December, 1934. A have them take the place of those riages. The above clauses mark the cursory review of it reveals many Mixed marriages being, o n limits o f the C h u r c h ' s concession commendable activities of the whom, through fear o f proselytizing, parents may wish to w i t h d r a w p r i n c i p l e , against the w i s d o m and and state the circumstances under union for social weal and uplift. from the school. r u l i n g o f the C h u r c h she is yet w h i c h assent to a mixed u n i o n * # # w i l l i n g to remove the barriers i n may be granted. It is realized N o t h i n g is dearer to the heart appeared to assume on hearsay cases where sufficiently v a l i d ex- f r o m experience that it is often more than there was justification of a Catholic than the thought o f cuses are offered. I n a matter not the n o n - C a t h o l i c wife or hus- for it. H a d he taken the trouble being the means of b r i n g i n g about i n v o l v i n g the delicate a n d sacred band that interferes w i t h the exe- to enquire before w r i t i n g he would the redemption of a lost soul or affection o f those c o n t e m p l a t i n g c u t i o n o f the latter part of the have found that the proselytzing the conversion to his f a i t h of anybody that professes another. B u t Matrimony, the Church has second clause above, but the rela- about which he wrote was more whatever their inward desires, the of a bogey than anything that t h o u g h t i t wise, to exercise her tives, w h o , f o r personal reasons, really existed. Christian Brothers are not unbetter j u d g m e n t u p o n occasion, cause an i n f r a c t i o n o f the pledge. mindful of what is required of them by the educational authoriprovided no moral w r o n g may In any case, the 'onus' o f preties, and also of the susceptibilities result. A concession o f this n a - serving the pledge solely rests w i t h of non-Christian parents where the The Christian Brothers are a ret u r e is o n l y made after a note o f the c o n t r a c t i n g parties and no teaching of religion is concerned. ligious body of teachers conducting w a r n i n g has been sounded to those blame can be i m p u t e d to external It suffices for therti d u r i n g school the education, primarily, of Cathodays and on Sundays to impart e m b a r k i n g u p o n a m i x e d u n i o n , agents that have no legitimate lic boys, but while religious ins- what religious knowledge they can and after they have been a c q u a i n - share i n the contract. truction forms part of such educa- to the Catholic section of their ted w i t h the l u r k i n g dangers that We invite the attention o f tion, this is imparted outside of the pupils, so that in practising what beset the p a t h they mean to Catholics to the above remarks; regular school hours. They devote they are taught as regards morals, choose. and to prevent their petulance most of their time to secular edu- apart from faith, these latter cation and their work in this conA s the C a t h o l i c C h u r c h regards f r o m o v e r - r i d i n g their good sense nection compares not unfavourably would set a good example to the others. E x a m p l e is better than m a r r i a g e : as a sacrament she is we m a y ask them to accept the with that of any other school. In precept and what the Brothers n a t u r a l l y averse to unions w i t h r u l i n g o f the C h u r c h i n such their schools non-Christian boys could not do by precept, i n the case those w h o do not take a l i k e view. matters w i t h becoming grace. It are, wherever possible, placed in of the non-Christian pupils, they A n d w h e n the C h u r c h places the should be realized that the i n j u n c - classes by themselves. The hour- hope would be done by the example ly reminder to boys that they "are f a i t h o f her members f a r above tions o f a, parish priest i n m a t r i - in the holy presence of G o d , " can the Catholic section would set to anything* else that life c a n offer, monial matters do not emanate hardly be taken exception to, for their fellow pupils. i t is n o t surprising that she should f r o m his personal w h i m or f a n c y even pagans believe i n the exisbe l o t h to jeodardize it. I n short, but, as the accredited spokesman tence of a deity and i n H i s Omnithere is something u n d o u b t e d l y o f the C h u r c h he merely sets presence, and non-Christians are not forced to join in any little o u t o f tune i n a mixed marriage. f o r t h the canonical and sacramenprayer that is recited. W h e n it TWO PRIESTS E L E C T E D TO St. P a u l , w h o loved to t h i n k o f tal reasons thereof. is remembered that the Christian marriage as symbolic o f C h r i s t ' s Brothers are out to teach Catholic We seldom forget the favours INDIAN COUNCIL. u n i o n w i t h his c h u r c h , c o u l d not we bestow upon others let us be boys principally but devote only a small portion of their time to relifeel that m i x e d marriage c o u l d eaually mindful of those we reTwo priests have for the first gious instruction, non-Christians answer to this h a r m o n y . ceive. of a grumbling disposition whose time in its history been returned children attend a Brothers' school unopposed as Municipal Councillors Nothing is ever done beautifully T h e c r u x o f the whole matter should have no cause for com- of Uzagapalam. They are F r . E . is placed i n a nut-shell b y R e v . - which is done i n rivalship, nor plaint. Those of them that have Chevalet, for the seat reserved for F l o r i a n J . Haas, S . V . D . i n the nobly which is done in pride. complained by way of the press Europeans, and F r . P . E . Andrade should have show'n a sense M . A . , for the general constituency. following excerpt:—"One can of good taste by refraining from This is perhaps the first occasion If your cup is small, fill it to the liye v i r t u o u s l y i n a m i x e d m a r doing so. Fortunately cases where in the whole of India that clergy brim. Make the most of your opriage w i t h o u t v i o l a t i n g a n y o f have been sent up uncontested to» portunities, of honest work, and complaints have been made are God's precepts. B u t i f a Catholic the constituencies. rare and far between. pure pleasure. had a marriage i n prospect and it R A T E S O F SUBSCRIPTION
s K l e a s t t a
t l l t s
w t o o w a s r w e " n e o h b F b t m s v s d s s t t t p a K
Browsing Among Books
2nd 1935.
C H A R L E S I. Mr. Belloc's study of the life and tragic fate of Charles I is one oi the best books he has written. It is a useful contribution to our historical literature, a splendid word portrait of a remarkable man, with a vivid record of his time as itr setting. It is a book to read, ana then place on the shelf to be read again. It has the further merit that incidentally we find i n it striking sketches of many of the King's contempories, and M r . B e l lcc makes effective use of his power of concentrating i n a few lines a realistic account of the more striking episodes of an eventful time. The book has a l l the attraction of a romantic story but it is a sound and careful contribution to history, and a worthy antidote to the old W h i g tradition that still lives on i n not a few of the misleading text-books of English history still in use i n colleges and schools. This praise may be given to the work even i f w £ hesitate to accept the author's thesis, set forth in its opening pages, that the execution of Charles I marked an epoch in the world's history—the beginning of a change that did away w i t h K i n g s h i p — t h a t Charles I "was t h ^ last ruling K i n g of England, the last who governed as K i n g s had governed for untold years," and that " w i t h h i m died the E n g l i s h monarchy." This is surely rhetorical exaggeration. T h e traditional ideal of the sacred majesty of K i n g s h i p had already, i n England, itself, been violated again and again. Four of the Plantagenet kings had been deposed, w i t h some feeble pretence of legal sanction, and then murdered i n prison. Monarchy has survived these outrages. It survived the travesty of justice that sent Charles I to the scaffold by the decree of an improvised tribunal set up of a victorious faction "of soldier fanatics. B u t happily this theory of the special importance of the tragedy of W h i t e h a l l does not throw out of focus our author's picture of his hero. W i t h all this admiration for the much maligned King he does not w a r p historic fact to serve any theory of ideal kingship. W i t h all his literary artistry he gives us a realistic picture of the man and his time. (C.T.S.).
The sermons of Cardinal F a u l haber in Munich last Advent provoked a violent controversy, the echoes of which reached us i n England. E n g l i s h readers therefore will welcome the translation, by Dr. Smith, Judaism, Christianity, and Germany (B.O.W., 2s. 6d.), which on the whole seems excellent. It is difficult to understand why these sermons should have raised such an outcry. T o us they seem very moderate, pointing out as they do not only the benefits, social, ethical, and above all religious, which the world owes to Judaism, but also stressing the fact that the mcrality of the Old Testament was
Q l T N Q l AGESIMA SUNDAY. At that time, Jesus took unto him the twelve, and said to them. Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things shall be accomplished which were written by the prophets concerning the Son of man: for he shall be delivered to the gentiles, and shall be mocked, and scourged, and spit upon; and after they have scourged him, they will put him to death: and the third day he shall rise again. And they understood none of these things, and this word was hid from them, and they understood not the things that were said.
11 ^-policy depends on it, and in this way Miles Bredon, already w ^ i known to readers of Father Kho**s other books, is induced to take up the problem. A new angle is given t t o an accustomed setting by the t devotion of one of the characters t t o a religious movement known as r "the circles'* and the advent of t the circle leader introduced a post s i b l e suspect. But once the ques• tion of motive is started, the reader I finds himself ready to believe the t worst of everyone connected w i t h t t h e dead young man, and though t the search hardly s t i r O e y o n d the I p a r k gates, the interest is unftagj g i n g . The solution is a well-kept • surprise. When the mystery i s explained, Father K n o x adopts the excellent plan of page references to the clues indicated. This is a detective story which any reader • may be proud to solve. (C. T. S^X-
Now it came to pass, when he drew nigh to Jericho, that a certain blind man sat by the wayside, begging. And when he heard the multitude passing by, he asked what this meant. And they told him that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by. And he cried out, saying, " Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me." And they that went before rebuked him, that he should hold his peace: but he cried out much more, " Son of David, have mercy on me." Any Jesus* standing, commanded him to be brought unto him; and when he was come near, he asked him, t saying, "What wilt thou that I do to thee? But he said, "Lord, that ; DAYS OF GRACE. I may see." And Jesus said to him: "Receive thy sight; thy faith • Devotion to St. Francis Xavier, hath made thee whole." And immediately he saw, and followed him, • " A l l those who implore my help glorifying God; and all the people, whfch they saw it, gave praise to God. t daily for nine consecutive days • from the 4th to the 12th of M a r c h I inclusive, and worthily receive J the Sacrament of Penance and the EXPLANATION. • Holy Eucharist, on one of the nine days, will experience my protec" A n d after they have scourg- all our own trials and sorrows i n tion and may hope with entire ed Him, they will put him to death" union with our Lord's, and by ac[assurance to obtain from God any These words are said to us as well cepting our own cross and pressing ; grace they ask that is for the as to the Apostles, for it is the on in H i s blessed footsteps. L e t good of their souls and the glory intimate wish of our L o r d that we u?., during Lent, meditate on the [of God," so spoke the great should remember H i s Sufferings Lord's Passion, and convince our- ; Apostle of India and Malacca, St. and Death, during the holy days of selves that i f He was scourged and Francis X a v i e r to Father Marcello Lent. Thre Apdstles understood crucified we have had, by our sins M a s t r i l l i S.J. when the Saint apnot the things that were said," a hand i n those sufferings. peared to h i m i n December 1633. and did not attach much import; Catholics would do well to observe ance to this announcement. H o w The remembrance of the suffer- > these nine days with special many Catholics, alas! will remain ings of Jesus Christ will teach us ! fervour and thus draw down cold, and listless and deaf, d u r i n g humility and contrition. There are [abundant blessings on themselves Lent, in spite of the pressing i n - others, perhaps, who may seem to ; and their families; Let us i n vitation of our Saviour to keep i n be more indifferent than ourselves; • Malaya ask the Saint to speed on remembrance H i s Passion and but have they received all the I the conversion of so many amongst Death. graces that have been lavished up- | us who do not know God. on us: a safe home, pious and careIf we recollect the divine Pas- ful parents, a good up-bringing, the sion, then we will mortify ourselves habits of prayer, attending Mass and pray more assiduously; our and NATIONAL MOVE FOR receiving the Sacraments? t sorrow for our sins will be more Have they had all the safeguards 1 CATHOLIC ACTION. sincere and our preparation for that we may have had? Y e t , i n • Catholic Action, i n all its varied Confession more serious. The re- spite of these signal graces, again • forms, is to be organised on a namembrance of the Passion of Jesus and again we have offended our | tional basis i n A u s t r a l i a , according Christ will awaken in our soul our Saviour. | to a decision made b y a meeting^of gratitude, our compassion and sort the Bishops following the Eucharow as the sun, at springtide, Let us not begrudge to do a little ristic Congress i n Melbourne. awakens the seeds in the earth. for H i m who did so much for us. The subjects involved i n t h i s We, so easily, spare ourselves Our L o r d only asks for rememb^ national plan include:— of being grateful to God for all H i s rance which grows into gratitude, graces and benefits. If we could compassion and sorrow. The best Educational problems of primary; secondary and university work; imagine how one word of thanks manner of thanking H i m , d u r i n g J the t r a i n i n g of teachers, and the is treasured up by the Sacred the time of Lent, is to go to H o l y financing of education; Heart, surely we would not stint JEommunion an extra time* G o our thanksgivings. Mission work, its development at every week, go as often as you can. home and abroad, including a, Our gratitude would overflow This is the spirit of the Church. plan whereby the richer dioceses into compassion for we would like The holy time of Lent calls for it. help the poorer ones, and regular to do something to relieve the an- There is nothing we can do so pleacontributions are collected for guish and suffering of our Re- sing to that Sacred Heart that mission w o r k ; deemer. loved us on the Cross. How can A League of Decency to work for We can do it indeed by offering you say to Him-no? the reform of stage and screeir; The Catholic P r e s s ; Immigration and questions o f Father Ronald Knox's new book, far from being perfect, as indeed land settlement; is evident from Our Lord's own Still Dead (Hodder & Stoughton, Temperance movement, dances teaching. Special offence, too, 7s. 6d.), is a genuine detective and other Catholic functions; seems to have been given by, the story as distinct from a thriller. Social Sciences in the seminaries last sermon which describes the According to the author a corpse, and in study circles; found on the roadside, disappears character given by Tacitus to the Catholic Evidence movement; ancient Germanic tribes and shows within a few hours, and two days Broadcasting; later returns, apparently newly how Christianity has improved i t . How? We fear that some of the Nazis dead, to the same spot. have lost their sense of humour. W h y ? The time of the victim's death is of especial importance, for (C. T. S.). A false Catholic is more dangtsthe payment of a heavy insurance roug than a veritable heretic.
M A R C H 2nd
1935. The Roman M i s s a l was translated into Chinese for the first time by a Jesuit missionary. Father Louis Buglio, in 1670, says the L u m e n Agency. T h i s w ork was in classic Chinese and was printed at Peking. Onlv three copies are extant. (Fides).
Catholic Affairs from Far and Near ASIA. Golden-Jubilee Celebration at the Apostolic Delegation of Bangalore. B A N G A L O R E (India). — The 50th anniversary of the founding of the Apostolic Delegation of the East Indies was celebrated at Bangalore February 12, the Pope's Coronation Day. A ceremony was Bishop Gendreau's priests held held at the Delegration at which him i n affectionate admiration. His Excellency Archbishop K i e r His Christians looked upon h i m as kels, Apostolic Delegaate, presida father. H i s pastoral visits, ed. A n address was given by which he never omitted despite the Msgr. L . Vanpeene, V i c a r General weight of years, will remain clas- of the Diocese of Mysore. sics. Twice each year, i n the The Apostolic Delegation of the spring and i n the autumn, he set East Indies w a s erected i n 1884. out, on horseback when he was Archbishop A g l i a r d i , later Caryounger, later by motor-car, and dinal, was named first Delegate sometimes during recent years i n and held the post until 1887. H e his own novel palanquin, a h a m - was succeeded by Archbishop mock swung under a long pole A j u t i (1887-1891), Archbishop which was supported at each end Zaleski (1892-1916), Archbishop by a native porter. R i c h and poor Fumasoni-Biondi (1916-1919), new were free to approach h i m . H e Cardinal Prefect of Propaganda, taught catechism, confirmed, heard Archbishop Pisani (1919-1924), confessions, gave counsel, and Archbishop Mooney (1924-1930), Bishop of Rochester, N e w when the day's work was done, now he turned to his correspondence, Y o r k , and Archbishop Kierkels, and this part of his duties kept h i m the present Delegate, who was busy far into the night. H e took named i n 1931. very little rest. Blessed w i t h unThe Delegation was at first usually good health and a consti- located at K a n d y , on the island of tution of iron he carried on his Ceylon, and was transferred to work to the very last days of his Bangalore by Archbishop, now life. Cardinal, Fumasoni-Biondi. (Fides). • * * * Rev. John J . ConsicSne, M . M . , formerly Director of Fides Service, 82,145 Converts i n China who visited Hanoi during h i s L a s t Year. study-tour of the missions i n 1932, S H A N G H A I . — T h e Directory of recalls Bishop Gendreau i n his Catholic Missions in China for articles, "Other Men's L a n d s , " 1935, which has been published by which were published i n serial the Bureau Sinologique at Zi-kaform three years ago. wei, shows that 82,145 adult con" F r o m the lips of all I heard that verts were received into the Indochina's most interesting wor- Church during the 12-month ker in active service was Bishop period ending June 30, 1934. Gendreau," "wrote Father ConThere are now 2,702,468 Catholics sidine. " H i s Excellency was on a in China, according to statistics confirmation tour when I arrived, given i n the Directory, and this so I went to the tiny village of L u u number, compared w i t h last year's X a and found him at his best. figures, indicates a net increase of Here is a figure worth j o u r n e y i n g 78,908. around the world to meet. A brief analysis of the statistics, which is given i n the Preface to "In through the garden gate we the Directory, draws attention to went to this little country rectory several s t r i k i n g increases during where H i s Excellency sat quietly the last ten years. Ecclesiastical after the confirmation ceremony of territories, for example, increased the morning. We found a heavy by 52 and now total 121. The set man with a swarthy face, along Chinese secular clergy, w i t h 1,660 the jaw of which grows a t h i n priests, show s an increase of 528. white beard which had long gone The number of Chinese brothers untrimmed. O n his head was a rose from 272 to 607, the number heavy shock of creamy hair, like- of Chinese sisters from 2,364 to wise uncut, bulging over his ears. 3,319. There are now 4,230 Over his kindly, t w i n k l i n g eyes seminarists preparing for the were a pair of old-fashioned silver- prielsthood i n the various major rimmed glasses which he frequent- and minor seminaries throughout ly pushed up on his forehead. H e China, an increase of 1,680 since wore a faded purple cassock and 1924. (Fides). over it an overcoat much too large S H A N G H A I . — T h r e e aeroplanes for h i m ; its sleeves touched his purchased i n the United States knuckles and barely escaped coverare expected to arrive here in ing his ring. Striking, then, is M a r c h for the proposed air-service his enormous pipe into w h i c h he between Szechwan Province and was slowly stuffing tobacco as we Tibet. Aerodromes at Chengtu arrived. Once lit it burns for an and at Lhassa are being planned hour and a half without a refill. He by the China Aviation Corporastood and I noticed he braced h i m - tion, and engineers are to make self solidly and rocked himself a study of the route over which slightly on his feet much after the the machines will fly. (Fides). manner of Pope Pius X I . P E K I N G . — A translation of the Roman Missal in Chinese has been "And like H i s Holiness he is a published by the Nazareth Press, man of marvellous staying power Hongkong. T h e same printingwho fatigues all about h i m , even house has published a doublethose far younger. A t his present column edition of the Missal w i t h the Chinese and L a t i n texts on the (Continued on page 3) same page.
Death of The Rt. Rev. P. TM. Gendreau of the Paris Foreign Mission Vicar Apostolic of Hanoi. THE C H U R C H L O S E S A G R E A T L E A D E R I N INDOCHINA. Hanoi (Indochina). T h e Most Rev. Peter M . Gendreau, T i t u l a r Bishop of Chrysopolis and V i c a r Apostolic of Hanoi, died i n Hanoi February 6 at the age of 84, after 61 years of missionary life i n Tonkin. H e was a Bishop 47 years and had consecrated four successive Coadjutor Bishops. The mission territory of which he became head i n 1892 had at that time 220,000 Catholics. T h i s same region to-day is divided into four ecclesiastical territories w i t h a total Catholic population of 350,000. Bishop Gendreau was born at L e Bwre-sur-Vie, i n the Diocese of Lucon, France, November 26, 1850. He was ordained in June 1873 at the P a r i s Foreign Mission Seminary and sailed for T o n k i n a few weeks later. The Christians of Tonkin were being persecuted when he arrived. H i s Bishop, Mgr. Puginier, ordered h i m to remain at H a n o i , and after several months of language-study he was given the task of instituting the informative process for the beatification of the Tonkinese m a r t y r s , a labour demanding much time and extreme care, which he completed successfully. In 1901, 27 martyrs were beatified at Rome, followed by s i x others i n 1909, and the documents concerning the lives of 400 C h r i s t i a n s put to death during the bloody persecutions i n Tonkin were sent b y h i m to the Sacred Congregation of Rites.
He was consecrated b y Bishop Puginier i n 1887, serving the latter as Coadjutor Bishop u n t i l 1892 when Bishop Puginier died, and Bishop Gendreau, at the age of 42, became V i c a r Apostolic o f a vast area, the present Vicariates A p o s toKc of Hanoi, P h a t D i e m , T h a n h Hba and H u n g Hoa, each of which is now ruled by a Bishop. M a n y educational and charitable institutions were added to the m i s sions of H a n o i during Bishop Gendreau's regime. A m o n g these is the new seminary of Hanoi which he placed under the direction of the Sulpician Fathers. T h e Bishop took great pleasure in comparing the beautiful new building with the seminary as it was during the persecution, when the students were sheltered and instructed aboard a fleet of miserable little rafts on the Red River. He established a Carmelite Monastery at Hanoi in 1895. Saint Therese of Lisieux asked and obtained permission to be sent to this convent, but when it came time for her to depart, her superiors, considering her poor health and the rigours of such a long journey, were obliged to reverse their decision.
EUROPE. B R U S S E L S . D r . Rudolph W e i g l , Professor of Biology at the U n i versity of Lwow, Poland, discoverer of the anti-exanthematic serum which has saved the lives of many missionaries in Mongolia, has been honoured by the Belgian Government with the title of K n i g h t Commander of the Order of Leopold. Father Joseph Rutten, of the Belgian Scheut Missionaries, has been carrying on a campaign against exanthematic typhus i n north China and Mongolia, and since he began to use D r . Weigl's vaccine in 1931, shortly after its discovery, there has not been a single loss from exanthematic typhus among the missionary personnel, whereas during the 20-year period preceding its discovery, 84 missionaries died of the disease, 46 of whom were under the age of 35. D r . Weigl was also honoured by the Holy Father last year when he was made K n i g h t Commander of the Order of Saint Gregory the Great. (Fides). R O M E . Seven Brothers of Mercy, of Treves Germany, sailed from Brindisi February 14, two of whom are destined for the V i c a r i a t e of Hiroshima, Japan, w hile five will go to Shanghai to take over the direction of the men's section of a new hospital for mental diseases which has been built by M r . L o Pa Hong. The Brothers of Mercy have been w o r k i n g with the German Hesuit missionaries i n Hiroshima, isince 1930. In 1933 they took over a hospital in Lanchowv in the far western interior of China, a territory staffed by Fathers of the D i v i n e W o r d Societv. (Fides). T
AMERICA. W I N N I P E G (Canada). — Five Catholic newspapers, one i n German, another i n Polish, another in French, the fourth in E n g l i s h and the fifth a paper for Ruthenian immigrants i n western Canada, are published by the West Canada Publishing Company under the direction of the Oblate Missionaries of M a r y Immaculate. The West Canada P u b l i s h i n g Company was founded by German Oblate Missionaries i n 1907 to launch a Catholic journal for German settlers i n Canada. The other papers were founded, or taken over, in subsequent years. (Fides). *
AFRICA. WINDHOEK (South Africa). Lions, leopards and wolf-dogs are causing much damage i n the upper region of the Southwest Territory, between the border of Portuguese Angola and Damaraland, according to a despatch from Windhoek. Catholic missionaries there, German Oblates of M a r y Immaculate, report a loss of more than 100 head of live-stock during the last six months i n one small district near the Okawango River. (Fides).
2nd 1935.
T h e B e g i n n i n g o f a T a m i l S e t t l e m e n t in M a l a y a : T h e F o u n d a t i o n of S t . J o s e p h ' s P a r i s h , B a g a n S e r a i B y Rev. F r . R E N E F E E . (Translated from the French). A few months ago, one of our Singapore weekly papers, recalling in its columns the establishment by the late bishop R . Fee of a Tamil settlement i n the K r i a n District near the actual town of Bagan Serai, expressed the regret that no account had ever been written of this pioneer's adventure. II is the record of the beginning of this T a m i l settlement written in 1892, by bishop Fee himself in the " B u l l e t i n de POEuvre des Partants " that we take pleasure, today, i n g i v i n g the readers of the M . C . L . The translation from the original F r e n c h version renders as possible the good humour which was characteristic of the much regretted bishop Fee. Born i n France in 1856, Rene Michael Marie Fee arrived in Penang in 1879. H e began his missionary work under the guidance of the much revered F r . F . Hab i n the parish of St. Francis X a v i e r . In 1882, as we shall see, he left for K r i a n District and at the cost of many tolls and hardships founded the T a m i l settlement of Soosay Paleam i n the middle of the primaeval forest. In 1894, F r . Fee started the parish of St. A n t h o n y at Telok Anson and the next year he built a chapel at Tapah. It was there i n his atap hut of 18 by 13 feet that our pioneer received the Papal B u l l w h i c h raised h i m to the See of Malacca. A s said already, his episcopacy was a short one. In 1903, the young bishop had to go on sick leave; alas! his disease, cancer i n the throat, was beyond medical treatment, and on the 20th January 1904, God called back his faithful servant, our good Monseigneur Fee ( E d . M.C.L.). AN IDEA—A FIRST E X P L O R A T O R Y TOUR.
a new one. P r i o r to his illness that had compelled h i m to leave In 1879 I was entrusted w i t h the off ministry, F a t h e r Hab, my precare of the whole Tamil congrega- decessor, had cherished the same t i o n that was scattered over all dream, but lacking the elements P u l a u Penang and environs. V e r y wherewith to put i t into realizasoon experience made me realize tion he had to give it up. A f t e r the many inconveniences and his return from Hongkong we had draw backs that predicament i n - a long conversation on this same volved, and having taken i t into subject; we combined our suggesmy head to help i t i n some w ay or tions and came to the conclusion other, I fell a-dreaming of an that the undertaking was worth agricultural settlement where the t r y i n g . Bishop Gasnier gave his young C h r i s t i a n generation would approval and F a t h e r H a b set off grow i n the shade of the to scour the country i n search of a village church and whither not suitable land. I n the northern few pagans would gradually come part of the State of Perak, at about to seek and find salvation. These, the 30th mile from Penang, begins in fact, as long as they remained an immense plain, which, watered in their heathenism infested by the R i v e r K u r a u , spreads out, environment, were not easily con- from the hills to the sea, miles and verted. B y fear and human miles of excellent soil for the culrespect they were deterred from tivation of rice. It was towards the true f a i t h . M y idea was not this region that F a t h e r Hab bent r
his steps for a preliminary survey. Satisfied with the result of his inspection, he went over to K u a l a K a n g s a r capital of Perak, and there, at the Head Offices, was granted a concession of 200 acres of forest—I /* miles off the small village of Bagan Serai. 1
H a v i n g made the acquisition of the land, we had only to occupy i t and to turn the forest into padifields. Ten gallant-minded men volunteered to enter upon the adventure. That is w hy, one day— the 19th January 1882—accom-
panied by these ten brave fellows, I embarked and sailed away w i t h the intent to venture on the task o f founding an Indian Colony, which, by way of anticipation, we had a l ready christened: Soosay Paleam, (St. Joseph's Encampment). It is the narrative of the various i n cidents of this foundation that I undertake to write here as accurately as my recollection of them will permit.
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(Continued from pugt 1 3 ) martyrdom must be fully embracCORRESPONDENCE. ed, and from supernatural motives OUR QUESTION BOX. *Then, on the 19th o f January alone. "He t h a t shall lose his life [Readers are kindly invited to sendforin M e , shall find i t " Matt. X . 3 9 ) . 1882 I took passage on board a little steamer plying between questions on religious dogmas or W i t h regard to children who die standards of moral conduct. Such unbaptized, we Catholics generally Penang and up K r i a n River, and on the evening of the same day I questions must be put m good faith with hold, that they do not suffer any landed safe and sound w i t h m y a view to obviating any dubiety orpunishment. The most common escort at P a r i t Buntar, chief town adjusting any inaccuracy in pertinent teaching on the matter is that of K u r a u District. The Officer-inmatters of faith or morals. All questhey are indeed excluded from charge, M r . Leech, received me tions must be accompanied by theheaven and the supernatural v i - with much kindness and graciously names and addresses of questioners, notof God, because they have not offered to come himself to show us sion necessarUy for publication, but asfulfilled a the condition laid down by the land and settle us i n it. The guarantee of good faith. The EditorC h r i s t (John in. 5). This priva- next morning we set off on foot. reserves the right to reject any question, tion, however, is not unjust on The journey was a heavy one and God's part, f o r the glory of heaven the day one of hardships. which in his opinion, may appear trivial The is a free supernatural gift not due road newly made, newly opened to or*frivolous.] to human nature; nor does i t i m - traffic was damaged and spoiled i n Question: l a B a p t i s m absolute- ply suffering, for the little ones many places by the showers of the ly necessary for salvation? H o w most likely do not even know there last r a i n y season. The sun dec*n a merciful and j u s t God allow is such a t h i n g as the Beatific cidedly meant to be more t o r r i d Mttle infants, who through no V i s i o n , and so know God and re- than usual; the forest standing up fault of theirs die unbaptized, to joice i n H i m , as S t . Thomas tea- as a w a l l on both sides of our narches, "by a natural knowledge and row track stopped the breeze and spffer forever i n hell. love." We m i g h t compare them to stored the heat therein, and, ever, M.C.S. adopted children on this earth onward the road unrolled i n a A n s w e r ; "The C a t h o l i c C h u r c h who, not k n o w i n g the fact of their tediously straight line like an endhas defined fSreart., Sess. V I I , De real mother's death, have never less ribbon. Our luggage pilled up Babt., can. "that baptism i s felt the pain o f that privation. in a small barge followed, toilsomenecessary for. saturation. T h e words ly towed along by our men on the of C h r i s t are iflain: "Unless a water of a ditch dug alongside the m a n be born again o f water and T H E S T O R Y ~ O F A R C H B I S H O P road. N o r was this an additional t h e H o l y Ghost, he cannot enter comfort to the amenities of our REDWOODS "STRAD." journey. About 1 p.m. we halted. into the kingdom o f G o d " , (John H I . 5), H e commands universal Treasure Bequeathed to a College. A t l a s t ! we were on the threshold b a p t i s m (XXVin. 19), declaring: A Stradivarius which had been of the area alloted for our pros" H e t h a t believeth and is baptized i n the possession of Archbishop pective Colony. The Magistrate shall be saved, but he that be- Redwood for over a quarter of a showed me the boundaries thereof lieveth not shall be condemned." century, has been bequeathed by and after a vigorous shaking of him to St. P a t r i c k ' s College, Silver- hands leapt into a Malay boat and T h i s necessity follows from the stream, his favourite among the allowed himself to be carried away fact t h a t all men are born "child- scholastic institutions which he down the stream of a small river r e n o f w r a t h " ( E p h . I I . 3); that founded (a Reuter message from which after many windings across is, i n original s i n ( R o m . V . 12) Wellington, N e w Zealand says). the forest, conveyed h i m to his a n d need therefore the regenera- The late Archbishop presided at residence before night. A s for us, t i o n o r new b i r t h o f which the the prize-giving at St. Patrick's last we trudged along towards B a g a n Serai where we had to put up for Saviour speaks. T h i s doctrine of December.^ ourselves some temporary shelter. t h e C h u r c h was clearly taught i n The " S t r a d " was the most valut h e fourth century b y the con- able violin i n A u s t r a l i a or New It was 2 p.m. when we reached that demnation of the Pelagians, who Zealand, and the manner i n which place, perspiring, blowing, panting, denied the necessity o f baptism it c a m ^ r n t o " the possession of knocked up. for children. Archbishop Redwood is a romantic A Malay hut was near by and story. providentially empty. We occupiT h i s necessity is not s t r i c t l y D u r i n g the happy days of his ed it. O h ! the premises were not absolute, as we learn f r o m Trent., youth at St. Chamond in the lovely a palaceâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;far from it. Sess. V I . De Justif., can. 4, w h i c h L o i r e district of France he gained declared that "since the promulg a t i o n of the Gospel there is no an early love of music. There he The Malay H u t . t r a n s l a t i o n from the State o f Old learned to play the violin and in H a l f a score of nibong-stilts A d a m to the State o f Grace . . . later years he never travelled with- sustaining, 5 feet above ground, a sort of cage, 15ft. long and 10ft. w i t h o u t the laver o f regeneration, out one. Such was the crude or the desire <T it" (John in. 5 ; On one of his visits to England broad. E p h . , V . 25, 26). he was accompanied by a young structure of this shack. The cabin priest, also a great devotee of mu- was attap-roofed and attap walled. In cases o f necessity, therefore, sic. When travelling in Y o r k s h i r e Its floor was made of laths o f split -this, baptism o f desire will suffice thej Archbishop and his companion nibong joined and tied together This floor was so for salvation; and the perfect love were invited to the house not far with rattan. open-worked that it ensured a from Y o r k of a wealthy elderly of. G o d ("He that loveth M e shall b e loved o f M y F a t h e r , " John Roman Catholic, who also was mu- blessed ventilation and so pliant XIV. 21), and sorrow for sin, sical. The conversation naturally that one could not step on it w i t h sorely include the desire to fulfil turned to music and the A r c h b i - out enjoying the fun of seeing every command of C h r i s t . Such shop was induced to play on his everything rock and dance around While the owner was busy i s ' t h e teaching of St. Augustine own violin. The host then pro- him. ( l ÂŁ Bapt., I V . 22), and St. A m b - duced his volin, a genuine "Strad," carpentering a ladder that would rose i n a sermon preached at M i l a n and the Archbishop also played on give us admittance into the buildon I the death of the catechumen this masterpiece from Old Cre- ing, I managed by stealth to hoist myself inside and, forthwith, withmona. Valentinian n. out t a k i n g off my boots, (courage It transpired during the conver- failed me to do so) I stretched M a r t y r d o m also, or baptism of blood, has always been considered sation that the owner, who had no myself down on the floor. When equivalent to baptism of water, family, was not easy i n his mind I awoke, I saw that the transhipaccording to the words of C h r i s t : as to the ownership of the "Strad" ment of our luggage and the mov" E v e r y , one, therefore, that shall after his death, and eventually, it ing i n were completed; the cooking confess M e before M e n , I w i l l also is related, he decided that his pre- pot was a-boiling under the superconfess h i m before m y F a t h e r W h o cious violin could be in no better vision of an amateur cook and our is i n heaven" (Matt. X . 32). E v e n hands than those of his visitors. men, squatted all round, were by of fore-taste, inhaling the unbaptized children, murdered out When Archbishop Redwood left way o f hatred for Jesus C h r i s t , are England for New Zealand he car- tempting flavours thereform. A s considered saints by the C h u r c h ried with h i m the violin, which he a rule, dry fish c u r r y is not' a dish (see Feast of the H o l y Innoceats, cherished as a child up t o the day at which one turns up one's nose, but there are days when i t proves Dec. 2 8 t h ) . In the case of adults. of his death.
The Modern Tailoring Co. 497, North Bridge Road
most delicious. Such was the case w i t h us on that unforgotten day. Useless to say that we ate heartily and did justice to our rice and curry. Once we had taken our meal and made our devotions, everyone settled himself as comfortably as he could for the purpose of seeking i n a refreshing slumber the oblivion o f the tolls of the day. The Mosquitoes. A l a s ! to seek does not always mean to find. W e had not reckoned w i t h the mosquitoes. The nightfall brought i n a real cloud of them. I had seen mosquitoes before, I have seen some since, but never have I met mosquitoes so ravenous as those of K u r a u . One would say that w i t h the -leopard's spotted colour, they have also its rapacity. So there were we, lying, given over to that host o f perilous parasites and we had no mosquito net. In truth, I had one i n my bag, but well knowing t h a t I could not shelter us all i n it, I did not open m y lips and heroically let myself be devoured for the sake of good example. Is it not said that in Russia, General Drouot saved the "morale" of his a r m y by the example of endurance he gave? Likewise, mine example was successful in hushing up the complaints and the murmurs, but not i n b r i n g i n g sleep. It was in v a i n for us to pretend to sleep. Meanwhile the mosquitoes were not asleep at all and as hungry harpies kept hovering and humm i n g around, disturbing our sleep and d r i v i n g their stings into us. A t last, tired out, someone had the luminous idea to have them smoked out. A b i g fire was lighted beneath the floor, the smoke rose, entered and before the smoke the enemy left the place. W e remained the masters of the battle field, but we were a l l v y i n g w i t h one another i n weeping, coughing and sneezing. A t length sleep overcame us. The mosquitoes could come back and have fine and easy sport. They did come, the wicked wretches! and early next morning I was awakened by a noise as of a volley of crackings: m y men, new "flagellantes" were engaged in scourging their anatomies with the hope-an idle one at that, of crushing some toormentor. (To be continued)
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MEMORIES O F LOURDES, (Continued from page 2)
We were back to the Grotto i n time to see the sick brought down to the baths. T h e y are placed before the Grotto to await t h e i r t u r n for immersion i n the water, and the prayers and hymns are offered by the priests and people all the time for their recovery. W e have seen patients carried through the door leading to t h e bath, and after bathing i n the water, we have seen them walk out cured. While we were joining i n the prayers, Our L a d y was pleased to We grant us a great privilege noticed one poor woman l y i n g on her stretcher before the G r o t t o . The sun had come over the rock since she was placed there, and now shone full on her fa,*e. She I was completely paralysed and j able to raise her hand to shade herself, so we put ourselves before her to protect her. A s she smiled her thanks, we bent and asked i f she would like a drink of the water. She nodded assent and going to the Fountain, we filled a goblet and lifting her head, put i t to her lips. She drank a little and lay back exhausted. A f t e r a few seconds a flush spread over her face; she looked up w i t h such frightened expectant eyes, then "with a moan she raised up the poor wasted hands that for seven years had been unable to move. W e stooped down to kiss them as they came straight from M a r y ' s healing touch, and then called the attendants to keep off the crowd, who get so excited when a cure takes place, that, i f the attendants were not there, very often the patient would be i n danger of being crushed to death. Some priests and nuns now formed a r i n g around her. V e r y slowly she rose from the stretcher, took a few staggering steps, then grew bolder and walked alone; then w i t h a w i l d cry she threw herself at the foot of the Grotto and sobbed out her thanks, and all that huge crowd wept w i t h her. W e saw her afterwards, attending the s i c k She was a poor peasant from the N o r t h of France, and she remained a fortnight at Lourdes to offer thanks to Our L a d y . Y o u are so In touch w i t h the supernatural at Lourdes that the miracles scarcely surprise youâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;you expect t h e m ; but to us the greatest wonder there was to see genuine look of happiness and congratulation on the faces of the sick when one of their number was cured. N o t once did we see a sign of jealousy or resentment when they were left with their burden of misery, and those beside them restored.
St. Anschar s Church To-day B y Eric Scharies, for Fides Service. In the Cathedral of Reykjavik, Iceland, a statue of A r a s o n Jon was unveiled last November 11th. Arason Jon, put to death i n 1550 by agents of the K i n g of Denmark because of his strong stand i n defense of Catholicism, was the last Catholic bishop of Iceland before the "Reformation." The
NEW and
Young Ladies who must economize and yet maintain traditionally high standards of goods will be happy to pay a visit to A U R E L I A ' S N E W Dept a rendezvouz for shrewd shoppers where exquisitely fashioned hats of fine quality maybe had from
00 UP
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S C H O O L F O R CRIME. (Continued from page I)
The good already achieved had been largely achieved by Catholics who had boycotted bad films and bad cinemas. To effect lasting results, that boycott must be maintained. There must be no relaxation of our efforts, unt i l a complete clean-up had been accomplished. T h e eyes of the world were upon us. ST. ANSCHAR OF SCANDINAVIA. event was important locally because the^ martyred-bishop^s^iield as a hero i n the country; but for the rest of the world, it merely draws attention once more to the insignificant number of Catholics to-day i n the Scandinavian nations. The names of many missionary saints are found in the annals of the Church's b i r t h and growth in the N o r t h Countries, best known of whom is St. Anschar, a Benedictine born i n P i c a r d y who went to Denmark w i t h K i n g Harold when that monarch was returning from exile. He was again H a r old's travelling companion when the K i n g was expelled the second time, but he found favour in Sweden and from there made several missionary excursions back into Denmark. St. Willibrord had preceded h i m by a century in Denmark and Helgoland but, it is believed, with little success in those countries.
How quickly the memories of that visit to Lourdes crowd on u s ! And how sweet they are! W e should like to dwell on them and re-live them, but we must cut them short. A l l too soon we had to leave Lourdes. W e watched again for that fleeting glimpse of the Grotto from the train. The Although the Scandinavian napilgrims were clustered around i t ; tions venerate St. A n s c h a r as the priest was i n the pulpit, and their first apostle, there are other ^ e could almost fancy we caught names linked w i t h the Church in the strain of Ave, Ave, Ave the N o r t h during the age of ferMaria! vour between the N i n t h and the r
Sixteenth centuriesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;St. Canute, K i n g of Denmark, St. Olaf, K i n g of Norway, St. E r i c , K i n g of Sweden and Finland, ^$t. Henry, Bishop of Upsal, St. Bridget and others. Monastery ruins and cathedrals still standing testify to that Golden Age of faith. Unfortunately, the ' Scandinavian countries and their island dependencies were drawn into the Lutheran heresy i n the Sixteenth
century. Kings, greedy of the Archbishop Of Canterbury's Church's possessions, accepted the Demand. ' r e f o r m e d " religion and forced the same on their subjects. A period It is gratifying to find that the of persecution, suffering and martyrdom ensued, followed by three Catholic campaign for clean films dark centuries i n which Catholic fs being accompanied b y a somewhat similar campaign b y the worship was forbidden. Archbishop of Canterbury and other non-Catholics. T h e A r c h Better days began to dawn bishop, on Tuesday, headed a for the church i n the N o r t h deputation t o the P r i m e Minister Countries towards the middle of to ask him for an inquiry into the the last century. L i b e r t y was remorals of films and the present gained in all countries though censorship. The Premier refused Sweden still maintains the old to make a promise, but i t i s to be intolerant spirit. In those nations hoped that the Archbishop and his the Church is now i n a period of friends persist i n the campaign 4iil renascence, but the Catholic body Mr. Ramsay MacDonald changes is still tiny, weak and struggling. his mind and the cinema has been cleansed. Denmark, with 3,400,000 i n habitants, has 25.000 Catholics. There is one Catholic bishop and A man walked into a shop and he is assisted by 84 priests, 41 asked for a pair of boots. T h e asbrothers and 829 sisters. sistant, a youth of fourteen, showed him a suitable pair, the Danish laws grant Catholics price being 16s. 6d. The customfreedom of worship, but Luther- er stated that he had only 13s. 6d. anism, being the State Religion, with him, and required i f he could enjoys greater privileges. The pay that and b r i n g the "balance next day. H e was told that h e could. (Continued on page 6.)
MARCH 2nd 1935.
St. Joseph's Church Singapore:— ST. A N T H O N Y ' S B R E A D F U N D . Thirtyfirst Annual report of the St. Anthony's Bread F u n d for the year 1934. Received up to 31st Dec. §3,556.58 Expended up to 31st Dec. 3,726.26 Excess of expenditure over receipts $ 169.68
t r i b u t i n g more than a thousand dollars to relieve the poor of the Parish, besides visiting the poor i n the hospitals. The " H e l p the D y i n g " Section had helped many in their hours of pain and suffering and consoled many families in their bereavement by their assiduity in v i s i t i n g their homes to say prayers together for t h e i r departed. The Propaganda Section had been displaying a l l their energy to aid people to come into the True Fold. The C . M . Y . A . distinguished itself i n rendering the C h o i r efficient and i n helping the C . C . A . in so many of its activities. The Section of The Society of St. F r a n cis X a v i e r was now beginning to collect funds to help H i s Lordship in his Apostolic endeavours. The Press Section was very active and devoted i n the work confined to them. The L i t e r a r y Section was new m a k i n g preparations to found a Chinese School to be, called " Chinese Catholic A c t i o n School." To do that, they had to get funds. So far they had been promised a hundred dollars a month to support the school i n view. T h e y had to get a locality. The Compound of the Church was promised them. They had to build. T h e y were now devising means to realise their dreams.
In this corner of the great B r i t i s h E m p i r e future citizens are preparing to follow in the footsteps Receipts and expenditure for the of their noble predecessors, whose only thought was, fidelity to God year showed decreases of $67.54 and to country, and since the and $440.85 respectively, as commotto of our school is, Simple in pared with the previous year. virtue and steadfast i n D u t y , " it would mean disloyalty, i f our There are 100 persons on the standard of citizenship failed to be list receiving help, besides others ; In. response to an invitation by what is expected from us, in return who receive temporary relief. The Committee acknowledge the L a d y Superior of the Convent, for all the privileges that are ours, R e v . M o t h e r St. James, H i s E x - here i n school and under the peacecellency, S i r Shenton Thomas, loving and thoughtful care of a w i t h thanks the receipt of the A n government, that, puts the i n - nual grant of $240 from the M i s L a d y Thomas a n d M i s s Thomas terests of children and their pro- sion Fund made by the R i g h t honoured the Convent School w i t h gress, i n the vanguard of colonial Reverend D . Jose da Costa Nunes, a v i s i t on Thursday, a r r i v i n g at development. Bishop of Macau, also the generous the school at 10 a.m. donations of $900 from the St. A g a i n , may we ask^Your E x c e l - Joseph's Church and $100 from the T h e distinguished guests were shown round the Building as they lency and L a d y Thomas to accept Committee of the St. Joseph's entered and when they caipe to the hearty greetings of welcome, from Church Christmas Treat 1934. broad covered way leading to the all the children of the Singapore, The Committee thank a l l donors school hall they were greeted with Convent School. and subscribers for past favours salutations of " Good M o r n i n g and solicit a continuance of their H i s Excellency then replied. In support.^ Y o u r Excellency and " Good M o r n i n g Ladies." L i t t l e girls of the course of his remarks he various nationalities were lined up thanked the girls for their welM r . M . Lopez resigned his aptwo-deep on each side of the cover- come and said that he certainly pointment as Collector and M r . C . ed way while banked at the end on would remember to send to the B . Albuquerque was appointed an the r i g h t hand were a group of K i n g a message of their loving and additional Collector. The Comg a i l y attired little Chinese c h i l - loyal congratulations while he was mittee record with deep regret the dren. H i s Excellency spent a little grateful to them for the sugges- death of M r . E . D . Fernandez, who t i m e w i t h the little ones, saying a tion. He reminded them that chil- took a great interest i n the'affairs w o r d here and a word there, i n his dren were sent to school not only of the Association. genial t a k i n g way, as he went to read and write but to learn from along. The gubernatorial party their teachers among other things, were then ushered into the school to be good straightforward and h a l l where they were greeted w i t h honest citizens, so that when they C H I N E S E C A T H O L I C A C T I O N REUNION MEETING. a welcome song so sweetly sung by left school they would teach others the school girls. T h i s over the fol- what they had learned. H e was Church of Saints Peter and l o w i n g address was read by a Con- glad to see them all and wished Paul, Singapore. them success. A s he knew that vent pupil, Miss M a r y D u s t i n g : — The Chinese Catholic A c t i o n children would like a holiday, in celebrated its F i r s t Y e a r by holding honour of the occasion he asked Y o u r Excellency and L a d y the L a d y Superior to grant them an Annual Re-union Meeting at the Thomas. Pavilion Restaurant on Sunday the a half holiday. 24th instant. Sixty-three members I t is w i t h great pleasure that we A bouquet of flowers was after- attended the sumptuous tiffin proassemble here this morning to welcome you both to our school, and wards presented to L a d y Thomas vided for the occasion. The guests t o thank you for the privilege of by Miss Margaret Chan and an- of honour were Rev. Fathers Lee, other to Miss Thomas by Miss Laurent, Tromp, K o h , Quintens, t h i s greatly appreciated visit. Stella de Souza. Michel, Verbois, and V a n de Sande. W h e n the event was announced A visit to other portions of the i n tfee different class-rooms a t h r i l l In the course of his speech the o f delight shone out on every face: building was made by the guber- Rev. Father Lee thanked M r . L i m *<Hlay the anticipation is a reality natorial party, anions: the places Seng Khoon for having granted and. ^ve feel h i g h l y honoured and visited were the chapel, the board- facility for the C. C. A . to have this ers' and orphans' dormitories, and cheerful gathering. It was quite deeply grateful. the creche, after which they took appropriate for he had noticed that The mark of interest shown i n their leave. the spirit of the Actionists had o u r school* b y this visit of your been to make their neighbours Excellency and L a d y Thomas, will cheerful in the service of God and noppnly find a place i n the school of the Church. T h e i r principle Serangoon, Singapore. A r c h i v e s , but w i l l always remain had been "It is happier to give engraved on the heart of each child than to receive." H e regretted H . I. E . S C H O O L . who has the happiness of being that much of the work done had present on this occasion. A n excursion to the sea-side not been made known to other bungalow of the French Mission, members of the P a r i s h . He enuThe a i r is full of rumours of 1014 mile, Ponggol, was made by merated some of their activities great joys for school children, i n £ party of 60 students and 4 tea- not to make them elated but to connection w i t h the forthcoming chers of the above school, on the urge them to continue and do celebrations i n honour of the silver 23rd instant. more. "Men do not light a candle jubilee of H i s Majesty the K i n g , and put it under a bushel but upon and we are looking forward to i t Altogether an enjoyable day was a candlestick so let your a l l w i t h real pleasure. To-day i n spent, for all the students partook light shine before men that they greeting Y o u r Excellency; as the in land and sea-sports. may see your good works and glorepresentative of our K i n g , may rify your Father who is in we express the hope that i n the The party spent the afternoon i n heaven." A l l the Sections of the special messages sent to H i s M a i e s t y i n M a y next, the loving exploring the neighbourhood and C. C. A . had been his right hand. and loyal congratulations of school returned late in the evening by The Benevolent Section had been lorry. instrumental in collecting and disc h i l d r e n may not be forgotten.
? Malay a heart must have gone riit-a-pat among the little ones at me Convent School, on Thursday, l£lst February morning, at the prospect of seeing the Governor aad* Ris charming wife and daughter, ||>r a visit h y stfch distinguishpeople is not a n every-day qccurence.
One more important help they had of late rendered and that had been known but to a very few. He availed himself of that occasion to make special mention of it and to express i n a special manner his th ankfulness to Saint Teresa and to the President of the C . C. A . who again had come to the foreground to do something more for their Dear SAINT TERESA. Through his u n t i r i n g efforts they had acquired about eight acres of land near St. Teresa's Church. On it would i n the near future rise a Carmelite Convent surrounded by catholic homes. Special thanks were due as this had saved the Mission more than ten thousand dollars. H i s L o r d s h i p expressed a desire and was going to buy about two acres of land at 14 cents a square foot for a Carmelite Convent. T h r o u g h the services rendered by t h e i r President the actual land was acquired for two and a half cents. That was a brilliant example f o r them to follow. That was helping their dear Bishop and the Church i n question. There would rise i n that quarter a small catholic town. The place, road and houses would be named, i f it all depended on h i m , after St. Teresa in fulfilment of a promise made before the purchase of that little h i l l — B u k i t Teresa. The President M r . Lee Keng Guan termed that first Anniversary of the C. C . A . as its first B i r t h d a y . H e thanked the Rev. Fathers who despite the heat were so k i n d to be present and M r . Lim Seng Khoon the Treasurer for the loan of his hall and the so many services rendered. H e said that the C. C . A . had now attained the age of one year. It was now able to walk on its stronger limbs and
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AROUND THE PARISHES under the wise guidance of Rev. Father S. Lee the Spiritual Director he hoped that all the members would be able to pace on stronger ground for more effective results for the glory of God. H e also thanked Rev. F a t h e r Lee for his remarks on the various activities of the C. C. A . H e urged all the Members to strive to better the C. C. A . ' s ground for the benefit of l i — t o establish a Chinese Catholic A c t i o n School for both Catholic and non-catholic boys. T h r o u g h it they might get more members and more conversions which was the special object of the Propagation of the F a i t h . T h e boys of today would be the men of tomorrow. He therefore earnestly hoped that the school with the efforts of the Section i n Charge would soon be established and that i n time to come good results m i g h t come from that establishment for the greater glory of God.
of the Catholics of Malaya, for the speedy recovery of our beloved father. Since F r . Baloche fell i l l , Rev. F r . Souhait, in co-operation with the priests of the Seminary, has been managing both the Assumption Church and St. Francis Xavier's Church.
The BishoD's V i s i t to St. Xavier's Church. Sunday the 24th February was a big day for the parish of St. Xavier's T a m i l Church, Penang, for on that day his L o r d s h i p B i shop A . Devals gladdened the hearts of the parishioners by saying Holy Mass and offering special prayers for them. The church was packed to the fullest capacity and His Lordship was immensely pleased to see so many.
Hon. Treasurer— M r . K a m Kee Hock. Members of the Press Comt.:— M r . Thoo Yoon Chin. M r . Wong Pow Nee. There were tw enty-four persons present at the meeting and all were enrolled as members but a marked increase of membership is expected in the near future. It was also decided that the monthly meeting should be held at the same place after mass. * * * * P U L A U TIKUS. M r . George Patrick Cooke, of Ceylon, the well-known cricketer was received into the CatholicChurch, on the 16th February, 1935, by the Revd. Father Souhait, at the Church of the Assumption, Penang. H i s marriage with M i s s Josephine Agnes Lesslar, daughter of the late Theophilus Joseph Lesslar of Penang, will take place on Saturday, the 23rd February, at the Church of the Assumption Penang.
M r . L i m Seng Khoon proprietor of Messrs. L i m K h o o n H e n g and of the Pavilion restaurant thanked the above speakers for their kind words and expressed the hope that the second year of the C. C . A would see another happy gathering. It was a very joyful affair and the Re-union tiffin ended i n the most cheerful spirits.
PERSONALIA. A cheerful group of boys from the Church of the Sacred Heart, Tank Road, Singapore.
About a hundred guests were present at the dinner i n honour of the 71st B i r t h d a y of M r . James Teo Hong Nghee, of 930 Upper Serangoon, on Saturday night. Many greetings and good wishes were extended to M r . Teo. PENANG. Rev. Father S. Baloche, the vicar of St. F r a n c i s Xavier's Church, Penang, who was admitted to the General Hospital three weeks ago suffering from a severe attack of Rheumatism, is still a patient in the hospital. The Rev. F a t h e r is confined to bed ever since his admission to the hospital, and is now improving satisfactorily. It w i l l take another couple of weeks, before he can be discharged from the hospital, and we earnestly request the prayers
A f t e r Mass the Bishop was welcomed at the Parochial house by the T a m i l children of the parish. It was a great pity t h a t Rev. F r . Baloche, the parish priest was not present on that occasion, as he is unfortunately laid up and still confined to the hospital. * * * *
D r . J . P. Fitzpatrick, formerly Medical Officer of Tapah is now Deputy State Medical and Health Officer of Taiping.
Rev. Father K o h was called upon to give a speech. H e arose amidst applause. H e congratulated the C. C . A . in reaching its F i r s t A n n i versary and thanked the members for their k i n d invitation hoping that since they remembered h i m in their first year, they would not forget him i n their second.
Rev. F r . Pages, the late Superior of Chengtu Seminary, China, is now i n St. X a v i e r ' s Seminary, Serangoon, assisting Rev. F r . L . Auriol, in preparing candidates for the General College, Pulo Tikus, Penang. The Rev. F a t h e r also assists Rev. F r . M . K o h , V i c a r of the Church of the N a t i v i t y of the B . V . Mary, and he discharged his first parochial duty b y saying the 8 o'clock mass on Sunday morning. * * * *
TAIPING. Rev. F r . O. Dupoirieux went on one of his periodic visits to Upper Perak. H e was accompanied by Rev. F r . M . Bonamy of Sungei P a t a n i / K e d a h . They left Taiping on Monday, 18th February, spent Tuesday in Lenggong, visited Grik cn Wednesday, and returned on Thursday. The Catholics in these parts are small in numbers.
B u k i t Mertajam Catholic Action Society. # * * * The Catholic Action Society of B u k i t Mertajam had its inaugural On the 5th February at meeting at the residence of The 4-30 p.m. Rev. F r . O. Dupoirieux Rev. F a t h e r Michael Seet on 10th performed a very edifying cereFebruary 1935. There was a fair mony at 250 Tupai K e c h i l , when gathering of all communities pre- Madam L i e w Choon L a n consecratsent at the meeting and after The ed her family to the Most Sacred Rev. F r . Seet had explained the Heart of Jesus. aim and purpose of the society to * * * * those present the meeting proceedWe congratulate D r . L . W . Jayeed with the election of office-bea- suria on his recent appointment as rers which resulted as follows:— Assistant Medical Officer of the Taiping Hospital. D r . Jayesuria Spiritual Director— is an old boy of St. George's School, Rev. F r . Michael Seet. T a i p i n g ; in fact one of the first President— pupils of the Institution. After M r . Chee Soon Tee. his secondary education, he was Vice-President— sent i n 1927 as a government stuM r . G o h Soon Teik. dent to the College of Medicine i n Singapore, where he took his degHon. Secretary ( E n g l i s h ) — ree i n the final examination held M r . Chan Ewe P i n . last year. We wish D r . Jayesuria Hon. Secretary (Chinese)— a long and successful career. M r . V o n g Ching K o n g .
SEREMBAN. The extensions to the Church of the Visitation is going on very rapidly, the front portion and the Belfry is nearing completion, and when completed will add to the dignity of the. town of Seremban. Funds are urgently needed to comp e t e the building and our P a r i s h Priest Rev. F r . A u g u i n will be grateful for further contributions. A n y donations could be sent direct to h i m Care of the Church of the Visitation, Seremban.
ALOR STAR. St. Nicholas Convent School. A l o r Star, was en fete on Monday, January 28, on the occasion of the visit of Reverend Mother St. Berthe, Assistant Superior General from Paris. The distinguished visitor who was accompanied by Reverend Mother St. Tarcisius of Penang, Reverend Mother St. Dominique who is returning to France from Japan, and Madams St. Louis, St. Cezaire and St. E m i l e of the Penang Convent, was received by M i s s Lawrence, the Head Mistress. In honour of the visit the pupils of the School, w h i c h was opened only i n January last year and now has an enrolment of nearly one hundred, grave a short entertainment. The programme opened w i t h a song of welcome by the School. T h i s was followed by an address by the little ones. The Malay girls—about a dozen i n number—afterwards sang " W e the daughters of the land." Physical drill by Standards n, III, and I V concluded the programme. A f t e r the entertainment Miss Zainab said a few words of welcome i n French and presented Revd. Mother St. Berthe with a lovely basket of flowers made by the pupils. Sweets h a v i n g been distributed, a group photograph was taken. T h e entertainment was attended to by H . H . Tungku Yacob and a few parents of the pupils. H i s parishioners in Kedah w i l l be glad to hear that their beloved pastor, Reverend F a t h e r Riboud, has completely recovered from the liver-complaint that necessitated his return to France last year. The treatment at V i c h y has cured him and he is eagerly looking forward to his return to the Mission. A s he naively puts it i n a letter, " I am feeling well, very well—too well to stay longer i n France. B u t my superiors wish me to rest a few months more." " F a t h e r Riboud has been spending his leave in Paris, the department " d e l a Dronee," Lyons, and Cassis, near Marseilles. W h i l e in Paris he paid many visits to the ' Bibliotheque N a t i o n a l e " where he discovered many facts concerning Kedah and made copious notes. H e came across .letters, maps and pictures dealing with Kedah in the S i x teenth, Seventeenth, and E i g h teenth Centuries, as a result o f the documents he has seen he thinks it possible to determine the (Continued on page 1 8 )
MARCH 2nd 1935.
AROUND T H E PARISHES {Continued from page 17)
exact site of the capital of Kedah in the time of Monsigneurs Coude and Garnault. He has also found out many details concerning the ecclesiastical history of Queda before the time of Monsigneur Coude, and also an account of the martyrdom of a man named Martin at the Port of Queda at the beginning of the Eighteenth Century.
maculate Conception, on 5 March, 1935. The members of the Sodality and the Third Order of St. Francis of Assisi are requested to attend same.
The death occurred at the Bungsar Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday 16th inst of Edith, wife of Mr. J . W . Brower and second daughter of M r . E . V . IPOH. Xavier, late Postmaster, Kuala Sodality of the Most Blessed Lumpur, and Mrs. Xavier. Virgin Mary, at St. Michael's InstiThe deceased lady was only 27 tution, Ipoh, Perak. years of age and had been i l l for some time. Her condition was reOffice-Bearers, 1935. ported to be improving but on Spiritual Director—Rev. Father Saturday her case took a turn for the worse and in spite of the best J. S. Fourgs. medical and nursing skill available President—Rev. Bro. Sigebert. she passed away at 11.30 p.m. Prefect—Mr. Tan Boon Kwee. The late Mrs. Brower was of a Vice-Prefect—Mr. L i p Seng Onn. pious and unassuming nature. Secretary—Mr. L i m Guan Choe. Besides her husband and her Treasurer—Mr. John Emmanuel. Asst. Secretary—Mr. Toh Ee Boon. parents she leaves behind three Asst. Treasurer—Mr. Chye K a h young daughters, several sisters and a brother. Loke. Rev. F r . Perrissoud officiated at Councillors—Messrs. R. S. Bartho- the service at the St. John's lomeusz and C. L . Jeremiah. Church and also performed the The membership is about fifty last rites at the graveside. There strong. was a large gathering of friends The above is incidentally a at the funeral and the grave was confirmation of the 1934 election. covered by a profusion of flora) tributes. Kuala Lumpur. TAIPING. OBITUARY Last Saturday a Requiem High It is with regret that we have Mass was said for the repose of the to announce the sudden death of Mr. M . S. Leo of the Chief Mecha- soul of Miss M . Estrop an account nical Department, Central Work- of whose death appeared in the shops, which took place on Tues- previous issue. The members of day, 19th instant, at his residence. the Sodality of the Assumption are The late Mr. Leo, aged about 60 having another Mass said for the years, was suffering for a long departed Sodalist on Saturday time from heart disease to which next, 2nd March. he finally succumbed. He was a zealous and active member of the Sodality of the Immaculate ConSINGAPORE BURIALS. ception and of the Third Order of 23rd February. Anthony Chan St Francis of Assisi. The funeral was well attended Choon Keng, son of Chung Loo and by the members of the Sodality Annie Pang. 23rd February. Hedwiges A l and of the Third Order of monte, daughter of Francis A l St. Francis of Assisi. There will be a requiem High monte and Venancia Almonte. 24th February. Rudolph Leo Mass for the repose of his soul, offered by the Sodality of the Im- Pais, aged 32.
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BIRTHS. Taiping:— Ng.—At Taiping, on Friday, February 8th, 1935 to Saw Bee Lan wife of Ng Teik Swee a daughter— Agnes. Baptised on 16th February, at Klian Pau Church, Taiping. Mrs. Leong Sin Nghean standing godmother.
70c per
Q u a r t Tin
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17th February. Joseph Nelson de Silva, son of Dionisio de Silva and Nellia de Silva. God-parents: Vitallis de Rozario and Rose Jansen. 17th February. Mary Magdalene de Mello, daughter of John de Mello and Marie de Mello. Godparents :—Adolphus John Monteiro and Mary Puspalm. 22nd February. Anthony Chan Choon Keng, son of Chung Loo and Annie Pang. God-mother:—Mary Puspalm. 23rd February. Janet Lola Pereira, daughter of Augustine Edmund Pereira and of Daphne Cecilia Pereira, God-parents:— Wilhelm Hubert Ess and Jane Violet Ess.
24th February. Letitia Helena Wilson, daughter of Gilbert Gilmore Wilson and of Edna Wilson. God-parents:—William Edward Jansen and Helena Agnes Jansen.
MARRIAGES. 19th February. Marie Joseph Louis Raphael, son of Aroquiassamy and Marie Xavery to Irene En a de Souza, daughter of George Frederick de Souza and Hilda Teodora Cornelius. Witnesses:—Mr. and Mrs. Lambert de Souza. 2nd March. Clarence Isidore de Rozario, son of Johanes de Rozario and Anne Cecilia de Souza to Regina Minjoot, daughter of Roquinho Minjoot and Matilde Pinto. Witnesses:—A. S. Pereira, Jane de Rozario.
MERTAJAM (Wedding).
The wedding took place on Saturday morning the 23rd February at the church of St. Anne, Bukit Mertajam, of Miss Nancy Marguerite Boudville, daughter of Mr. Philip Boudville, Engineer of Kuala Ketil Estate, Kuala Ketil. w
(Continued on page 19)
BUKIT M E R T A J A M WEDDING. (Continued from page 18)
and Mrs. Boudville, and Mr. D. B . Andrew of Kuala Ketil. The Rev. subsequently held. The aim of 2. August 26th. 1934. C. C. A . Father M . Bonamy officiated at the CHURCH OF S. PETER these Meetings was principally to Concert in honour of Rev. service which was choral. The draw up the Entertainment ProAND PAUL. Fathers Lau and Lambert. We bride who walked up the aisle on rendered musical selections. Report for the year ended 31st. gramme. the arm of her father looked charming in a white satin gown, December 1934. Accounts. Anniversary. cut on slim-fitting lines and flaring Gentlemen, The Statement of Accounts duly The Anniversary of the Asso- from the knees into a long fanYour Committee have much audited for the year under review ciation was celebrated on W K i shaped skirt of net frills. The pleasure in submitting this Report is attached hereto. It shows an Monday 21st. May at Mr. Tantrain of satin and georgette was and Statement of Accounts for the excess of Income over Expenditure Cheng Kee's Bungalow. Invita- carried by four little flower girls. year ended 31st. Dec. 1934. of $49.91. There are few arrears tions were issued to the Chinese She wore a veil which was held thanks to the generosity of the Catholic Action. Musical selec- closely to the head by a coronet of Introductory. members and to the fact that the tions were rendered by our mem- orange blossoms and carried a Originally the Association monthly subscription is only 25 cts. bers. sheaf of arum lilies. Miss Hannah functioned under the name of ChoThe following were elected to Whelan was bridesmaid and M r . Sports Section. rister's Society of S. Cecilia. At serve on the Anniversary Com- Clement Aeria performed the duthe beginning of 1933 it was deThis section included only Bad- mittee:—Messrs. Hong Peck Lock, ties of a groomsman. Following cided to change its name. A n Onauguration Meetiry was held minton, Ping Pong and an occa- Tan Boo Chong, L i m Kian Lee, the ceremony in the church a reduring March 1933 under the name sional Football. It is to be regret- Khny Jit Mui, Tan Kwang Yeow, ception was held at the residence of the bride's aunt in Sungei of Catholic Young Men's Associa- ted that nothing has yet been done Teo Kim Song. Patani where Mr. & Mrs. Boudville Orchestra Section. tion can congratulate itself in in the shape of Tournaments owwere host and hostess to a large having another successful year. ing to the lack of support. It is This Selection has much room The Committee wish to convey to be hoped that the next Commit- for musicians, who i f not members gathering of friends. Late in the their warm and support which have tee will remedy this. yet should enroll speedily. Musi- afternoon the bridal couple, amidst contributed in no small measure cal selections were rendered during a shower of confetti, left for TanSocial Engagements. jong Bungha for their honeytowards the success of the AssoMass at the following feasts:— Reception in honour of His ciation. The Committee sincerely Chinese New Year, Easter Sun- moon." hope their support will be main- Lordship, the Rt. Rev. Mgr. Adrien day, Feast of Ss. Peter and Paul, Devals, Bishop of Malacca. tained during the ensuing year. Christmas at the Midnight Mass. In conjunction with the Catholic Management Committee. Musical Selections were also At the First Annual General Young Men's Association (Singa- rendered at the Variety EntertainMeeting held on the 28th. January pore) at Ophir Road, a Reception ment staged at St. Joseph's Insti- (3) Patronal Feast of the Spiri1934 at the Association's Premises Committee was formed. tution and at our Anniversary. tual Director of the Associathe following were elected to serve We also received invitations tion—Feast of St. Stephen. Reception Committee. on the Committee of-Management. from the C. C. A . on four different Spiritual Director—Rev. S. Lee. occasions to render musical selecAdditions to Rules. Chairman— President— tions. In pursuance of the Resolution Mr. G. V . Santhou. Mr. Chan Peng Sim Dramatic Section. passed at the First General MeetHon: Secretary & Treasurer— Vice-President— It was pleasing to note that our ing held on January 8th. 1934. Mr. Teo K i m Song. Mr. Chia Gue Seng. performance staged at St. Joseph's 1. Members should make it their Hon: Music Supdt.— Bun: Secretary—. Institution was much appreciated Mr. Peter Seng. Mr. Teo K i m Song. duty to receive Holy Commuand the items we provided in both Hon: Treasurer— nion at least once a month Committee— the C. C. A . concerts received much Mr. Hong Peck Lock. preferably on the First Friday applause. It shows that some of Messrs. C. L . Batchelor, Chan Hon: Auditor— of every month. Peng Sim, Chia Gue Seng, our members had the dramatic eleMr. Tan Peng Kiang. ment but until then had not the 2. Members to attend Vespers Tan Soon Kim, P. L . Anthony. Hon: Choir M a s t e r opportunity to display them. We and Benediction of the Sunday The Reception Committee drew Mr. Lim Chew Aye. sincerely hope that more members and Holy days of Obligation. a Programme and very successup Hon: Music Supdt.— will co-operate with the officials fully carried out a/Variety Enter- for the success of this section next Mr. Seng Lye Tee Malaya Catholic Leader. tainment staged at St. Joseph's year. Hon: L i b r a r i a n Hall on 21st. April 1934 in honour At the General Meeting held on Mr. Tan Boo Chong. Choir Section. of His Lordship. A n address was November 4th. 1934 Mr. L i m Kian Hon: Sports Secretary— A Requiem High Mass for the Lee was elected to canvas for subalso presented to him. In his reMr. Tan Peng Hock. ply the Bishop said—quoting from souls of deceased members of this scribers. Messrs. Teo Poh Leng Committee— Mr. Ee Peng Liang, Mr. Seet the Malaya Tribune Monday April section were sung on November and Teo Kim Song were elected to Mm Joo, Mr. Patrick Boon, 23rd. 1934—"it was with great joy 24th. at 6.30 a.m. It was a Gene- serve as the Special Correspondthat he was making his first pub- ral Communion Day. Musical ents. Those who are not yet SubMr. Lim Kian Lee. lic appearance there after his Con- mass were sung on the following scribers and desire to be kindly Membership. secration." The Association can feasts:—Chinese New Year, East- send in their names. The year began with thirty-four congratulate itself on this singular er Sunday, Confirmation, Corpus Complimentary. members on the rolls. Thirty were honour. Continuing he said, "You Christi and Christmas. Friday newly admitted. The strength of are the leaders and I hope you will practices, had fallen off lamentably The thanks of the Association the Association on December 31st. set an example to the rest of and the Committee earnestly hope 1934 was sixty-four. In one year Malaya." We would urge our Ca- that choir-members would co- are due to:— we are glad tto note the number tholic friends to rally round and operate and come for practices on the rolls being doubled. We ap- so justify these words. especially for Musical Mass. It 1. Rev. Bro. Director for the use of the school hall for the perpeal to the parishioners to answer Reception in honour of Rev. S. Lee. would be a pity to abandon the formance and practices. the call of Catholic Action and enlatter for lack of attendance. In conjunction with the C. C. A . , 2. C. C. A . for their invitations at roll without further delay. we held a joint-reception in honour Religious. their various functions. Meetings. of our Spiritual Director Rev. S. 3. C. Y . M . A . (Singapore) at All the meetings were well at- Lee on the feast of St. Stephen Maundy Thursday Night Vigil. Ophir Road for working so tended. During the year under December 26th. 1934. More than The members were divided into smoothly with us in bringing review four General Meetings and a hundred assembled to congratu- two sections. One section went to the performance to success. eight Committee Meetings were late our Spiritual Director on his St. Teresa's Church to observe the 4. Malaya Tribune and Malaya held. These meetings were at- feast. Vigil and the rest remained at Ss. Catholic Leader for the use of tended by representatives of the Peter and Paul. A General Visit Invitations. their columns. Chinese Catholic Action and our was made at 11 p.m. 5. The families of the members Committee were also present in The following invitations issued for the use of their residences Feast Days. their meetings. by the Chinese Catholic Action for music practices. In conjunction with the C. Y . were thankfully accepted. The Hon: Treasurer wished to The. following feasts days were M. A . (Singapore) at Ophir Road 1. May 6th. 1934. Chinese Catholic Action Concert in honour observed with General Communion record his thanks to members for a joint-reception was held in hotheir prompt attention in the of His Lordship the Rt. Rev. (1) Feast of Ss. Peter and Paul. nour of His Lordship the Rt. Rev. monthly subscriptions. (2) Annual Thanksgiving Day— Mgr. Adrien Devals, the Bishop Mgr. Adrien Devals, the Bishop of Feast of St. Aloysius. of Malacca. We served as ticMalacca. To this end a Reception TEO K I M SONG, ket collectors and rendered Committee was formed on March {Continued at foot of Col. 4) Hon: Secretary, musical selections. 15th. 1934. Seven meetings were
Decree Recognizing Martyrdom of Two Englishmen Read in the Presence of the Pope.
The accompanying photograph shows the scene in the Consistorial Hall of the Vatican, on February 10, when the Pope presided at an assembly of the Sacred Congregation of Rites for the reading of the decree in the Cause of Canonization of Blessed John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, and Blessed Thomas More, Lord Chancellor of England under Henry Vni. In the picture the decree is being read. Afterwards the Bishop of Southwark, Monsignor Peter Amigo (third figure from the right, with white hair), read an address to the Holy Father in English, to which His Holiness replied. In the course of his speech, which recalled the virtues and qualities of the two Martyrs, the Pontiff spoke of the initiative taken in the cause by the late Cardinal Bourne. " What a joy it would have been to the Cardinal," His Holiness said, "if only he could have been at this ceremony here to-day." The Consistorial Hall, of which only a small part is shown in the photograph is one of the Vatican's best-known, state-rooms. It wajs erected by Clement XIII in the eighteenth century, and lends itself admirably to such formal ceremonies as the one depicted. A magnificent coffered ceiling, richly gilt, is the chief decorative feature. In the upper part of the picture will be seen portions of the landscape frescoes and figure painting which ornament the walls of the Hall below the ceiling. Great preparations are being made in England for participation, at Rome, in the Canonization ceremony. Nearly every member of the English Hierarchy, it is thought, will be in St. Peter's for the great day; and part of the proceedings may be broadcast. Published by Rev. F r . Cardon and Printed by Lithographers Limited, 37/38, Wallich Street, Singapore, S.S.