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In a small Russian town called Jesus was still there and they made Ekaterina, fifteen little boys had their visit as usual. been preparing for their First ComA group of boys and girls, chilmunion. E k a t e r i n a was full of t h e foes of the Catholic Church, and dren who had no religion and were the little boys had to be very care- probably brought up by their ful and cautious during the days of parents like so many pet animals, their preparation t o receive into decided to organise a dance in t h e their little h e a r t s their Lord and sacred precincts of t h e Church. God, Jesus our beloved Redeemer, The fifteen little boys—the faithfor a tiny little word imprudently ful bodyguards of Jesus in t h e uttered would have soon caused a Blessed Sacrament—were horrified conflagaration. T h e great day ar- a t this, and decided to defend their rived at last and t h e little boys had Lord and God even at t h e sacrifice the great happiness of receiving of their lives. They went to t h e Jesus for t h e first time into their Church and sought out a window hearts purified by t h e Sacrament they could easily reach. They of Confession. F r o m t h a t day on- next began to try to get inside t h e ward these fifteen little boys would church. One boy stood by t h e regularly meet in t h e Church every wall, another got on top of him and evening, in order t o make a visit then the third who jumped inside to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament t h e Church, and in this manner all as an act of reparation to Our Lord fifteen succeeded in getting in t h e for the abandonment to which He church. F o r a long time those anwas left by the impious people of gelic little lads felt happy for being so very near Jesus, their Saviour. the town. But now they heard t h e sound of One day, after about a month many voices. The people of t h e had passed since t h e children had town, t h e impious crowd were made their First Communion, some gathering outside t h e Church. soldiers appeared in the town, ar- Within a few minutes the big door rested the dear old priest and car- was broken open, and t h a t wretchried him away, giving him no time ed band of people entered t h e to save t h e Blessed Sacrament! church, singing and laughing and When t h a t evening our little visi- blaspheming! They carried tortors came to the church, they found ches, and as they began to light t h e it closed. candles on t h e altar, they discovered the fifteen pious lads on their Looking through the keyhole knees with folded hands, grouped they saw t h a t t h e lamp was still together in front of t h e Tabernacle. burning in the sanctuary, and they The ruffians ordered t h e little boys knew t h a t Jesus was still in the to leave t h e church. But the faithtabernacle. Then standing on the ful bodyguard of the Blessed Sacrasteps of t h e church door they faith- ment would not move an inch. fully made their usual visit of Then t h e renegades fell on those adoration and reparation to our fifteen angelic children, like wild fucharistic Lord. The next even- beasts, ill-treating them and trying, the wick in t h e lamp had burnt ing their utmost to get them out of out, but t h e children knew t h a t (Contd. on page 20).
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"We Wanted to Defend Our Beloved Jesus"
2nd, 1935.
10 Cents.
Brief Summary of what is Essential as to Faith by
Rev. Peter Geiermann, C.SS.R., in his "Manual of Theology for the Laity". Catholics believe all that God h a s revealed as handed down by Divine tradition and Sacred Scripture. Their belief may be summed up in five points, as follows: 4. About Sanctification Catholics believe, (1) That in Christ's merits is salvation for all of good will; (2) That Christ established t h e one holy Catholic, Apostolic Church to teach, guide and govern t h e faithful; (3) T h a t He made St. Peter the head of t h a t Church; (4) That t h e Pope is the lawful successor of St. Peter (5) That Christ gave His Church t h e infalr lible guidance of t h e Holy Ghost: 2. About Creation Catholics be- (6) That she is t h e guardian of lieve, (1) T h a t God created all God's revealed truth, as contained things in time, for His glory and in Devine tradition and Sacred t h e welfare of His creatures; (2) That angels and men were created Scripture; (7) T h a t the Holy in original justice, endowed with Ghost keeps the Pope, His viear intelligence and free will and sub- on earth, from error when he jected to a trial; (3) That the teaches a doctrine of faith or supernatural joys of heaven were morals to be held by all t h e faithto be t h e reward of fidelity; (4) ful; (8) That public revelation That some angels rebelled against was completed with the Apostles; God and were cast into hell; the (9) That faith alone will not save others were faithful and went to man, but t h a t good morals or good heaven; (4) That God gave man w orks are necessary; (10) That an angel guardian; (6) That man God gives sufficient grace for sinned and was promised a Re- salvation to all mankind; (11) deemer; (7) That human nature T h a t prayer is the universal was weakened, but not essentially means of obtaining God's help; changed by original sin; (8) That (12) That Christ instituted seven God creates every human soul; (9) sacraments; (13) That every sin That t h e guilt of original sin is can be forgiven; (14) That charity transmitted to the children of unites God's friends on e a r t h with those in heaven and in p u r g a t o r y ; Adam. (15) T h a t veneration of angels and saints is pleasing to God; (16) 3. About Redemption Catholics That it is a holy thought to pray believe, (1) That God the Son for the souls in purgatory. assumed human nature from the Virigin Mary, uniting the human 5. About the Last Things and the Devine nature in one Catholics believe, (1) That man's Divine Person; (2) That He has a human and a Divine will; (3) probation ends with d e a t h : (2) That He died for the Redemption That the particular judgment folof all mankind; (4) That His lows d e a t h ; (3) That the good go merits are infinite: (5) That He to heaven and the wicked to hell; rose from the dead and ascended (4) That those who have temporal into heaven; (6) That the Blessed punishment to atone for go to Virgin Mary gave the God-Man, Jesus Christ, His body, and is purgatory; (5) That this world therefore truly the Mother of God; will come to an end when God (7) That on this account Mary wills; (6) That then the dead will was preserved even from original rise again; (7) That then Jesus sin; (8) That in consequence her Christ will come to judge the livbody did not taste corruption, but ing and the dead; (8) T h a t t h e was reunited after her death to good will enter into life eternal, her soul and both were taken to but the reprobate will go into t h e heaven. everlasting fire of hell. 1. About God Catholics believe, (1) T h a t there is one God. infinitely perfect, who exists of Himself from all eternity; (2) That in God there are three Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, equal in all perfections; (3) That t h e Son proceeds from the Father, and t h e Holy Ghost from the F a t h e r and t h e Son.
A Pilgrimage to the Lourdes of the Philippines Recounted By Rev. Lawrence Bunzei, S.V.D. One of t h e first t r i p s which t h e young missionary should make w h e n he arrives in t h e Philippines is t h e pilgrimage t o t h e church of t h e Virgin of Antipolo. Since such w a s t h e opinion of our Very Reverend Superior, F a t h e r P . Guistoo said I were escorted by F a t h e r Beck t o t h e national shrine a few days after our landing in t h e Islands. W e welcomed t h e opportunity to visit t h e famous spot and t o give formal t h a n k s to "Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage" for our safe arrival. A t t h e same time we wished to ask her for a successful m i n i s t r y in our new field of labour.
Brought From Mexico. Our guide t h e n explained some of t h e main historical facts about this wonderful statue. He told us Don J u a n Nino de Tabora on t h e how it was brought from Mexico three centuries ago by a certain frail galley "Almirante!" The boat made t h e t r i p safely in less than three m o n t h s ; storms and typhoon which commonly menace Pacific sailors, were absent on this voyage. Moreover, some powder which was scorched by flames refused to explode, thereby saving t h e lives of the sailors, who attributed t h e phenomenon to Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage. Since t h a t first venture she has been t h e protectoress of numberless seamen.
One fine morning we stepped into t h e Ford and were driven in t h e direction of a "blue ridge," range T h e image was brought t o t h e of mountains by our Filipino boy. "Antipolo," said F a t h e r Beck, "is region of Antipolo for t h e new r i g h t out in those mountains ahead church of Santa Cruz. Tradition of u s ! " They were a picturesque states t h a t t h e statute, in protest, group of peaks covered for t h e always went to an "Antipolo t r e e " most p a r t with green vegetation of i found to-day in t h e front of F a t h e r light and dark shades. The clouds Jose's rectory. It, therefore, w a s hovered over t h e m planting a sweet not placed in t h e Santa Cruz morning kiss upon t h e i r crests. church, but was put above t h e altar W h a t a n inviting setting for a of t h e parish church of Antipolo. sacred place, I t h o u g h t , a s we sped About 1639 the Chinese of t h e on. And when once we began to neighbourhood rebelled and disWind around those peaks and could view t h e locality from closer range honoured t h e statue. They pierced I could not help a d m i t t i n g t h a t t h i s it with their lances and threw it w a s of a t r u t h n a t u r e ' s shrine of into t h e fire. But t h e image withstood t h e flames although made of prayer. wood. I t was t h e n rescued and placed in t h e window of a home Crouds in May. overlooking Antipolo. When t h e There were not very m a n y people Chinese attempted to attack t h e living in Antipolo a t t h a t time, house t h e y retreated becouse t h e y since pilgrims a r e not so numerous saw, according t o their own conduring t h e a u t u m n months. They fession, a host of Spanish soldiers. usually come in t h e spring time, especially in May, and t h e n s t a y Other Wonders. for a m o n t h or more. Then t h e A n o t h e r extraordinary occurence town is overcrowded with people took place in 1646 when t h e Dutch from all p a r t s of t h e Islands who raded t h e city of Cavite on Manila have travelled day and night to get Bay. The defenders in their dest o t h e i r destination. Since Manila pair of saving t h e city from sack i s only about Ihirty-five miles dis- and ruin had recourse to the protect a n t , a ^ood portion of its inhabi- tion of t h e Virgin of Peace. In a t a n t s change t h e i r residence to t h e few hours t h e twelve Dutch ships city of Our Lady when t h e solemn were driven off, although days of ceremonies t a k e place during t h e fighting had not accomplished this m o n t h of M a y ; also world tourists before. who sojourn in t h e capital make it a point not to miss a visit to t h e Many other wonders are told shrine during t h e busy time. about t h e intercession of the Virgin of Antipolo but few miracles have .. Upon our arrival in t h e parish been scientifically investigated. church we entered t h e rectory to Some, however, were recorded meet F a t h e r Jose, t h e native pas- when t h e Jesuits were in charge of tor. He gave us a warm welcome t h e shrine. One of t h e physical a n d t r e a t e d us to a cooling beve- wonders well authenticated is t h e rage. Then he guided us to t h e saving of Bernado Jacinto who, church of good old Spanish times when mortally wounded by seven and showed us t h e silver-plated al- stabs, jumped from a boat into t a r above which stood t h e Virgin L a g u n a Bay, promising t h e Virgin of Antipolo. It was an impressive t h a t he would serve her a year, if sight, particularly Filipino, and we saved. He reached the shore in all knelt down to pray. After t h a t safety after a two hundred-yard he "took us behind t h e altar to view swim and presented himself to the t h e beautiful s t a t u e a t close range. priest to whom he explained his There was a p r e t t y crown on t h e promise. head of t h e Virgin and a halo stood Greater, however, to t h e eyes of behind it. Out from under it h u n g dark brown h a i r in plaits covering faith are t h e many conversions of the shoulders and back. The face hardened sinners and lapsed Cathoq^.tjie, Blessed L a d y is Malay. And lics which took place at Antipolo her (Jress was long and of elaborate ever since t h e shrine has been erecworkmanship. W e were surprised ted. These are t h e miracles of when F a t h e r Jose told us t h a t the grace which mean more to us t h a n crbwn was only an imitation of the cures of the body. tiiie one which was kept in a safe, (Cont. at foot of col. 3.) because of its rare gems.
2nd 1935.
• Lano (Wallis Islands, Pacific).—There are new 12 native priests in the Vicariate of Central Oceania, three young men having been ordained October 9 by Bishop Darnand, Vicar Apostolic of the neighbouring territory of Samoa. More than 6,000 miles of sea travel separated the seminarists from their own superior, Bishop Blanc, so at his request Bishop Darnand, on his way to the Tokelau Islands, made a side-trip of 500 miles to confer Holy Orders on the three Oceanians. (Fides)
NEW and economical
Antsirabe (Madagascar).—Bush fires in central Madagascar this year have destroyed three churches, a school and a catechist's house, all belonging to the mission of the LaSalette Fathers of Antsirabe. This mission, with a Catholic population of 80,000, has 440 churches and chapels and 435 schools. (Fides)
"No Catholic, who has been blessed by God with the gift of the true faith, can remain inactive in the mere possession of this bounteous gift of God. True faith is ever allied to charity, a virtue which of its very nature seeks to extend its influence. This fact is so obviously true that no really intelligent man will question the logical deduction that the Catholic who is indifferent to the Propagation of the Faith shows lack of appreciation o f the gift received from God, and, consequently, is in danger of losing this precious heritage. "The same apostolic spirit has ever animated the souls of all the great Apostles and Missionaries of the Church —Patrick, Augustine, Denis and Boniface, Xavier and Claver, Marquette and . Matteo Ricci—down to our own day.
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Young Ladies who must economize and yet maintain traditionally high standards of goods will be happy to pay a visit to A U R E L I A ' S N E W Dept. a rendezvouz for shrewd shoppers where exquisitely fashioned hats of fine quality may be had from
Capetown (South Africa).—Forty-one missionaries reached South Africa November 10 when the S.S. Ubena arrived with another contingent of priests, brothers and sisters. Several congregations were represented in the group. (Fides)
Capetown (South Africa).—Catholic Press Sunday w a s observed throughout South Africa November 25 as part of the drive to secure support for the existing Catholic publications in the country. A letter signed by all the Vicars and Prefects Apostolic w a s read in the churches and placed before the people their duty of subscribing to and reading Catholic papers.
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MELBOURNE EUCHARASTIC CONGRESS. Why It Was Held. As many non-Catholic readers, and, perhaps, some Catholic ones, do not know why the Eucharastic Congress was held at Melbourne, | or for t h a t m a t t e r anywhere else, J it had better be explained why it j w as. It is a Catholic custom to J honour not only t h e Feasts of the Church, but also great secular events by receiving Holy Communion with what is called an " i n t e n t i o n " appropriate to the occasion, i.e., when Catholics want to do their utmost for the success L of any good cause they proceed I eucharisticaily. Therefore it w a s ^ fitting t h a t Melbourne's rejoicings I over t h e hundredth anniversary of hei' modest beginning should be [ eucharisticaily kept by the Catholic 1 population of t h a t great city. At I Congresses such as that which was j t e d in the Victorian capital, theological and even sociological ; papers are read at the sectional meetings; but t h e most memorable feature is always the congressus or coming-together of the faithful for individual receptions of Holy Communion and for a joint act of public homage to the Blessed Sac 7
"What would Europe and America be today had these brave men remained at home, keeping the faith all to themselves, and praying and serving God at their own altars? Would the young and vigorous Church in Australia and N e w Zealand be what it is today had the noble Irish pioneers remained at home in Ireland, blessing the memory of St. Patrick who brought them the faith, which they might have lost had they not become wanderers for Christ in their efforts to spread the f a i t h ? " ( F i d e s )
Having performed our pilgrimage of gratitude and petition we drove to t h e other side of t h e mountain to view t h e Bay of Laguna mentioned above. We then turned homeward, better children of Mary t h a n before, and well convinced t h a t Our Blessed Lady chose a beautiful spot for her shrine. May she continue to have many devotees, and may every missionary coming to t h e Philippines have t h e same opportunity we had.
rai>.ment, usually regarded by Pro-1 testants as the Host. No less than 60,000 Catholics marched in t h e ! Melbourne Eucharistic procession ( out of t h e total population of not^ much more than 6,000,000 of the vast island-continent of Australia. Such a congressus is wonderful, and is a splendid manifestation of faith and patriotism. We owe this succinct explanation to The Tablet of Dec. 15, 1934
On Wtt&s from A l b i o n Southwards Requiem For The Cardinal.
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Undoubtedly t h e most imposing ecclesiastical function in Great Britain during t h e past week has been the solemn Pontifical Requiem Mass for Cardinal Bourne celebrated in St. George's Cathedral, Southwark. Although naturally on a smaller scale t h a n t h e great requiem at Westminster Cathedral on the funeral day, and shorn of the representative elements supplied by the presence of the Hierarchy and the diplomatic corps, the Southwark function was notable and impressive. Moreover, it took the mind back to the days when Francis Bourne officiated in t h a t Cathedral as Bishop of Southwark, before he went to Westminster and long before he becaine a Prince of the Church. Pugin's gothic sanctuary made a magnificent setting for t h e ceremonies at St. George's and at times the spectacle recalled some mediaeval picture of religious pagentry from t h e Brush of an Old Master. As a t Westminster, so at Southwark, hundreds of surpliced clergy were present, with many canons and prelates of higher rank, to pay homage to the memory of the late Cardinal. The Southwark diocese contains a great many religious houses, both of men and women, and t h i s strength was reflected in the large attendance of monks, friars, Canons Regular, priests, brotherhood, and members of religious communities of women. A draped catafalque had been erected, at which t h e absolution was given by Dr. Amigo, t h e Cardinal's immediate successor in the bishopric. Many Catholic societies in the diocese had their representatives-present, and t h e Cathedral was crowded to the doors with a great congregation of men and women in every walk of life.
Majesty's representative to attend on such occasions; whilst The Tablet has been outspoken in its reference to the absence, from the requiem, of anybody attending on behalf of the Sovereign, noting also t h a t with the exception of t h e Board of Admiralty the Government took no official steps to honour the late Cardinal. Meanwhile—as might have been expected—the anti-Catholic element, the Protestant Underworld, as they have well been called, have given themselves and their bias the benefit of the doubt, have preferred to believe that the King was in fact represented at Westminster, and have started throwing protest at the Prime Minister against the action of His Majesty, " a s Protestant Sovereign of these British Isles, sending a representative to attend Mass in the Roman Catholic Cathedral, London, on the occasion of the death of Cardinal Bourne.*' The shield, it will be seen, thus appears to present two contradictory sides: a Royal representative was present; a Royal representative was not present. The latter is probably t h e correct situation, Lord Granard having been present a t the requiem only in his private capacity as a Catholic layman. If so, Catholics have cause for their displeasure—not of course against His Majesty personally, who is above and beyond all such controversies, but against those on whose advice he acts in these matters. A Church Fire in London. Early discovery, and prompt action by the Fire Brigade, are to be thanked for the fact t h a t t h e Catholics of Willesden, in NorthWest London are not to-day mourning the destruction of one of their churches. As i t is,_damage has been done, it is reported to the extent of several hundreds of pounds. The outbreak occurred in t h e Church of Our Lady of Compassion, Willesden Green. Draperies, statues, the Crib, and some of t h e church panelling, suffered severely, but t h e Brigade arrived in time to prevent the flames from spreading. Among Catholics in England, Willesden Green is widely known as t h e parish in which are the headquarters of t h e Catholic Missionary Society, whence learned priestlecturers go forth, all over t h e country, giving courses of Catholic Evidence lectures.
L Was The King Represented? I The question at the head of this ^ paragraph relates, not to t h e reI quiem at Southwark, but to t h a t celebrated for the late Cardinal [ Archbishop in his own Cathedral 1 at Westminster. A t more t h a n I one great function in t h a t building in the past, a special place, and a j reception wfith the ceremoy, has r e s e n c e ui <cs««~~marked the ppresence of o.a *represen; tative of His Majesty t h e King; but judging from headlines and comments in t h e Catholic press as well as in some of t h e secular papers, it seems to be a m a t t e r for doubt whether any representative Bourne Street. of royalty attended t h e requiem. Some of the newspapers boldly anThe Memory of Cardinal Bourne nounced in advance t h a t " i t is is to be perpetuated in South * "uuiiLcu 111 a u v a l i c c t u a t « *" London by the re-naming of a 1 presented"; expected t h a t and t h e after King will re thoroughfare as Bourne Street. t h e be event ! it was stated in some quarters t h a t This decision was made unanim( such had been the case—indeed, ously by t h e Southwark Borough ^ one enterprising camera took a Council, on the motion of a Labour picture of Lord Granard arriving leader. The graceful compliment at the Cathedral, and this appeared is one that will be appreciated by with the information t h a t his lord- Catholics especially, who now see ship was t h e r e as t h e King's several cases where great Catholic representative. On t h e other churchmen find honour in this way. hand, the Universe, getting into At Kilburn, in North-West London, touch with authorities a t Sandring- t h e local authorities, some years ham, was definitely told t h a t " i t ago, called one of the thoroughwas not c u s t o m a r y " for His fares near t h e Oblate church after ;
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2nd 1935
Monsignor de Mazenod, the founder of t h a t Congregation; and at Forest Gate, on the Essex side, Franciscan connections have been marked, for some time past, by " St. Antony's Road " in which is the fine church dedicated to t h a t great saint. Next April at Lourdes. Preparations are being made here for a large British participation at Lourdes, next April, for an uninterrupted triduum of Masses at the Grotto for the peace among the nations. Sponsored by tho late Cardinal Bourne, and by the Archbishop of Paris, Cardinal Verdier, this crusade has been warmly approved and blessed by the Sovereign Pontiff.The Bishop of Tarbes and Lourdes, His Excellency Monsignor Geriier, has entered enthusiastically into the plan, and an organizing Committee is already at w ork. As was the case with the Holy Mass Crusade some time ago, in which fifty nations took part, the Society for the Maintenance of the Apostolic See is prominent, in England, in the work of promoting the great Triduum now in prospect. T
Walsingham. Bit by bit, Catholic associations with Walsingham are being extended since t h e holding of t h e National Pilgrimage in Agust last. The latest link in the chain was forced by a touching little ceremony whichrtook p l a c e s - f e w jdays__ ago—the blessing of a cottage recently acquired by a well known Catholic artist and writer, Mr. Peter Anson. As the pilgrimage last year was to the Slipper Chapel at Houghton-le-Dale, whereas Mr. Anson's house is within the parish of Walsingham, the ceremony is thought to be the first Catholic rite performed in the village itself since t h e suppression of the famous Priory four hundred years ago. Mr. Anson has been touring East Anglia, gathering material for his pencil and his pen. He is a convert from t h e former Anglican communtiy at Caldey, a community now , for the most part, Catholics and in residence at Prinknash, in Gloucestershire. In spirit and intention a pilgrim-artist, he has already visited and pictured many of the Church's hallowed spots in the Holy land and in Italy, France, and other European countries. Some of his Franciscan pictures were shown at t h e International Franciscan Exhibition at Assisi. T
Loss of A Social Worker. There is deep grief among Catholic social workers in the Midlands by t h e death, a t the early age of forty-nine of F a t h e r James Connor, of Coleshill, Warwickshire. In t h a t parish are a number of rescue homes founded many years ago by Monsignor Canon George Hudson, and except for a year's curacy at Dudley, Father Conner had spent his life as a priest in giving devoted service to the founder and as secretary of the Catholic Emigration Association. He put in at least eighteen years' work at Coleshill, varying his labour at the homes by yearly journeys to and from Canada to settle some of the boys and girls in t h a t country and to visit those already settled there. In this work he travelled many thousands of miles. Had he lived, F a t h e r Connor would doubtless, in due course, have succeeded to the important charge with which he
It's not only a matter of taste.. . To be a perfect timepiece, a watch has to be beautiful and accurate. Now, everyone can say whether a watch is to one's lfking or not, but it is difficult to estimate the quality. Only experts can judge the finish and precision of a mechanism as delicate as that of a watch. There remains for those who love accuracy a means of eliminating' disappointment-choose a VULCAIN watch, acknowledged the best by thousands of people all over the world. With a VULCAIN you have t h e satisfaction of knowing that you possess a timepiece of unequalled accuracy and refined beauty.
was already so closely connected. He will be greatly missed. The Clean Film Campaign. Although attempts are being made, in some quarters^ to belittle the Clean Film crusade in which Catholics have taken t h e lead here in England as elsewhere, the success of t h a t campaign is already being witnessed. But the " clean u p " is as yet nothing like fully done; so the campaign goes on, and public opinion is gradually being educated. In t h e Picton Hall fit Liverpool, within t h e past few days, a stirring call has been uttered by F a t h e r Owen Dudley, Superior of t h e Catholic Missionary Society. It was cheering to get from this widely-travelled priest first-hand probf of a better state of things than was the case some time ago. " I am glad to be able to say," he remarked, " t h a t t h e films whose trade shows I have seen during t h e last six months show from t h e moral standpoint a very marked improvement. One change I have noticed in quite a number is t h a t the sanctity of t h e marriage bond is upheld. Undressing scenes have decreased and a healthier type of unsophisticated film is appearing." Many of those engaged in t h e film trade are men who realize t h a t Catholics are not " o u t " to injure the industry, but simply to purge it, and t h a t from every point of view it is at least as good business for them to screen unobjectionable films as to go in for the other sort. Catholic hostility towards certain films is more than balanced by Catholic publicity for anything good and harmless, and the Catholic newspapers are constantly drawing attention to, and commending, fillms which are worth seeing. Without exaggeration it may be said t h a t clean films will mean bigger r e t u r n s at t h e box-offices; because, as things have been until lately, Catholics, Anglicans, and Nonconformists have alike refrained, in thousands of cases, from going to " t h e talkies," in fear of what they might have to endure there.
Young People's Page THIS
From Fish and Mice to Mountain Lions. By Sheila. i Many a boy o r girl has a dog— ^ueer-Iooking chap perhaps, but yet a dog they would not sell for anything. It is n o t always t h e aristocrats of t h e dog world who a r e t h e best pals or t h e cleverest pets. In fact mongrels a r e often t h e more intelligent dogs and they a r e great companions. There are tales told by his owner of a dog named Emperor, who was partly spaniel, partly sheepdog, a n d partly—just dog! His people h a d had him from t h e time he was a tiny woolly pup, and he was t h e joy of t h e family. When Emperor grew up he developed a gift for fishing—and a s he was an Americ a n dog and belonged t o an American family, t h a t was O.K. with them! Best of t h e Catch. When any of his owners went fishing Emperor went along too. He! would cock his head on one side and then catch t h e first t r o u t and pull it out, wriggly and gleaming. Next, with no suggestion, he would wade in, his curly-plumed tail wigwagging rapidly, his broad .muzzle plunging first here, t h e n -there, under t h e w a t e r a t t h e flitt i n g shadows t h a t were frightened trout. A t first he used t o catch nothing, b u t soon he learned to stand on t h r e e legs, ears alert and watch until he saw a fish d a r t t o hiding under a rock or over-hanging bank. Then he would approach slowly till he could make a swift g r a b under t h e water. The third t r y of t h i s kind netted him a fine heavy trout. \ F r o m then on Emperor was a fisherman. H e caught as m a n y as anyone, and a s his were usually t h e larger ones, his owners saved his contribution for t h e frying pan! H e liked r a w fish, so they let him eat a few. B u t plainly he had not turned fisherman for t h e sake of food. His tail wigwagged constant delight in the sport. Big Game Hunting. Emperor was a great all-round dog. His knack for t r c u t fishing W£s probably t h e result of his 'partial water spaniel ancestry—he seemed to find out t h e most effect i v e method so quickly. Thanks also t o his sheepdog blood, he readily became a pretty good stock dog. T h a t is, he learned to help drive catle by heel nipping instead of frontal a t t a c k ; he could chase hogs out of t h e garden without doing them serious i n j u r y ; he could catch a chicken and hold it with his paws, only taking a few mouthfuls of feathers for himself! Not content with this, Emperor became a big game h u n t e r and .used to trail and " t r e e " mountain lions in t h e Rocky Mountains. Lion h u n t i n g is t h e business of hounds which a r e specially bred and trained for J h a t job, b u t Emperor did not care about t h a t . He -fancied lion h u n t i n g , so lion hunti n g h e would have.
All in One Try. He trailed and treed his first mountain lion alone, except for t h e encouragement of a farmer-ranchman hunter. On his third or fourth lion h u n t he chased four big lions feasting on a deer t h e y had killed, pursued them and treed them all, one a t a time, going on after t h e next as soon as each had been shot. Yet t h e very next day after his record lion h u n t Emperor went out with a twelve-year old boy of t h e house and chased squirrels with as much barking enthusiasm as if he had not, j u s t t h e day before, sunk his t e e t h bravely into a big lion. And t h e next summer he and his young m a s t e r had just as much sport as ever rousing chipmunks out of rock piles for him to catch and eat. He would eat a n y t h i n g —from raspberries to turnips or bear meat. At hay-making time in l a t e r summer Emperor was not above hunting mice. Under t h e last forkful of t h e fragment hay t h e r e usually were field mice, and E m peror got most of them. Slightly Discouraged. There were only two ways to get him out of a hayfield while loading was going on. One was to fire a g u n — t h a t indicated more important business. The other was to insult him. This was done with a pitchfork! His family would wait till t h e dog had taken up his stand a t t h e alert, ready to pounce on t h e first wiggle under t h e h a y t h a t might be a mouse. Then t h e y would quietly poke the rounded end of a pitchfork handle t h r o u g h the stubble between his legs, from behind. Ivnariably, when he saw it, some instinct in him cried " S n a k e ! " and made him j u m p sky high. Then, when everyone laughed and he saw what it was, his big brown eyes woud look foolish. If it was their first offence for the day he might merely reproach them by staying away from t h e next cock or two. But about t h e third or fourth time it was goodbye for Emperor. Away he would stalk to t h e house; and neither wheedling nor scolding could bring him back for an hour or two. He was afraid of snakes (though he often killed t h e m ) , and he didn't like to be laughed at. Still Unscathed. Emperor was as brave as t h e lions he hunted, and had a quick intelligence too. It is illegal, and is considered unsportsmanlike in New Mexico to hunt deer with dogs. Yet despite many whippings, his owners were never able to break Emperor off chasing deer. One day, on some steep pine slopes,' old Emperor broke away pell-mell a t the heels of a big buck. Sudenly, out of sight some three or four hundred yards down t h e hill, his "deer yelp" changed to a loud ferocious baying. Sometimes an old (Continued
on page
MARY THE FAIREST LILY OUR MOTHER. By M. Fenelon. God Chose Mary t o be t h e Mother of t h e Saviour of t h e World and she was to bring forth t h e Son of God for t h e Redemption of Mankind. Mary was simple, humble, and obedient to Joseph (her spouse). She worked very hard, cooked and spinned. No mother loved her son as Mary loved Jesus and, no son loved his mother as Jesus loved His Mother. The sun was setting; Mary and Jesus were walking along a road; as they were proceeding the mother saw h e r Son's face sad so she desiring to change her Child's thoughts, gathered and handed him a lovely lily. "My darling Child, what a lovely lily?" she said. The Child looking at it eagerly, admired it and said, "Mother dear, I know a lily sweeter and fairer t h a n t h i s ! " A little further a dove flew t o her and rested on her shoulder. She took it tenderly and gave it t o her Son, Who received it and then let it fly. "Mother dear," t h e Child said, "I know a dove more innocent than this!" Going further still, they came to a fountain. The Child stopping near t h e fountain dipped Its small white hands in t h e water. "Oh! Fountain, you who have fought your way out of t h e dark depts, fertilize t h e virgin earth, besprinkle t h e lilies and quench t h e doves' t h i r s t with your refreshing w a t e r s ! " said the Child, and t u r n ing towards His mother, t h e Child added "Mother dear, I know a fountain clearer and purer t h a n this!" A t last they reached their h o m e ; t h e mother took her Child on h e r knees and said, "My darling Son, You told me You know a lily fairer t h a n t h e one I gave You, a dove more innocent t h a n the one who came to us and You let fly, and a fountain clearer and purer than t h e one in which You bathed Your little hands; Tell me, darling Child where is t h e lily, t h e dove, and t h e fountain You love so much?"T h e Child said, "Mother darling, it is you!" MARY OUR MOTHER. As Mary is t h e Mother of God, so Mary is our Mother. Mary knew t h a t Jesus would die, yet she sacrificed Him Whom she loved more t h a n herself. This shows how she loved mankind. Jesus Christ redeemed us from sin and hell likewise, Mary was the cause of our salvation, not because she was t h e Mother of t h e Redeemer b u t because she agreed with Him in t h e work of Redemption. Mary stood a t the foot of t h e Cross as a martyr, pale in countenance with her hands crossed on her breast and t h e Blood fell from t h e wounds of Her Son. Thus our dying Saviour addressed Mary and John ' W o m a n , behold thy son," "Son behold t h y Mother." In this way, beneath t h e Cross, John received Mary not only as his own Mother, but also as Mother for us, all mankind. As Mary is our Mother t h e r e fore, we need her protection throughout life and especially at t h e hour of our death. A mother's h e a r t is kind. Mary, too, is always ready to receive sinners as well as give Divine Graces according to t h e i r needs. St. Bernardine of Siena r e p e a t s : "She disposes t h e
All young people need milk every day:
for preference
gifts; t h e virtues and the graces of the Holy Spirit when she wills, as she wills, to whom she ills." Blessed Renier of Citeaux a servant ofMary feared a t the thought of his sins and t h e terrible justice of God after death. In his fear he ave himself up to t h e Mother of lercy, he saw the Mother of God in spirit asking her Son in his favour. "My Son," she said, "deal mercifully with him in Purgatory, because he humbly repents of his sins." "My Mother," replied Jesus "I place his cause in your hands." At this the Blessed Renier understood with joy t h a t Mary had obtained for him Heaven, and exempted from Purgatory. Therefore, Mary the Mother of Mercy Mother of Graces will never forsake her clients who sincerely and faithfully devote to her.
Social Guild and C . Y . M . S . Confer on Social Problems Worker: Trade Unions: Labour P a r t y : Catholic Action The Catholic Church is always on the side of t h e working man. The Church is definitely in favour of t r a d e unions. Trade unionism in this country has to a g r e a t extent failed, because of its negative policy. Catholic Action, rightly understood, does not exist in England. These were some of t h e points made by F r . Bernard Salt, of Oscott College, Birmingham, director of Catholic Action in t h e Birmingham archdiocese, at a joint conference here to-day of the Catholic Social Guild and the Catholic Young Men's Society. Fr. Salt, who said there should be no need to defend the Church in regard to t h e working man, dealt with t h e subject of t h e Church and t h e worker from t h e doctrinal and historical aspect. The Church's Help. The office of t h e Church, he said, is to teach. She h a s been heard beyond Catholic circles, and if she has not achieved more it is fcot her fault, hut the fault of men, including Catholic men, who are slow to learn. She had done more t h a n give us principles or point out t h e things to be achieved. She had indicated t h e machinery and the type of social development t h a t alone could avail in her teaching of professional association. She had not even stopped there, but recognising t h a t satisfactory associations would scarcely be built up on a false moral and religious basis, had called Catholics to a sense of responsibility, pointing out that this work of preparation was in their hands, and for the preparatory work she had devised a machinery and dictated t h e form in her teaching of Catholic Action. Fr. Salt was plied with questions. In repiy t o one question, he said the Socialism condemned by Pope Leo XIII was a system based entirely on materialism and had as its main doctrine the denial of the right of private property; and t h a t warfare was t h e only instrument by which economic reform was brought about. Trade Unions' Failure. Fr. Salt gave it as his personal opinion t h a t trade unionism in England to a great extent had failed because its policy had been negative r a t h e r than positive. Trade unionism in England had seen to the material necessities of rcan, buthad not seen t h e whole of man's dignity, t h a t man was composed of body and soul. Mr. R. Lundy, J.P., who is a trade union official, said he thought that Catholics were themselves to Name for t h e failure of trade unionism. Too many of t h e m were ttere " cardholders." Another speaker declared t h a t ^atholic social principles should be broadcast more than t h e y were from Catholics pulpits. F r . Salt agreed up to a point and said he thought more would be done in that direction in the future.
" N o Catholics Action." "Catholic Youth and Catholic A c t i o n " occupied the conference a t its second session. Fr. Salt said t h a t there is no type of Caholic Action in existence in England at the moment. Catholic Action is first of all lay action, the participation of the laity in the work of t h e Hierarchy. I t is an apostolate undertaken on t h a t understanding. It is also a spiritual work. Universe
50 YEARS OF " M I R A C L E S OF TEACHING." Many led into t h e Church by one Archbishop Goodier, S.J., preaching to a great congregation in Westminster Cathedral compared the Catholic T r u t h Society to t h e grain of mustard seed. "We are here to-day celebrating and thanking God in t h e Holy Mass for the 50 years of truly wondrous work and growth of t h e Catholic T r u t h Society—one more fulfilment of those mighty prophecies of Our Lord. . . . "The society was indeed a grain of mustard seed, small and very insignificant, yet with t h e principle of growth and development strong within it. "Frederic William Faber, t h e man who had by his work done so much to destroy and uproot prejudice, had died. Cardinal Newman was still living and in England, but his time was drawing short and his voice was almost stilled. And here sprang up a seeding which was to work miracles of teaching by means of t h e printed word, distributed in tiny booklets—each one a mighty force in itself. "Thirty-seven millions of pamphlets in 50 y e a r s ! "Many a man has found the^ whole Truth through the medium of one of those small publications. God has indeed given the increase.
million and a quarter pamphlets annually would be selling about 30 or 40 million each year. It is rather more than collaboration with t h e clergy. I t is direct participation, and must be directed and encouraged by the Hierarchy. The work of Catholic Action bodies is first of all to inform themselves and educate themselves in order t h a t they may be perfect Christians and then by virtue of t h e power of their own spiritual lives leaven the society in which they live by the spread of faith and morality. The reason Catholic Action does not yet exist in England is t h a t it is not sufficiently and clearly taught. Another reason is t h a t Catholic Action must have its initiative in t h e Hierarchy, and t h a t has not yet been done. Also, there is t h e shortage of laymen sufficiently prepared to take over the running of organisations.
IRISH FREE STATE. "The Minority Treated with Scrupulous Fairness." Statements made at a meeting in London of the Southern Irish Loyalists' Relief Fund Association are condemned and contradicted by the Protestant Church of Ireland Gazette. The Gazette ridicules t h e suggestion made by Mr. John Morgan, a professor of Constitutional Law, t h a t arms are being smuggled into Ireland.
"Yet, although there is a s t r o n g flavour of comedy about t h e s e 'amazing revelations,' t h e y h a v e their serious side," says t h e Gazette. "A statement of such implications and uttered w i t h o u t the smallest shred of tangible evidence must have upon the minds of 37,000,000 PAMPHLETS SOLD its readers the effect of arousing distrust. BY T H E C.T.S. IN ITS 50 YEARS. "Swallow Any Wild Story." Since it was founded 50 years "In the opinion of m a n y of ago, t h e Catholic Truth Society England h a s sold more than the Government's supporters and others in this country, these friends 37,000,000 pamphlets. of t h e loyalists are ready to swallow It has published 2,330 separate any wild story from Ireland so long pamphlets. as it is to the discredit of Mr. de The regular "best-seller" is the Valera." Simple P r a y e r Book. The Gazette continues: " A n o t h e r Sales of controversial pamphlets branch of the Association activities have declined, though there is still needs attention. We refer to t h e a regular d e m a ^ ^or t h e p a ^ n h l e t complaints of unfair t r e a t m e n t of exposing Maria Monk, t h e "Escap- the minority in Southern Ireland ed Nun," who died many, many which are implicit in its u t t e r years ago. ances. . . . But to suggest t h a t t h e C.T.S. pamphlets have been minority is unfairly treated by t h § is quite another translated into French, Italian, Government German, Spanish, Flemish, Portu- matter, and if such a statement is guese, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, made at all it should be backed u p Icelandic, Esperanto and various by very strong evidence. African and Indian vernacular "In point of fact, the most reslanguages. ponsible members of the class Many of t h e pamphlets in Braille which the Loyalists' Association are included in t h e National wishes to champion have repeatLibrary for the Blind. edly stated that both Free State Governments have dealt with the minority with scrupulous fair* ness." World's Most Modern Carillon is The Gazette points out t h a t t h e Blessed by Cardinal Verdier. Southern Loyalists are not willing to have themselves represented a s SIX CLEARLY* AUDIBLE NOTES objects of pity to the British public.
A Warning. I N ONE SECOND. "But," continued His Grace, "let us not deceive ourselves. Let us recall that other parable of Our In the campanile of t h e Basilica Lord, the enemy who, whilst t h e of the Sacred Heart a t Montmartre, husbandman slept, came and sowed t h a t is to say a t the* highest point cockle amongst the wheat. in Paris, t h e world's most modern "We have won much in our own electric carillon w»s blessed to-day land. We have been given our own bv Cardinal Verdier, Archbishop place in the country, in society, and of Paris. in every p a r t of t h e life of our The apparatus is of such great nation. But let us still cling to our precision t h a t six notes struck on Faith as t h e most priceless possesone bell in one second are clearly sion of all, with which nothing on and separately audible. earth can be compared, and let us never minimise t h e value of our The cari'lon consists of 30 bells, Holy Faith in any way." and is t h e result of ten years', research bv a firm of carillonA NEW PAMPHLET EACH makers a t Strasbourg. WEEK IN EVERY HOME. It will nlav five times a day. Bv rn^ans of nerforated rolls, which Preaching t h e C.T.S. jubilee ser- will he set in action bv a pendulum, mon in St. Chad's Cathedral, it wiU nlay both pomfar hvmns, Birmingham, Fr. F . Woodlock, S.J., p*"\ hymns such as t ^ e O F*li» et urged every Catholic family t o help t h e society and suggested a s a Fffae. t ^ e P~cs* de I ' A s ^ ^ n t i o n Sanctus from t h e Missa de slogan: "A new pamphlet each A n g e l s . week brought into every Catholic In addition, a clavier permits home in England." If this slogan were acted upon, he pointed out, any tune to be played as easily as t h e C.T.S., instead of selling a upon a pianoforte.
C a t h o l i c Action! Be a Subscriber! Enrol
N o w !
T h e S e c o n d Indian Pilgrimage T o R o m e This account has been written Specially for the M A L A Y A C A T H O L I C L E A D E R by a local Catholic who had Joined the pilgrimage. Editor. On t h e morning of t h e 22nd F e b r u a r y 1934, the S.S. Chontilly left Singapore harbour with myself and t h r e e companions. We were rjfigrims for Rome and were going with t h e object of gaining t h e Holy Year Jubilee Indulgences fraelously granted by Our Sovereign pontiff Pius XL I On t h e 27th February a t 6 o'clock in t h e morning we entered t h e P o r t of Madras, where about 300 pilgrims were waiting to join us. They hailed from all parts of India and Burma and among them were one Archbishop, 4 Bishops, 4 Monseigneurs and 44 Priests. .. A t 7 p.m. of the 28th all the pilgrims now being berthed on board flie S.S. Chontilly were taken in auto cars to the Cathedral of St. Mary, Madras, for Benediction. The Service was most impressive and quite a large number of t h e public were present to give us a h e a r t y send-off. '* Immediately after t h e Benediction Service, t h e pilgrims accompanied by t h e sympathising public, walked in procession to t h e harbour, which is distant about a mile from t h e Cathedral. En route we recited t h e Rosary and saner a few h y m n s . * On arriving a t the harbour t h e Archbishop and Bishops went up the pilgrim-ship and blessed her. Then with many an affectionate farewell, t h e pilgrims parted from their friends and boarded t h e vessel. ,
Departure from Madras. The pilgrim-ship immediately left h e r moorings and made for t h e open sea. The singing of hymns continued, meanwhile, by those on t h e ship and together with those on t h e harbour till the ship got out of t h e breakwater.
of t h e m h a s to be moored to the bank. It was interesting to watch this done as also the activities of a few human and animal life in an otherwise desert land. The canal is only 80 miles long; but our boat was obliged to go so slowly t h a t it took her full 10 hours to go through. We reached Port Said at 7-30 p.m. and were quite delighted to set foot again on t e r r a firma after being on t h e water for so many days. We spent a few hours looking around and making a few purchases. Those of us who had gone t o Cairo now rejoined us at Port Said a t about midnight. Next morning a t 9 a.m. we were once more on t h e waters moving in t h e direction of Haifa. At Haifa. Haifa was reached a t 4 a.m. on the 18th. of March, After the usual examination of passports and t h e search by Customs Officers we were allowed to land. Having landed and assembled together at t h e Bus Station we knelt down to t h a n k God for t h e safe voyage He had granted us and to place ourselves under t h e protection of Our Lady during our journey in the Holy Land. Spiritual Retreat on Board. The days we spent on board the ship were not wholly idle. We had to prepare ourselves by a kind of spiritual retreat to get t h e maximum profit from our pilgrimage. For this purpose we were placed under t h e guidance of our Director, Reverend F a t h e r A. Le Tellier, S.J. who conducted all our devotional exercises. Every morning at 6-30 a.m. he said mass at which we all assisted. After mass he gave us lessons on t h e method of making meditation. As we were only tyros he would himself make t h e " acts " aloud and require of us t o repeat t h e m after him. This method, most trying no doubt for our Director, was continued for some days till we were lajl able t o make meditation by ourselves. Our Director insisted t h a t all of us mediatate daily.
At Colombo and Djibouti. A t Colombo, which was reached about 1 p.m. on t h e 2nd March, 137 Ceylon pilgrims joined us. Before t h e ship left Colombo a t 6 p.m. i i a n y had the pleasure of seeing t h e beautiful island. Nine days later found us anchorThe Blessed Sacrament on ed a t D'Jibouti a French port on the Ship. h e African continent and though The Blessed Sacrame?»t was reI i was night some of us got ashore served on board the ship in a sui;o see t h e little town while our table place. This was a boon much j ship was coaling. appreciated by t h e pilgrims who would go occasionally to visit Our Passing the "Gate of Tears." : After a few hours t h e boat con- Dear Lord in His Prison of Love, i jnued her route and soon we pas- It is believed t h a t this was the first ted t h e "Gate of T e a r s " and found time t h a t t h e Blessed Sacrament urselves in the Red Sea. Here was reserved on board. Of course wing to engine trouble we were the permission of the Holy See elated and arrived a t Suez only at m u s t have been duly' obtained. The day was brought to a close a.m. on 16th March, ane day after ichedule - time. Some of the by t h e Benediction of the Blessed pilgrims got down h e r e t o go and Sacrament followed by a lecture on lave a view of Cairo. Our ship some scene of Our Lords' Passion. i towever did not wait for them but I shall never forget the lecture on i ontinued on her course and steam-: Gethsamane: how the soul-stirring d slowly through the Suez .Canal.;. words of the preacher went home Tie* canal, i s ' v e r y | ^ r r o w , when to our hearts and moved some of ne^bddt has to pass another, one^ us to tears.
Needless to say t h a t besides t h e mass celebrated by our Director, which I m a y call t h e official mass, there were other masses celebrated at different times and in different parts of t h e ship by t h e several clergyman we had on board. Visit to Holy Places. From Haiha we set out in t h e direction of Jerusalem in auto cars and arrived at Nazareth at 10 a.m. where we heard Mass and received Holy Communion. After which we visited the spot on which Our Lady's house stood and we had the pleasure of kissing the^spot where the Mystery of the Incarnation took place. After a good meal at Casa Nova we continued our journey and in a few minutes we were at Cana where Our Lord changed water into wine—without alighting at Cana, we pushed on to Lake Tiberias, arriving t h e r e at 2 p.m. We walked to t h e shore of the Lake and knelt down to say a short prayer. From the shore of Tiberias we were shown t h e ruin of Caparnaum and t h e mount on which Our Lord multiplied t h e five barley loaves and two fishes to feed more t h a n five thousand mouths. The Hill is not high Its stop is fiat and wide enough to accommodate few thousand people. After leaving Lake Tiberias we passed by Mt. Tabor and through many towns and villages. I t is noticeable how modern t h e houses in all these places looked. At last we arrived a t Jerusalem and it was 6 p.m. and we were unable to visit t h e Church of the Cavalry—after arranging for our accommodations some a t Casa Nova and t h e rest a t the*. Assumptionist. we had our dinner and were told to retire early, as we were* to attend m a s s next morning from 4-30 a.m. Punctually at_ 4-30 a.m. next morning many were a t t h e Church of the Cavalry hearing masses at the A l t a r s of Mother of Sorrows and of t h e Crucificatern. A t same, we all assisted a t t h e High Mass celebrated by one of our pilgrim priests in t h e chapel of t h e Holy Sepulchre. This chapel is divided kito t h r e e sections—the first section which is the ante-chamber to t h e Grave is called " The Chapel of the Angel." In t h e middle of it is the stone which t h e Angel of the Lord, having rolled back from t h e entrance of the Sepulchre, sat upon. From t h e " Chapel of t h e A n g e l " a narrow low doorway leads into t h e Lord's Sepulchre.' which consists of two sections—the sections having been caused by the earthquakes which occurred at the moment of Our Lord's Resurrection. After the High Mass we were conducted to the Chapel of the Flagellation where we were given the privilege to kiss the pillar to which Our Lord was bound and scourged. The pillar is of stone and is 18 inches in diameter and about 3 Feet in height. It is only a part of a whole pillar, the other part is to to be seen in Rome. We were taken next to the Chapel of the Division of the Garment and there we saw the pillar on which Our Dear Lord was mockingly enthroned while his t o r t u r e r s crowned Him with thorns. This pillar is about the same sjze as t h a t of the Flagellation and is encased in a mesh-work of wire.
We were next taken to t h e crypt of St. Helena which marks the spot where t h e three crosses that of Our Lord and the two thieves who were crucified with Him were threwn by the* Jews and where St. Helena had discovered them. It i quite close to the rear of the Calvary, but to get to it one has to go down several flights of stairs into a grotto. s
At about 10 a.m. we visited quite a number of places. We saw the wailing Wall. It is a part of the basement of Solomon's Temple. A Jew happened to be just there then. I t was most piteous to see him shaking himself and striking himself as he wailed with sorrow. Then we went to the valley of Josaphat where it is believed the Last Judgment will take nlace. The other places of interest were Mount Sion, and the Mount where Abraham was ordered by God to sacrifice I s a a c ; Mount of the Ascension ; t t h e Jewish Cemetery; the Commissioner's Bungalow; the Hill of Evil Council, w here Judas hanged himself; the Field of Haceldc<ma: t h e Mosque of Omar; the Mosque of Angsa; t h e Hill of Scanda; where Solomon had erected temples for his 360 wives. There were also t h e Church of Dormition of Mary. The Cenacle where t h e Last Supper took place, (which is' now in t h e hands of the Turks and where we are not allowed to p r a v or made t h e sign of the Cross a n d yet this is the place where t h e Holy Eucharist was first instituted—dear to all C a t h o l i c s while in t h i s place we a r e asked to pray t h a t it may come into the hands of t h e Catholic soon)—the Tomb of David and t h e palace of Ciphas. 7
On t h e spot where Caiphas palace once stood is now a Greek Church. In it is still preserved the small room in which Jesus was confined after His a r r e s t in the Garden of Gethsemane. MAKING
THE WAY OF THE CROSS. A t 3 p.m. we had our tiffin and left immediately after to interview the P a t r i a r c h of Jerusalem who was very pleased to see us. Then a group photograph of all the pilgrims was taken. After this we made t h e " W a y of the Cross" along t h e very route Our dear Lord had made His journey for our sins. This route lead through the Market Place to Mount Calvary and the Holy Sepulchre. The first station is in the Church of t h e Passion. About omf hundred feet from the first station in a narrow street and near a Greek Church is the Second station, the exact site being indicated by a Cross under an Arch. Two hundred feet further on is the Third station. It is the site of an Armenian Church. About 50 feet furt h e r on and marked by a cross on an Arch is the F o u r t h Station. T h e Fifth station is 50 feet furt h e r on, t h e words " V station marking its exact spot. About 200 feet away from t h e Fifth station looms the word ' Veronica \ on t h e door of a private dwelling. This is the Sixth Station. T h e words " VII station on an ornamental gate about 100 feet away m a r k s t h e site of t h a t station. About 50 feet further marked by a
The Second Indian Pilgrimage. Cross on a wall is t h e E i g h t h station. After this station the route passes through t h e market place and about 500 feet away on t h e steps leading up to a Franciscan Church, t h e exact spot being market by a pillar as t h e Ninth station. Another 500 feet from here and up the slope of Calvary is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. In it are t h e remaining five stations. On the right side of t h e Chapel of the Calvary is the Tenth station a rosace in front of an Altar marks this spot. Twenty feet further is the Eleventh station on the spot where now is t h e Crucifixion Altar and another 10 feet to the left is the Twelfth station. Five feet only from here is t h e Thirteenth station. The Fourteenth station is a good 100 feet from t h e thirteenth. The Chapel of t h e Sepulchre has been built over it. A Greek Altar has been built over the exact spot in which Our Lord's Cross was planted. It is marked by a brass p-ate and may be seen through a hole under t h e Altar. The positions of t h e Crosses of t h e two thieves are also indicated by two dark slabs. To Bethelhem. Next morning a little after 5 a.m. we left in buses for Bethlehem arriving there about 6 a.m. Lined in twos with lighted candles in our hands and singing t h e " Adeste Fidelis " we march to the Grotto of the Church, which being about 20 feet below t h e ground-level we had to descend in single file down a flight of stairs. The place of the Nativity is marked with a silver plate in the fprm of a star. On its right is the manger on which the Mighty God in the form of a helpless Babe was laid by His Mother. Besides the Altar dedicated to the Three Kings near t h e manger there are other Altars in t h e Grotto which was t h e stable of the Nativity of Christ and which is how entirely built upon by a large Greek Church—The Grotto is so small, there is room for only thirty people. We had therefore to hear Mass and receive Holy Communion in batches. A little distance away from the Grotto of t h e Nativity is t h e Milbe. Tradition has it t h a t the Holy Family rested here on their flight to Egypt and a drop of Our Lady's milk happened to drop on the ground while she was giving suck to the little Child Jesus—Women using the sand of this grotto find nursing easy. Our next move was to the Garden of Gethsemane which witnessed the Agony of Our Lord. It is now entirely surrounded by a wall and the olive trees in it look very gnarled and ancient especially the Tree of t h e Agony. A pillar marks the spot where the former gate was and the spot where Judas betrayed Our Lord with a kiss. Two paces awav is the rock on which t h e disciples fell asleep although bidden by the Lord to "watch and pray". We entered the Church of the Aeony. In the centre . of the Church is the rock by which Our Lord prayed in His Agony before Hus betrayal and arrest. Here our Director preached a stirring sermon on the Agony of Christ
of t h e Blessed Sacrament—and t h e n proceeded to the Grotto of t h e Tomb of Our Lady. It is just without the enclosure of the Garden of Gethsemane. After the visit to Our Lady's tomb we left for Haifa where we arrived at 6 a.m. We then proceeded t o t h e church of Mount Carmel and after a short prayer in that beautiful church we boarded the S.S. Chontilly again, which brought tears to t h e eyes of all t h e pilgrims. After a short meditation we had the Benediction Needless to say that our experience of the three days in Palestine was most pleasing and fruitful to our soul—The cold in the night however was intense and in Jerusalem four blankets hardly sufficed to keep us warm. NOTE:—We were truly sorry we had such a short time in the Holy Land, and had not our time been fixed for arrival at Rome before Easter Sunday, we would have asked to be kept in the Holy Land. As a m a t t e r of fact a few of t h e Pilgrims did return for a seeond visit to the Holy Land on their return voyage. With t h e present reduced rate of steamer fares it will be well worth the while to spend one's furlough, which need not be more than six weeks, visiting the Holy Spots of Palestine—Of course arrangement should be made beforehand with the Superior of Casa Nova or that of Assumptionists in Jerusalem who are more willing to render their assistance in the m a t t e r of conveyance, transport or lodging, or t h e unscrupulous Jew will not fail to take the advantage. We set foot on Italian soil at Naples at 10 a.m. of the 25th of March, 1934. Through a misunderstanding one section of us proceed to the Cathedral St. Januarius in Naples t h e other to t h a t of Our Lady of Grace, Magnano. where the Relics of St. Philomena are kept. I t was Palm Sunday. The people in the streets were bearing away with them from the Churches slips of Olives branches; some had them in their hands, others in the button-boles of their coats. Outside the town of Naples the Italians looked pleased to see us and occasionally waved their hands in token of delight— At one village t h e people brought olive branches and distributed them to us. At the Church in Magnano we were permitted to kiss the relics of St. Philomena. Those who had separated from us and had gone to t h e Cathedral of St. Januarius, rejoined us by this time. We then returned to Naples—Those of us who went straight to Magnano, repaired to the Cathedral of St. Januarius and had the pleasure of meeting at the end of the mid-day mass, the Cardinal of Naples who imparted to us his blessing—after our tiffin at t h e Railway station
hotel we had a bus-ride in the principal streets of Naples—we saw Mt. Vesuvius—Then we boarded t h e train which brought us at 10 p.m. to Rome; without detaining we continued on to Padua, where we venerated t h e Relics of St. Anthony—After making the round of the town of Padua we entrained for Venice which took us a few minutes only. Venice, the Queen of the Adriatic, is a most wonderful city. It stands on many islands, so t h a t its streets are canals and it coaches and buses are gondolas— of course it has cars and autocars which are beautiful ones too as well as nice roads, streets and bridges. Its magnificent churches, a r t galleries, palaces, bridges and public buildings have writs largely on them the former greatness of the City of the Doges. We left Venice late in the evening for Rome and arrived there at 7 a.m. the next day, t h a t is, the 27th of March, straight away we were conducted to the Basilica of St. Anthony to hear Mass and receive Holy Communion. In Notre Dame Convent in the Rue J u s t i we had our meals during outstay in Rome, but we occupied quarters in the private hotels in the vincinty. In t h e afternoon at 5 o'clock we walked in procession to the Church of St. John Lateran to make the required visits to t h e several Altars for gaining t h e Jubilee Indulgence—In this Church above the Central Altar on hk*h pillars may be seen two figures, they are those of Saints Peter and Paul. The heads are the real heads of t h e Saints. The miracle is t h a t t h e y are still fresh after so m a n y centuries. St. John Lateran was once the Cathedral of the Pope.The Tabernacle on the main A l t a r is of real solid gold and before it burns night and aay 45 silver lamps. This church boasts also of possessing t h e Last Supper Table and the wooden portable altar of St. Peter. From St. John Latern we went to t h e Vatican to interview His Holiness It is incredible the amount of climbing we had to do before we found ourselves in the reception rooms of the Pope's Palace—I for one was quite exhausted Fortunately we had no^ long to wait His Holiness appeared dress in white with a face beaming with kindness. He was attended by his Secretary and Aid-de-Camp. As we caught sight of his fatherly face we made the hall ring with cheers of " Viva il Papa." AJ1 of us were on our kness when His Holiness coming to each one presented his ring to be kissed—After this greeting we followed His Holiness into the Throne Room where he ascended his throne and addressed us in French which Reverend Father Le Tellier, our Director, interpreted into English —The Holy F a t h e r ' s address came to us as a surprise for we were given to understand t h a t he would not speak to us for more than 20 minutes. And when we discovered t h a t the address and the interpretation of it occupied more than one hour, our admiration for His Holiness' condescension knew no bounds. Before leaving us His Holiness gave us his blessing which we received on our bended kness. He also ordered t h a t a medal of Blessed Don Bosco and t h a t of the Holy Year be given to
each of us and invited us to be present at St. Peter's on Easter Sunday for t h e Canonisation Service of Don Bosco and E a s t e r Mass. We had o t h e r Churches to visit in order to fulfil the conditions for t h e gaining of the Jubilee Indulgences. This we did from Wednesday in the Holy Week to Holy Saturday—The Churches we visited were St. Paul, St. Peter's, 9t. Mary Marjories', The Gesu—St. John of t h e Holy Cross, St. Ignatius, etc. We had t h e occasion to matUe t h e way of the Cross " at the Coliseum one evening also to visit the Catacombs one morning. One day after hearing mass and receiving Holy Communion in the church of t h e Catacombs we made a descent into the underground passages on either side of which were niches where the early Christians were buried. It also served at one time the refuge of the Christians during the persecutions —There was no time to go the whole length of these passages; so we saw just a little of the catacombs, but had a good look at the crypt of St. Cecilia. On Good Friday evening we were in the Church of St. John of t h e Holy Cross—In this church are kept several Relics connected with t h e Passion of Our Lord—Some of these Relics are:—a portion of the true Cross fixed on the three arms of a large wooden Cross; the sign I.N.R.I. which was nailed to the head of t h e Cross on which Our Lord died—the finger of St. Thomas, t h e Apostle; two thorn's from t h e Crown t h a t encircled His Sacred Head; a fragment of a stone from the Holy Sepulchre and t h e wood of the Cross of the good thief. After the usual service, there was a procession in which these holy relics were carried—The crowd t h a t attended the procession was somewhat enormous the like of it was never seen . b e f o r e ^ I t took us more than an hour t o g ^ t out of the church and through the concourse t h a t had gathered outside it who kept up shouting 'Viva La Cruce.'—(To be continued).: u
(Contd. from p. 4) THE DOG LIKED VARIETY. \ deer buck will stop to fight almost anything t h a t attacks him. Old Emperor, it seemed, must have run into such a one. As his owners ran down towards him one of them broke off a good sharp switch. The dog would have to be whipped again for running deer. But he wasn't. They emerged abruptly over a small ridge at thje scene of action to discover not ja deer but a huge mountain lion t h m had stubbornly refused to tree. The dog had left the deer chas.e instantly when he crossed th£ lion's track, and now, with his masters' arrival to encourage hiih —even before they had time lb shoot—this curly, squatty, black mongrel dog leaped headlong intio the middle of one of the mo$t deadly fighters of the woods—am thrice t h e dog's weight, at thaj;. It was a royal, raging battle whit it lasted—which was only until hjs companions could get a couple shots. Believe it or not althoug the lion's claws were full of blaci curly hair. Emperor was unscathed.
Woman's HOW TO FORM THE CONSCIENCE OF CHILDREN. One should be very careful not to rebuke and punish when he feels cross or falls into a fit of anger and knows t h a t his temper is out of eontrol; for then rebuke and punishment are given, more t h a n once, not on account of t h e grievousness of the offence itself, b u t because of the displeasure it h a s roused. Sayi a child, a t play, t e a r s his Coat, or, through wildness and clumsiness breaks some furniture in t h e house; all these accidents, after all are not State affairs, though Mammy does not precisely like them. Yet, when such catastrophes unfortunately happen, Mammy's first impulse is r a t h e r £.,. .quick. So t h a t the poor little bungler is rebuked a n d even punished more heavily t h a n he generally deserves. * It is of all necessity to resist t h e first impulse; i t has no educational virtue of any kind. Remember t h a t children possess a clear notion of r i g h t and wrong in m a t t e r of jpunishment and know well when punishment is beyond t h e .gravity of t h e offence. Thy will then feel aggrieved or rebel against it. Such a state of affairs does not help to form their conscience. Y e t to form her children's conscience is t h e chief purpose of education, a t r u t h t h a t a mother should always keep in view. A mother, therefore, m u s t be able to make out t h e difference in t h e offences of her child; with t h e impartiality of a judge she m u s t m a k e t h e distinction between a serious trespass & a mere trifle, a fault against morals and a fault which is b u t t h e result of a levity of character and thoughtlessness, a s generally is t h e case with our Kttle ones. T o show oneself more severe about a broken plate t h a n for & saucy r e t o r t is a gross mistake which every mother should ever be on guard against. Therefore in t h i s .momentous affair of children's education, one has perforce t o practice self-denial. Self-denial is a virtue of absolute necessity t o Christian parents, especially to the mother.
Mothers should remember that
THE PERFECT CUP OF COFFEENo More Excuses For Bad Coffee Now. The bad old saying, p i s t o l s for two and coffee for one," might read, "coffee for two and pistols for one"—the one being t h e maker of the coffee! Yet t h e r e is no reason why we should have to put up with so much badly-made coffee. I t is not difficult to make proper coffee—and here a r e some ways of doing it— to save you from having t h a t pistol used on you! First, here a r e a few general golden r u l e s : — Only the Best 1: Get pure, good, freshly ground coffee. (The best cook in t h e world cannot make good coffee with cheap berries.) 2 : W a t e r m u s t only boil for two or t h r e e minutes. 3: One dessertspoonful of coffee for each breakfastcupful required. 4 : Use dry, warm, glazed earthenware j u g or pot. 5: Add water, stir briskly, and then allow to stand on w a r m hob or under cosy for five minutes. 6: P o u r off coffee into pot in which it is t o be served, and if properly made it will not need straining. The grounds will lie safely a t bottom of earthenware jug. Serve with hot or cold milk as. preferred. And here is how t h e y do it on t h e Continent:— The Continental Way The following method produces t h e perfect cup of coffee without trouble. All you require is a common French two-decker cafettere made of copper, aluminium, or tifi. P u t in a heaped tablespoonf ul of freshly-ground coffee on t h e dividing sieve for each large cup t h a t your caf etiere will hold. Damp this with a drop of cold w a t e r ; press and r a m it tightly down; and then fill t h e top compartment full t o t h e brim with cold water. Let it drop through. It should take 20 to 25 minutes a t t h e outside. Then remove t h e grounds and t h e top compartment holding t h e m and merely heat (do not boil) as much of t h e resultant liquid as
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milk - every
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MILKMAID" MILK you want for immediate use to t h e hottest temperature the human mouth will stand. Some of the brew may be heated for breakfast; some after lunch; some for after dinner. I t keeps perfectly good in t h e cold liquid for 12 h o u r s ; but it deteriorates if kept longer. Remember, once boiled it is spoiled, for t h e aroma depends on a very volatible essential oil. Drink as hot as possible—with s u g a r if liked, either black or with a little thick cream. Coffee made in this way is powerless to keep you awake at night, for t h e cold water leaves the dangerous element unextrected.
When out at sea on some dark night! And twinkling stars give not their wonted light. When winds do blow and waves do beat! And hopes are lost of homeward safe retreat. B E THOU MY STAR ! BE THOU MY GUIDE ! When darkness spreads and light seems gone, And in my heart there's nought but hope forlorn' When billows high on my frail craft Their fury spend w i t h surging foam abaft. BE THOU MY LIGHT ! B E THOU MY H E L P ! When signs portend a wat'ry grave And human strength no perils more ;.• can brave, When death's grim hand seems set to grasp 5 My life within its sure ne'er failing clasp. BE THOU MY H O P E ! feE THOU MY STRENGTH ! Then unto hearth and home and kin, Thro' treacherous waves and winds to bring me in. To soothe all fears—my prayers to &rant And praises sweet with heart and soul to chant. . B E THOU T H E C A U S E ! AND T H I N E T H E H A N D . ! 0. Singapore.
The following is an extract from the inspiring account rendered by His Eminence Cardinal Verdier— Archbishop of Paris, on his return from t h e Congress of Buenos Aires. " A m o n g t h e memories of this superb Congress, t h a t of the final procession, no doubt, will ever remain uppermost in t h e minds of the eye-witness, as he gazes back in wonder a t t h a t grand act of solemn homage, rendered to the Holy Eucharist amidst all t h e pomp of the most unique brilliancy by more t h a n a million of t h e Faithful. Splendid as this spectacle was, however, t h e r e were ceremonies of a more captivating nature, and of these t h e Men's Communion merits first mention. Beginning at midnight, t h e Sacred Banquet lasted throughout t h e whole night—a night which will be recorded as one of t h e most eventful in the history of t h e world. Throughout its entire length, a t every street corner and even on t h e great city squares, priests were t o be seen, engaged in hearing confessions, or in giving absolution, while others distributed Holy Communion outside of t h e Churches in this manner to more t h a n 200,000 thousand men, including hundreds of converts. Happily t h e annals of the Congress are embellished and the remembrance of this unique spectacle will be perpetuated by the Press photographs taken on the occasion. But t h e most impressive happening is yet untold. At a street corner, in t h e dim light of the city night, a man perceives the golden cibqrium, kneeling down, he receives t h e Sacred Host and remains some minutes in silent adoration. Three hundred ciboria were carried t h r o u g h t h e streets of Buenos Aires on this memorable night. Tears were shed by many who witnessed such an unheard-of spectacle. Believer or unbeliever, whoever you are, respectfully acknowledge this stupendous fact. In its divine simplicity, it brought peace and t r u e happiness to thousands and thousands of men.
Address on Education delivered By
Dr. Lo Chia Lun Chancellor of National Central University at the meeting of the Nanking Rotary Club. (Dec. 6, 1934.). When you asked me, a man in work. But this criticism can be educational work, to speak, I ven- easily met, if one does not fail to ture to guess t h a t perhaps you notice the different ramifications of would like to test my limited know- secondary education, such seconledge and information in the dary normal schools, industrial Chinese education field. There- schools, and other kinds of vocafore, I beg leave to bore you for a tional schools. We do not doubt few minutes on* the present educa- t h a t these schools can be and should be improved, but, besides tional tendencies in China. Of course, t h e most rudimentary • t h e improvement, there still exists education is elementary education. the problem of t h e lack of a suffiI remember when I was young, I cient number of grade schools, facfarms, was still required to recite and to tories, and modernized commit to memory t h e Thirteen which can admit those graduates. Classics, word by word. And if I We hope the advocates of vocafailed to do so, the bamboo in t h e tional education will see to this hand of t h e teacher.was making a problem, as its solution is beyond frightening noise on his desk. educational reform itself. Now, let us t u r n to higher educaAlthough m y teacher gave me a few lessons in geography, history, tion, which I may know a little betetc., yet all those subjects were ter. In 1912, t h e r e were only four condensed in rhythmic verses universities and 481 students in which were also to be memorised. China. But twenty-two years laNow look at the boys and girls in ter, China has 82 universities and the grade schools, and see what colleges, which makes t h e sum total interesting things they are learn- III—and has 43,519 students, which ing, and how eagerly they are is almost twenty times more t h a n participating in various activities. t h e number of students in 1912. You will realise w h a t a. liberation The proportional increase in t h e there has been in Chinese educa- number is surprising if you comtional t h o u g h t and educational pare it with t h a t of elementary and method. In 1912, only 2,793,633 secondary schools and students. But if you consider t h e number boys and girls were entitled to enjoy this kind of privilege. But of high school graduates every in 1932, 11,667,888 boys and girls year, you will not be surprised t h a t shared t h e fruits of this great this number is a natural conseeducational emancipation. I wish quence to meet t h e existing deto point out t h a t t h i s emancipation mand. In 1912, t h e annual expenhas been brought about not only ses of t h e four universities were by the introduction of t h e Western only $755,730, b u t last year the educational method, but also by t h e amount increased t o $34,650,000. literary renaissance, which has Of this sum, about &/% million made t h e transmission of know- dollars were actually spent for ledge through " P e i Hua," or t h e buildings, library, and laboratory equipments, During t h e two years spoken language, possible. of my administration of the NaAs to secondary education, no tional Central University, we alone little progress has been gained. The curriculum has been more spent about one-half million dollars scientifically organized, the teach- each year, for t h e aforesaid aping staff more carefully selected, propriations. As you know, many instruction better conducted. The of those universities and colleges Ministry of Education has been were bamboo shoots—nay, some constantly trying t o raise the high might be mushrooms,—during t h e schools throughout China to a years 1920 to 1923. Some of t h e m prescribed standard, and has naturally had a premature birth. achieved good results. The intro- But, through t h e strict enforceduction of Boy Scouts education, ment of ministerial regulations and the emphasis on athletics have promulgated by t h e Ministry of improved t h e physique of boys Education during the last two and girls. The joint examination years, more t h a n twenty of the system, or, J h a t is to say, t h e public and private universities and system which empowered t h e colleges have already been closed, educational bureaux of the different and the rest of them, which comprovinces arid municipalities to give prise the previous figures, are the graduation examination to all gradually being lifted up to a better qualified candidates of high schools standard. According to the classification of collectively, has had t h e effect of raising t h e standard of t h e the Ministry of Education the colleges are divided into two groups, aforesaid schools. In 1912, there were only 52,100 according to t h e nature of the submgh school students, but in 1931, jects which they are teaching:— the number increased to 403,134. Group A, or Liberal A r t s Group, Of course there are various criti- consists of the colleges of literacisms of secondary education. The ture, law, commerce and education; most serious criticism is t h a t many and Group B, or Science Group, <>f t h e high school graduates, if consists of colleges of Natural they cannot afford to enter college, Science, agriculture, engineering w are not qualified to be admitted and medicine. In the year 1931, *n college, cannot find a suitable of the sum total of 44,000 students, profession, as they are not so train- 74*/2 per cent, belonged to the (Contd. on page 12) ed a s t o be fit for many kinds of
a n d
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POPE PIUS XI. The long and arduous labour imposed upon His Holiness the Pope Pius X I b y the very enthusiasm and affection which the nations manifested towards His person during the H o l y Year, ended with the closing of the H o l y Door. His children throughout the world prayed that the f e w weeks of well-earned rest H i s Holiness spent at Castle Gandolfo, may restore H i m physically and preserve him for the church for which H e is accomplishing so much. Pope Pius X I is a precious and indispensable servant of a depressed world. N o t within the memory of living men, not for upwards of t w o . centuries, has there been an occupant of St. Peter's chair by whom the world has been so powerfully influenced. Pop^e Pius X I n o w has an audience far beyond the limits of the Catholic fold, a hearing w o n b y his courageous stand for those principles of Christian morality which modernists society threatens to abandon and betray. The Pope's voice is the strongest and most influential in Christendom. Non-Catholics, many o f them ministers of religion, have gone out of their way to praise the greatness of His soul, H i s breadth of mind, and that spiritual power with which he moves the hearts of men. H i s Holiness is filled with sympathy for a world that seems unable, and not even knows how to help itself. O n e of his chief aims has been to give peace to the distressed nations, by establishing the peace of Christ «in the Kingdom of Christ. It is the burden of his every word, every address, and the inspiration of all his actions. D u r i n g the H o l y Year he spoke to pilgrimage after pilgrimage f r o m every quarter of the world, and his words, spoken as by a (
father with an intimate k n o w ledge of the necessities and languages of every branch of his family, have given encouragement and inspiration. A GREAT LEADER.
H e has raised and restored the prestige of the Papacy. The enemies believed that the Papacy was in decline, that the world struggling with doubts and difficulties was too pre-occupied with its material cases to need to give ear to the words of a spiritual teacher and healer. But the Pope has. stood as the standard-bearer of Christ, a great leader of men, and the only leader to point the way to a sure and lasting peace. His encyclical on the relations of capital and labour while c o n demning the war of classes, has asserted those principles of economic justice that make the basis of lasting industrial pacification. His teaching has n o w become the commonplace of reforming Statesmanship through whose work Bolshevism, the great o u t standing danger of the world, may be defeated or at least barricaded in its original home. N o r is it alone on international and social peace that he has directed the sane thoughts of men. T h e . five ideals of education as laid down by him, according to the teaching of Christ, have awakened the interest and excited the curiosity of many w h o k n o w not Christ. Around the sanctity of the home, he has thrown his strongest defences. When, in the face of a deteriorating society, guides in other churches seemed to be hesitating about maintaining the Christian and Scriptural doctrine, his uncompromising voice was raised proclaiming the indissolubility of the marriage contract. Men and clergymen in other churches, who still prize the traditional morality o f their fathers have thanked God, that there is one uncompromising defender of that morality left, to whom the world has.perforce to listen. Through the Pope's dominating personality, his greatness and goodness of heart, the Catholic Church is winning adherents, or admirers in quarters that hitherto were resolutely hostile or contemptuously indifferent. The Holy Ghost is manifestly working for Christ's ideals, and the heart of the world is being changed and renewed. The quickening of faith and the brightening of hope during the Holy Year makes an epoch in the history of the church. The appeal of the H o l y Father is for the lay apostolate and organised ance and the extension to the ance and the extension of the whole world of the jubilee of the
Pope's Programme of
Catholic Action Purpose and Method Defined Importance of the Press. The aims and methods of Catholic Action are defined in a communication of His Holiness the Pope Pius XI to his Eminence the Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon. T H E DESIRED Q U A L I T I E S . " While W e foresee w i t h great joy that many will harken to the appeal of their pastors and enrol themselves in this apostolic army, W e think it most advisable, especially in the early stages, that most attention should be paid rather to the quality than t o the number of the soldiers in that army of^Christ, and that by means of diligent and thorough formation, which will not only be religious and moral, but apostolic, they will be rendered active and generous auxiliaries of the Ecclesiastical Hierarchy. For such a purpose it will be useful to make them understand fully, since many of the faithful are yet unaware of it, that the apostolate is one of the duties inherent m Christian life. Amongst the various forms of the apostolate, Catholic A c t i o n is most richly deserving of the Church's praise, as most suitable to those new needs of the present day, widespread campaign of laicization that has been so long sustained. " It is the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation which impose, amongst other obligations, that of the apostolate, that is, the duty of spiritual help to our neighbour. By Confirmation we are made soldiers of Christ. N o w this im-* plies that the soldier should strive and fight, not so much for himself as for others. " But even Baptism, though it be less evident to the profane eye, imposes the d u t y of the apostolate, because through it w e become members of the Church, which is the mystical b o d y of Christ. ** Amongst the members of this body, as of any other organism whatsoever, there must be solidarity of interests and reciprocal communication of life. So we being many are one body in Christy and every one members one of another ' (Rom. XII. 5 . ) Each must assist the other members. N o one can remain inactive; but each one, while he receives, must also give. e
" N o w every Christian receives the supernatural life which circulates in the veins of the mystical body of Christ— that abundant life which Christ H i m self said He came to pour out upon earth. * / am come' that you may hate life and may have it more abundantly. (John X 10.) So we must transmit it to others who do not possess it, or who possess it but sparingly or only in appearance. * When these fundamental truths of the Faith are well weighed by the faithful We do not doubt that a new spirit
redemption are going to seal the Pope's message to m a n k i n d -and will be marked by a* great revival of faith and wide extension of Christ's Kingdom on earth.
of the Apostolate will fill^ their hearts and manifest itself in zealous action, since true life cannot be conceived without action, action being not only a manifest but a necessary coefficient and the very measure of life. A n d God grant that this H o l y Year of Redemption—as we eagerly hope and desire—may produce everywhere a renovation and a reinvigoration of Christian life. O U T S I D E P O L I T I C A L PARTIES. " T o effect this W e place Our trust in the power of Catholic Action which, to Our great consolation, is extending far and wide, becoming everywhere more fervent throughout the Catholic world, even in the missionary countries, and conferring manifest benefits not only on the Church but on all civil society. Hence, let it be well understood that Catholic Action, in the mind of the Church, has no material end in view, but a spiritual one. " And therefore, In its very nature, as in the very nature of the Church, it is above and outside all political parties, being directed not t o achieve or protect the particular interests of special groups, but t o procure t h e true good of souls b y extending as far as possible the reign of Christ Our Lord in individuals, in families and in society, and thus under its banner of peace to unite in perfect and disciplined concord, all the faithful who resolutely endeavour to contribute their share to the holy work of the apostolate. D U T Y OF C I T I Z E N S H I P . " That does not prevent individual Catholics from taking part in organisations of a political character which promote programmes and activities guaranteeing fully the preservation of the rights of God and of conscience. We must needs add that t o participate in political life is a d u t y of social charity from the fact that every citizen must according t o his capacity and opportunity, contribute to the well-being of his o w n nation. When such participation is inspired by Christian principles much good will ensue not only for the social but also for the religious life of the people. " Therefore, Catholic Action, which takes no part in politics in the strict sense of the term, prepares its adherents to follow only those principles of public policy that are sound and inspired by the teaching of the Christian Faith—the only doctrine that can bring prosperity "Cathofic Action, moreover, will make impossible that hideous phenomenon, most monstrous but not infrequent, in which men who profess themselves Catholics have one conscience for their private life and another conscience for their public life, and peace to peoples.
opens to every well-disposed soul the serene paths of Christian virtue and Christian hope, should be made manifest to the masses of the people, whose ignorance of religion often makes them an easy prey t o wicked agitators. " It should, then, be amongst the first tasks of the members of Catholic Action organisations in this noble country of yours to gather around their own pastors, and assist them officiously in the work of evangelisation—We mean the teaching of Christian doctrine so that it may be abundantly and adequately imparted to the children, whose fundamental instruction will be a sure guide all their lives; and to growing youth that they may ever seek after a deeper knowledge of the doctrine of Christ; to men and women that they may more clearly understand that by the study of the truths taught by Our Lord Jesus Christ they will find in every contingency of their lives the light, the comfort and the strength of which they stand in need. This apostolate of the Catechism opens up a vast field of efficacious activity whereby souls may be led to Our Lord Jesus Christ.
" Numerous, then, are the activities to which Catholic A c t i o n is directed. W e may say that no activity, in so far as it useful for the promotion of the Christian life, may be excluded from its programme. Included in the many, however, are some particularly urgent works, corresponding to needs that are more widely and more keenly felt. A m o n g s t these we enumerate help for the working classes, and w e mean not only spiritual help, which must occupy the first place, but material assistance by means of those institutions whose special object it is to realise the principles of social justice. * Catholic A c t i o * will, therefore, take care to promote such institutions where they do not n o w exist, and to assist them duly where they do exist, leaving to those institutions a distinct responsibility and authority in things that are purely technical and economic. Its chief purpose will be to inspire them with principles that are purely Catholic, and w i t h the doctrine of the Apostolic See on whom the Divine Redeemer has laid the task of the spiritual guidance of the people, the doctrine which W e have not long ago imparted in the Encylical Quadragesimo Anno and which W e now see, greatly to Our satisfaction, serving as a guide not only for Catholic A c t i o n in various countries, but even serving as a guide for statesmen.
" Another activity to which Catholic Action in your country—and, indeed, in every country—must devote itself with special care is the establishment and support of a good and sound Press. By the " good Press ' W e mean that which not only contains nothing contrary to RAISED F R O M S L A V E R Y . principles of Faith or the laws of Nor is there in that Encyclical anymorality, but which is the standardthing substantially new, since the Church, bearer of such Christian principles and which has for its head the Divine such Christian laws. It is not necessary Workman of Nazareth, was always to point out how great is the efficiency generous in its aid and its maternal assistof such a good Press, since daily experiance to workers, and has by the force of ence demonstrates it, just as it its doctrine raised them from the opprodemonstrates on the other hand the evil brium of slavery to the dignity ofwhich evil newspapers and journals disbrothers of Christ. * seminate amongst youth. 'To-day the Church comes to the The bad Press, more widely diffused rescue of the humbler workers as a task than the good, verifies the words of of special solicitude, not merely that Christ: 'For the children of this world they may enjoy the goods to which they are wiser in their generation than the have a right according to justice and children of light' (Luke XVI, 8.) N o w , equity, but to the evil Press must necessarily and rethat they may be rescued from the solutely be opposed the good Press, applyinsidious and pernicious activities of ing the principle Contraria Contrariis Communism, which in these times, Curantur. with diabolical perfidy, is endeavourW e wish, then, that through Catholic ing to extinguish the light of religion, Action the Catholic Press in your counwhich alone h a s raised them from try should be strengthened and slavery and which exposes them t o the multiplied as occasion demands, and above certain danger of falling back into the all that every Christian family should same state of slavery from which they take a Catholic paper, which faithfully have been raised by so much toil and echoes the teachings of the Church and effort. thereby becomes a valuable auxiliary to " The Church invites all its children, the Church's mission. priests and laity, and especially those who are actively engaged in Catholic Action, C O M B I N E D RESOURCES. <l
to assist in this most urgent task, to safeguard in face of such terrible and threatening dangers, the spiritual and material benefits which the Redemption has brought to humanity, and especially to the humbler classes. THE FIRST TASKS. " To the clergy, then, more particularly, We renew the invitation extended to them in the aforementioned Encylical Quadragesimo A n n o , that they may without delay, and w i t h a united and corcordant will, gird themselves for this v/ork so urgently needed for the salvation of souls, and by so doing ensure that none of Our children may run tne grave spiritual danger of joining socialist groups on the plea that ' the Church and those professing attachment to the Church favour the rich and neglect workingmen and have no care for them.* To accomplish such a noble task it « necessary that the light of Christian truth, which consoles every grief, solves *very doubt, ennobles every sacrifice and
" For this purpose, in view of the great resources which a well-edited paper demands—as well as to make it a strong and able opponent to the powerful evil Press,' W e think there should be a union of forees, so that the generous resources of all the faithful -should be concentrated in initiating a work of such general utility, sacrificing where necessary particular and regional interests, for the general good, and readily making the sacrifices which a matter of such vital importance demands. Agreement in purpose and unity of strength constitutes a necessary preliminary for the success of all the tasks of Catholic Action, and of the Church itself. Was it not the wish of Our Lord, and almost the last testament to His disciples, *that they might be one' (John XVII, 2 2 ) . f
" W e make Ours, then, the wish of the Divine Redeemer, that in your nation, pastors and people, forgetting all that divides them in merely temporal matters, may be united as one man in all that concerns the glory of God and the salvation of souls.
Venerable Father Joseph V a z v
, The Apostle Of Ceylon
As news has been received during this week stating that the beatification process of the Venerable F a t h e r Joseph Vaz has been started on J a n u a r y 16th this year, a few words regarding the life of this priest who had laboured much for the conversion of the Singhalese during t h e occupation of Ceylon by the Dutch Huguenots may not be without interest to our readers. Joseph Vaz was born on 21st of April, 1651 in Goa, at Benaulim, the native village of his maternal grandparents. But his father, Christopher Vaz being a native of the village of Sancoale, Joseph was brought up here where now stands an orphanage erected by his countrymen to the memory of the Venerable. Even in his early youth Joseph became noted for his virtue and holiness and people very often called him loudly the Holy Child, and a kind old man, Antonio Cardoso, would often say: "O Sancoale, you do not know what a treasure you possess; but the day will come when the pearl t h a t God had given to his parents shall be seen." In spite of the various other lucrative professions of his time, Joseph felt himself called to serve in the vineyard of the Lord and so after a . due preparation in |the seminary of Goa, he was ordained a priest in 1676 at the age of 25 by the Archbishop D. F r . Antonio Brandao. Soon the fame of his extraordinary talents and virtues spread far and wide beyond the parish where he worked and so he was much in demand as a spiritual director and D. Rodrigo da Costa, the Governor-General of Portuguese India, appointed him his confessor. Having learnt through the travellers of the terrible lot of the Catholics in Ceylon under the domination of the Dutch Calvinists, he conceived a plan of going thither as a missionary, but various reasons prevented t h e execution of this his plan until the year 1686. But during this interval his hands were full. He was obliged against his wishes to accept the post of VicarForane and Superior of the Mission in Canara in 1681, and in this capacity he did much proselytising work among t h e inhabitants in the western parts of India. In 1G84 he returned to Goa and soon associated himself with the small band of the native priests who were leading a life retired from the allurements of the century. On September 28, 1865, at t h e age of 34, he was elected the Superior of the Congregation which he succeeded in affiliating to the Congregation of the Oratory of Lisbon, being thus the Founder of the Congregation of the Oratory in Goa. But this did not satisfy his apostolic zeal. His soul yearned after the people of Ceylon of whose dire needs for missionaries and of whose persecutions he had heard from the eye-witnesses who were forced to land in Colombo en route from China to Goa or Europe. In
1686 therefore he renounced his post of the Superior of the Congregation of t h e Oratorians in Goa and accompanied by a priest and a lay brother, both natives of Goa and members of t h e Congregation, with no provision or baggage except the blessings of the Superior and the applause of the Ordinary, with full t r u s t in t h e Divine Providence and with bare requisites for Mass, he started on his way t o Ceylon, travelling on foot t h r o u g h Canara, Tellichery, Cochin and Tranvancore: He reached Tuticorin in March 1687 whence he proceeded to Mannar and finally landed in Jaffna. After t h r e e years of hard labour in Jaffna, he arrived in Kandy in August 1692 "whence he would in successive years range with unrivalled activity all t h e parts of Ceylon until, four and twenty years of apostolate over, he rested in t h e Lord on a Friday, 16th of January, 1711, in Kandy, tended by his two comrades of t h e mission: F a t h e r s Jacome Gonsalves and Ignatius d'Almeida." It will take too much of our space if we were to attempt to give the details of his hardships and trials during t h e persecution by t h e Dutch and t h e Bhuddists, of his successes inspite of all difficulties in making conversions even in the very people frequenting t h e royal court of the Buddhist King of Kandy and later in securing several privileges for the Catholics in matters concerning the public exercise of their religion, in erecting numerous churches, chapels, etc., It is enough to say t h a t after t h e more merciless persecutions t h a t were started later in 1739 by t h e Hindu Kings of Kandy ( t h e Buddhist dynasty having ended) during which all the churches built by F a t h e r Vaz and his successors were demolished and all t h e priests driven out of the country, F a t h e r Joseph Vaz's congregations r e mained unknown to the Catholic missionaries for several years amounting in some cases to several decades and yet Father Joseph Vaz and his good was not forgotten. The people remained t r u e /to t h e faith and gave their dead missionary the title of Sammanasu Swamy (Angelic priest) whom they invoke in the time of their difficulties and in whose memory they even today offer masses. He is therefore rightly called the Apostle of Ceylon. May the process which has j u s t started, a period of 224 years having elapsed since his death, have a speedy end so that, God pleasing, we may be able to see the Venerable soon beatified and canonised. Readers mav derive much profit by contemplating on t h e counsel which he gave on his death-bed, to his comrade priests by way of an answer to the request for a farewell message: "Never forget that it is indeed difficult t o do at the hour of death t h a t which one has neglected to do during life." (C.
X. F.)
Science and ASTRONOMY Can you tell me, young man, all you know about t h e Solar System. All I know about t h e Solar Syst e m ? The question is r a t h e r wide Sir, and I do not know where to begin. Very good, this is t h e kind of answer I like- I shall willingly simplify it for you. Do you know what t h e sun is made of? The sun is a s t a r composed, of different elements in a state of fusion, of which t h e density is one quarter greater t h a n t h a t of water. Spectral analysis enables us to obtain some knowledge of these elements and t o arrive a t t h e conclusion t h a t t h e chemical composition of the sun is similar to t h a t of t h e earth and of t h e heavenly bodies in general. Very good, m y boy. You have Just mentioned spectral analysis. Do you know w h a t it is? Yes Sir. By means of a r a t h e r cspiplex instrument which I cannot describe because I have never seen it, photographs are taken by t h e aid of special rays which disclose to us t h e elements of t h e sun. . " Do you_know t h e name of this instrument? I think it is called the.stroboscopic camera. This is t h e dialogue which was cbrried on between t h e P r i m a r y School Inspector and a twelve year old candidate for t h e Primary Leaving Certificate in one of t h e French Schools. Curious people drew near to listen to these more t h a n ordinary answers. T h e examiner showed no hesitation in departing from t h e strict limits of t h e programme, in order t o give greater scope to the youthful intelligence. In silent wonder, he was congratulating t h e master, who had succeeded so remarkably in initiating his pupils to t h e great problems of Science. He continues his interrogation. Is t h e volume of t h e Sun very great? . I t is about 1,301,200 times t h a t of t h e earth. Quite risrht! Then jw<rh* it not be possible to make 1,301,200 terrestrial orbs from t h e sun? No Sir. The density of both m u s t be taken into consideration. The sun could only make 333,432 spheres of equal density with t h e earth—no small figure all the same! Had the sun and t h e earth t h e same origin? Yes. They were created by God, with the rest of t h e Universe. I do not want to contradict you, because m y knowledge does not go as far as t h a t ; but it is my duty t o respect your opinion on t h e subject. My opinion! you say. I assure you, Sir, t h a t it is more t h a n an opinion. W h a t is it t h e n ? A certitude. F o r m y part, it is certain t h a t God created everyt h i n g from nothing and I can give you endless convincing proofs of this. :
Here, t h e Inspector frowned and raised his hand as though he would say—"Let us respect the neutrality." T h e candidate understood t h e meaning of t h e gesture and dropped his argument. Assuredly, h e would have been v e r y glad to b r i n g forward proofs of t h e existence of God and t h e necessity of t h e Creation, enough to convince t h i s good professor, who had shown him such consideration. H e understood, however, t h a t it would be useless to urge the m a t t e r further fearing r a t h e r to embitter his learned interlocutor t h a n t o win him over to his point of view. The Inspector modified t h e question to some e x t e n t : Created or uncreated, were t h e earth and t h e sun separate when t i m e began? No Sir! T h e earth and t h e planets, which with it go to form t h e Solar System were a t t h e beginning, p a r t of t h e solar sphere. They were disintegrated bv a series of transformations caused b y t h e rotation of t h e earth. These included t h e inflation of t h e sphere a t t h e Equator, t h e formation of a r i n g similar t o t h a t , which encases Saturn, t h e breaking up of t h i s r i n g into several unequal D a r t s , which began t o r o t a t e round the sun a t divers distances from it and from each other. What became of these detached portions? They cooled and solidified. They became t h e e a r t h and t h e o t h e r planets. Can you name some of t h e m for me? Yes Sir. Jupiter, Saturn, U r a nus, Mercury, Venus, Neptune, Mars. Very good—very good. I congratulate you and t h e teacher who is responsible for your instruction. I t is not he, Sir. I know h& is very clever, b u t it is not h e who t a u g h t me all this. Where then, did you learn i t ? At Catechism . The examiner's astonishment w a s now a t its zenith. But what has t h a t to do with Catechism? You h a v e a strange Parish priest, if instead of teaching you your prayers and t h e Commandments of God, he allows himself incursions into the domain of astronomy. I assure you, Sir, that his digressions w h e t h e r scientific, historical, artistic or otherwise do not cause him to neglect the essential. Ask me any questions you like in Catechism, and see if this i s not so. I believe you, young friend, and there is no need to ask you any questions. Nor do I retract the congratulations I offered you. Whether your scientific knowledge proxreeds^rom~yeur-4eaehe*alone or from you teacher and pastor, I pronounce it solid. You may rely upon me to procure for
1935. EDUCATION NOTES. (Contd. from
group A Colleges, b u t only 251/> per cent, belong to t h e Group B~ Colleges. But during t h e last two years, the tendency has been shift, ed. The complete statistics of those years a r e not immediately available to me. Yet, according to m y personal experience, out of the sum total of t h e successful candidates admitted to t h e Central University this year, about 70 per cent, belonged to t h e Group A Colleges. I think this is sufficient indication of t h e ohanging tide.
you an entrance scholarship t o one of the Secondary Schools. It is very kind of you, Sir. B u t I do not need a scholarship. I have secured a place in a college. Which college? The Seminary. This story based on fact, leads to the following conclusion—Even if the Catechist and his listeners *• cannot enter into scientific disPerhaps t h e most important cussions of so abstruse a nature as thing for a university or a college t h a t recounted above, it is a self- is t h e academic atmosphere. Two evident fact t h a t relilgion cannot years ago, you all remember theve be studied without t h e acquisition was great turmoil of students, of extensive information. which effected almost all institutions of higher learning. The Catechism includes first, t h e knowledge of God; secondly t h e academic prospect a t t h a t time was knowledge of t h e world; thirdly t h e very dark. But t h a t darkness disknowledge of m a n ; fourthly t h e appeared with t h e storm, since knowledge of t h e relations existing which serenity h a s prevailed. Both professors and students are enjoying between God and man. academic tranquillity. They have What is this if not a vast progbeen working h a r d e r and accompramme comparing theology, philo- lishing better results. No sabosophy, natural history, cosmogra- tage, no posters, no demonstraphy, geography, anthropology etc? tions. This was brought about not But alas—the converse is not al- only by t h e strict enforcement of ways t r u e . Many are versed in all discipline, b u t also by t h e awakening sciences except t h e "unum neces- of t h e students themselves to the sarium" and yet this is t h e only realization t h a t national problems science absolutely essential t o man. cannot be solved by such a childish Indeed it is catechism alone which method, and t h a t t h e best way of gives life a meaning and a purpose helping t h e nation to cope with the "What doth it profit a man to gain unprecedented national crisis is to t h e whole world, if he suffers t h e secure for themselves better eduloss of his own soul?" cation and b e t t e r preparation. The indefatigability of t h e professors in their t e a z l i n g and research work ANOTHER CONVERT FROM is by no means a smail achieveANGLICAN ORDERS. ment. To t h e long list of convert clergymen from t h e Church of In regard to research work, the England another name has now to results a r e very encouraging. Albe added. . The Rev. H. M. Leay, though N a t u r a l Sciences were recently Anglican curate a t Great transplanted on t h e Chinese intelBudworth, near Northwich, was lectual soil not so very long ago, received into t h e Catholic Church yet now we have several departlately by Canon Joseph Kelly, V.G., ments, such as geology, physics, at St. Alban's, Liscard. psychology, etc., which can be compared with those of leading uni1932-34, 1197 students were abroad, versities in t h e West. If you look and t h e y could only get t h e i r per- at t h e important scientific journals mit from the Ministry of Education in Europe and America, you will by showing their college graduate's find frequent contributions of Chidiploma. Those who want to t a k e nese scholars. If you examine the the examination conducted by t h e index authoritative scientific referSino-British Boxer Indemnity ences, such a s "Handbuch der Foundation, are required to have Chemie" or "Handbuch der Phytwo years' experience after gradu- sick," you cannot fail to notice the ation from college. The better names of Chinese scientists. Of results of t h i s policy can almost be course, t h e progress recently made in China in philology, history, foretold with certainly. archaelogy, and other kinds of On October 10 last, Dr. Hu Shih Sinological studies, needs no delivered a lecture in Peiping on mention. The laudable work of "Optimism in the Pessimistic Cur- the Academia Sinica is also rent." The title is prophetic. We a great stimulus to the proeducational workers are not satis- fessors in universities and colfied with present conditions. We leges. I t s work and t h a t of the are badly in reed of refornr.s and university professors, if time be improvements. We do want better given, will surely bring about still equipment and more healthful en- more remarkable fecundity and vironment. We cannot paint an fruition. entirely rosy picture. But we clearly see some buds of roses in A word perhaps is needed conthe vast field of thorns. We need cerning t h e governmental policy of hard work, patience and Time. sending students abroad. During Because only hard work, patience t h e past two years, t h e government and Time will bring a better young- has adopted a very strict policy m er generation to steer Chinese na- selecting m a t u r e r and better pretional affairs and to create brighter pared students to study in foreign future for this country of a g r e a t countries bv giving t h e m a strictly old civilisation. competitive examination. Between (From t h e " D I G E S T of t h e (ContcL in column 3) SYNODAL COMMISSION" Vol: 7,
Sixty Years
Diamond Jubliee of Wexford
Joyous * TORRENTS OF GRACE OVER SIXTY YEARS." The Diamond Jubilee of t h e foundation of t h e Convent of Perpetual Adoration in Wexford was celebrated last Sunday, when High Mass was offered a t 11 o'clock in the Church of t h e Assumption, which adjoins t h e Convent of t h e Order. The celebrant was Rev. G. J. Murphy, C.C.; deacon, Rev. N. Cardiff, C.C.; sub-deacon, Rev. M. J. O'Neill, C.C.; master of ceremonies, Rev. P . Doyle, C.C. After Mass the Te Deum was sung. The thronged congregations included the members of t h e community, Councillor M. Martin, Deputy Mayor and members of t h e Corporation attended in state, accompanied by t h e officials of t h e Corporation. The excellent choir was under t h e direction of Miss M. Codd, who presided a t t h e organ. ILLUMINATIONS. At evening devotions, for which the church was again thror/;ed, an eloquent sermon was preached by Rev. R. Nash, S.J., and SolemnBenediction w a s given by F a t h e r Murphy, assisted by F a t h e r Cardiff and F a t h e r Doyle. The convent and the houses in the streets leading to t h e church were brilliantly illuminated in honour of t h e occasion, and t h e Lourdes s t a t u e in the convent grounds was floodlit with beautiful effect. After evening devotions the Confraternity brass and reed band played appropriate selections in the church grounds. A message congratulating t h e community on t h e attainment of their Diamond Jubilee was received from his Lordship the Bishop of Ferns, Most Rev. Dr. Codd, and many other congratulatory messages were received from clergy and laity. _ T H E SERMON. In the course of his sermon Rev. Robert Nash, S.J., recalled the banquet a t Bethania when Mary, sister of Lazarus, annointed Jesus with precious ointment, and Judas and all t h e other onlookers were scandalised, asking to w h a t purpose was this waste? "Sometimes," said the preacher, "we hear t h e echo of t h a t complaint in o u r own day, m y brethren. It is p u t regarding- the contemplative orders by those outside the Church, and sometimes^ even by Catholics who abound in the wisdom of this world. To what purpose is this waste? W h y don't these jiuns do something practical for the welfare of t h e Church? vvhy don't t h e y teach, or nurse in hospitals, or visit the sick, or write books or go out on foreign missions ?" Now t h e y would never understand t h e answer to t h a t question unless they first g a s p e d the fact 5
Priest Starts Crusade for Justice To Cover Whole Of The U S.A.
A national crusade for social justice has been launched by F r . Charles E. Coughlin, of Royal Oak, Michigan, through a radio address. Fr. Coughlin is one of the bestknown men in t h e whole of t h e of t h e love of Jesus Christ. U.S.A. People of all creeds and Sixty years ago the nuns began classes follow his regular radio their ceaseless hymn of adoration. talks. During t h a t period, outside t h a t The purpose of t h e crusade, he haven of praye'' and sacrifice, men's passions nad run riot; explained, was t h e eradication of millions had been drenched in t h e the social and economic evils which blood of t h e world war, free rein are responsible for t h e present had been given to vices which widespread distress, for poverty in should not even be mentioned t h e midst of plenty. amongst u s ; men had risen up in Fr. Coughlin proposed the formaopen rebellion against t h e Lord and tion of a "National Union for Social against His Christ. Justice" with chapters in every " F A T H E R FORGIVE THEM." county, city and town in the United And, throughout it all t h e States. All citizens of the country prayer of these saintly women had a r e eligible t o membership without continued, caught up in t h a t strong t h e payment of any membership cry t h a t broke from t h e Heart of fee. t h e dying Christ in t h e midst of Nationalisation. similar blasphemy on Calvary— " F a t h e r , forgive them, for they The fundamental principles of know not w h a t they do." Who could speak of the trea- t h e proposed organisation include sures of div>he grace t h a t these t h e following: selfless souls had accumulated Liberty of conscience and educaduring sixty years. tion. " Y o u were t h e first to open your doors t o these saintly women A j u s t and annual living wage and for sixty years you have for all workers. sheltered them in your h e a r t s . " The nationalisation of public said F a t h e r Nash. " W h a t they have done for your city and fibmes, necessities which by their very w h a t torrents of grace have des- n a t u r e are too important to be concended upon you as a result of trolled by private individuals, intheir prayer and sacrifice, we can cluding banks, oil, power, n a t u r a l gas, mines and other God-given only guess at." natural resources. A t a meeting of Wexford Corporation on Monday night, a vote Abolition of the Federal Reserve of congratulation to t h e community was passed on the proposition of system. the Mayor (Aid. R. Corish, T.D.) The restoration to Congress of t h e exclusive right t o coin money and to issue currency.
What Catholics Do Not Believe. Catholics have been falsely accused of believing t h e following errors, which the ignorance or malice of their fellow men has attributed to them. Catholics do not believe t h a t — 1. There is any other mediator of Redemption t h a n our Saviour, Jesus Christ. 2. Adoration of t h e Virgin Mary, the angels and saints, their relics and images is lawful. 3. God still makes new revelations to mankind. 4. Any one can by his own unaided efforts satisfy for his sins and earn heaven. 5. It is allowable to tell a lie, t o break a lawful oath or vow—the end justifies t h e means. 6. All non-Catholics go t o hell. 7. Catholics submit their minds to a human institution. 8. The Church enslaves reason by keeping from it t h e means of forming a judgment. 9. The Church enslaves the human intellect by her magnificent ceremonial. 10. The Church can g r a n t permission t o commit sin. ~TT. The Confessional demoralizes t h e individual and national conscience.
The bonds.
tax-exempt :j
200,000 HAVE ALREADY JOINED. Staff Eight Days Behind In Opening Mail. Detroit.-The National Union for Social Justice already has 200,000 actual members, although his staff is eight days behind in opening t h e mail, F r . Coughlin announces. His staff of clerks, Fr. Coughlin says, is larger now than it has ever been. FR. COUGHLIN CONSULTS SENATORS. Washington.—Fr. Coughlin has held a series of conferences with senators here. He charged t h a t an attempt was being made to "scuttle" t h e NRA and shipwreck any effort to change the value of money. "Instead of t h e NRA being filed in the waste-paper basket," he said, " i t should be per fected, especially along t h e lines of providing for unionisation of all labours, independent of t h e supervision or control of industry and yet not antagonistic to industry." His programme was summed up by Fr. Coughlin t h u s : "We propose t h a t t h e labouring man and t h e agriculturist shall not be left t o the mercies of financiers and industrialists." SOCIETY EQUIPS EIGHTH OF WORLD MISSIONS. Paris.—One-eighth of t h e Catholic missions of the whole world a r e served by the Society of Foreign Missions of Paris. Its apostolate extends over a population of 210 million souls in Japan, Korea, China, Indo-China and India. The Society is now in its 275th year.
The recall of non-productive bonds in order to relieve t h e t a x burden of t h e people. Organisation of all workers into unions under the protection of t h e government. "Conscription of Wealth." The conscription of wealth a s well as the conscription of men in t h e event of war. Government control and regulation of industry. F r . Coughlin declared t h a t t h e National Union of Social Justice was his answer to the challenge of t h e youth of t h e nation t h a t he undertake some constructive action to ameliorate the present intolerable conditions. Bishop Approves. The Most Rev. Michael J. Gallagher, Bishop of Detroit, introduced Fr. Coughlin to his radio audience on Sunday. The Bishop stated t h a t the teachings which Fr. Coughlin had proclaimed had his fullest approbation, since he was seeking to apply Christ's prin^ciples to the solution of our social and economic problems.
A SYMBOL l{ is difficult to express the reverent love w e feel for those
w h o are gone.
funeral here and a Symbol of
aid and
comfort the bereaved.
Chinese New Year By C. E. Joan Once again t h e Chinese New Year comes round to gladden us, and we m a y , this year, sincerely greet o u r Chinese R e a d e r s : " A HAPPY, HOLY and PROSPEROUS N E W YEAR," for w e a r e , Joubtless, on t h e verge of brighter i a y s ! T h e Chinese of Malaya as well as members of other communities have been passing t h r o u g h unparalleled days of anxiety and depression. Unemployment Jkas stalked through t h e land, and t h e Chinese as t h e largest community have probably suffered most; b u t it is heartening t o think t h e clouds arc lifting a n d t h a t better days are here. T h e year t h a t is fast dying has been full of worries and anxiety but t h e y e a r t h a t is j u s t beginning is pregnant with possibilities of a brighter future for all, and in particular for t h e Chinese. F o r there is not t h e darkest night t h a t has no dawn, no storm t h a t is not succeeded by a calm, no upheaval t h a t does not i>ring peace in its train. T h e troubles and disappontments of yesteryear, so patiently borne, must be relegated to t h e past never to r e t u r n . I t is t o t h e , future t h a t we m u s t look, placing all our hopes and confidence in Divine Providence. The Chinese New Year Festival, like a n y other, is a time of rejoicing more especially for children. On this happy occasion, however, Catholics will not forget their less fortunate brethren t o whom t h e Chinese New Year may mean nothing. B u t it is in t h e power of t h e r i c h - t o m a k e this N e w Year a happy one for t h e suffering poor of Christ b y their generous alms and assistance in kind. The measure of our love for God is shown by t h e love we have for our neighbour. For, a s St. John tells us, how can we s a y t h a t we love God Whom we see not, when we love not our neighbour whom w e see? Love is proved b y deed, and t h e r e is a t present plenty t o be done for t h e needy. T h e unemployed desire aid and employment; the poor hold out their hands for a l m s ; t h e orphans a r e in need of fatherly care and support; t h e sick 'are t o be nursed; t h e youths of our ^generation require special guidance; and t h e afflicted crave for sympathy and relief. In r e t u r n , God will reward us a hundredfold here below, and life everlasting hereafter. God will not be outdone in generosity. He considers whatever done t o t h e •poor in His name as having done ;to Himself; "Amen, I s a y to you, as long as you did it to one of those ^my least brethren, you did it to :me." W h a t a great honour for U3 iif we had t h e opportunity to ad\ minister t o t h e wants of our Blessjed Lord during His mortal life on $ this e a r t h . We should not envy Apostles and t h e Holy women; I for we have t h e poor always with I us. And in relieving t h e needs of > the poor, we are but doing a service to Jesus Christ Himself.
Let us therefore, make t h e Chinese New Year as happy as possible* for t h e poor. Our superfluities are t h e necessities of t h e poor. Surely we can afford to sacrifice what is super, fluous in our expenses to relieve the indigent and needy. This will not take away what we h a v e ; but on t h e contrary, t h e more we give of our abundance, t h e more we will receive from God. If a cup of cold water given in t h e name of God will not pass unrewarded, what m u s t be t h e reward of those who devote their life and money t o t h e service of t h e poor! Blessed a r e these people, for theirs is t h e Kingdom of God! Once again, we wish all our Ghinese Readers: "A H A P P Y A N D PROSPEROUS N E W YEAR." VILLAGE CONVERTED WITHOUT P R I E S T S . Tanh-Hoa, Indo-China.—An instance of spontaneous conversion, recalling t h e beginnings of Christianity in Korea, comes from a little village in t h e Vicariate of TanhHoa, Indo-China. Members of t h e educated class in Vinh-Quang began t h e study of t h e Catholic religion by themselves merely from curiosity. They invited t h e priest a t the nearest Catholic mission to visit them. The priest sent a cateohist but t h e latter returned a t once s a y i n g . t h a t t h e people were already well grounded in Catholic doctrine. The new Christians have begun an intelligent propaganda among other villages of their district, and t h e movement promises much for t h e spread of t h e faith. FIRST BAPTISM AMONG ADI DRAVIDAS.
Sriperumbudut, South India.— The first baptisms among t h e Adi Dravidas, a people living in a remote northern part of t h e diocese of Coimbatore, South India, reached only by passing through a perilous mountain jungle, were administered at Dodde Gajnur-Talavadi, September 11, by Bishop Despatures of Mysore and Bishop Tournier of Coimbatore. At this ceremony 117 new converts received t h e sacrament after completing two years of instruction by t h e Franciscan Missionary Brothers of Mt. Poinsur. The Brothers state t h a t there are fifteen t o twenty thousand Adi Dravidas favourably disposed towards t h e Catholic religion. The movement began nine years ago when t h e late F a t h e r Petit, Vicar General of Coimbatore, learned t h a t t h e people were well disposed towards t h e Church. In spite of t h e dangerous mountain roads and wild beasts in t h e region, he visited them periodically, making the journey on horseback. After his transfer to a more distant post, however, no one was found to replace him. Two years ago t h e Franciscan Brothers began missionary work among the people and F o r a t t h e last day H e will say at present are visiting t h i r t y vill t d t h e j u s t : "I was hungry, and you lages. The movement has spread game m e t o eat, I was t h i r s t y , and into t h e diocese of Mysore, and you gave me t o d r i n k ; I was a Bishop Despatures has assigned a s t r a n g e r and you took me i n ; missionary to visit the district ocj naked, and you covered m e ; sick, casionally to satisfy t h e . spiritual ' and you visited m e ; I w a s in prison needs of the Brothers and t h e neoconverts. and you came to see m e . "
2nd 1935.
The Modern Tailoring Co.
Surinam (South America).—The Dutch in t h e missions of Redemptorists Surinam, Dutch Guyana, will have a n aeroplane a t their service as soon a s t h e Dutch aviation expert delegated t o investigate conditions there is convinced that air travel over Dutch Guyana i s possible and practival. The MIVA, a German Catholic association which supplies missionaries with modern means of transport, will supply the plane. The thick extensive forests of Dutch Guyana, offering little possibility for landing fields and even less for emergency landing places, present a problem. It w a s thought that the numerous waterways of Guyana might be used a s landing places, but it is now believed that t h e varying water level and uneven riverbeds wliJ make- this impractical. (Fides)
North Bridge Road
CATHOLIC VILLAGE PROPOSED A S MODEL B Y MANCHU AUTHORITIES. Kirin (Manchuria).—Hsiaopachiatze (The E i g h t Little H o u s e s ) , a village 20 miles from Hsinking, the capital of Manchukuo, established 30 years ago by eight emigrant families from Shantung, has been held up by t h e Manchu authorities a s a model for all t h e Empire. The town today h a s several hundred houses and a population of 2,000. The people gather every morning for Mass in t h e village chapel and assemble again at dusk t o chant their evening prayers. The town is enclosed by a wall and h a s its o w n little garrison which in recent years h a s successfully resisted several bandit raids. A n e w mission school built by the priest in charge, Rev. P . Alphonse of the Paris Missions, w a s formally opened November i 8 / b y a representative of t h e Manchu Government. He advised t h e children t o follow t h e example of their parents and to attend carefully to thz instructions of their teachers. ( F i d e s ) . MOSLEM DEVOTION TO T H E BLESSED
Baghdad (Iraq).—Rev. Edward F . Madaras, American Jesuit, whose first year high school class at Baghdad College is composed of three Jews, three Moselms and 22 Christians of various rites, g a v e each of his pupils a Christmas holy card before they left for the holidays, but not wishing to offend the religious susceptibilities of the nonChristians gave- these latter a greeting card minus the holy pictures. Later the Moslem boys, whom he had noticed looking enviously at the Nativity scenes on the cards received by the Christian boys, asked him if they might not have the same. "But you are Moslems," the priest answered, "and do you really want Christian holy pictures," "But w e also love Isa and Miriam,'* w a s the reply, that being the Arabic equivalent to Jesus and Mary. The boys got their cards. z' Later the missionary learned that the Moslems in Baghdad have a shrine to the Blessed Virgin on the other side of the Tigris. Furthermore, the church of the Carmelite Fathers i s visited from time to time by Moslem mothers who lay their infants on t h e altar of the Blessed Mother t o implore her help and protection.
MIRACULOUS CURES AT A CRUCIFIX NEAR OOTY. DEVOTEES FLOCK TO VILLAGE SHRINE. Ootacamund, Nov. 14. What looks like becoming a faith healing: shrine is evoking considerable interest among hillmen and others in t h e Nilgiris. I t is a large wooden Cross, with a life-sized figure of Christ in brass, set upon a rock in the Indian .Christian village of Kandal, on-the outskirts of Ootacamund. .The Indian Christian cemetery being crowded, t h e Roman Catholic authorities lately acquired another plot of land in t h e neighIn order to prevent bourhood. desecration and i t s continued usage as grazing ground for cattle, t h e priests set up t h e Crucifix, which had been carried in procession from t h e Roman Catholic Church on t h e occasion of the commemoration of t h e Crucifixion. The story goes t h a t two herd boys tried to steal t h e brass nails holding t h e figure of Christ to the Cross. The same night they fell •dangerously ill, seized by some strange malady. Their parents elicited details of their sacrilegious act and prayed to the CUrist on the Cross, t h a t t h e lives of the boys be spared. The children recovered and the news, which spread far and wide, reached a Chettiar residing at Coimbatore. This man had recently lost a large sum of money, and he hastened to Ootacamund. He prayed a t t h e Crucifix. On his return he found t h e money replaced. Everyday devotees may be seen praying a t the shrine; but Friday is the principal day. It is stated t h a t a s many as 2,000 of all castes and creeds, have gathered on a single day to worship here. A special Tamil monthly pamphlet ' T h e Crucifix a t KandaL" records miraculous cures of paralysis, rheumatism and other ailments effected through simply worshipping a t t h e shrine. These stories are attracting people from the plains, and the village is acquiring a reputation as a place of holiness. ff
THE ANGLO LUSITANO Dated 24tb Nov., 1934.
THE MISSION FIELD CHURCH OBSERVES MISSION CENTENARIES IN PACIFIC ISLES. Rome. T h e prediction of a native prophetess of t h e Gambier Islands, who a t t h e beginning of t h e 19th century announced t h e coming of Catholic priests was recalled at the recent celebrations in t h e Vicariate of Tahiti commemorating the arrival of t h e first two missionaries. F a t h e r Caret and Laval, of the Picpus Society, reached Gambier August 7, 1834. The people of t h e islands had been cannibals and were notorious for their cruel savage habits. Before their battles, which were frequent, the pagan priest invoked t h e idols with a prayer like t h i s : "O Protecting Deities deliver into our hands the eyes of our enemies t h a t we may fill our stomachs." If they were victorious they dug long pits on the battle field in which t h e vanquished dead were roasted. The end of these practices was foretold by t h e soothsayer. "Let us destroy o u r idols," she said, "let us prepare t h e way for t h e true God. He will come to us from t h a t part of t h e earth which is under our feet. H i s two servants will be shod and t h e i r raiment will be white. They will land a t Tokani facing t h e mountain where I shall be buried." Two years after t h e death of t h e old diviner t h e missionaries arrived a t t h e very spot and in t h e exact manner predicted. After three years t h e people had become quiet, peaceful, pure of morals and industrious. Today all the inhabitants of t h e Gambier archipelago a r e Catholics. Boxers will remember t h a t it was from here t h a t Battling Sito came, who fought Carpentier some fourteen years ago. Next year will be t h e centenary of another interesting event in t h e Church history of t h e southern Pacific, t h e arrival of t h e first missionaries in Australia. The Vicariate of N e w Holland and Van Diemen Land was created May 17, 1834, and t h e Vicar Apostolic, Bishop Polding, with two priests and three subdeacons reached Sydney September 12, 1835, to take charge of a territory which in area almost equalled t h e United States. Catholics a t t h a t time numbered 18,000, and were found in t h e British penal colonies, among t h e freed convicts and among t h e European colonists; t h e r e was a small group of Catholic natives. There were 200,000 natives in the country a t t h a t time, but because of t h e scarcity of priests no missionary work was attempted among t h e m until t h e arrival of the Italian Passionists in 1840 and the Spanish Benedictines in 1846. Contact with Europeans h a s been the cause of a vast decrease of t h e aboriginal population, Australian naflives now being reduced to a meagre 60,000. The last Tasmaman died in 1876. The white population h a s developed however. The Catholic body has grown from 18,000 to 240,000, and instead of t h e handful of Priests of a century ago, there a r e today 1,200 secular and 600 religious priests, 1,100 brothers a n d >300 sisters. 9
Other centenaries will be observed during t h e next two years. In 1836 t h e Vicariate of Central Oceania was erected, and t h e first missionaries to t h e islands of Wallis and F u t u n a arrived in 1837. The native clergy in this territory outnumbers t h e foreign missionary personnel. (Fides) CENTRAL AFRICA STILL S C E N E OF CHURCH'S GREATEST PROGRESS. Leopoldville (Belgian Congo). The Catholic missions in central Africa have had another year of brilliant progress. Official statistics released by t h e Apostolic Delegation of Leopoldville, whose jurisdiction extends over t h e missions of t h e Belgian Congo and t h e Belgian mandated territory of Ruanda and Urundi, reveal t h a t in this area there were 121,109 adult conversions during t h e 12-month period June 1933 t o June 1934 t h a t the net increase of Catholics was 151,061 and t h a t t h e Catholic population is now 1,232,018. There are, besides, more than a million natives preparing for baptism. The missionary personnel in the Belgian Colonies of Africa at present consists of 805 priests, 465 brothers and 1,057 sisters; there is also a native corps of 37 priests, 38 brothers and 67 sisters. A body of 18,307 well trained catechists assist t h e missionaries in instructing new converts. T h e territory under t h e Delegation a t Leopoldville covers a n area of 966,000 square miles and has a population of 14 millions. The Church is represented by 25 ecclesiastical divisions with a total of 255 mission stations. T h e following statistics a r e extracts from t h e Delegate's report: Seminaries 2 4 ; native seminarists 1,205. Elementary schools 8,152; pupils 440,816. Middle schools 15; students 848. Normal schools 2 7 ; students 1,558; native teachers 9,275. Hospitals and dispensaries 347; cases attended during year 5,170,688. Leper asylums 26; lepers under mission care 544. Churches 3 9 1 ; chapels 11,101. Spiritual r e t u r n s : Communions 19,668,104; marriages 24,203; adult baptisms 121,109; infant baptisms 71,916; baptisms at t h e point of death 59,742. I t is interesting to note t h a t t h e mission personnel increased during the year by 950, and t h a t t h e number of young men studying for the priesthood shows a gain of 261. (Fides) Kabwe / U p p e r Kasai, Belgian Congo). An extraordinary increase in t h e number of schools, pupils and teaching personnel is reported by M. Romain, State Inspector of Schools in t h e Belgian Congo, on his recent return from an inspection tour of t h e mission schools maintained by t h e Scheut Fathers in Upper Kasai. The missionaries have constructed 442 new schools during t h e year. These are attended by 97,239 pupils, an increase of 15,671 over last year, while the native teaching staff has risen to 6,363, a gain of 878. (Fides)
2nd 1935.
Church Wants Christian Name Given Children At Baptism. Popular Series on the Law of the Church. too, it is fitting t h a t when a child becomes a wayfarer in Christian life, as it does a t Baptism, it receives t h e name of one who has gone before in the odor of sanctity. But some will insist t h a t Christian names are too common, t h a t they lack poetical tint, or t h a t they have not t h a t fine suggestion of gentility t h a t they labour t o impart to their child's title. It may be true t h a t some Christian names are used so lavishly t h a t their charm is lost. Still those who are seeking unusual names would just have to look up the calendar of saints as found in t h e Roman Martyrology, and the number and rich variety of undiscovered names would surely refresh them.
The Baptismal Name.
What shall the baby's name be? The Church upholds t h e pious custom of using a Christian name at Baptism; more than that, she has allowed this custom to pass into law. It is not in accord, then, with t h e sentiments of t h e Church to seek out, after manner of movie actresses, some new-made titles t h a t sparkle. A pretty name for a pretty baby is indeed proper; but it is one thing to adopt a pretty name t h a t is rich with a past and quite another thing to select one t h a t is just pretty but nothing otherwise. Or this matter Canon 761 reads: " The pastors shall strive t h a t the person baptized receive a Christian name; if they cannot accomplish this they shall add But it is a mistake to think t h a t to t h e name selected by t h e Christian names are lacking in the parents t h e name of some poetry. The name of every saint saint; and both names shall be and m a r t y r is a lyric in itself. No entered in to t h e Baptismal living poet could, for example, record." fashion a name and adorn it with The code in its practical wisdom the poetry t h a t graces t h e name gives way without sacrificing its of St. Agnes; and t h a t is a poetry principle. There a r e some who will t h a t was lived and written in blood. persist in having t h e non-Chirstian As for t h e note of gentility, it is name t h a t they decided upon. sufficient t o say t h a t t h e great To those t h e canon allows their personages of the past, kings and choice, b u t a t t h e same time it nobles of every degree, have 'conenjoins upon t h e minister to insert sidered it an honour to have their a Christian name himself when children named after t h e bold, baptizing the child. This Chris- matchless heroes of Christian wartian name will go down in t h e fare. record together with t h e other. However, these mere m a t t e r s of This action of t h e Church is not taste are trivial. In this case it is an undue exercise of authority, but the supernatural value t h a t counts; r a t h e r an example of benevolent the help and inspiration t h a t comes guidance. It needs only be under- from a patron saint weights most. stood to be commended. The Christian name is like a badge In Baptism t h e infant becomes t h a t marks one as a saint's proa child of God. I t becomes sancti- tege. It is a bright light t h a t leads fied, and a holy name for a holy and warms t h e heart of t h e pilgrim. thing is surely in place. When an To forego this just for t h e sound infant receives a saint's name it of a sweeter name would be a is placed under t h e protection and slight to heaven and a rebuke to intercession of t h a t saint, and the Church. It would betray a what mother would deny her child weak understanding of t h e meaning from its earliest years t h e help of Baptism, and suggest a hankert h a t comes from above? Then, ing after worldly display.
Malaya Catholic Leader It is the best way to reach the Catholic Public of Malaya.
AROUND BIRTHS. Campbell.—at Taiping, on Friday, January 11th, 1935, t o Flora nee Duncan wife of Colin Campbell a daughter—John Margaret.
DEATH OF MRS. L. J. SHEPHERDSON. Much sympathy will be felt for Mr. Lawrence J. Shepherdson, Honorary Secretary of t h e Singapore Catholic Benevolent Association, in t h e loss he has sustained by t h e death of his wife, Mary Magdalene (nee Leynard), a t his residence in Queen Street on Sunday morning, t h e 27th instant, a t the. age of 66. The deceased lady had been keeping fairly good health till a few days before her death, when she fell ill and her condition grew worse till she succumbed to her illness. The funeral took place yesterday morning, a high Mass of requiem a t the Cathedral of t h e "Good 'Shepherd" forming p a r t of t h e service, at which t h e Revd. F a t h e r Deredec officiated, and t h e r e was a large attendance of relatives and friends. Interment took place in a reserved plot a t t h e Old Cemetery in Bukit Timah Road before a large gathering of sympathisers. A large number of wreaths and immortelles were s e n t The deceased lady leaves behind, besides h e r husband, t h r e e sons, one of t h e m a Christian Brother, and four daughters, also a number of grand children.
A reception was held a t t h e home of t h e picture. The P r e s s Commitof t h e bride's parents a t Rasak, tee has forwarded t o date all t h e and was largely attended., and Assumption news you see in every dancing followed. At t h e recep- issue. In addition, two contribution t h e toast was proposed by tions were sent in last week, and Rev. F r . Vindargon who said t h a t which will no doubt appear in subhe both he and t h e bridegroom was sequent weeks. News and contrifrom t h e same school in Malacca. butions will be thankfully received. T h e honeymoon is spent at Port Let us be proud of our parish and t r y our very best to keep it in t h e Dickson. limelight in every issue with either news or contributions. CATHOLIC
Assumption Branch. A t a Meeting of t h e Catholic Action Society held at the Parochial House on Sunday, t h e 20th January 1935, t h e following report of the Press Committee was presented by t h e Chairman:—
1. Organisation. In presenting t h e first report of the Press Committee, I have much pleasure in congratulating, the Section Leaders on their splendid work in obtaining subscribers for the "MALAYA CATHOLIC L E A D E R / ' and t h e members of our parish for their whole-hearted response. It would not be out of place here to mention t h a t His Lordship has a very high opinion of our parish, and I am in a position to state t h a t he has expressed this opinion in other quarters, particularly in the m a t t e r of our organization. This opinion of His Lordship of what little we have done, is praise indeed, and I a m sure I am voicing t h e sentiKLANG. ments of every member of t h e SoMr. a n d Mrs. R. S. Lopez and ciety and of t h e parish t h a t His family returned to Klang on t h e Lordship and our Spiritual 21st instant after a s h o r t holiday Director will not find us wanting in India. Mr. Lopez is one of t h e in all t h a t will further t h e cause of Wardens of t h e Church of Our Catholic Action. Lady of Lourdes, Klang and t h e 2. Accounts. A t this Meeting, I Manager of the local Empire and wish t o place on record t h e splendid Regal Talkies. work p u t in by Mr. Henry Robless, * * * * Mr. Paul R. Iyer of t h e Catholic t h e Honorary Treasurer of the In t h e short Press Agency of t h e E a s t is leaving Press Committee. space of time a t his disposal he has Malaya on the 1st of March to join t h e 3rd Indian pilgrimage to opened a proper set of accounts showing every cent received from Europe and t h e Holy Land. subscribers and from cash sales. He thanks all t h e priests and laity who were helpful to him Proper Receipt Books have been during his recent "Lay Apostolate" issued to Section Leaders. w*>o in turn send in their monies either to tours in Malaya. t h e Treasurer or myself, and these * * * * amounts are immediately entered Mr. L. Forbes, District Officer, up. A t t h e end of the week, the Klang, is going t o Kelantan next total unsold copies in hand are cermonth as Adviser of Lands and his tified by t h e Spiritual Director. A n place will be taken by Mr. W. account has been opened in the Post Office Savings- Bank in the name of Linehan from Seremban. the Press Committee, Catholic SEREMBAN. Action Society. The marriage of Mr. Dominic At present the Press Committee Theseira son of Mr. and Mrs. has no funds whatpvp^ ^ meet D. T e s e i r a of Malacca Postmaster incidental expenses in the shape of of Siliau Negri Sembilan, to Miss postage, receipt books, & c , and Nancy Van Weiringen daughter of have incurred an expenditure of Mr. M r s . Francis Van Weiringen $6.57. I ask this Meeting to sanclate of the Medical Department tion t h e payment of same. Seremban retired was solemnised at the Church of t h e Visitation on 3. News. This portion of t h e the 19th instant. The bride was work of t h e Society has so far not given away by her father. At- functioned as it ou<?ht to. The t o r d a ^ t on t h e contracting parties Press Committee relies entirely on were Miss Theresa Van Weiringen members of the Society a^d of t h e Mr. Edward Ponniah parish for news, and on behalf of of t h e Tutorial staff of St. Paul's t h e Society, I appeal to even? mem.Institution Seremban best man. ber to send whatever news he e^n. Flower Girls/ Misses Winnie Van So far, our parish has been in +he Weiririren and Violet Pinto, Spon- forefront in every issue, and unless sors. Mr. C. A. Pinto and Mrs. J . the Press Committee r e c e v p new<*. E e Souza of Kuala Lumpur. I am afraid, our parish will be out v
4. Sale of Paper. This is another aspect of t h e work of the Press Committee which requires consideration. There is always a small number of copies unsubscribed for every week, and it is the duty of t h e Press Committee to dispose of t h e m and the only feasible method is by selling a t t h e Church after t h e two Masses on Sundays. This duty a t present falls on the same members every week. I appeal to members to give their co-operation, so t h a t it can be arranged for this to be done in rotation, without unduly inconveniencing the few willing members. I am sure every member will admit t h a t there is nothing humiliating in this, and t h a t it is nothing but shyness. On t h e ot^er hand this is a p a r t of Catholic Action. I can safely sav without fear of contradiction, t h a t in a n y live-were parish, it is nothing unusual to see members of the various Church Societies actively carrying out their duties, such as collecting alms for t h e St. V*r*w*+ dp a u i Society, pate of Catholic Newspapers, Cathoh'c Truth S n ^ e t y Pamphlets and Devotional articles. Let us forget our personal selves, and think more of thp beautiful work we are doing ,and I can assure you. after a fair trial, you w U be surprised at vourselves in t h e joy and knowledge of achievement in t h e cause of Cathode Action for the furtherance of Christ's reien on earth. p
EDUCATIONAL. In our issue of J a n u a r y 19, some mention was made of the teaching of Chinese in t h e Convent School at Seremban, for which classes have already been started. The Christian Brothers of St. Paul's Institution in t h a t town intend to do t h e same, and have circularised Chinese parents to t h a t efect, explaining t h e manner in which such classes will be conducted. The classes in Chinese in these schools will, however, le held after t h e regular school hour3 so as not to interfere with the usual school curriculum. * T^ere is r o doubt t h a t a lar™ number of Chines* r a r e n t s w*Ii avail t^empelves of this onportuni+v of i^na^tirior t t^eir children a know*pdge of t h e i r own language in p.'Wtion *o F ^ M s h and o+her subipcts. This will enaV« Chinese pupils, r v > e o v r . to o f e r Chi*v>se as a subi^ct for t^e Cambridge Io<»o] p^rrpinatjon w^en t ^ p v have suffHe^tly mastered t h e language t o do so. 0
T H E CATHOLIC P R E S S . In establishing t h e Catholic Press in Malaya by t h e regular weekly publication of " T H E CATHOLIC LEADER," His Lordship Biship Devals has provided t h e Catholics of Malaya with a paper, which h a s been a long-felt want. With t h e exception of Malaya, every diocese of any importance in every p a r t of the world h a s a press of its own. T h a t His Lordship's enterprise is an excellent form of Catholic Action, we have it from t h e authority of His Holiness, t h e Pope himself, who in his recent fetter to the Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon places t h e Catholic Press next t o catechetical apostolate:— " A n o t h e r activity," writes His Holiness Pope Piux XI, " to which Catholic Action in your country, and indeed, in every country, must devote itself with special care is t h e establishment and support of a good and sound Press, and particularly the daily Press, which because it is more widely diffused, exercises a more powerful influence. By the 'good Press' we mean t h a t which not only contains nothing contrary to principles of F a i t h or the laws of moralty, b u t which is is the standard bearer of such Christian principles and such Christian laws. It is not necessary t<y point out how great is the office cv of such a good Press, since dai^v experience demonstrates on t h e other hand t h e evil which newspapers and journals dissiminate among youth. We wish them, t h a t through Catholic Action t h e Catholic Press in your country should be strengthened and multiplied as occasion demands, and above all t h a t every Christian family should take a Catholic paper, which faithfully echoes the teachings of t h e Church and thereby becomes a valuable aux i l a r y to the Church's mission." From t h e above letter, it will be noted t h a t the Holy F a t h e r lays particular stress on t h e necessity for every Catholic family " to subscribe to a Catholic paper which faithfully echoes t h e teachings of the Church and thereby becomes a valuable auxiliary to the Church's mission." After t h e sacred pulpit it is t h e most irrportant and most efficient school of thought for t h e ppople a t large, instructing and enlightening them constantly. Catboh'es are at times liable to overlook this important direction of t h e IToly F a t b e r and pl~ad as an excuse the stringency of their financial resources. If we were to consider how modest are t ^ e subscriptions charged for a Cathcl'c paper, and on t ^ e other hand, t h e many unnecessary demands for which r~o"ey is usually found, the excuse falls to the ground, and becomes reallv a ouestion of " W h e r e there is a will, then* is a wav." This injunction of tv»e Pope leaves absolute'v no doubt t h a t there snouH be t h e will, and hps'des it should be our duty as Catholics, to utilize t e mpans provided for us, to srrpr>gthen a n d maintain our Caf*>e?ic convictions, and there is no better means for constant contact r
(Concluded on page 17}
MALAYA CATHOLIC LEADER, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd 1935. CHURCH SERVICES, SINGAPORE. St. Joseph's, Victoria Street. Sundays:— 1st Mass a t 5.30 a.m. 2nd „ „ 5.30 99 99 99 3rd Week D a y s : 1st „ „ 6 2nd „ „ 6.30 „ v
JUBILEE MISSION & NOVENA. The following a r e t h e details for the Jubilee Mission t o be held a t the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, Singapore. Friday, 8th February. Sermon and Benediction at 7 p.m. Saturday, 9th February. Sermon a t 6.30 a.m. High Mass at 7 a.m. Sermon and Benediction at 7 p.m. Sunday, 10th February. High Mass and Sermon at 8 a.m. Sermon and Benediction at 7 p.m. Monday, 11th February. Sermon at 6.30 a.m. High Mass at 7 a.m. Sermon and Benediction at 7 p.m. NOVENA FOR T H E FEAST OF OUR LADY OF LOURDES. This commences on Saturday, 9th February, and ends on Sunday, 17th February. High Mass will be sung every day at 7 a.m. except on Sundays when High Mass will be at 8 a.m. Benediction will be at 7 p.m. throughout t h e novena. On Sunday, 17th February, t h e novena will conclude with a solemn Benediction and Procession commencing a t 7 p.m. Sherwsbury's New Bishop. When t h e Right Rev. Dr. Moriarty was enthroned, on J a n . 15, in t h e Catholic Cathedral a t Shrewsbury, h e was on very familiar ground; for His Lordship was the rector in t h a t city for a very long period before he became a bishop; and now t h a t he has succeeded, as Co-Adjutor, t o t h e Bishopric of Shrewsbury, on t h e death of Bishop Singleton, he will make his permanent home in t h e place which he knows so well. Compared with big, bustling, Birkenhead, t h e largest centre in the diocese, Shrewsbury is a small, quite city, and its handsome Cathedral church perhaps the most unpretentious Catholic Cathedral in England; but in t h e latter respect beauty compensates for what is wanting in size. Dr. Moriarty is a native of t h e diocese. He completed, last year, his fortieth year as a priest. In the year of his ordination he went to Shrewsbury, where he became parish priest of the Cathedral parish in 1898. Since his consecration as Bishop Coadjutor, three years ago, the chief burden of t h e diocesan work has been upon his shoulders, owing to Bishop Sing-cton's growing infirmity during t h e last few years of t h a t venerable prelates life.
Around the Parishes
(Cont. from page 16.) THE CATHOLIC PRESS. with Catholic t h o u g h t s and doctrines than through the medium of a Catholic paper. The Catholic religion does not consist simply in the attendance a t Mass on Sundays. On the other hand, it is a doctrine, and philosophy of life which must penetrate into all our activities and t r a n s form all our actions. A Catholic should be Catholic all the long day, in his work, as well as in Church; in sport and in dealings with other men in business, as well a s in saying prayers. Our religion should not be a mere cloak to be worn on fixed occasions, but it must be an internal force to guide and direct us on every occasion. St. Paul, when he wrote to the Corinthians, defined Catholicism exactly in the following words:— "Therefore whether you eat or drink, or whatsoever else you do, do all to the glory of God." Our religion must be t h e inner spring which gives value to the whole of our life and because this aspect of life is readily lost sight of, it is all the more necessary to be reminded of it by regular readings of Catholic papers. Whilst the majority of Catholics believe themselves good Catholics, when t h e y have attended Mass regularly on Sundays, practised the necessary devotions and approached the Sacraments, they fail t o realize t h a t t h e y have fulfilled one part of their obligations, and t h a t they have forgotten t h a t Christ has emphatically given us a second commandment when He said, " A n o t h e r commandment I give unto you: t h a t you love one another as I have loved you. This commandment is like t h e first, and on these two commandments dependeth t h e whole law and the prophets." Our Blessed Lord therefore, in this commandment reminds us t h a t we are social beings, with social obligations, and t h a t it is by t h e fulfilment of these duties and t h e duties we owe to God, t h a t we have to work out our salvation. This means t h a t we have duties to our neighbour and to God. We cannot hope to be faithful to our duties, if we ignore them. It is for us to acquaint ourselves as to t h e extent of these duties, and once we know them and realize their importance, we shall be led to fulfill t h e m and thus be led to social work. The Church is not opposed t o social work: the commandment of Christ " love one another," and w h a t it implies in social relations, is a sufficient proof t h a t Christianity is essentially social. It devolves upon Catholics to realize their duties, and it is only through t h e medium of Catholic papers, can Catholic?: keen in touch with t h e social doctrines of the Church, and therefore, t h e necessity to read Catholic papers. This duty is particularly imperative on educated Catholics, who have not merely to enlighten themselves, but also to instruct and guide t h e uneducated. The amazing vitality of t h e Catholic religion should be for us all a healthy tonic and powerful stimu-
lus. Our religion, one and undivided, proclaimed and practised by over 350 million souls and extending throughout t h e world, is absolutely unique and it transcends all other religions by the unity of its Faith, the grandeur of its doctrines, the extent of its sway, and its wonderful adaptability to t h e highest as well as t h e humblest minds. What other religion can put forward such a galaxy of saintly and heroic souls from the days of the Apostles down to the present day? The history of the Catholic Church and of her saintly children in every age and clime, whose lives and examples are t h e best proof of its divinity and the most comforting stimulant of our own lives, is an amazing record which every Catholic should be immensely proud of. It is only by reading Catholic papers t h a t we can make these treasures our own, and with their help, intensify our Catholic convictions and infuse them into our lives. By " V e r i t a s " Penang. CHINESE WOMEN CATHOLIC ACTION. Church of Ss. Peter and Paul, Singapore The above Action, the first of its kind in Malaya, was founded in April last year by Rev. Father S. Lee of Ss. Peter and Paul's Church, Singapore. There were less than twenty members when founded, but new members/ have increased it to ninety-one. Its different departments have welcomed and entertained non-catholics and visitors to our Church, visited hospitals, helped those, who are in their last agonies, and preached to intending converts. The following are the elected office bearers:— Spiritual Director—Rev. Father S. Lee President—Mdm. Lim Siew Kheng. Vice-President—Mdm. Lim Gek Eng. Hon. Secretary—Miss Lim Yip Chay. Hon. Treasurer—Mrs. Lim Law Si. Entertaining Dept. Superintendent—Mdm. Chew Kwi Hoh. Asst. Supdt.—Mdm. Tay Sye Ngo. Benevolent Dept. Supdt.—Mdm. Yeo Siew Cheng. Asst. Supdt.—Mdm. Tay Hong Kiow. Help The Dying Dept. Supdt.—Mdm. Goh Kee Hiang. Asst. Supdt.—Miss Lee Tian Boon. Propanganda Dept. Supdt.—Mdm. Sih Soo Kiow. Asst. Supdt.—Mdm. Heng Ah Kinm. Committee Members— Mdm. Toh Hui Cheng. „ Teo Lee Meng. „ Heng Siang Boon. „ N g Luan Kheng. Sih Gir Im.
In connection with the Dance held at the S.V.C. Drill Hall on December last by the Committee of the St. Joseph's Church Christmas Entertainments, the surplus funds which amounted to $202 have been distributed as follows: St. Anthony's Bread Fund $100, Orphans St. Anthony's Convent $30, and Free Christmas Treat tickets to the Poor of the Parish $72.
GIFT OF A MALAYAN BUTTERFLIES COLLECTION, the the Paris National Museum of Natural History. From LA C R O I X ' t h e well-known French Catholic Journal: Paris 18th Dec. 1934—Today afternoon in t h e Entomology LaboV^ ratory of t h e National Museum of Natural History, Paris, His Grace Archbishop de Guebriant, Superior-General of the Foreign f i s sions Society being present, a function of a private character was held on t h e occasion of the presentation to t h e Museum of a magnificent collection of butterflies from Malaya, a gift of Rev. F a t h e r R. Cardon. 1
Kindly welcomed by Professor Jeannel, t h e guests lengthily looked with amazement a t t h e pretty lepidoptera with their vivid or gloomy colours a n d - J h e i r wings shaped so gracefully and cut out so artistically. Addressing His Grace, Professor Jeannel worded hearty thanks for t h e splendid present of F a t h e r Cardon. He said inter alia: "I am t h e much more delighted t h a t this collection, containing more t h a n 4,000 individuals, is of an extraordinary value. Even the British Museum of London has not the like." He thanked also Mgr. de Guebriant for* t h e generous and unselfish contribution t h a t t h e Missionaries afford to progress and science. Highly moved by those words of praise, t h e Superior of Foreign Missions replied t h a t ever and everywhere t h e French Mission?aries (beside working for t h e i r chief aim, the propagation of our Faith) are not idle working for t h e good name of their country. F o r t h a t reason, he declared they a r e entitled to some encouragement. The words j u s t spoken T>y~ Professor Jeannel are of t h a t sort of praising and encouraging words which they appreciate in a p a r t i cular manner and of which t h e y are most deeply sensible. Then in a few words t h e eminent Prelate on behalf of all present expressed his thanks to the sister of F a t h e r C a r d o n M m e . Suchaut who represented the Missionary" kept up in his post in Malaya. Among the audience were Mr. Lemoine, Director of t h e Museum, Mr. Bouvier of t h e " I n s t i t u t , " a few missionaries, and several SubDirectors and Professors of t h e Museum. v
T H E ROSARY I N STONE A movement is on foot, organised by the Commissariat of the Holy Land, Franciscan Monastery, Washington, for the erection of 150 unique panels in the Chapels of the Cloister-like Rosary Portico which surrounds that Monastery. Each of these panels will contain the words of the "Hail Mary" in a different language, thus perpetuating the entire Rosary in ever-enduring ceramics. Many of the Tablets, which are about 15 by 20 inches in size, have already been donated, while a number still remain available as lasting memorials to be inscribed with the Donor's names—silent calls to prayer for succeeding generations of pilgrims and visitors to these Blessed Shrines.
LEAGUE OF EQUALITY FOR MINORITIES IN TRAVANCORE Ernakulam (South India).—Christians, Eashava Hindus and Moslems in the N a t i v e State of Travancore have joined forces in a political campaign to secure equality of political rights and a proper share of Government appointments and seats in Parliament. They have formed a League of Equality, a reorganization of the Abstention League. A Catholic newspaper, the Yuva Bharathi, has been depriv*ed of its license because of certain articles which it publishell condemning the non-equality action of the Government. Another journal, accused of publishing similar matter, has been given an opportunity to prove w h y its license should not be cancelled. (Fides)
Indochina Holds F i r s t Plenary Council. Hanoi (Indochina).—Nineteen bishops took part i n the first Plenary Council of Indochina, held at Hanoi November 18— 25. The Apostolic Delegate, Archbishop Columban Dreyer, O.F.M. presided at the meetings. Indochina w a s consecrated to the Blessed Virgin Mary a t the closing ceremony of the Council. Despite the many bloody persecution which have occurred at intervals during the past three centuries, the Church has gone forward in Indochina, and Catholics today total a million. There are still g r e a t possibilities for expansion, however, for i n the territories under the Apostolic Delegation—Annam, Tonkin, Laos, Cambodgia, Cochinchina and Siam —there is a pagan population of 20 millions. (Fides)
JERUSALEM. A n archaeological expedition, which had j u s t started excavations a t Gezer, near Jaffa, succeeded in uncovering remains of burials which were believed to date from about 2000 years B.C. The tomb brought to light has never been violated by robbers, and it is expected t h a t very rich finds will be m a d e in it. Gezer was an ancient Cananite town, captured by one of t h e Pharaohs and later given to King Solomon upon his m a r r i a g e with Egyptian princess. "THE ANGLO BOMBAY Dated
LUSITANO" 17th Nov.,
OF 1934.
AND PEIPING NEWS. Nankin.—The Municipal Government has set aside a piece of land of 160 mow outside Yi Kiang Gate where houses for the poor have been built according to plane and designs laid out by the government. Other groups of houses are being planned. Unfortunately. Mr. Lai declares opium smoking, prostitution, gambling and other forms of social vices are victimising the poorer classes of people. He expresses t h e hope t h a t missionary and public welfare institution will co-operate with the municipal authorities in eradicating such vices from the life of these poor people. (From Digest of the Synodal Commission. Peimng.—That an amazing number of people in Peiping are devoid of school education has been revealed by an investigation—recently made by the Social Affairs Bureau of the Municipal Government. A total of 176.976 people in the city are stated to have been deprived of t h e opportunity of attending school largely due to financial difficulty. Of t h e number, 33,572 belong to industrial group 33,303 to commercial circles, and 110,101 to other circles. (Central N e w s ) .
2nd 1935.
JUST THINK of the money that is going up in the flames as they demolish your property! Don't hesitate until it is too late—you can fully protect yourself with a minimum of expenditure by taking out an N. E. M. Policy. Our
The fact
are already need you
for a perhaps
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By Ina C o o l b r i t h . P o e t - A s t r o n o m e r , who night bv night God's star-page scanned, yet failed to read aright, Where throughout space His alphabet of suns Spells Life, in inextinguishable light! For not, if cycling Time might blot the whole G f that vast scheme from the illumined scroll, The Worlds, incalculable to rayless void, Could cease of Man the imperishable Soul. O finite mind that would the infinite T o challenge seek, and measure! Piteous plight! H o w happier the bird of lightest w i n g . That soars and trusts the Teacher of its flight. A n empty glass upon a broken shrine, What matters it? the quaffed or u n quaffed wine? See the clear goblet with what nectar brimmed From fountains inexhaustible, divine!
PRETTY IPOH WEDDING. Aibuquerque-Yap. Local Post Office Employee Married. St. Michael's Church, Ipbh, was the scene of a p r e t t y wedding on Saturday when Mr. Rudolf Albuquerqure. of t h e Posts and Telegraphs Office, Ipoh, was married to Miss Annie Yap, daughter of t h e late Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Yap, of Kuala Lumpur, and formerly of t h e Nursing Staff, District Hospital. Taiping. Shortly after 7.30 a.m., t h e bride, who looked very charming in a shimmering white silk dress, arrived in company with Mr. Menon, of the Ipoh Post Office, who gave her away. Mrs. Menon, who was the Matron of Honour, attended the bride, and little Betty Menon, looking like a fairy, was the charming flower girl. Choral Service. Rev. F a t h e r Fourgs solemnised t h e marriage, the service being fully choral. After the service in the Church a well-attended reception was held at the bridegroom's residence in Connolly Road, where a very pleasant time was spent. The bride, in accordance with custom, cut t h e cake and after wine had been served to the guests. Mr. V. Valu, Postmaster, Taiping. proposed t h e toast of the happy couple.
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In doing so he said t h a t he was very happy to have the privilege of proposing the health of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Albuquerque. The bride's parents wer eweliknown to him especially the bride's father who was a schoolmaster. The bride he had known for some time and he thought that the bridegroom was very fortunate indeed in winning such a charming girl for his wife. The bridegroom, who was a colleague of his in the same department, was well-known to most of them who were either his colleagues or his school mates and he need hardly dwell on his good qualities which all of them must know. He was sure the pair would make an ideal couple and he asked all present to join, him in drinking to t h e health, long life and prosperity of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Albuquerque. The toast was very cordially pledged. Bridegroom's Reply. The bridegroom, in the course of a brief reply, thanked his friends on behalf of his bride and himself for their presence there that morning especially those who had co^? all the way from Taiping, and for their good wishes for his and his wife's future happiness. He also thanked them for the nice presents they had sent and wished them the best of everything.
«Jo be a Real Catholic To-Day is to Live Dangerously'' •'CATHOLICS to-day a r e surely living in the most stirring and adventurous times t h a t t h e Church has ever been through," declares the Archbishop of Birmingham in his Advent letter. "Great events happen almost every day, each having some bearing on Catholic destinies, vast changes and revolutions not only in outward affairs, but in habits of thought and ideals of conduct. " A new age is beginning, whether we like it or not, bringing with it many difficulties and perplexities.
"To be a real Catholic now is to live dangerously, to shoulder burdens and undertake responsibilities undreamt of in more tranquil times, to experience struggles and rewards, joy and griefs t h a t t h e ordinary commonplace paganism knows nothing of "Life is full of difficulties. The employer who gives all his employees a living wage enough to keep wife and children in decent comfort according to t h e i r social standing; the landlord who sees to it that all his tenants are decently housed; the investor who insists on his money being invested only in undertakings which are morally justifiable; the people who wil only go to see films and plays when these are decent; t h e parents who persist in sending their children to Catholic schools, no m a t t e r what it may cost them—all these need every ounce of courage and endurance t h a t they can get. Daily Communion For All. ''We live in an age when great attention is paid to physical culture and to health conditions. And this is all to the good, for good health is the best guarantee of usefulness and happiness and goodness, and the body is strengthened by good food, fresh air, exercise and cleanliness.
T H E CAR S U C C E S S O F T H E YEAR. Roominess—Performance—No-Draught Ventilation—Easy Gear Change. VAUXHALL t h e British Pioneers of Synchro-Mesh—fitted with an automatic checking device which gives a faultless change no matter how quickly the gear lever is moved. A trial run will give you a real conception of its fine engineering qualities and performance. Call in to-day and let us demonstrate it to you.
" But what is to strengthen the soul?" Archbishop Williams answers the question by urging every individual who, being in a state of grace, can possibly do so to receive Holy Communion every day. Correcting certain false impressions, His Grace points out t h a t "daily Communion is not a reward given to us because we are holy, but is a means of grace given to us because we are sinners. "It is so much the best and surest means of obtaining grace t h a t if, for instance, we wished to
J U S T T H E E O O K S FOR E V E R Y O N E T O H A V E . " When. Whom and How to Marry " Rev. C. McNeiry - - - - 55 cts. & 30 cfs. "Rebuilding A Lost F a i t h " J. Stoddard $1-25 " The Inner Life of t h e Catholic " Rev. A. Goodier, S.J. $2.50 " Difficult C o m m a n d m e n t " Rev. C. C. Martindale, S.J. 30 cts. " L i f e of St. John B o s c o " Rev. H. L. Hughes, B.A. $1.75 " The New Testament and Divorce " Cardinal MacRory " A Bedside Book of S a i n t s " Rev. Aloysius Roche $1.75 " The Autobiography of St. Therese of L i s i e u x " $1.75 & 83.75 Rev. Taylor " The Christian Virtues " Rev. G. J. MacGillivray, M.A. $2.50 " H o l y B i b l e " (Douay Version) $6.00 & 53.80
Postage Extra. MISS THESE * BOOK
BON A MIS B R O T H E R S , The Catholic House for Catholic Needs. 63, Selegie Road, Singapore.
make a specially good Holy Communion a t Christmas, the best means of preparing ourselves would be to receive Holy Communion every day from now to Christmas. League of Daily Mass. " The man who finds it hard to make a sucess of his business if he acts on strictly Catholic principles, the man who wants to bring his whole life into conformity with his religion, to make his trade, profession, and amusements all conform to the teaching of the Church, he surely needs daily Communion.
NATIVES RUN ORGANISED CATHOLIC ACTION. White F a t h e r s ' Successful Plan In Tanganyika. (I T o m
the "Universe"
Bo'ness. A successful system of Catholic Action started by the White Fathers Tanganyika, East Africa, was described to me by F r . Francis Walsh, D.D., superior of t h e White Fathers' establishment at Melrose. "A group of loyal Catholic laymen was organised in each village," said Fr. Walsh, "and a delegate from each village group was sent to the monthly meeting of a central council or group. The scheme was launched j u s t over a year ago.
" The mother who finds it hard to keep her home together, to bring up her children properly, t h e mother who feels that her influence with her growing boys and girls is begining to wane because they are "Amongst the results achieved coming under other influences are the regularisation of many which she cannot control, she needs unions; the burning of heaps of frequent Communion. superstitious amulets, the making of roads to provide access for t h e " The boys and girls who missionary to the villages and t h e struggle against temptations to making of arrangements to convey impurity, who cannot help hearing him from one outpost to another. impure talk or seeing impure "One outstanding benefit which things a t their work or in their will follow all this is the practical amusements, can scarcely hope to proof t h a t Christianity is not a resist temptation without the foreign thing which needs to be strength t h a t comes from frequent kept alive from Europe. Already Communion." the natives have realised to some extent t h a t the native priests and Finally, His Grace urges his catechists belong to themselves, people to join the League of Daily and t h a t they should support them." Mass.
Catholics and Catholic Missions The World Over EUROPE. Church Extension Work in Colonies Represented at Paris Economic Conference. Paris.—Catholic missions v e r e represented at the opening assembly of the French Colonial Conference, which resembles in its scope the British Empire Confer€?ice a t Ottawa last year, formally set in motion by President Lebrun December 3 a t the Museum of Colonies. Mgr. Andrew Boucher, Director of the Paris Office of the Propagation of the Faith, Mgr. Merio, President of the Holy Childhood Association, the Provincial of the White Fathers and members of several missionary institutes attended the meeting. Cardinal Verdier w a s represented by his Auxiliary, Bishop 1 Chaptal. f
Admiral Lacaze, President of the Committee which organized the Catholic Mission Pavilion at the Colonial Exposition in 1931, is one of the Vice-Presidents of the Empire Conference. (Fides)
Catholic Home for Oriental Students a t Marseilles. Marseilles.—A Catholic club for young easterners studying in Europe was opened December 9 by Bishop Dubourg of Marseilles, at 14 Place Alexandre Labadie. A young Annamese and a student from the island of Mauritius were among the first to enjoy the home's hospitality. (Fides)
AMERICA. A t the Buenos-Ayres International Eucharistic Congress, a large group of sailors belonging to more than ten different nationalities joined in the wonderful procession and marched behind the banner of the Association o f the Apostolate of the Sea. Many were those who availed themselves of the occasion to make their confession and receive Holy Communion. ( A g . Fides)
ASIA. Apostolic Delegate Honoured on arrival a t Hatikow t o Consecrate American Bishop. Hankow (China).—His Excellency Archbishop Mario Zanin, Apostolic Delegate to China, who arrived at Hankow October 26 for the consecration of Bishop Cuthbert O'Gara, American Passionist missionary in charge of the Vicariate of Shenchow, was welcomed at the Hankow railway station by representatives of the Chinese civil and military authorities. A Chinese Guard of Honour was drawn
up on the platform, and the Police Band heralded the arrival of the special train from Peking. Ten bishops and many missionaries and lay persons were among the throng at the station. During the week following the consecration of Bishop O'Gara, the Apostolic Delegate presided at a conference of the Vicars and Prefects of Hupeh and Hunan Provinces, held at Hankow. (Fides) Ichang (Hupeh, China).—A new Cathedral of reinforced concrete, 120 ft. deep, 60 ft. wide and 54 ft. high, has been erected at Ichang, the central station of the "Mission of Blood" in Hupeh Province. It will be recalled that this Vicariate of the Belgian Franciscans won its title because of the high number of missionaries w h o have met violent deaths there, particularly the massacre of September 1929 when the Bishop and two companions were killed by bandits who then burned the mission and left placards condemning missionary work. (Fides) Yunnanfu (Yunnan, China).—Two Sulpician Fathers, Rev. P. Grignon and Rev. P. Stutz, have arrived at Yunnan City where they will direct the new provincial seminary for Yunnan and Kweichow provinces. Till now seminarists from Yunnan have made their studies at the General College of the Paris Missionaries at Penang in the Straits Settlements. The arrival of the Sulpicians in this country is the fulfillment of a hope of Abbe Olier, founder of the Society, who himself wished to g o to China. (Fides)
CEMENT REPLICA BEAUTIF I E S L E P E R S ' CHURCH. Culion (Philippine Islands). A beautiful high altar of moulded cement blocks and medallions, copied from a rich white and green marble altar with Venetian coloured mosaic inlays as illustrated in a Church goods catalogue adorns t h e new Church a t t h e Culion leper asylum in the Philippines, built by the Chaplain, Rev. Hugh J. McNulty, S. J., of New York. The priest had planned to have his lepers reproduce the altar in hard woods and for this purpose he had secured the architect's plans of t h e altar from the Church goods firm. The lepers were unequal to t h e task of hauling t h e heavy hardwood logs, however so a skilled workmen was hired to construct the cement moulds, and t h e lepers assisted in doing the work.
missions of Anhwei. It will be recalled t h a t the t h r e e vicariates of. this province—Anking, Wuhu and Pengpu—have been among those suffering t h e most from Communist depredations. Fathers Hidalgo and Avito, of Anking, were kidnapped four years ago. Father Hidalgo was released after 16 months, broken in health. Nothing is known of the whereabouts of Missionaries in Peril as Reds Father Avito. F a t h e r Esteban of Retreat in Anhwei. Wuhu, taken prisoner in 1931, is Shanghai. Affter an intense believed to have died. F a t h e r battle a t Tung Tao, Anhwei Pro- Lopez, of Anking, was captured by vince, in which t h e Communists Reds last October 19 when his mislost 3,000 dead and 500 taken pri- sion was attacked; since t h a t time soner the city has fallen to t h e nothing has been heard ffrom him. Government troops, and t h e Red The; U.S. warship P a n h a y has forces are fleeing in disorder into the interior of t h e province. Tele- anchored at Wuhu to protect Amegrams received at Shanghai state ricans who have fled to the city t h a t practically all missionaries from t h e interior. (Fides) have abbandoned t h e i r stations to escape capture by t h e retreating able for the building of a church, an old Spanish fortress w hich had served as an outpost of defence against Moros who in t h e 17th and 18th centuries raided t h e Christian Filipino towns south of Manila, was converted into a r a t h e r shabby house of God. The old fort served as a church until recently. (Fides) T
OURSELVES. We have, perforce, t o speak of ourselves . to-day, in view of t h e change t h a t has taken place in t h e editorship of this paper. A certain amount of shuffling and adjustment of reading m a t t e r has been found necessary, while the usual features, in the main, are retained. This has been chiefly due to t h e non-arrival of a portion of the- news usually furnished by Correspondents abroad. The arrangements t h a t have been made for the supply of such news in t h e future, will, it is expected, make up for its momentary absence. Various sources are being tapped for t h e purpose to ensure an ample supply. Every effort is being made to have the paper issued in time: The anticipation of possible delay, however little or great, prompts us to offer our apologies to our readers beforehand. The Managing Editor.
Fifteen Little Matryrs of Russia. (Contd. from page 1)
the Church. But n o ! Imbued with supernatural strength t h e heroic Guard-of-honour of fifteen resisted the ruffians who were assailing them. Some of t h e impious fellows had revolvers with them. They fired once, twice many times. One after another t h e fifteen had fallen, wounded. They were vanquished but their h e a r t s still beat for Jesus. Their last words were: "Saviour of the world save our dear Russia!" The profaners had j u s t begun their dance, when there rushed through them a poor woman, almost m a d ; she went straight up to the altar steps where the sacrifice had been consummated and took in her arms the bleeding form of her dying child—hero and martyr, of seven years of age.
Communists whose harted for missionaries and foreigners in general was exemplified a few days pre"Mother darling/' t h e child murviously when two American Protest a n t missionaries, Mr. and Mrs. mured, "we wanted to defend our J. C. Stam, were murdered a t beloved J e s u s ! " Miaosheo by members of t h e same Happy mother of a noble, generband. Italian and Spanish Jesuit mis- ous little angel of a child! .When the national leper colony sionaries, 80 in all, assisted by 25 Translated from "O'Rosario" by was established by the Philippine brothers and 26 sisters and a native Mario Franco in T h e Messenger of Government on the island of Culion personal of six priests one b r o t h e r the Sacred Heart for Ceylon.' 28 years ago, no funds being avail- and one sister, staff t h e Catholic
Published by Rev.