FEBRUARY 9, 1935, VOL 01, N0 06

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T I G E R l i l l i i i BEER OFFICIAL






20 Pages.


No. 6






The Chinese reckon t h e i r dates by the moon, and t h e first day of the first moon is t h e most important, and in this land of firecrackers, t h e noisiest day of the year. For weeks before, t h e bustle of preparation was in t h e air. The sign writers were working overtime in their s^oos and on improvised tables outside them, writing inscriptions on long strips of red paper that would be pasted around the three sides of every doorway. Stalls appeared in every street for the sale of these scrolls and of the vivid pictures of gods and heroes t h a t would decorate t h e side walls and t h e smaller doors of the houses.



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of the Church




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of Lourdes


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When the cooking is all done, the best vase t h a t the family can boast of, often an old Chinese vase t h a t comes out of its wrappings only on great occasions, is set in t h e centre of t h e table, and in it is placed a branch of the lovely " H a n g i n g Bell Flower" a shrub something like our flowering-currant but with a larger flower. On either side is p u t a bowl of growing "Water-Nymph F l o w e r s " a highly-performed double narcissus, and nearby the eight-compartment box of sweetmeats, with melon seeds in the centre-—and then t h e stage is set for t h e family celebration of the New Year.

, The above is a photo



The Final Preparation.

The Shopping Parties. Hawkers with new cries added to the babel of the streets, and the streets themselves were thronged with people from t h e villages coming to do their shopping. Every evening t h e family groups were streaming from t h e town laden with purchases. If t h e r e was a goose or a fowl, t h e man was there to carry it, alive, for t h e Chinese like their meat freshly killed; in the mother's basket could be seen the vegetables and the fruit and the vermicelli t h a t t h e season demanded; and on top of them the inevitable joss sticks and firecrackers; t h e children had pieces of sugar-cane to chew, and t h e baby strapped on its mother's back had a bright new knitted cap.



Beside this pan was another of steaming lard in which t h e "fried pockets" would be floated until th$y were a lustrous brown. These last are appropriately named. They are of rice flour, thin and hollow and as large as small footballs. Balloons might be even a more appropriate name, for t h e substance of which they are made looks, and to t h e unaccustomed palate tastes, like oiled silk.

There w a s heavy traffic on river highway, for a'l w^o could leave their work were returning home for t h e New Year, and an abundance of firewood had to be brought in t o tide t h e families over the two weeks when t h e boat people and t h e shops would make holiday. The samnans w^**e three deep on the already crowded waterfront, many of them laden with wicker crates of geese, t h e favourite New Year dish, but some bearing pigs, also in wicker tube-like crates, for pork is welcome to the Chinese a t all seasons.


10 cents.

9th 1935.

of Lourdes, to




which feast



In t h e streets the smell of the New Year's cooking came from all the houses, very small houses for the most part, for there are very few t h a t have more t h a n one room. Through the door could be seen a group of children around the brick fireplace watching the rice dumplings being cooked, while the eldest girl stood by with a large green leaf ready to wrap up each one as it came from the pan.

In many ways t h e preparations remind one of the C h r i s t m a s in Ireland, but it is C h r i s t m a s without Christ, Who is t h e centre of our rejoicing. In t h e shops there is anxiety as well as bustle, for t h e last day of t h e year is reckoning day. Business methods are not t h e same in the E a s t as in the West. Here the average shop has not a banking account, it has limited capital and gives large credit, but all t h e money must be collected by t h e end of the year, otherwise it can be counted as lost. So, in spite of the e x t r a business of the time, and of t h e cheap sales to get rid of surplus stock and to swell t h e year's takings, some of t h e staff have to go around collecting debts, and the owners spend feverish nights at t h e i r accounts, for many will not know until t h e last hours of New Year's Eve whether they have succeeded in the last year's trading or w h e t h e r they must close their shops and declare bankruptcy. T h a t Mysterious Epidemic. And the assistants do not know w h a t is going to happen after t h a i dinner on the day following the New Year, for it is only t h e n t h a t they will have their contracts renewed for another y e a r or be told (Contd. on page 5 )



T h e S e c o n d Indian Pilgrimage t o Rome This

Account has been W r i t t e n Specially for the M A L A Y A C A T H O L I C LEADER by a l o c a l C a t h o l i c >yho h a d joined t h e p i l g r i m a g e (Continued from previous week)

Another very consoling act of devotion we had t h e hapiness t o perform on Good F r i d a y was t h e dimbing of the Scala Santa.

The sight that bursts upon the astonished gaze, surpasses t h e wildest dreams of imagination— E v e r y t h i n g seems resplendent in light, magnificence and beauty.

T h e Scala Santa is a flight of The climax of our delightful pilMarble Stairs from Pilate's house grimage came on E a s t e r Sunday— in Jerusalem which h a s been We arrived at St. P e t e r ' s a t 7 a.m. brought over to Rome—Our Lord —This was about t h r e e hours behad walked up t h e s e s t a i r s t o fore t h e Canonisation Ceremony receive His death w a r r a n t . His was to take place; yet when we precious Blood which was dripping entered we found t h a t t h e seats from His .Body in consequence of allotted to us were occupied and t h e brutal scourging H i s enemies we were obliged to stand in t h e alh£d inflicted on Him, left deep lotted enclosure No. 3. Streams stains on t h e white marble steps. of people kept pouring endlessly Devotees go up t h i s flight of stairs into t h e church, and yet t h e r e was « i their knees kissing t h e while t h e always standing room for more— stains of t h e Sacred Blood—It is a A t 9 a.m. t h e privileged class began very painful operation considering to t a k e their seats. T h e Crown t h e great height of t h e s t a i r s . Prince of Italy was greeted with shouts of " Long live t h e Prince " We visited t h e Vatican Museum, and great clapping of hands. A the Museum of St. J o h n L a t e r a n while afterwards came a procession and t h e Museum of P u r g a t o r y . of Bishops, Archbishops and CardiThe last mentioned Museum con- nals, t h e n shouts of "Viva il Papa" tain Articles bearing evidences of announced His Holiness approach. the existence of P u r g a t o r y and t h e The shouts became louder and ardour of its cleansing fire—There louder as he neared t h e church is a Breviary with t h e imprint of and when he entered borne in the five fingers of a m a n b u r n t his gestatoria and attended by through it—The account given of it his Swiss-Guards—the beautiful is t h a t a certain priest h a v i n g died band began to play and a appeared t o his friend-priest and vociferous clamour broke out in t h e told him how he was suffering in spacious church and continued unP u r g a t o r y for having neglected to abated till he took possession of say a mass one day w h e n alive and his throne behind t h e High Altar. requested him t o s a y t h a t mass. To impress upon him t h e reality of Soon after t h e Canonisation the case t h e apparition laid his Ceremony began. One of t h e hand an instant on t h e priest's Cardinals approached His Holiness Breviary leaving upon it t h e evi" and appealed for t h e canonisation dence of t h e burning h e a t t h a t was of t h e Servant of God, Blessed Don t o r t u r i n g him. Bosco, t o which t h e Holy F a t h e r made a short reply. This was reAnother article is a cloak with peated three times;, each time with a n impression on t h e shoulder of a greater insistence. Finally the b u r n t hand. T h e account says Holy F a t h e r gave his consent, Blesthat a certain woman of exemplary sed Don Bosco was solemnly prolife having died w i t h o u t obtaining claimed Saint and t h e Te Deum the conversion of h e r wayward son was sung in thanksgiving. for which she h a d prayed much d u r i n g h e r life time, appeared to After t h e canonisation, t h e Ponhim and thus addressed h i m : — tifical Easter High Mass was sung. "Son, if in spite of m y exemplary The Pope's voice r a n g clear and l i f e I am in Purgatory, w h a t t h i n k loud and was most agreeable to you will be your f a t e when you listen to. It was well on 2 p.m. die ?"—She at t h e same time rested when t h e services were concluded h e r hand on his shoulder for one and t h e Holy F a t h e r ^ a s borne out instant and left on t h e clock t h e again in procession. The congreimpression of her b u r n i n g hand. gation made its exit from the church through all t h e doors but Of all t h e beautiful Cathedrals remained assembled in t h e piazza and Churches we visited in Rome, in front of the church. After a s a d they were many, none can ap- while t h e Holy F a t h e r appeared on proach t h e Basilica of St. P e t e r ' s t h e balcony of t h e Basilica, spoke in size or beauty—Its immensity a few words which t h e loud is seen in t h e fact t h a t 60,000 can speakers amplified, and then he imvery easily find room in it—Besides parted his E a s t e r Blessing on the the main body of t h e church with expectant crowd—Scarcely was the its High Altar, t h e r e a r e 27 chapels blessing imparted when down came with t h e i r A l t a r s , each capable a heavy shower of rain which of accommodating hundreds of drenched us to t h e skin. worshippers—Its b e a u t y is such The immensity of t h e crowd t h a t that no p a r t of it s t r i k e s one as being capable of improvement and attended the festivities of Easter ail the p a r t s a r e so well propor- Sunday can scarcely be imagined. tioned—It is t h e m o s t stupenduous Our Director had warned us t h a t it edifice ever raised by t h e h a n d of was an offence to faint within the m a n to the worship of his Creator. first two hours of the ceremony and

sure enough t h e fainting fit began at noon. The atmosphere had became quite hot and stuffy in consequence of t h e large crowd in t h e Cathedral besides t h e still greater crowd outside t h e Cathedral not able to gain admittance and men and women began to collapse one after another. Such cases are not unexpected in St. Peter's for there are special Officials detailed to attend to them. These officials came and made themselves very useful. Among us there were no less than half a dozen who fainted. Reverend F a t h e r Rego of Singapore who came to Rome a fortnight before us, was with us in enclosure No. 3. He rendered useful help to these special officials by attending to cases in our enclosure. The splendour of t h e decorations in St. Peter's on E a s t e r Sunday before t h e commencement of t h e Canonisation Ceremony of Blessed Don Bosco cannot be adequately expressed in words. The whole Church's interior was a blaze of colour and light—the ceiling, t h e pillars and t h e walls were covered with fairy lights most artistically arranged—Every bit of t h e huge edifice was embellished with, luxury, greatness and harmony of everything. The imposing sight can be better imagined t h a n described. It leaves an everlasting impression of its magnificence. On the night of t h e 1st of April a t 10.30 p.m. we entrained, for Lourdes—We passed through Pisa, Nice, Monaco, etc.—At Monte Carlo t h e train actually stopped a few minutes to allow us to witness motor-car race which was in progress—At Vingt-Mille, a village on t h e Italian-French boundary we changed train. The journey through France was long and tedious and though we passed through many important towns we noted nothing as we were too tired to take interest in anything—we were very glad therefore, when, at 7 a.m. on t h e 3rd of April we reached Lourdes; but it was very cold. Lourdes is quite a large town with many big hotels and shops selling rosaries, medals, pictures and other religious objects and souveniers. There is also a hospital near t h e Basilica where all t h e stretcher cases t h a t are brought to Lourdes are housed. The Basilica, of course, is t h e principal edifice and t h e centre of attraction is t h e grotto. The Basilica consists of three churches one on top of t h e other. Large stations of t h e cross with life size figures extend along one side of t h e Basilica up a hill—The distances between the stations have been made to correspond as much as possible with those in Jerusalem. The first station is a t t h e foot of the hill; t h e others rise gradually higher and higher. The station on t h e top of t h e hill is t h e thirteenth —while t h e fourteenth is in a hallow on t h e other side of the hill. The figures are very realistic and so inspiring t h a t one cannot help shedding tears while making t h e way of t h e cross. The grotto, except for the floor which is paved with marble slabs, is exactly as it was in t h e days of Bernadette—The stream she started still continues to flow through

Taps from Reservoirs. A beautiful s t a t u e of white marble presented by t h e French Senate occupies the niche in which Bernadette saw t h e Immaculate Conception. A large rock just under the niche occupied by the s t a t u e has been rubbed down to a smooth surface by t h e consistant kissing and touching of visitors. Hundreds of stiches, crutches, artificial legs etc. hanging all around the walls of the grotto testify to the numerous authenticated cures. There are two structures near the g r o t t o ; one is a sacristy and the other is a dressing room for bathers. Patient or Pilgrim who wishes to use t h e holy bath is admitted into the room. He undresses, and, but for a loin-cloth, is quite bare—He enters t h e cistern of cold water and is given a prayer to recite—after which two attendants gently let him down in the cistern, where he lies on his back, till he is satisfied— Then he is lifted out of the bath again and helped to dress without drying himself. Many patients suffering from various chronic diseases are to be seen every evening a t the front of the Basilica a t t h e time of the Procession of t h e Blessed Sacrament which takes place every day. E a c h sufferer receives a blessing by having the monstrance placed on t h e head—cures take place at this moment. The old history of Lourdes of St. Bernadette's childhood is illustrated by panoramic view in a special hall in the town. There the little girl Bernadette is seen kneeling with fagots of firewood by her side, her eyes fixed on an apparition, at the niche in t h e grotto—The Valley of Massabielle—the rock of which once looked dreary and dull—is crowded with people from far and near—some praying with her, others watching her—with soldiers on t h e qui vive. T h e old stream is seen close by her. Note—Though t h e water in the b a t h is very cold and the weather outside is wet—pilgrims are always advised to take the holy bath—The wonder is not only one not inconvenienced by the exposure, but feels the better and t h e warmer after the cold bath. — ( T o be Continued). We left Lourdes on the 7th of April a t 2 p.m. and arrived at Paris next morning at 7 o'clock—Most of us found quarters at the hotel L'Intendance and t h e Palace Hotel and spent a busy day in sight-seeing. At 5 o'clock in the morning of t h e 9th we took t h e Tube Railway (i.e. the under ground train) which brought us to the Railway Station St. Lazare where we entrained for Lisieux arriving there at 10 a.m.—we went straight to t h e Church of St. Teresa of the Child Jesus, said a short prayer before her crib in t h e church, and then heard Mass and received Holy Communion—In a sort of museum containing all her Relics we saw her F i r s t Communion Robe and Crown, her nun's dress, her hair which was cut off when she took t h e veil her disciplines, corded whip, crucifix etc.—Even her little table, shoes and clogs are preserved t h e r e . In her parents' house, which also we visited, everything has been left as when she left it (Contd. on page 3).


On X^Hngs from .Albion St. Theresa's Rose.

Fisher and more awaiting the decision.

W'de publicity is being given, in Catholic expectation is keenly the English press, to a remarkable episode related from W e s t Hartle- turned towards Rome, awaiting the pool, in County D u r h a m . The result of the Plenary session of the matter has been reported to t h e Sacred Congregation of Rites which Catholic authorities, and it should is to give the decision in the matter not be pre-iudged bv h a s t v excite- of the prayed-for Canonizations of ment. Catholics will be content to Blessed John Fisher and Blessed The Bishop of await e verdict of those to whom Thomas More. such things belong; but meanwhile Southwark, whose territory incluthe episode is apparently so re- des Bishop Fisher's See, Rochester, dolent of the supernatural that it has alreadv left England for Rome cannot fail to be of interest to in connection with the coming C t ^ o ^ < ? p v e r v w t i p r e . especially to meeting, which of course will be a the LITTLE FLOWER'S countless past meeting by t h e time these clients. As told in t h e press the words reach Sin£arx>r<\ By t h a t time. too. the result will be known; story is as follows: yft it may be said here and now Catherine McDade, a young t ^ a t ha^div a doubt is entertained wo^an sufferm*?* from tuberculosis, t h a t t h e Canonizations will be was staving with her aunt, in approved. James Street, in the hope that the Hartlepool air would help her The importance of such a towards recovery. Last September decision for t h e Catholic Church in M\s<< McDade, in improved health, Great Britain is not lightlv to be made a pilgrimage to Carfin Grotto, m ^ s ' i r e d . It will mean t h e first a widely-known pilgrimage shrine creation of English Saints, by in Scotland: and on her return, it formal process, since the Aees of is stated, her disease had practic- Faith, and will thus strike another allv disappeared; but s h e was still and a ringing note of Catholic far from well, and she continued to restoration in the land. Already Dr<M7 r St. Therese of Lisieux to t h e prospect of the canonizations is help her to get an absolute re- censing heart-searchings in t h e covery. So m a t t e r s stood on High Anglican camp. There are Sundav January 20. W h a t follows not wantine s ems, of an attempt is exactly as related in t h e Sheffi- to claim both More and Fisher for eld Pailv Teleeraph for January t h e Church of England! 23. It is added t h a t dozens of Catholics and non-Catholics have Throughout the countrv, during since visited t h e house and have t h e past few da vs. there have been examined t h e flower. And it is to expositions of t h e Blessed Sacrabe ^m^mbered. moreover, that in ment for the successful issue of England January is not a month t h e Cause. for roses. The National Catholic Congress. Early on Sundav Miss McDade This year was to have seen, in awoke and. bv her bedside, she saw Julv next, a meeting of the Nationa vision of St. Theresa with a cross al Catholic Congress, the rendezof roses in her arms. The Saint vous being Cardiff. The local she savs, took a rose from out of Committee h a d been formed, and the cross and placed it on the bed, the preliminary^ arrangements saying to h e r : " God's Holv Will be m a d o . when t h e sad death of t h e done." Makp this visit known to President of the Congress, H\s the priest. Miss McDade f^t for Eminence Cardinal Bourne, created the rose, but as s^e could not a new situation. For this and o+her discover it in t h e dark, she reasons it has been decide^ t o defer dismissed the experience as a the Coneress, and as official andream. At daybreak, however, nouncement is made t h a t rh^re w*H when she arose she discovered be no meetiner in 1925. This d o p s a wonderful red rose with a not mean t h a t Catholics will not be stalk r>ino inches long, laid on t h e in conference durin<r the year. The floor bv the bedside, a^d t^e room National Catholic Congress is at a was f T u 3 e r f u l aroma triennial gatherine*. and its postof roses: ponement will not affect the various annual assemblies which take place jjf f W f v ^ p o y r i b - r i ^ f r e . and othor She immediately called to her centres. The*-e will be as usual, aunt, " M a r y , come quick," and the Summer Schools. »r»d th^ Conwhen her aunt got into the bed- fpvenc^s °f the Catholic Young room she saw the rose la d <>n the M^n's Societies, the Knights o^ St. mat bv the bedside and picked it up. " I thought it was only a Cnh-Toba,. fh<* C o + ^ o h ' c Evidence dream," explained Miss McDade, Guild, and other bodies. 'but it is real." Pope's corner. The green and pleasant oasis in Mrs. McPherson disclosed to a West London, one in which Capress representative t h a t she is a tholics are interested by close and widow with t h r e e children, one long associations, is now threatenverv ill, and owing t o poverty she ed. Hammersmith wants to build has had no flowers in h e r house for its new Town Hall cm part of Brook over a year, when h e r husband G r e e r ; and Brook Green holds so died. Describing t h e experience, many Catholic memories t h a t it 8he said it was a wonderful thrill. earned, at one time the title of "When I picked t h e rose up and, " P o p e ' s Corner." Facing the for fully five minutes. Catherine Green, t h e r e is the handsome and I were absolutely spellbound. church of Holy Trinity, opened soon f V ,













after the restoration of the Catholic Hierarchy in England. Adjoining it is the picturesque block of St. Joseph's Almshouses, in which thirty inmates are cared for by t h e Aged Poor Society. Until a few years ago, when a business firm bought the premises and the College removed to Strawberry Hill, Brook Green sheltered also St. Mary's Training College, for Catholic men teachers. Little more than a stonesthrow from the almshouses, in Hammersmith Road, stand the spreading buildines on Nazareth House; and within a minute's walk or so is the Sacred Heart convent. Nor is this all. A t 30 Brook Green "The Wayside" brings yet another Catholic institution to the spot, a temporary home for ex-Anglican Sisters and other converts to t h e faith. Not without reason, therefore, a r e Catholics up in arms against the proposal to injure the amenities of the Green by putting on it a great secular building. LIKE





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As soon as a child reaches t h e first milestone of his being, he is quite unlike a little animal who drinks and sleeps, or cries and smiles. He becomes then a little being endowed with reason, though t h a t reason be still in an embryonic state. Even t h e least you think about He has not yet uttered a n a m e it, you come to t h e conclusion t h a t his intelligence has suggested r a t h e r obviously, t h a t children's education is impossible unless pato him. Two characteristics are peculiar rents, first, be trained to give it. to this stage of the child's life: a Of all necessity, parents' educavivid curiosity accompanied by a tion m u s t precede children's edusingularly shrewd mind and a cation,^ else it would be a case of power of imitation developed t o the blind leading t h e blind. the highest degree. MALACCA CRICKET. Narrow Victory for School Team. That is w h y young as he is, in We wish to congratulate t h e his second year, t h e principal, if not the only agent which will in- Cricket team of t h e St. Francis duce him t o contract good or bad Iijstitution of Malacca, for being habits is Example—examples given t h e first to open t h e Cricket Season by those who surround him. in their twon this year. We alParents, therefore, should remem- ways woul like to see Catholic ber t h a t they must henceforward Schools a n d Catholics in general live for their child—this will be taking t h e lead in everything and very easy,—and moreover live be- setting t h e example t o the others. We wish the Franciscans all fore the eyes of their child,—that success in the field of sports t h i s is far more difficult. They should be aware and never forget t h a t a year. The Straits Times' Malacca child sees everything, and keeps Correspondent giving an account in his self, if not everything, a t of this game writes as follows:— The first cricket match of t h e least all t h a t strikes him, all t h a t season was played on t h e St. stirs up his sensibility and keeps Francis' Institution ground t o his curiosity on the alert. day between the Christian B r o t h e r s ' School side and a "But" you may say, "this little scratch side raised by P. G. baby understands nothing." J u s t Pamadasa. now, very likely; yet what he The visiting team batting first keeps in a corner of his memory, were in a bad way a t the outset, later on he will understand i t ; and five wickets falling for 15 runs. his education will be the result of However, Rogers in association the examples he has witnessed, of with Chinniah, who played patithe sensations which have laid ently, added 22 runs for t h e hold of his mind and soul from sixth wicket and with Lee also his earliest infancy; and, alas! it getting into double figures a n d is a hard task, later on, to get rid a stubborn last wicket stand beof their tyrannical grip. tween Lingam, a lefthander, and " He dees not know." Yes. But Sam Chong, a schoolboy, t h e he can feel, and so acute is his score eventually reached 7 4 . sensibilty t h a t it has been said Rodrigues, took 5 wickets for 22, t h a t a child "feels even the imand Felix Nonis 3 for five perceptible." In reply, the School lost t h e i r Adapting himself to the tone of first wicket a t seven, b u t t h e n those who surround him, he copies the score mounted rapidly. J u g t them, and t h u s succeeds in modelon time F. Nonis made t h e winling himself automatically, as it ing hit, the School having loat were, after their ways of talking, seven wickets in the process*. doing, and even of thinking. Hence G. James, (20) Teck Seng (12) the duty for the parents to keep a and F . Nonis (16) were t h e chief vigilant watch upon themselves in contributors. Sequerah took 3 the presence of their child and wickets for 33 for the scrateh upon those who surround him. side.

4 face, all the vivacity and candour of his young soul shining out from his bright eyes: "I will wear it round my neck, and I'll keep it always in remembrance of you! " His companions, who had already got to know about what had occurred, smiled when they saw how Characteristic Incidents During ing, and bumped right into the unexpectedly it had turned out, and middle of them. saluted Don Bosco w ith all t h e Oxie of His Visits to Rome. At the unexpected sight of affection of t h e i r young h e a r t s ; these three personages intQ whose while the Director himself declared It was in 1858. F o r the first presence he had so unceremoniously t h a t he would never again make time Don Bosco, still quite a young bumped, his heart stuck somewhere mountains out of mole hills. * man, was in Rome on business of in his throat, and he stood still Some days after this Don Bosco pressing importance. He was there, shamefaced, h a t in hand, was out with Cardinal Tosti on his staying a t the house of Count and head downcast. If t h e earth morning promenade in Rome. They Rudolph de Maistre, and the noble- had opened and swallowed him, he were driving. Some minutes after man made it his business to en- would have been more than grate- they had started, t h e conversationsure t h a t Don Bosco should see all ful. began to run upon educational t&e splendours of the City of t h e " W h a t kind of manners are topics, and as to what were the best (paesor* and t h e Popes. To this these? Is this what you're taught methods of attaining success in 4nd either he or his sons accom- here ? " thundered t h e Director. developing t h e characters of boys. panied t h e young priest every "Go back to your workshop: you Don Bosco, who still remembered will hear more about t h i s ! " morning t o some p a r t of Rome. his visit to St. Michael's, and the The Broader View. regrettable system of education One day—it was t h e 6th of And t u r n i n g to Don Bosco, there adopted, could not help feelMarch—the programme for t h e ing how greatly this must alienate " .morning included a visit to t h e " E x c u s e me, Don Bosco, if "But what f o r ? " broke in the t h e hearts of t h e boys from t h e Institute of St. Michael, where some of the poorer youths of good priest, as he watched t h e boy priesthood, and all for which it Rome were taken t h r o u g h regular disappearing up t h e stairs again. stood. How educate, indeed, uncourses in different a r t s or trades. "Yes, what for? No, really I don't less one had first gained t h e heart I t was an establishment compris- see in what t h e lad could have of t h e child? And he said out loud:— i n g - a number of professional offended me." "This ill-mannered whistling—^ "See, your Eminence, it is imworkshops, some of which were devoted t o the mechanical a r t s and don't you t h i n k it is a want of possible to bring up boys well if you have not t h e i r confidence, their t h e rest t o t h e liberal arts. In respect ?" love." "Perhaps, b u t so slight! And in these t h e young men worked, each any case altogether involuntary. " B u t how get it, Don Bosco?" according to his talents and St. Philip Neri, you know, used to "By moving heaven and e a r t h to inclinations. tell t h e children of his orphanages keep them close to us, and breaking Discipline of Brass. in Rome: 'Keep quiet, if you c a n ; down all t h e barriers which would There were joiners and engi- if you can't, t h e n shout and j u m p separate them from us." "And how get t h e m to come to neers, tailors, boot makers, dyers, as much as you like—but please b a t t e r s , saddlers, cabinet-Makers; don't do a n y t h i n g sinful; t h a t is us?" "By going to them, your Emiand there were those who did t h e only t h i n g t h a t matters.' And sculpturing in wood, painted, I also demand complete silence at nence; by t r y i n g to suit ourselves fabricated imitation Gobelins, cut certain moments of t h e day in t h e to their tastes, and making ourcameos, engraved on.copper struck House of T u r i n ; but I willingly selves like *them. Now, do you iriedals, and did a host of other shut my eyes to little faults wish that, after theory, we come things, * A very good house, you committed t h r o u g h boyish light- down to the practice? Tell me in «e&—faces t h e picture of health, headedness. A p a r t from this little w h a t part of Rome I can find a really serious supervision, pains- restriction, I allow my boys full crowd of y o u n g s t e r s ? " t a k i n g instruction, well-regulated liberty to sing and shout in t h e . . . .and may I join in." —perhaps too well-regulated— playground, and from t h e top t o like them. Now% do you wish that, t h e bottom of t h e stairs in t h e after theory, we come down to the piety, and a discipline of b r a s s ! house—all I recommend especially practice? Tell me in what p a r t of I t was this which, above all else, to their attention is t h a t they a t struck Don Bosco. H e had not least have some respect for my Rome I can fin# a crowd of youngsters?" gone through t h r e e work-shops walls. "The Piazza del Popolo, or the before he realised t h e system of "Believe me, a little bit of racket P i a z z a . . . . " education in force throughout t h e and clatter is better by far t h a n a "Good, well, let's off to t h e Piazza house^-dt was t h e repressive silence in which hypocritical and del Popolo, t h e n . " gystem carried to uncompromising canning and sullen—but what conAmong t h e Street Urchins. U*nite. The arrival of a superior cerns we now is t h a t t h a t poor little The order was passed through gel t h e boys trembling—fear was man is going to get into trouble to the driver, and ten minutes later the main help of t h e educator. through me. H '11 h a t e me for they were in t h e Piazza del Popolo. - W h a t a shame," thought Don i t . . . .Let us go and cheer him up." Don Bosco got out, and t h e Cardinal Bosco. "These little Romans are remained inside, with his eye at a The Transformation. go affectionate, so impulsive, so A few minutes later the three crevice in the door so as to watch ready for fun! W h y should they visitors were in t h e boy's workshop, what happened. A crowd of street b e so wrapped up in themselves, and Don Bosco sent for him. He Arabs were in t h e square, all deeply and in silence? A h ! if I could came along awkwardly, his manner engaged in some game or other. only make these good priests un- stiff as starch, and his eyes obsti- Don Bosco went up to them, but d e r s t a n d t h a t t h e y are deceiving nately fixed on t h e ground; he was as soon as t h e y caught sight of themselves, t h a t t h e y are making wholly upset about what had hap- him they all ran for their lives! a big m i s t a k e ! " , pened. "Pity!" thought the Cardinal The Clattering Boy. "Come on, my little friend," cried behind his window. " It doesn't : Two minutes later Divine Pro- Don Bosco, cheerfully. " I have seem to happen as easily as he vidence furnished him with an good news for you; come, don't be i m a g i n e d . . . .he's certainly succoccasion. In t h e company of Car- afraid, your superior allows it." ceeded in chasing them away." dinal Tosti, t h e protector of t h e And when he had him n e a r : "You But Don Bosco was not easily Institute, and of one of t h e know, I've arranged everything discouraged. With signs and gessuperiors of t h e house, Don Bosco beautifully—but on one condition: tures that showed his kind intenwas on the point of crossing a t h a t you are a good boy and he tions, he called out to t h e boys to little bridge to get from one work- friends with me. That's right, oh ! come back. After some hesitation s h o p to another, when just a t t h e Now, run away, and take this medal several approached him slowly. -psvcboio^cal moment, one of t h e to remember me b y ; you can have Don Bosco made them a little artisans from t h e next floor came for a Hail Mary." present and asked them all about bouncing down t h e stairs four a t Deeply moved, the boy seized themselves, their people, their a;:.;tip*p . m a k i n e t h e whole place Don Bosco's hand and kissed it o v ^ retool, their games. At t h e sight rfttg with his singing and whistl- and over a g a i n ; then lifting up his of this affable priest in t h e midst

Y o u n g People's Page Don Bosco's Way With Boys.


All young people need milk every day:

for preference



LEE BI/CUIT/12? of t h e i r companions, the wildest and most frightened of the rest soon plucked up enough courage to join t h e happy circle. Then, Don Bosco: "Now, then, my dears, carry on with your game . . . . and may I join in ?" What the Cardinal Saw. And, cassock tucked up slightly, behold him heart and soul in the game with the rest of them. A spectacle not to be seen every day! All t h e youngsters who spent their time lounging about the neighbourhood, came running to see what was going on. Don Bosco welcomed them all with kindness, gave each a few words of welcome, offered them a medal, and if opportunity \yere presented, asked smilingly if he ever prayed or went to confession. (Contd. on page 5)


New Year's Day in South China (Continued from page 1).

that times are bad and t h a t their honourable services can no longer be retained. But the government of t h e republic wants none of these old-time customs and none of these celebrations. It has decreed t h a t t h e calendar is to be brought into line with t h a t of t h e rest of t h e world and that t h e Chinese New Year is to be abolished. There a r e no protests from t h e people—that is not the Chinese way—but everything goes on j u s t as before. Though all t h e shops are shut, government offices must remain open, but it is reported t h a t an epidemic breaks out each year about this time among the grandmothers of t h e higher officials and they have to absent themselves. The same t h i n g has happened in the schools. School had to go on though t h e family feast was being observed a t home, but sometimes the urgent applications for leave of absence on t h e p a r t of the teachers made it impossible to continue school. And Still Passive Resistance. This year an earnest appeal was sent by government to the teachers, asking them to set a good example by keeping their grandmothers in good health until after the New Year festival. The teachers promised compliance, but here and t h e r e t h e pupils threatened a strike and t h e authorities capitulated. The government also announced t h a t if New Year greeting cards—easily recognisable by their red envelopes—were sent through t h e post they would be burned. But t h e sale of cards went on in t h e shops as before. However, even though red is the lucky colour, some of the envelopes were white this year. I had watched all the preparations going on for weeks and could feel the growing excitement as the New Year approached. When the Eve came there was none of the rush of last moment preparations that mark our Christians Eve. From mid-day t h e shops began to close and t h e fusillade of firecrackers began in real earnest.

little shrines erected and over them all hung a cloud of smoke from the fire-crackers. As I was standing a t the edge of t h e quay watching what was going on at the end of the sloping shore, two children ran up from one of the boats with a few lighting joss sticks and put them in the ground in front of a projecting stone on t h e road beside me. Someone had probably called it a lucky stone, and they hoped t h a t it might bring them luck in t h e coming year. All through the town t h e same altars were being erected in each house, and its setting up, or the simple closing of a shop for t h e holidays, was the signal for a burst of firecrackers outside t h e front door. After they had exploded in the street, there was a rush of small boys to see if any had escaped burning and held out hopes of furt h e r bangs. I thought of some of my young newsboy friends in Dublin who would be good a t t h a t game, and I could picture Joe O'Brien or "Mousie" Kavanagh coming off best in such a scramble. Midnight on t h e Roof. For the Christian New Year I happened to be in Hong Kong, and heard the pandemonium of firecrackers t h a t broke loose at midnight. Next day one of t h e papers asked "What is t h e difference between a Christmas cracker and a New Year one?" and it went on: "If you do not know t h e answer to t h a t this morning, you must be a very sound sleeper." I asked someone how the din compared with the Chinese New Year and he answered: The only difference is t h a t at the Chirstian New Year the noise lasts for an hour, but at t h e Chinese New Year it goes on for a fortnight." He was right, but even in t h e continuous demonstrating of a fortnight t h e r e must be a climax, and t h a t came at midnight on New Year's Eve." Sleep was unthinkable, so I went up to t h e roof—there is a flat portion on t h e roof of every tall house in Southern China.

It was a beautifully mild night, for the thermometer had reached In the afternoon I went down to 73 t h a t day, having risen 36 degthe river's edge, where thousands rees in three days. It seemed as if of people live in boats, and live even a mighty bombardment was going more in public t h a n the rest of the on. Though the streets were too people of a country where privacy narrow for me to see anything but is never regarded as a thing to be the roofs. I could see the flashes desired. There almost all activity of the crackers in every p a r t of t h e had ceased, and t h e New Year rites town. One variety of crackers has had begun. In t h e stern of each magnesium mixed with the powder, boat the semblance of an altar had and when these exploded in a narbeen set up. I t was nothing else row street, a widening beam of than a two-dimensional tree stand- light as from a searchlight shot ing in a wide bowl of sand. The into the sky, and t h e effect as they tree had a few large leaves of gold flashed all around was wonderful. tinsel and coloured paper, and the One of them burst behind the little earthenware bowl was covered with Catholic church on t h e outskirts of red paper. When it was in posi- the town, and for an instant the tion at t h e back of t h e boat, some cross on t h e belfry stood out joss sticks were lit and stuck into against a background of light. I the sand in front of the tree, then was thankful for t h a t flash and its a bundle of fire-crackers were lit message of hope. from t h e glowing joss sticks. Urbanity in t h e Home. Boys and t h e Fire Crackers. In the early p a r t of New Year's In boat after boat this little cere- Day the streets were almost empty; money was performed, until all the family feast was being observalong t h e river the boats had their ed behind closed doors. In those

homes where the age-old traditions above t h e door wishes to all comers of China are observed the children "the five blessings" (which a r e : prostrate themselves before their health, riches, virtue a long life, parents, first before their father, and a happy end), but Catholics then before the mother kneeling have made a happy alteration and and then bowing till the forehead the change of one Chinese charactouched the ground. Then the ter makes t h e inscription offer " t h e father offered to each one a small blessings of God" to all who enter. red envelope containing a few I had seen very few of these on coins, the gift t h a t is given by each man of dignity to all the young my way through t h e town, for t h e people who wish him a "Happy number of Catholic families is small. Instead, I saw through t h e New Year." open doors of t h e houses the food Politeness is very formal in piled up in the ricebowls, with joss China, as I had occasion to observe sticks burning beside them—a many times during the day, when sign t h a t it was an offering t o one I met some of the Catholic com- of the gods. munity who came to offer greetNew Year's Day is not a day of ings. Each one brings a small box feasting, t h e big dinner comes on of cards bearing a simple exprest h e following d a y ; it is, in fact, a sion of good wishes. He takes a card from it, stands in front of t h e day of abstinence, as the first and person to whom he is presenting it, fifteenth days of every moon a r e holds it in both hands, and bows supposed to be. No living thing, from the hips, repeating the good flesh or fish, may be eaten on this wishes as he does so. I saw the day, and only vegetables can be simplest working people doing this taken with the rice. Much lettuce with perfect grace, and felt r a t h e r is eaten, because its name is " t h e ashamed of the unceremonious way growing vegetable" (so called bein which I had to acknowledge the cause it can be eaten without cooking), and its lucky name is greeting. supposed to help one to grow strong But the first good wish of the during t h e year. Similarly, tiny day was offered by the beggars. hard oranges, which are seasonable In the early hours of the morning, at this time, are given to the childbefore dawn, t h e "King" of the ren because of their name, whicfr beggars, an important personage is the same as "lucky" though it who is invited to every important is written differently. marriage and funeral dinner and Saddening Influences. controls the very rigid organisation of beggars in each town, goes One cannot be brought face to through t h e streets and pastes on each door a small piece of paper face with rampant paganism withbearing a message of good wishes out a feeling of depression, for all for all who pass through the doors. these superstitious emblems and Next day he calls to receive a prac- practices are so many barriers to tical return of t h e good wish. It Christianity, and looking at all is a happy day for the beggars, for, these decorated houses I was blind in addition to what each one re- to a lot t h a t was quaint and ceives as his share of this collection picturesque, for my memory w^s and from t h e houses in his district bringing me back to Dublin, and I —for, as I said, the beggars are was thinking of Railway-street organised, and each one has a during Congress week. Then a special district—they receive gene- ray of consolation came. I had rously from passers-by on New stopped to take a photograph of Year's Day. I was much struck some brightly ornamented houses by the way in which the poor when I heard a rush of running coolies, both men and women, car- feet up t h e street behind me. I rying heavy loads on each end of wondered if I had broken any spell their bamboo poles, stopped to put and was going to be stopped before something in t h e beggar's bowl as I did further harm, but I deterthey passed. mined t o hold my ground and g e t the photograph taken. In the afternoon as I went through t h e streets some doors were closed, and the rattle of Mah (Contd. on page 3) Jong pieces came from behind them. But in passing some of the business houses it was the rattle of the abacus t h a t I heard. All DON BOSCO'S WAY WITH BOYS. Chinese counting is done on the (Contd. from page 4 ) . abacus and the business men were apparently still at their accounts. When he stopped playing and Children in their best clothes was going away, they all tried to were walking through the streets stop h i m ; but he did not wish to with cleverly constructed fishes keep t h e Cardinal waiting too long made of paper on a bamboo frame —the proof had been sufficiently on the top of long sticks, and the conclusive. Then did these childrickshaw coolies had a busy day ren, won over in a quarter of an bringing people to pay formal visits hour by the kindness of the humble to their friends. Some houses had priest, form a guard of honour to hung out large white parchment the carriage, and when it drove lanterns with red letters on them away it had to go through ranks and many had waited until t h e last of huzzahing Roman lads, who night to paste up the inscriptions clapped and clapped, and cheered round their doors or to hang over Don Bosco with a noise enough to the door t h e five gold-spotted make the welkin ring.. stripes of red paper in honour of "You s a w ? " said the man of t h e god of the door. God. " T h e Five Blessings." "I did!" said his Eminence. "I But all the houses were now saw and I understand. Your system decorated. A common inscription —it is t h e best."



New Year in South China (Continued from page 5 )

TRAPPIST MONKS. Gandhi Holds Up A s Models.


In an address on July 29, during a congress for t h e betterment of the lot of t h e pariahs, or harijans, Mahatma Gandhi told his audience t h a t t h e harijan would be helped only when all Indians were ennobled by virtue, and^the pathway to this ennoblement, he said, was t h e contemplative life of t h e Trappist monks of t h e Christians. He described, then, his visit as a young m a n to a Trappist monastery in South Africa, a visit t h e deep impressions of which still live with him.

Tokyo.—The story of the ma t y r s of t h e old Japanese Churc was t h e theme of a series of Japa nese ballets given a t a Tokyo thea t r e November 16 as part of charity entertainment to secu support in a campaign to reliev the farmers of northern Japa who are suffering this winter fro crop failure. F a t h e r Hoever S.J., professor a t t h e Catholic Un versity of Tokyo, who wrote th scenario for t h e film "The Twenty Six Martyrs of Japan," shown i Europe and America last yea planned t h e presentations and wa helped by t h e well known poet, M Nagata Michibiko. (Fides.)

The running footsteps came for t h e use of those who were nearer, and j u s t as I had pressed casting lots to read t h e important t h e button a cry of " S a n F o o ! omens of t h e year. I watched one m a n as h e knelt ( F a t h e r ! ) , San F o o ! " came from t h e direction of them. I looked and tossed t h e bamboo divining around. They were two poor boys, blocks. Each of the t w o pieces has servant lads t h a t I knew—one a a flat and a convex side. If one convert of a few years, t h e other of each side turned up, it would be preparing for baptism—and t h e y splendid; if both convex sides were were racing down with glowing up, it would be fair—but t h e two faces t o give me New Year greet- plain sides came uppermost, and ings. The fellowship of the Faith! t h e look of u t t e r misery on his It is one of the most consolling face was piteous. H e did not wait things that the missionary meets* to admire t h e gifts or light more " I saw these monks," he said, In m y short experience I have joss sticks, or go t o t h e side and " r i s e to p r a y e r a t 2.30 in t h e drink tea, as t h e more satisfied ones been hailed in all kinds of unlikely places—on t h e streets, in t h e midst did, but walked slowly away with night. Their food is rigorously TIENTSIN CATHOLIC of crowds, on boats big a n d small, hanging head, a picture of abject vegetarian. They have a vow of silence. Their whole life is a n despair. UNIVERSITY. when passing by men digging in apostolate. All their work is done a rice field—by Chinese Catholics The Fortorn Hope. by themselves, and their monasCatholic University in Tientsi whom I did not know. They did t a r y grounds a r e a beautiful gar- begins year with large enrollmen not know m e either, but t h e y saw Huge spiral joss sticks, t h a t (China).—The Haute t h a t I was a foreigner i n Chinese would take days to burn, hung in den spot, wonderfully bright and Tientsin dress and, therefore, they reasoned front of some of t h e altars, but clean. I still live under t h e charm Etudes University, a Jesuit inst rightly, I m u s t be a Catholic priest. others were almost neglected. of t h e sweet silence of their cells." tution a t Tientsin, began th " It would be m y ideal to find And if I w a s a long-lost brother, Every year some s t a t u e s g e t t h e such an institution. I want fol- scholastic year with an enrollmen instead of a stranger who could name of being lucky, and it is to lowers with t h e ambition t o dedi- of 630. Of this number, 148 stu only lisp in reply a few halting these t h a t t h e people crowd, but cate themselves, body and soul, dents are Christians. There are, besides, more tha words in broken Chinese, I could some people who found bad luck and for all their'lives, t o t h e cause 20C Chinese young men, or twic not have been greeted more hearti- everywhere try the deserted of t h e harijans." (Fides). last year's number, attending th ly when t h e y found t h a t t h e i r guess shrines as a forlorn hope. Many evening school, conducted by th was correct. There, m u s t surely of t h e temples have attached to university, a t which degrees i be good soil for t h e F a i t h in t h e t h e m rooms fitted with tables for Chinese Law, Statistics and Fo Chinese h e a r t , when it bridges so Mah Jong players, and sometimes eign Languages m a y be obtained easily t h e i r racial prejudices and also couches for t h e opium smokers, The University, being official makes t h e m realise t h a t all Catho- but these were all deserted on this recognized by t h e Government, lics are friends and brothers. day. obliged to' provide for two session N e x t morning, before daybreak, Whether it was because it was of military exercises weekly. Th I was going through t h e streets felt t h a t t h e temples were given young men appear on the campu again, on m y way t o say, Mass. o \ e r to their real purpose on this in uniform and a r e put through Some of t h e provision shops were day, or simply because t h e r e were number of drills by an officer o bein g opened, with t h e same ritual too many people about, I cannot the Chinese Army. of joss sticks and fire-crackers. A say. A t any rate, it did not mean At the F a r Eastern Olympic red paper with an inscription in t h a t gambling' w a s suspended which were held a t Tientsin la honour of t h e "god of t h e floor" during t h e festive season, for the year, a student of t h e Haute was pasted on one of t h e door-posts hum of voices and t h e rattle of Etudes took first prize in t h e hig j u s t above t h e ground, and joss counters could still be heard when jump, and another student of th sticks and a red candle were burn- I passed t h e gambling-houses on same institution qualified for th ing before it a t every shop door m y way to Mass t h a t morning. All North China Basketball Team t h a t was open. This tribute would (Fides.) The memories of m y first Chinese be repeated every morning, and it New Year a r e , then, mainly of fire would be t h e duty of t h e junior crackers and joss sticks. The member of t h e staff to see t h a t it Ready Explanation. gaiety and good humour of t h e was not forgotten. people of this land a r e a delight at The night watchman in th all times, b u t a t t h i s time all t h a t bank heard a noise coming fro " D r a g o n ' s Work" His Excellency Bishop Vogel, Coadthey do seems to be shrouded in the direction of t h e safe. Clutch jutor to the Vicar Apostolic of a veil of superstition. They appear ing his stick in his hands he wen The crackers and slab-bangs which to build, but t h e y have many Swatow. to investigate, and saw a man wit seemed to increase as t h e morning to have little religious belief on a torch working on the combin were on. On t h e previous day, prejudices which a r e very hard to N e w Year's Day, there had been overcome. Once they are over- had gone over to w h a t they regard tion. "Hi!" said the watchma a n eclipse of the sun iri t h e morn- come, however, all the fears and as t h e religion of t h e foreigner, fiercely. " W h a t a r e you up to ?" called him a "running dog," t h e ing, and a s this was a n evil omen inhibitions which come from their The burglar wheeled roun term of contempt t h a t is used for (an eclipse is called "eating t h e superstitions are removed, and the startled, but he soon regained h s u n " — i t is a dragon's work) it h a d real joyousness of the simple those who a r e t h o u g h t false to composure. Chinese traditions. t o be counteracted by m a n y fire- Chinese soul is displayed. " 'Ssh, old man, don't make crackers, so a lot of t h e day's noise," he said, with great pre My companion on m y round of But he did not get a chance t o supply was exhausted early in t h e temple visits was a young Chinese sence of mind, " I only want to se morning. B u t on this day t h e noise catechumen, who is soon to be use t h e expression a second time, if my deposit is all right. Yo for another boy promptly wheeled was loud during t h e whole day, baptised, a good simple lad, who can't be too careful these days for it was necessary not merely t o thought t h e scowling and grinning him round and hit him on t h e nose show rejoicing b u t also to put t h e faces of t h e gilded Buddhas highly — a thing t h a t I had never seen gods in good humour for t h e year amusing. On our way back we happen in China before. Then he She Agreed. t h a t was beginning, and to frighten passed through t h e district to locked up t o see what we t h o u g h t of his action, and there was gaspHusband ( a n g r i l y ) : "What! n t h e devils. which he belonged. He was recog- ing amazement on his face as I supper r e a d ? This is the limi nised and hailed to many, and This was t h e day, too, for visit- everyone h a d a cheery word for took off m y h a t to him. Probably I'm going t o a restaurant." Wife: "Wait j u s t five minutes ing, t h e temples, and I went to see him, because he is one of those it confirmed his belief t h a t all Husband: "Will it be read t h e people making their offerings. happy ones whom everybody likes. foreigners were queer people, and I am afraid t h a t he did not undert h e n?" T h e r e were many gifts, mostly of stand my gesture of respect for Wife: "No, b u t then I'll go wit eatables, before t h e shrines of t h e Rebuke—and Salute. t h e champion of my friend A—L you." Buddhas, and t h e bonzes were kept There was only one exception, busy, acting for those who left t h e for one boy, seeing him in t h e S / . Shiu Hing, West River, China BY THE R$V. T. F. \RYAN, gifts, and spilling t h e little cups of company of a foreigner, ?,nd knoww a t e r before each altar. Round ing, as all t h e people did, that he (Diocese of Macau) m a t s were dotted over t h e floors (Contd. at foot of col. 3) From th > Standard. of t h e most frequented temples, t




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CORRESPONDENCE [The M.C.I, does not necessarily endorse the opinions expressed by correspondents.. Correspondents are requested to adhere to the topic of their letters and to avoid long rambling epistles. Pen names may be used but, in every case, the name and address of the writer must accompany each conpublication tribution, not essentially for but as a token of good faith.]

AN APPRECIATION. By kind permission of His E x cellency, T h e Bishop of Malacca we publish below a letter of appreciation forwarded t o us by Mr. S. D. Pillay, President, Catholic Action Society, Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, Singapore. W e need hardly mention t h a t this laudable step taken by T h e Catholic Action Society of t h e Church of our Lady of Lourdes, reflects great credit on that body of Catholic workers and is one t h a t is worthy of emulation by the actionists of other parishes as well. There is admittedly a dearth of priests out h e r e a t t h e moment for t h e effectual ministration to t h e spiritual needs of existing Catholics, and much less for the more arduous work of t h e propagation of F a i t h outside t h e " Catholic Pale " in Malaya. Right Rev. A. Devals, Bishop of Malacca, Bishop's House, 31, Victoria Street, Singapore. 5—2—35. To The President, Catholic Action Society, Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, Singapore. Dear Sir, It is with feelings of deep gratitude. I beg to acknowledge receipt of t h e first monthly donation towards t h e maintenance of a student of t h e St. Francis Xavier's Seminary, presented to me by a delegation of t h e Catholic Action Society of Our Lady of Lourdes. Your generous initiative is worthy of all praise, as savouring of the most pure and disinterested zeal for a cause which is of paramount importance for t h e future of our mission. A well trained and numerous body of native clergy is no doubt the most urgent need for t h e propagation of t h e faith in Malaya. Several students for t h e priesthood have come out of your ranks. You may rightly take glory in them. It shows t h a t God's blessings are upon your zealous spirit of apostolate. I feel happy to offer m y best congratulations and my most: fervent blessings to all t h e members of your most esteemed association. Yours most sincerely in Xt. A. DEVALS, Bishop of Malacca. * • • • To most people an humble m a n fa a tame, colourless being, without energy or spirit or character,' yielding and plastic. Be assured that humanity is not cowardice or Weakness.

The Editor, The Malaya Catholic Leader. Sir, In a speech recently delivered to the members of the Rotary Club of Kuala Lumpur His Excellency Sir Shenton Thomas made an arresting appeal for t h e cause and comfort of the poor. He addressed them as follows: "Perhaps some Rotarians might see their way sometimes to go round there and spend a few minutes talking to them especially to people of their own race and t r y and cheer them up a bit, make them happy and tell them what is going on outside and generally t r y t o make them forget they are within four walls and t h a t there are people outside who care for them." The humanitarian words of His Excellency who firmly believes in this fundamental t r u t h of fellowship particularly valuable a t t h e present moment when so many round us, seek in vain through their ordinary life in the world, reminds t h e writer how much we, a s Catholics, could accomplish through the channels provided by t h e Church. I t is on this fertile soil of Christian fellowship t h a t the foundation of t h e human society should be reconstructed and mainThe Holy F a t h e r Pope tained. Pious XI whose pontificate will be famous in history has repeatedly impressed on us t h e necessity of being socially active fellow-workers by organising t h e 'Apostolate of t h e Laity' to which the term 'Catholic Action' is now applied. " The part taken by t h e Catholic laity in t h e apostolic mission of t h e Church with t h e object of defending t h e principles of faith and morals and of spreading a sane and beneficial Social action so as to restore Catholic life in t h e home and in society. This is to be done under t h e guidance of the hierarchy of t h e Church outside and above all party politics." Thus remarks t h e Holy F a t h e r in a letter dated July 20th, 1928. Since t h e last decade in every part of t h e Catholic world this modern crusade of the Apostolate of the laity has been vigorously pushed through by zealous Catholics under t h e guidance of t h e clergy and Catholic Malaya through t h e tireless energy and labour of His Excellency Mgr. Adrian Devals since his elevation to the hierarchy of the diocese of Malacca, loyally and valiantly embraced it in her activity. The success of this organisation depends mainly on t h e strength of personal support and sacrifice from all those who desire to serve t h e Church and t h e society in t h e cause of Christ. ' I am t h e way ' says Christ. He invites us to follow Him under t h e guidance of His Church. In defiance of this call many have gone a s t r a y and refuse to heed the Vicar of His Church. On this account Pope Pious XI invites all his children by his world-wide appeal, for Catholic Action. It is through this the Holy F a t h e r believes t h a t he can bridge t h e gulf between humanity and God. It is through this he hopes to straighten

the kinks between nations. It is through this t h a t he has determined to establish t h e kingship of Christ on earth. To promote this noble desire of our Holy Father, every Catholic is called to do what he can. 'It should adopt itself differently to varied conditions of time and place,' writes t h e Holy F a t h e r to Cardinal are ample Bertram. There opportunities in which every member of t h e Church could do his bit. The life of Pier Giorgio F r a s sati, son of an Italian ambassador in Berlin, is a shining example of this movement. He has shown to the world how completely a life may be given t o t h e service of God without forsaking t h e duties of the world. In this, love for God is increased, loyalty and obedience to His vicar is fostered, fellowship is strengthened by t h e care of the poor and t h e sick. Eternal peace in state and home is restored. It stands as t h e beacon light among the multifarious organisations of Human race. Yours etc., S. D. NOTICE TO PARISH CORRESPONDENTS. Parish Correspondents are kindly requested to despatch their contributions on Saturday evening so t h a t we may receive their news by t h e first mail on Monday morning. This will enable us to expedite m a t t e r s and help us to go to press earlier and to despatch the paper in good time even to our remotest subscribers.

Public transport in Singapore. I t has been decided by our Town Fathers t h a t mosquito buses must disappear from t h e Serangoon and Geylang roads, and transport service be transferred to t h e Singapore Traction Co. This change is not without causing some inconvenience to many people, and we m a y well ponder over the motives which lie behind this decision. It has been said that t h e Ford buses were too old and therefore dangerous to traffic; now it appears t h a t t h e new model taxis shall not be allowed to act as mosquito buses, picking anyone anywhere along the road. I t seems, therefore, t h a t t h e argument referred to is r a t h e r a pretext t h a n a real motive. Mosquito buses a r e no more dangerous than any other taxis and private cars. No doubt, it would be interesting to have, in hand t h e statistics of road accidents during these recent years. As for me I would unhesitantingly bet t h a t it is private owners' cars which would make the heavy side of it. It has been said again that mosquito buses a r e an encumbrance to t h e town traffic. This likely seems a mere pretext. As a mat-


(Fire, Motor, Personal Accident, Fidelity. Guarantee, Burglary, Baggage, Workmen's Compensation) transacted.

ter of fact, these small and narrow buses can stop within a few yards, start or turn as fast as any other are, a n d it is obvious t h a t for delaying traffic, t r a m s are t h e t r u e culprits especially when turning across t h e road. No wonder, then, if people say openly t h a t t h e town authorities' purpose to take the aforesaid decision, it will give t h e monopoly of public transport to t h e Traction Company as far as poor people a r e concerned. Ordinary taxis, of course, are t o be kept on t h e road, but if t h e y are not allowed to pick up people at different times within t h e same run, is means that t h e first to hire a taxi will have to pay full fare, even if the taxi is half empty. We have good reason, therefore, to grieve a t the disappearance from our traffic of t h e popular mosquito buses. It will inflict hardship on poor people, and first on the owners and drivers of those cars. Nobody can blame us for seeking the real motives of a decision which is harmful to so many. Are we about to have a monopoly in the public transport of t h e poor classes? The only possible result of this kind of monopoly shall be a progressive increase in transport fares. Within t h e limits of the law, as it stands now, t h e increase may be worked up twice and even thrice what it is today: Not only that, for, once t h e actual limits are rached, there will be nothing easier than to draw up another enactment which will r e move them still further and t h u s allow a new increase. Is it t h e intention of our Municipality to buy the Transport Company and to turn it into a municipal service? (Contd. on pa^e 14)


W o m a n ' s T H E HOME. By "Veritas." It is a very general remark t h a t the home is not w h a t it used to be, and t h a t it h a s lost much t h a t made it " H o m e , Sweet Home," though in m a n y places, t h e home still r e t a i n s some, if not all, of i t s former c h a r m s . Home is w h a t t h e members of t h e family m a k e it, and t h e m e m b e r s of t h e family a r e frequently what circumstances make t h e m . In t h e s e days of the movies, motor-cars, sensational magazines, and women in business and sport, etc., t h e m e m b e r s of a family a r e frequently not a s closely associated as formerly. With these disrupt; ing influences and t h e prevailing spirit of independence and license, which t h e present age fosters, it is not a t all surprising t h a t t h e oldfashioned home is going, if not already gone. T h e world to-day h a s lost i t s head with i t s new achievements. Distraction is mistaken for pleasure, license passes for independence, boldness parades a s Confidence, and recreation degenerates i n t o dissipation. Overcrowding in cities destroy privacy. Modesty, t h e guardian of virtue loses its l u s t r e and often departs altogether. While t h e s e influences a r e the. natural outcome of t h e progress of the h u m a n race, it is regrettable t h a t t h e home h a s to pay a high price f o r progress. Everywhere national leaders a r e realizing t h e value of family life to t h e nation, and t h e d a n g e r of t h e various influences t h a t tend to break it. These facts have t o be faced, and t h e r e is no use assailing these foes of family life. They a r e in our midst, a n d we m u s t a d a p t ourselves t o t h e altered conditions of modern life. We need t o realize t h a t t h e home is confronted by conditions which tend t o break i t up. W h a t is to be done? When a n a r m y is confronted by t h r e a t e n i n g numbers, it draws closer together. Every unit feels th* need of co-operation. Petty differences disappear. T h e a u t h o r s of officers is unnuestioned and effort is unified, and t h e result is t h a t , frequently t h e very danger of

P a g e destruction is made t h e occasion of eSiciency and victory. Similarly with t h e home. Many t h i n g s in modern life tend to break it. Family ties are becoming weaker and weaker under t h e assaults of amusements, travel, bad books, business, overcrowding, and t h e widespread opportunities and inducements for dissipation. Against these foes of the home, t h e father and mother, as wise generals must provide a defence; and t h e r e is no gainsaying t h a t t h e preservation of t h e home spirit will depend almost entirely on t h e heads of t h e family. The home to be true home, m u s t be carefully built from t h e foundation. If t h e family is already grown-up, and t h e home circle is not w h a t i t should be, little can be done. We may repair some of t h e breaches, b u t we shall r a r e l y have a home t h a t deserves t h e name, unless we have started it right. But to those who are beginning t h e formations of a home, t o young husbands and wives, f a t h e r s and mothers, remember t h a t t h e home is going t o be what t h e y m a k e it. The time to safeguard t h e home begins on t h e day of marriage, and if its first development is not right, it cannot a s it enlarges develop into the r i g h t kind of home. How is the right s t a r t to be made? By living as God directs. Man and wife may be soon father and mother. Let t h e m begin to lay t h e foundation for t h e family which God may enable t h e m to rear. They must realise t h a t they are subjects of Almighty God, and t h a t t h e y are not m a s t e r s even in their own home, as God is t h e head in every home, and t h e home where He is supreme will be t h e right kind of home in spite of circumstances and environment. In these days, when t h e home is subjected to assaults from without, no family can hold out, unless God be its defender and ruler. This is t h e basis of home life. Take t h e man and wife who truly reverence God, and t h e r e you will see t h e nucleus of a happy home. It is not wealth, riches, or high social position t h a t m a k e a happy home. God may be pleased to

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MILKMAID MILK keep them so, but they will have RECIPESt h e peace t h a t comes from t h e p l u m PUDDING. knowledge t h a t they a r e t h e friends of God, and t h a t whenever Ingredients:— He calls them, they are ready to Y2 lb. bread crumbs. meet him. Such a man and wife \{ lb. sugar. are safe from t h e dangers of Y2 lb. currants. modern life, and if their children V 2 lb. Valencia raisins. are brought up with the same res%> lb. Sultana raisins. pect for God, they will be good * 4 lb. suet or 7 ozs. will suffice. sons and daughters, no m a t t e r 2 ozs. flour. w h a t their environment; but, the 3 eggs. trouble with some families is t h a t 3 ozs. candied peel. t h e p a r e n t s do not respect God or 1 oz. sweet almonds, chopped. each other, and in consequence the 1 4 teaspoonful of grated nutmeg children do not respect t h e i r paand mixed spice if liked. rents. If t h e little ones are brought up from t h e beginning to 1 small glass of brandy, whisky, love God and obey Him, t h e y will or rum. The grated rind and also love and obey their parents. t h e juice of a lemon may be Nowadays, when children a r e left used instead of spice. so much t o themselves, it is very Method. Carefully prepare all essential t h a t they have within themselves a safeguard for virtue the ingredients, mix t h e dry ingreand a motive for devotion to t h e dients first, cut up t h e apples finely family. Virtue and family hap- when they have been peeled and piness demand sacrifice, and the cored, mix well with t h e rest, then g r e a t e s t incentive t o sacrifice is add t h e eggs, whites and yolks, t h e love of God. The spirit of well beaten, separately, and lastly faith will do more to restore the t h e whisky. Mix well. P u t into home to its proper place t h a n all a greased pudding basin cover with greased paper and steam 5 or else. 6 hours. The apple* i s a great improvement to t h e pudding, it makes If w h a t is said about you is true, it light and less eggs are required. set yourself right; if it is false, The proportion of flour and breadlet it go for what it will fetch. If crumbs m a y be varied. Rather a bee stings you would you go to less suet is required when puddings t h e hive t o destroy it? ar<* steamed t h a n when boiled in a cloth in water. 2


C P *

children need



This pudrKrcr will keen several years if stored in a dry place in the basin in which it was cooked, and boiled up for several hours a couple of times each v p a r . I t improves in flavour on keeping.

Blackheads is t h e n a m e of a skin disease which is common in youth. The symptoms are pimples on t h e face and back which have black spots * in the centre. Recent research shows S^rve with swe^t white sauce, "blackhead" to be due to a microbe; c T T i T > P T n o n sauce, brandy sauce, or t h e black spots are not dirt, as b r a n d y butter. formerly supposed, but a r e caused by diffused pigment. T h e treatment consists in free use of hot w a t e r and soap, followed by an C H E E S E STRAWS. application of the following !otion : Take one tea-spoonful each of pre- I n g r e d i e n t s : — cipitate of sulphur, tincture of *4 lb. rich grated cheese. camphor, and glycerine, and mix Small teacupful flour. with four ounces (eight table2 ozs. butter. spoonfuls) of rose-water. 1 egg. A sand soap should be used once * Pinch of cayenne. Method. Mix together, and roll a week—the ordinary "Monkey B r a n d " is excellent for t h e pur- out twice; cut in narrow lengths. pose. The general health requires N.B.—These a r e best eaten the attention, and a doctor should be s a m e day they a r e baked. consulted.


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is the P r i m a t e of t h e East Indies and also t h e Patriarch ad honorem of the E a s t . According to t h e census of 1928, there were in t h e diocese 511 churches and chapels, 540 secular priests, 12 Jesuits, 1 seminary, 6 colleges and high schools, 128 elementary schools and 8 charitable institutions. The total numb e r of t h e Catholics in diocese were 326,690. Since then the number of schools has increased and Franciscan brothers and Canossian sisters have come to work in Goa. There are a t least 5 pape r s (weeklies and monthlies) dedicated entirely to the moral and spiritual uplift of t h e laity, two of which are issued in t h e vernacular and one in English. In addition t h e r e a r e some dailies edited by Catholics out of which- one a t least m a y be considered as the semiofficial organ of t h e diocese.

The Seminary of Rachol, Goa, is celebrating this year the first centenary of the passing of t h e Seminary into the hands of t h e Secular clergy and is holding also a public Exposition of t h e body of t h e rrartyr, St. Constance, Founded in 1541, t h a t is, only seven years after t h e establishment of t h e See of Goa, by the two secular priests, Rev. Fr. Miguel Vaz and Rev. F r . Diogo Borba. This Seminary had a very chequered career. I t s original object was to train t h e native youths of India and of other parts of the East to t h e sacred ministry and to send them to their own lands to preach t h e Holy Ghost to their brethren in their mother tongue. Because of its importance the Seminary was soon handed over to the charge of t h e Jesuits who even at these early times had becomfc noted for their educational sysetem. St. Francis Xavier who A P A M P H L E T BY AN had high ideals paid especial a t tention to it and had on t h a t acAFRICAN CHIEF. count prolonged quarrels with the members of his own order who LONDON. A paphlet in Engdid not seem to agree with t h e lish written by t h e young African principles of t h e Saint, t h e principles which were embodied in t h e chief, Tshekedi Khama, Acting intention of t h e original founders Chief of t h e Bechuanaland Protectorate, concerning t h e proposed inthat is, the Indianisation of the clusion of t h e Protectorate in the the clergy. It had started with 60 Union of South Africa, is believed . students on its roll, but within a by the editor of The Tablet to be few years its strength rose rapid- convincing proof of what Africans ly and in 1568 t h e number of the are capable when educated. The students were 3,000 and Pyraid, article supports t h e position of the historian, a t t e s t s t h a t this Catholic missionaries who advonumber was kept up in 1608. With cate t h e training of Africans to the erpution of t h e Jesuits in 1759, fill posts of t r u s t and responsibithe seminary became a diocesan lity. institution, t h a t is, it was maintained from t h e funds of the dio"We have made enquiry," writes cese, though its doors were still the editor in the issue of J a n u a r y opened to a limited number of stu- 12, "lest this be one of those cases dents from abroad. Its headquart- in which a propagandist hired by ers were then transferred to t h e some political organization writes Oratorians whose Congregation a pamphlet and gets a well-known was founded in Goa by the Ven. man to sign it. A positive assurFr. Joseph Vaz, a Goan priest ance is given us that, with t h e whose beatification process s t a r t - exception of one sentence, the bearing Tshekedi's ed on J a n u a r y 16th this year and document a brief account of whose life was name is his unaided composition. given on t h e Malaya Catholic Those who buy it and read it will Leader, of February 2nd. In 1781 agree with us t h a t it is a remarkthe Seminary came under the Vin- able exercise in English prose. centians but so to pass again into Moreover, it is incidentally, a proof the hands of t h e Oratorians. A t that our missionaries are not about this time anti-clericals were foolish when t h e y speak to us about t h e great possibilities of the gaining ground in Portugal and native mind. Opponents of so in 1834 a decree was passed missionary effort in Africa often in Portugal by which all the Reli- argue t h a t long centuries of, ingious Orders had to close their tellectual evolution will be necesdoors, and with this t h e seminary sary before t h e African blacks passed once again into the hands can see things as logical white of the Secular clergy. And it is men see them. Not long ago, the centenary of this unbroken ad- after carefully examining detailed ministration of the seminary by reports of the work done in t h e the Secular clergy t h a t is being seminaries of t h e White F a t h e r s in celebrated in Goa at present. Africa, we came to the conclusion t h a t great results may be achieved The Archdiocese of Goa includes within a few generations; and t h e the whole of the territory of Por- reading of Tshekedi's pamphlet tuguses India and some parts of confirms us in our belief." (Fides). British India. I t h a s two sufIragan diocese, t h a t of Cochin and BAMAKO (French Sudan, Meilapur in India and Macao in Africa). Two White F a t h e r s and China. Formerly the Portuguese a lay brother of the same society mission in Malaya was under its have arrived a t Goualala in the jurisdiction, but by t h e Concordat hill-country of southern French of 1886 the diocese of Malacca Sudan and have taken up residence Passed into t h e hands of t h e in a territory which till now has French missionaries, t h e two Por- been untouched by Christian tuguese congregations in Malacca missionaries. The population of and Singapore being transferred the district, approximately 150,to t h e jurisdiction of the Bishop 000, is almost 100 'r Moslem. of Macao. The Archbishop of Goa (Fides). f








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N a y , on the contrary they reveal the pusillanimity of a moral poltroon. 12 Months ... $6.00 6 Months ... $3.00 H o w may this deplorable defect 3 Months ... $1-50 of education be remedied? The All correspondence and literary answer to this query is that Religion and Ethics which have been contributions should be addressed shamefully relegated to oblivion to The Managing Editor, Rev. from the province of ediication, JL Cardon, 73, Bras Basah Road, should be vigorously resuscitated and restored to the place they Singapore. merit. In other words it is CaTel. 7376, Singapore. tholic Education " that will yield the surest results. It is an education which is symbolic of Christ who is the model of * Love * and the negation of ' Fear/ The mission of our Lord as Teacher, Preacher and Healer has set before Saturday, February 9, 1935. us the noblest maxims which must I perforce be emulated by educationalists of all ages. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION Post Free, Local and Abroad:



those who are temperamentally fastidious or censorious and will avow our preparedness to take a frown or a smile without a scowl on our part. W e - are perfectly human and as such, we disclaim to have reached the acme of perfection in our efforts, and if w e are peccable in a way, we are also amenable to good sense.

situated a s our seat of publication is, in the gateway of the East and an important point in the world's sea and a i r routes, we are somew h a t favourably placed for the reception of Catholic world news. In t h e presentation of reading m a t t e r we endeavour to be, therefore, not merely Catholic in a religious b u t also in a verbal sense.


JHkbqmi CaiJmltc gaiter FALLACIES OF EDUCATnON.


It is generally believed that the end justifies the .means in all i u m a n undertakings. Following tfiis trend of specious reasoning, m e popular mind readily lends itself t o justify any and every capricious act which, to the altruii&ic mind of the casuist, may appear positively reprehensible. Such sophisticated ideas lead to the most disastrous effects particularly in the realm of education. It will be accepted on all hands that Education should pre-occupy the minds of all thinking people. N o w , let us examine the systems of education in vogue and ascertain the objects aimed at and how far these have been realised. It is patently evident from the plethora e£ ills convulsing the world to-day and threatening to undermine the very foundation of civilisation, that these systems of modern education are decidedly faulty. In plain language, we m a y say that any system of instruction designed to attain merely t h e material ends ff life cannot be rightly called Education. Modern education is conducted along lines offering the least resistance and in fact, its entire conception is mercenary. It is calculated i n terms of dollars and cents. The nobler virtues of the Stner self, we mean the moral and spiritual forces of man, are hardly reckoned with. T h e higher faculties of the soul and intellect are callously made to pander to the baser parts of man. W e often hear of murder, suicide, malfeasance and immoral profligacy not infrequently among people w i t h academic distinction. Can we maintain that education Bas served its proper and effectual end from the acts of these malefactors? T o the penetrating mind, it is obvious that poverty or rather the fear of its approach e f t e n drives one to such acts of violence and crime. D o these vile acts savour of the loftier and jK&ler aspects of education?

In a hectic world of Commercialism, or rather crooked individualism, fear forms the motive power of our actions. O n the other hand, the real Christian attitude of Education is to eliminate the fear of material adversity and to implant instead an ardent love for the higher ideals of life. The youthful mind nowadays desires to be amused rather than instructed. The design and duties of life are not distinctively defined in the process of present day education. Young men and women are merely shot into a turbulent world without the moral perquisites to fight an enduring battle in life. Schools, colleges and universities are adopting factory systems in the mass production of students hurriedly fiitted out for the various walks of life. In conclusion we strongly maintain that a purely secular education which merely takes stock of the affairs of man on this side of the grave will ever prove sorely inadequate for the more serious and responsible purposes of life. Hence appears the cogent reason w h y a liberal Catholic education helps assuredly in shaping human destiny for a brighter and happier end.

TO OUR R E A D E R S . W e invite the attention of our readers to take cognisance of the change in the eclecticism of reading matter and the general make-up of these columns. It is sincerely hoped that these innovations will conduce to the enhancement of our efficiency, by curtailing extrinsic matter and introducing current events and topics in greater measure. Furthermore, w e may solicit criticisms and suggestions from our patrons, with a view to increasing the standard of usefulness and service to which this organ is primarily dedicated. By reason of our infancy, we crave that indulgence and support even from

A regular subscriber to a Catholic journal published elsewhere m a y occasionally come We have heard it remarked by across a passage, a paragraph, an some people themselves or through article or a narrative that he has others t h a t t h e reason why they already read, or a casual reader of and certain other people do not buy a different Catholic publication t h e Malaya Catholic Leader is t h a t may find reproduced in our columns it contains Unuch m a t t e r t h a t is something t h a t he h a s seen before, taken from other Catholic papers. but it does not follow as a matter Some people subscribe regularly to of course t h a t because one has discertain Catholic journals and ap- covered a t h i n g one has been made pear to consider t h a t by doing so familiar with, everything else in t h e y a r e furnished with a sufficient our paper is not worth reading. quota of Catholic literature and Our intention, as said above, is to need no more of it. A number of make our journal Catholic in more people think t h a t extracts from senses t h a n one and not purely other Catholic journals bear refer- diocesan in character, to acquaint ence to persons, occurences or our readers with w h a t is going on events outside of t h e i r own little in the Catholic world as far as world and as such a r e of little or no possible. The fact of such disinterest to t h e m . Some believe covery as we have alluded to at t h a t having seen in t h e lay press t h e beginning of t h i s paragraph, something about such an occurence goes to show, if anything, t h e wide as t h e death of Cardinal Bourne or range of m a t t e r we are able to cull an event like t h e Melbourne E u - from, a range t h a t promises to charistic Conference they need grow even wider still with the know nothing more about either. arrival, in the near future, of more And others again regard t h e read- varied m a t t e r . This remark also ing of m a t t e r relating mostly t o applies t o original m a t t e r from religious affairs and events and news agencies and correspondents containing hardly a n y t h i n g secular when arrangements on the way for or profane a trifle too much for such are more or less complete. Affairs nearer home also will find their t a s t e ! reflection in our jounal in a greater measure than they have been in t h e past. I t is certainly a good practice for Catholics to subscribe to some Catholic journal or another and to be made mindful, in t h i s way, of Are t h e efforts we have made their religion. There is a wide and are going to make to go unrange of Catholic literature to make availing ? Should the trivial one's choice from, according to excuses t h a t some make about the one's taste or liking. While some appearance of extracts in our people content themselves with a journal stand in t h e way of giving Catholic monthly, others find it t h a t support to this journal which desirable to read a Catholic weekly is necessary to fulfil the desire of to be better informed about t h e His Holiness the Pope t h a t a Cadoings and happenings of persons tholic press should be established and events Catholic, especially ap- in every country in which the pertaining to places they hail from. Catholic religion is practised ? Is But a t most, a monthly or two, t h e r e not enough Catholic instinct with, perhaps a weekly to boot, in such w ould-be readers to impel would represent all t h a t a number t h e m to comply with the express of Catholics would trouble them- wish of His Holiness to support the selves to read. Those with greater movement. Cannot they spare ten avidity for Catholic literature go cents out of the money which some, to t h e extent of exchanging their if not all of them, readily spend on journals with others and thereby a 'penny dreadful' or an unnecessave themselves further expense. sary cinema paper which often This is a good course to pursue, and costs more ? Cannot they show one wonders how many think it some Catholic spirit to sustain wise to do so. t h a t Catholic voice which is to their ultimate good to do. They need only reflect on this a little In our journal we endeavour to t o realise what our appeal means. place before our readers m a t t e r culled from various sources. Besides this we have our news We m u s t never be concerned agencies and correspondents furwhence crosses arise; they come nishing us with more or less original Catholic intelligence from from God. It is God Who gives us far and near. In this way our t h e means of proving our love for Catholic readers are kept informed Him.—Ven. Cure d'Ars. of Catholic activities and happenings in practically every quarter of No one showed me what I ought the globe, t h e gleaning of which, we think, presents an exceptionally to do, but t h e Most High Himself good quantity of general Catholic revealed to me t h a t I ought to live news likely enough to prove inter- conformably to His Holy GospeL esting. More or less centrally —St. Francis of Assisi. NOTES AND




Two Great Heroes to be Canonised? BOTH


Heroic Kent Bishop.


One of t h e effects of canonisasation is to allow churches to be dedicated to those who are thus officially recognised as Saints, and so it seems likely that in the near future we shall have in Kent Catholic churches of St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More.


9th 1935.

learned man nor a holier bishop." And even Henry himself, before he was led astray by his miserable passion, used to boast t h a t there was no bishop in any kingdom who could be compared with him either for virtue or for learning.

It is probable t h a t very soon the Catholic Church will add to its roll of canonised saints the names of two great Englishmen, John Fisher and Thomas More. Both of them were, in different Thomas More was a very differways, closely connected with the Denied Royal Supremacy. ent, though an equally virtuous county of Kent. John Fisher / was Bishop of These two great Englishmen and holy man. He was born in Rochester for 30 years. Thomas were put to death in 1535 for t h e City of London. In his boyMore must have spent some time refusing to acknowledge Henry hood, as has been stated above, he in the county when, as a boy, he VIII. as Supreme Head of the was taken into t h e household of was page to the Archbishop of Church in England, and so ren- Archbishop Morton as a page. He Canterbury, Morton. nounce their allegiance to the then went to Oxford, and later to Later on he must have often Pope. The events which led up Lincoln's Inn, to study Law. come to Canterbury again to visit to this are well known. He was called to the Bar, and liis friends the Ropers, and it is Having definitely rejected the probable t h a t he also visited Maid- Pope's authority, Henry proceeded rose rapidly to be the most disstone, where two other friends of to compel all his subjects to do the tinguished barrister of his day, and finally, on t h e disgrace of bis lived—William Grocyn, Rector same. Wolsey, he suceeded him as Lord of the College of All Saints, and He forced Parliament to pass Chancellor of England. William Lily, High Master of Dean Colet's school of the Child the Act of Succession, which not only made Elizabeth, Anne's His life was t h a t of a cultured Jesus by St. Paul's in London. He spoke It is even likely t h a t Fisher and daughter, heir to the throne, but and refined scholar. He More may have m e t in Maidstone declared t h e marriage with Ca- Latin as easily as English. at the table of t h e i r mutual friend therine to have been unlawful, had a profound knowledge of the Archbishop W^arham, the succes- and h e r daughter Mary illegiti- Classics, and still more of the F a t h e r s of the Church. He was a sor of Morton, when he was stay- mate. ing in his palace t h e r e . Moreover, all subjects could be great student of history, a lover But, however t h a t may be, called upon to take an oath ap- of literature and art, and no mean Thomas More h a s been very proving the contents of the Act. musician. definitely connected with Kent To do this, however, was definitelv He was full of delightful humsince his death, for his head was to deny the Pope's authority, and, our, a charming companion, never according to the belief of all Caburied, and still lies, in the vault flippant or cynical, but always with of the Roper family in the Church tholics, to reject the Pope is to a twinkle in his eye and a merry separate oneself from the one true of St. Dunstan in Canterbury. Church of Christ, and equivalent j e s t on his lips. And yet beneath all this he was a man of profound to rejecting Christ Himself. and solid piety. Most of those, however, who Regarded a s Martyrs. were called upon, weakly subJohn Fisher and Thomas More mitted and took the oath. But are the two most prominent there were a faithful and courageThe tower—then the Scaffold. among the hundreds of English ous few who decidedly refused, the Catholics who were p u t to death leaders among them being John These were t h e two men who for their religion between 1555 Fisher and Thomas More. They led the opposition to Henry's and 1681, and who are therefore were immediately arrested and im- tyranny over the Church. For 15 regarded by t h e Catholic Church prisoned in the Tower. months they remained prisoners in as martyrs. t h e Tower. Meanwhile Henry forced Parliament to pass another Sixty-three of these m a r t y r s Act, which made it high treason were "beatified" by Pope Leo XIII. "Model B i s h o p " of Rochester. to deny the King's title of in 1886 and 1895, and the same Here let us pause for a moment Supreme Head of the Church, and honour was done to 136 more by to see what manner of men these t h e penalty for t h a t , of course, was Pope Pius XI. in 1929. were. John Fisher was a York- death. Beatification is a form of honour shireman, born at Beverley, the decreed by the Church, which is son of Robert Fisher, a mercer of Fisher was t h e first to suffer. something less t h a n canonisation. t h a t town. At the age of 14 he On June 17th. 1535, he was A person who has been beatified went up to Cambridge, where he brought to Westminster Hall for is officially known as * Blessed" had a most distinguished career. trial, charged with "maliciously, and certain public veneration may He entered Michaelhouse, the falsely and traitorously" denying be given to him, b u t not the full second oldest college in the Uni- t h e King to be Supreme Head of honours t h a t are given to Saints. versity, afterwards absorbed in t h e Church. Beatification, however, is often Trinity College. After taking his followed by canonisation after fur- M.A., he was elected a Fellow and The verdict was a foregone ther stringent investigations have ordained priest. In 1479 he was conclusion, for the j u r y were been made into t h e merits of the made Master of the College, four plainly warned that it was as case. This is t h e further step years later Vice-Chancellor of the much as their lives were worth which will probably soon be taken University, and finally, in 1504, not to find him guilty. with regard to John Fisher and Chancellor, an office which he held Thomas More. Five days later, on June 22nd, until his death. he was beheaded on Tower Hill, It is not yet certain, because the In the same year that Fisher after telling the assembled people final decision on t h e m a t t e r will be became Chancellor he was ap- t h a t he was about to die for t h e made on J a n u a r y 29th by the pointed Bishop of Rochester. In love of Christ and His Holy Sacred Congregation of Rites, the opinion of all his contem- Church, and asking them to pray ^hich is the Roman tribunal poraries he was a model bishop, for him. Tvhich deals with such cases. living a most simple and laborious life, devoting all his energies It is generally anticipated, howThomas More followed him on ever, t h a t the decision will be to the care of his diocese. July 6th. He kept his inveterate favourable, and t h a t the solemn He constantly visited the poor habit of joking about everything season was played on the St. and sick, often sitting with them to the last. St. Peter's wil follow shortly. for hours in the most miserable By The Rev. G. / . MacGillivray, They will be the first Eng- hovels. Rector or St. Francis's CJnirch, E r a s m u s wrote of him that lishmen to be canonised since Maidstone. the Reformation. "there is not in that nation a more



Petrine Claims Upheld. In the course of a remarkable address delivered to a gathering of the Anglican clergy of Lincolnshire, the Rev. J. A. F . Arnold, rector of Gate Burton in that county, said: " There is in the Catholic Church a unity finding its security and guarantee in the permanence of t h e commission given to the Apostle Peter and its centre in the present occupant of the Apostolic See. " I t is impossible, save in a paper entirely devoted to t h a t subject, to discuss what are usually called the Petrine claims. I will only say here t h a t I see no way in which they can be disproved, except by t h a t same process of destructive criticism which leads modernistic teachers of to-day to set aside in t h e most open and undisguised manner, the authority of the gospels and even the recorded words of our Lord. " The power of t h e Holy Ghost inherent in t h e Church has clarified and illuminated the significance of our Lord's words to Blessed Peter, at least so it seems t o me. Surely, belief in the infallibility of t h e Church is a necessity to us if we are to have any foothold in a world which is throwing over one by one every foundation upon which human society, as we know it, has 'been built. And infallibility must mean at least the possibility of expression. " I remember our late bishoo Dr. Swayne, saying t h a t the doctrine of t h e infallibility of the Pope seemed to him to present few difficulties." :

" P o e t of t h e Bricks." The celebrated priest architect. Dom Bellot, who has constructed many churches in Holland, England and France and who is called " the poet of the bricks," has just completed in a Paris suburb one of t h e sixty churches which Cardinal Verdier, Archbishop of Paris, has erected in the course of the last t h r e e years. This church, dedicated to "Our Lady of Peace," which will serve as the parish church for a large garden city west of t h e capital, was constructed with a million franc legacy left to t h e Cardinal by a manufacturer who died recently. Minutes of Gold. or three minutes—two or three hours— What do they mean in this life of ours? Not very much if but counted as time, But minutes of gold, but hours sublime, If only we'll use them once in a while To make some one happy, see some one smile. A minute may dry a little lad's tears; An Hour sweep aside trouble of years; Minutes of my time may bring t o an end Hopelessness somewhere, and give me a friend. Two



Catholic Affairs from Far and Near Oblates of Mary Immaculate Labour in Many Climes. ROME.—The Oblates of Mary Immaculate, t h e religious institute for men founded in 1816 by Bishop Mazenod of Marseilles, have 904 members at work in various mission fields of the world. Priests and brothers of this society are found in the artic regions of northern Canada, under t h e "fires of Ceylon," in t h e African bush, in t h e war-zone of t h e Gran Chaco and in far-off Australia. T h e society has complete charge of 13 mission territories, the Vicariates of Grouard, Mackenzie, Yukon, Ontario, Keewatin and Hudson Bay in t h e Canadian North, t h e Archdiocese of Colombo and t h e Diocese of Jaffna in Ceylon, t h e Vicariates of Kimberley, Natal, Windhoek, Transvaal and Basutoland in South Africa, and t h e Prefecture Apostolic Pilcomayo in Bolivia, p a r t of which h a s been t h e battle-ground of the Chaco war. They a r e also at work in the Vicariate of Kwango, Belgian Congo, and in t h e Vicariate of Laos, Indochina, and they have houses in t h e archdioceses of P e r t h and Melbourne in Australia. The total membership of t h e Society is a t present 4,955. I t has been decided to hold next year t h e World Exhibition of t h e Catholic Press in t h e Papal Villa of Castel Gandolfo. The Congresses in connection with t h e exhibition such as t h e International Congress of t h e Journalists, etc. will be held in the Vatican City. A grand Exhibition of Sacred A r t is also announced for 1936. It will be held in the Vatican and t h e exhibits will consist of sacred paintings, sculpture, decorations, etc. All t h e countries of t h e world, will send their exhibits. T h e programme is under preparation. PORTUGAL. The French Government has promoted t h e Editor of t h e A Voz of Lisbon, Councillor J. Fernando de Souza, who was already a Chevalier of t h e Legion of Honour (French) to the rank of Knight Commander of t h e same Order. T h e A Voz is a journal started and directed entirely by laymen for t h e purpose of defending the cause of t h e Catholics whose r i g h t s t h e Portuguese Freemasons had sought to trample down. Though t h e Government is now in very good t e r m s with t h e Catholics who form the majority of t h e population, yet there remains much in t h e shape of educating t h e Catholics as well as others about their respective r i g h t s and privileges and here t h e A. Voz is exercising a tremendous influence in t h e country. In view of t h e meritorious service rendered to t h e count r y t h e Portuguese Government h a s recognised his services publicly on various occasions and Holy F a t h e r t h e Pope h a s also honoured him with t h e Papal titles. It is a pleasure therefore to note t h a t t h e French Government, though

by no means Catholic, has not been slow in recognising the good work the Councillor Fernando de Souza has been doing both in his country and abroad through the medium of his paper and lectures. INDIA. Fr. Le Tellier, S.J. of Bombay has planned another Indian pilgrimage (the third of its kind) to Rome which is due to leave Bombay on April 11th this year. The itinerary includes Lourdes, ParayLe-Monial, Paris, Lisieux, London, Brussels, Basle, Lucerne, Turin, Rome, Naples, Padua, Venice, Trieste, Nazareth and Jerusalem and all this will not cost a person more t h a n a thousand dollars everything found (including t h e cost of autos, hotel charges, t r a n sport of baggage, etc.) Those who wish and could dispose of more money will be able t o visit Lisbon, Fatima, Dublin, Assis, Loreto, Cairo, etc. and could return, if t h e y like, by a later boat. From our own experience we could say t h a t t h e r e is no b e t t e r way of spending one's holidays and touring in new lands t h a n joining a pilgrimage-tour, as by this way one sees not only t h e various lands MADRAS H A S CATHOLIC SHERIFF. Madras. (India).—Mr. J. M. Smith, a Catholic, Manager of a local business house, took up his duties as Sheriff of Madras December 20. H e succeeds Lewan Bahadur M. Balasundaram Naidu. The new sheriff served for some time as Chairman of t h e Madras Trades Association and represented t h a t Association in the Madras Legislative Council from 1926 to 1928. (Fides.) Sisters Nursed 278,000 patients in Indian Mission Last Year. Nellore (India).—In the three hospitals staffed by t h e Sisters of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, of Boisle-Duc, Holland, in t h e Diocese of Nellore, a mission of the Mill Hill F a t h e r s , 6,500 in-patients received t r e a t m e n t during t h e year 1933-34, while 272,000 sick persons were nursed by t h e Sisters at their dispensary or on their house-to-house visits. One of t h e Sisters' hospitals is recognized by the Government as a Compounding School, and the other two have the official approbation as Training Schools for Midwives. (Fides.) E I G H T E E N MANGALORIANS IN RELIGIOUS HOUSES IN ITALY. Eighteen Mangalorians, 14 from Diocese of Mangalore and , four from Calicut, which is a division of Mangalore, are at present in religious houses in Italy. Three men are with t h e Dominicans at t h e Convent of t h e Minerva in Rome. Six young women are with t h e Dominican Sisters in Rome, while five a r e with t h e Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of. Siena a t Gubbio, in Umbria. Four young women from Calicut are with the Sisters of St. Bridget j n Rome. Mangalore is celebrated for its numerous vocations. The religious institutes of the diocese received 59 new candidates this year,

including 10 young men who have entered the newly-founded Congregation of t h e Brothers of Mount Olivet, designed for missionary work. JAPANESE


Interest In Monastic Life.

St. Joseph's later a Canon of Macao, has retirement in in Goa.

of Singapore, and to the episcopal See left Macao to live in his native country

SHANGHAI. Shanghai.—General Wu Techen, Mayon of Greater Shanghai, spoke at a celebration in St. Francis Xavier's College, Shanghai, December 4, commemorating the College's 60th anniversary. The College, founded by Jesuit missionaries, is now staffed and directed by t h e Marist Brothers. Thousands of former students attended t h e Jubilee celebrations. (Fides.) Peking.—A triduum in honour of St. Louise de Marillac, foundress of t h e Daughters of Charity, canonized last year by Pope Pius XI, was held in Peking December 4 to 6. Attached to the Peking mission are 90 Daughters of Charity, 53 Chinese and 37 foreign.

^Government officials "and prominent Japanese educationalists were among the many visitors , who, during the summer months, flocked to Tokwon Abbey, t h e centre of the Benedictine missionaries of St.,Odile, in Korea. General Iwasa, Chief of t h e Korean Gendarmery, and M. Tanaka, Minister of Education, were among t h e visitors. " Particularly numerous were t h e high, middle and elementary school teachers who c a m e , t o visit t h e monastery," states one of t h e monks. " And although all found SHANGHAI (Fides.) t h e architecture of t h e abbey interesting, their first questions and PHILIPPINES. more insistent inquiries were about t h e Catholic religion and the moThe Permanent Committee of nastic life. These visits certainly Eucharistic Congresses which met mean a gain for t h e Church al- in Rome last December deicided to though it m a y not be possible to hold the next International Euchexpress this gain with statistics. aristic Congress in Manila, the One of t h e more visible results is capital of t h e Philippines. t h e effect on t h e pagans of the district who, seeing the monastery an Discovered by a Portuguese naobject of interest for so many vigator, F e r n a n Mangellan on important persons, increase their March 31, 1521, the islands were esteem for t h e Church." (Fides). conquered for the Spanish in whose service Mangellan was, and t h e Spanish Augustinians envangP R E J U D I C E IN CHINA. elised them. They were ceded to Dissipated By Catholic Press. t h e U.S.A. after the SpanishAmerican War about four deMissionaries throughout China cades ago. There are over 7,000 a r e remarking the happy effects on islands but only eleven are of imt h e general public resulting from portance, t h e remaining being very t h e honours p a i d , b y t h e Govern- small and sometimes without a ment to t h e new Apostolic Dele- single soul living on it. Accordgate, Archbishop Zanin. The ing to the census of 1930 t h e PhiChinese press everywhere gave lippines have a population of over t h e news great importance, < and twelve and half millions of whom thinking men have remarked once two thirds are Catholic. There are more the power of t h e press in eight episcopal Sees and a PrefecChina. Interesting is t h e com- t u r e Apostolic besides the Metroment/of a Paris Missionary of the politan Archiepiscopal See of Mainterior province of Kweichow, nila. The present Metropolitan of who emphasises t h e role of the t h e Philippines, Mgr. O'Doherty, Catholic press in penetrating Chi- who is an American was in Rome nese thought. when the decision to hold the Congress in Manila was arrived at. " O u r Catholic papers," he says, He met t h e members of the Com" will one day, and t h a t day is not mittee to discuss the matters confar distant, uproot the old stupid cerning the congress. prejudices against t h e Church which we encounter still in t h e The Holy Father has sent backward provinces of China. 120,000 lires to alleviate t h e sufThey will paint us in t r u e light al- ferings of the people in the island most without our making act of of Luzon where a typhoon had presence. We must give ourselves effected great havoc destroying without repose to developing them. many houses and rendering thousI receive t h e little illustrated week- ands of poor people destitute and ly published at the Hautes Etudes homeless. in Tientsin, and the townsfolk fairly t e a r it from me and fight to ARGENTINE. read it, though many, naturally, are not Christians." (Fides). The huge monument t h a t was erected in Buenos Aires, t h e Capital of Argentine, by the ArgentiMACAU. nians to t h e memory of the Spanish His Holiness has been pleased to who had rendered their unstinting apooint Rev. Canon Raul Camacho services to t h e civilisatiin of that as Archdeacon of the See of Ma- country will now, by the order of cao. On J a n u a r y 16th this year t h e Government, be mounted with the new Archdeacon was officially a huge cross to show that t h e civiinstalled in his office by the lisation of t h e country was done principally by those who came to chapter of t h e Cathedral. Rev. F r . Francisco Xavier Soar- preach t h e cross and not by those es, formerly the parish priest of who went there to acquire wealth.




TAIPING. The 20th December 1934, was a red«letter day for the Chapel in Bruas Estate, when Baptism w a s administered by Rev. F r . O. Dupoirieux to four adult Chinese. These are Joseph Liau Wong, Paul Chong Lim, Peter Chin Soong and Rosa Chin Kiau.

The following gentlemen were elected Office Bearers of t h e Catholic Actibn Society of the Church of t h e Sacred Heart of Jesus, Machang Buboh, at a meeting held on t h e 20th January, 1935:— Spiritual D i r e c t o r Rev. Fr. M. Seet.

Rev. Mother St. Berthe, Assistant Superior General, accompanied by Rev. Mother St. Dominic, from Japan, arrived in Taiping on Sunday, 3rd. February. They will be spending a few days in t h e Taiping Convent prior t o t h e i r departure for Ipoh.

President— Mr. Lee Chiap Shin. Vice-President— Mr. Lew Khee Shong. Hon. Treasurer— Mr. Wong TetvLeong.

Office Bearers of t h e Catholic Action Society, Klian Pau. Spiritual Director— Rev. Fr. D. Dupoirieux. President— Mr. G. H. Dibble Vice-President— Mr. A. S. Read. Hon. Treasurer— Mr. N g Teik Swee. Hon. Secretary— Mr. E. Taveira. Tne Press Section comprises t h e following:— Mr. Leong Kup Chong (Special Correspondent), Mr. Ooi Check Huat, Mr. A. M. Lesser and Mr. E. A. Read.

Hon. English Secretary— Mr. Ng Hock Seet. Hon. Chinese Secretary— Mr. Lim Thian Yim.

The above is a group photo of the members of the Catholic Action Society of St. Francis Xavier's Church, Penang, taken on the eve of the departure of Mr. G. R. T. Chelvam, the president of the Society, for Singapore. Left to Right (seated): Messrs. D . J. Royan, A . Joseph, G. R. T. Chelvam (president) ) , A . W. E. Nalpon, Xavier Soosay. Standing: S. Nathan, D e Sojanar, F. L. Alphonse, S. Sebastian, M. Pregasam and J. Abraham.

On Wednesday, February 23, following t h e re-opening of t h e School the Sodality of t h e Immaculate Conception, of St. George's Institution, held its Election Meeting. The result, by ballot, were as follows:— Prefect— Mr. E. Taueira. Vice-Prefect— Mr. H. E. Augustin. Hon. Secretary— Mr. Leong K u p Chong. Hon. Treasurer— Mr. Cheow K a n g Yong. Councillors— ^i^^AHReadr Ooi E n g Leong. Mas. Charles Muthu. Singaraju. „ P. Saw Ah Too.

Rev. Fr. F. M. Bulliard, of Salem, South India, who has preached a round of successful missions to the Tamil parishioners of Malaya. Cut

MISSION FOR THE INDIANS JOHORE BAHRU. IN MALACCA. Mission for the Indian Catholics* The Rev. F a t h e r M. F . Bulliard, The first of its kind ever preached who has to his credit 31 years of Johore State. missionary work in Salem, South Following t h e Mission, which India, gave a mission to Indian was successfully carried out in Catholics of Malacca. Every after- Malacca last week, t h e Rev. Fr. noon, from Thursday to Saturday, F. M. Bulliard of Salem, South his sonorous voice poured forth to India, preached in Tamil in t h e eager ears t h e word of God in Church of t h e Immaculate Conplain, practical and popular ser- ception, during three successive mons, which, however, were not days beginning from Friday and devoid to Tamil proverbs and meta- ending on Sunday, t h e 3rd. phors, and in which words were February. suitably used to bring home some The sermons were of a very imimportant t r u t h s . The mission pressive nature, adapted to local closed on Sunday morning, t h e conditions and customs, and deli27th J a n u a r y when, during Holy vered in an admirable manner by Mass, the Rev. F a t h e r preached in the Venerable Missionary of India. a stirring manner on t h e duties of During his stay in Johore he was parents towards their children and vice-versa. After Mass a group the guest of Rev. F r . Duvelle, photo was taken with Rev. F a t h e r Vicar of the Immaculate ConcepBulliard a s central figure. T h e tion Church, Johore Bahru. mission proved a success, as those who took p a r t in it went home happy and consoled. N e x t week will be^Johore Ba thanks of Indian Catholics are due to the Reverend Missionary F a t h e r for his zealous work.




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[Readers are kindly invited to send in questions on religious dogmas or standards of moral conduct. Such questions must be put in good faith with a view to obviating any dubiety or adjusting any inaccuracy in pertinent matters of faith or morals. All quesbe accompanied by the tions must names and addresses of questioners, not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. The Editor reserves the right to reject any question, trivial which in his opinion, may appear or frivolous.]

"Merely passive or material presence m a y be tolerated by way of civil deference or for t h e purpose of showing respect t o persons, at the funerals of non-catholics, at their marriages and similar solemnities, provided there is danger neither of perversion, nor scandal." Under this rule, theologians generally condemn t h e assistance of Catholics as official witnesses, i.e: as bestman o r bridesmaid a t such marriages, a s p a r t of t h e official witnesses does seem to involve active co-operation in t h e religious ceremony. I t m u s t not be forgotten t h a t , in practice every case should be submitted t o t h e judgment of t h e parish priest or of t h e bishop. Scandal varies very much with countries a n d sometimes with localities and w h a t would be a cause of great scandal in some places m i g h t be quite harmless in others. T h e Faithful m u s t always bear in mind t h a t 'Tie w h o courts t h e danger shall perish in i t " and t h a t " prevention is b e t t e r t h a n cure."

9th 1935.



Tea P a r t y to Mr. G. R. T. Chelvam. A very delightful tea-party was given by t h e Members of t h e Catholic Action Society of St. Francis Xavier's Church, Penang, on Tuesday t h e 29th January, to Mr. G. R. T. Chelvam, t h e president of t h e Society, on t h e eve of his departure to Singapore to join t h e Editorial Staff ^of t h e Malaya Catholic Leader.


CATHOLIC DOCTRINE A N D MORALS. Question.—Living 20 miles away from Church, a m I obliged t o a t t e n d Mass on Sundays? I m u s t say that I have a motor-car and I a m free.—A planter. Answer.—I do not decidedly think t h a t you a r e excused from attendance a t Mass on Sunday. Positive precepts bind unless t h e r e is a "serious inconvenience." St. Alphonsus excuses people from attendance a t m a s s who have t o walk a distance t h a t occupies a n hour or more, when such walk m a y cause a "serious inconvenience." Now such distance to walk m a y not be of a n y inconvenience t o young people, when, on t h e cont r a r y it m a y be a great obstacle t o old people a n d t o persons of delicate health. Many a r e prepared t o face greater distances a n d will not think them a n y "serious inconvenience" to walk five or six miles to a n d from t h e church. So t h e rule cannot be too rigidly applied and one m u s t t r y t o view m a t t e r s in their right perspective and sense of proportion. Modern improvements in t h e way of t r a n s p o r t do not modify laws directly, b u t t h e y do indirectly b y lessening t h e obstacles t o their fulfilment. A distance of 20 miles for a motorist is n o t considered a s a long distance and cannot be t h e cause of " g r e a t inconvenience." Taking everything into account, 20 miles distance t o a motorist is far less t h a n 2 o r 3 miles t o a pedestrian and does not appear a serious obstacle t o t h e observance of t h e precept. Question.—Are Catholics allowed t o see marriages in P r o t e s t a n t Church. ? "R.E.T." Answer.—It is well-known t h a t Catholics have always been forbidden t o take p a r t in a n y form of heretical o r dissident public worship, either in a Church or elsewhere. T h e m a r r i a g e service m u s t be accounted a public religious rite and so Catholics are n o t allowed to assist a t it in a P r o t e s t a n t Church or before a P r o t e s t a n t minister. • T h e rule of t h e Canon law (1258) is t h i s : " I t is unlawful for t h e faithful t o assist in a n y active m a n n e r o r t o t a k e p a r t in the sacred services by non-Catholies.

There was a full attendance of members who took part, b u t unfortunately t h e Spiritual Director Rev. F r . P . Baloche was unable to attend, as h e was confined in bed with a n attack of rheumatism.

In t h e course of t h e function, speeches were made, a n d Mr. D. J. Royan, t h e secretary of t h e Society, said t h a t t h e cause of their gathering was well known to t h e m all, b u t it h a d fallen t o his lot, t o CORRESPONDENCE. announce t h e regretable news of having t o miss their president from (Continued from page 7.) their midst very shortly. Though To regretable t h e y had one consolaThe Editor of t h e MALAYA tion, t h a t w a s , t h a t he w a s going CATHOLIC L E A D E R , to Singapore t o join t h e Editorial SINGAPORE. Staff of t h e Malaya Catholic Leader, which would be for t h e P R E S S CORRESPONDENTS benefit of t h e Catholics of Malaya A N D WEDDINGS. through his services in t h e Catholic Leader. Sir, ' In every Parish t h r o u g h o u t t h e In this connection, t h e speaker Diocese of Malacca, t h e r e is a Press Correspondent of t h e Malaya added, h e wished to mention t h a t Catholic Leader. I t i s t h e duty of t h e president w a s a man of culture, these correspondents t o g a t h e r a s with a practical knowledge of m e n much news a s possible and t o dis- and matters, and had been on t h e patch same to you for publication. Editorial Staff of t h e Bangkok Daily Mail in Bangkok, and it was I should like, t h r o u g h t h e most fortunate t h a t he came into medium of your valuable paper, t o their society. The Spiritual Direcdraw t h e attention of our Catholics tor, knowing his abilities, and also t h e great inconvenience t h e y p u t t h e fact t h a t h e is a staunch our correspondents t o by not send- Catholic, found him a fit person ing them invitations t o weddings. to be t h e president of t h e society, Correspondents a r e respectable which position he has filled to t h e human beings, and n o t devoid of satisfaction of all. feelings, a s some suppose t h e m t o It was a pity t h a t t h e y were be. In order t o make a full and correct report of a wedding, one going to lose him so soon, b u t they m u s t be present both a t t h e Service would not lose him in memory. in Church and a t t h e reception in Lastly, on behalf of t h e society, Mr. the house. But a correspondent, if Royan thanked him for all t h a t h e he has a n y feelings a t all, will not had done for them and wished him venture into a stranger's house, all success. still less into a wedding house, without having first h a d a n invitation. Naturally, many weddings are overlooked, and, if ever report- KUALA LUMPUR. ed a t all, a r e incorrectly recorded. VISIT. The fact is t h a t t h e correspondents concerned were not present, and wrote out their reports entirely The Right Rev. F . Ruaudel from w h a t they heard. They a r e (Vicar General), Vicar of t h e not to blame, as it is incumbent on "Good Shepherd," Singapore, arrivthem t o send something to t h e ed a t t h e Holy Rosary Church, press. Kuala Lumpur, a t 7-30 a.m. on Monday t h e 4th February, 1935, Much trouble will be saved if in on his way t o t h e Cameron Highfuture, our Catholics who desire lands t o spend a holiday there. their weddings t o appear in t h e While a t t h e Church, h e took t h e papers, send a t least a n invitation opportunity of celebrating a to the Special Correspondent of Thanks-giving High Mass a t 8 a.m. their parish. Then only will our followed by a Benediction of t h e correspondents feel quite a t home Blessed Sacrament for t h e Chinese in a wedding parftr and will t h e New Year. He afterwards left better be able to make a fuller and Kuala L u m p u r by car in t h e commore correct report. pany of Rev. F a t h e r s D. Perrisoud and V. H e r m a n n for t h e Cameron Yours, etc., C. E . JUAN. Highlands t o enjoy their holidays together. Penang.

The Modern Tailoring Co. 497, North Bridge Road






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G.B.S. ON A CITY'S SHRINES. One Ugly: T h e Other Empty.

s C s h m 1 r b p 1 J

P L A N FOR A N "EXCHANGE" "Daily Express' Special

K M f E t C a T g t w w 1 p

Correspondent DUBLIN.

An invitation to join a committee started here to agitate for the restoration t o Catholic ownership of one or other of Dublin's historic cathedrals—St. Patrick's and Christ Church—which have been in P r o t e s t a n t hands since the Reformation, h a s evoked a characteristic reply from Mr. G. B. Shaw. Writing to Mrs. N . Kilkeliy,. secretary of t h e committee and a sister of t h e late George Moore, "G.B.S." s t a t e s : — "I cannot join t h e committee as it happens to be my personal opinion t h a t all our medieval cathedrals should be catholic, in t h e sense of belonging equally to all human beings who desire a suitable place for contemplation. "But I remember very well how, on returning to Dublin after an ^absence of t h i r t y years, I went t o see t h e Patrick-street cathedral, and found it a s ugly a s if t h e Devil had built it, and on t h e same day I went into Christ Church and found it absolutely empty—not even a verger or a charwoman in charge. "I thought how sensible it would be for t h e Ecclesiastical Commissioners t o offer t o exchange this unused temple, in which one can still feel t h e presence of God, for t h e Patrick-street structure, which could then be deconsecrated and demolished and its site let lucratively for commercial purposes; a good P r o t e s t a n t bargain. "I do not remember whether I expressed this feeling a t t h e time; probably I did. "If so, I m a y be t h e originator of the movement you represent. "My own family and antecedents are ultra-Protestant, and I am a bit to t h e left of Protestantism myself, b u t when there a r e two cathedrals available within a stone's throw of one another it seems r a t h e r dog-in-the-mangerish to deny t h e use of one to the Catholic majority, in whose hands no visitor could a t any hour find it completely deserted, as I did."

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| More than 250,000 Catholics in | Japanese Empire

are responsible for translations into the Malayalam language of "Genesis," " T h r o u g h E a s t to Rome," " T h e Span of Life Between," "The Way of Perfection" and "Divine Religion."

the daily life a t the institution and shews t h e inmates at work, a t prayer, a t religious instruction and shows t h e children a t their games. Miyazaki newspapermen were invited to a pre-view of t h e film. They were impressed by t h e picture and gave it much favourable publicity in their theatre columns with the result that when t h e film was shown to t h e public i t drew large numbers of non-Christians. Many persons, including some nonChristians, sent t h e missionaries money contributions for t h e Home. The principal purpose of t h e film, however, was to illustrate Catholic doctrine in practice. The film was also shown a t a provincial congress of Japanese social workers. (Fides)

Madras. More than 13,200 pilgrims are reported to have kissed the Crucifix of Kandal, on Friday J a n u a r y 4. Kandal, a suburb of Ooctamund in t h e diocese of Coimbatore, became famous as a pilgrimage-centre last year when a large crucifix, which h a d been received from France in 1932 by Pere Craysaac, the parish priest, was set on a rock overlooking t h e new cemetery. Immediately rumours spread abroad of miracles wrought a t t h e foot of t h e cross. Thousands of people, Moslems, Hindus and Christians—Indian and English—, visit t h e spot on Friday and pray a t t h e shrine. The town authorities have had t o build a new road to the cemetery. (Fides).

Niigata (Japan). Statistics prepared by Rev. P . C. Oertle, of the Divine Word Missionaries, illustrating t h e progress of t h e Church in t h e Japanese Empire during the twelve-month period ending June 30, 1934, show t h a t there are now 250,747 Catholics in the Empire, 103,271 in J a p a n proper and 147,476 in Korea, Formosa islands of t h e Pacific. There were 7,284 adult baptisms during t h e year, and a net increase of 9,232 Catholics is registered. In a separate table F a t h e r Oertle shows t h a t t h e growth of t h e Church in Japan proper, though slow, has been steady a n d t h a t it has gradually risen from 87,581 members in 1927 t o 103,271 in 1934. A study of t h e statistics reveals t h a t t h e average of adult baptisms per missionary during t h e period June 1933 to J u n e 1934 was 12.8 for t h e Empire a n d 4.9 for Japan proper. The Prefecture of Pengyang, Korea, staffed by t h e American ~ Mary knoll missionaries, stands first among all t h e missions of t h e Empire in number of adult baptisms, in t h e net increase of Catholics and in t h e average of adult baptisms per missionary. The Catholic body of P e n g Yang grew from 11,192 to 13,063 during this period, an increase of 1,871, while t h e number of adult baptisms while the number of adult baptisms, 1,517, represents a n average of 52.3 per missionary. The German Benedictine missionaries of Wonsan, Korea, and the Spanish Jesuits of t h e Marianne, Caroline and Marshall Islands, come next, t h e former with an average of 27.1 adult conversions per missionary, and t h e latter with an average of 35.7. The Archdicoese of Tokyo, under the Paris Missionaries, with 415 baptisms of adults and a net increase of 946 Catholics, holds first place among t h e missions of J a p a n proper, although t h e German F r a n ciscans of t h e Vicariate of Sapporo have the highest average of adult baptisms, 9.2 per missionary. At the end of t h e statistical year there were in t h e Empire 66 Japanese and 85 Korean priests, 136 Japanese and six Korean Brothers, 402 Japanese and 167 Korean sisters. Missionaries make t h e consoling observation t h a t t h e Church in Japan today is better understood than it was formerly, t h a t it is not so much looked upon as a foreign importation as it was a t one time and that t h e cultural and social value of t h e Catholic Church is being recognised. And even though skepticism and religious indifference still stand in t h e w a y of conversions, t h e outlook, t h e missionaries say, is good. (Fides). Japanese St. Vincent De Paul Society Uses Film To Illustrate

Restrictions imposed on Catholic Missions by Madras Government to be removed.

Rome.—A telegram from Madras states t h a t t h e orders which have restricted Catholic missions since 1917 in t h e assignment a n d sale of property, a r e to be removed by the Madras Government. An order was passed by t h e Government in 1917 forbidding t h e assignment or sale of Government land to a n y person other t h a n a British subject or subject of an Indian State, without t h e previous sanction of t h e Government. In 1930 that order was interpreted as applying to Catholic churches and institutions, as made public in a statement by the Government: " The legal position is t h a t t h e properties attached t o Roman Catholic Church or Roman Catholic institutions in British India are vested in t h e Pope. The previous sanction of Government will therefore be necessary in assignments of land to Roman Catholic churches, dioceses, and other Roman Catholic institutions and to alienate to such churches, dioceses and institutions, of lands granted after th£ issue of Government Order No. 3218, dated 12th Oct., 1917." The order caused great hardship to some Catholic missions. The position taken by t h e Government was evidently based on a false assumption, namely, t h a t t h e properties attached t o Catholic churches and institutions in British India " a r e vested in t h e Pope." Canon 1518 which says t h a t t h e Pope id t h e supreme administrator of all ecclesiastical property had been interpreted to mean t h a t t h e Pope is t h e owner of all Church property. Efforts to remove this misconception were begun in 1930, and now it seems t h a t t h e difficulty h a s a t last been removed. Alwaye (South India) .—Thirtysix young priests trained a t St. Joseph's Apostolic Seminary, Alwaye, completed their theological studies in 1934 and are now enCatholic Charities. MIYAZAKI (Japan).—A film gaged as missionaries in various Prepared by t h e St. Vincent de Paul parts of India. 19 in t h e Diocese conference of Miyazaki illustrates of Changanacherry, eight in t h e n a t is being done for t h e poor Archdiocese of Ernakulam, three and for orphans a t t h e Catholic in t h e Archdiocese of Verapoly, ome in t h a t city. The film, two in Decca, two in Vizagapatam, arranged in a way t o win t h e in- one in Vijayapuram and one in terest of t h e Japanese, portrays Coimbatore. Priests of this group w




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Young Ladies who m u s t economize and yet maintain traditionally high standards of goods will be happy to pay a visit to A U R E L I A ' S N E W Dept. a rendezvouz for shrewd shoppers where exquisitely fashioned hats of fine quality may be had from


Programme for Defence of t h e Family Outlined a t All-India Catholic Congress. Madras (India). Resolutions which regard t h e defence of the Catholic family and t h e m a n n e r of conducting Catholic education were passed a t t h e Third All-India Catholic Congress held a t Poona December 28 to 30. T h e t e x t of the resolutions is, in part, as follows: " This Congress condemns all attempts, open or veiled, and from whatever source proceeding, which tend (a) t o lessen t h e bonds of marriage or destroy its sanctity, (b) to impair parental authority and responsibility and, (c) to demoralise and disintegrate Catholic home life. "This Congress earnestly appeals (a) to civil authorities t o discourage and avoid legislative or executive action tending thereto and (b) to Catholic leaders, religious and secular, t o devise measures which will make possible for Catholic families migrating to urban areas to live Catholic home life and which will, as far as possible, protect their homes against t h e disintegrating influence of city life." Resolutions were also passed to t h e effect t h a t home education should be conducted on sound Catholic lines, so t h a t t h e family may be a true training ground in t h e development of Christian character and virtues and be the nucleus in t h e preservation of Catholic life and religion and in the extension of the reign of Christ on earth. The establishment of an All-India Catholic Educational Trust, to raise funds for t h e support of Catholic schools in India, Burma and Ceylon, was also voted. A further resolution concerning t h e Catholic press, brought out the need of a strong press to combat present-day evils and t o weld Catholic forces into a strong organization. The people will be asked to pledge their support to the existing Catholic publications. In his opening-address to t h e Congress, Archbishop Henry Doering, Archbishop of Poona, said: "As Catholics, we hold^ t h a t the family, which is the germ cell of all social unions, is in its beginning



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a divine institution. Christ sanctified t h e family by making marriage,, which is t h e base of t h e family, a sacrament of His Church. Materialism, naturalism, socialism and, in our days, bolshevism, combine forces to destroy> holiness and the essence of t h e Catholic family. Such like ideas a r e threatening to filter slowly into Catholic minds. To defend the Catholic family and to preserve its purity and holiness is one of t h e chief activities of Catholic Action." (Fides).

Montreal.—Rev. William Charlebois, who celebrated his Golden Jubilee as an Oblate of Mary Immaculate, November 6, comes from a family that h a s given five priests and one nun to t h e service of t h e Church. Bishop Charlebois, first Vicar Apostolic of Keewatin, was his brother, and t h e present Vicar Apostolic, Bishop Lajeunesse,. is his nephew. Another brother is also an Oblate, and two others a r e secular priests. His sister is a member of the Grey Nuns of Montreal. He has four other nephews in t h e Oblates of Mary Immaculate, and a grand-nephew was ordained at Ottawa last June. (Fides). A Carmelite Monastery for Papuasia. Yule Island (New Guinea) .-Five Carmelite nuns from t h e monastery of Autun arrived a t Port Moresby, Territory of Papua, November 15, and proceeded from there, via Yule Island, to Kubuna where they will found a cloister of contemplatives. With t h e exception of one who h a s been in a convent in t h e Philippines for several years, all t h e nuns have come directly from France. (Fides).


AROUND THE veteran choir-master and on t h e whole-hearted co-operation of t h e choristers. The Mass used for t h e occasion w a s t h a t of St. Teresa in two p a r t s by J. Wosendorfers. Mr. Louis Lim's Orchestra is to be congratulated on t h e beautiful melodies rendered. The Chinese New Year would be a dull one without it. May it be remarked here t h a t this Orchestra is an Amateur one, and t h e success it achieved was mainly due to t h e untiring efforts of Mr. Louis Lim t h e conductor, Mr. Lim is a professional attached t o t h e Runnymede Hotel. A t t h e Communion, it was an edifying sight to see so many approaching t h e Holy Table, and r e ceiving wih great fervour their Eucharistic Lord and King. The distribution of Holy Communion alone, lasted for nearly half an hour, so g r e a t was the number of communicants. I t was not before 9.15 a.m. t h a t t h e service was brought t o a close. In t h e Church compound one can imagine t h e hearty shaking of hands, and t h e reciprocal .rreetins-s among friends of: " KEONG H E E F U T CHOY." The parochial house was besieged, after Mass, bv numerous well-wishers who had come to extend their h e a r t v greetings to t h e i r beloved Pastor and Friend. This dutv of fi^al vfofy DEATH. rendered, t h e whole congregation Much sympathy will be felt for dxsnersed t o their respective homes t h e family of Mr. and Mrs. Chong where, we mav be sure, t h e v had a Kee Seng of Seremban in the loss JOLLY GOOD TIME. of t h e death of their d a u g h t e r Miss Josephine Chong a t t h e General hospital Seremban, she is t h e sister Chinese New Year A t Telok Ayer of Messrs. Chong Ah Kai of t h e Tawar. Sanitary Dept., Chong Teck Quee Land Office and Chong A h F a h of On Tuesday, F e b r u a r y 5th. the Customs all of Seremban, on Chinese New Year was observed in t h e 2nd February. T h e funeral the little Chapel of t h e Sacredtook place t h e same evening and Heart a t Telok Ayer Tawar. t h e r e was a large attendance of The Rev. F a t h e r R. de Souza relatives and friends—Fortified by arrived a t the Chapel a little after t h e r i t e s of the Church. Sweet 7.15 a.m. Confessions were t h e n Jesus g r a n t her eternal rest. heard up to 8 a.m. a t which time * * * * Holy Mass began. The little chapel C H I N E S E CHURCH E N F E T E . was insufficient to accommodate the laro*e number that* were nres^nt. New Year Celebration at t h e Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament brought t h e ceremonies to a Church of our Lady Of Sorrows, close. Penang. The Visit of t h e Revd. Mothers to On Sunday, F e b r u a r y *3rd. t h e the Balik Pulau Convent. Eve |of t h e Chinese New Year, On t h e 25th J a n u a r y t h e pupils Benediction of t h e Blessed Sacraof t h e Convent of Balik Pulau ment w a s given a t t h e Church of Our Lady Of Sorrows a t 5.30 p.m., have h a d the great pleasure and during which t h e Psalm Miserere honour t o give a h e a r t y welcome, and t h e Te Deum were chanted to on t h e occasion of t h e i r visit, to beg pardon of God for all sins com- t h e three Revd. Mothers, namely: mitted, and to t h a n k Him for all Rev. Mother St. Berthe the Assisgraces and benefits received during t a n t Superior General, Rev. Mother the p a s t year. St. Tarcisius and Rev. Mother St. T h e Church was tastefully de- Dominique of Japan t o g e t h e r with corated for t h e New Year with four o t h e r Sisters. flags and banners. T h e Main Altar The girls with t h e i r charming was resplendent with lights and Chinese uniforms were assembled beautiful flowers. In fact, every- a t t h e spacious play-shed impaone and everything around bore tiently waiting for t h e i r arrival. signs of unspeakable joy and On t h e i r car entering the combrightness. pound t h e y raised a tremendous On New Year day t h e Church cheer and sang a sweet welcomewas packed a t an early hour al- song in Chinese. though t h e service was scheduled Then a girl came forward and to begin a t 8 a.m. The Rev. gave a beautifully—worded speech F a t h e r R. de Souza officiated a t t h e in French. In replying the Rev. High Mass which was melodiously Mother St. Berthe thanked t h e rendered by Mr. Joachim Lean Chong Hin and his choristers. This children for t h e many good things unique success reflects much credit said in their speech and expressed on t h e indefatigable zeal of our h e r satisfaction in knowing t h a t BIRTHS. Peter.—At t h e Maternity Hospital, Sepoy Lines, Singapore, on Thursday, J a n u a r y 31st, 1935, t o Mr. & Mrs. F . J. Peter, a daughter. Both m o t h e r and child a r e doing well. * * * * DEATH OF MRS. H. T. COOMBS. (Penang). Much sympathy is felt for Mr. H . T. Coombs of t h e Municipal Electric Supply Department, in t h e loss he h a s sustained by t h e death of his wife (nee Baptist) a t t h e Penang Sanitarium on Tuesday night t h e 29th J a n u a r y . The deceased who was 27 years of age, w a s married about two and half years ago and leaves behind her husband, parents and a h o s t of relatives t o mourn h e r loss. The funeral took place on Wednesday evening a t t h e Western Road Cemetery from her residence a t F a r q u h a r Street. Rev. F a t h e r Souhait of t h e Church of t h e Assumption performed t h e ceremony a t t h e Church and a t the graveyard. There was a very large g a t h e r ing of friends and relatives both a t t h e Church and a t t h e graveyard.


such a small corner of Malaya as Balik Pulau could even boast of a well-organised school. Incidently it is interesting to note t h a t t h e Balik Pulau Convent now having 180 pupils is t h e first school run by t h e Sisters of the Convent t o teach Chinese language. A short concert i n honour of t h e Rev. Mothers and Sisters brought the memorial function to a close.


taken during the visit to BaUk Berthe Asst. Superior General St.

Visit to " F a t h e r B a r r e " Convent School a t Sungei Patani. ( K e d a h ) . On t h e 28th January, ' T a t h e r B a r r e " School was en fete on t h e occasion of t h e first visit of t h e Rev. Mother Berthe, Assistant Mother General of t h e Institute of t h e Holy Infant Jesus, on her tour of inspection in the East. She was accompanied by Madame Saint Dominic from J a p a n and Madame Saint Tarcisius, t h e Lady Superior of t h e P e n a n g Convent. The distinguished visitors arrived a t the School premises by car a t 8.30 a.m. They were received by t h e staff of t h e School and led to t h e main hall where the children were waiting for them. Some items were performed by t h e pupils and then Miss Adelina Carrier addressed the Rev. Assistant Mother General in t h e following t e r m s . "Very Dear Rev. Mother, How happy we feel at t h e great honour of y o u r visit to our little school today. We welcome you with all our h e a r t s and we ask t h e Infant Jesus to shower on you His choicest blessings. As representative of our dear Mother General, we beg you, very dear Rev. Mother, t o accept these flowers as a token of our heartfelt gratitude and filial affection towards t h e Religious Institution t o which we feel deeply indebted for t h e benefits of a good education and sound moral training. May God bless your work wherever you go, and m a y He spare you t o t h e Institute for many, many years. We are also very glad to welcome Rev. Mother Saint Dominic who, we learn, h a s come all t h e way from Japan. We pray t h a t Almighty God may pour down His graces and blessings on your mission there.

At t h e same time, we heartily welcome our dear Rev. Mother Saint Tarcisius whose presence here today gladdens our heart all the more. The pleasure we feel at being so privileged by your visit, dear Rev. Mothers, is so great t h a t we do not know how to express it. We shall always t r e a s u r e the sweet memory of your visit here tdday, and we shall pray for each one of you, dear

Pulau Convent of the Rev. Tarcicius and St. Dominique

Mothers V. from Japan.

Rev. Mothers, in our own little way. And now with all our heart we say: God bless you! Grace laden be each fleeting day Brightened by many a wondrous ray Of grace divine from Fount of love His H e a r t so dear! F o r ever in t h e purest gold Each selfless deed of yours enrolled Will reap, one day, a hundredfold God bless you! The various items in the prog r a m m e went through without a hitch. The one however, which calls for special mention, was the speech and recitation by Miss A. Carrier which was highly commended upon by those present for t h e excellent delivery and unaffected attitude in a child of her age. At t h e conclusion, t h e Rev. Mother, in a speech thanking the teaching staff and t h e pupils for their h e a r t y reception, also expressed her utmost delight upon the efficient manner in which the pupils had carried out t h e various items of t h e e n t e r t a i n m e n t ; this reflected g r e a t credit on t h e teaching staff; and she added t h a t it is her fervent hope t h a t the same standard of efficiency may be maintained. The function was brought to a successful termination by a group photo being taken with t h e Rev. Mother Assistant General in the centre. (Contd. on page 13)



Wedding Bells MARRIAGES. Chong.—Lim, on J a n u a r y 26th, 1935, at Sts. Peter & Paul, Singapore. Paul Chong Soon Mong, 2nd son of Mr. & Mrs. Chong Teck Fah, 87 Hindoo Road, to Lucy, 3rd daughter of late Mr. & Mrs. Lim Tai Bah. officiated by Fr. Lee. The marriage was solemnised on Saturday, January 26th, at t h e Church of t h e Sacred Heart of Jesus, Singapore, of Mr. Simon Chocng, Son of Mr. and Mrs. Choong Ah Thiam and Miss Maria Slow, daughter of Madam Law Chow Thye of Seremban. Rev. Fr. Sy, officiated. Lee.—Fong, on J a n u a r y 31st, 1935, at the Church of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Klian Pau, Taiping, Charles Lee Kong Fooi, son of Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Lee Chong Yoo of Port Weld to Mary Fong Slew Cheng daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fong Sam Thi of Taiping.

The marriage of Mr. Felix Aloysious De Silva the fourth son of Mr. and Mrs. Christian and Ronilda De Silva of 17, Weld Road Kuala Lumpur, of the Health Department Seremban and Negris Star Bowler and State player, to Miss Florence Margaret Sequerah, the daughter of the late Mr. Alexander Sequerah and Mrs. Adelaide Sequerah of Seremban, was solemnised at the Church of t h e Visitation on t h e 2nd February. Attendant on t h e contracting parties w ere Miss Aggie Silva bridesmaid and Mr. J. Nunis of the Railway Department Seremban as bestman, Sponsors Mr. and Mrs. A. Rozario of the Treasury dept. Seremban. A reception was held a t Labu Road Railway Quarters and was largely attended and dancing followed. The toasts were verv cordially pledged. T


and Mrs. Simon



Peance in the Home. Smith and Jones were having an argument as to who should be the head of the household, the husband or the wife. "I am the head of the establishment," said Jones. "I am t ^ e breadwinner; why shouldn't I be the head ?" "Well," replied Smith, "before my wife and I were married we made an agreement t h a t I should decide in all the more important matters and my wife in all the minor things." "How has it worked?" queried Jones. Smith smiled. "So far." he replied, "no important questions have arisen!"

Ingredients:— 1 lb. of love. !/2 lb. of butter of youth. lb. of good looks. 1 lb. of sweet temper. i/ lb. of blunder of faults. 1 lb. of self forgetulness. 1 oz. pounded wit. 1 oz. of dry humour. 2 tablespoonful of sweet a r g u ment. 1 pint of rippling laughter. A wineglass and a half of common sense. Method. Mix t h e love, looks, and sweet temper into a wellfurnished house, beat t h e b u t t e r t o a cream, mix these ingredients well together with t h e blunder of faults and self-forgetfulness, s t i r the pounded wit and dry humour No Hope. with the sweet argument, then add it to the above. Pour in gently the The Vicar (to bereaved widow rippling laughter and common of a doctor): "I cannot tell you sense, and thoroughly mix. Bake how pained I was to hear t h a t well for ever. your husband had gone to heaven. We were dear friends, but now we shall never meet again." 9

Don't. Mistaken.

Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Nalpon, of Penang, whose marriage was solemnised January 16, at the Church of St. ^'rnvrh X"vier. Pen/t»v. Mr. Nalpon is the Hon. Treaurer of the Catholic Action Society.


A Scot was walking with a "Roman Catholic friend in London. On passing Westminster Cathedral his friend raised his hat, and the Scotsman followed suit. At this his friend said : "You're setting very pious, raising your hat as vou pass t h e Cathedral." "Was that the Cathedral?" the Scot replied. "I thought it was the Bank of England." (The Malay-Comm. Review.)

Don't judge a man bv t h e clothes he wears, God made one and the tailor made t h e other. Don't Judge a man by his fanrly for Cain belonged to a good family. Don't judge a man by his failure in life, for many a man fails because he is too honest to succeed. Don't judge a man by the house he lives in; the lizard and t h e r a t often inhabit the grandest structures! (The Malay-Comm. Review.)



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FEBRUARY 9th 1935-


The Second Indian Pilgrimage (Continued from page 2 ) .

to enter the Convent. We saw there the Christmas crib, h e r own children hands had fashioned, and all her toys which she loved so much- as a child. We returned to Paris t h e same day—Th€ next two days we toured t h e city—visited Bon Marte and on t h e 12th of April we left for London—The passage across was very trying owing to t h e rough sea in t h e channel. Whilst in London we found board and lodging a t t h e Royal Hotel in Russels square and we took part in a Novena of Holy Communion in honour of t h e English M a r t y r s —"Tryburn Tree" now called t h e Marble Arch, was one of t h e many places we visited. The Tyburn Convent is in an ordinary house, a few yards from t h e Marble Arch facing t h e Hyde Park. Beneath the chapel of Perpetual Exposition in thi§ Convent is t h e Oratory of t h e English Martyrs, t h e memorial shrine of one hundred and five priestsTreligious, lay men and women who laid down their lives at Tyburn in defence of t h e Catholic Faith. The Oratory is found on t h e left on entering t h e hall of the Convent—Visitors are admitted on applying" to t h e portress, and may t h u s make a closer inspection of t h e reredos and t h e paintings t h a n is possible through t h e grilled door. The precious contents of t h e reliquaries on t h e walls especially invite examination —They are t h e chief t r e a s u r e of this little shrine, and explain its existence. Gratitude towards those whom they recall has inspired several anonymous benefactors to complete what t h e nuns had begun in coming to Tyburn. They accordingly offered to decorate the Oratory in honour of t h e m a r t y r s w h o shed their blood within a few y a r d s of this very spot, and one of t h e first effects of their undertakings was t h e erection over t h e A l t a r of a Replica of Tyburn Gallows. On t h e beams of the gallows are inscribed t h e last words of Ven. HenryHeath:—"Jesus convert England. Jesus have mercy on this country." A t the back of t h e Altar s e t t i n g off t h e gallows hangs a curtain embroidered with palms and crowns,

above which are emblazoned the Arms of England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Oxford and Cambridge. It is the work of t h e boys of St. Joseph's School of Arts and crafts at t h e Benedictine Abbey of Maredsous. By them were also wrought t h e six Jewelled lamps t h a t hang from the beams of "Tyburn Tree," while an example of their skill in carving is shown in t h e oaken reredos. We returned to Paris on t h e 23rd April and once more took up our quarters a t the Hotel L'lntendance. The next day at 4 p.m. there was a heavy fall of sleet and t h e streets were white with hail stones. The same evening we entrained for Marseilles, arriving at 9 o'clock. We were taken straight t o t h e church of Notre Dame de La Garde. T h e Church is on a steep high hill and it required much coaxing to induce t h e ladies to get into t h e lift which took us up an incline of 75 degree up a height of about a thousand feet—-After Mass and Holy Communion we hurried off to t h e harbour and after seeing to our luggage and ticket we on board t h e S. S. Explorateur Grondidier, once more ready to cross t h e seas. I t was 6 p.m. of t h e 25th April 1934 when we sailed out of t h e harbour of Marseilles. Like many others I thought t h a t t h e pilgrimage was now over and t h a t we were going to be left entirely to ourselves and I chuckled a t t h e thought of a long lie-up-in-bed—But our Director did not think so. H e ordered a general meeting of all t h e pilgrims a t 8 p.m. and gave us to understand t h a t we were to observe the same daily regulations as on our outward journey—This meant Mass a t 6.30 a.m. followed by meditation and Benediction of t h e Blessed Sacrament a t 8 p.m. The Blessed Sacrament was r e served and visits had to be made. On Thursday t h e 3rd of May, a t 10 p.m. an all-night watch before t h e Blessed Sacrament was observed. This was n o t a case of each man taking his t u r n for one hour— All t h e pilgrims were together from 10 p.m. before t h e Blessed Sacrament exposed on the Altar— Private and collective prayers, hymns, sermons and meditation


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helped to beguile the time. At 11.30 p.m. coffee was served and at midnight t h e recitation of t h e rosary was resumed, followed by sermons, hymns and meditation till 4 a.m. when t h e official mass was said and Holy Communion given—after which all dispersed. We arrived a t Port Said on the 30th of April and a t D'jiboute on 5th of May, where we landed a t 2 p.m. and were entertained to Tea at an Hotel by the Captain of the Grandidier— After which we had Champagne at t h e expense of Our Director. At Colombo on the morning of t h e 13th of May where those for Ceylon landed—Almost all the rest of the Pilgrims went ashore to have another look—round of this beautiful town—In t h e afternoon of the 15th of May we arrived at Madras, all those for India and Burma— after a most painful and touching leave-taking—landed here—-leaving the four of us to continue our Journey to Singapore—where we arrived on t h e morning of the 22nd of May—after a very pleasant and uneventful voyage. Note. His Holiness, at t h e interview with us expresses a desire to more Asiatic pilgrimages to Rome be organised—This is being done and t h e next pilgrimage will be April 1935. I t is iateresting to record here t h e remarks made on t h e second pilgrimage

by two wide-world reporters. Catholic and Non-Catholic T I D E S ' "The second Indian Pilgrimage made a profound impression wherever they passed by their sterling faith and deep piety. Pope Pius himself showed strong emotion as he told them t h a t they were an example to the world—Fervent devotion marked the life of the body throughout its journey." REUTER "Their general demeanour created a favourable impression wherever they went."


S i



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CATHOLIC AFFAIRS. (Contd. from page 20)

Archbishop of Madras was known as 'Terror of Demons." Madras. Archbishop Eugene Mederlet, whose death at PalUkonda, North Arcot, was announced December 12, had laboured in Tan j ore for 23 years before becoming Archbishop and there he had been given the title of "Terror of Demons." He was famed for hie saintliness and is said to Jiave earned the sobriquet by the fact that he freed several people from diabolic obsessions. As reported previously, the Archbishop was hearing confessions in the Pallikonda church when death overtook him. He had just pronounced the words "Ego te absolvo a peccatis tuis in Nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti" and had his hand still raised above the penitent when he breathed heavily and collapsed. He was 67 years of age. (Fides).


Observation of "Decency Sunday" in Churches of Bangalore. Bangalore has its Legion of Decency, and it includes among the members of its executive committee an Anglican and two Methodist ministers, a Hindu and a Catholic priest. It organised a Decency Sunday not long ago as part of its contractive programme in reforming the stage and the screen. Sermons against indecent films and indecent advertising were preached in all churches of t h e city. A distribution of pledge forms was made to the people, while schools have been circularised to explain the movement to boys and girls. BELGIAN PRINCESS TAKES



d p d e n

Princess Josephine of Belgium, •sister of the late King Albert, entered the Convent of St. Lioba a t Guntersthal, Friburg, Germany, recently. The princess, who is sixtythree years of age, married, in 1894, Prince Charles of HohenzollernSigmaringen. Her husband died in 1919.









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DAKAR (French West Africa). W h a t is believed to be the first missionary tour of Mauretania has j u s t been completed by Bishop August Grimault, Vicar Apostolic of Senegambia. The Bishop says t h a t a community of religious trained especially for missionary work among the Moors of the desert is needed. It will be difficult, he adds, to make contact with t h e Moslems, and missionaries who go into this territory must lead a life somewhat similar to that of Charles de Foucauld. (Fides).

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BONAfVSIS B R O T H E R S , The Catholic House for Catholic Needs. 63, Selegie Road, Singapore.




Africa Mission. MUGERA (Urundi, Africa). The White F a t h e r s cf the Vicariate of Urundi, in the Belgian mandated territory of Central Africa, which when it was detached from the Vicariate of Kivu in 1922 had seven mission stations, and a Catholic bodv of 14,456, today have 150.0G0 Catholics under their care in the same region and are preparing 100,000 natives for baptism. There are now 19 mission stations in the region. Forty-nine priests, ten brothers and 31 sisters make up the foreign missionary personnel. Native priests of this vicariate have he complete direction of two mission stations in districts where Catholics total 17.000. Tthree priests are assigned to each station. Native sisters are in charge of two mission convents. There are 11 native priests in the vicariate; 19 seminarists are in the maior seminary snd 85 in the m n o seminary. The "Bene Teresa" Sisters, or Daughters of St. Thpresa. have e g h t professed members, 19 novices and 61 postulants. Fight h u n t e d native caiechists and 131 native school teachers complete the personnel of the mission. The strong movement of conversions continues undiminished in Urundi. and the Bishop notes with satisfaction t h a t native vocations are increasing and t h a t thev will mean much to care for the rapidlv growing number of Catholics. He is somewhat uneasy about the ?






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future, however, because subsidies from the homeland have fallen off sharply and the problem of meeting expenses to train his native assistants is grave. (Fides).

COLLEGE OF CARDINALS. Not One English! ...Cardinal Bourne's demise robs us of our solitary Scarlet Hat. The College of Cardinals normally consists of fifty-three members, on whom on occasion devolves the task of electing new Pope,- and of the still remaining ones not one is an Englishman. Italians outnumber all the rest with a roll of twenty-six, whilst France, with six, has only two more than America. There are three Germans, strangely enough only two Spaniards/two Poles, and Belgium, Ireland. Hungary, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Portugal, Austria and Brazil boast one each. The oldest living Cardinal is 85, and t h e youngest, the Portuguese, only 46. The College of Cardinals must be a unique assembly in its combination of contrasted personality, race, and education with entire unity of purpose and outlook. It is, in fact, a sort of ecclesiastical League of Nations, Great interest will be taken in the nomination of a Cardinal to fill Cardinal Bourne's place. One expectation is t h a t he may come from t h e NoHh West of England. (Times of Malaya).









The Pope and Peace Triduum At Lourdes All




CHRISTIAN PEACE INVOKED. HIS H O L I N E S S P O P E PIUS X I , gives his most cordial approbation to the suggestion that a triduum of public supplications be held at the Miraculous Grotto at Lonrd-^ in April, for the establishment of true Christian peace in the world. The gracious sanction of H i s Holiness for these special devotions —to be held during the three days and nights (April 26, 27 and 28) that will mark the conclusion of the Jubilee for the Redemption of mankind, extended to the whole Catholic world—is conveyed in the excerpts of the fo'Iowmg letter to his Excellency the Bishop of Tarbes and Lourdes, Most Rev. Mgr. Gerlier. The following extracts from the letter of H i s Holiness scintillate befitting sentiments of t e approaching feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. These are sentiments worthy of emulation by Catholics the world over. " Y o u have given a ready and willing reception to the proposal, received from our beloved sons, his Eminence Francis Cardinal Bourne—whose recent death we deplore—and his Eminence John Cardinal ¥erdier —Archbishop of Paris. They suggested that i n the coming month of Aoril, a triduum of public supplications should be held at Lourdes at the miraculous grotto of the Immaculate Virgin during the three days and nights that will mark the conclusion of the Jubilee proclaimed to commemorate the redemptiin of mankind and extended to the whole Catholic world. Eucharistic Sacrifices should be offered there all the time and without interruption." Every Nation Invited. . . "To the august Sacrament nf the Altar, therefore, after the lapse of nineteen centuries since the great Blessing was given us, let all Christians turn their minds and direct their devotion. In the streams of gr^ce that flow from it let them cleanse their stains, expiate their offences, and entrust and confide the trials and sorrows, by which they are sorely pressed, to Him Who alone can soften, lighten and raise them to the plaice of the divine. They will invoke the mo<*t powerful patronage of the Virein Mother of God, who. from the first moment of her existence, was immune from the stain of our race/* Weighty Evils of To-day. 'The evils that hang over us at the present moment are so weighty and. grave that they see^n to sugv



gest- practically no relief: those wo dread for the future keep the minds of all in suspense and anxiety. A n d the most deplorable fact is that in many places pagan practices are being established again, and that pagan doctrine, in direct contradiction of the divinp teaching we have received from Jesus Christ, is held in the highest honour. But when the stubborn pride of man sins, there chiefly must it pay the penalty. The Main Petition. 'The Bishops have another' very laudable purpose i n view—namely to exhort all Christians, each in his own diocese and under his own direction to participate in the solemn triduum at Lourdes through masses and special prayers offered everywhere for the object contemplated. As a consequence the whole Catholic World from the ris ng of the sun to its setting, will during those days, with one voice and with one spirit, raise its suppliant hands to God and to His Most Holy Mother, pleading for mercy, peace and salvation." A United World Petition. In the alternate change of day and night that result is accomplished daily throughout the world. But during those days, we are confident, it will occur with a more fervent outburst of charity. The world then, divided by its pursuit of earthly things and tossed about bv so many dissensions, will see the whole family of the faUhful. unUed by one mind, one fai*h and one prayer, petitioning for pardon for the fallen, peace for the troubled, consolation for the afflicted, bread for the starving, finally the li^ht of truth and the haven o* salvation for all who h«vp frone astray. ;


9th 1935.

Catholic Affairs From Far and Near (Continued from page 12)

Burma Paper Praises Sisters' Work Among Lepers. Rangoon. The work of Catholic missionary sisters at the Rangoon Leper Asylum is described in an article which appeared in a recent number of the Rangoon Gazette. This asylum, founded by the Paris Missionaries in 1896, accomodating at present more tthan 450 lepers, belongs to the Catholic Mission of Lower Burma. The Franciscan Missionaries of Mary are in charge "Here at the Asylum in Hanthawaddy Road, where Father Rioufreyt shepherds his flock of helpers/' writes the correspondent, "we were asked to go to to see one of the visible and tangible results of that human, blessed pity, which alone can explain permitted pain. "We saw a fine, airy, two-storeyed building, modern in all points, where gracious colouring, practical thought-out detail, dainty gifts, bear testimony not merely to the sense of duty that provides asylum and sheer necessities, but to that divine sympathy which gives life to the sick and weary. We saw also a touching little entertainment, the plucky attempt to hold at bay the Giant Fear, the Demon of Despair. "The patients themselves had made all the dresses, devised and painted the scenery, and did the entire producing of a well-acted Burmese play. We laughed and applauded, and sure I am that there were not a few throats in which a "lump," time-honoured expression to indicate swallowed tears, made itself felt.

whit inferior to themselves, this? was the entirely convincing im-, pression conveyed in their pre-! sence. , r

"And the still stronger cmviction came to me: 'How happy'i they are/ How happy. . . . "Thev never go home to see their friends in far-away beauti-' ful France; they have put all that behind them, and I do not think that they can ever allow themselves the luxury even of thinking about i t ; and they never want to take a holiday, it would seem And,—they are happy. ;

"I went home with a strange ache of envy in my heart, realizing that here, in this quiet by-way* of a busy town, in a world worse! seem to some of us, they walk, the! than worldly, as it may sometimes! White Robed already in the Gardens of the Blest." (Fides). Krishnagar (India). The Mayor of Krishnagar received Bishop Ferrando at the City Hall Novem-j ber 24, and welcomed the new Ordinary in the name of the entire population. He also thanked the Bishop for the valuable services rendered by the Salesian missionaries and the.Sisters of Charity in that district. Thousands of people playing cymbals and tambourines then led the Bishop to his Cathedral. Bishop Ferrando of Krishnagar and Bishop Mathias of Shillong, both Salesian missionaries, were consecrated November 10 at Shillong. (Fides) 16th Century Missionary Scholar Recalled by Hindu Magazine. Bombay, t h e Times of India of December 4, draws attention to a fascinating article in the current issue of Young Men of India. Bur-, ma and Ceylon about a missionary) scholar of the 16th century, Father Thomas Stephens S.J.

"And finally we saw a little company of white-robed nuns. These are they who have given their whole life and service to the succour of lepers; who, not counting the cost, dress their wounds daily; He was born in 1549 and went who, by their own strong selfless to Indiia as a Jesuit missionary in faith, give them constant cheer 1579. He worked mostly on the and encouragement. island of Salsette, near Bombay, where he acauired fame with his " A sturdy little band they are. long Christian Purana, or sacred No look of exhausted, emotionaliz- poem, in the Mahrathi language ed religious fervour here; no which he had mastered. Through atmosphere of slightly superior the medium of this language he spirituality which can cause the preached the Gospel to the people-1 outsider to shrink under a sense Most of his poems have been handcf carnal unworthiness. On the ed down either orally or by macontrary, the gayest of welcomes, nuscript. (Fides). the friendliest of interest, and a (Continued on page 19) ; sense of being considered not a

Published by Rev. Fr. Cardon and Printed by Lithographers Limited, 37/38, Wallich Street, Singapore, S.S.


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