JUNE 05, 2011, vol 61, no 11

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www.catholicnews.sg SUNDAY JUNE 5, 2011


MICA (P) 030 / 01 / 2010

PPS 201/04/2012 (022727)

VOL 61

NO. 11

INSIDE HOME Assumption Pathway’s new building Facility to help students become lifelong learners The new technologies are not only changing the way we communicate, but communication itself, so much so that it could be said that we are living through a period of vast cultural transformation. This means of spreading information and knowledge is giving birth to a new way of learning and thinking, with unprecedented opportunities for establishing relationships and building fellowship. As with every other fruit of human ingenuity, the new communications technologies must be placed at the service of the integral good of the individual and of the whole of humanity. If used wisely, they can contribute to the satisfaction of the desire for meaning, truth and unity which remain the most profound aspirations of each human being. In the digital world, transmitting information increasingly means making it known within a social network where knowledge is shared in the context of personal exchanges. The clear distinction between the producer and consumer of information is relativized and communication appears not only as an exchange of data, but also as a form of sharing. This dynamic has contributed to a new appreciation of communication itself, which is VHHQ ¿UVW RI DOO DV GLDORJXH H[change, solidarity and the creation of positive relations. On the other hand, this is contrasted with the limits typical of digital communication: the onesidedness of the interaction, the tendency to communicate only some parts of one’s interior world, the risk of constructing a false image of oneself, which can become a form of self-indulgence. Young people in particular are experiencing this change in com-

munication, with all the anxieties, challenges and creativity typical of those open with enthusiasm and curiosity to new experiences in life. Their ever greater involvement in the public digital forum, created by the so-called social networks, helps

to establish new forms of interperVRQDO UHODWLRQV LQÀXHQFHV VHOI awareness and therefore inevitably poses questions not only of how to act properly, but also about the authenticity of one’s own being. Entering cyberspace can be

a sign of an authentic search for personal encounters with others, provided that attention is paid to avoiding dangers such as enclosing oneself in a sort of parallel existence, or excessive exposure to the virtual world. Who is my “neighbourâ€? in this new world? Does the danger exist that we may be less present to those whom we encounter in our everyday life? Is there a risk of being more distracted because our attention is fragmented and absorbed in a world “otherâ€? than the one in which we live? It is important always to remember that virtual contact cannot and must not take the place of direct human contact with people at every level of our lives. It follows that there exists a Christian way of being present in the digital world: this takes the form of a communication which is honest and open, responsible and respectful of others. To proclaim the Gospel through the new media means not only to insert expressly religious content into different media platforms, but also to witness consistently, in RQHÂśV RZQ GLJLWDO SURÂżOH DQG LQ WKH way one communicates choices, preferences and judgements that are fully consistent with the Gospel, even when it is not spoken of VSHFLÂżFDOO\ )XUWKHUPRUH LW LV DOVR true in the digital world that a message cannot be proclaimed without a consistent witness on the part of the one who proclaims it. The task of witnessing to the Gospel in the digital era calls for everyone to be particularly attentive to the aspects of that message which can challenge some of the ways of thinking typical of the web. First of all, we must be aware that the truth which we long to „ Continued on page 18

„ Page 3

HOME La Salle Brothers set up new ‘district’ Communities in 7 countries merged „ Page 6

ASIA World Youth Day frustrations for Pakistanis Spain suspends their visas „ Page 9

WORLD Palestinians wary about Obama’s proposals Doubts that his Mid-East plan would work „ Page 10

WORLD Bishops to draft abuse guidelines Vatican wants them within 12 months „ Page 12

COMMUNICATIONS DAY FEATURE Smartphone apps for Catholics on the go „ Page 16


Sunday June 5, 2011 „ CatholicNews

Vocation camp gets thumbs up Record number attend annual Diocesan Vocation Retreat at seminary By Br Nicholas Lye Catholics who attended the recent Diocesan Vocation Retreat at the St Francis Xavier Major Seminary say they recommend it for young men seeking their purpose in life. Âł, ÂżQG WKLV YRFDWLRQ UHWUHDW D must-go for all youths who are searching for direction in life, and also for anyone who has reached a crossroads in his life and wishes WR ÂżQG RXW ZKLFK WXUQ WR WDNH LQ IXOÂżOOLQJ *RGÂśV ZLOO ´ VDLG 0U John Tan, 20, from the Church of the Immaculate Heart. “I really cannot thank the Lord enough for His goodness and love for me, especially for giving me such reassuring words and signs,â€? said Mr Clarence Yue, 27, from the Church of the Holy Spirit. “What I would really say WR DQ\RQH WU\LQJ WR ÂżQG RXW WKH Lord’s will for him ‌ is to ‘come and see’ ... The Lord can never be outdone in generosity, and you can be sure He will answer you at the appropriate moment.â€? Mr Tan and Mr Yue were two of the 55 young men who attended the May 6-8 Diocesan Vocation Retreat. The gathering, which had the theme Hungry Sheep Seek-

tween participants and seminarians, allowing retreatants to share their personal challenges as well as learn more about seminary life. Members of the Serra Club of Singapore, which aims to promote priestly vocations, as well as members of the Divine Mercy *URXS ZHUH SUHVHQW WKURXJKRXW the retreat to fast and intercede before the Blessed Sacrament for the participants. Parish Vocation Promotion Teams also prayed and offered VDFUL¿FHV IRU WKH UHWUHDWDQWV By the end of the retreat, many said they had a deep encounWHU ZLWK WKH *RRG 6KHSKHUG DQG found greater clarity in how He was calling them. Archbishop Nicholas Chia celebrated the closing Mass. „ Laypeople and seminarians praying over young men attending the May 6-8 vocation retreat.

ing Shepherds, is held annually to help men discover their vocation and understand the diocesan priesthood better. The number of participants this year was an alltime high. Many of the retreatants, aged between 18-33 years, ZHUH DOVR WKHUH IRU WKH ÂżUVW WLPH Archdiocesan vocation director Fr Alex Chua helped participants

UHĂ€HFW RQ WKH QHHGV RI WKH ZRUOG WRGD\ DQG KRZ -HVXV WKH *RRG 6KHSherd, meets these needs with His love and providential care. Priests of the archdiocese also shared their personal stories on how the priestKRRG LV D MR\ ÂżOOHG YRFDWLRQ PRGHOOHG DIWHU WKH *RRG 6KHSKHUG Participants took part in praise and worship, Eucharistic adora-

tion and a prayer session, in which a seminarian was assigned to each retreatant and prayed with him over the struggles he was experiencing in his discernment journey. There were also many other opportunities for interaction be-

For those wanting to know more about the seminary, check out www. sfxms.org.sg or the seminarians’ blog at http://kampungpunggol.blogspot. com/. The next Vocation Discernment Recollection is from Aug 5-6. Details will be announced in CatholicNews. Br Nicholas is a seminarian at the St Francis Xavier Major Seminary.

New Evangelization Team to mark 25 years By Diana Koh

the Catholic Youth Rally, there was little systematic formation for The New Evangelization Team young adults and lay people inter(NET) School of Evangelization ested in participating more fully will celebrate its 25th anniversa- in the mission and ministries of ry on June 4 at the Church of St the Church. The curriculum thereBernadette. Archbishop Nicho- fore included faith formation toplas Chia will celebrate ics and lasted around Mass for the occasion. two years. Âł,W VHHPV ÂżWWLQJ WKDW “Today, the diocese this anniversary should has many good courses be celebratedâ€? on the on the faith, and so occasion of World NET asked itself in Communications Day what way it was unique “for this is what NET in what it was offering is about – communicatto the laity. The answer ing the love of Jesus to was evangelisation!â€? othersâ€? said NET chairsaid programme coorNET logo man James Chan. dinator Elizabeth Tay. At the Mass, participants of The 20th School, which begins NET’s 19th School, together with in mid-October, will begin with a members of the Epiphany mis- deepening of faith experience to sion group from the Church of the be followed by skills and experiImmaculate Heart of Mary, who ences in evangelisation. The projoined the school for some of its gramme will last 12 months with modules, will receive a special perhaps an additional two weeks blessing from Archbishop Chia. for mission exposure. „ The occasion will also launch Catholics interested in this NET’s new branding. When NET course may visit http://acma.sg/ was mooted in 1986 following net/ or email net@acma.sg.

ARCHBISHOP’S DIARY May 29 3.00pm Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour: 0DVV ¹ &RQ¿UPDWLRQ Jun 4 6.00pm Church of St Bernardette: Mass – 25th Anniversary & Blessing for NET 19 Jun 5 5.30pm Church of Divine Mercy: Mass – World Communications Sunday


Sunday June 5, 2011 „ CatholicNews

New building for Assumption Pathway pupils The facility, which houses a library, gymnasium and hostel, is to help students become ‘lifelong learners’ By Don Gurugay

buildings. An annexe to the new building, called Art, will be used as a training restaurant for food preparation courses. Assumption Pathway serves early teen students who are less academically inclined and who prefer a vocational course of study. The average student undergoes a threeyear course culminating in a certi¿FDWLRQ LQ RQH RI IRXU GLVFLSOLQHV – electrical servicing, mechanical servicing, food preparation, and

Assumption Pathway School had its new building blessed by Archbishop Nicholas Chia on May 11. During the service, Archbishop Chia also unveiled a plaque to mark the occasion. Speaking to CatholicNews, principal Wee Tat Chuen said, “My hope is that this new building fosters a caring community through its various spaces for interaction, facilitates greater engagement in learning via more authentic learning spaces (such as our hairdressing salon) and develops students to become lifelong learners through its residential programme held at our hostel for 60 students.â€? =XOÂżTDU ELQ 'DUDhamam, a third-year food preparation course student said, “It’s easier now that the hostel is here instead of travelling all the way to and from the old place at Labrador. And the school hall is also bigger – twice the size.â€? Archbishop Chia blessing the training The new building, comrestaurant. pleted last year, is located on the same premises as the older ones. Its entrance is on Cash- service or baking practices. ew Road, off Upper Bukit Timah The courses allow students to Road. be employed after their studies or The facility houses the admin- in some case to continue higher LVWUDWLRQ RIÂżFH D PXOWL SXUSRVH studies through the Institute of hall, canteen, library, a new gym- Technical Education. nasium and hostel. The new building cost some The new building was needed $30 million and took about two due to space constraints. With the years to complete. new facility, space was freed up The school now has about 500 for more classrooms in the older students. „

School started with just 14 boys Assumption Pathway School ZDV ¿UVW VHW XS LQ E\ WZR Gabrielite Brothers. It was called St Joseph’s Trade School then. The school at that time had only 14 boys studying general mechanics, carpentry and printing. After World War II, the Gabrielite Brothers reopened the school. In 1951, it became a government-aided school. In 1970, it was renamed Boy’s Town Trade School and a

year later Boy’s Town Vocational Institute. In 1994, it was renamed Assumption Vocational Institute (AVI) to facilitate the intake of girls the following year. ,Q 0DUFK WKH 6W *Dbriel’s Foundation together with the Ministry of Education and Institute of Technical Education announced the school’s XSJUDGLQJ ZLWK D JUDQW RI million. AVI was renamed Assumption Pathway School in January 2009. „

Above: The new school building.

Left: Students attending the blessing ceremony on May 11.

Maris Stella case ‘in court’s hands’ “Our prayers are with those affected by this situation,� said Archbishop Nicholas Chia over reports about a former principal of Maris Stella High School being charged for misappropriating funds. Media reports said that Marist Br Anthony Tan was charged in court on

May 19 for allegedly pocketing school funds. In his statement to CatholicNews, Archbishop Chia said, “The police have investigated the matter, and Anthony Tan has been charged in court. The matter is now in the hands of the court.� „


Sunday June 5, 2011 „ CatholicNews

‘Pray for more vocations’ By Marie Jude Bendiola The need for more people to take up priestly and Religious vocations was stressed at the World Day of Prayer for Vocations celebration recently. “The future of the Church rests on you and your prayers,â€? archdiocesan vocation director Fr Alex Chua told some 250 people at the end of the May 14 event at the Church of the Risen Christ. Seminarians, priesthood aspirants and other laypeople took part in the celebration, which started with an hour-long prayer session. This included adoration of the Blessed Sacrament led by Father Alex, followed by Scripture readLQJV UHĂ€HFWLRQV LQWHUFHVVLRQV DQG the singing of hymns. Archbishop Nicholas Chia highlighted the need for more people to respond to the religious calling during the Mass following the prayer session. “The whole Church, each baptised person must feel the need to pray for vocations, and to foster them always,â€? he said. “In Singapore, we have about 300,000 Catholics including foreigners,â€? he added. “We have 71 diocescan priests and 60 Religious [priests] ministering to 28

The future of the Church rests on you and your prayers. – Archdiocesan vocation director Fr Alex Chua

parishes and three churches of devotion.� He noted that there are presently more than 300 Religious Brothers and Sisters from 14 congregations and “still there’s a need for more.� “To be more effective in the promotion of vocations, I would

Seminarians from the St Francis Xavier Major Seminary were among those who took part in the World Day of Prayer for Vocations celebration on May 14.

like to exhort you to join the Vocation Promotion Teams in your parishes and the Serra Club of our archdiocese,� he said. Mr Dexter Chua, 27, who is currently discerning whether he has a vocation to the diocesan priesthood, told CatholicNews, “This event gives me courage

to answer the call. At the moment, I’m still in the discernment stage.â€? “Prayer is really the basis of every vocation,â€? said Br Jovita Ho, 36, a seminarian at the St Francis Xavier Major Seminary. “Without prayer, there’s no vocation‌ When you’re in the semi-

nary, God is truly the centre of your life.� The May 14 celebration was organised by the Diocesan Vocation Committee and St Francis Xavier Major Seminary in collaboration with the Serra Club of Singapore, which promotes priestly vocations. „


Sunday June 5, 2011 „ CatholicNews

Celebrating marriage at ME event Some 60 couples marked their milestone wedding anniversaries recently A successful marriage rests on one biblical word – “loveâ€?, according to Willie and Teresa Koh, a couple who have been married for 51 years. “That is the strong foundation that a marriage needs to sit on; and it is this that enabled us to go through the ups and downs in life steadfastly together,â€? said one of them during the Worldwide Marriage Encounter Singapore’s 32nd anniversary celebration. The Kohs were one of about 600 people, including couples and their families, who attended the event at the Church of St Vincent de Paul on May 17, Vesak Day. Apart from the anniversary Mass, the celebration also honoured couples marking their milestone anniversaries, in multiples RI ÂżYH \HDUV IURP WKHLU ÂżIWK WR 50th anniversaries. Of the 60 couples or so celebrating such anniversaries, four have been married for more than 50 years.

“It is an amazing sight to behold,â€? said Mr Adrian Tee, who renewed his marriage vows with his wife, Jennifer, during the celebraWLRQ IRU WKH ÂżUVW WLPH Âł, DP WRXFKHG by the love the couples have for their marriage and the Church to show up in force on a public holiday for this special occasion.â€? Mrs Tee remarked, “I am eagerly waiting for 2014 to mark our 15th wedding anniversary in a similar way.â€? It was the second time that Daniel and Julie Ho, parents of two teenage children, were taking part in the Marriage Encounter (ME) anniversary Mass. “Today’s involvement is very special for us as we are celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary this year,â€? said one of them. Archbishop Nicholas Chia, in his homily, encouraged ME priests and couples to continue helping married couples discover God in their relationship. Mar-

riages go wrong when there is no place for God in the couples’ lives, he said. “The Holy Family is the model for all to follow. Ponder on the roles of Joseph, Mary and Jesus, and imitate them in your family,� he said. The ME ecclesial team, comprising Fr Luke Fong and Patrick and Rachel Tee, in a speech, noted that the ME movement in Singapore has presented the weekend programme 370 times over the last 31 years. They said their focus this year would be to get couples who have attended ME to be more active in the community. „ Page 18: How can a family be holy?

Above: Couples at the Worldwide Marriage Encounter Singapore’s 32nd anniversary celebration. Below: Some of the couples who marked their milestone anniversaries. Photos: ALAN YONG


Sunday June 5, 2011 „ CatholicNews

La Salle Religious from Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand pose for a photo with Archbishop Nicholas Chia after their May 15 gathering. Also in the photo are Vicar General Br Thomas -RKQVRQ IRXUWK IURP OHIW DQG %U 'DYLG +DZNH *HQHUDO &RXQFLOORU IRU WKH 3DFLÂżF $VLD UHJLRQ IRXUWK IURP ULJKW

New La Salle ‘district’ covers 7 territories The La Salle Brothers have launched their new Religious administrative division covering seven territories. About 200 of the congregation’s representatives and lay associates from Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand gathered on May 15 to inaugurate this new “district�, called the Lasallian East Asia District (LEAD). The event took place at the St Joseph’s Institution Performing Arts Centre. Filipino Br Edmundo Fernandez was formally appointed Brother Visitor of LEAD, the equivalent of a provincial. In his speech, the Hong Kongbased Brother called for a greater sharing of resources and personnel among the La Salle communities in these countries, called “sec-

Filipino Br Edmundo Fernandez, Brother Visitor of the Lasallian East Asia District.

tors�. They comprise a total of 105 Lasallian schools with 175,000 students and 15,000 teachers. He also called for patience, prayer, imagination and creativity as the Brothers and associates try

to refound the Lasallian presence in these places. In his address, La Salle Vicar General Br Thomas Johnson recalled the restructuring process that began in 2003 under the guidance of Br David Hawke, General CounFLOORU IRU WKH 3DFL¿F $VLD UHJLRQ The meeting also saw new leaders appointed for the seven sectors. The new leader for Singapore is now Br Paul Ho, a Malaysian. He takes over from Br Collin Wee. The event, which was transmitted live over the Internet, began with a Mass celebrated by Archbishop Nicholas Chia, Redemptorist Fr Gerard Louis and Franciscan Friar John Wong. The decision to hold the ceremony at St Joseph’s Institution was to recall the coming of the six pioneer Brothers to Singapore and Penang in 1852. „


Sunday June 5, 2011 „ CatholicNews

The archdiocese recently held a forum and Mass to help Catholics better understand and support the Church in China

œ6¡SRUHDQV FDQ KHOS build bridges between ORFDO &KLQD &KXUFKHV¡ By Darren Boon

About 300 people, including China Catholics, attended a Mass on May 24 to pray for the Church in China.

Don’t distinguish between ÂśXQGHUJURXQG¡ ÂśRIĂ€FLDO¡ &KXUFK By Darren Boon When one meets a Catholic from China, it is not helpful to ask the person if he or she is from the “unGHUJURXQG´ RU ÂłRIÂżFLDO´ &KXUFK says a priest. It is not helpful for outsiders to distinguish between them, said Fr Henry Siew. He was speaking at a Mass to pray for the Catholic Church in China, held on May 24 at the Church of Sts Peter and Paul. Pope Benedict XVI has urged the universal Church to pray for the China Church on this day. In his homily in English and Mandarin, Fr Henry said the main difference between the “underJURXQG´ DQG ÂłRIÂżFLDO´ &KXUFK communities is that the latter has had its places of worship and activities registered with the Chinese government, while the former is unwilling to do so due to persecution during the Cultural Revolution. “They are still recovering from the pain and hurt,â€? Fr Siew said, but added that the Church in China is of “one heart and one mind with the universal Churchâ€? and prays for the pope. “We as outsiders should not

add to their burden by making distinctions among them. What we can and should do is to pray for them, encourage them, dialogue with them, help them to create mutual understanding and respect,� he said.

Fr Henry Siew

Fr Siew also dismissed the notion that all Catholics from WKH ÂłRIÂżFLDO´ &KXUFK FRPPXQLW\ have to join the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association. Fr Siew told the congregation that when they prayed to the Lord to “send more labourers for the harvestâ€? to also include themselves as one of the “labourersâ€?. Photo: DAVID WONG

He noted that Singapore and other Catholics in the region have provided monetary support to dioceses in the southern China such as in the construction of churches, including one in Haikou, Hainan Island, as well as pastoral support in programmes like the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) and Marriage Encounter. However, there is a “plentiful harvestâ€? in Singapore with new migrants and foreign workers, many of whom are Mandarin speaking, he stressed. These people have spiritual QHHGV WR EH IXOÂżOOHG KH VDLG Actions can speak louder than words, Fr Siew noted. He gave an example of a parishioner from the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary who tried to share his faith with a Chinese tenDQW LQ (QJOLVK DV KH ZDV QRW Ă€XHQW in Mandarin. The tenant later decided to visit a Catholic church and subsequently converted. This convert also encouraged others to embrace the Catholic faith. Some 300 people attended the Mass to pray for the China Church. „ darrenboon@catholic.org.sg

Fun, fellowship at intervarsity games day By Daryl Gomes

NUS, NTU and SMU Catholic students played friendly matches on May 21.

formed faithful can help build friendship and relations with the Catholics visiting China can attend Catholic Church in China, he said. Mass as well as receive the SacraFr Heyndrickx suggested that ments in either the “undergroundâ€? Catholics visiting China on sightor “openâ€? Catholic Church com- seeing trips could include in their munities, said Fr Henry Siew. itinerary a side trip to churches, Both communities share the acquaint themselves with the clersame faith and pray for the pope, gy and congregation, and particihe added. pate in liturgical celebrations. Fr Siew made this point at a One can obtain information talk titled The Catholic Church about the churches in China with in China – What We in Singapore the help of a booklet the Scheut Can Do, held at the Church of Sts Missions had written, called AmPeter and Paul on May 11. bassadors for Christ to China, he +H DOVR VSRNH EULHĂ€\ RQ WKH said. Fr Heyndrickx also advised history of the China Church and making spiritual preparation beits recent developments. fore going on such a pilgrimage. Another of the evening’s Meanwhile, Fr Siew said it is speakers, Scheut Missions priest important to adopt a balanced apFr Jeroom Heyndrickx, said that proach to news and information the China Church is experienc- about the China Church. ing growth with He also adan increase in vised not to focus churches, Relitoo much on the gious, seminardivision within ians and faithful the China Church despite the divibut rather concension that exists trate on offering between the “unpastoral help to dergroundâ€? and China’s Catho“openâ€? Church lics. communities. Fr Siew noted The Belgian that parishes such priest, who is as Church of Sts based in Taiwan Peter and Paul, and who has made Church of St Mifrequent trips to Scheut Missions priest Fr Jeroom chael and Church China since 1982, Heyndrickx. File photo: UCANEWS.COM of the Nativity of said cooperation the Blessed Virgin between the Singapore and China Mary have groups providing asChurches in areas such as Mar- sistance to and spiritual activities riage Encounter and the Rite of for Chinese migrant workers. Christian Initiation of Adults had He encouraged Catholics in helped the Chinese gain a greater their parishes to observe the needs understanding of the Church in of migrant workers and to take the Singapore. initiative to share the faith with The challenge for the Singa- them. pore Church today is how its faithAbout 120 people attended the ful can interact with the Church in hour-and-a-half forum. Some ChiChina, he added. na Catholics were among them. „ The Singapore Church with its enthusiasm, vibrancy and in- darrenboon@catholic.org.sg

A cloudy Saturday afternoon saw about a hundred Catholic undergraduates taking part in matches DW WKH DUFKGLRFHVHœV ¿UVW &DWKROLF Intervarsity Games Day. The May 21 event, held at Catholic Junior College, was to provide a day of fun and fellowship after the end of the academic year. The National University of Singapore’s Catholic Students’ Society (CSS), Nanyang Technological University’s Catholic

Students’ Apostolate (CSA), and Fides, Singapore Management University’s Catholic community, organised the games. A total of about six teams from each campus ministry locked horns in street soccer, captain’s ball and Ultimate Frisbee. They were competing for hamper prizes for each sport, as well as for the overall championship trophy. SMU emerged overall champion based on their outstanding performances in all three sports, a remarkable accomplishment as they are the smallest and youngest

of the three campus ministries. “It is indeed heartening to see that everyone has enjoyed themselves,â€? quipped Fides president Barry Chng, a business student. “This has also been a really good platform for members from the three universities to have closer interaction and some healthy competition with one another.â€? The three campus ministries are organising Freshman Orientation Camps this June and July. Check out http://www.nuscss.org/, http:// clubs.ntu.edu.sg/catholic/ and KWWS VPXÂżGHV ZRUGSUHVV FRP


Sunday June 5, 2011 „ CatholicNews

Lay leaders, schools campaign against Philippine bill MANILA – Catholic lay leaders opposed to a controversial Reproductive Health (RH) bill said that “civil disobedienceâ€? in the form of non-payment of taxes is an option if the bill is passed. The country’s bishops, however, have opposed this form of protest. Human Life International country coordinator Dr Rene Bullecer, speaking at a May 23 meeting in the central province of Cebu, said lay organisations are united in their resolve for a civil disobedience campaign. “Let us see what lies ahead‌. Not paying taxes is just one of the options when we talk about direct democracy,â€? Dr Bullecer said. He said he preferred the term “direct democracyâ€? and not “civil disobedienceâ€?. Archbishop Jose Palma of Cebu, in a forum with businessmen recently, said disobedience is not an option but stressed that the Church would not stop in campaigning against the bill. Catholic leaders, including the Philippine bishops’ conference, are opposed to the bill, which ZRXOG PDQGDWH WKDW DUWLÂżFLDO FRQtraceptives be made available. The bill’s opponents have scheduled prayer vigils, signature campaigns and caravans in different regions in the coming weeks. However, debates on the Senate version of the bill may not start until at least late July, according to Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile. The next session of Congress will start on July 25, when President Benigno Aquino III is expected to deliver his second State of the Nation Address. Meanwhile, Catholic schools have also joined a campaign against the bill as the country’s bishops have

Ms Mae Belgica explains to teachers the developmental stages of an unborn baby during a pro-life seminar in Manila on May 20. Debate has been raging in the Philippines over a reproductive health bill that would make DUWLÂżFLDO FRQWUDFHSWLYHV DYDLODEOH CNS photo

RI¿FLDOO\ SXOOHG RXW RI GLDORJXH ZLWK the government on the issue. Schools in the Malolos diocese, for instance, are holding forums, seminars and teach-ins, and are distributing posters and reading materials about the alleged harmful provisions of the RH bill. One priest said Catholic schools in the diocese are actively campaigning against the measure now pending in Congress. After backing out of talks with the presidential palace, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines is focusing its efforts on convincing legislators

Opponents of the Reproductive Health bill have scheduled prayer vigils, signature campaigns and caravans in different regions in the coming weeks.

to vote against the bill. President Benigno Aquino on May 18 urged the Catholic Church to work with his government on issues rather than engage in heated discussions over the controversial bill. “I urge the Church to work with us instead on the many areas where we do agree: poverty alleviation, peace and order, and perhaps, even responsible mining. Let us work together,â€? he said. Addressing the Philippine Medical Association (PMA), Mr Aquino said the issue of legislated provisions for the reproductive health of women “does not have to be as divisive as it has becomeâ€?. He said his administration had worked with the Catholic Church before, citing discussions with the Basic Ecclesial Communities, for instance. “Other than the RH, [they] KDYH UDLVHG WKH LVVXHV DERXW Ă€RRGing, deforestation and crime, which my administration has addressed,â€? he said. „ UCANEWS.COM

Indians oppose Internet guidelines NEW DELHI – Christians in India

fear new Internet guidelines laid down by the federal government could curb freedom of speech and be used against minorities. Under the new rules, websites must tell users not to publish any posts that are blasphemous, incite hatred, are ethnically objectionable, infringe patents, or threaten India’s unity or public order. The government will be able to block any website or remove any “objectionableâ€? content within 36 hours without explanation, said Nikhil Pahwa, editor of MediaNama, an electronic media website. Department of Information 7HFKQRORJ\ RIÂżFLDOV VD\ WKDW ZLWK Internet usage growing, there needs

to be monitoring and regulation. But both the Church and the Internet industry are opposed to the new guidelines, albeit for different reasons. The industry says LW ZLOO DGG WR LWV ÂżQDQFLDO EXUGHQ while the Church is concerned the guidelines might be misused. Fr Jude Botelho, director of the National Institute of Social Communications Research and Training says the guidelines are too generic and open to interpretation. It could be a tool to “targetâ€? minorities or anyone who does not toe the government line, he said. “The medicine should not worsen the sickness,â€? said Fr George Plathottam, the Catholic bishops’ social communications

secretary. Hindu fundamentalists can easily claim Christian literature is meant for religious conversion and have it removed, he said. Fr Botelho agrees the guidelines can easily be manipulated to suit vested interests. “We have examples of this in some countries where minorities are harassed and threatened with imprisonment for so-called blasphemy,â€? he said. The new UXOHV GHÂżQLWHO\ KDYH SRWHQWLDO IRU abuse, said Mr Pushkar Raj, general secretary of the People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL). “The PUCL is exploring the possibility of challenging the constitutionality of the new rules.â€? „


Sunday June 5, 2011 „ CatholicNews

World Youth Day visa ban frustrates Pakistanis

Sri Lankan soldiers stand guard near displaced ethnic Tamils in Sri Lankan in 2009. &16 ÂżOH SKRWR

Church foundation to assist Burmese refugees, Sri Lankans SEOUL – Burmese refugees and Sri Lankans still recovering from a long civil war will be the princiSDO EHQHÂżFLDULHV RI D PLOOLRQ won (S$114,000) fund raised by the Gwangju Human Rights Peace Foundation. Archbishop Hyginus Kim Hee-jung, the foundation director, announced the assistance plan on May 16 during a Mass to mark the 31st anniversary of the Gwangju Democratisation Movement. The foundation also intends to help tribal women in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and dalit people in Nepal. Dalit are the former “untouchablesâ€? in the caste system. The money was raised through donations from Catholics in

Kwangju archdiocese as well as from other Gwangju residents. “The foundation decided to support them as they are the most in need,� said Fr Raphael Kim Jae-hak, executive director of the foundation. Kwangju archdiocese set up the foundation in October to commemorate a pro-democracy uprising in Gwangju in 1980, which ended in a massacre of protesters by government militia. “The foundation commemorates the suffering of the Gwangju people in 1980 by supporting people around the world who are enduring similar experiences today,� Archbishop Kim had said at the foundation’s inauguration ceremony in October. „ UCANEWS.COM

PAKISTAN – Hundreds of World Youth Day hopefuls have been left disappointed by a Spanish government decision to suspend visas for Pakistan pilgrims. According to the Spanish secretariat-general for World Youth Day (WYD), the ban was imposed to avoid an illegal immigrant problem. “Many people from this country [Pakistan] have tried to stay in Europe after past WYD celebrations as illegal immigrants, that’s why the Spanish government has suspended the granting of visas,â€? WKH RIÂżFH VDLG DGGLQJ WKDW RUJDQisers are now deciding whether to refund “at least most of would-be participants’ moneyâ€?. Mr Azhar Sadiq, a Catholic youth leader, said eight members of his group had registered for World Youth Day, paying 17,000 rupees (S$240) each. The Catholic Church is presently negotiating with the Spanish


embassy to give visas to “deserving faithful�. The vicar general of Karachi archdiocese says he holds individual churches responsible for the visa restriction on Pakistanis. “Many small churches have

issued approvals which have affected Catholic aspirants. Many of those who registered are above 30, are not even Church leaders and applied for their whole families,� he said. The Spanish government should make sure that all pilgrims return, he added. Mr Pervez Roderick, secretary of the Catholic Youth Commission, said the Pakistan political situation, lack of job opportunities and poor salaries were responsible for many youths wanting to leave the country. “Still, the Catholic Church is a reliable sponsor for sending Pakistani delegations for international events. Most WYD pilgrims recommended by us have returned,� he said. More than 340,000 young people from more than 170 countries have signed up for World Youth Day, which takes place from Aug 16-21 in Madrid. „ UCANEWS.COM


Sunday June 5, 2011 „ CatholicNews

International family meeting to be held in Italy VATICAN CITY – Catholics, like

everyone, often are challenged to balance the demands of family, work and free time, but they also have an obligation to show others there is a Christian approach to all three. “Our being Catholic should become a unique and original way of living the challenges that face every family,â€? said Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi of Milan at a Vatican news conference on May 24 to discuss plans for the World Meeting of Families 2012. The international gathering, FR VSRQVRUHG E\ WKH 3RQWLÂżFDO Council for the Family, will be held in Milan, Italy, from May 30June 3, 2012. Pope Benedict XVI is expected to attend. At the news conference, Cardinal Tettamanzi and Cardinal Ennio Antonelli, president of the family council, presented cat-

echetical material to help Catholic couples around the world prepare for the gathering. The Family: Work and Celebration is the theme for the 2012 gathering and while Cardinal AnWRQHOOL VDLG VSHFLÂżF FKDOOHQJHV vary widely around the world, “globalisation means that many problems are becoming common everywhere in the worldâ€?. 7KH 3RQWLÂżFDO &RXQFLO IRU the Family has translated the catechetical material into various languages and will send the texts to bishops’ conferences to print, distribute and adapt, he said. Milan archdiocese has launched a website for the 2012 meeting (www.family2012.com) DQG WKH 3RQWLÂżFDO &RXQFLO IRU WKH Family also has opened a new website (www.family.va) although as of May 24 most of the content was available only in Italian. „ CNS

Palestinian Christians wary about Obama’s peace proposals JERUSALEM – US President Barack Obama’s call for Israeli and Palestinian states based on Israel’s 1967 borders met with a largely wary response from Palestinian Christians. While the Palestinians welcomed his proposal – which includes mutually agreed-upon land swaps – in May 19 and 22 speeches, they doubted that Israel would easily back away from Palestinian territory it has occupied for nearly 44 years. Mr Sami Awad, executive director of the Holy Land Trust and a promoter of nonviolent resistance to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory, called Mr Obama’s proposal “symbolicâ€?. “It was like every other president, he pushes the envelope a bit more than the previous president. That’s not enough,â€? he said. Mr Awad added that the plight of Palestinian refugees must be recognised and solved. As an activist, Awad also expressed disappointment that Mr Obama failed to acknowledge what he believes to be a growing Palestinian nonviolence movement that seeks to challenge Israeli policy. Mr Hussam Elias, an Arab Catholic living in Cana, Israel, who directs the Galilee programme for the Jerusalem Centre for JewishChristian Relations, noted that the FUXFLDO LVVXH RI WKH ÂżQDO VWDWXV RI Jerusalem had been left out of Mr Obama’s talks, even though settling on the city’s future is key to reachLQJ D ÂżQDO UHVROXWLRQ WR WKH FRQĂ€LFW Even so, Mr Obama’s speeches were an indication that “the time had comeâ€? for Palestinians and Israelis to make serious PRYHV WRZDUG D ÂżQDO DQG MXVWLFH peace agreement, Mr Elias said. “It is clear that with the revo-

Palestinian girls light candles at St Joseph Church in the West Bank town of Jifna. Palestinians doubt that Israel would easily back away from territory it has occupied for decades. CNS photo

lutions in the Middle East and all the social and political changes taking place, the current situation cannot continue,� he said. “Israel needs to decide if it wants to be a part of the new Middle East or to be left out alone.� Fr Raed Abusahlia, priest of Holy Redeemer Church in the West Bank village of Taybeh, said most of his parishioners believed the Americans and Israelis were “wasting their time� and preferred to see concrete action to bring about peace. “We will continue our regular daily life,� he said. Fr Abusahlia said he was

‘It was like every other [US] president, he pushes the envelope a bit more than the previous president. That’s not enough.’ – Mr Sami Awad, executive director of the Holy Land Trust

pleased with Mr Obama’s call for a two-state solution with Israel’s 1967 borders as a starting point for talks, but the priest said Prime 0LQLVWHU %HQMDPLQ 1HWDQ\DKXœV strong opposition was predictable. The priest also said the existHQFH RI RQH VWDWH ZRXOG VXI¿FH as long as all residents – Jews, Christians, Druze and Muslims alike – lived in equality. He expressed doubt that most Israelis, who insist on recognition of the Jewish nature of Israel, would accept such a proposition. )U 9LQFHQW 1DJOH DVVLVWDQW parish priest at Holy Family Parish in Ramallah, said that although there was some interest among parishioners when Mr 2EDPD VSHFL¿FDOO\ PHQWLRQHG the 1967 borders, most people are ³MDGHG DQG QRW ZLOOLQJ WR DOORZ themselves to be vulnerable.� He said he found most parishioners to be cynical about the initiatives rather than expressing optimism only to be disappointed when they fail. „ CNS

Papal envoy visits tsunami zone SENDAI, JAPAN – Two months after a strong earthquake created havoc in Japan, setting off a tsunami and crippling a nuclear power plant, Pope Benedict XVI sent an envoy to the disaster area to express the pope’s concern for all affected, the Vatican said. Cardinal Robert Sarah (right), SUHVLGHQW RI WKH 3RQWL¿FDO &RXQcil Cor Unum visited Japan with 0VJU 6HJXQGR 7HMDGR 0XQR] Cor Unum’s undersecretary, from May 13–17. On May 15, Cardinal Sarah celebrated a memorial Mass for the deceased victims of the recent disasters at Sendai City’s MoWRGHUDNRML &DWKHGUDO $W WKH HQG RI the Mass, Cardinal Sarah present-

ed Bishop Tetsuo Hiraga of Sendai with the proceeds of a special collection taken up at the Vatican during the Holy Thursday liturgy on behalf of Japan’s disaster victims. That afternoon, the cardinal

went out by car to some of the sites of the devastation. In Shichigahama, a Miyagi Prefecture town, the cardinal walked with others along a strip of land, now barren, where houses had been swept away in the tsunami. Later, the retinue moved on to Ishinomaki City and Sendai diocese’s base of relief operations at Ishinomaki Church. On May 14, the cardinal visited Iwaki City in Fukushima Prefecture, where Saitama diocese is engaged in relief activities. He listened to members of the diocese who are involved in the efforts and visited Onahama Church there. Here, too, money collected at the Vatican was donated to the cause. „ CNS, UCANEWS.COM


Sunday June 5, 2011 „ CatholicNews

Pope makes historic call to outer space

VATICAN CITY – A new Vatican

VATICAN CITY – Pope Benedict

XVI held a historic teleconference recently with the crew of the International Space Station, during which he asked them questions and praised them for their courage. ZENIT news agency reported that the pope was able to see the 12 American, Italian and Russian astronauts on a large-screen TV in the Vatican Library during the 20-minute teleconference. The crew, however, could only hear the pope during the session on May 21, which took place during the last mission of the US space shuttle Endeavour. The pope addressed a question to US shuttle commander Mark Kelly, whose wife, Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, was recovering after being critically injured from a gunshot wound to the head. Wishing Ms Giffords a full recovery, the pope asked Mr Kelly, “When you are contemplating Earth from up there, do you ever wonder about the way nations and people live together down here, about how science can contribute to the cause of peace?â€? 0U .HOO\ÂśV UHSO\ Âł:H Ă€\ RYHU most of the world and you don’t see borders, but at the same time ZH UHDOLVH WKDW SHRSOH ÂżJKW ZLWK each other and there is a lot of violence in this world and it’s really an unfortunate thing.â€?

¾:H À\ RYHU PRVW RI WKH ZRUOG DQG \RX GRQœW VHH ERUGHUV œ – Astronaut Mark Kelly speaking to the pope

Vatican urges ‘generous’ approval of Tridentine Mass

Pope Benedict speaking to astronauts in the International Space Station via video link. CNS photo

The pope asked Mr Mike Fincke, mission specialist for the shuttle, what advice he would pass on to children “who will live in a ZRUOG VWURQJO\ LQĂ€XHQFHG E\ \RXU experiences and discoveries?â€? The astronaut said that he hoped the space mission would “let the children of the planet know ... that there is a whole universe for us to go explore. And when we do it together, there is nothing that we cannot accomplishâ€?. The pope also reminded Mr Roberto Vittori, an Italian member of the team, of the medallion decorated with the image of the

creation of man, as painted by Michelangelo, which the pope had given him before this mission. He asked Mr Vittori if he remembered to pray while out in space. The astronaut let the weightOHVV PHGDOOLRQ Ă€RDW LQ IURQW RI WKH screen and said, “I do pray: for me, for our families, for our future.â€? He added that the beauty of the Earth from his extraordinary vantage point “is capturing my heartâ€?. The teleconference was coordinated by the Johnson Space Center in Houston, with the help of the Vatican and the European Space Agency. „ ZENIT, CNS

instruction urges local Church leaders to respond generously to Catholics who seek celebration of the Mass according to the 1962 Roman Missal, commonly known as the Tridentine rite. The instruction, issued on May 13, said pastors should approve such Masses even when groups are small or are formed of people from different parishes or dioceses. These faithful cannot, however, contest the validity of the modern Mass or the authority of the pope. “In deciding individual cases, the pastor or the rector, or the priest responsible for a church, is to be guided by his own prudence, motivated by pastoral zeal and a spirit of generous welcome,â€? it said. Depending on pastoral needs, bishops should make sure seminarians are trained in celebrating the Tridentine rite, or “extraordinary formâ€? of the Mass. At the same time, the Vatican VDLG WKH 3RQWLÂżFDO &RPPLVVLRQ Ecclesia Dei would be responsible IRU HQVXULQJ ORFDO &KXUFK RIÂżFLDOV were making the old rite available where warranted. The instruction was issued by the Ecclesia Dei commission and approved by Pope Benedict XVI. It came nearly four years after the pope, in his apostolic letter, SumPRUXP 3RQWLÂżFXP UHOD[HG UHstrictions on use of the Tridentine rite and said it should be made

available in every parish where groups of the faithful desire it. The new instruction said the pope’s letter of 2007 had three main aims: to offer the old rite to all the faithful as a “precious treasure� to be preserved, to guarantee the use of the old rite “for all who ask for it� and to promote reconciliation in the Church. The easing of restrictions on

3DVWRUV VKRXOG DSSURYH VXFK 0DVVHV HYHQ ZKHQ JURXSV DUH VPDOO RU DUH IRUPHG RI SHRSOH IURP GLIIHUHQW SDULVKHV RU GLRFHVHV WKH ULWH LV MXVW WKH ÂżUVW VWHS LQ D “reform of the reformâ€? in liturgy, the Vatican’s top ecumenist said. The pope’s long-term aim is not simply to allow the old and new rites to coexist, but to move towards a “common riteâ€? that is shaped by the mutual enrichment of the two Mass forms, Cardinal Kurt Koch, president of the 3RQWLÂżFDO &RXQFLO IRU 3URPRWLQJ Christian Unity, said on May 14. In effect, the pope is launching a new liturgical reform movement, the cardinal said. Those who resist it, including “rigidâ€? progressives, mistakenly view Vatican II as a rupture with the Church’s liturgical tradition, he said. „ CNS


Sunday June 5, 2011 „ CatholicNews

Bishops ordered to draft guidelines for sex abuse cases Vatican wants bishops’ conferences to have ‘clear and coordinated procedures’ VATICAN CITY – Every bishops’ conference in the world must have guidelines for handling accusations of clerical sex abuse in place within a year, says the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. In a letter dated May 3 and released by the Vatican on May 16, US Cardinal William J. Levada, KHDG RI WKH 9DWLFDQ RIÂżFH VDLG that in every nation and region, bishops should have “clear and coordinated proceduresâ€? for protecting children, assisting victims of abuse, dealing with accused priests, training clergy and cooperating with civil authorities. Describing sexual abuse of minors as “a crime prosecuted by civil lawâ€?, the doctrinal congregation said bishops should follow local laws that require reporting cases of abuse to police. Jesuit Fr Federico Lombardi, Vatican spokesman, said the fact that conferences were given until the end of May 2012 to draft their guidelines demonstrates how seriously the Vatican takes the matter. “The aim is to give bishops a strong common denominator for drafting guidelines appropriate to their own national situation, with its unique culture and legislation,â€? he told reporters. The guidelines the doctrinal congregation now is seeking throughout the world do not have to be binding, the letter said, alWKRXJK WKH\ PXVW UHĂ€HFW WKH ELQGing provisions of canon law and the special provisions enacted in 2001 and last year. The special provisions issued in the past 10 years expanded or extended several points of Church ODZ WKH\ GHÂżQHG D PLQRU DV D person under age 18 rather than 16; set a statute of limitations of 20 years, instead of 10 years, after the victim’s 18th birthday for bringing a Church case against an alleged perpetrator; established an abbreviated administrative procedure for removing guilty clerics from the priesthood; and included child pornography in the list of serious crimes which could bring expulsion from the priesthood. Not all welcome the Vatican instruction. Ms Barbara Dorris, a spokeswoman for the US group Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP), said that “the Vatican abuse guidelines will change littleâ€?, particularly because they do not insist that the guidelines be binding. The doctrinal congregation VDLG QHZ JXLGHOLQHV VKRXOG UHĂ€HFW

People protest against clergy sex abuse outside the US Conference of Catholic Bishops headquarters in Washington on May 18. CNS photo

the fact that diocesan or national review boards “cannot substitute for the discernmentâ€? and decision-making authority of individual bishops. “The responsibility for dealing with the delicts of sexual abuse of minors by clerics belongs in the ÂżUVW SODFH WR WKH GLRFHVDQ ELVKRS ´ the letter said. But the adoption of guidelines is to “lead to a common orientation within each episcopal conference, helping to better harmonise the resources of single bishops in safeguarding minorsâ€?.

People making accusations against a priest should be treated with respect, and ‘spiritual and psychological assistance’ offered to victims, says a Vatican letter to bishops. Citing Pope Benedict’s meetings with representative victims of child sexual abuse in his trips outside Italy, the doctrinal congregation’s letter encouraged bishops or their representatives to meet with victims and their families. Bishops’ conferences should consider introducing child protection programmes aimed at creating “safe environments� for children and educating Church workers and parents about the

signs of abuse and how to handle suspected cases, the letter said. The letter reiterated the need for bishops and Religious communities to exercise special care when accepting candidates for the priesthood or Religious life and to provide “a healthy human and spiritual formation� and a clear understanding of the value and meaning of chastity. Special emphasis was given in the letter to the obligation of bishops and Religious superiors to exchange information about candidates who transfer from one diocese, seminary or Religious order to another. The Vatican letter offered bishops’ conferences guidance in dealing both with those making accusations as well as with accused clerics. People making accusations against a priest should be treated with respect, it said, and “spiritual and psychological assistance� should be offered to victims. The Vatican said when an accusation is made, a priest must be presumed to be innocent until it is proven he is not. However, it said, a bishop can limit an accused priest’s ministry until an investigation can be conducted. Bishop Paul Tan, president of the Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei bishops’ conference and head of Melaka-Johor diocese, told CatholicNews that the bishops of the region will discuss the Vatican’s letter during their July 3-8 meeting. „ CNS Related stories: Pages 14 and 15.


Sunday June 5, 2011 CatholicNews

Syrian children and women arrive in Dabbabieh, in northern Lebanon. Migrants who decided to stay in Libya are in desperate need of food, medicine and clothing, says a nun. CNS photos

Religious continue to offer aid to migrants in Libya ROME – Despite the worsening cri-

sis in Libya, Religious women and men continue to offer pastoral care and desperately needed services to the country’s many migrants. Many of these migrants who have stayed behind have lost their jobs and have nowhere else to go, which leaves them searching for food, medicine, clothing and most of all, rent money, said a nun working just outside Tripoli. Sr Shirley of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary told Catholic News Service on May 20 that the livelihoods of many immigrants depended on the oncestrong presence of diplomats, oil workers and other foreign professionals. After these left, there was little or no work left for the lowerpaid immigrant workers. “Lots of [migrants] come ÀRFNLQJ WR WKH &KXUFK ORRNLQJ IRU help,” she said. The nuns have been able to give out small amounts of cash and they have been distributing food and other supplies they reFHLYH IURP WKH RI¿FH RI WKH 81 High Commissioner for Refugees via Tunisia, she said. Many migrants who decided to stay did so because they have been living in Libya for a number of years and are hoping the situation in the country improves, she said. Many of them also have no home or work to return to in their country of origin. Five religious communities, including the Missionaries of Charity and the Daughters of the Sacred Heart, are working in and around Tripoli. The Sisters at the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary community near Tripoli worked at a govern-

ment-run home for the elderly or centres for education. Some have been unable to continue their work because they need to use a car to get around, Sr Shirley said. Rising gas prices and shortages have PDGH WKLV H[WUHPHO\ GLI¿FXOW All of the Catholics in Libya are foreign workers, said Sr Shirley, who is from India. Most come from India, the Philippines, Ghana, Congo, Nigeria and Sudan, and some are from Europe. Fr Daniel Farrugia, vicar of the apostolic vicariate in Tripoli,

The pope has called for an end to violence.

said there had been some 100,000 Christians living in Libya before WKH FRQÀLFW 7KRVH ZKR KDYH stayed are usually the women working in the hospitals. Pope Benedict XVI has renewed his appeal for a negotiated settlement in Libya and called for an end to bloodshed in Syria. Speaking at the Vatican May 15, the pope said the situation in Syria required urgent efforts. “I ask the authorities and all the citizens to spare no effort in seeking the common good and in accepting the legitimate aspirations for a future of peace and stability,” he said. CNS


Sunday June 5, 2011 „ CatholicNews

Fortnightly newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore

2 Highland Road, #01-03 Singapore 549102. Telephone: 6858 3055. Fax: 6858 2055. Website: www.catholicnews.sg MANAGING EDITOR: Father Johnson Fernandez: MRKIHUQ#FDWKROLF RUJ VJ







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6PDOO 9DWLFDQ RIÀFH has broad reach By Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY – As two recent documents illustrate, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith keeps an eye on almost everything coming out of the Vatican. Although it has fewer than 50 employees, whatever any Vatican RI¿FH GRHV RU VD\V KDYLQJ WR GR with faith and morals is a matter that falls under the congregation. $V WKH KHLU RI WKH +RO\ 2I¿FH of the Inquisition, and housed in a building still known as the Palace RI WKH +RO\ 2I¿FH WKH FRQJUHJDtion often is portrayed as an agency almost exclusively dedicated to seeking out errant theologians and condemning their writings. The congregation does review books that bishops’ conferences bring to its attention, especially if the book presents itself as explaining Catholic morals or doctrine and is widely used in schools of theology or seminaries. But since Pope Benedict XVI was elected in 2005 and US Cardinal William J Levada was appointed to succeed him as the congregaWLRQœV SUHIHFW WKH RI¿FH KDV LVVXHG only one formal public criticism RI ZULWWHQ ZRUNV D QRWL¿FDWLRQ about two books by a liberation theologian, Jesuit Fr Jon Sobrino. More and more, the congregation’s pronouncements involve the application of Catholic moral teaching to questions concerning the very beginning and very end of human life. Biotechnology, the use of human embryos, politics and abortion, euthanasia and the care of the dying all have been topics of recent documents. In early May, the Vatican published two documents signed by

Cardinal Levada that demonstrate MXVW KRZ ZLGHVSUHDG WKH FRQJUHgation’s reach is. An instruction released on May 13 called on bishops and pastors to respond generously to Catholics who want to attend Mass celebrated according to the 1962 Roman Missal, commonly known as the Tridentine rite. And a letter released on May 16 ordered all bishops’ conferences to prepare guidelines for dealing with accusations of clerical sexual abuse and for ensuring the protection of children.

The international commission studying alleged Marian apparitions in Medjugorje works under the auspices of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

The letter on clerical sexual abuse falls under the congregation’s disciplinary section, its largest. This section also deals with “the most serious crimes committed in the celebration of the sacramentsâ€?, particularly the Eucharist and confession, examines “crimes against the faith – heresy, schism DQG DSRVWDV\ Âą DQG ÂżQDOO\ HYDOXates cases of alleged apparitions, visions and messages with a presumed supernatural originâ€?, says the annual report, Activity of the Holy See. The international commission of bishops and theologians appointed in March to study the al-

leged Marian apparitions in MedMXJRUMH IRU H[DPSOH LV ZRUNLQJ under the auspices of the doctrinal congregation. The disciplinary section also coordinates “the admission of former non-Catholic ministers to the priesthood and other similar questionsâ€?, the annual report said. Under the provisions of Pope Benedict’s 2009 apostolic constitution, the doctrinal congregation is charged with establishing special structures for former Anglicans entering full communion with the Roman Catholic Church while preserving aspects of their Anglican heritage. Cardinal Levada and his staff are not doing all that work alone. +LV RIÂżFH KDV FDUGLQDO DQG bishop members and 28 consulting theologians. Most of the consultants are proIHVVRUV DW SRQWLÂżFDO XQLYHUVLWLHV LQ Rome and they get together at the congregation three times a month to offer their expert opinions and share their research on questions the congregation considers pressing. More comprehensive, longterm studies are carried out by two other commissions that answer to the doctrinal congregation. The 3RQWLÂżFDO %LEOLFDO &RPPLVVLRQ LV conducting a study on “inspiration and truthâ€? in the Bible. The International Theological Commission is working on three topics: the principles, meaning and methods of theology; belief in one God and its implications for relations among Jews, Christians and Muslims; and ways to better integrate Catholic social teaching into Catholic teaching in general. Every Wednesday, the cardinal and bishop members who are in Rome gather around a conference table to review issues and make decisions. And, each Friday evening, Cardinal Levada meets with the pope for discussions. The meetings are important given the congregation’s broad UHDFK 9LUWXDOO\ HYHU\ RIÂżFH RU agency that belongs to the Roman Curia deals with something doctrinal, at least occasionally. „ CNS

Henri Nouwen’s art of communication HENRI NOUWEN was perhaps the most popular spiritual writer of the late 20th century and his popularity endures today. More than seven million of his books have been sold worldwide and they have been translated into 30 languages. Fifteen years after his death, all but one of his books remain in print. Many things account for his popularity, beyond the depth and learning he brought to his writings. He was very instrumental in helping dispel the suspicion that had long existed in Protestant and Evangelical circles towards spirituality, which was LGHQWLÂżHG LQ WKH SRSXODU PLQG DV VRPHWKLQJ PRUH H[FOXVLYHO\ 5RPDQ Catholic and as something on the fringes of ordinary life. Both his teaching and his writing helped make spirituality something mainstream within Roman Catholicism, within Christianity in general, and within secular society itself. For example, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has stated that his book, The Return of the Prodigal Son, is the book that has had the largest impact on her life. +H ZURWH DV D SV\FKRORJLVW DQG D SULHVW EXW KLV ZULWLQJV DOVR Ă€RZHG from who he was as a man. And he was a complex man, torn always between the saint inside of him who had given his life to God and the man inside of him who, chronically obsessed with human love and its earthy yearnings, wanted to take his life back. He was fond of quoting Soren Kierkegaard who said that a saint is someone who can “will the one thingâ€?, even as he admitted how much he struggled to do that. He did will to be a saint, but he willed other things as well: “I want to be a saint,â€? he once wrote, “but I also want to experience all the sensations that sinners experience.â€? He confessed in his writings how much restlessness this brought into his life and how sometimes he was incapable of being fully in control of his own life. In the end, he was a saint, but always RQH LQ SURJUHVV +H QHYHU ÂżW WKH SLRXV SURÂżOH RI D VDLQW HYHQ DV KH ZDV DOZD\V recognised as a man from God bringing us more than ordinary grace and insight. And the fact that he never hid his weaknesses from his readers helped account for his stunning popularity. +LV UHDGHUV LGHQWLÂżHG ZLWK KLP EHFDXVH he shared so honestly his struggles. He related his weaknesses to his struggles in prayer and, in that, many readers found themselves looking into a mirror. Like many others, ZKHQ , ÂżUVW UHDG +HQUL 1RXZHQ , KDG D A book by the late Henri sense of being introduced to myself. Nouwen, priest and author. And he worked at his craft, with diligence and deliberation. Nouwen would write and rewrite his books, VRPHWLPHV ÂżYH WLPHV RYHU LQ DQ HIIRUW WR PDNH WKHP VLPSOHU :KDW KH sought was a language of the heart. Originally trained as a psychologist, his early writings exhibit some of the language of the classroom. However as he developed as a writer and a mentor of the soul, he began more and more to purge his writings of technical and academic terms and strove to become radically simple, without being simplistic; to carry deep sentiment, without being sentimental; to be self-revealing, without being exhibitionist; to be deeply personal, yet profoundly universal; and to be sensitive to human weakness, even as he strove toward the sublime. )HZ ZULWHUV UHOLJLRXV RU VHFXODU KDYH LQĂ€XHQFHG PH DV GHHSO\ DV Henri Nouwen. I know better than to try to imitate him, recognising that what is imitative is never creative and what is creative is never imitative. Where I do try to emulate him is in his simplicity, in his rewriting things over and over in order try to make them simpler without being simplistic. Like him, I believe that there’s a language of the heart (that each generation has to create anew) that bypasses the divide between academics and the street, and which has the power to speak directly to everyone regardless of background and training. Jesus managed it. Nouwen sought to speak and write with that kind of directness. He didn’t do it perfectly, nobody does, but he did do it more effectively than most. He recognised too that this is a craft that must be worked at, akin to learning language. I dedicated my book, The Holy Longing, to him, with this tribute: He was our generation’s Kierkegaard. He helped us to pray while not knowing how to pray, to rest while feeling restless, to be at peace while tempted, to feel safe while still anxious, to be surrounded by light while still in darkness, and to love while still in doubt. If you are occasionally tortured by your own complexity, even as \RXU GHHSHVW GHVLUH LV WR ÂłZLOO WKH RQH WKLQJ´ SHUKDSV \RX FDQ ÂżQG D mentor and patron saint in Henri Nouwen. He calls us beyond ourselves, HYHQ DV KH UHVSHFWV KRZ FRPSOH[ DQG GLIÂżFXOW WKDW MRXUQH\ LV +H VKRZV us how to move towards God, even as we are still torn by our own earthly attachments. „


Sunday June 5, 2011 CatholicNews

‘Wrong ideas about sex abuse’ A US report highlights misperceptions about clergy sex abuse and gives recommendations on prevention WASHINGTON – Several commonly held assumptions about clergy sexual abuse of minors are actually misperceptions, says a major study on the problem in the United States. The study, released at the headquarters of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops in Washington on May 18, was conducted by a team of researchers at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice of the City University of New York. “No single psychological, developmental or behavioural characteristic differentiated priests who abused minors from those who did not,” the study report said. Furthermore, it was found that “the majority of priests who abused were not driven by particular pathologies, and most did not ‘specialise’ in abuse of particular types of victims.” The report said 70 percent of priests referred for abusing a minor “had also had sexual behaviour with adults”. It often is thought that the sexual abuse crisis in the Church continues unabated today, the report observed. But it said “the peak of the crisis has passed”. It said the Church “responded”, abuse cases decreased substantially and clergy sexual abuse of minors “continues to remain low”. Data show that abuse incidents

Clinical data do not support the hypothesis that priests with a homosexual identity DUH VLJQL¿FDQWO\ PRUH likely to sexually abuse minors than priests with a heterosexual orientation, says the report. Ms Karen Terry, principal investigator for the John Jay College report, speaks during the May 18 press conference. Beside her is Bishop Blase J. Cupich, chairman of the US bishops’ Committee on the Protection of Children and Young People. CNS photo

were “highest between the mid1960s and the mid-1980s”, the report noted. “Ninety-four percent of the abuse incidents reported to the Catholic Church from 1950 through 2009 took place before 1990”, it said. Currently, “fewer new reports are brought forward” each year. The report dispelled certain misperceptions regarding the abusers’ sexuality. It said: “Clinical data do not support the hypothesis that priests with a hoPRVH[XDO LGHQWLW\ DUH VLJQL¿FDQWly more likely to sexually abuse”

minors than priests “with a heterosexual orientation or behaviour”. However, “because of the large number of sexual abuse victims who were male minors”, homosexuality’s role in the abuse “has been a notable question”. The study considered it “important to note that sexual behaviour does not necessarily correspond to a particular sexual identity”. A possible reason that so many male minors were abused is that priests had greater access to them, the report speculated.

The study showed that “the RQO\ VLJQL¿FDQW ULVN IDFWRU UHODWHG to sexual identity and behaviour was a ‘confused’ sexual identity, and this condition was most commonly found in abusers who were ordained prior to the 1960s”. Neither celibacy nor the Church’s male priesthood undergirded the sexual abuse problem, the report said. Priestly celibacy, consistently practised in the Church over many centuries, cannot explain the spike of abuse cases from the mid-1960s to the mid-1980s and the steep decline after 1985, the report added. In a key summary observation on abuse prevention, the report

said: “For abuse to occur, three factors must converge: There must be a person who is motivated to commit the act of abuse, there must be a potential victim and there must be a lack of a ‘capable guardian’.” The report recommended that Catholic leaders and others in the Church: 0DNH LW PRUH GLI¿FXOW IRU priests to commit abuse. Safe environment programmes serve this goal. Make it more likely that DEXVHUV ZLOO EH LGHQWL¿HG Institute periodic evaluation of the performance of priests. Maintain and evaluate steps to prevent abuse. Exercise “transparency in reporting and dealing with sexual abuse”. The report said priests should have “outlets to form social friendships and suitable bonds with age-appropriate persons.” The report stressed that “to fully achieve change in the Catholic Church, all diocesan leaders must be committed to transparency about their actions, ensure that the immediate and appropriate responses to abuse become routine and ensure that such actions are adopted on a national level by all Church leaders”. CNS


Sunday June 5, 2011 „ CatholicNews

Archbishop Chia’s message for World Communications Sunday When I was a young boy growing up in Singapore, news and information came to us mainly through the radio and printed newspapers. We had no telephone, no television, and no computer. If we wanted to communicate with someone, we wrote a letter by hand or spoke face-to-face. The world has changed! With the plethora of communications options available today, we not only receive news and information from all over the world, anywhere, and at any time, but we also KDYH WKH SRZHU DW RXU ÂżQJHUWLSV WR spread information just as easily, especially through online networks such as Facebook and Twitter, NQRZQ DV WKH QHZ ÂłVRFLDO PHGLD´ Social media makes each of us a communicator. However, with this freedom of self-expression comes a responsibility. Pope Benedict XVI’s theme for this year’s World Communications Sunday is Truth, Proclamation and Authenticity of Life in the Digital Age. In his message, His HoliQHVV H[SUHVVHV WKDW ÂłWKHUH H[LVWV a Christian way of being present in the digital world: this takes the form of a communication which is honest and open, responsible and UHVSHFWIXO RI RWKHUV´ Thus, just as we show respect and dignity in our human interactions with others, so too must our ÂłYLUWXDO SUHVHQFH´ UHĂ€HFW WKH VDPH Christian values that we are taught. The Pope also urges us to rePDLQ ÂłDXWKHQWLF DQG IDLWKIXO´ WR RXUVHOYHV DYRLGLQJ ÂłH[FHVVLYH H[SRVXUH´ WR WKH YLUWXDO ZRUOG Especially for the young, His HoOLQHVV FDXWLRQV DJDLQVW ÂłHQFORVLQJ oneself in a sort of parallel existHQFH´ DQG ÂłFRQVWUXFWLQJ DQ DUWLÂżFLDO SXEOLF SURÂżOH IRU RQHVHOI´ Parents may protect their children by becoming engaged in their children’s online activity, perhaps using it as a way to further strengthen family bonds by becoming connected online. Parents must be mindful to enforce limitations on time spent in cyberspace, prioritising human over virtual interaction through their own example. 2XU YLUWXDO SUHVHQFH RU ÂłGLJLWDO SURÂżOH´ DIIRUGV XQOLPLWHG RSportunities for spreading our faith. The Vatican recently met with a selected group of Catholic bloggers, recognising the need to dialogue with the people who are expressing opinions publicly about the Catholic Church. An interesting outcome was the recognition of the missionary aspect of social communication, which represents a new type of pastoral

presence on the Internet. Indeed, it is not only the content of our communications but how we say what we say that matters. Through our style of communication, we can spread Christian values of love, kindness, humility and charity. This means that we may need to read emails over once or twice EHIRUH FOLFNLQJ ÂłVHQG´ RU UHĂ€HFWLQJ on our blog or Facebook content before posting. We must always ask ourselves: is this message I’m about to send one that I would like to receive? Are my words kind, or could they be hurtful? When we do engage in religious expression online, we must ask ourselves whether our comments stem from knowledge of

important role in communications today. Thus, in living out our Christian faith both in our human as well as our virtual communications with others, we can become true messengers of God’s word. 7KRVH ZKR ZRUN LQ WKH ÂżHOG RI communications have a particular responsibility to become beacons of Christ’s teaching. Your work is challenging in D FXOWXUH ZLWK VR PXFK ÂłQRLVH´ coming at us from every angle. We pray that you may resist the WHPSWDWLRQ WR ÂłJR ZLWK WKH Ă€RZ´ never compromising your faith in your communications. May you grasp what is true and important, conveying honest messages with integrity, and may you

An image of Pope Benedict XVI is seen on a Vatican website as displayed on an Apple iPod touch. &16 ÂżOH SKRWR

Would Jesus have His own blog RU )DFHERRN SDJH" ,I VR ZKDW ZRXOG +H VD\ DQG KRZ ZRXOG +H VD\ LW"

Smartphone apps for Catholics on the go! CatholicNews readers share the apps WKH\ ÀQG XVHIXO IRU WKHLU IDLWK App: Holy Rosary Audio What it does: Narrates all the mysteries of the rosary Usefulness: Helps in meditation Price: US$0.99

App: Rosary – Mysteries of the Holy Rosary (Ryan MacCarthy) What it does: Provides verses and &KULVWLDQ YDOXHV IRU UHÀHFWLRQ Price: Free

Contributor: Heilda Ong

Contributor: Lorilen Canlas

App (for Android): Catholic One What it does: Has daily Mass readings, the Bible, Catholic prayers, the rosary etc Usefulness: Once downloaded, no need for Internet connection Price: Free

App: Divine Mercy What it does: Offers Divine MerF\ SUD\HUV DQG UHĂ€HFWLRQV Price: Free

Contributors: Patrick Chan, Vincent Chia

App: iMissal What it does: Complete missal (NAB translation) which can be YLHZHG RIĂ€LQH 2UGHU RI 0DVV 2XU Daily Bread, Catholic prayers etc Usefulness: When travelling without Internet access Price: US$4.99 Contributor: Michael Chong

the Gospel and Church teachings, or are they our own opinion. This distinction must be made clear so as not to confuse others. The Church faces a real challenge in this regard. How do we dialogue most effectively with the digital culture? If Jesus were alive today, would He have His own blog or Facebook page? If so, what would He say, and how would He say it? Pope Benedict XVI notes, ³'LUHFW KXPDQ UHODWLRQV DOZD\V remain fundamental for the transPLVVLRQ RI WKH IDLWK ´ Nothing can replace human contact when it comes to relationship-building and witnessing the Word of God in action. That said, social media presents new opportunities for building relationships and plays an

discern with eyes of faith, using your communication skills to enlighten and educate the community in Christian values and teachings. Today, we are all communicators in one way or another! Whether in our business or personal lives, we are afforded opportunities each day to convey positive messages and promote Christian values. The new media affords unlimited potential for communication and self-expression on a grand scale. Let us pray that we make wise choices in our communications, opting always to educate and not to alienate; to build bridges and not to enclose ourselves in caves. „ Yours devotedly in Christ,

Archbishop Nicholas Chia.

App: Catholic Calendar Usefulness: For daily Mass readings Price: Free Contributors: Clare Tan, Kevin Yeow

Contributor: Kevin Siew

App: Universalis What it does: Contains the weekday and weekend missals, as well as daily prayers. Price: US$24.99 App: NAB Bible for BibleReader Price: US$19.99 App: 3 Minute Retreat Usefulness: Has questions for reĂ€HFWLRQ DW WKH HQG RI WKH ÂłUHWUHDW´ Price: US$0.99 App: H2Onews Usefulness: Contains news from the Vatican Price: Free

App: Evangelizo – Daily Gospel Usefulness: Daily Gospel readings Price: Free

App: SGCatholics Usefulness: For checking Mass times in Singapore Price: Free

Contributor: Ronnie S. David

Contributor for the above: Monica Tan


Sunday June 5, 2011 „ CatholicNews

Imagining digital parish life in the near future $ \RXQJ &DWKROLF EORJJHU SUHGLFWV WKH EHQHĂ€WV DQG ULVNV RI VRFLDO PHGLD IRU FKXUFK FRPPXQLWLHV By Brandon Vogt “Please turn off your handphones and other electronic devices.â€? Millions of Catholics hear this mantra every week before Mass. But imagine a priest instead requesting parishioners to “please, take out your handphones and turn them on.â€? You would surely hear gasps as people wonder whether the priest had spoken wrongly. Yet this petition is increasingly being made at many parishes in the US. St Mary’s Catholic Center, the campus parish at Texas A&M University, is one example. One weekend last September, at the end of each Mass, the priest asked all parishioners to whip out their phones and turn them on. He then asked them to SMS some basic information to a number associated with the parish, including their name, phone number and email address. Within a couple of minutes, thousands of parishioners beamed their info to a registration database, establishing a digital connection between the parish and its parishioners (those without handSKRQHV ZHUH VWLOO DEOH WR ÂżOO RXW traditional registration cards). Later, parishioners were sent an email inviting them to complete their registration on the parish website. There, each parishioner could create a unique DFFRXQW WKURXJK D WRRO FDOOHG Ă€RFN1RWH ZZZ Ă€RFNQRWH FRP This tool allows each person to choose which parish groups and ministries they wish to re-

selves to Death, Neil Postman observed how our electronic culture treats all serious topics as entertainment – including religion. In the face of this, parishes must remind that they are not meant to be consumed, but to be joined – not to be rated, but to be served. Great potential


ceive updates from. The parish’s college students became especially excited about the option to choose how they would receive these messages. Email? Twitter? Facebook? Text messages? Each person decided how the parish connected with him or her, not the other way around. As new media increasingly dominate our world through blogs, social media, podcasting, interactive websites and text messaging, parishes can’t afford to sit out this digital revolution.

New media tools have already shifted the ways we communicate. Facebook, the largest online social network, has over 500 million users. In the last 24 hours alone, people have viewed more than 2 billion videos on YouTube. And last year, Americans sent 1.8 trillion text messages, an average of almost 6,000 per person. Parishes at a crossroads Most parishioners have made the digital world their new habitat.

A youth digital ministry Studies show that young adults lag behind other demographics in just about every religious activity: attending Mass, reading the Bible, and praying daily among other measures. Parishes KDYH JUHDW GLIÂżFXOW\ UHDFKLQJ them. Yet these same young adults are typically the most savvy with new media. Inviting these “digital nativesâ€? to instruct the parish’s “digital immigrantsâ€? can be a prime way to engage, connect with, and evangelize them. Young people who are experts at e-mail, Facebook, and blogging can teach older parishioners who are just breaking into the computer world. Similarly, pastors can institute a Digital Ministry Commission in their


parish, inviting young people to become leaders on the team. Each of these measures can

draw young people deeper into parish life, paving the way for a relationship with Christ. „ CNS

The question is, will parishes take up residence, too? Today’s technologies, for all of their positive effects, do pose serious risks to Catholics and parishes. Upon opening our Internet browser, we’re quickly swept into a torrent of articles, videos, downloads, pictures and emails. And we explore this content without regularly centring our attention. How then can parishes encourage undistracted prayer? One way is to urge practices like lectio divina, contemplative prayer and Eucharistic adoration. Parishioners may see these devotions as unproductive and pointless through the lens of electronic culture. But parishes must respond by showing how they instead form the basis of a full and peaceful life. In today’s always-on, alwaysconnected world, we have contact with more people than ever before. However, relationships become reduced to sentencelong Facebook comments and 140-character Twitter tweets. How should parishes respond to this online shallowness? One way is a renewed emphasis on communal gatherings like small faith-sharing groups and service-oriented ministries, each of which provide depth unavailable online. Parishes should ultiPDWHO\ UHPLQG WKHLU ÀRFNV DV GLG Pope John Paul II, that electronically mediated relationships can never take the place of direct human contact. In his book, Amusing Our-

Despite its negative effects, new media hold an incredible potential for good. Many parish leaders have already recognised this – like those at St Mary’s – and are busy creating interactive websites, joining social networks and experimenting with new technologies. More than one recent pope has called these new tools “gifts from Godâ€? and there are many reasons why. Many priests only see parishioners once a week at best. And for most Catholics, religion has become primarily a Sunday-only activity. But what if spiritual conversation continued into the rest of the week? New media make this possible more than ever. In terms of formation, parishes can use these tools to become perpetual catechists. They can provide downloadable homilies on their websites. They FDQ XVH WKHLU )DFHERRN SURÂżOHV to instruct parishioners and others outside the parish. And they can use parish blogs to highlight Catholic articles from the Internet. New media’s evangelistic potential is even greater. Parishes have no better way to reach vast numbers of people than through new media. By creating an attractive website and joining a couple of social networks, parishes can easily and cheaply reach numerous people who would otherwise never enter a church. Envision a priest discussing his homily through Twitter. Picture parishioners recalling a parish event through Facebook. Or imagine an inactive Catholic posting religious questions on a parish’s YouTube video. Each of these things are already happening and will become even more common in coming years. :KHWKHU LQ WKH ÂżUVW RU VW century, the goal of each parish remains the same: to make saints. Any new technology, including new media, should be assessed in light of this mission. „ CNS 7ZHQW\ IRXU \HDU ROG 9RJW LV DXWKRU RI WKH ERRN 7KH &KXUFK DQG 1HZ 0HGLD %ORJJLQJ &RQYHUWV 2QOLQH $FWLYLVWV DQG %LVKRSV ZKR 7ZHHW WR EH UHOHDVHG RQ $XJ

18 FOCUS „ From Page 1

share does not derive its worth from its “popularityâ€? or from the amount of attention it receives. We must make it known in its integrity, instead of seeking to make it acceptable or diluting it. It must become GDLO\ QRXULVKPHQW DQG QRW D Ă€HHWLQJ attraction. The truth of the Gospel is not something to be consumed or XVHG VXSHUÂżFLDOO\ UDWKHU LW LV D JLIW that calls for a free response. Even when it is proclaimed in the virtual space of the web, the Gospel demands to be incarnated in the real world and linked to the real faces of our brothers and sisters, those with whom we share our daily lives. Direct human relations always remain fundamental for the transmission of the faith! I would like then to invite &KULVWLDQV FRQÂżGHQWO\ DQG ZLWK an informed and responsible creativity, to join the network of relationships which the digital era has made possible. This is not simply to satisfy the desire to be present, but because this network is an integral part of human life. The web is contributing to the development of new and more complex intellectual and spiritual horizons, new

Sunday June 5, 2011 „ CatholicNews

forms of shared awareness. ,Q WKLV ¿HOG WRR ZH DUH FDOOHG to proclaim our faith that Christ is God, the Saviour of humanity and of history, the one in whom all things ¿QG WKHLU IXO¿OPHQW FI (SK The proclamation of the Gospel requires a communication which is at once respectful and sensitive, which stimulates the heart and moves the FRQVFLHQFH RQH ZKLFK UHÀHFWV WKH example of the risen Jesus when he joined the disciples on the way to Emmaus (cf. Lk 24:13-35). By his approach to them, his dialogue with them, his way of gently drawing forth what was in their heart, they were led gradually to an understanding of the mystery. ,Q WKH ¿QDO DQDO\VLV WKH WUXWK RI Christ is the full and authentic response to that human desire for relationship, communion and meaning ZKLFK LV UHÀHFWHG LQ WKH LPPHQVH popularity of social networks. Believers who bear witness to their most profound convictions greatly help prevent the web from becoming an instrument which depersonalizes people, attempts to manipulate them emotionally or allows those who are powerful to monopolize the opinions of others. „

How can your family be holy?

Your family can be holy when you choose to love your spouse, children and parents in spite of hurts. Photo: JOAN SOONG

Mass times for Ascension of the Lord Ascension Sunset Masses on June 1 Ascension Day Masses on June 2 CITY

Cathedral of the Good Shepherd -XQH DP SP SP St Joseph’s Church -XQH SP -XQH SP SP Church of Sts Peter and Paul -XQH SP 0DQGDULQ

-XQH DP SP Church of Our Lady of Lourdes -XQH SP -XQH SP SP SP 7DPLO

Church of the Sacred Heart -XQH SP -XQH DP SP Church of St Teresa -XQH SP -XQH DP SP Church of St Alphonsus (Novena Church) -XQH SP -XQH DP SP SP Church of St Bernadette -XQH SP -XQH DP SP Church of St Michael -XQH SP -XQH DP SP EAST

Church of the Holy Family -XQH SP -XQH DP SP SP

Church of Our Lady Queen of Peace -XQH SP -XQH DP SP 8:15pm (M) Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour June 1: 6:15pm -XQH DP SP SP SP Church of St Stephen -XQH SP -XQH DP SP Church of the Holy Trinity -XQH SP -XQH DP SP SP Church of Divine Mercy -XQH SP -XQH DP SP SP


Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary -XQH SP SP 0DQGDULQ

-XQH DP SP SP Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary -XQH SP SP -XQH DP SP SP Church of St Francis Xavier -XQH SP SP -XQH DP SP SP St Anne’s Church -XQH SP -XQH DP SP SP Church of St Vincent de Paul -XQH SP -XQH DP SP SP


St Joseph Church (BT) -XQH SP -XQH DP SP SP Church of St Anthony -XQH SP -XQH DP SP Church of Our Lady Star of the Sea -XQH SP -XQH DP SP SP Church of the Holy Spirit -XQH SP -XQH DP SP SP Church of the Risen Christ -XQH SP -XQH DP SP SP SP Church of Christ the King -XQH SP -XQH DP SP SP SP


Church of St Ignatius -XQH SP -XQH DP SP SP Blessed Sacrament Church -XQH SP -XQH DP DP SP SP Church of St Mary of the Angels -XQH SP SP -XQH DP SP SP SP Church of St Francis of Assisi -XQH SP -XQH DP SP (Mandarin), 8:15pm Church of the Holy Cross -XQH SP -XQH DP SP SP SP 0DQGDULQ DW St Michael’s Room

By Fr Henry Siew Once I was discussing with a couple that “Scripture says: Be holy for I am holyâ€? (1 Peter 1:16). And I continued, “What the verse means is that we are called to holiness, as persons, and as a family.â€? The couple protested, “Ours is not the Holy Family. We are not Joseph, Mary and Jesus. How can we be holy?â€? What they were trying to say was that they did not think they were special persons like the family of Jesus. They judged that they lacked that something extra, so they did not think their family could be holy. Jesus, Joseph and Mary are, of course, different from us, and Jesus is truly the Son of God while you and I are not. Yet the fact is that Jesus humbled Himself to come among us to share in our human conditions; He lived like one of us. Joseph and Mary were two ordinary village folks who experienced the weaknesses, hardships and struggles of life. Their family was holy not because they had something special, but they were ordinary people living life according to God’s plan for them. They were the Holy Family because they cooperated with God and allowed His power and love to work within them. Your family can be holy when you allow the life and love of God to be manifested in it, when you choose to love your spouse in spite of the hurts you experience, when you choose to listen to your parents even though you judge them to be too nagging, when you choose to care for your children though they seem to be rebellious. Married couples who constantly “make the decision to loveâ€? stay in relationship with each other DQG ZLWK *RG 7KLV LV D VLJQLÂżFDQW

concept that is advocated in the Marriage Encounter Weekend programme. When love becomes a way of life at home, your family is holy. In his book Dwelling in God’s Love, Fr Frans de Ridder quoted Jacintha’s description of holiness in her relationship with Timothy, her handicapped child. “In Timothy’s presence I exSHULHQFH *RG ,VQÂśW WKDW WKH GHÂżnition of a sacrament: an outward sign of inward grace? He is in full communion with God, and just looking at him, loving him and being loved by Timothy I experience God’s abundant graceâ€?, she said. “He is God’s gift to us. I am not ashamed of bringing him to church and to the supermarket. He is a special grace to all.â€?

Married couples who constantly ‘make the decision to love’ stay in relationship with each other and with God. Many parents complain that SDUHQWLQJ LV GLIÂżFXOW ,W LV EHFDXVH they use their time, money and energy on the wrong things. They often place their emphasis on their children’s achievements, most of all on their studies. Actually only one thing is necessary – love them and teach them to love others. Then they will be able to experience God’s presence, and be joyful and be disposed to learn. Without holiness in the family, spouses cannot enjoy greater intimacy, parents cannot be satisÂżHG DQG WKH FKLOGUHQ ZLOO QRW EH happy. „ Fr Siew is a presenting priest in the Marriage Encounter Weekend programme. The website is http://www. marriage-encounter-sg.org/

Sunday June 5, 2011 „ CatholicNews



Sunday June 5, 2011 „ CatholicNews


St Germanus (sometimes called Germain) was born in France in 496. He UHFHLYHG IRUPDO UHOLJLRXV WUDLQLQJ IRU PXFK RI KLV OLIH DQG KH EHFDPH ¿UVW an ordained priest and then the bishop of one of the suburbs of his hometown of Autun. When the See of Paris became open, King Childebert promoted Germanus to the position. In spite of his new prominent status, Germanus continued to live simply and was always feeding and caring for the poor and unfortunate people of his community. The king was so impressed by the compassion and generosity of *HUPDQXV WKDW KH WRR EHJDQ WR KHOS WKH SRRU DQG KH KHOSHG WR ¿QDQFH new religious establishments. Germanus established a church in Paris with a monastery, which became the burial place of the royal family. The church was named after Germanus after his death. We honour Germanus on May 28. „

Bible Accent: JESUS said, “You cannot serve both God and mammon.� But who, or what, is “mammon�? From the context, it sounds as if mammon were a person or a false god, but mammon can be understood to mean greed, especially to the extent that money or possessions are the most important things to greedy people. Mammon can also mean wealth that was acquired through dishonesty or by hurting others. One of the most important lessons that Jesus tried to teach was that we should love one another. The message about God and mammon is similar to that one. Our hearts should be on the things of God that are beautiful and eternal, and not on the things of the earth that are temporary and can be spoiled. „

BIBLE TRIVIA: What does the word “Gospel� mean?

Read more about it: Matthew 6-7 Q&A 1. What did Jesus say about the birds in the sky? 2. What did Jesus say we should seek ÂżUVW"


PUZZLE: Using the numbered clues, fill in the missing letters to form an important word. What is the extra word that these missing letters spell? 1. A____k Noah’s boat 2. Sa____nt Holy person 3. ____od Our Father 4. Matt____ew Gospel writer 5. ____ruth Honesty 6. Ez____kiel Old Testament prophet 7. Zi____n Holy mountain 8. Pa____l Famous missionary 9. ____aul Israel’s first king Extra word: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Answer to Wordsearch:

St Germanus

about tomorrow; tomorrow will take FDUH RI LWVHOI 6XI¿FLHQW IRU D GD\ LV its own evil.� „

Answer to Bible Trivia: “Good news.�


enough money for clothing and food and to care for their children and maintain their homes. So He said to them, “So do not worry and say, ‘What are we to eat?’ or ‘What are we to drink?’ or ‘What are we to wear?’ All these things the pagans seek. Your heavenly Father knows WKDW \RX QHHG WKHP DOO %XW VHHN ÂżUVW the kingdom [of God] and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry

Puzzle: 1. Ark, 2. Saint, 3. God, 4. Matthew, 5. Truth, 6. Ezekiel, 7.Zion, 8. Paul, 9. Saul.

Jesus spoke to the crowd of people that had gathered to hear Him preach: “No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.� After making that statement, Jesus decided to tell the people how much God loves them, and how He demonstrates that love to them: “Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat [or drink], or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?� Jesus used an example from nature to show how God cares for everything He made, especially for the people He created: “Look at the birds

in the sky; they do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your life-span?â€? Jesus gave the people another example from nature and its beauty to make a comparison to their need for good clothing: “Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from WKH ZD\ WKH ZLOG Ă€RZHUV JURZ 7KH\ do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendour was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of WKH ÂżHOG ZKLFK JURZV WRGD\ DQG LV thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, O you of little faith?â€? Jesus knew that the people worried about whether they would have

Extra word: Righteous

By Joe Sarnicola


Sunday June 5, 2011 „ CatholicNews

EVENT SUBMISSIONS We welcome information of events happening in our local Church. Please send your submission at least one month before the event. Online submissions can be made at www.catholic.sg/webevent_form.php Thursdays May 26 to July 28 POST ALPHA COURSE – LIFE WORTH LIVING SP $ SRVW $OSKD SURJUDPPH $ VHVVLRQ %LEOH VWXG\ H[DPLQLQJ WKH FKDQJHG OLIH RI D &KULVWLDQ $W &KXUFK RI %OHVVHG 6DFUDPHQW 7 5LFKDUG $QQH ( EVF DOSKD#JPDLO FRP : KWWS ZZZ DOSKD EVF June 3 to 5 MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND 8pm (Fri) - 6.30 pm (Sun): Marriage HQULFKPHQW SURJUDPPH IRU FRXSOHV married for 2 or more years. ME House, 3XQJJRO 6HYHQWHHQWK $YHQXH 7 9LQFHQW -XO\Q

( UHJLVWHU#PDUULDJH HQFRXQWHU VJ RUJ W: www.MESingapore.org June 4 and 11 DISCOVERING SPIRITUALITY IN ART 2-5pm: An invitation to participants to H[SHULHQFH WKHLU RZQ VSLULWXDOLW\ WKURXJK WKH XVH RI LPDJHU\ DQG DUW PHGLD OLNH SDVWHOV FKDUFRDO FOD\ DQG SDLQW 1R VSHFLDO VNLOOV RU DUW H[SHULHQFH UHTXLUHG Contribution: $120 (including art materials). Kingsmead Hall (8 Victoria Park Rd). T: 6467 6072 (Secretary); ( FLVF #JPDLO FRP : KWWS ZZZ FDWKROLF RUJ VJ FLVF June 4 SPIRITUALITY OF COMMUNION – FATHER MAY THEY BE ONE DP SP ,QYLWLQJ DOO \RXWK DQG FDWHFKLVW FRRUGLQDWRUV \RXWK PLQLVWU\ OHDGHUV IRU D ZRUNVKRS ZKLFK DLPV to facilitate dialogue and bring about understanding and unity. Cost: $5. By &DWHFKHWLFDO 2I¿FH DQG <RXWK 0LQLVWU\ 2I¿FH $W &DWKROLF $UFKGLRFHVDQ <RXWK Centre (2 Lor Low Koon). T: 6285 2571; ( VKDURQ#FD\FRQOLQH RUJ W: www.cayconline.org June 5 WORLD COMMUNICATIONS SUNDAY SP $UFKELVKRS 1LFKRODV &KLD ZLOO FHOHEUDWH D VSHFLDO 0DVV IRU WKH WK Annual World Communications Sunday. 7KH DUFKGLRFHVH LQYLWHV LQGLYLGXDOV IURP all facets of communications, including broadcasting, journalism, public relations, advertising and education to attend. Mass ZLOO EH IROORZHG E\ OLJKW UHIUHVKPHQWV DQG QHWZRUNLQJ $W &KXUFK RI 'LYLQH Mercy (19 Pasir Ris St 72) Register: ( FRPPXQLFDWLRQV#FDWKROLF RUJ VJ : KWWS ZZZ FDWKROLF RUJ VJ HYHQWV June 10 to 12 MARIAPOLIS – CITY OF LOVE 2011 3 days of fun and spiritual renewal to discover God’s Love. Activities available for everyone including special SURJUDPPHV IRU WKH \RXQJ FKLOGUHQ WHHQDJHUV DQG \RXWK 7KLV \HDUœV WKHPH LV RQ WKH ZLOO RI *RG KRZ WR XQGHUVWDQG it and put it into practice. By Focolare Movement. At Cactus Inn Resort, Masai, -RKRU 7 3HGUR 0LFKHOOH : ZZZ IRFRODUH RUJ VJ June 11 COME AND BE FILLED: DAY OF PRAYER IN PREPARATION FOR PENTECOST 9.30am-5pm: Inviting single women

RCIY/RCIA A journey in faith for those seeking to know more about the Catholic faith. Baptised Catholics are also invited to journey as sponsors. Thursdays from May 19 RCIA@CHURCH OF ST STEPHEN 7.30-9pm: T: 9757 2102 (Peter); ( SWKLHQ #\DKRR FRP Fridays from May 20 RCIA JOURNEY 25 @ QUEEN OF PEACE 7.45 pm: T: 9030 9527 (Martin); ( DGPLQ#TXHHQRISHDFH VJ Tuesdays from May 24 RCIA@CHURCH OF ST BERNADETTE SP 7 -DQLFH ( VW EHUQBUFLD#\DKRR FRP VJ UHJLVWUDWLRQ IRUPV DW SDULVK RIÂżFH RU : KWWS ZZZ VWEHUQDGHWWH RUJ VJ

aged 23-35 years to a Day of Prayer in preparation for Pentecost. By FMDM Vocation Team. At St Francis Convent 7KRPVRQ 5G 7 6U Angeline), 9783 8144 (Sr Angelin G); ( DQJLHIPGP#JPDLO FRP DQJHOLQ #KRWPDLO FR XN June 15 to 17 HOLY TRINITY CHURCH TRIDUUM 8-10pm: 3-day triduum talks by Fr %HUQDUG 7HR &6V5 EDVHG RQ WKH SDULVK IHDVW GD\ WKHPH RI :H $UH 2QH $OO DUH welcome. Saturdays, June 19 to July 23 LIFE IN THE SPIRIT SEMINAR 2011 – LET THERE BE LIGHT &DOOLQJ DOO WKRVH DJHG WR IRU Saturday sessions inclusive of a weekend VWD\ LQ UHWUHDW IURP -XO\ WR $W &$1$ (55 Waterloo St). By Living Stones Campus 2XWUHDFK : ZZZ OLYLQJVWRQHV RQOLQH RUJ Sundays, June 19 to July 17 SE7EN SP 'LVFRYHU WKH UROH \RX DUH PHDQW to play in God’s plan for you. Includes a VWD\ LQ ZHHNHQG UHWUHDW IURP -XQH -XQH $W &KXUFK RI 6W )UDQFLV ;DYLHU 7KRVH aged 21-35 years welcomed. Cost: $80. ( VH HQ HOHYHQ#KRWPDLO VJ 7 -RVKXD )% VH HQHOHYHQ June 24 to 26 THE BREAD OF LIFE: A DIRECTED RETREAT 8pm (Fri) - 6pm (Sun): A residential VLOHQW UHWUHDW WR UHÀHFW RQ WKH VLJQL¿FDQFH RI +RO\ &RPPXQLRQ DQG &KULVWLDQ commitment. One-to-one spiritual direction offered. Contribution: $70 (nonaircon); $120 (aircon) Kingsmead Hall, 8 Victoria Park Road, T. 64676072; F: ( FLVF #JPDLO FRP Wednesdays, July 13 to September 7 JEFF CAVIN’S A QUICK JOURNEY THROUGH THE BIBLE SP VHVVLRQV RI VWXG\LQJ -HII &DYLQœV $ 4XLFN -RXUQH\ 7KURXJK WKH %LEOH Easy to follow. All are welcome. Cost: $20. $W &KXUFK RI 6WV 3HWHU DQG 3DXO /HYHO &KDSHO ( KHQU\ZX#OXFDV FRP VJ Mondays, July 18 to September 19 WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE? 7.30-9.30pm: 8 session course by 'HDFRQ 6KHUPDQ .XHN 6)2 WR KHOS XV XQGHUVWDQG WKH GLIIHUHQFHV LQ SUDFWLFHV DQG EHOLHIV RI &DWKROLF 2UWKRGR[ DQG 3URWHVWDQW &KULVWLDQV %\ 6LQJDSRUH Pastoral Institute. At CWS Auditorium :DWHUORR 6W WK )ORRU 7 ( DGPLQ#FDWKROLFVSL RUJ Saturdays August 6 to 27 BASIC CATECHIST COURSE LITURGY MODULE 1 DP SP 3DUW RI WKH /HYHO FHUWL¿FDWLRQ SURJUDPPH IRU FDWHFKLVWV $ ZHHN FRXUVH IRU DOO FDWHFKLVWV DQG WKRVH LQYROYHG LQ IDLWK IRUPDWLRQ 7KLV FRXUVH lays a basic foundation for understanding WKH &KXUFKœV OLWXUJ\ LQFOXGLQJ D ORRN DW WKH 1HZ 5RPDQ 0LVVDO &RQGXFWHG E\ )U Ignatius Yeo, Liturgical Commission and )U (UELQ )HUQDQGH] FDWHFKHWLFDO GLUHFWRU $W &DWKROLF $UFKGLRFHVDQ (GXFDWLRQ &HQWUH +LJKODQG 5G 7 ( DGPLQ#FDWKROLFVSL RUJ August 28 to September 3 QUIETING THE SOUL (CHEUNG CHAU, HONG KONG) 0DNH D VLOHQW GLUHFWHG UHWUHDW DW WKH EHDXWLIXO &KHXQJ &KDX LVODQG +RQJ .RQJ 6SLULWXDO director will accompany you as you seek quiet, peace and God. Registration ends RQ -XQH 7 ( FHQDFOHVLVWHUV#\DKRR FRP VJ : KWWS ZZZ FDWKROLF RUJ VJ FHQDFOH Thursdays from May 26 RCIA@CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRIT SP $W 8SSHU 7KRPVRQ 5G 7 .LP +R ( NLPBIBKR# \DKRR FRP : KWWS ZZZ KRO\VSLULW VJ Tuesdays from May 31 RCIA@CHURCH OF STS PETER AND PAUL 7.30-9.30pm: At 225A Queen St. T: 9796 1288 (Allen), 9753 6863 -RDQQD ( VSSVLQJDSRUH#JPDLO FRP Wednesdays from June 11 RCIA@CHURCH OF THE HOLY FAMILY SP *DWKHULQJV WR EH KHOG on Wednesdays. Additional Sunday meetings (11am-12.30pm) from September. T: 9666 6542 Thursdays from July 7 RCIA@CHURCH OF NATIVITY OF THE BVM 7.30-9.30pm: At 1259 Upper Serangoon Rd. T: 9745 1498 (Grace)

Crossword Puzzle 1034 1














30 38







45 49


52 56

50 54











55 61









23 27


29 37














66 69








77 www.wordgamesforcatholics.com

ACROSS 1 â€œâ€Ś______ of my ERQHV DQG Ă€HVK RI my‌â€? (Gn 2:23) 5 Saul’s general 8QFORWKHG $XWXPQ ELUWKVWRQH 15 “And I will _____ you up on eagle’s wingsâ€? 16 Makes a mistake 17 “____, Sing Americaâ€? +XJKHV SRHP

/HDGHU RI WKH Maccabees :DONV ZLWK D KLWFK :LWKHUHG )UHQFK KRO\ ZRPDQ (abbr.) 24 Systematically arranged body of facts +RRNÂśV KDQG 29 Adverse fates &KHHVHG 35 Resinous deposit 38 Cries 40 Genesis serpent &HUWDLQ ZDUKHDGV DEEU


45 Home of Adam and Eve 46 Apple variety 48 Talk 50 Concorde 51 Vessel for perfuming WKH DOWDU 53 Reliable 55 Biblical measure 57 Railroad car 1HVW HJJ EULHĂ€\


6RPHWKLQJ WR FRS 0UV %XVK 0DGH KRO\ 71 Oaf 3UHÂż[ IRU VPDOO 73 Apple juice 74 Tasmanian peak ,GLWDURG YHKLFOH 3KDVH 77 _____-do-well

Solution to Crossword Puzzle No. 1033 H A B I T S O I L S K I M

















6 Ovine cry 7 Eggs 8 Politician Kefauver 9 Suits for battle again 10 OT book 7ULQLW\ DXWKRU /HRQ _______ 0LOG RDWK 13 Being (Lt.) 19 Pours 21 Frozen water vapor 25 Cover ,VODPLF FKLHIWDLQV BBBBBB .OHLQH 1DFKW Musik :KDW 6DPVRQ GLG ZKLOH KLV KDLU ZDV VKDYHG <RXWKV 33 Supplements &UDVK UHVXOW 3HUWDLQLQJ WR WKH QRQ ordained members of WKH &KXUFK )UHQFK FOHUJ\PDQ 37 “Let’s goâ€? 3URSKHWV 42 Indifferent 44 Mizzen or moonraker 47 Tidily kept %RWWRP RI VKLSÂśV KXOO $UWLFOHV RI FORWKLQJ RU bones of saints 54 He may be permanent 56 Equip anew 6SK\JPXV 59 Uneven 60 Detection equipment 61 Doctrines 62 Communion _______ 63 St. ______ du Beaupre 65 Verdi opera 6SDQLVK KHUR 69 Brain measure (abbr.) $ SDULVK SRVLWLRQ (abbr.)



Sunday June 5, 2011 CatholicNews


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