JUNE 15, 1935 VOL 01, N0 24

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The power and influence of the Catholic Press are so great that even seemingly insignificant activity in its favour is of great importance. Anything fou do for the Catholic Press I will consider done for me personally.—Pope Pius X L

In vain will you found missions and build schools, if you are not able to wield the


offensive and defensive weapon of a loyal Catholic Press.—Pope Pius X .








No. 24.

10 cents.

International Press Exhibition in Vatican City APRIL




Every Catholic knows the particular attention which has, of late, been bestowed upon the press by the Sovereign Pontiffs. The press is the most powerful means at our disposal for the spreading of our Holy Faith, and the maintenance of its morals. A t the same time it proves to be the most effectual defensive weapon against the attacks of our enemies. In their Encyclicals and Briefs, in their audiences to the thousands of pilgrims who flock to Rome every year, Popes with untiring perseverance pressed upon the faithful the duty of supporting a "loyal Catholic Press" whenever it existed and of creating it in the countries which were still without any Official Catholic Organ. Such is the importance attached by Our present Pope, His Holiness Pius X I . , to the Catholic Press that he went so far as to say: "Anything you do for the Catholic Press, I will consider done for me personally." His Holiness is well aware of the magnificent effort made in Mission-fields for the organization of a Catholic Press. His will is that it should succeed and thrive. With this object in view, Our Pope has decided that a Universal Exhibition of the Catholic Press would be held in the Vatican City, next year, from April to October. For the enlightenment of oiir readers, we publish in extenso an article from "Lumen Agency" in which is clearly laid down the scheme of the projected Exhibition. Rev. F r . R. Cardon has been appointed by H. Exc. Bishop Devals Correspondent of the Committee for the Vatican Catholic Press Exhibition. Plans for Vatican International Catholic Press Exhibit Completed Vatican City.—The Organizing Commitee has drawn up and published complete plans for the International Exposition of the Catholic Press to be held here from April to October 1936. The exhibition is to be a universal review of the Catholic Apostolate in the field of the periodical press. It will have a three-fold aim; to make the importance of a periodical press better understood; secondly, to draw attention to the best initiatives and most fruitful realizations in this field; thirdly, to stimulate further endeavours. It will illustrate all the vital <projplems o f ethics, organization, technique, %tc. of interest to Catholies in the field of the Press. This result is to be reached i>y means of photographic views* graphic demonstrations, statisti&r pictures, object lessons, and films. The Exposition will comprise three principal sections; (1) The General Section; (2) The Section i:


of National Departments; and (3) The Systematic Section. The General Section. This will exhibit the historical development of the periodical press in its technique, its evergrowing potentiality, and its increased social functions. It will make known the present state of the press all over the world and illustrate the daily and periodical press. The conditions under which Catholic journalists work to-day will be shown. Special prominence will be given to efforts for the training of journalists. In this section the public will also be able to examine all the "cog-wheels" which constitute the mechanism of a newspaper. A film' is being prepared which will illustrate in all its details the organization and life of a great modern journal. The Section of National Departments. Each nation is to have its department under the direction of a




8c C O . . L T D .


co-ordination centre constituted in the respective country. These na« tional centres wiH be free £ql choose ^nd order the exhifcis within the general? limits of the plan of the Exposition. With the object of facilitating their work, the Central Organizing Committee has prepared a series of suggestions embracing the chief points to be illustrated. They are (a) the progressive development of the national Catholic Press and a documentation of the principal press campaign carried on in each country in defense of the Church and her institutions, the family, schools, the social order, etc.; (b) the present state of the Catholic press of the country, with statistical data drawn up in such a way as to define the actual situation; (c) the initiatives, however modest, of a typical and characteristic nature worthy of study aftd imitation; (d) the services the Catholic press renders the Church, Catho-

lic life, and the cause of intellectual^ moral, civil and social progress in each country. * la- these national departments samples of periodicals and newspapers will be exhibited in as far as they serVfe to reconstruct the general picture starting the historical development and present state of the Catholic press in any given country. A special part of the Secofcd Section will be dedicated to Mission Countries, for which, under the direction of the Sacred Congregation bf Propaganda, are being collected characteristic and original materials which will be a surprise to many, since they will bring to light problems not generally appreciated. In this Section will also be found place for special pavilions exhibiting individual journalistic undertakings of note and prfefcs institutions of exceptional importance. (Continued on page 12)


E x c . A r c h b i s h o p K i e r k e l s , Apostolic Delegate i n I n d i a Promotes this Cooperation.

"Madras (India).—Delegates at the l&ui session of the All-India Conference of Indian Christians, a Protestant association, have drawn up a resolution urging co-operation between Catholics and Protestants in facing problems which affect the entire Christian community. The resolution a'so contains an expression of thanks to His Excellency A r c h bishop Leo Kierkels, Apostolic Delegate in India, for what he has done to promote this co-operation. The text of the resolution is as follows. "This Conference appreciates the efforts which have been made to bring: together the Catholic and Protestant sections of the Indian Christian community for the consideration of the problems facing the entire community. This Conference feels that the same measure of co-operation between the two ssctions of the Indian Christian community should be made possible as obtains i n the case of the Europeans and AngloIndians. This Conference is, therefore grateful to His Excellency the Apostolic Delegate to India for the kind consideration. A s a first step towards such cooperation this Conference suggests the appointment of a Committee of fourteen, seven representing the Catholic section of the community, and seven representing this Conference, to deal with such civic and other matters as


aiiect the interests of the Indian Chrisnan community as a whole. The ideal would be a joint conference of both seclions of the community for the consideration of questions of common interest. This Conference hopes that this would become possible in the near luture." The position of Catholics in regard to such co-operation between Catholics and non-Catholics was clearly enunciated at a conference of the South Indian Bishops in 1917 when it was established that "it is not expedient that Catholics should join as members of any Protestant association, or other organizations, of whatever denomination, even if the object of the association is only concerned with social and political questions. If, in particular cases, it is found that the joinnt action of Protestants and Catholics is desirable the Hierarchy will be glad to appoint Catholic Delegates to meet Protestant delegates with a view of coming to a common understanding on the matters proposed." In political questions the Government has always looked upon Christians of all denominations, no matter how widely their teachings might differ, as one body, and it is said that the case of Indian Christians may suffer unless they present a united front on such questions as representation in the legislature and public services. (Fides).


Despite M a n y Domestic Problems, D e m a n d for some A c t i o n o n P e r s e c u t i o n H o l d s L e a d i n g Place i n W a s h i n g t o n . Washington.—In spite of the fact that domestic problems are absorbing the attention of official Washington, the problem of Mexico still casts a shadow on the Administration horizon. Outwardly no cognizance is taken of it in official quarters. The resolutions calling for an inquiry into the conditions in that country as they affect the United States repose i n congressional pigeon holes. It is apparent that a studied effort is being made to convey the impression that there is no occasion for such an investigation. But the storm has not by any means blown itself out. This was forcefully indicated by a review of the whole Mexican problem by Representative Fenerty of Pennsylvania in the House of Representatives. In circumstantial detail, he presented evidednce to support his assertion that communism is growing under the guise of the so-called revolutionary government of Mexico, that fundamental political rights are being violated, that property is being confiscated, that plundering and murdering have characterized the anti-religious persecutions. Picturing Calles as the "Red Czar of the Montezumas," the " Stalin of Mexico/' lie asserted that he had become a-multi-millionaire by seizing the property of others. Of him he said: 'This is the power behind the presidential chair in Mexico City, a man who, lifted into power through the subservience of a n American administration, is sustained by the continued.,, sanction ; of our present Government." '*.,^J Representative Fenerty also ''pointed* oui.that t b £ anti-relftyious persecution is not confined to-Qatholics. He cited documentary evidence to show that Baptist missions have b&en closed and the property of o t h e ¥ protestant denominations has been taken over by the Mexican government. It is apparent, too, he asserted, that anti-Semitism is raisin? its ugly head with the benediction and approval of the Mexican Government. The speaker also levelled his shafts of criticism at the Ambassador of the United States. Josephus Daniels. Criticizing the President also for his failure to act, Mr. Fenertv declared that it was not the purpose "of any American to seek intervention. He asserted, hovr•ever, that i £ the -Unii?4 States -eo«44 insist upon the observance of the rigrht of freedom of religious worship for "Americans in Russia, it would be consistent to demand similar assurances from Mexico. The .underlying motive for the paean activities of the revolutionary governv



G E N E R A L JOTTINGS. (Contd. from page 17) PROF. THOMAS A N D WORLD ECONOMICS. Professor P. Thomas, Professor of Economics at the Madras University and a Catholic, addressed the Oxford University Catholic Club on "What is wrong with World Economy ?" * * * * WEDDING IN I R E L A N D . O'Connell—Deasy. The marriage took place in May in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Terryglass, Co. Tipperary, Ireland, of M r . Basil O'Connell, Asst. Commissioner of the F.M.S. Police, youngest son of the late Sir Morgan Ross O'Conneii, Br., and Lady O'Connell, of Lakeview, Killarney, Co. Kerry, Ireland, and Miss Lucila Deasy, youngest daughter of Major H . Deasy, late 16th Lancers, and Mrs. Deasy, of Cnoc na Faire, Carrigahorig, Co. Offaly, Ireland. Father Hickie, uncle of the bride and bridegroom, performed the ceremony and imparted'the Papal blessing. *




GERMANY'S P E T PASTIME CURRENCY L A W VICTIMS. The Ejominican Provincial in Germany has been in prison for 3 w eeks and remains there on one of the charges of currency misconduct now- so common in Germany.

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LORD SEMPILL, C H A I R M A N L.C.C. Lord Sempill a Catholic who was in Malaya a few months ago returned to London in May after a flying tour to the Far East and Australia. He is chairman of the London Chamber of Commerce.



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429, North Bridge Road. ment of Mexico, he said, is essentially communistic. He concluded: (Near Middle Road). Mr. Chairman, behind all the persecution m Mexico is 'red' Russia, offer* * * * ing help if Mexico will set up from the Rio Grande to the Panama Canal an BUNGLING HISTORICAL association of radical republics. It was FACTS. not without reason that delegates have GOLDSMITH & JEWELLER. • Cigarette cards • in the "Kings been sent by the Mexican dictator to For Exquisite Taste & Design. • study in Moscow the Russian principles and Queens of England" series of * VJSJT WILL CONVINCE YOU. • and methods of government. Com- Messrs. Carreras bear examples of • 195. Middle Road, Singapore. • munism looks across the seas, and observes that here the western world false history. Henry II is the subl e t , and the canard says that he stands open. Why strain at the crosscrowned portals of Poland, Christian and 'created his Chancellor, Thomas a and practices, we should and must warrior for a thousand years, when Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, nnite in the soirit of a common Mexico, already subdued by an irreligious but Becket soon abandoned his fraternity, each class respecting and illiterate military clique, is ready King's service for the Pope's." The as inviolably sacred the reli<nou? at hand, and just beyond, the sroal of all Soviet ambition—America, and American error lies in the fact that Thomas convictions of the other, while riches? The dark forces of the ancient ,\ Becket persistently refused th'3 working together in perfect hargods, throwing out their vanguards from offer to be made Archbishop, re- mony in all that pertains to civic the battle ground of the U r a l Mountains, marking that such a position will virtue, the social betterment of have carried the ^ a r to us. The forces of pagan darkness, or reversalism, of lead to a cleavage in their friend- our people and the upbuilding of communist animalism are arrayed agship. As a churchman Becket re- the glorious heritage which our ainst reason, against America, against have bequeathed us." solutely opposed the whimsical forefathers the Christian culture of the new world. * * * * * will of the king who thought that The fight is not now on the blood-stained INSPECTOR S U L L I V A N ON steppes of Siberia, it is at our own door an Archbishop of his making will — the fight to save America from the deL E A V E . be more amenable to his fancies. gradation of Russia, a degradation that Inspector C. F. Sullivan of the S.S. The upright prelate would not reduces man to the level of a soulless Police who is a Catholic has proyield to. the king on matters of animal, a communized, high-powered beast. It is the old warfare between principle and upheld his precedence ceeded home on eight month's furthe power of light and the powers of of homage to the Sovereign Pon- lough. He was last attached to darkness, the, struggle of freedom "Weights and Measures" tiff at Rome. Hence the quarrel the acra^nst t}xe. .red. czar of Mexico and the Branch. We wish him,a very plea-: Russian Soviet* in their mad endeavor which culminated in the murder v sarrt holiday. ' ' ! '* td' crucify' Christian civilfeatVm upon of the prelate. i the crimson cross of communism!" * * * * ,




The Mexican Governments propaganda efforts to counteract unfavourable opinion in the UTni^d States, wh^ch, by the way, are not restrained apparently by international amenities, have encountered difficulties. The Federal Communications Commsission is now investigating the circumstances of a broadcast of March 21 to which exception has been taken on the ground of indecency. The charge is based on a poem recited to music. Sixteen members. Democratic and Republicans, of the House of Representatives signed a petition addressed to the Communication Commission as^khrg that the license of all the stations transmitting the broadcast be revoked. This blunder has a parallel in that of the Mexican consul in California who published an advertisement urging Mexicans not to participate in a religious celebration

MGR. MACGUIGAN R E V E A L S B R E A D T H OF VISION I N NOTABLE SPEECH. The Archbishop of Toronto, Canada, Mgr. MacGuigan, was given an extraordinary reeeotion bv 20,000 Catholics at his'installation. In the course of his reply the Archbishop made a reference to his mother, who was present, and this created a great impression. In a notable passage the Archbishop said: "As Catholic hearts are anxious to throb with the nation's pulse, so Catholics claim equality in everything civic with all sections of our fellow countrymen. And though we may walk apart in our religious beliefs

SILVER J U B I L E E MEDALLISTS OF SOUTH INDIA. Catholic Educationalists Honoured. Unlike Malaya the Government of India has presented the King's Silver Jubilee Medals to a number of catholic educationalists in India. Among them we note with pleasure the names of the following: His Lordship the Right Rev. P. F. Rossillon, Bishop of Vizagapatam: The Rev. Fr. F. Bertram. S. J. Madras: Rev. Fr. C. Leigh. S.J. Trichinopolv: Rev. Fr. A. Ambruzzi, S.J. Mangalore; Rev. Fr. Sandanam Joseph. S.C. Vellore: R^ Mother Augustine Madras: Dr. Louis Mathias. S.C. Archbishopelect of Madras. v


On ^ P u t g s from . A l b i o n (FROM




" Englishry " of race; they draw a veil over the " Romanism " of his religious allegiance. Bede was an illustrious son of the Church in England; but these perfervid A n glicans w ould like to regard him as a son of the Church of England. If only the Catholics of the country had the means to circulate, all over the land, marked copies of the Ecclesiastical History, the nation would learn of the uncompromising loyalty of the great scholar of Jarrcw to the successor of St. Peter, and his unswerving adhesion to the Catholic faith.

To a casual visitor unacquainted with history, Jarrow-on-Tyne is not, at first sight, an attractive place. Dull streets, poor surroundings, shipyards reflecting a depression in that industry—these things all help to deepen, for the stranger, a sense of Jarrow's aloofness from interest, still more from glory. Yet the Tyneside town is actually one of England's most ancient and richly-stored centres, a piace in which just now there is so much attraction, on historical and ecclesiastical grounds, that both Catholics and Anglicans are making it a centre of celebration. The reason is found in the circumstance that A N E W BISHOP. we are celebrating over here the twelfth centenary of the VenerIn the famous chapel of Oscott able Bede; and it was the monas- College, near Birmingham, the tery at Jarrow which sheltered, chapel in which Newman preached during the best part of his his great sermon on the Second life, that great monk and Spring, a widely revered prelate is historian. Into that monastery being consecrated to the episcoBede went, as a young man, to pate. The rector of the college, complete his education; there he the Right Rev. Monsignor Dey, wrote his famous Ecclesiastical D.S.O., is to succeed the late History of the English Nation; and Bishop Keatinge, C.M.G., as Cathothere he died, in 735 of our era. lic Army Bishop, a post temporariThis preliminary note will ex- ly filled by the Bishop of Lamus, plain the significance of a Catholic the Right Rev. Dr. Myers. The NEW VACUMATIC PEN? spectacle of devotion witnessed in ceremony of the consecration is Jarrow-on-Tyne a few evenings being performed by the Archbishop ago; also it forms the historical of Westminster, assisted by the ON SALE A T A L L PEN COUNTERS groundwork, by anticipation, for a Archbishop of Birmingham and much larger spectacle, a demon- the Bishop of Shrewsbury. This THROUGHOUT MALAYA. stration on the grand scale, which will be Dr. Hinsley's first visit is to take the Archbishop of West- to Birmingham since his appointminster and a number of other ment to the Westminster ArchEnglish Bishops, to Jarrow for a bishopric. The new Bishop will have a confurther and more official commemoration of the centenary a few genial task in his higher office, for days hence. Five thousand Catho- he has already had many years' lics, it is estimated, took part in experience, up till his retirement a Sole Distributors the smaller gathering, an open-air few years ago, of work as an Army service for Venerable Bede's feast- chaplain. In the Great War he did WEILL & MONTOR, LTD. day. From the Catholic church, valuable service; he was mentioned T H E A R C A D E , SINGAPORE. which has St. Bede for its in despatches and was honoured patron, a great procession marched with the Distinguished Service Phone 6046. through the town. Thousands up- Order. For a long time he was Vicar-General to Bishop Keatinge. on thousands of non-Catholics lined the sidewalks, watching with in- Altogether, therefore, a happy terest and admiration the long, choice has been made in his selecpicturesque line which marched tion to be Army Bishop for the to organize the exhibits for the from the church to the open ground very many Catholic troops in the shock of grief, and that a national Vatican Exhibition from England wave of sympathy goes forth to service. where the service was held. The our fellow-subjects in the Far East. and Wales. It will be a formidable Right Rev. Dr. Thorman, Bishop of task if it is to cover the entire field. Hexham and Newcastle, was the T H E CATHOLIC PRESS When it is remembered that altochief officiating prelate. The proEXHIBITION. gether the Catholic periodicals THE QUETTA DISASTER. cession was a magnificient sight, published, in Great Britain alone, Great Britain will be represented and the service at the open-air altar run into hundreds, they supply only by an extensive display at the InFull details of the terrible earthdeeply impressive. a very small proportion of the CaIt is expected that at the cen- quake calamity in India have not ternational Catholic Press Exhibi- tholic Press of the whole world, tion to be held next year in the at the time yet been published enary celebration, of which the some idea can be formed of the Leader will have an account in due these lines must be despatched; but Vatican City; and since the exhibi- wonderfully varied survey which tion is to include, of course, periodialready there is news enough to course, more than fifty thousand the entire exhibition will present Catholics will converge upon Jar- show a terrible picture of tragedy cals from every country where the to visitors next year. A full cataChurch is represented .in print, the. and suffering. In face of a disrow. An immense fleet of omnibuses has been arranged for to help aster of this kind, questions of Malaya Catholic Leader will doubt- logue of the publications should it* in the transport of the pilgrims, religious distinction are not in the less have a place among the newer self be a substantial volume! and the town meanwhile is getting mind: the overmastering thought of our active periodicals. Some Every race in Christendom will is of the many souls called to their years &go, £t the National Catholic send its papers, and- very many ready for the invasion: account, and the nation's sympathy Congress, the Catholic Truth Soci- different tongues will procliam, in Among the Protestants, too, esgoes out to all, in sorrow for the ety organized a British exhibition print, the unity of faith and allegipecially the " High " Protestants— suffering survivors and in mourn- of as many Catholic periodical pub- ance which binds the Catholic Anglo-Catholics is their own name ing for the dead. But naturally lications, ranging from important world together. The faithful in for themselves—St. Bede the Catholics feel a particular concern, reviews down to modest little Malaya will no doubt organize, in Venerable is having honour for his over and above this sincere and parish magazines, as they could get due course, their own particular twelfth centenary. A special play deeply-felt general sympathy, as to together at short notice, in English, contribution to the display. has been w ritten and performed for * * * * the measure in which their own irrespective of the country of the occasion, and^ there are Angliorigin. The result was an astonico-religionists may have been striP A L L O T T I N E C E N T E N A RY. can celebrations both at Jarrc^v, shingly large and interesting disthe monastic seat, and at Durham, cken by the earthquake terror, play, p. revelation to those with The Pious Society of Missions, where Bede's relics repose ,in a whether by the destruction of mis- little or no knowledge of the extent founded by the Venerable Father tomb in the Galilee chapel of the sion property or by the loss of in- of the Catholic Press within the Pallotti, is being celebrated in Lonfamous Cathedral. Here and there, dividual Catholic workers. What- Empire. The exhibition ran into don with special rejoicing by the too, one notices an inclination ever facts and figures the awaited hundreds of separate publications, Fathers of that Congregation. among members of the Establish- further details may have to reveal, and even so was far from complete. Their chief centre in the metropolis ment to speak and write of St. this at any rate can be set down The C.T.S. has now been asked is in the heart of the Italian Bede as if he were a great light at once, that England has heard (Continued on page 13) by the Archbishop of Westminster that body! They emphasise his the news of the disaster with a r





A R K E R ' S



o f

M A L A Y A CATHOLIC L E A D E B , S A T U R D A Y , 15th J U N E , 1835•




Y o u n g People's P a g e



assumipg the aiiswer to be in

i t t t ^ S w i

God, a saint/'—N. Z. Tablet.

Marie : A True Story




(JOHN X, 11-16) O Christ, Pastor of Thy Father's sheep— A N EPISODE FROM THE FRANCO-PRUSSIAN Most loving and most kind: What dangers lie beyond the W A R I N 1870, mountains edge Silly we have not in mind. This story happened about sixty loyes us so much that He hides 0 Christ, Pastor of Thy Father's years ago, when there was a war Himself in the Blessed Sacrament sheep— between Germany and France in ju$t to be always with us w hen we Most gentle and most mild: 1870. The Germans had brought need Him? Thou watchest for Thou knowest their large armies into France gnd "Every child that beyond After Marie's father walked all many battles were fought tl^^re. There's death to feet that slip. needs m i l k One night when the (Jermans the villagers, making quite a long 0 Christ, Pastor of Thy Father's every d a y . " were near a village called pijon procession, until they came to the shep— they sent scouts on t$ s$y that priest's house. There Our Lord Ever thoughtful for Thine: their soldiers would rest in that remained safely all night, the good The lost sheep Thou seekest "MILKMAID" village for the night, and would villagers taking it in turns to kneel crying the while on guard in front of H i m . sleep in the church, wlpch was the "I am the Good Shepherd; I MILK Now you will want to know why only large building there. * know mine." Marie was chosen instead of one 0 Christ, Pastor of Thy Father's sheep— When the people of the village of the men for this great honour. Yet many know Thee not: heard this they were .in great dis- It was because she was so innocent tress. The priest was not at home and pure: she had never committed Wherefore, Lord, Thy promise, keep and many of these soldiers were any sin and so had never offended "And there shall be one fold; wicked men, and it would not have dear Jesus. It is into pure and inone Shepherd." been right to leave Our Lord in the nocent hearts like hers that Jesus P. P. J . E S P E C K E R M A N . tabernacle of the church where the loves to come in Holy Communion. When the priest returned, and soldiers might insult H i m . Yet they could not prevent the the villagers told him all that they A N A M E FOR T H E B A B Y . Germans from doing what they had done, he w as very Pleased, and told Marie that she must always said they would do. Baby was being exhibited, and, remember what a great honour she of course, admired, when the had had, and that she must begin question of his name cropped up. Now you know that no one but to prepare her heart to become a "We dunno what to call 'im," a priest or deacon should take the home for the same dear Jesus Blessed Sacrament in his hands whom she had carried in her little sighed the proud mother. "What about Halbert, or Harexcept in cases of necessity. No hands. thur, or Half red?" suggested one should touch the qborium or somebody, helpfully. sacred vessel in which It is kept "Ho, no," responded the parent; without special perrnissioji. But "we don't want nothing with a when soldiers were going to sleep haspirate; people halways goes in the church it was of course "'a and drops it." case of necessity/' Yet not one of T H E N A I V E T E OF Y O U T H . the villagers dared to take the ciborium away. First they asked Most of the serious evencs in the sacristan who cleaned the A P L E A S A N T SURPRISE. Church, but he said " No." Then life possess their intensely human, "My dear," said the newlythey asked one man after the and sometimes humorous sides. other, but each was afraid, or s^id This is revealed by an incident married man to his wife, "where he was not worthy. What was to associated with the recent cano- did all these books on astronomy 4JpUVUolx\ for be done? Soon it wQuJ4 ° e too nisation at Easter of the two come from? They are not ours." English martyrs. Blessed Thomas " A pleasant little surprise for late. More and Blessed John Fisher. you," remarked his wife. "You A t last one of the men said: " I The boys of St. Michael's College, know, my dear, you said this know what to do. M y little Leeds, England, were encouraged morning that we ought to study daughter Marie is fp,ur years old. to write letters to the Pope solicit- astronomy; and so I went to the She is good and innocent, just like ing his consideration for the cano- bookseller's and bought everything I could on the subject." an angel. I will take her up to the nisations. It was some minutes before he altar. She} shall take Our Lord spoke. "I said study economy," he from tne tabernacle, and then we The letters written by lads betwill carry her to the priest's house, ween the ages of 12 and 15 years, explained sadly. while she holds the ciborium in produced some delightfully naive her baby hands." passages. One boy began: "His Holiness, may I be permitted to Conductor (wearily): "Fare, " FARES, P L E A S E ! " ladies." A l l were very pleased with this draw your attention to two marConductor: "Fare, please." First young lady (indignantly, idea. So Marie was sent for. Her tyrs who have not been canonizFirst young lady (hastily): also producing purse): "It does mother dressed her in pure white ed yet . . . " Another concludes make a difference, too! Do you while she explained to her the "Hoping sincerely that by God's "Let me pay it, dear." great honour she was to have,; grace your poliness is in the best Second young lady (opening think I am going out and have you Marie seemed quite to understands of, ^health, both physically and hand bag and beginning to take pay "my fare everywhere we go? Since she was a , tiny baby her spiritually." A boy named Fisher, out handkerchief, small package, Here, I have it." ' F H mother had talosn her to visit little doing his best to convince the gloves and keys): "Not for Second, young lady: "Don't be Jesus in the tapernacle, and many Holy Father [that he was impar- worlds, dearest! I have some so silly. -Here I have it." a time she Ji£<| blown Him kisses tial, declared; , "With "regard to change." First young lady: "My dear, I from the church door. Now she Blessed John Fisner, I do not ask First young lady (excavating insist." was to carry Him in her little arms. for him to be canonized just be- the depths of wrist bag): "NonSecond young lady: "Agnes, I Slowly and reverently her father cause I have the same surname as sense, I have it right here. And shall be downright offended with carried her up the altar steps, and he." "The fact that Englishmen you paid it last, you know." you in a moment, I shall pay the unlocked the tabernacle door. are not, as a rule, given to great Second young lady: "I'm sure fare." Lovingly Marie drew out the holiness, there being probably I didn't. It was you, don't you reConductor: "I don't care who ciborium which held her dear Jesus fewer English saints than any member? The reason I know is pays it, but I don't want to stand and pressed it to her breast. Her other," moved another young cor- because we were going to Lottie's here all day." little heart beat fast while she respondent to ask the Holy Father tea." First young lady (with digwhispered to Jesus how pleased she to give special consideration to the First young lady: "Oh, yes, and nity): "You are a rude person was to have Him in her arms. claims of More and Fisher. The I wore my pink crepe de chine. and I shall report you. My uncle Tighter and tighter she clasped the writer of the following is evident- But that wasn't the last time we is one of the principal stockholdwhite silk veil which covered Our ly a budding attorney: "Consider went out together. We were going ers, and I shall report your beLorxTs little golden house. Tighter also how he could have been feed- to the matinee, and I am sure you haviour to him. Here take this and tighter her father held his ing luxuriously on that terrible paid the fare." money. I'm sure you only had to little girl in his arms, for was she morning, instead of being led to Second young lady (triumphant- wait a second or two." not h i r i n g ip her ui% hands the the block. Don't you think a man ly taking out a purse): "Well, it Second young lady: "Isn't it Lord and God who bears us all in like that, who gave up his life and doesn't make any difference. I'll awful the insolence of these the hoitew of His Hand, and yet his riehes, should be rewarded?" just pay it again/' people ? r



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Obstacle Race (Primaries).


100 Yards Dash.











missionaries was Dunn who was responsible lor uic conversion of the Dyak native tribes of Sarawak. To lay open the invisible treasures of our Faith and to convince the simple-minded ignorant children of nature who were and are still submerged in gross materialism and superstition wculd have been an almost impossible task without the guiding hand of our great and merciful Cod. The First Neophytes. I quote below an incident described in the Sixteenth Annual Report for the year 1885 by Mgr. Dunn when a few Dyak Catechumens were baptized. "Our first Neophytes were baptized in the month of June when five Dyak families received that grace. These together with many others, still under instruction, began their conversion by requesting me to bless their farms, promising as a condition, that they would desist from their superstitious practices, and attend the Catechumenate for instruction on Sundays. The wooden altars erected to the demons, about their farms were then torn down and cast into the river, wooden crosses being planted i n thear stead, On the eve of the baptism of these, our first adult converts, an incident occurred which it may be well to narrate here. I had directed these Neophytes to bring to the Mission Station all the charms and superstitious signs they had used as heathens, that they might burn them before Baptism, as a public testimony of their sincerity in the solemn renunciation they were about to make. When it became generally known what was about to take place our Neophytes were surrounded by their heathen relations and friends who used every argument to dissuade them from the commission of what they called so mad and foolish an act. They drew vivid* pictures of the ruin the devil would bring upon them and

meet rep<*. Majesty of Gou, shame and greater despair to infernal enemy, marking as it did the release of souls from his grasp through the power of the cross of Jesus." Such w ere the miraculous happenings in the early, yet not distant days, when the Spirit of God descended on this dark corner of the earth through His most pious and zealous workers in his vineyard. I hope to give a few more interesting narratives in connection with the pioneer Catholic Missionaries of this place in my future letters. r

Sandakan Catholic Association. Yesterday an important Committee Meeting of the Sandakan Catholic Association was held at the premises of the Association, the Rev. Fr. B . J . Davis, presiding. A s the majority of the Catholics here seem to be still behind the Catholic Spirit of the times it was decided to work in the cause of the Catholic Action with the help of the "Leader' by pushing on its sales. St. Mary's School. We have had a full holiday today, being His Majesty's Birthday. Yesterday there was a practice of the St. Mary's Blue Band and i t is very encouraging to see how the boys of Borneo are taking an interest in music. We are proud to state that we have at present at least one twelve-year-old budding musical prodigy who is a Catholic and is the son of the Assistant Commissioner of Customs. Boxing too is fast finding its adherents and it is only a fortnight ago since we held a successful boxing exhibition in the school. To-day the St. Mary's Masters' Majong League starts and I hope to send you the results in a few weeks' time.

< '* Souza & Go., neers, Appraisers, je Agents, Brokers, Agents Receivers, Etc. 27, Church Street. Malacca. Telephone No. 178. Telegrams: ' Herman Desouza/ Agencies:— of Canada. ith British & MercanAssurance Co., Ltd. Guardian Assurance Co., _,td. The Alliance Assurance Co., Ltd. The Ocean, Accident and Guarantee Corporation. Senang Hati Estate. Ho Seng Giap Estate. New Selandar Syndicate.

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^nse, I may >n. Father P E T E R C H O N G & CO., oonal. Per(THE CATHOLIC STORE) . that he has . Singapore, Malacca, K u a l a Lumpur, Ipoh, Penang, etc. xiiand of the Holy .... , o XIII, and 'thrown into . nie riierarcny. It the conflict all the energy of his is myself. mind and all the strength of his M O O I C H I N "Question number four: Does endurance.' He is distinguished, en, Father Coughlin represent the CaI believe, in this. His work is means R E S T A U R A N T individual, distinctly individual, for .at the Church tholic Church? "Answer: In the sense that the he has gone far into the social and jrything to which ,— ^nflawir is given is a catch Head of the Church has singled economic fields. He has 'charged For European and Chinese question something similar to the him out as the only teacher of eco- the rich of this world not to be Foods, Day and Night, under nomic and social science in its high minded, nor to trust in unquestion, Tlave you stopped beatexperienced Management, enrelationship to moral law—why of livcertainty of riches, but in the ing your wife yet?' If I answer suring excellent cuisine, 'Yes/ I am stating an untruth. If course not. Every priest in the ing God (who giveth us abundantly prompt service and moderate world has his identical instructions all things to enjoy.' ( Tim. 11 ;17; I answer *no/ the inference is charges, opened (recently at forced that neither I nor the through his Bishop from the Holy 18). No. 420, North Bridge Road, See. Church agrees with Father Cough"His interpretations of Papal (Corner of Purvis Street) "In the sense that he is an fin. The truth is the 'imprimatur' documents are his own. He has Singapore. authorized priest of the Catholic is the right to print, the sanction prepared himself for this work by to print. It so happens in the case Church, yes, Father Coughlin does amassing facts, facts of our workof Father Coughlin's addresses represent the Catholic Church. a-day world, facts on poverty, that I not only find in them noth- He was ordained to preach the facts on wealth, facts on the malHoly Father Quoted. ing against faith and morals, but Word of God and its interpretation distribution of wealth. as found in the Pope's letters. "This is the language of ScripI. do most heartily approve their "He has taken, however, the content. It is a content based on Father Coughlin offends many be- Encyclicals of the Pooes, written ture. On the same subject the the very truths, the moral truths, cause he is a representative of the in language clear as the noon-day Supreme Pontiff, PiusXI, writes " 'Not alone is wealth accumufound in the Old Testament; the Catholic Church and like Paul of sun, written for the average priest truths taught by Christ, taught old has received the right hand of to read and immediately under- lated, but immense power and down through the centuries, and fellowship' with the injunction stand; written, not to obscure despotic economic domination are recently incorporated in the Ency- that he 'be mindful of the poor metaphor or parable, but as he concentrated in the hands of the clicals qt the Popes which I have which he is always careful to do.' who runs may read; written to be few, and that those few are fre"As a representative of the directed"'him to preach. quently not the owners, but only Church, he speaks in the name of privately interpreted in each na- the trustees and directors of in; "It wilF.be understood that the tion of the world by the faithful ^imprimatur' is given in the the Church. He knows one of the of that nation. For example, vested funds, who administer them diocese ^ i f i which the writings signs of Christ's mission, namely, when the Holy Father states that at their good pleasure. o r i g i n a l " It will be further un- 'the poor have the gospel preached wealth is concentrated into the derstood that once yiven, the to them.' " 'This power becomes particu"I know this question comes hands of the few, does private larly irresistable when exercised Imprimatur* permits the circulaopinion vary this fact? tion of Sle printed w ord freely from timid souls who fear Father "Let me develop this point for by those who, because they hold the throughout the Catholic w^orld. I Ccughlin's identity with a moment. Let me take one spe- and control money, are able also grant taP^Pather Coughlin the Church. cific example, the example of the to govern credit and determine its "Let no Catholic worthy of the ^Imprimatur* on the written word concentration of wealth into the allotment, for that reason supply«f • his addresses. Thus, they are name seek to dissociate Father hands of the few and the evils ing, so to speak, the lifeblood to permitted •« to circulate f r e e l y C o u g h l i n from the Catholic which grow from this concentra- the entire economic body, and throughout the world. It is grant- Church. If persecution come, it tion. May I quote for you St. grasping, as it were, in their ed here because Father Coughlin is will come from atheistic commu- James, who. in speaking on this hands, the very soul of production nism or from unbridled individuasubject to mry jurisdiction. subject, indicts the rich in the so that no one dare breathe against HIH respect to the spoken word, lism, or from immoral capitalism, following words: their will.' m respect to his addresses deliver- not from social justice. It is this "Your riches are corrupted and justice that Father Coughlin reed over the radio, I give my ap" By the way, credit as you unycur garments are moth eaten, proval here in this diocese for him presents. your gold and silver is cankered; derstand, constitutes about 95 per "Question number five: Is not to speak. Through the wonders and the rust of them shall be for cent of all modern money. This * f radio, his voice is disseminated Father Coughlin's work personal? a testimony against you,— 95 per cent of all our money is alAre not his opinions and interprethroughout many dioceses. His most totally controlled by a little " 'You stored up to yourself handful of private individual citidiscourses have my approval, an tations of Papal documents his own? wrath against the last day: Episcopal approval, at the point of zens. When they please they can Individual Opinions. " 'Behold the hire of the labour- demand of a sudden that all debOTigrin. "Answer: Once more such ers who have reaped down your tors pay their bills. By recalling Law of Printed Word. ouestions are tricky, unsympathe- fields, which by fraud has been credit they bring on a depression "Such approval follows naturally and logically the only law yet laid tic, or openly hostile by their very kept back by you, crieth; and the and destroy the prices of farm:. of Father Coughlin's cry of them hath entered into the down which is the law of the writ- implications. (Continued on page 11. * ten wonTHHaving the right to work, in a sense, is personal. The ears of the Lord of Sabaoth.' T

M A L A Y A CATHOLIC L E A D E R , S A T U R D A Y . 13*h J U N E , 1935. THE C H U R C H



(Fides Service.) Rome.—Prayers for the Imperial Family and for the prosperity of the nation were offered in the Cathedral of Tokyo and in Catholic churches throughout Japan February 11, the 2,595th anniversary of the foundation of the Empire. Japanese Catholics hope that by giving such periodical proofs of their loyality to the fatherland they will eventually succeed in proving the falsity of the charges levelled at them by their slanderers w ho say that as Catholics they cannot be patriotic Japanese. r

Catholics in Japan, who have had to bear this sort of persecution for a long time, would like to impress upon their non-Catholic fellow countrymen the same fact that the Bishop of Treves told the peonle of the Rhineland recently. Addressing a missionary congress at Treves February 12, Bishop Bornewasser said, "In the universal Church of Rome every nation retains its own citizenship and develops its own national individuality. In the Church Universal the German remains fully German, the Italian fully Italian, the Spaniard fully Spanish. God himself has desired this individual character of every single nation, but God has also willed that each national individuality should find in the Church Universal the increase w hich springs from the supernatural fountains of grace." Catholics in Japan likewise wish to persuade their fellow citizens that their religion is from above, not from abroad, that love of fatherland, which includes devotion to its welfare and loyalty in its defense, is an essential part of Catholic doctrine. r

It is sad to note that the present Catholic body of Japan is only ore-tenth of what it was 300 years a<ro. At the beginning of the 17th century there were one million Catholics in the country, but persecution followed, and this number was reduced to a few thousand. This persecution came as a result of the fear that, with Catholicism .earning ground, the Empire was threatened with a foreign foe within its own dominions. The present Government, in confor-

Three L i t t l e Reasons:—that should help w i n y o u r interest i n the conversion of Japan to C h r i s t . mity with the Constitution which grants absolute liberty to every religious group, treats Shintoism, Buddhism and the Christian religion with equal tolerance and perfect justice.

ple are awake, enterprising, and the race is growing by leaps and bounds; it is estimated that by 1965 Japan's population will be 108,000,000.

"The Church in Japan faces the with confidence," says A t the end of June 1934 there future were 250,747 Catholics in the Archbishop Edward Mooney, B i Japanese Empire, that is, 103,271 shop of Rochester, former Apoin Japan proper, and 147,476 in stolic Delegate at Tokyo. "JapaKorea, Formosa and the mandated nese Catholics are striving earnestly to share their spiritual priislands of the Pacific. vileges with their fellow citizens, and the Japanese clergy, well It is consoling, therefore, to note trained and rapidly increasing, that in recent years the Church's gives assurance for the future of growth in Japan, though not great, the Church in this land for which has been steady. During the 12 the future seems to hold so high month period which closed last a destiny." June there were 1.690 baptisms of adults in the Empire and the total number of Catholics increased by 2.780. In Japan proper the KING'S B I R T H D A Y RECEPTION Catholic bodv has increased from A T CARCOSA. 87,581 in 1927 to 103.271 in 1934. The Hon. Mr. Marcus Rex and It is easy to understand the Mrs. Rex entertained at Carcosa Pope's solicitude for the welfare on the occasion of the King's of the faith in this land, which has Birthday over 350 distinguished risen so rapidly to a place of im- people. The inclement weather portance among the great powers changed and helped to make the of the world and whose future, function a success. doubtless, will be great. The peo—

TWO MILION SPENT FOR R E LIEF OF DISTRESS IN CEYLON. Nearly two million rupees have already been spent from relief funds for the relief of distress due to malaria and drought. A classified statement of the expenditure from all sources up to the end of April, issued by* the commissioner for Relief, gives the following details of the approximate expenditure under different heads:— Relief Works, Rs. 964,986; Foodstuffs, purchase, transport and distribution, Rs. 759,993; School feeding Rs. 121,812; Grants to temporary hospitals and convalescent homes, Rs. 43,182; Medical Treatment, Rs. 7,834; Relief of Destitute owing to shortage of food, Rs. 2,203; other Rs. 38,110. The following are the Districts where the expenditure has been heavv: Kurunegala (Rs. 501,633); Colombo (Rs. 451,147); Kegalla (Rs. 350,043); Kandv (Rs. 224,326); Puttalam and Chilaw (Rs. 106,543) ; Anuradhapura (Rs. 93,571). It is notable that by now a million rupees have been spent on relief works, which are still continuing and must continue for some months in certain Districts until crops are reaped.— (The Ceylon Catholic Messenger, May, 21.) CONVERSION OF JEWS. Intention of Quebec's Final Holy Year Rites. (By N.C.W.C. News Service.) Quebec.—Among the religious ceremonies which marked the close of the Jubilee Year of the Redemption in Canada were the perpetual adoration services in the parishes of the Archdiocese of Quebec, sponsored by the Canadian League of Catholic Women, under the auspices of His Eminence Rodrigue Cardinal V i l leneuve, Archbishop of Quebec, and a spiritual bouquet "for the return of Israel to its Messiah" offered by the school children of Canada. The Mother Superior of the Convent of Notre Dame de Sion, Prince Albert. Saskatchewan, invited all convents and schools to take part in a novena, May 31— June 8, during which period pupils heard Mass and received Holy Communion for the special intention of the conversion of the Jews. More than 80,000 Masses and 60,000 Communions were assured for the spiritual bouquet. "//

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Woman's Page Making a Real Home

" E v e r y

c h i l d

" I was often on the point of Happy is the mother whose children come home to a real giving up," he told his mother that " home," and who can bring their evening, "but something cheered n e e d s m i l k friends with them or have their me on and on, until at last the friends visit them. Young people shore was reached." must have companions. It is not " What was it that kept up your right to expect 19-year old Marie courage?" she asked. to find complete recreation in a "The thought of you, Mother," e v e r y d a y . " conversation largely made up of was the simple answer. Uncle Joe's experiences. Nor to That same saving thought of expect young John aged 20 to find mother has saved many another daily amusement listening to Aunt soul, shipwrecked in the more Rose's plans for the running of her deadly sea of sin. Years may have household. flown since God called her away, Both Marie and John must asso- but the tender influence of her ciate with companions of their own memory still exerts its wonderful age; i f they may not do it at home, force, reclaiming at times the they will do it away from home. broken life almost on the edge of Of course, visitors, even odd callers everlasting ruin. on the various members of a Women would do well to reflect ter should be allowed down the family entail extra work, but it is upon the part they may play in the pipe. A perforated sink basket is worth the extra trouble; indeed, it world of spiritual life and progress, useful for holding such matter POTATO S A L A D . is worth far more extra trouble if, keeping a sane balance amid the until it can be otherwise disposed than such visitors ever give, to be foibles of our age, they serve God of. Once a day the sink should be Cut some cooked cold potatoes able to know the children's asso- as He intended in the exalted role flushed with boiling water to which a little washing soda is added. into cubes or slices and put them ciates. of wife and mother. This helps to dissolve the grease in a salad bowl. Sprinkle with a Some may say that servants which would otherwise solidify on teaspoonful of grated onion or a would object to such an open house the sides of the pipe. Once a week few chopped chives. as the receiving of friends of sons A N U N B L E S S E D HOUSE. Mix two tablespoonfuls of salad and daughters would mean, but i f It is narrated that St. Jerome pour down some disinfectant. Buy we are ruled to such an extent by and a friend were invited to dine at a chemist's a few ounces of per- oil with a teaspoonful of made those we •employ* it is surely time with a nobleman. While seated at manganate of potash and dissolve mustard, half a teaspoonful of to sever the connection. Besides, table the companion remarked on a level teaspoon of this in a gallon salt, and a quarter of a teaspoonful of pepper. Add one tableservants are not really unreason- the nobleman's talented family, of water, and pour slowly dowoi. Outside the house see that the spoonful of chili vinegar, pour able when they see that Marie and and the host launched into a desJohn, and even little Dot, all help cription of his good fortune— traps (that is the part under the over the potatoes just before servwith the extra work, they will en- health, prosperity, love at home, grating) are also regularly clean- ing. M i x well and sprinkle thickter into the spirit of the thing. friendships at court, not an enemy, ed. Pull up the grating and with ly with chopped parsley. Naturally, it is not always con- not a trouble in the world—till St. your hand or a scraper remove any A NOVEL SALAD. venient to a man or woman of Jerome, interrupting him, arose, solid that may have accumulated ' M i x together one and a half middle years to have the house touched his companion, and to the there. Some traps have a small bucket arrangement which pulls up cupfuls each of diced fresh or inundated with young people and astonishment of all exclaimed: their noise and upsets, but it is a " A r i s e ! We must leave this cor cleansing, and which is very tinned pineapple and finely-diced self-sacrifice which will bring its house that God has never visited convenient. The flushing of the apple, adding two tablespoonfuls sink ought to be sufficient for the of mixed pimento and two or three own reward! with the blessing of sorrow!" trap immediately under it, but any hearts of celery, diced. Young people have a desire for others should be treated separate- ~\Just before serving, moisten the company of the opposite sex, ly. liberally with mayonnaise to and this is most natural and right, HOUSEHOLD HINTS. With regard to the solid waste. which a little whipped cream has and should not be either ridiculed Disposal of Refuse. t>urn whatever possible. It is the been added, and serve in nests of or blamed. It should be openly enIn keeping a house clean and cleanest and most economical me- white lettuce. couraged in the right environment —The Home.. .the Catholic Home. healthy one of the great points is thod. For instance, dried potato P R U N E N U T PUDDING. For, i f they do not get what they the disposal of refuse and waste skins are excellent for lighting a One pound of prunes, threerequire at home, they will go else- which of necessity arises in every fire, and also are orange skins, where to get it! And then parents house. The methods of removing peelings of turnips, etc. In burn- quarters of a pound of sugar, half will not know with whom they are rubbish are so different for those ing such refuse close all the doors a teaspoonful of cinnamon, quarbecoming intimate, and if the day living in towTis and those in of the range and pull out the ter of a teaspoonful of powdered comes when they come home with isolated houses that they will be dampers so that no offensive smell cloves, four teaspoonfuls of cornthe new s of an engagement to the each treated separately. 1. House- goes up through the house. flour, the juice of an orange and wrong person, you will only have holders in towns have got the The ashpit or corporation bucket of half a lemon, half a cupful of yourself $0 blame. w a t e r carriage system and the should only hold ashes (from chopped nuts, and two egg whites. Many and many a mother has buckets or bins which are emptied which the cinders have been siftSoak and cook the prunes and had a painful shock on finding b y the town corporation. It is ed), broken crockery and empty remove the stones. Simmer them Marie or John engaged to be mar- most important when taking a tins, and nothing damp should ever for five minutes in two cups of ried to a complete stranger and house to make sure that the drains be put in, or otherwise the deeay the water in which they have been even to a non-Catholic. Whose are in good condition, and if ever which takes place gives rise to cooked, with the sugar and spices. fault is it that such shocks occur? you have the slightest suspicion offensive smells and dangerous Add the cornflour blended with The mother of a family has it in that they are in any way out of germs. cold water, and the orange and In the country or in houses lemon juice. Cook, stirring for her power to make her children order, do not hesitate to get them love and appreciate their home, and examined and rectified at once. which have no drainage system— fifteen minutes. Mix in the chopsuch children invariably bring or Many of the worst diseases are (1) Burn whatever possible. (2) ped nuts, let cool a little, then attract new friends to their home caused by bad drainage, and even Remove all other waste as far as fold in the stiffly beaten egg so that the mother has a chance a slight escape of sewer gas will possible from the house and have whites. Turn into a mould and to use that marvellous God-given so weaken the constitution as to a regular receptacle for it. (3) Do influence which a mother alone leave it an easy prey to disease. not throw, even clean water, just chill. possesses. APRICOTS A N D RICE. For this reason also the housewife outside the house. Keap the part The children must have com- should see it is cared for properly. of the yard or garden just around Stone some fairly ripe apricots panions, and those mothers who The rules are as follows:—(1) Flush the door perfectly clean and dry. and cook them in the oven (with value their children's happiness, to the drains well every time they are The muddy pools or mucky ground water to cover and sugar to sweesay nothing of their own, must used. (2) Keep the pans thorough- caused by emptying buckets or make it their business to become ly cleansed, and have each washed dishes outside the door are not only ten) till soft. Put four ounces of friends of their children's friends. w i t h carbolic soap and warm water means of bringing dirt into the washed rice in a double saucepan once a week. (3) Be careful not house and ugly to look at, but the with a pint of creamy milk and to allow matches, pieces of hair, stagnant water is most unhealthy, an ounce and a half of sugar; cook MOTHER'S I N F L U E N C E . or such matter to go d o w n the and also a great deal of it sinks till the rice is soft, stirring at A former governor of one of our drains, as they catch in t h e bends into the ground and gradually soaks intervals, and then leave to belarge States, often recalls an in- of t h e pipes and stop them up. into the walls of the house, mak- come cold. To serve, pile up the rice in the cident -of-tts venturesome boyhoods 44^ —-Now—and again pour down ing them damp, which dampness is He was sailing alone one day when some disinfectant to keep t h e m almost certain to "ultimately give centre of a dish and put the apria nasty squall hit and capsized his fresh, but remember t h a t the the inhabitants rheumatism or cots and juice round it. little boat. The lad was a fair dangers of a bad gas are n o t re- lung complaints. Few respectable swimmer, but land was almost a m o v e d b y doing a w a y w i t h t h e houses are now without a closet gularly emptied sprinkled with (an earth one can be built for turf mould or sawdust, and never mile away, and the task seemed smell. The sinks should also be kept about £1), and th?<e should be re- have any water or lops poured hopeless, burdened as he was with (Contd. on next Col.) perfectly clean, and no solid mathis clothes. into them.





M A L A Y A CATHOLIC L E A D E R , SATURDAY, 15th J U N E , 1935.



Gleanings By Air

The Situation In Germany. Hitler has never accorded to religion generally, or to the Catholic Church in particular, that recognition of its separate juridical existence, apart from the State, which was recognised by Mussolini, in faltering phrases, from the beginning. Hence the German dictator has never been able to check the unification movement, essential to the totalitarian State, in its endeavours to include religion. Protestants were first subjected to the "squeeze," with results so far disappointing to the Nazis. German unifiers recognize that the Catholic Church is the supreme obstacle to religious unification, on the basis of State-worship, raceworship, or Rosenbergianism with its stupid nationalism. They are, therefore, moving against the Church with more subtlety and caution than inspired their attacks on, Protestantism. Some of the leaders, how many of them is not known, are undoubtedly bent on the destruction of the Church, and so far the Fuhrer has not checked them. He is obviously waiting to see whether he can get all he wants by other means before resorting to an open breach and violence.

Mail loans made by wealthy banks and corporations. The Week before last, and last week, were notable for the arrest of priests and nuns, after raids on their monasteries and institutions by Nazi agents. They have been tried on the charge of violating the currency laws, found guilty, fined and imprisoned. The Nazis are making a great shout about the way previous services to the country were taken into account to reduce the fines and sentences, but the whole affair illustrates again that hostility towards the Church which has marked the regime from the beginning. If the Nazis had the slightest goodwill towards the Church they would have made arrangements for the repayment of loans binding in conscience long ago. But every appear to them has failed. (Catholic Times, 31st May)

Eugenists Rebuffed. It is a pleasure to record that the Pope's strong protest against the inclusion of the subject of sterilisation and eugenics in the agenda of the fourth International Hospitals Congress in Rome produced a quick result. It was decided at the final plenary session The Nazi Underlings. of the Congress that the offending Interpreting the mind of their item, which had been deferred to leaders the Nazi underlings are a future Congress, should be exdoing everything in their power cluded from the next agenda. to discredit Church organisations, Dutch delegates proposed a motion priests, monks and nuns. Every protesting against the action of rash pulpit statement, every pro- two German doctors who were ved violation of the strict civil law, accused of having taken advantage is ventilated and advertised as of their position as delegates to widely as possible, so as to bring conduct propaganda on behalf of the Church into discredit by de- German, ideas about sterilisation, faming her ministers and servants. and asking that the topic should Unfortunately, a few priests be excluded from the programme and nuns have acted imprudently, of the next Congress. They were especially with regard to the strongly supported by the Spanish currency laws. It is strictly for- and French representatives, and bidden to export German marks the motion was accepted. without a licence, which is very grudgingly given, and that has made it difficult for some communities to repay their debts to The Pope's Rebuke. foreign houses of their orders. Before this the Pope had reFor a long time, too, there was ceived 400 delegates to the Interdifficulty about sending out alms national Hospitals Congress and, collected in aid of the foreign while paying warm tribute to a missions. One can easily imagine profession whose members were the concern of German Catholics devoted to the science of healing, for their brethren in the mission he administered a gentle, but firm, fields dependent upon alms collect- rebuke to those who advocated ed in Germany. practices repugnant to Christian Nevertheless "the law is the teaching. He recalled how much law," and it was risky to evade it the Church had done to help the in any way. Those who were sick and how Christian charity caught have compromised the renewed a pagan world whicji, in whole Catholic community. spite of its art, its learning, its poetry and its architecture was, in the telling phrase of St. Paul, sine affectione, sine misericordia. Recent Arrests In Germany. Then he spoke to them as a father The difficulties regarding foreign in the exercise of his mission. He mission alms were eased by an reminded them that, just as he had agreement with the Catholic auth- told a Congress of astronomers orities, but the Nazis have refused that it was no business of theirs to make arrangements for the to discuss the date of Easter or repayment of private loans ad- to busy themselves with a possible vanced to German Catholics by change in what regulated the other Catholics abroad. liturgical or ecclesiastical year, so Considerable hardship has thus he would tell them that the quesbeen inflicted on the least wealthy tion of sterilisation should not °f Germany's creditors, though appear on their agenda. 'industrial magnates have been allowed to repay their foreign (Continued on page 11)


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education services which will offer a wider field for higher appointments. The College of Medicine and Raffles College are annually turning out graduates who find no inlet to positions that are consonant with the standard of training the professors claim to have given. If these graduates are permitted to swell the numbers of the unemployed in common with clerks and artisans, one naturally begins to wonder whether the prevailing state of affairs justifies the enormous expenditure entailed i n training graduates at these two colleges. If the products of these colleges cannot be utilised in a manner as would redound to the benefit of the country and tax-payers, then the logical conclusion would be that an unwarranted drain on the Public purse has been fruitlessly .imposed.

the public at large. Courtesy and affability should form the * hallmark ' of every aspirant to any public position of trust, and it is yet to be desired that our educational systems may not lose sight of these human virtues.

exploiters who bear to the riches and pleasures of this world an insatiable love and who have made their rule that nohting would stand in their way of heaping up riches " INDIVIDUALISM " has been the ruin of the economic and industrial world.

A few individuals have amassed for their own selfish use land and N O T E S A N D C O M M E N T S . money without giving a care nor a thought to the common good. THE JUBILEE FUND Their own satisfaction is all that Singapore. they have been seeking after, and There is not a soul in Malaya Tel. 7376, Singapore. who did not hail His Excellency's that only. * * * * decision of commemorating the Silver Jubilee of His Majesty the Under a " laissez-faire " system JttaJkqm Cafcbxxlrc Qtxbzf King by the creation of a Jubilee a few men, not only have accumuFund in aid of the poor . All over lated vast fortunes to the detriSaturday, 15th June, 1935. the Colony His Excellency's appeal ment of the poor, but have used has been answered and a certain their wealth exclusively for their sum of money already collected. own benefit by investing it in proYet the amount subscribed up to H I G H E R POSTS F O R fitable business and speculations, now is still far below the mark giving their employees wages when we consider the distress T H E L O C A L - B O R N . hardly sufficient to meet adequatewhich calls for relief. ly ordinary domestic needs. The It is gratifying to note that the Through unemployment and low pretext given as a justification of Municipal Commissioners have ap^ wages, hundreds of families of the this system is that the bigger the pointed a committee to report on middle class which, in better times, profit for the capitalist, the more the advisability of throwing open M r . C . J . Smith, the retired would be well off, now live from can be expended on incresaed procertain higher posts to local-born Colonial Surgeon, and Professor hand to mouth or, still worse, have duction. men with suitable qualifications. of Surgery whose valedictory fallen into the clutches of petty The policy of keeping wages low The municipality as a public speech was misunderstood, declar- usurers . The duty of the well-to- while profits go up is a mistaken utility corporation which absorbs ed at the farewell dinner given do is, therefore, to stretch out a policy and it has been condemned helping hand to that povertya good percentage of our youth him by the A l u m n i of the College stricken class, the more so, as by the Church as immoral. in the various departments of its of Medicine, that all what he said their present misery is not of their In his famous letter on the Conestablishment is to be cornpli- or meant to say was i n the i n - own seeking. ditions of Labour, Pope Leo XIII. mented on the generous gesture it terests of the graduates themwrote: " There is a dictate of More pressing than ever is God's has made in this direction. The selves. H e denied having made Commandment: Thou shalt love nature more imperious and more main features of the scheme have any disparaging remarks about they neighbour like thyself. So ancient than any bargain between not been made known as yet, as the standard of medical education intimately blended together are man and man, that the remuneration must be enough to support a second committee has been ap- here, but repeated the necessity of the love of God and the love of our the wage-earner in reasonable and pointed to scrutinise in detail and past-graduate work in Europe or neighbour that the first cannot frugal COMFORT. If, through exist without the other. A Chrisreport more exhaustively on the America to fit local graduates for necessity or fear of a worse evil tian, therefore, who neglects to main recommendations adumbrat- specialist appointments. H e also assist his fellow-man in need, yet the workman accepts harder condied by the first committee. It is suggested that the Alumni A s - pretends to love God, in fact gives tions because an employer or contractor will give him no better, Roped that the findings of this sociation of the Medical College ' himself the lie direct. he is the victim of force and committee will be set out in a should plan out schemes to Pre-eminently Christian is His injustice." more concrete and definite form establish an endowment fund Excellency's appeal as, in the use This fall of wages to the level i n the course of a few months. which should finance intending of the Fund, no " distinctio Judaei of bare subsistence, introduced as post-graduate candidates to fur- et Graeci" shall be made. Every There has been a general feel- ther their studies abroad, hypothe- poor member of the community an economical law since the beginning of the last century, has ing of dissatisfaction in this colony cated by insurance policies against will be given a share of the Jubilee been justly branded by Karl Marx Fund. over the question of admitting the sums so advanced. It appears as " the Iron Law." because it locally domiciled persons to more to us as a fairly workable scheme Let us then be open-handed; reduces workmen to an intolerable responsible posts in the public which will result in a collective lat us, for God's sake, give accord- servitude. services. This feeling has happily enchancement of the efficiency of ing to our circumstances, and thus, Economic Depression, then, is the been abated by the recent imple- the Medical profession out here. come to the aid of our less fortu- result of this immoral policy. On nate brethren. menting of a Straits Settlements The body of graduate teachers one hand we have magnates of the * * * * Civil Service which is gradually may also do well to consider a like industry who produce with excess Hard nowadays, very hard indeed and at the lowest expense; on thÂŁ indrafting suitable candidates for policy to assist promising members is life with its fierce struggle. That the higher rungs of Government of their profession. The govern- hundreds and thousands of our other workmen living on low wages service. The accepted British ment, by its generous aid in many fellow-men should suffer and perish and therefore deprived of the purchasing power: money. Or in colonial policy of installing na- directions, has come to be regard- for the well-being of a few cannot other words, we have a market tives of the place in positions of ed as an over-indulgent parent by be accepted as a matter of course saturated with industrial products trust and responsibility, when fit some who believe that every form and suffered to be passed over for the benefit of a few customers candidates are available to fill such of financial aid should necessarily without any consideration as if it only. were a necessary social evil. So posts with probity and efficiency, come from the State Treasury. " This depression, said Senator terrible is the actual economic dehas to be altered in some degree pression that it has made havoc Borah, is not due to any scarcity There is another aspect of in nearly all the civilised world of the things which people want, in the case of British Malaya where the presence of a hetero- responsible public posts, apart and a mess of the world's trade. there are plenty of these things. Nor is it due to any less desire genous population causes peculiar from mere academic attainments. And yet, day in and day out, we difficulties. Attempts in the past, We refer to the higher manly are told in all seriousness that upon the part of tha consumers to to define and discriminate the virtues of honesty, sympathy, things are improving, that com- have these things. If the desires of the people could be reasonably term * native,' as applied to this sincerity, civility and fair-play. merce is recovering, that un- satisfied, the depression would be part of the world, have given rise These should form the outstand- employment is on the' decline, that over The whole trouble rests to conflicting views from squea- ing features of those holding posi- we have turned the corner. Why upon the proposition that the Broadly then, if it be so, are there so many would-be consumers have lost their mish critics. It is therefore tions of consequence. people who still seek for a job and futile to revive any such discus- speaking, it has often been re- find none? Governments have ex- purchasing power. Not only their sion that is likely to lead us marked by observers that the perimented with various schemes desires but T H E I R NECESSITIES heads of departments in public and methods to remedy such ah must go unsatisfied, hence hunger nowhere. offices manifest more civility and awful state of things but without and misery. Anything that stands in the way of restoration of purGranting for the moment that sympathy in dealing with mem- any enduring success. "Plus Ca chasing power stands in the way there are reasonable obstacles in bers of the general public, than va, plus e'est la meme chose" 'The of recovery. You may restore more it changes, the more it is the the way to admitting local-born some of their underlings whose purchasing nower to the few, but same thing." that does little good in the way men to administrative appoint- attitude and conduct are not PURTo cure a disease one must get of restoring prosperity. ments in the C i v i l Service, as is quite in keeping with their status the practice in other sister colo- as public servants.' Such hector- to its root; to do away with an CHASING POWER MUST B E RESTORED TO T H ^ GREAT nies, yet there are the technical ing attitude in some, springs from evil one must supDress its cause. One of the main causes of the MASS OF T H E P E O P L E . " branches in the Government and an ignorant misconception of actual worldwide depression is the *>f..~:^;ÂŤ^1,>xr the medical and their actual position in relation to greed and avarice of a handful of (Continued on page 12) c


11 DIOCESE OF MACAO. C H U R C H OF ST. JOSEPH. Calendar for the Week. Calendar for the week. June 16. Sunday—Trinity Sunday. June 16. Sunday—1st Sunday White vestments. A t the After Pentecost. Trinity Blessing of the Congregation Sunday. Mass and vespers of TRINITY, S U N D A Y (Matt. XXVIII, 18-20). the Antiphon " Asperges me " the Feast. The Paschal Time is again sung, instead of the for Communion closes to-dav. And Jesus coming, spoke to them, saying, A l l power is given to Paschal "Vidi aquam." Proper Going; therefore, teach ye all nations, me in heaven and in earth. June 17. Monday—Of the Feria. of the Mass in the "Small Misbaptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of June 18. Tuesday—St. Ephrem, sal" p. 184. Solemn High Mass the Holy Ghost; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I celebrating the Feast of St. C. and D. have commanded you. And behold, I am with you alldays, even Anthony of Lisbon at 8 a.m. June 19. Wednesday—St. Juliana to the consummation of the world. All the collections at the three Falconeri, V . Double.—III. Masses will be for the Poor COMMENTARY. June 20. Thursday — Corpus dependent on St. Anthony's Christi. Double of the 1st Bread Fund. Vespers of the To-day is "Trinity Sunday" a HIMSELF. This Love, again, Class with Octave. Sunday at 5 p.m. feast which celebrates the deep- does not remain unfruitful. He June 21. Friday—Of the Octave. est mystery of Religion. The expresses His love in the Third June 17. Monday—St. Anthony Semid. of Lisbon, Double of the Catechism has told us that "there Person who is called the "Holy second class. June 22. Saturday—Of the Octave. is only one God" and that "there Ghost." June 18. Tuesdav—St. Fphrem, are three persons in God: God the Semid. Vigil of St. John the double. Father, God the Son, God the Holy Baptist. God therefore is Self-KnowGhost" and at the same time that ledge, Self-Expression and Self- June 19. Wednesday—St. Juliana of Falconeris, Virgin, Double. "the three persons are not three Love, or put in common words, Gods, but one and the same God." God is Father, Son and Holy June 20. Thursday—The Feast of BISHOP G A L L A G H E R L A U D S Corpus Christi. Double of Three in One or One in Three? Ghost. RADIO T A L K S OF the first class with octave. F R . COUGHLIN. How does this happen? Here June 21. Friday—Of the octave. Catholics do not believe that Semi-double. Abstinence. one God and three Gods are just lies the mystery. Says St. Augus(Contd. from page 6) Evening service at 5.30. the same or that 1=3 or 3=1. tine in his letter to Count PasSaturday — O f tire homes, of factories as well as That would be absurd, against centius:—"Our faith is to believe June 22. octave. Semi-double. paralyze business. Then, after reason which is itself a gift from and confess that the Father, the PRESS GLEANINGS. they buy the homes and fac- God. What they most firmly be- Son and the Holy Ghost are one, (Contd. from page 9). tories and farms at bargain prices, lieve is that there is only ONE only God. Yet we say that the Natural Right. once more they re-issue credit, God, or ONE Divine Substance, Son is not the Father, and that The question of sterilisation, as having gained a firmer grasp on and that in God or in this Divine the Holy Ghost is neither Father Substance there are T H R E E Per- nor Son. For by these names we the Pope pointed out to the visiting the properties of the nafion. sons. A few explanations appear signify the relations by which the doctors, has been dealt with in his - My friends, do you not see that to be necessary. Catholics say Persons are referred to each other, Encyclical . He said he had consithe Holy Father in our day is in- that there is only one divine sub- and not the substance, by which dered it in the name of humanity dicting concentrated wealth as did stance or essence. Now, essence they are One. When we say as well as of religion, in the name St. James in Apostolic Days? The of a thing is that by which it is father, we mean simply the father of the most powerful minds in the Holy Father recognizes that the what it is. The essence, for of a son; similarly the word son v^3ritf~and of the authorities best long train of centuries has brought instance, of a ball, is that im- indicates relation to a father, and qi^lified to understand and diswith it the same old moral evil, material and subtle idea by which spirit, so far as it refers to an- cuss the question. "There are not but he puts the finger on the con- a ball is indeed a ball and is not an other, is simply the breath wanting explicit declarations on trol of money and credit. He tells egg. And yet both are round, (spiritus) of him who breathes eugenics and on the manner of us there are certain forms of pro- both may be white, both may have (spirans) while the latter is call- applying that science." It conperty too valuable to be left in the same size. Still, there will be ed "spirans" of the spirit he cerned humanity, the common private hands and he mentions always an abstract item by which emits." good. It concerned the duty of not among all the forms of property a ball is a ball and an egg is an depriving anyone, above all in The three Persons of the Bless- relation to the sacrosanct good of that there are in the world two egg. This "whatness of a thing" ed Trinity are therefore the out- the family, for eugenic or other forms; money, meaning currency, then is called its "essence." come of existing Relations in God. reasons, of that to which he has and credit, with its allotment. Substance is the essence of be- Relation, as we are told by Philo- a natural right. The Pope con"Father Coughlin addresses the ing but in actual existence. A sophy, is "a certain order set up ! cluded with the hope that they millions in the audience. He fol- stone is a substance, because it between two things, both uniting would not bear him ill-will at the lows the scriptural indictment ex- exists, and a stone's essence is and distinguishing them from a sincerity with which he had repressed by St. James. He follows that by which it is what it is. certain point of view." There is j vealed his mind and his sentithe Doctrine specifically laid down From this, we imply that there is a certain relation between "father ments. The sequel, to which we for him to preach by Pius X I . He a vast difference between essence and son" which is called paternity. have referred above, seems to congoes further with the instructions and substance. Essence is hypo- This relation unites father and j firm that the Holy Father's words Substance son by a common tie and at the were as effect vie as they were he has received. He actively thetical in being. supports the nationalizing of the necessarily exists. Essence is, in same time distinguishes them. j timely. control of money and credit which, the order of thought, an abstrac("The Standard" Dublin 31st May) Theology tells us that there are Substance is a reality. by the way, is in accord with the tion. doctrine laid down by the Father Person is a spiritual and subsistent Relations in God and it is from AUSTRALIAN PREMIER these relations that we gather the of his Country who guided the substance. G RANTED FREEDOM OF Three Persons of the Blessed Triwriting of the Constitution of the T H E CITY A T EDINBURGH. nity. These relations are the United States of America. One Substance—Three Persons. foundation of the mystery. Each FUNCTION M A R R E D B Y From these definitions we now divine Person is a subsistent relaHis Right and Duty. ANTI-CATHOLIC ROWDYISM. come to the "Trinitarian Proces- tion, that is, a relation that exists "To interpret privately and to sus." God is wholly ACTION. by itself. Yet they have the same London, 11-6-35. apply the language of the Ency- God is Intelligence and, therefore, common substance, each Person is Noisy protests against the conclical is the right and duty of Fa- His action is to know. God wills God, although each is distinct, not ferment of the freedom of the ther Coughlin as he fulfils his and loves. God's infinite Intelli- different, from the others. "The city on Mr. Lyons, Prime Minister obligations as citizen and priest in gence has an object before itself, Father, so runs the Florentine of Australia, on the grounds that attempting to correct the evils of an object worthy of its scope. This Decree for the Jacobites, alone of he is a Roman Catholic were made a privately-owned, centralized ban- object is the same God. God His substance begat the Son, the at the ceremony held at Usher king system. Nor is he entering knows Himself, God knows God. Son alone was begotten only of the Hall, Edinburg. Large crowds into politics. The right to correct This deep knowledge does not re- Father, the Holy Ghost alone pro- gathered outside the Hall and an evil is neither Democratic nor main unfruitful: God, knowing ceeds equally from the Father and greeted all entering with cries of Republican, Moreover, Father Himself, produces, if we are allow- the Son. These three Persons are " N o Popery Coughlin is accused of stirring ed to use such a term, an Image one God and not three gods, be- j The proceedings inside were class against class, in truth, he which is equal to God Himself. cause of the Three there j^; one interrupted by male and female speaks for simple justice. He God's Action is not only KNOW- substance, one essence, one nature, members of the protestant action pleads that it be extended to the L E D G E , but also Love, born of one divinity, one immensity, one society. The noise was so great poor to whom it has been so gross- His W I L L . God loves. God is eternity, and all things are one, that the Lord Provost, Sir William ly denied. He knows that it is love. Being infinitely perfect God except when opposing relations Thomson, sat down and the organist played amid shouts of " W e are the duty of government to govern could not love any object else but are a bar to identity." loyal people." " Down with Paon behalf of the poor because, in pists." this same Encyclical to which I have referred so many times toThe police twice ejected a num"Of rjld the cry went up from I am saying that the same spirit ber of the demonstrators. day, the Doctrine which Father Coughlin preaches is laid down, certain high priests at Jerusalem: that animates the hearts of eccleThe Lord Provost apologised for namely, that government should Tt is better that one man die in siastical critics worked well when the unseemly conduct of a few citizens who did not represent the be solicitous for the poor because, order that the people may live.' I as it is witnessed, the rich have am not comparing this priest to nineteen centuries ago they laid solid opinion of the right people of Edinburgh.—Reuter. ample means to protect themselves. Christ, let no man mistake. But Christ in his tomb. DIOCESE OF M A L A C C A .



12 NOTES A N D COMMENTS. (Contd. from page 10)

This is quite true, as the sentence of Mr. Song Ong Siang,—if correctly reproduced by The Malaya Tribune would suggest that Pope Urban VI., being in pressing need of money, sold indulgences. Mr. Song Ong Siang is quite correct when he fixes the institution of the Jubilee to the year 1300. Some time after, about the middle of the century, petitions were made by the Faithful—among them St. Bridget of Sweden and the poet Petrarch,—to Clement VI., that he should curtail the fixed term of 100 years, on the ground that the average span of life was so short that too many would not see any Jubilee in their own generation. Clement assented and, accordingly, held a Jubilee in the year 1350. In 13S9, Pope Urbain VI., for the very same reason still reduced the interval between the Jubilees to 33 years, so that the next Jubilee was celebrated in 1590. But he did not live to open i t ; he died the year before.

The economic restoration of the world is a task which devolves on the State, It is the duty of the State to see that its subjects should have the capacity to secure for themselves the necessaries and the ordinary amenities of life, no less than it is the duty and the right of the State to prevent the monopolizing of money and property by a minority at the expense of the majority. "Whenever the general interest or any particular class suffers, or is threatened with evils, WHICH C A N I N NO OTHER W A Y B E MET, the public authority must step in to meet them." (Leo XIII.) It to the State alone is devolved the task of making laws by which economic life can be set again to a normal condition, the duty of every citizen is, meanwhile, to contribute by generous charities to the lessening of the public distress. * * * * St. Thomas Aquinas, the great Catholic Doctor, teaches us that Urban VI., as Mr. Song Ong we ought not to consider outward Siang points out, "was badly in possessions as absolutely our own, need of money" owing to the w ars "but as common to all, so as to he had to wage for the defence of share them without difficulty when the Pontifical States. Yet to others are i n need." According to affirm, and even to say, that a a Catholic [author of the X V . pressing need of money was the century, "all that the rich man motive which induced him to hath, passing his honest living shorten the intervals between after the degree of his dispensa- Jubilees, is rather preposterous tion, it is other men's, not his, and and contrary to historical methods he shall give hard reckoning there- of criticism. of at the day of doom." This In his "Ordinance" for the Juteaching is not socialism but bilee of 1390 Urban gives his reasons for holding a Jubilee every genuine CHRISTIANISM. 33 years, which are that this period of time represents the Untruths and Half-truths. period of the sojourn of Christ upOn Friday, 31st May, M r . Song on earth and also the average Ong Siang, M.A., L . L . M . , C.B.E., span of human life. Thirty three years after (1423), V.D., President of the Chinese Christian Association, delivered a another Jubilee was proclaimed lecture on "The Jubilee—ancient by Martin V . ; but, in 1540, N i and modern,—and its signifi- cholas V . reverted to the quinquagesimal period while, finally, cance." The learned lecturer availed Pope Paul II. decreed that the Juhimself of this occasion to give a bilee should be celebrated every 25 short historical sketch of the Ju- years. This has been the normal bilee year in the "Roman" Catho- rule since. (Cf. Catholic Encyclopaedia: Jubilee.) lic Church. In a letter to the Editor, a read* * * * er of the Malaya Catholic Leader During the Middle Ages, there objects to the following sentence have been abuses in the administof Mr. Song Ong Siang: " I n 1389, ration of indulgences; nobody, Pope Urban VI., who was badly in even Catholics, would deny it. need of money, reduced the inter- There is nothing too sacred to be val (between Jubilee Years) still free from abuse, but the abuse of further to 33 years.":—"It would a good thing affords no argument imply, says our correspondent, that against its proper use. As for the to gain the Plenary Indulgence abuses connected with the preachfor the Jubilee Year, the faithful ing of the indulgence granted by liad to pay some money to the Pope Leo X . to aid in the completPope. This would make a bad im- ing of St. Peter's Church in Rome, pression on those who do not un- they w ere committed contrary to derstand our Holy Religion." the explicit instructions of ecclesiastical superiors and were con-

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demned in that day, as they are condemned to-day, by all rightminded Catholics. This indulgence was to be gained, partly on the usual condition that the Faithful would go to confession, receive Holy Communion and fast. Moreover, rich people were to add an alms for the completion of the church of St. Peter, whilst the poor were to say extra prayers instead. The indulgence thus obtained could be transferred to the souls in purgatory. Of course no one can say whether or how much any particular soul is benefited by such acts. Some preachers. however, whose heart was set upon large money returns, pretended that a plenary indulgence applied to a particular soul was certain to release it from purgatory. That this opinion, held by a few theologians, was exploited, at least by some and to a certain extent, we must admit as an historical fact. But, we say it again, no abuse connected with indulgences in the X V I . century—or indeed in any age,— ever met with the approval of the Church. Quite the contrary, such abuses were visited with express condemnation from the Popes. "Yet," writes Fr. Hill, "it was such accidental abuses, which never had Church's approval, thst furnished a pretext for the unspeakable scandal of a revolt against the Church itself by the founder of Protestantism. Efforts to correct the abuses in question had been made before L u ther's time. The Church ultimately succeeded, as only the true Church can succeed, in ridding itself of any such ugly "excrescence" without being shattered to pieces.

SINGAPORE. ' P H O N E : 2845.

"The real difference between our Protestant friends and ourselves" says again Fr. Hill, "is that we have discarded the abuses but clung to the old Faith, whilst they have rejected all in the lump." To accuse the Popes of trading in indulgences, when they happened to be badly in need of money is no less than to prefer a baseless imputation dictated either by ignorance or prejudice. And when Protestants fling out this accusation at our face, their only purpose is to shame us of our Catholic ancestors. Have they forgotten, peradventure, that our Catholic ancestors are their own as well ? I N T E R N A T I O N A L PRESS EXHIBITION. (Contd. from page 1) The Systematic Section. This will consist of special categories of newspapers and periodicals grouped according to their character and contents. The place of honour will be reserved for publications of Catholic Action and of Missionary Propaganda. Under the auspices of the Sacred Congregation for the Oriental Church will be brought together and exhibited for the first time all periodical publications of Catholics of the various Oriental Rites. The Sacred Congregation of Seminaries and Universities and that of Religious Orders and Congregations will display periodicals proper to their spheres. Theological, philosophical, historical, scientific, literary and artiestie reviews will also apnear in this Section. [Lumen-NCWC]


S. X. I. Annual Athletic Sports Penang. The annual athletic sports of the St: Xavier Institution were held in ideal weather on the 18th May on the school ground before a large number of guests and pupils. The sports represented the final stage of the Jubilee celebrations of the Institution. The various events were contested in a very keen manner and several exciting finishes in the running items were witnessed in the course of the evening. The ground, however, was soft and not conducive to good times. The B. Division of the seniors carried most of the events before them while the I± 'Division were easily first among the competing groups in the junior class. The champion athlete of the day was Christopher Thomas with Cheah Wat Yen a .good second. The boys were divided into two division, seniors and the juniors, while the primary class pupils, the infants, had three events to themselves. Sack Football. The teachers were not left out of the programme. They had their share and split themselves into two teams, indulging in a game of sack football much to the amusement of the spectators. M r . F. Reutens led one team and M r . A . Reutens captained the other. Play veered from one end to the other and several exciting melees were seen in the goalmouths. The score sheet was blank when the final whistle was blown and so the team decided on a toss. M r . A . Reuten's team won. The cadets and scouts also participated in one event each. In the cadet's dressing race, it was fun to watch the competitors, with only one boot on dashing to various points round the field where the remaining parts of their uniform were depositejd. The scouts enjoyed themselves with the knot tying race. They were divided into TOUT patrols and each scout had to tie a knot. The last member of the patrol tied a bowline around his waist. Tribute to Resident Councillor. A t the conclusion of the sports, the Very Rev: Bro. James, O . B . E . , said that he wished to express on behalf of the St: Xavier's Institution his best thanks to all the ladies and gentlemen who had come that afternoon. The evening's sports represented the final stage of the Jubilee celebrations of the 3.X.I. and he seized the opportunity of expressing his appreciation for the work put in by the staff and pupils. Penang has lived up to its motto "Let Penang lead." He thought all would join him in congratulating the Resident Councillor, M r . Arthur, for the success of the local Jubilee celebrations. The manner in which Mr. A r t h u r had given support was evidence that the new Resident Councillor had won the hearts of all classes and communities in Penang. He also thanked the Mu/iidpal Commissioners and Mr. Black for the services of the band, and concluded by thanking all who had come and made the sports a success, and also Mrs. B. W . Allen who had kindly consented to give away the prizes. Resident Councillor's Reply. The Hon: M r . Arthur said "I must thank Bro. James for the kind words in which he referred to me this afternoon. It is my duty on behalf of the guests to say that it is a great pleasure to come and witness the sports." He was most interested in the sack football and he felt it would have given him great pleasure if his own teachers could have played such football as he saw that evening. He congratulated the S.X.I, on their celebration of the Jubilee. The Rev: Bro. Paul, Director of the Institution, also spoke a few words before calling upon Mrs. Allen to give away the prizes.

The Sports Secretary, Mr. F . Reutens, called for three cheers for Mrs. Allen and M r . Arthur. Among those present were:—The Hon. the Resident Councillor, Mr. J . S. W. Arthur. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Allen, the Hon. Mr. Palgrave Simpson, the Hon. M r . E . Newbold, the Hon. Mr. Khoo sian Ewe, the Hon. M r . H . H . Abdoolcader, Rev. Keppel Garrier, Mr. F . H . Grummitt, M r . and Mrs. R. J . Curtis, M r . B. G. H . Johnson, M r . and Mrs. J . P. Biddulph, Mr. T . A . O. Sullivon, M r . M . J . Thorpe, Capt. and Mrs D. G. B . Ridout, Mr. R. H . McCleland, M r . J . G. O'Reilly, Dr. J . E . Smith, Messrs. H . McNeice, M . B. Lynch, J . M . Barron, Chee Wor Lock, M r . and Mrs. M . Saravanamuttu, Dr. N . K . Menon, Mr. V . Lunberg, M r . G. R. Evans, and Dr. and Mrs. de Cruz. The following is a list of the results:— 50 Yards Relay—Juniors:— 1 Division D. 2 Division E . 3 Division F . 100 Yards—Seniors:— 1 Cheah Wat Yen (C). 2 Chung Chang Loong (B). S H . Stewart Time: 11 2-5 sees. 440 Yards—Seniors:— 1 J . Read ( A ) . 2 Khaw Bian Hwai (B). 8 L . Remedios (C). Time: 59 sees. Cadets Race:— 1 A . Forest. 2 S. D'Orville. 3 Ooi Chuan Hoe. H a l f Mile Relay—Seniors:— 1 Division A . 2 Division B. 3 Division C. Time: 1 min. 15 sees. Finding the Coin—Infants:— 1 Division F . 2 Division F . 3 Division D. Tug of War—Juniors:—Division E. Tug of War—Seniors:—Division C. 220 Yards—Seniors:— 1 Khaw Bian Hwai. 2 Chung Chang Loong. 3 Cheah Wat Yen. Time: 26 sees. Putting the Weight—Seniors:— 1 C. Thomas B. 2 Chong Barnabas C. 3 Yeih Gim Seng A . Distance: 28 ft. 3 ins. Hurdles Relay—Juniors:— 1 Division D. 2 Division F . 3 Division E . Hurdles—Seniors:— 1 Nai Som Boon B. 2 Yap Cheng E n g C. 3 L . Remedios C. Time: 17 4-5 sees. Tug of War—Juniors Final:—Division D. Tug of War—Seniors Final:—Division B. 880 Yards—Seniors:— 1 C. Thomas B. 2 Veerasingam C. 3 Cheah Chong Kee A . Time: 2 mins. 22 3-5 sees. Bali Relay—Juniors:— 1 Division E . 2 Division D. 3 Division F . Arithmetic Race—Infants:— 1 Lye K u m Cheong. 2 R. Lourdsamy. 3 L . Siew Kiew. High Jump—Seniors:— 1 Tan Boon Teik B. 2 Yap Cheng E n g C. 3 Lam Yeow Kee A. Height: 4 ft. 11 ins. Sack Football—Teachers:— A . Reuten's Team beat F . Reuten's Team.

Telephone N o . 7843.

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15th J U N E , 1935.

Long Jump—Seniors:— 1 Ooi Seang Hoon C . 2 Yap Cheng E n g C . 3 Cooke. Distance: 18 ft. Zhb ins. Quarter Relay—Seniors:— 1 Division B. 2 Division C. 3 Division A . Time: 51 sees. Scouts Race:— 1 Rattlesnake Patrol. 2 Owl Patrol. One Mile—Relay—Seniors:— 1 Division B. 2 Division C. 3 Division A . Time: 4 mins. 13 sees. Shoe Race—Infants:— 1 Division D. 2 Division F . 3 Division D. Quarter Mile Team—Seniors:— 1 Division A . 2 Division C. 3 Division B. Band Race:— 1 Chendan Singh. 2 L . M . Aeria. 3 Md. Azim. Bicvcle Race—Seniors:— 1 M . G. Foley B . 2 H . Reed. 3 C. Bulow A . 440 Yards—Old Boys—(Handicap):1 M . Scully. 2 R. Aeria. 3 M . Reyes. Time: 51% sees. Championship Group—Seniors:— Division B . Championship—Group—Juniors:— Division E . Championship Athelete:— C. Thomas.





and economical

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00 UP



o/iure0 \mS


PENANG. TOPICS OF T H E W E E K . Balik Pulau Fruits. ON WINGS F R O M ALBION. Most of the parishioners of the Church of the Holy Name of Jesus, (Continued from page 3). Balik Pulau, are smallholders owning plantations on the hill-slopes surrounding the little township of quarter, near Hatton Garden. Balik Pulau and its outskirts. In There they have charge of the these plantations are to be found handsome Italin church in Clerkencoconut, arecanut, nutmeg, clove, well Road, close to which fine buildrubber and fruit trees of various ing are a number of streets and descriptions. tenements which, on account of their national complexion, are Now that the fruit season is in known as " Little Italy." As full swing, these plantation-owners Father Pallotti was an Italian, it are kept very busy collecting and will easily be understood that the selling fruit. Clerkenwell Road church is attracting just now many Italians from A visit to the house of almost every one of the Catholic house- dll parts of London. The church holds dotted here and there among itself, in the erection of which the the hills, will reveal the fact that founder took great interest, dates every member of the household, from 1863. young or old, man or woman, is occupied with some congenial work of tile season. On the floor RECEPTION TO MRS. LYONS. are to be seen luscious fruits of all kinds—"durians, chempedaks, Mrs. Lyons, wife of the Prime langsats, mangosteens, rambutans and mangoes''—collected into Minister of Australia, has been groups ready to be taken to the honoured in London, at two funcvillage market for sale. The ear- tions, by her fellow-Catholic sisters liest bird gets the choicest worm in faith. More than four hundred and those who are earliest at the distinguished women attended a market with their produce obtain reception given in her honour, at the Dorchester Hotel, by the Cathe best prices for the day. tholic Women's League. The second function was a banquet Friday, May 24, was Empire organized by the St. Joan's Social Day. This day was celebrated in and Political Alliance, a Catholic St. George's School, Balik Pulau, feminist society. Wherever she in the usual manner. After a goes, Mrs. Lyons, like her disshort address on the significance tinguished husband, wins golden of the day the headmaster read opinions. She will return to Ausout Earl Jellicoe's message to the tralia with a host of new friends children. The National Anthem in memory; and when she sails she was then sung together by the will seem to leave a gap, for she children after which school closed is one of the most popular Catholic women in England at the present for a half-holiday. time. On Saturday, May 25, the Asst. District Commissioner Khoo Sim Teong, accompanied by the Scoutmaster of the 2nd. Penang (A.C.S.) Scout Troop, paid the St. George's School Scout Troop a visit of inspection. Before the visitors, the scouts under Acting (Contd: on foot of next col.).

Scoutmaster T. K . Kooi, went through a varied programme including semaphore signalling and first aid work. The visitors who appeared to be favourably impressed by the keenness displayed by the scouts, were then entertained to some "buboh kachang" prepared by the scouts.

M A L A Y A CATHOLIC L E A D E R , S A T U R D A Y , 13th JUNE, 1935.


Catholic Affairs from Far and Near EUROPE.


A S I A .

HOLY N A M E M E N SCORE ANCIENT TRADITIONAL U S E O F U.S. M A I L S F O R PROCESSION, REVIVED, MEXICAN PROPAGANDA IS H E L D IN J E R U S A L E M . Washington.—President Roosevelt and By Dr. Alexander Mom belli. other Government officials were called Jerusalem.—On A p r i l 9, 1933, the upon to check the sending of antiopening of the Jubilee of the Redempreligious propaganda of the Mexican tion, there was revived in Jerusalem, Government through the United States zfter a forced suspension of about four mails in a resolution adopted by reprecenturies, the solemn Palm Procession, sentatives of 42,000 members of the Holy which in ancient times followed the Name Society in the Archdiocese of route taken by Our Lord when, depart- Baltimore. Five hundred delegates ating from Bethphage, on the Moun-, of tended the meeting held here. Olives, He made his triumphal entry into The resolution called attention to the the Temple. distressed condition of Catholics in The impressive manifestation was this Mexico and scored the use of "franking" year held on Palm Sunday to celebrate privileges in the dissemination of Mexithe closing of the Jubilee. This year , can propaganda in this country. the procession attained its greatest Adoption of the resolution followed an splendour. address by the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Peter L . The procession descended from the Ireton, spiritual director of the ArehMcunt of Olives, passed along the garden diocesan Union. (N.C.W.C). of Gethsemani and went UD to Bezetha, where it ended in the Church of St. C U R R E N T SPIRIT O F W A R Anne. The colourful procession was enASSAILED BY CARDINAL hanced by songs and prayers in IN C H A R I T I E S P A S T O R A L . different languages. New York.—Condemning the current The men, girls, and women, friars, Sisters, notables and prelates in the war spirit in the world, His Eminence procession bore palim or olive branches Patrick Cardinal Hayes, Archbishop of New YBrk, in a pastoral issued yesterin they* hands. Among the prelates participating was day regarding the annual appeal for the the new Apostolic Delegate to Pales- Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese, tine, the Most Rev. Gustavo Teota. declares that "justice—social, economic, legal, international—is the cry of the (N.C.W.C.) hour." His Eminence said that a decisive conDr. William Schmidt, S.V.D. flict must be fought between ChristiaMember of the Royal Anthropolo- nity and communism, declaring that "communism by its very nature hates gical Institute of Great Britain the Church preaching its gospel of and Ireland Arrives in Peiping. charity." "The widow's mite, the cup of cold water given in God's Name, almsPeiping, M a y 18. Rev. D r . William Schmidt, S.V.D., giving, the care of the poor and the afflicted, the love of neighbour, the internationally known in the field of ethnology, anthropology, comparative re- forgiveness of injury and charity to all." ligion and linguistics, arrived in Peiping hp adds, "are more potent to bless mankind with wisdom, hanpiness, and this morning. He was welcomed at the joy of life here and hereafter than the station by Msgr. Joseph Comisso, Secforging of armament? that breed hatred retary of the Apostolic Delegation, by avarice, injustice and mass destruction members of the Synodal Commission of human life." ( N . C . W . C ) . and by a large representation from the * * * * Catholic University of Peking, which D r . Schmidt will make his headquarters GEORGETOWN TO CONFER during his sojourn of several months in HONOUR ON DISTINGUISHED China. ENGLISH JESUIT SAVANT. Dr. Schmidt is a member of the Royal Washington.—The Rev. Martin Cyril Anthropological Institute of Great B r i tain and Ireland, an honour which he * D'Arcy, S.J., noted philosopher and master of Campion Hall, Oxford Univershares with less than half a hundred European savants. He is also a member sity, England, will receive the honorary degree, Doctor of Laws, from Georgeof the Akademie der Wissenchaften of Vienna and twice received the Volney town University shortly on the occasion prize from the Academy of Sciences of of a visit to Washington. Paris. A few years ago the Holy F a Following exercises in the afternoon, ther appointed Father Schmidt Director the Very Rev. W. Coleman Neviis, S.J., of the Lateran Mission Museum in Rome. president of Georgetown, will give a (Lumen). reception and dinner in honour of the English educator. Sir Ronald Lindsay, Ambassador of Great Britain, will be the Cross as a Memorial of the Jubilee ranking guest. Father Neviis will confer the degree Year and of the Persecution of the at a special convocation attended by Catholics of Canara under prominent Washingtonians and officials. Tippu Sahib. Dr. James Brown Scott, professor of international law and secretary of the Mangalore (India).—A Memorial Cross ;n reinforced concrete, 52ft. high, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, will read the charter. Dr. E d erected on Mount Calvary, Kadri Plamund A . Walsh, S.J., vice-president cf teau, near Mangalore, was blessed A p r i l 28 by the Most Rev. Victor R. Fernandes, Georgetown and regent of the School of Bishop of Mangalore. Besides being a Foreign Service, will make the presenmemorial of the Jubilee Year, the Cross tation address. Father D'Arcy is lecturer in philosocommemorates the persecution of the Catholics cf Kanara under Tippu Sultan phy at Oxford University and also is examiner for higher degrees at Oxford, and their exiie to Seringapatam. (Fides) London and Leeds Universities. He was • * * * * appointed master of Campion Hall in H . E . Bishop V . R. Fernandez of ; 1933. This is the official Jesuit hall at ' Oxford, the oldest of the three permaMangalore Celebrates Silver Jubli^e nent private halls at the famous university and the first Catholic institution of Ordination. founded there since the Reformation. Mangalere (India).—The Most Rev. Father D'Arcy, who is 47 years old. Victor R. 'Fernandes, who became Bishop at Oxford won first class honours in of Mangalore, India, in May 1931, ob- Humanities 'and the Charles Oldham served the Silver Jubilee of his ordina- Prize in 1915, the John Locke Scholartion March 19. Bishop Fernandes was ship in 1918 and the Green Moral Philoborn in Mangalore in 1881 and was or- sophy Prize in 1923. At Oxford also he dained in that city in 1910. received the M . A . degree. Studying A purse presented to him by the theology at the Gregorian University in clergy at the Jubilee celebrations was Rome he was ordained in 1923. immediately set aside by the Bishop for (N.C.W.C) the education of a clerical student of the diocese in Rome. The laity of the diocese also took up a collection for him. ANTI-CATHOLIC ATTACK Since his appointment less than four BRINGS CONVICTION O F years ago Bishop Fernandes has blessed MINISTER. •EX-MONK.' 18 new churches in the Diocese of Manon-reai.—r>y nis arxacK on me ~ galore, he has" established" a rest house tholic Church, "the bad faith of the for disabled members of the clergy and accused was most manifest," Chief he has founded a community of i a y Judge Gustave Perrault stated in conbrothers, the Brothers of Olivet. A diovicting the Rev. Victor Rahard, rector cesan board of education has been instiof the French Anglican Church of the tuted, and two high schools, one for boys Redeemer here, of blasphemous libel. and one for girls, have been opened. During this period 42 priests have been He was fined $100 with a month in jai! as the alternative. ordained. (Fides). -

PERSECUTION A N D PAGANISM CATHOLIC CHARITY STOPPED. MUNICH POLICE H A L T CAMPAIGN FOR S U B S C R I P T I O N S Munich.—Police here recently forced a Catholic charitable organization known as "Caritas" to close their campaign for subscriptions. The order followed several demonstrations. Prior to the police decree, members of the young Hitlerites picketed places where collections were received, brandishing copies of the "Voelkischer Beobachter" which, in huge headliness, carried the story of "Contraband Currency Carried on by Catholic Priests," with reference to the sentencing recently of Sister Werna to five years in prison for having illegally transferred money abroad from Germany. As a result, a large crowd gathered, crying, "Don't give a cent to the currency smugglers!" Police made several arrests, but these persons were released later. In the interim, the streets of Munich were crowded with irate crowds. (Havas.) * * * * In April the German Catholic youths were received in audience bv the Holy Father. When the first party of these boys, on their return from Rome, crossed the Swiss frontier near Basle, they were attacked bv Brown shirts who stripped off their uniforms and deprived them of (Continued on next Col. Rehard was formerly a Catholic priest and eight years ago became a Protestant, joining the United Church. Subsequently he joined the Anglican denomination. A few persons still attend his church. The minister, arrested some time ago, was charged with publishing a blasphemous libel in a placard displayed before his church. The placard attacked the Catholic priesthood, denounced the Mass as "selling Christ," compared the priest to Judas and alleged that the Catholic Church had "commandments of her own for the satisfaction of her ambition and the prosperity of her boutique (shop)." Judge Perrault, in his decision, pointed out that the case did not present a question of religious doctrine but solely one of law-the application of section 198 of the Canadian Criminal Code. He cited several English and Canadian precedents and concluded that he found the language used had been scurrilous in the extreme. "I say that these are terms offensive and injurious to Catholics and of such nature as might lead to breach of the peace." he asserted. "Where can on<^ find, in the terms cited, an argument 'expressed in good faith and in decent language? " The bad faith of the accused was manifest, the Judge added, because the notice had been posted in a district predominantly French-Canadian and Catholic and had been headed bv the words: "Sermon bv a Former Monk." (N.C.W.C)



The Rev. W. L . Murray, pastor of the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Campbell's 3ay. Quebec, who. as a chaplain with the Canadian forces during the World War, received the Military Cross for distinguished service overseas, had a new honour conferred on him recently. He was elected chief of the town's volunteer fire department and as such will direct operations at future" fires.

A Warning To Women— Health Not As Good As It Should Be. Speaking at a gymnastic display by the National Council of Girls' Clubs at the Albert Hall, London. Sir George Newman, chief medical officer to the Ministry of Health, said, "The health of the women of England is not as good as it should be—there is too much preventable anaemia in girls and women." Woiucn should heed such a warning, l o r anaemia is the root cause of much ill-health. If you are anaemic your urgent need to restore health and strength is a tonic capable of creating new, rich, red blood in abundance, and many thousands of sufferers "from anaemia have found just this tonic in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. By rapidly increasing the number of red corpuscles in the blood Dr. Wiiiiams' Pink Pills quickly revitalize the whole system, strengthen the nerves, restore colour to faded cheeks, bring lustre to tired eyes.

the religious emblems they had brought back from the centre of Christianity. And then they were brought to a concentration camp. Their offence? They had cheered the Pope in His Vatican Palace.

The Palatine Guard of Honour. Vatican City.—L'Osservatore Romano has published a regulation changing the organization of the Palatine Guard of Honour. Heretofore, the Guard has consisted of a battalion composed of 4 companies of 80 to 100 men and depending directly upon the Cardinal Secretary of State. By virtue of the new regulation, the Guard will still comprise a battalion of 4 companies but will total 500 men and will be commanded by a colonel. It will have a staff, a quartermaster company and a band. Founded by Cardinal Antoneili in December, 1850, the Palatine Guards added in 1892 the title "of honour," which was conferred upon them by Pope Leo XIII in recognition of their fidelity. Their patron is St. Peter. Those desiring to enter the Guards must be between 18 and -10 years old and must live at Rome. The Palatine Guard of Honour follows immediately after the Noble Guard and the Swiss Guard. Its special duty is to assure the protection of and render honorarv service to the person of the Pope. ( L u m e n - N C W C ) .

The Holy F a h e r recently received in audience 200 Ursuline nuns who had attended an educational Congress in Rome organized in commemoration of the 4th centenary of the founding of their institute by Saint Angela Merici. r






Mrs. Mary Adelman, who celebrate! her 106th birthday in Chicago recently, is, despite hev years, most active in the practice of her religion. Besides hearing Mass on Sundays, she also attended Mass and Lenten devotions on weekdays.





A special Good Friday programme wa< hro?:-rast over nationwide hookup in the I'nited States as a special feature of the "Catholic Hour" on April 19. It consisted of original meditations on the Seven Last Words written and delivered by the Very Rev. Msgr. Fulton J . Sheen, with musics! interludes furnished by the Pat list Choristers under th.p direction of Father William J . Finn. C S . P .






>= :

Mme. Auguste Gillet, mother of the Very Rev. Martin Gillet, f a s t e r General of the Dominican 'Older, died' recently at the age of 86 years. •


The boys of St. Thomas Aquinas School, Billings' Bridge, ait Ottawa suburb, saved their church from destruction by fire by forming a bucket brigade. The flames caused heavy damage, in the sacristy.


H. E m . Cardinal Pacelli, who succeeded the late Cardinal Gasparri as Vatican Secretary of State. ha> also been chosen •o succeed him as Carnerlengo. In this latter capacity he would preside over the College of Cardinals, should the Holy See become vacant.





Priests who celebrated Mass afteTTr <iday. when taking part in the three-day ceremony at Lourdes recently, were required to fast only four hours before beginning Mass, according to a decision of the Holy Office and the Sacred Penitentiary. r

'The President of Rumanian Cat no Action, M r . Valerius Pop. is Minister State in the nresent Rumanian Gover ment. This is- the third time he .i heen selected as a member of t Ministry. . Toungoo, (Burma)—The Sawbwa he Yawnghwe, the chief of one of native states of eastern Burma, has P-: raised to erect a wing of the new :ep er p?\luni in the Catholic Mission Toungoo. The building will be given memory of his wife who died in Mai < Fides).

Fields Abroad


Ghost Fathers, Vicar Apostolic of Yaounde. They will receive the diacofeast of St. Lawrence, nate on the August 10. This ordination means another step forward in the establishment of a native ciergy in this section of Africa where, m less than a half century, missionaries have built up a flourishing Catholic community of more than 160,000 members. (Fides).

A F R I C A T H E RAPID G R O W T H O F T H E P R O P A G A T I O N O F T H E F A I T H IN THE BELGIAN CONGO. Leopoldville (Belgian Congo, Central Africa).—His Excellency Archbishop Joseph Dellepiane, Apostolic Delegate and President of the Pontifical Association for the Propagation of the Faith in the Belgian Congo, reports extraordinary progress in the organization of mission-aid activities throughout the Congo and the Belgian mandates of Ruanda and Urundi. In this section, despite increasing poverty and hard times, 143,203 francs were collected last year, a gain of 17,988 francs upon the total receipts of last year. Gifts in kind come from natives who are too poor to contribute money. The seminarists at Baudoinville cultivate a field of tobacco and donate the profits to the work. Days and weeks of manual labour are also given, and at Banziville. a young lad went to the missionary and offered him his sun helmet with the explanation that he had no funds and that he would buy back the hat when he should earn enough money, and the missionary could then send the money to the Holy Father. 2n many missions the prayers prescribed for members of the Association are recited in common. Thousands of persons, especially young people, offer days of prayer and sacrifice for the Propagation* of the Faith. Mission Sunday of the Sick has been organized. Many Christians travelled dozens of miles over mountains and through forests to be present for the Mission Sunday celebrations and to give their offerings for the Propagation of the Faith. These and many other such instances testify to the enthusiasm of these new Christians in promoting the Propagation of the Faith, or what thev call, "the Work of the Pope," "the Gift of the Pope," "the Work for the Pope's Pagans," the "Work of Believers for Unbelievers," and "the Work of the Catholic Church." (Fidos).





FRENCH GOVERNMENT FIXES T H E PRICE T O B E P A I D F O R A W I F E INFRENCH CAMEROON. Douala (French Cameroon, West Africa).—Another step in regulating marriage customs among the natives of French Cameroon was made February 11 when the Commissioner, M . Repiquet, issued a decree fixing the amount of the "dowry" to be paid fo** a wife. The sum to be paid to the bride's father or guardian has hitherto been decided upon by the two interested parties and has varied from 2,000 to 10,000 francs. The new decree fixes this payment at 500 francs in the richer sections of the country and half this amount in the poorer sections. More than a year ago, M . Bonnecarrere, French Commissioner in the Cameroon at that time, published a decree which laid particular stress on the necessity of the bride's consent for the validity of the marriage. Missionaries look forward to the time when # man will no longer purchase a wife as he would a goat or a suit of clothes. (Fides)






CELEBRATION OF SILVER J U B I L E E OF KING GEORGE IN T H E C A T H O L I C C A T H E D R A L O F KHARTOUM. Khartoum Anglo-Egyptian Sudan).— A solemn celebration of the Silver Jubilee of K i n g George was held by the Catholics of Khartoum in the Cathedral of St. Matthew May 12. Rev. C. J . Winstanley, Catholic chaplain of the British troops in the Sudan Celebrated Mass and preached a sermon. The ceremony closed with a solemn Te Deum of thanksgiving, after which Colonel E L . Petre, Chief Staff Officer of the Sudan Defence Force reviewed the troops. Among those attending the ceremony were 100 Catholic soldiers of the Second Battalion Cameroon Highlanders. Catholic troops from other units serving at Khartoum, and Catholic members of the ^ritish and foreign colony. During the Mass the students of Comhoni College sang hymns in English. (Fides). * • * * ORDINATION O F T H E F I R S T E I G H T NATIVE SUBDEACONS IN F R E N C H CAMEROON. Douala (French Cameroon, West Africa).—The first eight native suboeacons f French Cameroon were ordained on Easter Mondav, April 22. by ^ h o p Francis X. Vogt. of the Holy 0







PROGRESS O F CATHOLIC ACTION IN N O R T H E R N R H O D E S I A . Cilubula (Northern Rhodesia, Africa) —Catholic Action associations were organized in nine missions of the Vicariate of Bangueolo, Northern Rhodesia, during the first quarter of 1935. There are now more than 100 groups of men and 23 women's groups well established. The members of each group were chosen by the Catholic communities of their respective villages to be counsellors and leaders in the struggle against paganism, immorality and anti-Catholic propaganda. (Fides).






OF T H E CATHOLIC CHURCH IN B R I T I S H E A S T A F R I C A 1,271,087 F A I T H F U L . An article in The Southern Cross of Capetown draws attention to the growth of the Catholic Church last year in British East Africa where Catholics increased by 88,569. The Catholic population is now 1,271,087. The figures are for Kenya Colony, Tanganyika Territory, Zanzibar, Uganda, Nyasaland, Northern Rhodesia, AngloEgyptian Sudan, Mauritius and Seychelles. The missionary personnel in this area in 1934 consisted of 913 Europeon priests and 96 African priests, 421 European and 39 African brothers, 997 European and 623 African sisters, and 10,972 catechists. There are 1,115 boys preparing for the priesthood in the minor seminaries and 230 students in the major seminaries. A t present 336,832 catechumens are preparing for Baptism. Eleven organized parishes have been handed over to the care of 36 native priests. (Fides). * * * * FOUR GROUPS OF CATHOLIC A C T I O N S O C I E T I E S IN T H E VICARIATE OF BASUTOLAND. Rome. (Basutoland, South Africa).— Catholic Action Societies have been founded in the Vicariate of Basutoland by Bishop Joseph Bonhomme, O.M.I. Basutoland, lying north of the Cape Province, between Natal and the Orange Free State, has a population of approximately 500,000, almost entirely native. European settlement is limited to traders, Government officials and missionaries. The complete Catholic Action organization started by Bishop Bonh o m m e consists of four separate associations, one for men, another for young men, a third for women and the fourth for voung women. (Fides) * * * * * * BISHOP O N E O F 17 C H I L D R E N . The recently appointed Vicar Apostolic of Nyassa, Africa, Mgr. Julien, who was born in Canada, is one of 17 children. Three of his brothers became priests and two sisters became nuns.






J U B I L E E CROSS. 28 F E E T H I G H , TO B E ERECTED B Y A F R I C A N C H I E F A N D HIS PEOPLE. Moshi. British East Africa.—The Native Chief and the people of Kilema, Tanganyika Territory, have set anart a portion of the summit of Fumba Hill for a public garden, in the centre of which they will erect a Cross to commemorate the Jubilee Year of the Redemption. Fumba Hill is a prominent elevation on the northeastern side of Kilimanjaro Mountain. The Cross and pedestal will be 28 feet high and the corpus in bronze will be life-size. Brother Cere, C.S.Sp.. who has been a missionary in East Africa for more than half a century, has designed the monument and is directing the work. The Vicariate of Kilimanjaro is administered by American Holv Ghost Fathers under the direction of Bishop Joseph Bv*ne. who was formerly Supev i r of the Holy Ghost Seminarv at Femdale, Connecticut. (Lumen-Fides). 0

station here which provides food and shelter to about a hundred starving women monthly. According to the newspapers the proposal has been favourably received. The same group spend an hour .daily in a similar institution for the relief of boys in extreme poverty. (Lumen).

No More News of Two Missionaries Captured by the Reds.

Anking, Anhwei.— While a glimmer of hope remains that Fathers Avito and Lopez may yet be alive, the weight of evidence* obtainable after prolonged investigations inclines to the belief that they have perished. Such, at any rate, is the conclusion of their Superiors here, Bishop Witnesses Trial by who without further delay have ordered * Polished Rice" in Eastern prayers and suffrages for their souls. Burma. Father Avito is believed to have been killed at Tsingkiangtu, in Sinchanghsien, Kengtung ( Burmah).—A curious Szechwan, toward the end of 1933; and m eh tod of administering justice was there is good reason to suppose that discovered recently by Msgr. Herman Father Lopez was killed by Communists Bonetta, Prefect Apostolic of Kengtung, near Loshan, Honan. when he entered the village of Mong Father Ismael Gutierrez Avito was Sat in eastern Burma in time to witness born in Castro-Urdiales, in the Province a trial by polished rice." The local tax- and diocese of Santander, Spain, collector accused a member of the Musho February 4, 1895. He entered the tribe of being in arrears. The man said Society of Jesus June 4, 1911, and that he paid the tax to the village chief, arrived in China November 1, 1927. but the chief denied it. Since neither For one year he was assistant to the side could produce witnesses it was pastor of Hofei, Anhwei. Shortly after decided to try the ease in another way. his transfer to Hwoshan, he was taken Each of the litigants was given a bowl captive by Communists on May 1, 1930. of hard uncooked rice and told to chew Father Dositeo Lopez was born the rice and then spit it into the bowl. February 18, 1899, in the Province of He who should succeed in chewing Lugo, Spain. He entered the Society of the rice thoroughly without making his Jesus September 3, 1927, and arrived in gums bleed would win the case. The China December 3, 1932. He also was defendant lost and was required to pay assistant for a year at Hofei and was the tax plus a fine of 60 rupees and two then appointed to Mitosze. in the Taihu pigs. Prefecture. It was there that the Com"I was in the right," the poor tax- munists made him a prisoner on October payer told Msgr. Bonetta afterwards, 21. 1934. "I paid the tax, but the collector beThe coincidence that botn Father witched me and the great spirit helped Avito and Father Lopez were stationed him to chew the rice." The Mission- their f^rst year at Hofei is rather strikaries of Milan have opened a mission ing. station in Mong Sat, a village of about Since the capture and disappearance 200 families. (Fides). of these two priests, a great change has * * * * * come over the district in which they formerly laboured. Both in number and 10,000 Telugu Catholics Attend. in fervour, the Christians there are Nellore (India).—It is estimated that among the best in the entire vicariate, more than 10,000 Catholics from the whereas previously they left much to be Telugu district of South India attended desired in each of these respects. There the Eucharistic Triduum at the Shrine is also a wide-spread movement toward of Our Lady of Lourdes on Phirangi- the Church among non-Christians in puram Hill April 25 to 28. The shrine those parts. The two priests in charge is in the Dioces of Nellore. a* missionare unequal to the occasion and not a ary territorv staffed by the Mill Hill few prospective converts have to be Fathers and the Indian secular clergv. kept waiting. (Lumen). (Fides).







Serious Decrease of Students in Protestant Seminaries in China,

* * * * Prefect Apostolic of Chuchow says that the Day of Communism in China Has Gone.

Ottawa, Canada.—Monsignor W. C. Peking.—The decreasing enrollment in 14 Protestant seminaries in China was McGrath, Prefect Apostolic of Chuchow, given serious consideration at the meet- Chekiang, China, visiting here, said that ing of the National Christian Council at the day of communism in China has of Monsignor McGrath, one the end of April. In 1922 there were gone. 96 students in the superior courses and Canada's leading missionaries in the F a r 391 in the secondary courses; in 1934 East, will return to China next Septemthe figures had dropped to 14 and 269 ber/taking back with him another group respectively. The decrease is more im- of Canadian missionaries. The once powerful Red army which portant in view of the fact that during the same period members of Protestant controlled Kiangsi has been broken up, denominations- increased by 17 and the he said in an interview, and the Chinese number of pupils in Protestant schools Nationalist forces will not rest until has become four times greater. (Fides). they have exterminated the bands of marauders into which the Red army has * * * * developed. He assailed what he called Co-Education Prohibited In alarmist reports of prT^KenrTconditions in Primary and Secondary the Chinese Republic.

Schools of Peking.

Peking.—A decree issued by the Mayor of Peking prohibits co-education in primary and secondary schools of his jurisdiction. This rule, which has been advocated for a long time by many residents of Peking, was finally secured after a young lady student in a public school shot one of her rivals. It is to be noted that the Catholic schools of Peking have never permitted co-education. (Fides). * * * * *

Msgr. Bernard F. Meyer, M.M. Appointed Apostolic Prefect of New Mission in Kwangsi.

Wuchow, S i . — A n event hitherto rarely witnessed in the Province of Kwangsi, which until recent years was a single ecclesiastical area of vast dimensions, will be the investiture ceremony of the recently appointed Prefect Apostolic, Msgr. Bernard F . Meyer, M . M . This is to take place on June 29, Anniversary of the Foundation of the Maryknoll Society, of which Msgr. Meyer is one of the pioneers. H . E . Bishop James E . Walsh, M . M . , Vicar Apostolic of Kongmoon, Kwangtung, and Msgr. Francis X . Ford, M . M . , Prefect Apostolic of Kaying, Kwangtung, have signified their intention of being present. In that event the ceremony will bring together once again the three surviving members of the first group of Maryknoll missioners to arrive in China. The leader of the contingent, the saintly Father Frederick Price, cofounder of the Society, died in 1919, just one year after his arrival in the Orient. Msgr. Meyer, in collaboration with his secretary, Brother Theodore F . Wempe, M . M . , recently published a CantoneseEnglish Dictionary which filled an important need and gained wide praise. Always a keen student of the language, he has also produced various valuable Bids for young missioners eng&^ed in language study. (Lumen).





Catholics of Shantung Promised to Aid their German Pastors Deprived of Funds from their Fatherland by Nazi Government. Tsinan, Shantung.—About ten years ago a Chinese priest, Father John B. L i , built a mountain shrine dedicated to St. Joseph at Paiyunyu in the Pingyin District, Shantung. The sanctuary was erected almost exclusively with donations from the local Christians. On the recent feast of St. Joseph, a large number of pilgrims from the Pingyin and Tungping Districts gathered with banners and music at Paiyunyu and slowly made their way to the summit of the mountain, a climb of approximately one kilometer, saying the Arrived at the Stations en route. shrine, they prayed in common* for the present needs of the Church and renewed their pledge of fidelity to Her. In view of the insurmountable difficulties encountered this year by their German missionary pastors in securing funds from their homeland, the assembled community promised aid to the limit of their abilitv in propagating the Faith both materially and by personal service. In particular many Catholic Action associates declared themselves prepared to carry on gratis much work hitherto done by paid catechists. This trvst on the mountain top is further proof, if proof is necessary, of the loyalty of Chinese Catholics to their Church and of their readiness to make sacrifices for their Faith, when occasion demands. (Lumen).




News in Brief


Catholic Action Group succors the Needy—Anking, Anhwei. — The local Catholic Action Association has offered to take charge of a provincial relief (Contd. on Col. 2.)




Young S. Minjoot of St. Joseph's Institution took 6 wickets for 7 runs for jthe School against the Malay Football Association on Monday last. The Malays were dismissed for a total of 15 runs, perhaps the lowest score that any side has put up this season. Of course it must be admitted in fairness to the losers that they fielded a weak side. In the same game A . Pennefather captured 3 wickets for 2 runs. The school won by 37 runs.

The Selangor P.W.D. Soccer team defeated the Colony by 1 goal to nil at the Junior Civil Service ground.

Penang beat Selangor by 94 runs at Kuala Lumpur last week end. Dionysius of Selangor took 4 wickets for 41 runs in 17 overs. Aaidres captured only 1, Selangor wicket for 29 runs in the 1st and 2nd for 56 in the 2nd innings.

The Colony cricket side defeated the F.M.S. X I by 31 runs. P. d'Almeida compiled a useful 37 for the winners, Irving Leijssius was sent in first wicket down although being essentially a forceful batsman and succumbed for a single run. Carlo Pereira helped to secure victory for the Colony with an admirable 21 runs and Tom Sta Maria put the issue toeyond doubt by making 33 runs not out. L . de Silva took 1 for 31 only and compiled 37 runs.

For the losers I. Leijssius goalie, T. Sta Maria full back; C. Valberg and P. de Costa halves, and P. d'Almeida forward were the Catholics. L. de Silva and Sequerah were the Malay States Catholics representing their side.

Singapore defeated the Negri at Soccer by 2 goals to 1 at Seremban, on Saturday last on a very wet ground. This was a Malaya Cup fixture. F o r Singapore Chia Keng Hock obtained the first goal and was responsible for the second point by means of a perfect pass to his inside man who scored. N . Hay was his usual capable self and frustrated many a gallant Negri attack. It was a pity George Valberg was kept on the reserve because he is certainly a more dangerous forward than Dollah who was preferred. Pinto for the home side was often in the picture and had hard luck with several shots.

BOXING. Ignacio Fernandez although giving away six and a half pounds defeated Rocky Montanes last Friday but by a very narrow margin. Both Filipinos gave the crowd a tremendous thrill.

The main event between Raphael, the Frenchman, and Frisco, from Manila, was comparatively disapPatsy Hedren playing in his pointing. Frisco had reduced himbenefit match for Middlesex against self to actual welter weight but he Sussex at Lords amassed 84 runs. clearly should give up this idea. Raphael was given the verdict, which, however was again a very It appears that these In the Negri's first innings close one. against Singapore last Saturday, four star boxers are Catholics. Sunday and Monday on the S.C.C. padang, N . Sullivan took 1 wicket but caught out three other batsJack Petersen, heavyweight boxing men. He bowled unchanged for champion of great Britain and the 25 overs, 11 of which were maidens Empire, will meet Walter Neusel of and gave away 43 runs. Chapman Germany in a return contest at arena this month. Neusel won was well held after making 2 runs Wembley the first bout but Petersen will be all and Felix de Silva was run out out to win, and as the injury to his eye, after batting splendidly for 5 runs. which was the chief cause of his defeat, H . Boon scored 51 runs before has healed very well, he should turn the being bowled in an effort to force tables on the German. the pace and Balhetchet made 15 in Singapore's 1st innings. Sullivan ANNUAL ATHLETIC MEETS OF P.W.D. A N D C O - O P E R A again caught Chapman out splenTIVE UNION. didly. F . de Silva compiled 13 runs not out when on of Jansen's deliC. Valberg Wins Swettenham Cup veries hurt him badly and forced Other Good Performers. him to retire from the game. The C. Valberg of Singapore won the Negri were beaten by an innings Swettenham Cup for the individual and 27 runs, thanks a great deal Championship of the Malayan Public to an inspired spell of bowling 6flr Works Department's Sixth Annual Balhetchet who claimed 4 wickets Athletic Sports Meeting held at the School ground. 84 Victoria Bridge for 22 runs. Great praise must be given to Nicky capturing Sullivan of the S.R.C. for three European wickets and thus bringing victory to the Rest team when a draw was very much apparent.

It is not often that one disagrees with the very capable Sports Editor of the Straits Times whose contributions are always delightful to read. But when he declares that " Ross was by a long way the best batsman in the Rest X I " one cannot help thinking that generosity rather than justice prompted the good Leighton to express the above opinion. Leighton must be thanked for invariably giving all youngsters a square deal, and by so doing has done yeoman service to local cricket. He has incidentally brought the sports department of the Straits Times to a remarkable degree o f efficiency never previously attained.


Competitors from Singapore, Penang, Johore, Perak, Malacca and Selangor participated. Valberg was first in the Long Jump (19' 4"), in the High Jump (5' 6") and 120 yards Hurdles (18%"). J . Maddox (Singapore) was second in the Long Jump, third in the Hurdles Race, and first in the Shot Putt (30 1%"). G . L . Klass came second in the The 75 yards Race for boys under 14. S.R.C. Team won the 880 yards Relay open to Clubs and Schools: R. Aeria of Penang was 3rd in the 440 yards Race. G . Hendrick of Penang won the Irving one mile handicap Cycle Race. Leijssius (Singapore) secured second in the High Jump but won premier place in the Shot Put, and third place honours in the Pole Vault (8' 9"). V . B. Minjoot of Malacca was runner-up in the Consolation Race. H . Rozario and J . de Souza romped home as winners of the Three Legged Race. A . Pestana, Singapore, could only manage to win third place in the Shot Putt.



FRA/Cftfr fltAVt L ?

The Co-operative Union of Singapore held its Annual Athletic Sports on Raffles School ground on Saturday in poor weather. John Then (Municipality) earned 3rd place in the 100 yards dash. P. H . de Souza (Municipality) was 3rd in the 220 yards race. In the 100 yards handicap M . Klyne was 2nd. The Girls' 50 yards handicap was won by Marie Gaudart, with Maureen Sullivan runnerup, and Gracie Mathews third. Miss N . secured first place in the Sullivan Ladies' 100 yards fiat. Ivy Taye was second. Miss Taye also won the Thread and Needle Race. In the Consolation Race for Ladies L . de Silva and N . Sullivan were second and third respectively. Miss N . Sullivan also won the 100 yards for Ladies with Miss F . Taye runner-up.




RALLY. The O . M . A . (Ipoh) held their Second Annual Badminton Rally on June 3rd, Ideal weather on their own grounds. greeted the large gathering of members who thoroughly enjoyed the games, lasting from 7 a.m. to noon. The players were paired oif by casting lots with amusing results—three pairs being made up of brothers. The tournament was played on the knock-out system and resulted in Messrs. Keng Guan and Seng Onn being the winners and the two N g brothers the runners-up. Enjoyable as were the games, there were other things which made the Rally A first-class a very pleasant affair. Radio-Gramophone combination, kindly


lent by Messrs. The Radio and General Trading Co., supplied music to enliven still more the proceedings of the day. Tiffin over, the winners and runnersup in the morning's tournament were presented by M r . Ho Kok Yew, vicePresident of the Association, with hampers of chocolates and sweets. Valuable prizes in the form of Badminton rackets, presented by Messrs. ChengPhor & Co., were given to the winners in the Annual Badminton Tournament— Messrs. Chan L o y Fook and Kok Kit Yoong in the first division and Master Loke Choong Shee and Foo Chee Kai in the second being the happy recipients. It was announced that Towkay L * Swee Hoe, J . P . , had consented to offer a cup for competition among the members. 6

Mr. Lim Kean Hooi, Hon. Sports Secretary, in a speech after tiffin, congratulated M r . T a n Cheng Phor (Captain) and M r . L i m Guan Choe (ViceCaptain) on the successful running ot the Badminton section of the Association and in view of the fact that tne section was self-supporting, suggested the appointment of a President, a Secretary and Treasurer, a Captain ana a vice-Caotain to look after its affairs. The Meeting was in favour of the suggestion and elected the following officebearers*:— President: M r . T a n Cheng


Secretary-Treasurer: M r . L i m Guan Choe. Captain: M r . R. E . James. Vice-Captain: M r . Quah Keng Guan.

M A L A Y A CATHOLIC L E A S E R , S A T U R D A Y , 15tk J U N E , 1*35*

General Jottings of the Week. Chips and Chops from Everywhere.



A complete F o o d made i n a those present. Mrs. Bradney was m o m e n t b y the mere a d d i t i o n presented with a bouquet and Mr. of hot water. The Irish Bishops have appoint- Bradney was garlanded. * * * * * ed a priest in every diocese to be director of the League of Prayer MR. C. MARCUS JOINS MUNICII n guaranteed 'and d a t e d a i r for the Canonisation of Blessed P A L ACCOUNTS DEPT. tight contgyieca, Oliver Plunket, Archbishop of Carl Marcus, eldest son of Mr. Armagh, Martyred at Tyburn, and Mrs. M . R. Marcus of Geylang 1681. who has recently returned from England, where he qualified creditFIVE CATHOLICS I N SPANISH ably in Accountancy, has been accepted by the local Municipality in CABINET. the Consolidated Accounts DepartIn the latest Spanish Cabinet, ment. His future prospects are the Catholics have 5 portfolios, very rosy indeed. thus placing them in the position * * * * * they sought when they provoked J A P A N E S E AMBASSADOR TO Agents for South Malaya, B . N . Borneo & Sarawak: the crisis a month or two ago. T H E YATJCAN? JACKSON & CO., LTD., Senor Gil Robles, the most inJapan is to appoint an Ambas55, Robinson Road, Singapore. teresting and promising states- sador to the Holy See. The preman in Spain, has become War sent apostolic delegate at Tokyo Minister. will be raised to |the rank of This is an important step. nuncio. ARCHBISHOP CLINGS TO HOLY FATHER RECEIVES Robles is Leader of the Catholic ABSTINENCE F A R E A T 2,400 G E R M A N YOUTHS. * * * * * Party. S T A T E BANQUET. MR. ERIC GILL'S SCULPTURAL The audience granted by the * * * * SKILL IN DEMAND. When the Archbishop of Simla Holy Father to 2,400 German AFFORESTATION I N P A L E S Mr. Eric Gill, famous Catholic TINE A S J U B I L E E SOUVENIR. Sculptor, will probably be invited and his Chaplain attended the Youths who have been camping Viceroy of India's State Banquet outside Rome, lasted over two A forest of over a million trees to execute the design which Great in honour of the Royal Jubliee, hours. His Holiness gave his ring and covering 1,500 acres on the Britain is presenting to the new they were kindly supplied with to every lad to be kissed. During hills above Nazareth in Palestine headquarters of the League of abstinence fare as the day was a their visit, the young pilgrims is to be planted and known as the Nations at Geneva. Friday. presented the pope with a motor * * * * * King George V Jubilee Fqrjest. * * * * car for the missions. OUR CONGRATULATIONS TO * * * * PERSECUTION F E V E R R E V . W. M U R R A Y . M A L A C C A CHRISTIAN BROPERVADES TRAVANCORE, This paper offers its sincere conT H E R S ' A L U M N I DINNER. CARMELITES ARRIVE IN In Travancore, South India, pergratulations, to Rev. W. Murray COLOMBO. On the lawn in front of the Ma- of the Singapore Presbyterian secution on a large scale has been Carmelite nuns from the Conlacca Rest House last week the Church on his being awarded the in progress for the last 2 years. Old Boys of the Brothers' Schools o.b.e. in the Birthday Honours. Christian officials were persecuted, vent at Cholet, France, arrived in * * * * * held an al fresco reunion dinner. and Bishops were insulted. There Colombo last month, to open the Tables were arranged in horse- CARD. ROSSI TO B E PONENT are 1,600,000 Catholics among first Carmelite monastery in CeyIN BEATIFICATION CAUSE. shoe fashion. Among those prethe 5 millions in the State and lon. The event was given much The Holy Father has appointed they were increasing in numbers space in the local newspapers sent were Rev. Bro. Dominic and Rev. Bro. Justin, Director and Cardinal Rossi to be the Ponent at the rate of 37 % per decade, but there, Protestant, Buddhist as well as Catholic. A Carmelite convent Sub-Director, respectively of St. of the beatification cause of Matt there are only 3,000 churches. Francis's Institution, Rev. Fathers Talbot, the Saintly Dublin lawill soon be established in Trinco* * * * B. Ashness, Vendargon, and de bourer. malee by a group of French nuns. LORD R U S S E L L DEPLORES Silva, Mr. Neave, Mr. Holgate, Talbot died 10 years ago. He * * * * A B S E N C E OF E N G L I S H Inspector of Schools, the Editor of collapsed in a Dublin Street on his PROPAGATION OF F A I T H JURISTS A T CANONISATION the Malacca Guardian, and old way to Mass, on June 7th, 1925. FUND. OF ST. THOMAS MORE. boys of the various Brothers' Until his death the manner of his In spite of the grave difficulties Schools throughout the peninsula. life was known to very few. Now Lord Russell of Killowen a Lord The Gomes Band played selections. his life, written by Sir Joseph of appeal in England, presiding of the times, caused by the univerAfter the loyal toasts Mr. H . M . Glynn, has been translated into over a great demonstration in sal crisis, the offerings, for the de Souza, the chairman proposed 11 languages. honour of St. Thomas More, dep- Propagation of the Faith from the health of the Christian BroWhen his body was being pre- lored the fact that no member of almost every nation, has increased. thers. Rev. Bro Dominic replying pared for burial a cart chain was the English judiciary was present * * * * briefly outlined the origin and found bound round it. His legs at the canonization ceremony in T A B L E T ' LAUDS ROYAL history of the De L a Salle order. and arms were bound with chains Rome. The proper authorities VIRTUES A S MODEL. Mr. (A. G. Mahindasa, proposed and cord which had sunk deep into were approached but with no The Tablet' of London, com"The Old School." Mr. B. Rich- the flesh. result. In spite of hundreds of ards proposed 'the guests" to Every day until his last illness requests, the B.B.C. refused to menting upon the Silver Jubilee of which Mr. Holgate replied con- he rose at 2 a.m. spent 3 hours on relay even part of the Vatican con- Their Majesties the King and Queen of England, has written gratulating the Association on the his knees. A t night again on his onization ceremonies. Spirit of loyalty shown by the bid knees he used to spend four hours these very charming thqughts. * * * * boys who had turned up in such in prayer. On Sundays he remain"While the world, the flesh and large numbers to be present at the ed in Church hearing Masses and the devil have been winning easy CHRISTIAN BROTHERS' reunion. Rev. Fr. Bertin Ashness attending Benediction for 8 hours. successes in all othgr grades of MOTHERHOUSE TO B E also spoke. English society, our King and T R A N S L A T E D TO His bed was made of planks Queei have steadily maintained V A T I C A N CITY? hidden under a sheet. He gave The Motherhouse. of the Chris- the Highest standards of modesty £30 a year to the Chinese Missions J U B I L E E F U N D DONATION. tian Bothers may be transferred and virtue. Not of this Georgian although drawing 19 s. a week. * * * * * The Staffs of St. Joseph's and from Belgium to the* Vatican City. reign will historians be able to N E W YORK CATHOLIC St. Patrick's Institutions donated A new £200,000 building mav be write their oft-used phrases about CHARITIES ON T H E MOUNT. built i f thje Supreme Board of the a scandalous and Corrupt society S90 and $37 respectively to the Receipts of the Catholic Chari- Order decides to remove. His imitating the vices of a court." Jubilee Fund. The Staff of the Holy Innocents ties of the New York archdiocese Holiness the Pope has indicated * * * * School, Serangoon, donated $30.80 last year amounted to £1,279,575 that a tract of land within the and the disbursements £1,255,257. Vatican City will be available. PRIEST S A V A N T S ' L E A R N E D to the Jubilee Fund. * * * * ADDRESSES A T OXFORD. * * * * This news comes from the BaltiREMAINS OF MOTHER more Catholic Review. Fr. C. C. Martindale S.J. preachMR. & MRS. B R A D N E Y A T CONNELLY EXHUMED ed on the first of the series of conF A R E W E L L DINNER. * * * * A N D REINTERRED. ferences to be given during TriNearly 200 members of the SeA MIRACULOUS STATUE. The body of Mother Cornelia nity Terirt to Catholic members of langor Government Servants' CoAn ecclesiastical enquiry has Oxford university. The subject Connelly, who died in 1879, has operative Thrift and Loan Society attended the dinner last week in been exhumed at Mayfield, Sussex, been opened following reports of a was "Self Control." Other special honour of M r . tG. P . Bradney, —hr the pro&ence-oiL a representative miraculous statue in the village of preachers were Father R. Knox, Hear Floience,- chaplain, on "The Indisolubility of Auditor General, S.S. and F.M.S. of the Bishop of Southwark, TTateTfibrentino, Italy. several nuns, a doctor an<| a Home Marriage"; Fr. T. Flynn on "Birth and Mrs. Bradney, at the Hotel A marble statue of St. Verdiana, Prevention"; Fr. H . Carpenter on Majestic, on the eve of their re- Office representative. The body was reinterred near the altar of patron Saint of the district, housed "Marriage and Morals," and F r . tirement from Malaya. The British Resident and M - the Convent Chapel in a State of in a Httl« chapel, has been noticed B. McElligott on "Decency." Barron, the Federal Treasur-e^ the preservation. She was the found- to weep, and that when the tears (Contd: on page 2.) Inspector of Schools were among ress of the Society of the Holy are wiped away others appear. Child Jesus. BLESSED O L I V E R P L U N K E T .

For Be Her Babies

r s

M A L A Y A CATHOLIC L E A D E R , S A T U R D A Y , loth June, 1935.

18 "

A R O U N D ST. JOSEPH'S C H U R C H . MARRIAGE. June 10. Christopher Andrew * Joseph D'Cotta, bachelor, son of Francis Emmanuel D'Cotta and of Leonie Marie Allan to Evelyn Irene Lopez, spinster daughter of Henry Lopez and of Martinha Pereira. Witnesses: — Michael Rodrigues and Helen Rodrigues. DEATH. June 9. Eva Ess, aged 34, Married, daughter of Louis de Rosa and of Martinha de Rosa. KING THANKS J U B L I E E WISHERS. Mr.J. Klyne of the Asiatic Petroleum Company. Singapore, and Mrs. Klyne sent Jubilee wishes to the King. They have received a reply of thanks from Buckingham Palace. ST. A N T H O N Y D E P A D U A . The collections to be made in the Church of St. Joseph at all Masses and at the Evening Service on Sunday the 16th June will be for the Poor dependent on St. A n thony's Bread Fund. * * * * CHURCH OF OUR L A D Y OF LOURDES. MARRIAGE. A quiet wedding was solemnised at the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes on Monday the 3rd inst., between M r . Francis Periannan and Miss Rosalia The bridegroom is a recent convert to the Faith and was baptised by Rev. Fath. L . Burgoffer.

CATHOLIC ACTION M O N T H L Y MEETING. At the monthly meeting of the C. A . Society held on last Sunday Mr. Thetheravoosamy has been appointed Honorary Treasurer in place of Mr. R. David resigned owing to pressure of work. R E V . F R . CORDEIRO'S VISIT HERE. Rev. Fr. Cordeiro of St. Joseph's Church, Batu Gajah paid a visit to the Church of SS. Peter & Paul, Singapore, on Monday 3rd June. The parishioners were overjoyed to see him as he was once attached to thev parish, and it was alfphe more Measurable as,the visit was whollyiune3g)ected. J§£e paid calls on his family ai^ftfri£hds and spent a day at Ponggo} with the other priests. He iSfeson Thursday 6th inst. for his parish. The parishioners of SS. Peter & Paul would miss his cheerful personality again, but they were thankful to him for even this brief visit.



A M A L A C C A , J.P. Mr. Francis Albert de Witt, a well-known figure in Malacca, and a cousin of Mr. R. Tessensohn, J.P. of Singapore has been appointed a Justice of the Peace for the Settlement of Malacca. * * * * M A L A C C A NOTES.—(By Rio.) We offer our heartiest congratulations to Mr. A . S. Pinto Company Sergeant Major " D " Eurasian Company M.V.C. who was one of the recipients of the Jubilee Medal at the King's Birthday Parade on June 3rd. C.S.M., A . S. Pinto has had twelve years continued service in D 1 A T H OF DR. A . FAISANDIER the Corps. SJ. * * * * Bishop of Trichinopoly. BAPTISMS. All catholics hailing from South The following Baptisms took India, w?ll be much grieved to learn the death of Dr. A . Faisan- place in the Church of St. Francis dier S.J., on 25th of last month at Xavier, Malacca. Gertrude Fernandez, daughter Shembaganur in South India. of Stephen Fernandez and Evelyn His Lordship who had been in charge of the Diocese of Trichi- Theseira born on May 14th, Bapnopoly for well over 25 years, re- tised on May 15th. God-parents cently resigned his See owing to Dominic and Margaret Theseira. Victoria Pereira. daughter of illness and old age but continued to be Administrator of the Diocese Patrick Pereira and Lily RodriguGodpending the appointment of a suc- es. born on May 24th. cessor. Only in June of last year parents Alexander Danker and he celebrated his episcopal Silver Irene de Silva. * * * * Jubilee. WEDDING. During the tenure of His LordThe Church of St. Francis ship great progress was made in catholic organisations and educa- Xavier was the scene of a pretty tional institutions. A very notable wedding on Saturday, June 1st. thing that happened during his. ad- The contracting parties being Mr. ministration is the establishment James Hope and Dolphine de of the First Indian Bishopric of Costa, both of Malacca. Dolphine was one of the daughters of Mr. the Latin rite. and Mrs. J . De Costa, Medical DeAt the time of his death His partment F.M.S. pensioner, and Lordship was 82 years of age and will be remembered bv their many said to be the oldest bishop in friends in the Federal Capital. The reception was held at Praya India. A record period of mismisionary service for more than Lane, Malacca. 45 years in India goes to his credit. Rev. Father Francois officiated. H . E . M g r . A . Faisandier.



Subscribers are kindly reminded that their subscriptions for the next quarter fall due at the end of June. Subscriptions may be forwarded to the Secretaries of Press Sections or sent direct to the Managing Editor, Malaya Catholic Leader, 73. Bras Basah Road, Singapore. C A U G H T NAPPING?


A t the M.V.C. annual athletic A lady correspondent refers us to the 'Challenge' in our issue of sports which took place on the Jan: 5th wherein an award of $5— High School ground, Khoon Cheng is offered to the first reader who Road Malacca, on last Saturday afpoints out the same joke appearing ternoon our Catholic members anrepeatedly in our issue. The glove, nexed both the individual and led, .was thrown inter-company championships. The iou^ by mir pre- piece do resistance was the sa^kor, an3 4% should » v e re- football (Skippered by R. de the limbo of Rozario, the well-known Selangor mained lost forgotten things &ad not o\ff astute State outside left wizard) decisivegp u | to ly defeated the " B " Company by reader sprung t ii§*£laim | e. A * vm do three to nil. our pleasant stE not claim to possess a ' legal mind ' We congratulate the following in the matter, we are doubtful as to whether the claim is still tenable who contributed to the success of or voidable. Anyway, we hasten the " D " Company. Individual Champion Athlete to congratulate the claimant for the persevering scrutiny she has Pte. Clive Rodrigues; 2 L t : H . M . made of our columns and for hav- de Souza: A . Fernandez; W. B. Minjoot; 0. Carvalho; C. CarvalCATHOLIC QUEEN'S SCHOLAR ing caught us napping. ' TO T A K E S I L K ' I N E N G L A N D . —Ed. M.C.L. ho; R. de Rozario; Stanley Minjoot; G. Baptist; J. Sequerah; Mr. Benedict Ponniah of St. Allan Sta Maria; and others. John's Institution, K . Lumpur, will proceed by the P. & O. Rawalpindi DR. A . C. DUTTA, C . H . on August 3rd to England where PERSONALIA. Our congratulations to Dr. A . C. he will join St. John's College, Rev. Father Lourenco, of St. Cambridge, and study law with a Dutta of Malacca who was a reci- Peter's Church, Bunga Raya, Maview to joining the Ceylon Civil pient of the order of the Compa- lacca, left for Singapore on Mav Service. He is winner of the 1934 nion of Honour in the recent 31st. and will in all probability Honours List. F.M.S. Queen Scholarship. stay there for a month.

We extend our congratulations to Messrs. P. F . de Souza, P. J. Loo, R. P. Leon, our Catholic members, who represented Malacca against the Combined Service. We also note the good display by the first named who was also the best of the quintette. *




We are glad to learn from our correspondent that Mr. M . Boyle, inspite of his official duties in the Police Department, could devote h s leisure time to the training of the Malacca State X L Mr. Boyle is a parishioner of the French Mission, Malacca. * * * * The members of the Girls Sports Club, Malacca, was "at home" at a Social on Monday June 10th. Rev. Father Ashness addressed the gathering. ;






R I F L E SHOOTING. We offer our congratulations to the following Catholic Members who were successful in the May sroon sh,oot:— Sergeant B. W. Frois 92.22 "Class A " H'cap. Private G. Bantist 64 "Class B " Nett. June 8th and June 30th have been fixed for June Shoot. We hope and expect our members to win again. * * * * * CHURCH A T T A M P I N . A most unique event in our Church History took place on Sunday June 2nd when the Church of St. Philomena, was blessed by the Right Reverend A. Devals. D.D. At the divine service, which began at 8 a.m. His Lordship the Bishop was assisted by Rev. Father Vendargon, and by a special choir from the Church of St. Francis Xavier, Malacca. The large and representative laity included also those from Seremban, Malacca and other out-stations. The congregation then proceeded to the compound for refreshments in the course of which Mr. B Bias. Chief Clerk, Tampin read the following address: To The Right Reverend, A . Devals, D.D. Bishop of Malacca. May it please Your Excellency, We, the Catholics of Tampin, feel sincerely happy to offer Your Excellency, a most hear'.y welcome to day on the occasion of the Blessing and Dedication of Saint Philomena's Church at Your Excellency's hands. We are indeed very grateful and thankful to Your Excellency for having come all the way from Singapore to perform the august ceremony for the love of G o i , and we pray that under your reg me more Churches will be built as need demsnds. We ?hall be extremely happy if Your Excel'en-y will accept this Church of St. Philomena as our humble offering to you. The want of a place of worship m Tampin was,keenly felt for a'long time and through the unt'ring energy and :


(Contd: on page 19.)

CYMA WATCHES and CHRONOMETERS acknowledged the BEST in" all the Countries. Agent:








MALACCA. (Contd. from page 18) perseverance of Reverend Father Finian de Silva, we are at last blessed with one. Proposal to erect a Church was on foot as long back as 1923; and but for the world-wide trade depression the proposal would have materialised long ago. Handsome donations were promised but were mostly not realised and Reverend Father de Silva indefatigably toiled till his efforts were crowned with success. W e pray that his good work will be rewarded by God, the Almighty. r

We are deeply indebted to the Government of Negri Sembilan for their benevolence in alloting us a piece of land for the erection of this Church. We also thank the Distict Officer, the Executive Engineer and the Health Officer Tampin, for their kind assistance and advice given and also those who have liberally and ungrudgingly contributed their mite towards this good cause. In conclusion we once again affectionately thank Your Excellency for your gracious presence here to bless this Church. That God bless Your Excellency with long life and bestow on you all graces and you, in turn, shower your blessings on us, is the earnest and fervent prayer of

CHURCH OF ST. ANTHONY, K . L . The Titular feast cf the above church will be celebrated on Sunday, 16th June, 1935. Rev. Father A . Francis will preach during the Triduum. On Sunday, 16th June. Rev. Father A . D. Vendargon will preach Sermon.

Your Excellency's obedient and faithful Children, The CatKolics of Tampin.

His Lordship the Bishop very suitably replied.


TELUK ANSON. BIRTH. May 30, Donald Peter, born on the 30th May, son of Marie A n thony Herbert Wyatt of Singapore and of Norah Elizabeth. God-parents: Joseph Ryan and Marie Antoinette Wyatt.

St. Joseph's ^Church Central Workshops was fthe scene of a pretty wedding Jon Whit Monday the 10th inst. when Mr. Santhos Rayer, of Stores Superintendent's Office, F. M . S. Railways Kuala Lumpur, son of Mr. & Mrs. A . Ananda Rayer of Kuala Lumpur, was married to Miss Alangara Mary, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. G. Savarimuthu Nayager of Kuala Lumpur. The bride looked charming- in a very richly embroidered saree and carried a bouquet of roses and lilies. The Nuptial Mass was officiated by Rev. Father V . Hermann. Immediately after Mass, photo was aken, after which the newly wedded couple proceeded to St. Ann's Girls School, where "Sehai" and reception were held. There was a large gathering both at the church and at the reception. f

SEREMBAN. E X T E N S I O N TO S E R E M B A N CHURCH N E A R I N G COMPLETION. Great progress has already been rr|ade with the extension to the Catholic Church in Seremban. The Catholics there will soon possess a splendid edifice and for this their able parish priest, Rev. Fr. George Auguin, must be thanked. Readers of the Malayan Catholic Leader willing to give the good Father further financial assistance may do so. *




Obituary. The death took place of Mrs. S. J. Arulnathen, wife of Mr. Arulnathen, Indian Interpreter, Seremban, at Chingleput, South India on 8th June, 1935, after undergoing a major abdominal operation for inflamation of intestines. *




MRS. S. P A S L E Y ENTERTAINED. Function at Balik Pulau. On the occasion of the transfer oi Mrs. S. Pasley, Health Nurse

in charge of Infant Welfare, Balik Pulau, a large and representative gathering of friends and wellwishers sat down to dinner on Saturday evening, June 1, at the Balik Pulau Recreation Club. At the end of the dinner, Mr. A . H. M . Hussain, the Asst. Collector of Land Revenue, proposed the toast of the guest of honour. In a short speech he outlined Mrs. S. Pasley's work in Balik Pulau as Health Nurse, cited a few instances of )jer social activities in the district and ended by wishing her health and happiness in carrying on her work in Tanjong Tokong to which place she would be transferred. Mr. P. A. Das on being called upon to speak, said that Mrs. Pasley had rendered a good deal of help to Balik Pulau mothers* especially to the Catholic mothers in the way of practical advice concerning the care of babies. Rev. Father Lee was unable to be present there that evening and he (the speaker) was requested to convey the Rev. Father's apologies for his absence as well as to express his keen regret at her departure. The Sisters in charge of the Catholic Orphanage attached to the Church of the Holy Name of Jesus greatly appreciated her thoughtfulness in organising the Orphans' Annual Christmas Tree for the last few years. In spite of her numerous activities, she had always found time to help St. George'* School, (B. Pulau), in various ways. She had always graced the School Concerts and Sports Meetings with her presence. In conclusion, M r . Das wished her every success in her future undertakings. In reply, Mrs. Pasley expressed her warmest thanks to all her friends for all the nice things they had said about her. She had been in Balik Pulau for nearly five years and a half and had grown to like the place. However, as Tanjong Tokong was not quite distant from Balik Pub/a, she would always feel as though she were only next door to them. In thanking the gathering once more for their good wishes, she said she was certain that her successor. Miss J. S. Kee would receive their help and co-operation in working for the welfare of the people. Prominent among those present were Mr. A. H . M . Hussain, Mr. and Mrs. L. J . Rozells, M r and Mrs. P. D. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. N . M . Noordin, Miss J . S. Kee, Mrs. Chee Swee Hoe, Messrs. Muthian, Quah Kean Earn, L . Guan Cheng, Quah Sin Keng, Chee Swee Ee, K . S. Sivalingam, G. S. Denis, A. C. David, Yoong Voon Ngean, Moey Kok Foo, and many others.

Mr. P. C. B A P T I S T .



with the

greatest pleasure


iearn that Mr. P. C. Baptist of the Harbour Board, Teluk Anson, is one of recipients of the Medal.








Silver Jubilee of




congratulate Mr. P. C . Baptist on


honour conferred on him in recognition of






Government. i Mr. | \ r . Baptist is among the oldest residents greatly since its



esteemed inception

little by








much to


generosity, and, by his handsome donations whenever the hat is sent round, he has








A meeting of the Catholic Action Society of St. Anthony's Church Kuala Lumpur was held on 1st June 1935, at St. Anthony's School at 5.30 p.m. with Mr. S. Anthonysamy Pillai, the President in the chair. The President in a few well chosen words explained the objects of the Society and impressed that meetings should be held monthly in future and solicited the House tol fix a date for the meeting. Mr. M . Benedict, the Vice-president, suggested that these meetings be held on First Saturdays of every month before the Sodality Meeting, which was unanimously agreed and the time was fixed to 4.30 p.m.

Seated:—Mrs. S. Pasley (centre); Mr. A . H . M. Hussain (right); Mr. P. A . Das (left). Standing:—Mr. N . M. Noordin (left); Mr. G. S. Denis (centre); Mr. P. D. Mitchell (right).





PUBLISHED W E E K L Y . 20 Pages.

No. 24.


10 Cents.

Dedication of St. Philomena's Church Tampin, by the Bishop of Malacca, The Right Reverend A. Devals, on the 2nd June, 1935.

Setted fr&m left to right:— ^

* Pathtr D. Vendmrgon; Mfv A . S. Litis; Father J. Francois; Mr. R. Lindsey Smith; Father F. de Silva; His Excellency Dr. A. Devds, Bishop of Malacca; Mrs. J. E. Pepper; Mr. J. E. Pepper, D.O.; Father *<* ? Coroado; Mr. R. H. Dias. ST. P H I L O M E N A ' S C H U R C H , T A M P I N . Ecclesiastically, Tainpin has grown in importance by the erection of a Catholic Church there. St. Philomefia was chosen as its Patroness, The Blessing and Dedication on June 2nd by His Lordship, Rt. Rev. A . Devals, was soon followed by Mass which was attended by the District Officer, Tampin, Mr. J. E . Pepper and Mrs. Pepper, Rev. Fathers Coroado, Francois, de Silva and Vendargon, Mr. R. Lindsey-Sihith of K r u Estate (M.R.P.) and many representatives of the Tamil, Eurasian and Chinese Communities. The Church was crowded to the door. The address to His Lordship was afterwards read by M r . R. H . Dias, Chief Clerk, District Office, Tampin. Refreshments were then Served to all. Since 1912 Mass was said at the Railway Quarters, from 1923 for three years at the home of Mr. A . S. Luis aitd up to the present at the Club. But numbers grew and a separate place of worship was deefhed necessary. Father F. de SitVa, through his many zealous adjutants, collected just enough to assure some profit to the contractor, but much has still to be received so as to relieve the Church of the remaining debt. He wishes tb thank all for their kind donations which he known had meant a sacrifice. But he feels that St. Philtfthena who brought so many graces to the Cure of Ars for his sacrifices and devotion, will bless theih likewise f6r their cdtttiriued sacrifice and growing devotion* Knowing what St. Philomena has done for others, he feds the words of His Lordship that *St. Miiloihena's Church. Tampin, would become a place of pilgrimage equivalent to a prophecy. Petitions for favours from St. Philomena should be placed in envelopes Addressed to—Rev. F. de Silva, St. Francis Church, Malacca. 9



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*>* C i p h e r s Limited, S7/38, WmDk* Street, Singapore, S A

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