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New priests’ parents reflect on their son’s call to the priesthood


We noticed Christopher’s calling when he was a very young child. When he was 2 or 3, he had a white plastic cookie he kept in his pocket. Christopher called it his “Body of Christ.” One day he offered it to a neighbor. In addition, he has always said he wanted to become a priest. The various talents – intelligence, personality, willingness to serve, sacrificial spirit – that God gifted him with were all compatible with that desire.


The most important thing we did to nurture his faith besides living a Catholic family life, was that we homeschooled him. Keeping our kids out of the mainstream culture influences, and focusing their studies based on traditional Catholic teaching, has been a lifeline to keeping our kids rooted in the faith.

As a family, we prayed the rosary and attended daily Mass, assisted with the needs of the Church. There was no television. We looked for opportunities to share our faith with those of other religions. We made an effort to live our Catholic faith with 100 percent fidelity. This included standing up for what we believe and boycotting companies that support immorality even if that meant our lives would be more difficult. We didn’t put a lot of value in material things, and we focused on helping those in need.

In the days leading up to his ordination, our thoughts have been centered in gratitude as we see our son answering God’s call. The path Christopher has chosen will be challenging because the devil tries harder to win over those who have chosen to follow Christ more closely. However, it is comforting knowing that he has chosen to focus his life on heavenly things and will be surrounded by Christ’s grace in his efforts to be holy. We are in awe and find it difficult to put into words our thoughts and feelings as our son becomes an “alter Christus.” We hope that anyone who reads this will say a prayer for him.


I was not aware of Chinonso’s call to the priesthood until he was in college, when he occasionally he would talk about it.

While in high school, he was an altar server at Queen of the Apostles Church in Belmont. On one occasion, an unknown elderly woman walked up to the music director and told her about Chinonso’s intended call to the priesthood. She said she saw a light halo on his head throughout the Mass which, according to her, is a sign of priesthood.

I believe strongly in family stability as a foundation for spiritual and self-development. I worked hard to have a stable, loving and supportive family that was a home for all in our African context. We, the parents, tried to make our Christianity as practical as possible through everyday charitable deeds and commitment to our Catholic values. Praying together as a family was paramount.

The rosary, nonetheless, remains my favorite personal devotion which I do at my own time, and together with the Divine Mercy Chaplet, I offer prayers for Chinonso.

As his ordination neared, I had mixed feelings of joy, gratitude, and occasional sadness. Sometimes, I feel like I am losing him to the Church. I am also conscious of the fact that his dad, who supported him so much on this journey, will not be there to witness his ordination.

My predominant state of mind is, nevertheless, joyful. I am proud of his determination and resilience and his willingness to push on even when his twin brother didn’t want to join him in the seminary. I pray for him to remain joyful and be at peace as we walk toward his ordination.




As a child, Peter and his brothers and sisters would “play Mass,” and he would often be the priest. Later as a teenager and as an altar server, Peter eagerly volunteered to serve Mass as often as possible.

Not only was he very serious about his responsibilities but he also carefully observed and absorbed the roles and responsibilities of the priest, the deacons and the parts of the Mass.

Looking back, putting importance on family unity may have been a big influence on his vocation. As a family, we did our best to attend Mass together and have daily prayer time and dinners together. We would discuss our faith and try to recognize how our beliefs are demonstrated in our day-to-day activities.

Chinonso’s dad was an ardent devotee to Our Lady and the rosary as well as the Precious Blood devotions, and we all joined him on this path. Chinonso and his siblings grew up saying a daily rosary, sometimes reluctantly. I was often a part of this reluctance!

As we approached ordination day, we reflected on how very proud we are of his hard work and devotion over the past seven years to his studies in seminary and his faith.

We don’t know where God will lead him in this vocation, but for now, we are excited that he has finally made it to where his heart has been leading him: to be consecrated for the Lord.

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