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Timely tips for blending faith & life
LateAugust feast days highlight the power of prayer in all circumstances. From St. Monica and St. Augustine to St. Pius X and Our Lady of Knock, here are a few ways to tap into this grace as we prepare for a busy fall season.
Parental prayer and sacrifice also played a major role in the life of St. Pius X. Born into a devout but poor family in 1835, Joseph Sarto knew he wanted to be a priest from a young age. Not knowing where the money for his studies would come from, his mother, Margherita Sanson, prayed and sacrificed for her son even as she was left to care for nine children after her husband’s death. By providence young Joseph earned a scholarship to the seminary and was ordained in 1858. Throughout his ministry, including his 11-year pontificate, he remained a humble country priest at heart who believed in the power of prayer coupled with action as he combated modernism, addressed social issues, promoted love for the Blessed Sacrament, and performed great acts of charity. In honor of his Aug. 21 feast day, pray for the intercession of this saintly pope at home or at the church in Greensboro dedicated to him.
EDITOR: Spencer K. M. Brown
704-808-4528, skmbrown@charlottediocese.org
704-370-3332, keeagan@charlottediocese.org
704-370-3375, rchurtado@charlottediocese.org
704-808-4521, dwpuckett@charlottediocese.org
EDITORIAL TEAM: Kimberly Bender
704-370-3394, kdbender@charlottediocese.org
Annie Ferguson
704-370-3404, arferguson@charlottediocese.org
Troy C. Hull
704-370-3288, tchull@charlottediocese.org
704-370-3333, catholicnews@charlottediocese.org
704-370-3336, lchandler@charlottediocese.org
704-370-3334, plguilfoyle@charlottediocese.org
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St. Monica is known for her ardent and unceasing prayers for her son who, for many years, lived a debaucherous life while espousing beliefs opposing the Catholic faith. After seemingly endless pleas to God, St. Monica’s prayers were miraculously answered. Not only did her son return to the faith, but he also became a priest, bishop, saint and Doctor of the Church. Do you have a child who has left the Church or needs to be strengthened in the faith? Begin or renew your prayers in honor of the Aug. 27 and 28 feast days of St. Monica and St. Augustine. Join “Millions of Monicas” for an hour of guided prayer every Monday at St. Paul the Apostle Church in Greensboro, where dozens of women have found solace through prayer and the realization that they aren’t alone in their concern for their children’s souls. As the only “Millions of Monicas” group in the state, the Triad chapter is holding an open house at 5:45 p.m. Monday, Aug. 28, in St. Paul the Apostle’s parish hall prior to the group’s weekly scheduled prayer from 7 to 8 p.m. Mondays in the church. For more information, email triadmillionsofmonicas@gmail.com.
Diocesan calendar of events
VIÑEDO DE RAQUEL: ¿Usted o un ser querido busca la sanación de los efectos de un aborto previo? Los retiros de fin de semana para hombres y mujeres son ofrecidos por Caridades Católicas en todas las regiones de la Diócesis de Charlotte. Para obtener información comuníquese con Karina Hernández: 336-267-1937 o karinahernandez@live.com.
VIGILIA DE ADORACIÓN: 6 p.m. los jueves, en la Catedral San Patricio, 1621 Dilworth Road East, Charlotte. Nos reunimos para una Vigilia de Adoración por la Paz y la Justicia en Nicaragua, que en estos últimos meses está pasando por momentos turbulentos y ataques físicos contra la Iglesia Católica, sus templos, y sus obispos. Todos son bienvenidos a unirse a la Adoración, rezar el Santo Rosario, la Hora Santa de reparación, para concluir con la oración de exorcismo de San Miguel Arcángel.
Many believe the most powerful prayer on earth played a role in Mary’s appearance with St. Joseph and St. John the Evangelist in Knock, Ireland, on Aug. 21, 1879. Before this, Father Bartholomew Cavanagh, the parish priest, pledged he’d say 100 Masses for the souls in purgatory. He offered the last of these 100 Masses just days before the Marian apparition occurred. By 1880, Father Cavanagh recorded 300 cures credited to Mary. Looking for some heavenly help for departed loved ones? Seek Our Lady of Knock’s intercession this Aug. 21 by requesting a Mass enrollment at the Knock shrine.
— Annie Ferguson
Tuesday, Aug. 22, St. Thomas Aquinas Church, 1400 Suther Road, Charlotte. Eight days of Masses and preaching in honor of Mary with priests from the Diocese of Charlotte and beyond. All Masses begin at 7 p.m. except Saturday, Aug. 19, which starts at 5:30 p.m., and Sunday, Aug. 20, which starts at 5 p.m. For details, call the parish office at 704-549-1607.
POLISH MASS : 2 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 27, St. Thomas Aquinas Church, 1400 Suther Road, Charlotte. Polish Father Michal Szwarc of New Jersey will celebrate, with Deacon James Witulski assisting. Mass offered in Polish, with an English and Polish homily and traditional Polish hymns. Confessions in Polish and English at 1 p.m. After Mass, venerate a relic of St. John Paul II. Reception with light refreshments will follow.For details, contact Mary Witulski at 704-290-6012.
ST. PEREGRINE HEALING PRAYER : 6-7 p.m. second Thursday of each month in the New Life Center Building adjacent to St. Matthew Church, 8015 Ballantyne Commons Pkwy., Charlotte.
His Excellency, Bishop Peter J. Jugis, will participate in the following upcoming events:
AUG. 18 – 6:30 P.M.
Mass for the Feast of St. Helena for the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre
St. Patrick Cathedral, Charlotte
AUG. 31 – 12 P.M.
Foundation Board Meeting
Pastoral Center, Charlotte