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Faith Community Gets Ready for TRUNK OR TREAT: Favorite Fall Activity to Take Place this Month
The days have grown shorter, the air is crisper, the leaves have been falling, and that means it’s time for Trunk or Treat at St. Joseph Parish for the children of St. Joseph and Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parishes.
At least 50 parish volunteers are expected to decorate and stock their vehicle trunks with Halloween goodies or games on the Friday before Halloween, the traditional date. Setup runs from 5:30 p.m. to 6:10 p.m., and the children are set to begin their candy-gathering rounds at 6:15 p.m. More than 100 children take part in this favorite seasonal event.
“It is held in the St. Joseph parking lot between the church and the baseball fields,” says Michelle Crossan, who has coordinated the event for the past five years. “There usually is a food truck there too, so everyone can come from work and have something to eat.
“The kids will have a parade around the lot to show off their costumes, and they visit each trunk to receive candy or have a fun activity,” she adds. “During the evening we have Best Trunk and Best Costume prizes.”
Another activity Michelle has offered has been a “glow stick hunt” in the baseball fields. The younger children are directed to one field, while the older children go to the other.
“The object is to hunt glow sticks instead of Easter eggs!” Michelle says.
Hospitality, the first pillar of parish stewardship, is a key part of the event that brings our parish children together, whether they attend St. Joseph School or public school.
“It’s safe, and we do keep it non-scary so it’s great for the younger kids to participate,” Michelle says. “Parents bring their children and grandparents can bring their grandchildren, as well. For safety reasons, it’s limited only to children from our school and church.”
No sign-up is required to take part, and the event is free to all. “We never worry about attendance,” Michelle says. Aside from the pandemic in 2020, the event has never been canceled for weather. “It’s been drizzly,” Michelle says. “But we go on, just like trick or treat.”