2 minute read

Living Out the Pillar of Welcoming, for All Parishioners and Guests

In the new parish plan recently discussed at Mass, the Pillars of Parish Stewardship were identified as Welcoming, Spirituality, Fellowship and Education. Here at All Saints, our Greeter Ministry members work to lovingly fulfill that first pillar of Welcoming. After all, when we are visitors at a parish or have had a hectic morning getting everyone in the car, what could be better than a smiling face and someone welcoming us to church?

“It definitely makes you feel more welcome when you walk in and someone greets you,” says Director of Liturgy Elizabeth Horsley, who coordinates the Greeter Ministry.


Men, women and families joyfully welcome all who come to share in the celebration of the Mass at All Saints. Greeters provide care and hospitality to our parishioners and visitors.

Our Pastoral Administrator, Fr. Jovita Okoli would love to see more people step up to be greeters. He would like to see a true cross section of our parish representing every demographic to serve in this ministry. In addition to welcoming parishioners and guests to Mass, greeters also direct new members on how to register and answer questions about the parish for those attending for the first time.

Elizabeth understands that some parishioners may be hesitant to become involved in a Mass ministry because they feel they won’t be able to pay attention during Mass. However, the opposite may be true. Serving in any capacity will help you pay attention to the celebration of the Mass and help you focus.

As Elizabeth also points out, the roles of a greeter are straightforward and it’s a great way to meet new people.

In a recent homily, Fr. Jovita pointed out that when you serve, you become more a part of the universal church, you realize that the person beside you is part of your family.

In the coming months, members of the Greeter Ministry will be asked to expand their role and become an integral part of the Welcome Team at All Saints. They will help at the Welcome Center after weekend Masses and be available to assist new parishioners during the Newcomer Welcome Breakfasts held several times per year.

Fr. Jovita invites parishioners to get involved as a greeter. Elizabeth will help train volunteers and partner them with a current greeter.

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