3 minute read
Parish Nursery Taking Care of Our Most Important Gifts
In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus says, “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14). This is precisely what the All Saints nursery exists to do. It’s a space for our littlest Catholics to be cared for during Mass and parish events.
Lydia Pappas has been our nursery coordinator since it opened in October 2021. She enjoys helping to offer this wonderful service to families at All Saints. The nursery is available for children, from infants to age 3, on Sundays during the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Masses. It’s also available for all ages during some parish events and meetings. The coordinator can request the nursery be available or parents can make a request.
“The nursery is a very important ministry as it helps young families stay connected to their faith and their community,” Lydia says. “It is difficult to be active in the church while chasing after young children.”
Lydia would love to see more families utilize the nursery. She believes this ministry is essential for parents and children. On Sundays, parents can more fully enter into Mass, and the children can enjoy age-appropriate, faith-based activities. Lydia also believes in the importance of play for children — it’s even more critical now.
“Especially in the post-COVID age, a lot of the younger kids didn’t get many experiences playing with non-family members for the past two years, so being able to experience new environments and new people is great for developing important social skills,” Lydia says.
Lydia knows that providing this service will reap so many rewards. Parents can more fully participate in the Mass and other ministries. They can also easily meet others after Mass or by attending parish-wide events.
“Parents are able to spend more time with and make friends with other Catholic parents, as well as with other parishioners, which builds their community,” Lydia says.
The children have a blast in the nursery with all sorts of activities. During Mass, they can enjoy coloring and sometimes a Bible story. When the older children are there for an event, Lydia usually has a craft planned. There’s also time to play and run outside.
Although the nursery is a relatively new ministry, it’s an important one. Lydia has enjoyed her work so far and wants to invite more families to use the nursery.
“It combines two of my favorite things — supporting young families and helping moms, and playing with kids,” she says. “These families give so much to their children. It is an incredible blessing to be able to give a little bit back to them.”
The first time a child comes to the nursery, a parent completes the Family Registration and Waiver — this is valid for the entire year. The Sunday nursery and parishwide events are provided by All Saints at no cost to families. The nursery costs $5 per child with a cap of $10 per family for organizations’ meetings. Lydia asks parents to RSVP for nursery spots for parish-wide events and meetings due to the ratio she maintains of one adult for every four children. There is no RSVP needed for Mass.