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Comfort Cards: Sharing Christ’s Compassion with Those in Need

As Jeanne Jensen says, losing a loved one is one of the most difficult parts of life.

“You never stop missing that person, but that first year of birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays without them is really hard,” says Jeanne, head of the Comfort Card Ministry. “The hope is that by receiving a card on those special days and knowing their loved one is being remembered and that they are being thought of may bring some comfort.”


The Comfort Card Ministry is a small ministry that strives to bring some comfort to those in the parish who have lost a loved one. Jeanne reviews obituaries for funerals that are held at St. John’s Catholic Church. She then collects information such as the mailing address of a family member, the first anniversary of the death, birthday, and wedding anniversary. She keeps this information in a calendar for the committee so that they know each month what cards need to be prepared and sent out.

“Hopefully, this ministry brings some comfort and prompts remembering special treasured memories from the past, and a smile remembering their loved ones,” Jeanne says. “When each card is prepared and mailed, I say a prayer for the deceased for their surviving loved ones.”

Several new volunteers have signed up to help Jeanne in 2022 and they are hoping to have their first meeting soon! Members will be asked to gather quarterly to prepare the cards for mailing. Jeanne believes that by participating in this ministry, you are participating in a life of stewardship.

“Stewardship helps the church accomplish a variety of events/ministries that otherwise wouldn’t be done,” Jeanne says. “It is an extra extension of our faith. All it takes is some time to prepare the cards to let fellow parishioners know their loved one and they are being thought about as they adjust to the change in their lives from their loss.”

If you are interested in joining the Comfort Card Committee at St. John, please reach out to Jeanne Jensen at (715) 623-6600, or at St. Wenceslaus call Judy Boyle (715) 623-6523.

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