3 minute read
Meet Parishioner Katie Klemp: Helping Build the Body of Christ
For parishioner Katie Klemp, stewardship is something to which we are all called as Catholics.
“I believe that we need to be actively involved in the parish because that’s what we are called to do,” Katie says. “We are each a part of the Body of Christ, and your part and my part are important to the success of the life of the whole Body. The members are what gives the parish life, personality, depth, richness, and the ability to grow and reach out.”
A parishioner of SS. Mary and Hyacinth for 55 years, Katie has been married to her husband for 44 years and has three adult children. She is the grandmother of five wonderful grandkids, whom she gets to see often.
Katie began working for the parish when her youngest child was in third grade. Over the years, she has been involved in the Harvest Fair and Raffle, various study groups, Soup and Sharing, the Charismatic Prayer Group, the Stewardship Committee, the Liturgy Committee, Alpha, Building and Grounds, the Charity Fund, and Communion to the Homebound.
“Parish involvement for me was pretty easy, mainly because I thought there was value in what I was doing,” Katie says. “As long as I can remember, I always thought it was important to be actively involved in parish life.”
Katie grew up as a farm girl, and there were always chores to do. As a young girl, she learned her mother’s motto, “You do things because they need to be done.” Katie does things, not because they are her job or because she expects to get paid, but simply because they need to be done. Katie believes that everyone has been blessed with a set of gifts and abilities and that we are called to share them, especially with our parish family.
“There are so many good people in our parish, and to become involved enriches your life and theirs,” Katie says. “Happy experiences are fun to share, and challenges are made so much easier when you have likeminded people lifting you up.”
Katie also believes that being involved gives you a purpose outside of yourself. Instead of working to complete your own agenda, you are helping to build the Body of Christ.
“The successful program or ‘niche’ is the one that works for you, the one that will keep your interest and enthusiasm,” she says. “Everyone has talents, gifts, and ideas. Let others feel valued, welcomed, and needed. Become involved in an area that interests you, where you can make a positive impact, and where you feel your time is well spent.”
While Katie will be stepping down from her role as secretary at Queen of Peace Cemetery, she doesn’t expect any great changes since she is still involved in many areas of the parish. However, she is looking forward to more flexibility in her days and the ability to travel to see her youngest son and daughter-in-law in Seattle.

Katie Klemp works at her desk at the cemetery office.