3 minute read
Lectors Reverently Proclaim God’s Word and Grow in Faith
Proclaiming the Word of God is an important aspect of the celebration of the Mass. Lectors are responsible for providing a clear and prayerful proclamation of the readings within our liturgies.
Lisa Contreras trains and schedules our team of lectors here at the Cathedral of Christ the King. She has been serving as team leader since 2013.
“I love working with the lectors,” Lisa says. “Their obvious love for God’s Word and their enthusiasm for wanting to proclaim it to their brothers and sisters at Christ the King is beautiful to see. Watching new lectors grow and develop their skills over time is also very gratifying and the conversations I have had with many of them — beginning at that first training session and then continuing as they serve in the ministry — have so often been amazingly edifying and inspiring.”
Serving as a lector is about more than simply proclaiming Scripture readings. Lectors are encouraged to practice readings ahead of time, focusing on various aspects of the Word. Becoming comfortable with the readings can help the lector, in turn, as they enter into the profound meaning of the texts. Lisa encourages the lectors to pray for inspiration from the Holy Spirit as they prepare to proclaim God’s Word.
“In the training, I am very careful to emphasize that one is to proclaim the readings, but it must not ever turn into a performance — the focus should never be on the lector,” Lisa says. “We practice good voice modulation, clear enunciation and accurate pronunciation, proper pauses, and appropriate emphasis.”
When delivered well, the readings have the power to greatly move the parishioners in their pews, assisting with a greater understanding of the stories of salvation history. But the lectors themselves also have an opportunity to dive deeper into their spiritual lives through this ministry.
“My spirituality is deepened due to the preparation necessary to proclaim God’s Word to the congregation,” says Jim Lambert, who co-chairs the ministry. “I must understand the teaching in the readings before I can convey it to others.”
Jim began his role as co-chair earlier this year but has served as a lector at our parish for more than nine years. He says his spiritual life has deepened as a result of his service.
“Through intonation and emphasis and projecting my feeling about the Word, I hope to make the congregation realize that this reading is something worth listening to and the Church chose this day’s reading for a purpose,” Jim says.
If you are interested in learning more about the Lector Ministry, or to get involved, please contact either Lisa Contreras at lcontreras189@gmail.com or Jim Lambert at jlamb1611@gmail.com.

Emma Bachman-Johnson serves as a lector at Christ the King.