4 minute read
Catholic Community Students Embrace Stewardship: Sharing Gifts through Service Projects
As adults, we recognize stewardship as giving our time, talent, and treasure. But when we explain that to children, we may have to break it down a bit. This school year, the students at Corpus Christi Catholic Community are receiving real-life lessons in giving of their time, talent, and treasure through service projects that benefit Catholic Charities and other local organizations.
“Our primary mission as a ministry of the church is to create disciples of Jesus,” says Principal Kirsten Wondra. “We are actively in the business of helping children develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.”
Fr. Jerry Volz first had the idea to connect with Catholic Charities and see what support the school could offer. An August 2021 meeting with Mrs. Wondra, Fr. Jerry, Vice Principal Brian McCaffrey, and Catholic Charities led to a project for each grade level. Annette Bentzinger, Catholic Charities outreach coordinator, had many ideas to fulfill the organization’s needs. The school tied each project back to a virtue. This is the first time the school has worked with Catholic
First-grade students packed 560 sack lunches for Corita’s Corner Sandwich Ministry in Topeka.
Charities to identify needs and fill them, thanks to the support of the students and their families.
To fulfill the virtue of kindness, first-grade students collected items for sack lunches and packaged everything for distribution to Corita’s Corner Sandwich Ministry. In all, they packaged 560 lunches. The seventh-grade students focused on self-control by participating in a November poverty simulation. Kindergarten students learned gentleness and dignity by collecting toilet paper and plastic grocery sacks, and they packaged the toilet paper into bags of three rolls. The other grades are working on projects as the school year continues.
“We talk about stewardship a lot,” Mrs. Wondra says. “We are a stewardship school, which means we are actively supported by every member of the parish. That level of support is inspiring for the staff, parents, and students. The teachers do a wonderful job of teaching and reinforcing the truth that God has blessed them with gifts.”
Watching the students learn how to give back has been so rewarding for Mrs. Wondra and all the school staff. They all hope these projects will lay the groundwork for a lifetime of stewardship.
“We are teaching our students that a large part of their life’s work should be spent discerning how God is calling them to use their gifts and talents to build the body of Christ,” Mrs. Wondra says. “Just like Samuel, we want our children to answer the call of the Lord, ‘Speak, for your servant is listening.’”
These projects are just one small taste of how students can give of their gifts. It’s beautiful that the work is supporting those most in need. After these projects, students may be able to recognize the needs of those around them more easily. These projects are also just one small part of the work being done at the school to raise disciples of Jesus.
“Students learn about their faith, they learn through the faith, and they practice their faith every day,” Mrs. Wondra says. “The fellowship and faith they nurture here at Corpus Christi, even if they stray from the path as they grow into adults, will stand as that foundation from which they can draw strength.”
The stewardship projects have gotten the kids talking. The 560 sack lunches were stored in the cafeteria area until they were delivered. The other grades were in awe of the work and how small donations pooled together for something so big. The seventh-grade students realized that those living in poverty often have to make tough decisions.
“Their prayers after their participation had a new depth as they petitioned for those in need,” Mrs. Wondra says.
Mrs. Wondra and all the school staff want to thank parishioners for their support of Corpus Christi Catholic Community. They commit to continuing their work to fulfill our school’s mission: “With Christ as our teacher, the Corpus Christi Catholic Community will prepare students academically, socially, and spiritually to become life-long learners in a faith-filled environment.”

Kindergartners collected and packaged toilet paper and paper towels.

First-grade students packed sack lunches for donation.

First-grade students packed sack lunches for donation.

First-grade students packed 560 sack lunches for Corita’s Corner Sandwich Ministry in Topeka.