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JOIN US FOR TOTUS TUUS IN JUNE: A Program for Children and Teens to Learn the Good News

St. Pope John Paul II’s motto, Totus Tuus, is Latin for “totally yours.” It’s also a program that youth get to experience each summer. The catechetical-based program is led by a team of two men and two women, who are seminarians and college students. Teams spend a week at a parish walking youth through the Good News of Jesus Christ in a fun way. This year, we will welcome another Totus Tuus team in June.

In 2021, St. Joseph’s parishioner Mari Huseby enjoyed attending the program for teenagers in the evening and volunteering for the child program during the day. As a current high school junior, Mari plans to volunteer again this summer.


“It was so fun to see the little kids excited to learn about Jesus,” Mari says. “It’s a super fun environment, with games and different ways to have fun with learning your faith. It’s also fun to bond with everyone there.”

Mari enjoyed getting to know youth from her parish and the other parishes. She also got to know some of the younger kids as they played games, performed skits, and attended Mass. Since becoming involved with Totus Tuus, Mari is taking more time for daily prayer, and she tries to attend any youth group event she can.

Ann Voller, the Area Coordinator of Faith Formation and Youth Ministry, believes Totus Tuus is so important for our parishes. All who attend love it so much that they are sad when the week is over.

“The kids come for the fun and the games, but they come away with a love for the Mass, love for the songs — which they learn in Latin — love for the Rosary and our traditional prayers, and for the content they learn,” Ann says.

Ann asks all parishioners to consider sending their children, of all ages, to Totus Tuus. Children attend during the day, and the teenagers go to an evening program.

“Students need to spend time regularly learning about our faith, and Totus Tuus is one week devoted to growing in their faith while having a ton of fun,” Ann says.

Ann also hopes to see more teenagers volunteer for the children’s program during the day. The children look up to the youth who volunteer.

“Our teens also can see the face of Jesus in the smallest of our students, and can see that they are making a difference in the faith lives of these students,” Ann says. “Many times, teens do not feel like they can contribute at their parish, but helping with Totus Tuus and other events are great ways for them to share their special gifts and talents with our faith community.”

Ann appreciates all the time that Mari and the other youth volunteers have given to make Totus Tuus a success. She would encourage all youth to get involved in any ministry.

“We need our teens to serve our parish, as they bring excitement and fun to our ministries,” Ann says. “There are always jobs to be done in a parish and many could be done by youth.”

For more information about Totus Tuus or other parish youth events, please contact Ann Voller at areaffcoordinator@holyfamilyarea.org or 320-226-5205.

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