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St. Andrew Maintenance Committee: Getting the Job Done

If you own a home, you know the amount of work that goes into maintaining it. Whether small upkeep or large repair projects, it seems there’s always something that needs a little extra time and attention to remain functioning well. And when you’re not caught up working on those projects, there’s almost always something that could use an update. The home care to-do list seems to be one that is never ending.

The maintenance of our parish home is no different. Our physical grounds also require nearconstant attention and care to keep in working condition, as well as to create a beautiful and peaceful space for our community to worship. Art Mehr has worked with our pastor to identify needs in the St. Andrew building, and get the job done.


“Fr. Paul calls me and asks me to do different projects that he sees the need for,” says Art, who has been involved at St. Andrew since the mid-1980s.

A retired banker who grew up in a family where serving the church was always prioritized, Art’s involvement in maintenance began with his love of woodworking. Not only has he built a number of crosses for the parish, including the processional cross used at St. Andrew, but he also built the baptismal font. Art enjoys the satisfaction of coming to pray at Mass and knowing that his efforts make a difference in the beauty and function of the church, for longtime parishioners and visitors alike.

“It’s a great satisfaction,” Art says. “I just see a need for it, and I like doing it”

Over the years, Art has worked on many different projects, including both the St. Andrew Parish Center and the outdoor grounds. From repairing the kneelers, to putting new handrails in at the church and Parish Center, there’s always something to be done, and Art is happy to help. Most recently, he replaced the door frame in the church basement and cleaned out the parish house basement and removed carpeting, in preparation for selling the home.

“We just look for what needs to be done on the church property,” Art says. “We just come up with what needs to be done and then advise the Administrative council.”

Serving in this way has also given Art the opportunity to feel more connected and invested in his parish community, as well as getting to know fellow parishioners, including Tom Sand, who often helps him with projects.

“I feel a little more a part of the parish,” he says.

New members are always needed to help with various projects as they arise and parishioners are encouraged to consider whether they may have any skills or talents that they could contribute to caring for our parish home, on the Maintenance Committee. For those who may never feel comfortable reading at Mass, or being part of the choir, but would like to become involved, the Maintenance Committee is the perfect way to serve the community, using your strengths, in a behind-the-scenes way.

“More people could be involved — they would only need maintenance type skills,” Art says. “I think people should offer to get involved. It’s the thing to do.”

If you have a talent for any kind of building maintenance and would like to become involved with our Maintenance Committee at St. Andrew’s, please contact Art Mehr at 320-981-0281; at St. Joseph’s, contact Melinda Hedman at 320-269-5954; at St. James, contact Travis Schacherer at 507-829-1098.

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