3 minute read

MEET PARISHIONERS BOB AND DONNA GEIER: Supporting One Another, Sharing a Life of Faith and Service

What were you doing on Nov. 3, 1962? Many of us likely were not born yet! But for St. Andrew parishioners Bob and Donna Geier, it was one of the most exciting days of their lives — their wedding day.

“We’ve been married for over 59 years — Nov. 3 was our anniversary,” Donna says. “Our relationship began by attending Tuesday evenings at the church to pray the Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Bob showed up one night and kept coming, and that was the beginning of our relationship.”


Each marriage is different, filled with various joys and tribulations. For Bob and Donna, the birth of their three children — Christine, Donald, and Steven, now grown — rank among some of the happiest days of their lives. One of the greatest hardships the couple has overcome in their relationship is addiction.

“I am an alcoholic,” Bob says. “I’ve been sober for 27 years. Through the experience of going to AA, I met some really great people, but it was prayer that got me through.”

Donna says that prayer and community were what brought her through the lows of Bob’s alcoholism. She encourages anyone dealing with a similar situation to reach out for help — there are support groups for loved ones of people in Alcoholics Anonymous.

Even through these trials, the Geiers made communication a priority in their marriage. They also consult each other before any major financial decision out of respect.

“We know that line of communication is always open so we can discuss things before we jump into it,” Donna says. “The first argument couples have is normally about finances — it’s important to have serious conversations about money and how you will spend it as a couple before you get married.”

Although their volunteering days might look different now because of COVID-19, Bob and Donna have taken on many volunteering and leadership roles within the St. Andrew community. Over the years, they sang in the choir, ushered, participated in the Council of Catholic Women, and served as a Third Degree Knight of Columbus. These two make it a priority to volunteer whenever possible, serving neighbors and the greater St. Andrew community as a whole.

“In retirement, we try to make the time to volunteer as we are able,” Donna says. “This winter, Bob helped a neighbor with clearing her driveway and I had the opportunity to go Christmas caroling at a senior center. These moments of service may seem small and insignificant, but it’s such a blessing to still have your health at this age, so we want to do something good with it.”

Bob and Donna Geier have been married for over 59 years.

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