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THE BIBLE IN A YEAR PODCASTS: A Daily Opportunity to Be Drawn into the Word of God
The prospect of reading the entire Bible from start to finish may seem intimidating for many of us. But we have a wonderful way to do just that, while we are provided with insights to help us more fully understand God’s Word and connect with the Bible in a powerful way.
Thanks to a podcast from Fr. Mike Schmitz, a worldrenowned Duluth priest, St. Joseph parishioners Bob and Jennifer Jacobson will have read the entire Bible in just over a year. The Bible in a Year podcast with Fr. Mike was the number-one Apple podcast during the early days of 2021.
Bob and Jennifer have been following the readings and a 30-minute podcast each weekday since early 2021. The couple will have completed all 365 podcasts in early February — they don’t always listen on the weekends.
During the early days of the pandemic, when churches were closed, Bob and Jennifer had often watched Fr. Mike’s recorded Masses. But, when Bob and Jennifer’s son and daughter-in-law, Allen and Pamela, recommended the Bible in a Year podcast, Bob and Jennifer were hesitant; it seemed like a big commitment and they weren’t certain if they wanted to commit that much time for an entire year.
“I listened to a few,” Jennifer says. “We were hooked. Fr. Mike is just so down-to-earth in explaining everything. We really enjoy listening to him.”
Jennifer retired at the beginning of 2021, and this was a great way to help her make the transition to retired life. Now, the couple goes for an early morning walk, eats breakfast, and listens to Fr. Mike.
“This helped me get through the transition,” Jennifer says. “There is more to life than just working. This was a gift from God to me.”
While Jennifer attended Catholic school from first to eighth grade, she never remembers owning a Bible during those years. It had been many years since she had done any kind of formal Bible study. So, the Bible in a Year podcast was a great way to jump back in. Fr. Mike follows Jeff Cavins’ Bible Timeline. Jeff Cavins even joins Fr. Mike on some of the podcasts, to introduce a new section.
“Fr. Mike stresses that this is the Word of God,” Jennifer says. “I fully believe that. It’s amazing how what applied centuries ago, still applies today. Fr. Mike brings it to life.”
Anyone can access these podcasts. January would be a great time to get started, as we have just entered a new year. The podcasts are numbered and are not tracked by date. Jennifer hopes to do the study again, using a three-volume book from Ascension Press as a companion to the podcasts.
“It’s awesome how God uses the Bible to speak to us,” Jennifer says. “You don’t know what you are missing until you listen to one or two of them. I don’t know how I ever thought I didn’t need this.”
The Bible in a Year podcasts may be found on several podcast apps. Be sure to visit ascensionpress.com to learn more.

Jennifer and Bob Jacobson