3 minute read
MEET ST. ANDREW PARISHIONER CAROL BECK: Devoted to Living Life of Faithful Service
Any of us who have lost a loved one knows there are so many details that require attention — from the reading choices and the funeral to the burial. As family and friends gather to mourn, it means so much for the bereaved to not have to worry about all the details. For Carol Beck and the other women who make funeral meals at St. Andrew’s, it’s meaningful because often they know the deceased and maybe some of the family members.
“You feel a closeness to the family,” Carol says. “Making the funeral meal is a way to honor the parishioner who died and take care of their family.”
Carol has several women she can call on when there’s a need for a funeral meal. The group has developed a friendship. When making a meal, they also have time to reminisce about the person.
Making meals for funerals is just one example of how Carol helps at St. Andrew’s. She also coordinates the Money Counter Ministry and makes the bank deposits, both very important tasks for the operation of St. Andrew’s Parish. For Carol, involvement at St. Andrew’s is such a joy. “I enjoy working with other parishioners,” she says. “You get to know them. It’s beautiful to be in service to our church community.”
Raised Lutheran in several towns throughout Rock County, Minnesota, Carol became Catholic in 1973 after marrying Frank Beck — the couple was married until Frank’s passing in 1990. Carol retired in 2010, having worked in public health. She enjoys the time she has to be involved in ministries, golf, and read. She also loves being with people.
Carol is very thankful for her Catholic faith — it’s been a source of support for her for nearly 50 years. She loves the community at St. Andrew’s. Carol would encourage everyone to get involved in a ministry to make the parish even stronger.
“Even if you don’t have a lot of time, start with something small like setting the tables for a funeral, for example,” she says.
Every little bit helps when it comes to getting all the work done. Carol is proud to work alongside a great group for funeral meals. She’d love to see a few more people step forward, including men.
“We have a great group,” she says. “When I call people, they are often sad if they have other plans and can’t help.”
Carol also extends her gratitude to Cynthia Giese, parish custodian, for all she contributes to preparing for funerals.

For Carol Beck, involvement at St. Andrew’s is such a joy.