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Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court #2255

Immaculate Conception Parish has a very active Court of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas (CDA), making it part of the largest and oldest women’s organization in the Americas.

“Immaculate Conception Catholic Daughters Court #2255 has embraced the spirit of the Blessed Mother Mary’s devotion, love, and generosity to help change our world in small ways,” says Elaine Hemann, Immaculate Conception CDA District Deputy. “The Catholic Daughters have a long history of supporting social and charitable activities that promote fellowship, spiritual growth, social justice, and equality.”


The Knights of Columbus founded the Catholic Daughters in 1903, but the Catholic Daughters became their own organization more than 100 years ago. The organization has charters, referred to as “courts,” in 45 states, as well as Puerto Rico, Mexico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands. More than 63,000 dues-paying lay and religious Catholic women all over the world are linked through the CDA.

“Immaculate Conception CDA is not only our local court, but it is part of the Arkansas State court, as well as the National Catholic Daughters,” Elaine says. “Locally, we have nine meetings a year working from the Circle of Love program that brings together education, youth, family, spiritual enhancement, quality of life, legislation, and leadership. We are a very charitable and spiritual court. We pray together at our meetings for family, seminarians, and other religious vocations as well as say the Rosary together.”

Some of the projects, through the national Circle of Love program, are: Helping Hand, the food and clothing pantry; Smile Train, providing operations for children all over the world who suffer from cleft palate; Masses offered each month for the Sanctity of Life (Right to Life) and Masses for IC CDA living and deceased members.

The Circle of Love also prays for an assigned member through Prayer Partners and adopts a diocesan seminarian with prayers, cards, and Masses.

Our Court also supports national projects such as the National Center on Sexual Exploitation that promotes the White Ribbon Against Pornography; collecting and recycling soda pop tabs for Ronald McDonald House; collecting old rosaries for Holy Cross Family Ministries and eyeglasses for Lions Club International Foundation.

“We prayerfully support our clergy, bishop, and the Holy Father in their work,” Elaine says.

The court meets at 9 a.m. on the first Saturday of the month in Immaculata Hall, making it possible for those who attend the first Saturday Masses to attend the meetings. There are no meetings in July, September, or January. Members enjoy coffee and refreshments after Mass in Immaculata Hall.

“All Catholic women 18 years and older are welcome to attend any of our meetings as our guests to see if they want to join,” Elaine says. “We want and need new members.”

If you would like information about the Immaculate Conception Catholic Daughters Court #2255, please reach out to Elaine Hemann at 501-835-0066 or elainehemann@gmail.com.

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