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Friendship Builds Family, and Our Parish Picnic Plays a Key Role
The hot dogs and burgers will be ready, and our parish cooks will be preparing tables full of salads and desserts — so make plans to come to the annual Immaculate Conception Parish Picnic, set for Sept. 20 after the 10:30 a.m. Mass.
Our Stewardship Committee, led by Kim Davidson, and our Men’s Club have a full day of activities to be held outside our Parish Center.
“It’s a longstanding parish tradition,” Kim says.
The Men’s Club will be cooking the hot dogs and burgers, and the desserts and salads have been assigned alphabetically to parish families. The committee will also provide drinks and bottled water. Shawn Stane graciously donates wine and beer.
There will be chalk provided to the children to make chalk drawings, as well as play balls, bubbles, a bounce house provided by Chris and Andrea Bratton, and cardboard boxes for sliding down the hill.
“We have the CYM help with the kids by manning the bounce house and doing face painting,” Kim says.
It is fitting that our Stewardship Committee hosts the picnic because the event know the people at your table.”
The course planned for this year’s study is on the book of Revelation, a series in which Mike is particularly interested because it’s so commonly misunderstood.
“Phyllis and I chose Revelation because that is the one book in the Bible that probably we as Catholics
know the least about,” Mike says. “Many of us read it and are just so confused. Because of that, I think this is going to be our largest class ever. Many people have come up to me and expressed an interest. Personally, I’m ready to just delve into the book of Revelation myself, taking it in word by word.”