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THE VINCENTIAN MINISTRY: Valuable Opportunity to Reflect on Scripture and Share in Fellowship

For many years, the Vincentian Ministry at Immaculate Conception has been a lively community of prayer, study, and friendship. While the group stopped meeting during the COVID-19 pandemic, we are excited that the group will be coming back together. Mike Jones has been leading the Vincentian Ministry and is looking forward to being able to get together to discuss the Sunday Scripture readings and spend time in fellowship.

Eight or nine years ago, Mike attended a retreat at St. Anne led by Fr. Tom Stehlik. The retreat was well-attended by the Hispanic community and Fr. Tom hoped that Mike could help bring the retreat to more local Catholics. The three-day retreat featured Catholic speakers, the sharing of faith testimonials, and overall was an uplifting experience for Mike. One of the goals of the retreat was to break off into small groups that would continue meeting after the retreat. At Fr. Tom’s encouragement, Mike took on leading that small group at Immaculate Conception.


“It’s a time to get together and talk about Christ and how your faith affects your life,” Mike says.

The group has grown and changed over the years. About half of the seven or so members have been to the retreat, but the group is open to those who are looking for a community in which they can reflect on Scripture. In the past, when the group met regularly, they would spend time reading and reflecting on the Scripture readings for Mass that Sunday. In the hour and a half they spent together, there was lots of time for everyone to share experiences. Sometimes, Mike would read a faith-based book in his own time and bring his thoughts from that book to share with the group. For Mike, the Vincentian Ministry is important to the parish because it provides a place of fellowship for parishioners who might not have children in the school or are past that phase of their lives.

“It gives older folks something to look forward to,” Mike says. “Schools and churches tend to blend together and there aren’t always as many opportunities for everyone else.”

Mike has found that being based in Scripture is a great starting point for meaningful conversation and while he has a plan for the group’s discussion, he lets the members take the meeting wherever it needs to go. There is a lot of wisdom to share.

“I hope coming to the meetings makes them feel more secure in their Catholicism,” says Mike.

As the Vincentian Ministry starts back up again in this new year, Mike hopes to see all the former members return and welcomes new members, young and old. Parishioners are welcome to come when they can, even if they can’t come to every meeting. Please join us for prayerful reflection and good fellowship!

To find out when and where the Vincentian Ministry is meeting, contact the parish office at 501-835-4323.

Mike Jones has been leading the Vincentian Ministry and is looking forward to being able to get together to discuss the Sunday Scripture readings and spend time in fellowship.

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