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Preparing Students for First Communion: Young Hearts Draw Nearer to Christ

Each May, many of our second-graders receive their First Holy Communion. It’s an exciting moment for them, to receive Jesus in the Eucharist, and it’s something they begin preparing for in September.

“You can tell that they are longing for that day to come when they can receive Jesus,” says Sister Josephine Rasoamampionona, the Parish Catechetical Leader who has been part of the Parish School of Religion since 2017. “They are longing for Jesus.”


Sacramental preparation for Holy Communion includes receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. Typically, September through mid-January is spent preparing the children for this sacrament.

“We teach them the commandments and about God’s mercy,” Sr. Josephine says. “We tell them how to go to Confession knowing that God’s mercy and forgiveness are always there for us when we make mistakes or commit a sin. As soon as we ask for forgiveness, God is there to forgive us.”

The students practice going to Confession before receiving the sacrament.

“We spend the last month of preparation practicing how to go to Confession and role-playing,” Sr. Josephine says. “They go to the confessional with either me or one of the catechists who plays the role of the priest. We are there to practice and make them more comfortable. We make sure that they know what they need to say and let them know it’s okay to be nervous and to not know everything — God knows everything and the priests are there to help you. We tell them to just be with the Lord and be open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.”

Throughout the rest of January through May, the students prepare to receive their first Holy Communion by learning more about the Mass and coming to an understanding of the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.

“We emphasize the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist as much as we can,” Sr. Josephine says. “We bring hosts and wine to class and ask the students, ‘Is this Jesus?’ ‘No,’ they’ll say, and we’ll ask them why not. The students use the word ‘blessed,’ and point out that the host and wine we’ve brought in are not ‘blessed’ by the priest yet. They understand that it looks the same, but once the priest blesses it and calls the Holy Spirit upon it, it’s not bread, but is truly the Body and Blood of Jesus.”

In order to participate in First Communion Preparation, students are required to have received one year of formal religion class before enrolling in the First Communion Preparation class.

Sr. Josephine points out that the domestic Church is a very important element of preparing children to receive the sacraments.

“We are the parents’ assistants because they are the primary teachers of their children,” she says. “They should have the biggest role. It’s important for parents to be praying with them and discussing the Mass and Confession with them. It’s good to pray daily as a family, if possible. We also give them assignment books and they read two chapters every month with the children to prepare them because there is only so much that can be covered in class. Parents teaching by example is important as well.”

Additionally, Sr. Josephine relies on the help of volunteers and is always looking for more. This year, seven volunteers helped to prepare our 24 students.

“I am very blessed to have so many wonderful volunteers who give so much of their time and sacrifice so much,” Sr. Josephine says. “Also, the parish staff is very appreciated as well.”

As with Confession, the students practice before receiving the Eucharist, both in the classroom and during an evening practice Mass on the Thursday before the Saturday of First Communion.

In response to the students’ eagerness to receive Christ, Sr. Josephine offers some heartfelt insight.

“I tell them, ‘You think you are excited to receive Jesus? Jesus is so excited to be with you in your heart!’” she says

If you would like to learn more about the Parish School of Religion, please contact Sr. Josephine at 440-942-4500, or immaculateconceptionpsr@gmail.com.

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