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Meet Parishioner Cathy Apker: Embracing the Joy of Serving God and Others Through Stewardship
Cathy Apker felt such a void in her life when her husband passed away. He hadn’t been Catholic, and during their married life, Cathy didn’t attend Mass. She felt that it was time to return to the Church.
“Today, I’ve been an active participant at church for about two and a half years,” Cathy says. “Since I live by myself and don’t have anyone I’m responsible for at this point, I spend a lot of time in church attending various services. It’s very rewarding to set up the altar for Mass and receive Communion every day.”
When Cathy became an active member of the faith community, she noticed one woman who was particularly involved and always “flitting about” being helpful. Cathy told her that if she ever needed some help, like someone to be a lector at Mass, she would be happy to do so.
“I think before getting more involved with parish life, you can just start with asking if help is needed,” Cathy says. “The next day I was invited to be a lector, and I’ve been a lector ever since. It started with just asking. I am also now a Eucharistic Minister.”
One ministry that Cathy finds particularly rewarding is the Bereavement Committee. The members of that committee help families with planning for a funeral and are there with them throughout the process. “I find that very rewarding,” Cathy says. “Obviously having been through that recently myself, I understand the stress that comes with it and that sense of not knowing what you need to do. It’s important to have someone help you through that.” The Gabriel Project is another ministry Cathy enjoys. Through this ministry, members help women who are pregnant and who might not know where to turn for support. This usually begins with two ministry members or “angels” visiting with the expectant mother and listening to her situation and needs.
Cathy remembers visiting an Afghan family in need of a bathtub and a stroller among other things. They took a Bible and a rosary with them.
“Only the husband spoke English, so he translated for his wife,” Cathy says. “They were Muslim, and we took off our shoes when we entered their home. I suggested reading the Bible might be a good way of learning English, and he said he liked learning about history and asked to keep the Bible when we left.”
Cathy has been part of the OLA Living the Word Bible study group and is a regular participant in Eucharistic Adoration. She also teaches seventh-grade faith formation classes.
“They’re always looking for adults willing to give of their time to teach,” Cathy says. “I spent a lot of time preparing because I had never done it before, but it’s wonderful to know you’re making a difference in the lives of the children.”
Cathy comes from a family of eight children and raised five of her own children who now live across the United States, as well as three stepchildren. She describes herself as an “introvert” and enjoys baking sweet breads and sharing them with our faith community and her neighbors.
“As an introvert, I don’t go out of my way to engage other people often, but if there’s something I think I can help with, I’m more than willing to do so,” Cathy says. “Do something small like help decorate the church for the holidays. Then you’ll start meeting people, and you can be part of the group making a difference.”

Our Lady of the Assumption’s Catherine A. Apker