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Meet Seminarian Tyler Underhill: Emulating the Heart of Jesus
Tyler Underhill was in middle school when he first felt drawn to discern a vocation to the priesthood.
“When I entered high school, this discernment became an even greater part of my life,” Tyler says. “By sophomore year I was taking trips with the vocations director of the diocese to visit Bruté College Seminary. I had my application to study for the Diocese of Evansville filled out my senior year of high school, knowing for sure I wanted to enter the seminary. I talked this over with my pastor, Fr. Gordon Mann, who was very supportive.”
A lifelong parishioner at Our Lady of Hope, Tyler received all of his sacraments here at the parish and used to serve as an altar server — something he says helped influence his decision to pursue the priesthood, along with hours spent in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Tyler says our pastor at the time, Fr. Gordon, was very supportive of him when he was undergoing this discernment process.
“I also had many good examples of family and friends who encouraged me in my endeavors.”
Now in his sixth year of seminary, Tyler is studying at the Pontifical North American College in Rome. He started at Bishop Simon Bruté College Seminary in Indianapolis. The total seminary process before becoming a priest is about eight years, half spent in theology studies and half in philosophy. At the beginning of his eighth year, Tyler will be ordained to the transitional diaconate, then in the spring of 2024, Tyler will be ordained a priest.
“It is the heart of Jesus in which I have been formed in seminary thus far, and this is the heart of a pastor,” Tyler says. “In addition to the great priestly formation and practice I have received, there is the fraternal aspect as well. This is another big area of support and guidance in seminary. I have grown in many friendships over the years with men studying and committing their lives to the same thing, and this has been a joy.”
Tyler says his time at Our Lady of Hope helped him to foster his prayer life and learn from other parishioners. He is grateful for the support and prayers from our parishioners, who have been an example to him of a strong faith community.
“Our Lady of Hope has had more vocations than any other parish in the diocese,” he says. “From the kindness that is echoed here, to the adoration chapel and the many hours of people praying, this parish has certainly helped me grow spiritually and has certainly impacted my decision to join the seminary.”
Of the many priestly duties Tyler will eventually undertake, he says he most looks forward to celebrating the Holy Mass and the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
“To bring people into the encounter with Christ and His Church through the sacraments and to show people the goodness of God in their lives is essential in the life of a priest, as well as a very encouraging part in my own life,” he says.

Tyler Underhill of our parish is studying to be ordained to the priesthood in 2024.

A lifelong parishioner at Our Lady of Hope, Tyler received all of his sacraments here at the parish and used to serve as an altar server.

Now in his sixth year of seminary, Tyler is studying at the Pontifical North American College in Rome. He started his studies of college seminary at Bishop Simon Bruté College Seminary in Indianapolis.

Tyler is grateful to our parish family for supporting and praying for him during this time of formation.