Altar flowers include two big events each year, Christmas poinsettias and Easter lilies. The setup is done in one day — many hands are needed — plus the maintenance for a two-week period after the setup. Throughout the year there are requests to provide the altar flowers for memorials of loved ones, celebration of birthdays and anniversaries. Everyone has a talent; it may be checking to see if flowers need to be refreshed or removed. Please consider sharing your talents with the Altar Flower Committee.
Helen Fairchild: hmkohlman@aol.com or 940-367-5207
These young people assist the priest during the celebration of the Mass and other liturgies. The altar server’s important role requires him or her to be at least in the third grade and have made their First Communion and have completed the Safe Environment training for youth volunteers. The training sessions are scheduled throughout the year to teach the youth more about the Mass and their faith.
Joy Medley: jmedley@stmarkdenton.org or 940-222-6703
Ministers of Holy Communion are an
indispensable part of our Eucharistic celebrations. They assist the priest in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass. Training session required and individual must have completed the Safe Environment training.
Joy Medley: jmedley@stmarkdenton.org or 940-222-6703
Lectors devote time for understanding the Word of God so they can proclaim the Sacred Scriptures on Sunday and daily Mass, and at other liturgical services. Training session required and individual must have completed the Safe Environment training.
Joy Medley: jmedley@stmarkdenton.org or 940-222-6703
The Life Teen Music Ministry consists of experienced musicians who volunteer to lead the congregation closer to the Lord through contemporary Christian music. They lead music for the Sunday 4 p.m. Mass. Rehearsal is held before Mass at 3:30 p.m. on Sunday in the choir room.
Catherine Zickert: czickert@stmarkdenton.org or 440-554-1514
Music Ministry members share their special vocal and instrumental talents at Mass and at special sacramental celebrations that take place throughout
the year, including Christmas Eve, Holy Week, and Easter Sunday. Weekly rehearsals are on Thursday evenings. Bridget Bem: bbem@stmarkdenton.org or 940-220-7326
For more information regarding service opportunities at our Spanish Mass or any of our other parish ministries, please contact: Adriana Noriega: noriegaad12@aol.com or 940-206-2845
An extremely important role, ushers greet parishioners and visitors in a friendly and welcoming manner. They assist people in finding available seating at Mass, direct them as they process to the Eucharist and take up the offerings. Training is required.
Joe Davis: 972-880-7137
The Vocation Cross Program calls us all to pray in support of vocations. Each week, at each Mass, an individual or family will be assigned through announcements to receive the Vocation Cross, a symbol of our intent to support vocations. The Vocation Cross individual/family is asked to pray for vocations at least once daily, then to return the Vocation Cross to Mass the following weekend.
Joy Medley: jmedley@stmarkdenton.org or 940-222-6703
The Bread of Life Ministry serves the hungry in our community by picking up bread, pastries and other food items from local grocery stores and Panera Bread in Roanoke every day of the week and distributing the donated food to several Denton nonprofits, including the Salvation Army, Freedom Food Pantry, Our Daily Bread, Friends of the Family and the Denton Community Food Center (Food Bank). Individual parishioners or families may participate in this ministry by joining one of our teams and covering a pick-up/delivery route one day each month. Volunteering an hour or two each month to this important ministry provides a rewarding experience to all participants and an important benefit to our community. It is an activity the whole family can participate in. NOTE: Participation in this ministry may require some wait time if all route positions are filled.
Greg Studer: gstuder218@gmail.com or 214-435-5355
Members of the parish provide a light meal for the deceased’s family after the service. This includes being on a food team to provide a dish as part of the meal or help with setup, serving and cleanup on day of service.
Elsa Vasquez: evasquez@stmarkdenton.org or 940-387-6223
Grief Share is a national ministry support group designed to help those who are struggling with a loss to move from mourning to joy. It is a 13-week program of video presentations, a workbook, and group discussions.
Jeanne Sistrunk: Jlsistrunk@live.com or 214-924-8311
Sent forth by our pastor and the faith community, Ministers of Holy Communion visit area hospitals, nursing homes, and the homebound who are unable to attend Mass at St. Mark Parish. All ministers have received Safe Environment and Eucharistic training and share their prayers with those in need of our Christian love and support. Hospital Ministry - Deacon Jim Galbraith: jisugalbraith@aol.com or 940-262-0600
Nursing Home/Homebound MinistryDonalee Hallenbeck: donalee.hallenbeck@gmail.com or 916-690-2714
A group of parishioners come together to bring our Catholic faith and spiritual healing to those men within the Denton County Jail every Friday, conducting a Communion service for the inmates under the direction of Deacon Jim. Each minister is required to undergo a thorough background check and orientation by the jail administration in order to serve.
Deacon Jim Galbraith: jisugalbraith@aol.com or 940-262-0600
Members of this ministry will help by signing pre-written cards to those in our parish who are sick, have experienced the loss of a loved one, or who might have other needs.
Barbara Criscuolo: di.criscuolo@gmail.com or 940-497-4120
A suicide support group facilitated by parishioners who have lost a loved one to suicide. Meetings are non-denominational and meet on the first Thursday of each month in the Religious Education Building. Attendees must be 18 years old to attend. More information can be found at www.touchedbysuicide.net.
Larry Walker: 940-367-1170
Carol Walker: 940-367-1313
55+ Group is a social group for couples and singles that are 55 and up. They meet monthly, the first Friday of each month, to share our faith and enjoy a potluck dinner. It is a great way to meet new people and visit with old friends. After the meal, enjoy playing cards, dominoes, and participate in other recreational and service activities.
Newcomers are always welcome!
Barry Landry: barrylandr@aol.com or 972-824-9567
Catholic Daughters of the Americas is a local, state, and national organization for all Catholic women 18 and over. Our Court of Salve Regina #2611 has been active at St. Mark since 2008. Our motto of “Unity and Charity” unites us in prayer and encourages us to serve our parish, our community, our state, our nation, and the world through our many service projects. Meetings are held once a month on the second Saturday of the month at 3 p.m. September through June.
Linda Lally: o.linda.lally@gmail.com
Cause of Our Joy mom’s group is a ministry that brings together Catholic mothers from Denton and surrounding areas. The group meets for play dates, Mom’s Night Out, book club, motivational speakers and community service projects. The primary goal is to connect Catholic mothers in a supportive, faith-focused environment so they can build lifelong friendships that strengthen families and the church community. All members are required to have current Safe Environment training. If you are interested in joining, search for “Cause of Our Joy” on Facebook and request to join the group.
Sydney Curran: sydney.curran@yahoo.com or 940-395-8502
The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal organization for Catholic men ages 18 and up. The St. Mark Council cooks for and helps with the annual St. Mark Gala, Oktoberfest, Christmas Party and Lenten Fish Frys. The council also conducts the blood drives, supports our seminarian fundraisers, prolife activities and various other charitable and service activities for our parish and the community. They meet on the second Thursday of each month, at 7:30 p.m. with a shared meal at 6:30 p.m. Sam Simon: ssimon46@hotmail.com or 817-455-7955
A group of volunteers maintain the area outside of the church. This includes mowing, edging, weeding, and care of the flowerbeds and shrubs. Steve Felderhoff: 214-952-8069
The Protection Team Ministry provides an opportunity for those wanting to help protect and defend the parishioners and visitors to St. Mark Church. The ministry is comprised of ushers, greeters, medical staff and armed guardians. The role of the ushers and greeters is to provide a level of security through observation. They are ambassadors for the church and provide
information to the armed guardians. The guardians are the last line of defense in the event of an emergency and provide protection against those that mean to do us harm. The medical staff provides first aid in a non-emergency capacity and also lifesaving care in the event of a mass-casualty situation. If you feel that you have the ability to assist in these endeavors, please join our team of sheepdogs and help us protect our flock.
Eric Debus: sgt206@hotmail.com
It is our mission to promote the dignity of every human life from conception until natural death. We are committed to advancing the Culture of Life in our parish and our community through prayer, education and civic action. Adoration for the unborn is every third Thursday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., all are welcome. We also meet as a group on the third Thursday at 6:30 p.m.
Michelle McDonald: 940-465-6059
The Worldwide Marriage Encounter experience is primarily a space for you to pause, reflect, and reconnect privately. The experience allows you to create a dialogue with each other and with God, to create a higher and broader understanding of what it means to be married.
Jack and Dolores Kearney: 214-274-1872
Looking for a way to grow your spirituality as a couple? One of the only movements in the church to help couples grow together in holiness, Schoenstatt is an international Catholic movement of education and spiritual formation with a deep Marian devotion. Our couples meet on the third Saturday of each month. We gather to deepen our understanding of how to live out our Baptismal covenant as spouses and parents. We also support a couple of Schoenstatt pilgrim shrine rotations. Each family in the rotation group is asked to pray the Rosary when the shrine visits their home, and to enjoy the many graces and inspiration it brings.
Brent and Andrea Woolums: woolums10@verizon.net or 940-367-4479
This group works closely with the Parish Office to welcome all new parishioners, ensuring they are contacted by one of the committee members, generally by telephone and/or email. They can answer questions regarding the many parish ministries and will be happy to connect the parishioner’s family with the St. Mark community. The committee is available throughout the year to welcome newcomers.
Maria Parra: 817-715-1222;
Tony Parra: 817-715-0920
Throughout the year, various opportunities are available to participate in Adult Religious Education events, such as Catholicism, Epic, Catholic Way
Bible Study, faith-sharing groups, Women’s and Men’s Conference, Parish Missions with nationally known speakers and other courses, mini-retreats and lectures.
Father George: frgeorge@stmarkdenton.org or 940-268-6760
Yes, a Catholic Scripture study! Journey with us through the Sacred Scriptures with Catholic Way
Bible Study, an in-depth, Spiritled program offered at St. Mark. Catholic Way Bible Study will help you grow in knowledge of the Scriptures and knowledge of Christ. Weekly classes begin in September and finish up by Easter. Each year we study a different book, or books, of the Bible. The only materials needed are a Catholic Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. We currently offer two sessions on Tuesdays, 9-11 a.m. and 7-9 p.m. Sue Tenny: suetenny@hotmail.com or 817-307-3817
Proverbs 18:15 reads “An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge”. In addition to knowing Him, Jesus wants us to know His teachings and the teachings of His Church. This knowledge can be inspirational and can inflame our hearts to draw closer to the Lord. In short, knowledge can help us to become better Christians— better Catholics. The Sunday Adult Faith Formation course meets in the parish hall on Sundays between the 9 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Masses (10:15 to 11:15 a.m.). Come join us and grown in knowledge of your faith and the Lord.
Keith Ronck: keith.ronck@gmail.com
“Catechesis” means “to echo the faith.” Are you called to echo the faith for others? Do you love children? Are you crafty? Catechists (teachers), assistant catechists and crafters are needed for programs that are offered to children
who are in kindergarten through sixth grades, from August to May. Comprehensive teachers’ manuals provide catechists with a step-by-step process for conducting classes, while catechists’ training and resources for fortifying personal knowledge of the faith are provided. Confirmed catechists must take and pass the Diocese of Fort Worth background check and VIRTUS training. Classes are held during the school year on Wednesdays 5:30-6:30 p.m., and Sundays 10:15-11:15 a.m. and 5:15-6:30 p.m. Crafters can volunteer to create items at home if they desire.
Andrea Woolums: awoolums@stmarkdenton.org or 940-222-8081
The goal of the Middle School Youth Ministry is to effectively pass on our Catholic faith to middle school youth, grades six through eight. We pass on our faith in a formal, systematic process through our Religious Education sessions, which are held on Sunday from 5:15-7 p.m. for our Edge Faith Formation. The Ignite Faith Formation is held on Wednesday evenings from 5:30-6:30 p.m. We also provide social, service and community activities throughout the year using a comprehensive youth ministry model. We need volunteers in the following areas: catechists, chaperones for events,
coordinators for specific events and drivers for off-campus events.
Catherine Zickert: czickert@stmarkdenton.org or 440-554-1514
St. Mark Life Teen is a comprehensive youth ministry program. It focuses on a holistic approach by reaching high school teens on all levels: emotional, intellectual, spiritual and relational. Teenagers need adults, young adults, singles and married couples to mentor and walk beside them as they choose to follow Christ. Your “YES” to serve will change lives. As a Core Team member, you will be the willing hands and hearts that witness Christ to the teens. We currently use the Life Teen model, which is a non-classroom model that engages and evangelizes teens in a relevant and dynamic way. Life Nights are 5-7 p.m. Sunday evenings. There are many ways to serve the St. Mark Life Teen Ministry, so if you have a heart to serve teenagers and you would like more information, please contact our High School Youth Minister. We look forward to meeting you.
Catherine Zickert: czickert@stmarkdenton.org or 440-554-1514
Band of Brothers & Women of Wisdom leaders help guide teens into conversation about different faith topics and answer
questions they may have regarding their faith. This program is geared towards teens that seek a deeper understanding of the Catholic faith and become more intimate disciples of Jesus Christ. Teens are encouraged to bring questions on topics they would like to discuss each week; therefore, BoB & WoW does not follow any set curriculum. We split up guys and girls each week and are in need of catechists who know the Catholic faith well enough to facilitate discussions on Catholic teachings. BoB & WoW meets Wednesday nights from 6:30-8 p.m.
Catherine Zickert: czickert@stmarkdenton.org or 440-554-1514
ICCS is a ministry of both St. Mark and Immaculate Conception parishes. It enrolls students from Pre-K3 through eighth grade and has multiple volunteer opportunities ranging from an hour to ongoing.
Principal - Frank Perez: fperez@catholicschooldenton.org
Baptism Preparation Classes are held monthly, on the second Thursday, 7-9 p.m. (not available December and January). Both parents and godparents are required to attend the Baptism Preparation Class prior to Baptism date. Registration is desired. Baptismal information and packets are available on www.stmarkdenton.org or the parish office.
Elsa Vasquez: evasquez@stmarkdenton.org or 940-387-6223
Fruitful reception of the sacraments requires careful preparation of our children as they journey in their sacramental life in the Church. The parents and children are required to attend a class that concentrates on Reconciliation and Eucharist. Curriculum is provided, but
creativity is encouraged. Please email or call for more information. Classes are held on Sunday afternoons or Wednesday evenings.
Joy Medley: jmedley@stmarkdenton.orgor 940-222-6703
Confirmation is the final step in Christian initiation, and the completion of the graces received at Baptism! Catechists are needed to lead preparation classes in two phases for our high school candidates. The first phase, which runs from September through December, is designed to help teens discover the Person of Jesus through prayer and invite Him more fully into their lives. The second phase, which runs from January through May, is designed to build off the foundation laid in the first phase and dive deeper into the teachings of the Catholic Church through the understanding of the Sacrament of Confirmation. Our
program uses the Chosen curriculum from Ascension Press. Catechists will have the opportunity to lead small-group discussions, deliver the teachings, attend the retreat, and plan activities and service projects.
Andrea Woolums: awoolums@stmarkdenton.org or 940-222-8081
A Catholic, Catechetical, pre-marital inventory, and marriage formation program used for our newly engaged couples to build a foundation in the Sacrament of Marriage. Need sponsor couples to meet with engaged couples to facilitate results of the inventory provided by Fully Engaged. Training is available and free of cost.
Deacon Joe Standridge: jstandridge@stmarkdenton.org or 940-220-7160
Classes provide a basic understanding of the nature and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, as well as its liturgical and sacramental life leading to forming intentional disciples of Christ. RCIA classes are for non-Catholics interested in learning about Catholicism, leading to the reception of the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. Volunteers are needed in the following areas: catechists, sponsors, and hospitality and retreat
team members. Meetings are held on Mondays from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the Religious Education Building. Deacon Joe Standridge: jstandridge@stmarkdenton.org or 940-220-7160
This is a special program designed to meet the needs of those children who have reached the age of reason (7) and have not been baptized or are baptized and are looking to become closer to God and the Church. The Christian initiation of these children requires both a conversion that is personal and somewhat developed for their spiritual progress — that is, to the children’s growth in faith and to the catechetical instruction they receive. The parents and children are required to attend special classes that concentrate on Salvation History, Baptism, Confirmation, Reconciliation, and the Eucharist. The families and sponsors also take part in the Masses for the rites of Acceptance, Sending and Election. If the student is ready, they are then prepared to receive their sacraments, at the Rite of Initiation in accordance with the Church and the diocese. Catechists are needed to provide instruction for the families. Information and training will be provided. Bilingual and Spanishspeaking catechists are needed.
Joy Medley: jmedley@stmarkdenton.org or 940-222-6703
The following ministries occur just once a year. Please contact the Ministry Leaders directly for further information and volunteer opportunities.
Angel Tree participants help less fortunate children in the Denton area have a good Christmas by providing gifts. The names of the children are placed on paper angels that decorate our Christmas tree. St. Mark families join other community groups in this effort.
Pat and Renee Claytor: prclaytor@gmail.com or 940-453-8960
St. Mark joins Interfaith Ministries and other groups by helping underprivileged children in the Denton ISD get the tools they need to begin a successful school year. Each student is provided with two new sets of clothing, a pair of new shoes and school supplies. St. Mark’s ministry is to provide two new sets of clothing or a gift card worth $50 minimum. To help, sponsors may select names from paper apples that decorate a tree each year from late July to early August.
Mia Price: miaprice@verizon.net or 940-566-6756
The purpose of the Peru Mission is to love and serve our brothers and sisters in Christ in another part of the world. The mission has grown beyond its roots at Posada de Belen, a facility that was once a home for boys, victims of family abuse, that now serves the community through an after-school program. The missionaries who travel to Lima love and serve the children at Posada, as well as at a medical clinic next door. We also travel to other areas in and near Lima where we share our faith and provide physical and financial aid.
Oscar Salas: osalas@verizon.net or 940-453-5484
Peggy Salas: peggysalas5@yahoo.com or 940-453-4996
ACTS is an acronym for “Adoration, Community, Theology and Service.” The ACTS Ministry encourages more study of our faith and God’s Word. It strives to instill a virtue of service to the Lord, the parish, and to each other, through involvement in current ministries offered through the church. The purpose of an ACTS weekend is to instill in retreat participants a new and deeper relationship with the Lord and fellow parishioners. Kelly Desjardins: 940-594-5996
We come together for praise and worship of our Lord Jesus Christ! We are fully open to receiving and operating in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We meet every Monday starting at 7 p.m. at St. Mark Catholic Church in the Religious Education Building. We are also available to pray for those who are in need of prayer. Jesus is our Healer and Giver of all gifts! Come to receive and open the gifts our Lord has waiting for you! Everyone is welcomed. We will also host the “Life in the Spirit Seminar.”
Mary Trevino: mary4fatima@yahoo.com or 214-868-5559
Cenacles are part of the Marian Movement of Priests, an international organization formed to spiritually support our priests. We meet regularly praying the Rosary and other Marian devotions. Meetings are every Monday at 11:30 a.m. for about an hour in St. Mark’s Religious Education Building. You are invited to join us to support our priests as Mary requests and to learn more about her love for our priests and us, her children.
Suzie Barger: tomsuziebarger@gmail.com or 940-387-9332
Do you knit or crochet, or would like to learn? Are you looking for a prayerful ministry to join? Prayer Shawl Ministry members prayerfully knit and crochet shawls for gifts for anyone who needs prayer. No need is too great or too small to receive a shawl. Yarn and patterns are provided. The ministry regularly meets on the second Tuesday of the month from 6:30 to 8 p.m. and on the following Wednesday from 10 to 11:30 a.m. If you would like more information or need a shawl, please let us know.
Shirley Royster: shirleyroyster@gmail.com or 940-206-7682
We make rosaries for the St. Mark Hospital/Nursing/Homebound Ministries, ACTS retreats, missions in foreign countries, etc. Lessons are taught for those interested in learning how to make a rosary and we welcome those who already know how to do so. Kits and materials are provided. Come join us in helping to supply a rosary for every person in need of one!
Seeking ministry leader
Individuals, single or married, model their lives after the values of the Marianist spirituality. Following the Marianist tradition of dedication and devotion to Jesus through Mary, they meet for prayer, faith sharing and Christian outreach, bringing the spirit of Mary to those they encounter on the second Wednesday of each month in the Religious Education Building, room 107 from 1 to 3:30 p.m.
Andy and Mary Ann Gilliard: mandagilliard@verizon.net or 940-323-8693
Start your weekend with Our Blessed Mother by joining other men to pray the Rosary, followed by fellowship every Saturday morning at 7 a.m. Our mission is to form strong Catholic men to inspire their families and communities by exploring and exemplifying the Faith.
Ryan Kagay: rfkagay@gmail.com
Dan Kulle: Dan@bankersautos.com
A consecration to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through His most powerful disciple, Mary Most Holy. Come journey with us and through the lives of Saints that have discovered
the secrets of entrusting all to Mary Most Holy. Together, we will draw closer to Jesus. Meetings will take place once feast date is announced. amendez@stmarkdenton.org
This ministry is for special needs parishioners and their families. Our goal is to provide fellowship, support, and help with faith formation and greater parish awareness. We meet the first Sunday of each month from 1-2 p.m. in the RE building, room 206. All ages and abilities are welcome. Bliss Webb: 843-260-6678
Healing Hearts is a ministry for families who have experienced the
loss of a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death up to a year old. Any faith background is welcome. Whether you lost your baby or are in your grief journey, you are encouraged to participate. A support group meets as needed. Seeking ministry leader
Ark at St. Mark Community building, homeschool support, and enrichment classes. Meet twice monthly on Friday, 9:30 a.m. to noon, to pray and to enhance our homeschool programs with art, music, and PE. We also have time for social growth and energy release! We plan liturgical celebrations, monthly field trips, service projects, and adult social events.
Crystal Kulle: thearkatstmark@gmail.com