1 minute readHoly Week 2022from St. Mark Catholic Church Newsletter — May/June 2022by Catholic Stewardship ConsultantsNext ArticleA Letter From Our Pastor: Embrace the Holy SpiritIn April, we shared in the solemn observances of Holy Week, and celebrated Christ’s resurrection during the Easter Vigil.AdvertisementMore articles from this publication:A Letter From Our Pastor: Embrace the Holy Spirit4minpage 3Meet the Lay Marianist Community of Denton: Bringing Christ to the World as a Family4minpages 2, 5Groundbreaking on April 23, and the Progress Underway1minpage 1Summer Youth Events1minpage 8Parishioner Profile: DENNIS AND CARA PETTIT3minpage 7Teaching By Example: The Importance of Prayer in a Child’s Life3minpage 6This article is from:St. Mark Catholic Church Newsletter — May/June 2022