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A Letter From Our Pastor: THE MONTH OF MARY – A Time for Celebration and Joy
Dear Parishioners,
In the Catholic Church, a particular devotion is designated for each month. May is one of two months when we honor our Blessed Mother Mary. Now is a good time for us to think about and renew our devotion to the Mother of God. Perhaps we can add a few more Marian prayers to our daily routine or pray the Rosary more often -- it can be a powerful daily prayer. If daily prayer has not been a part of your daily routines, May is a good time to start the spiritually important practice and habit of daily prayer.
Our Blessed Mother is important to our faith and our Church. Her willingness, in her humble humanity, to serve in a way that allowed the Lord to take human form made our salvation a possibility. Conceived without Original Sin, she put her complete trust in God. This faith and trust in God helped her to live her life free from sin. When her life ended here on earth, she was assumed into heaven by the power of God and crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth.
We worship only our Lord Jesus Christ, but we honor and venerate his mother Mary as our mother, as a saint, an intercessor, and in many other ways. We honor God when we remember the role of Mary in our salvation. Devotion to Mary always leads us to Jesus Christ Himself. A common phrase in our faith tradition is “to Jesus through Mary.”
Mary was joyous when she said “yes” to God. That same joy is available to us. It is the kind of joy we need to seek, so that we, too, will say “yes” to the Lord. Let us be grateful to Mary for bringing us her Son. This is why we celebrate the annual May crowning of Mary. We honor Mary as the Mother of Jesus and our Mother. Through Mary, we are given an invitation into the Catholic fold. Her feminine presence and the safety of her motherhood may help us enjoy spiritual growth.
Another way to encourage our individual spiritual growth, and that of our parish community, is to attend our upcoming Parish Mission, which will be held later this month. Please see the announcement in this newsletter for details. I invite you to join me and your fellow parishioners in this spiritual opportunity.
Serving you as your pastor is a blessing and a joy for me. I pray for you daily. Please pray for me. May God bless you and keep you always.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Rev. John P. McCaslin

Rev. John P. McCaslin
You Are Invited to Take Part in Our Parish Survey: Bringing the Future of Our Faith Community into Focus
This spring, all St. Monica parishioners are invited and encouraged to take part in our parish survey. We will be sending out a postcard with instructions for completing the survey online at www.stmonicaindy.org/. Copies of the survey will also be available in the Narthex. A box for completed surveys will also be in the Narthex.
Help us bring the future of our St. Monica community into focus by taking part in our survey!
SAVE THE DATE! PARISH MISSION “IGNITE YOUR FAITH” — MAY 15, 16, AND 17 — Fr. Ron Hoye, C.M. Vincentian Priest, presenting
WHAT IS A MISSION? It is a mini-retreat designed for busy people to step back a bit, slow down, and simply reconnect our life with God. It is a time of spiritual refreshment and invigoration. It is something we all need!
WHO IS THE MISSION FOR? It is for everyone! The mission experience is one of story, laughter, reflection and prayer. It is an excellent opportunity for anyone who is struggling in or questioning their faith, or desires a spiritual boost or spark.
HOW LONG IS IT? The mission is 50 minutes! This time frame accommodates most schedules.