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Sacrament of Confirmation: Students Sealed With Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Sunday, June 9, marked a milestone for many of the young people in our parish as they received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Sammy Peterson was one of the young parishioners who received this sacrament. Sammy, an eighth-grader at Saint Michael Parish School, spent the last year preparing for her confirmation.
The last few years were difficult for Sammy and her classmates as they dealt with the effects of COVID-19 on top of the regular pressures of school. But through it all, Sammy found that her faith offered some peace. It was during this time that she met her Confirmation sponsor and came into a leadership role that would influence her choice of Confirmation saint. The relationships she fostered in her Confirmation class small group and the time of reflection she found in the Confirmation retreat have all impacted her faith as she prepared to be sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Sammy’s Confirmation class was a mix of various-aged students from the parish, but her small group consisted of classmates she knew.
“We got to talk a lot about our experiences in our faith,” Sammy says. “They were people I had known for a long time so I could be open with them about my faith. I think that made it easier for us all.”
For her Confirmation saint, Sammy chose a saint with whom she has a long history.
“I chose St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta,” Sammy says. “When I was in second grade, I wanted to join the Sisters of Charity. When I was in sixth grade, I became a member of her saint house at school. This past year, I was chosen to be a leader of the house. She was a really influential part of learning about my faith and I want her to continue to be a part of my life and intercede for me.”
The Confirmation retreat, a weekend held at Black Lake Bible Camp, was a chance for Sammy to step away from the busyness of her life and focus on her relationship with God.
“The time before the retreat was a really stressful point, but at the retreat, I could let all the stress go and focus on my faith and what is good for me,” Sammy says.
Sammy had the opportunity to hear a talk given by her sponsor, Hallie Sites, who has helped Sammy grow in her personal life and her faith life. She was also able to spend time with others who were preparing for Confirmation, as well as experience time for prayer and adoration.
“The deacon came and held the Host in front of us,” Sammy says. “That was a really powerful experience. I always end up crying.”
After their year of preparation, Sammy and her classmates are ready to take the next step in their life of faith. The gifts of the Holy Spirit will bless our parish and the Church through these young people!