3 minute read
PREGNANCY AID: Offering Essential Help in a Time of Need
As a response to the legalization of abortion, the founders of Pregnancy Aid took swift action. Their goal was to offer support for struggling or shamed expectant mothers so they did not feel that their only option was abortion.
“The cultural mores have changed, but struggling families still need help, and I believe that our all-volunteer presence sends a very strong pro-life message to our clients and to the Olympia community,” shares Roseanne Hoza, Director of Pregnancy Aid of Thurston County. “Our stance will always be that we respond to life’s difficulties with love!”
Located on the Saint Michael Parish campus, Pregnancy Aid is open on Mondays and Fridays from 2 to 4 p.m., and on Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to noon. Any pregnant woman or family with a child ages 5 and under who is struggling financially can come and receive the services offered. There is a simple form to fill out, which volunteers will then use to track what each family has received, allowing for the responsible distribution of materials.
Pregnancy Aid is able to offer material assistance in the form of diapers, formula, prenatal vitamins, clothing, blankets, bassinets, cribs, strollers, high chairs, etc. In addition, if a client can demonstrate a need as well as a plan for the future, there is limited financial assistance available. These funds cover needs such as rent and utility assistance, phone bills, gasoline, or medical bills. Funds and donations come from many generous parishioners at SMP and Sacred Heart.
“We do not always see our clients long-term,” Roseanne says. “I would say that success moments are more what we experience. Some struggling families who are regulars often require only a small amount of assistance to stay on their feet. Often, ‘shopping’ at Pregnancy Aid can offer a stressed mom palpable relief as she finds that she can meet her family’s needs. We also have an occasional past client — one with a $100 donation! — who comes back to thank us and tell us how much our services meant to them.”
Pregnancy Aid helps around 15 people per week. This enables the volunteers to give lots of oneon-one attention. There are a few items that the ministry always appreciates — financial donations, basic types of formula, and prenatal vitamins.
“It is always great to be able to tell a distressed, unemployed dad that we will take care of this month’s rent,” Roseanne says. “It also turns out that much of our Similac formula that was pulled off the shelves due to the recent recall was free samples, and Similac will not replace them. Anyone is welcome to come in during our hours of operation to drop off donations.”
If you would like more information, please contact Pregnancy Aid at 360-956-7413 or pregnancyaidofthurstoncounty@gmail.com. You may also visit their website at pregnancyaidwa.org.

Pregnancy Aid helps around 15 people per week. This enables the volunteers to give lots of one-on-one attention.

These are the items contained in a layette — a bundle of items given to each mom close to her time of birth. The layette contains the best of what we offer including a beautiful blanket that is handmade by ladies from Saint Michael Parish and Sacred Heart.

A volunteer helps sort and prepare donated items.