3 minute read
A Letter From Our Pastor: MAY — Celebrating the Month of Mary
Dear Parishioners,
In the Catholic Church, we designate a particular devotion for each month. In May, we honor our Blessed Mother Mary. It is a good time for us to reflect upon our own devotion to Mary, the Mother of God. How do we honor her in prayer and invite her intercession into our daily lives?
Our Blessed Mother is important to our faith and our Church. Her willingness to serve in a way that allowed the Lord to take human form made our salvation a possibility. Because of her complete trust in God, she lived her life free from sin. After her life here on earth, she was assumed into heaven by the power of God and crowned Queen of heaven and earth.
What an incredible honor she has been given by God. It is important to remember though, that Mary is not divine. We worship only our Lord Jesus Christ. We “honor” Mary as a beloved of God and a saint. She is a model for us in trusting in God’s plan for our lives. We give glory to God when we remember the role of Mary in our salvation. Devotion to Mary always leads to Jesus Christ Himself.
Mary was joyous when she said “yes” to God’s plan. This is the kind of joy we need to seek as we, like Mary, say “yes” to the Lord’s plan. Let us be grateful to Mary for bringing us her Son, Jesus. This is why we crown her on our Catholic version of Mother’s Day. Through Mary, we are given an invitation into the life of the Catholic Church, the people of God. Her feminine presence and the safety of her Motherhood helps us to grow, guided by her intercession.
For us in the Northwest, May is the time when flowers bloom and trees move into their full blossom. It is a time of renewal of life. It is also a time when we are called to bring forth new life in our service and love to and for one another.
I am deeply blessed to be your pastor. I say that often, yet it is so true. My priesthood has been a blessing and serving you all has made that blessing even more significant. May has a special meaning to me as I was ordained on May 17, 1975. Maryknoll was dedicated to Mary from its very beginning. Mary has a special place in my heart. So do you.
I pray for you daily. Please pray for me. Let us together, like Mary offer our “yes” to God each day.
In Christ, through the intercession of Blessed Pier Giorgio, I love you.
Fr. Jim

Fr. Jim