2 minute read

Meet Parishioner Andy Miller: When It Comes to Stewardship, “There’s Something for Everybody”

When parishioner Andy Miller attended his youngest son’s First Communion, the sound system wasn’t working. So, using his working knowledge of electrical wiring, Andy quickly stepped in to help fix the system. From there, Andy has volunteered in many capacities over the years.

“I’ve always been handy,” he says.


Since Andy and his family joined the parish in 1998, he has helped out with various committees and efforts, including building maintenance, lawn care, electricity, and many other projects over the years.

“There’s always something to do,” he says.

One such project to which Andy has contributed is the Italian Festival. He says he has enjoyed meeting and working with other people in the more than 20 years he has spent volunteering for the festival. He has seen it grow and change over the years and gradually increased his own efforts to meet the needs of the various tents and food offerings. Andy is encouraging younger people to get more involved in the tearing down and setting up at the festival. He says there is a role for anyone who wants to help.

While he’s volunteered on many efforts over the last two decades, one of Andy’s favorite service activities was lighting the outside of the church building with thematic colors depending on the liturgical season.

Andy knows all the ins and outs of the parish building. Business Manager Lynda Curry says that when the church was being constructed, Andy took photos of every part of the building process.

“His pictures have saved us so much time and money,” Lynda says.

Andy recalls giving Lynda a tour of the building and imparting much of his knowledge of the building to her. She says the tour was thorough and warns anyone that if Andy takes them on a tour of the facilities, they should pack a lunch!

Being a steadfast and dedicated volunteer for years has most certainly provided Andy with blessings in return. He hopes to inspire and encourage others to give of their time and talents and says there should be a place for anyone looking to do so. All it takes is showing interest and showing up to help.

“What are your hobbies?” Andy says. “We can get you something that you can do. There’s something for everybody.”

Andy Miller has volunteered for our parish in many ways throughout the years. He says for those who want to get involved, there’s a place for anyone.

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