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Meet Parishioner Faye Sevel: Called to Share Time and Talents with God and Parish

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, most places were closed, including churches. Mass, an essential part of life for many, was taken away. Faye Sevel was deeply affected by this challenging aspect of the pandemic. When times have been tough in her life, she has turned to prayer many times in church. “When I encountered a locked church, I knew then and there I needed to get more involved,” Faye says. “So, when things got back to normal, I looked at how I could get involved.”

Faye received an email about Eucharistic Adoration and decided to take on an hour each week. Spending dedicated time in the Chapel changed her life.


“I decided I would just go and do this,” she says. “There was a lot of time for self-reflection. It’s not something that I did on my own. It’s all Him.”

Taking on a weekly commitment might initially seem intimidating, but Faye would wholeheartedly recommend it. Adoration has never been a chore and she always looks forward to it. “Adoration is such a beautiful thing,” she says. “I’m so grateful for it.” Around that same time that Faye took on her adoration hour, Fr Fabio gave a homily on sharing our gifts, our time, talent and treasure. Faye started asking what she could do with her talents. At the time, she was working as a freelance photographer.

“I thought, ‘I have this photography thing — how can I use that?’” Faye says.

There was a Creative Arts Ministry in which the leader had stepped down. Faye found out there was a need for a photographer for various happenings at St. Philip Neri.

“I am thrilled to be able to use my photography skills at church,” she says.

Faye wants everyone to know what a blessing it’s been for her to get involved. She would encourage others to take a leap of faith and find a ministry they enjoy — it doesn’t have to be something large or time-consuming.

“It’s about realizing where your gifts come from in the first place,” Faye says.

God brought Faye closer to Him through adoration. She hopes the same for others because this has truly changed her life. She believes wholeheartedly in Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.”

“It was Him who shaped my heart,” she says. “Left to my own selfish devices, I wouldn’t have done this.”

Faye and her husband, Tavis, have three children — Joshua, Natalie, and Caroline. In their free time, they enjoy hiking.

Faye Sevel with her husband, Tavis and their three children Joshua, Natalie and Caroline

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