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OUR KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL: Working Year-Round to Promote the Sanctity of Life

The pro-life cause is of utmost importance to the Fr. Carl Zawacki Council 10841 Knights of Columbus, with events taking place this month and throughout the year.

The Council currently is holding its annual Baby Shower, with playpens set up in several areas of the church.


“We are collecting diapers, wipes, baby clothes, as well as cash, for our local pregnancy crisis center,” says David Janner, Grand Knight. “We do this all through January, and we’ve done it for as long as I can remember.”

On Jan. 30, the last Sunday in the month, the Council will hold Life Saver Sunday.

“We’ll be collecting money for the pregnancy crisis center and handing out Life Saver candy,” David says. “Our parish is very, very generous with these two programs.

The Council also takes part in the Walk for Life in June, conducted by the local pregnancy crisis center.

Of particular importance this year is the upcoming measure on a state-wide election on Aug. 2. The issue is an amendment to curtail abortion practices. A program to promote the amendment, “Value Them Both,” is being launched with support from the Archdiocese of Kansas City. The Council is also working in conjunction with our Respect Life Ministry, led by Judy Dowd.

In March, a representative from the archdiocese will speak at Queen of the Holy Rosary, providing details about the program. This will be repeated in June. “The June event will be a reiteration of how important the issue is, and will be held in conjunction with a voter registration drive,” David says.

On July 31, the last Sunday of the month, Fr. Bill will speak to the parish in the lead-up to the election. “A lot of communications will be sent out before the election,” David says. “There will be information in the bulletins about how we can get cards, bumper stickers or yard signs. This is a new initiative because of the election.”

Besides taking part in the fundraisers and the election, parishioners can reach out to the two preferred pregnancy crisis centers to see what their needs are. These are Advice & Aid in Overland Park, and the Wyandotte County Pregnancy Center. Both are approved by the archdiocese.

Parishioners may contact Judy Dowd at jpdowd613@gmail.com to offer help for ministry projects, or call David Janner at 913-302-0419.

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