3 minute read
MEALS ON WHEELS: Addressing an Important Need with Great Love
When we serve those in need, we serve our Lord.
We hear this very clearly in the Gospel of Matthew — “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25:40).
Food is a basic need for everyone. For the sick, financially in need, or homebound, preparing a healthy meal can be a challenge. At Our Lady of Lourdes, we have a group that helps address this fundamental need through Meals on Wheels. On the second Wednesday of each month, a two-person volunteer team picks up about 10 hot meals and delivers them across Raleigh. A two-person team makes it easier because one person can drive and the other can navigate. The deliveries are listed in order for efficiency.
Tom Mitchell has coordinated this ministry at Our Lady of Lourdes for about 10 years.
“After I retired, the first thing I did was go volunteer with the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, then to the hospital and Meals on Wheels,” Tom says. “These were always places where I wanted to help.”
Tom would like to add more teams to the Meals on Wheels volunteer list. People can volunteer, but not do deliveries every month. The deliveries begin at 10:30 a.m. and are usually done by noon. Some of the volunteers work full-time but have flexible jobs.
“This is very easy,” Tom says. “You pick up the hot meals and a list of addresses, drop the meal off, say ‘hello,’ and go to the next person.”
Tom loves volunteering with Meals on Wheels because it is simple and rewarding. He works to see the face of Christ in each person to whom he delivers. He makes sure to tell everyone, “Have a blessed day!”
“It’s wonderful to get out and see people,” Tom says. “This may be the only contact they have in a day. After a while, you get to know them. It’s heartwarming.”
Tom has also been involved on the Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Council and Building Committee. He also serves as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Having been a member at Our Lady of Lourdes for more than 40 years with his wife, Ann, this parish is home to him — it’s important for him to be involved.
“I’ve made lifelong friends here,” he says. “It’s important to Ann and me that we do our part.”
If you would like to learn more about volunteering with Meals on Wheels, please call Tom Mitchell at 919-673-9094.

Tom and Ann Mitchell often deliver meals together through Meals on Wheels.