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Meet the Pennisi Family: Answering God’s Call as Faithful Stewards
While at Mass one Sunday at our parish, Chris Pennisi heard our former pastor Fr. Garneau speak a simple but important message.
“Fr. Garneau said his goal in life was to see the face of God when he dies,” Chris says. “I realized that was also my goal, but I could never put it together so simplistically. So, I figured everything I do in life should in some way get me closer to that goal. Serving others is a good place to start and the best way to start was by following the example of Jesus and the saints. Jesus was big on serving others, so I should be too.”
Chris and Nori Pennisi, along with their children, have been parishioners at Our Lady of Lourdes for nine years. Their whole family has been very involved in different activities and ministries over the years.
“I started first by committing an hour each week to Eucharistic Adoration and attending daily Mass a few times per week,” Nori says. “Being present at Our Lady of Lourdes through Mass and adoration led to new friendships and relationships with others of similar faith and interests, which led to further involvement in the parish.”
Nori has helped out as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion for those who are homebound. This in particular was a highlight of some of the serving she has done with the parish.
“I would bring my daughters with me and we would sit and visit with people who sometimes wouldn’t see anyone else in the day,” she says. “I enjoyed hearing their stories about their lives and their advice they gave to me and my daughters.”
Nori has also volunteered with Meals on Wheels, volunteered at Our Lady of Lourdes School, and facilitated a women’s study several times. Her commitment to serving stems from the inspiration that God calls us to serve, providing for the needs of the Church through our time, talent and treasure. Serving in the parish has helped her feel part of our parish community.
“You are often with people who have the same faith and similar values, which helps me feel a part of a greater and united community,” she says. “Participating in the celebration of the Mass, for me in particular, also helps me feel united with the parish community.”
Chris first became involved through That Man Is You!, our men’s group here at Our Lady of Lourdes.
“After several years of participating in that men’s group, my desire to get involved grew,” he says. “This men’s group is full of men growing in their faith who are also very much involved in other areas of the church. I knew that to make this parish my community I needed to get involved and do my part.”
In addition, Chris has participated in the Stewardship Committee, Knights of Columbus and adoration. Both Chris and Nori say that Our Lady of Lourdes and their involvement as a family, in particular, have helped the Pennisi family to come together and grow closer to one another.
“This parish has been like a second home for our family to go worship, serve and grow in our faith together,” Chris says. “Being centered on Christ has certainly helped enhance our marriage and our family life.”
“My family has often spent time together in the Adoration Chapel,” Nori says. “The act of being together in front of the Blessed Sacrament only strengthens my marriage and family. Also, this parish has ministries in which we can participate as a family.”

The Pennisi family has been part of our parish for nine years. Chris and Nori say that their involvement has brought them closer together as a family, along with their daughters, Molly, Macie and Maddie.