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We love our building here at St. Anthony of Padua — it is an extraordinary place. Another unique place is the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Springfield. It is vast, grand, and beautiful, and it is a real treat to celebrate Mass there. Third-graders from St. Dominic School and the Parish School of Religion (PSR) and their families enjoyed a special day at the cathedral on Palm Sunday. Twenty-one students received First Holy Communion and Confirmation. There were also third-graders from several other churches who celebrated that day.

Meg Benner, who teaches third grade at St. Dominic, enjoyed leading her 10 students through the preparations for these special sacraments. They, along with the PSR students, have been preparing since the start of the school year.


“I feel so blessed to lead them on their faith journey,” Mrs. Benner says.

At the 6:30 p.m. Mass on Sunday, April 10, the newly confirmed also celebrated here at St. Anthony of Padua.

“Having it at a different place will really stand out for them as they look back,” Mrs. Benner says. “We loved celebrating with our parish family as well. I loved seeing them in that atmosphere at the cathedral and the beauty of it. They were happy, excited, and reverent.”

Hope Glidewell, who leads the PSR program, loved seeing our parish children celebrate these special sacraments.

“These two sacraments complete the process of Christian initiation begun in Baptism,” she says. “Confirmation will seal them in the Spirit and empower them to be disciples for Christ. This First Eucharist will hopefully be the first of many moments of encounter as they receive the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ.”

Each student chose a Confirmation saint and sponsor. They spent time researching the saint and took that name at Confirmation. Their sponsor needed to be a practicing Catholic who is part of their life. Three years ago, Confirmation and First Holy Communion were combined — the Diocese of Springfield is one of the few dioceses in the United States that conducts it this way.

The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception provided a perfect backdrop to show the students that the Catholic Church is universal. Having received these sacraments, they are part of the Catholic Church family. We welcome them!

Celebrating the reception of First Communion on Palm Sunday

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