2 minute read

A Letter From Our Rector: Understanding God's Gift of Time

My Fellow Parishioners:

As summer vacation draws quickly to a close and school begins on August 6, it’s hard to believe that these past few months have flown by so quickly. Partly, that may be because so little is as it has been. Communicating in such a rapidly-changing set of circumstances has been a significant challenge. Remaining open and flexible has been a challenge. Keeping the faith instead of giving into constant fear has been a challenge. Seeing the light of Christ instead of the darkness of our societal unrest has been a challenge.


Amid these many challenges, there is the light of Christ, piercing all the darkness of our lives. As we celebrated First Holy Communion, several weddings and funerals, our belated 8th grade graduation, and Mass with a congregation present again, we could see the light. As our community in its diversity continues to be unified by Christ, supporting one another in times of difficulty or sorrow, there is the light of Christ. As people of different skin color respect one another and work together for building the Kingdom right here in our parish, there is the light of Christ. As people have become more creative in sharing their time, talent, and treasure with our parish, there is the light of Christ.

My brothers and sisters, the light of Christ is all around us. It directs and guides us, but it also warms our cold hearts and causes us to grow, like grains of wheat, so that as we die to ourselves, we might rise with Christ. The light makes us grow. But it also scatters the darkness that lurks all around us, if we’ll but look to Him, the Light of the World!

As we transition into a new school year, with so much having changed and so little feeling comfortable, let’s ask ourselves how we are using our God-given time to His glory. Do I set aside time to pray? Do I really strive to listen to Him teaching me the way? Do I want to serve His will or mine? How has my prayer life grown in the last year? Do I pray enough to be rightly known as a follower of Jesus?

Maybe now is the time to make some simple but important changes in my life as I seek to be light in this world. My appropriate and generous Christian use of time will make all the difference.

May God give us the grace to invite Him into our hearts and minds numerous times every day, that we might be true disciples of the One who saves us. Let’s pray for one another!


Very Rev. Godfrey Mullen, OSB

Cathedral Rector

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