3 minute read

The College/Military Connect Ministry: A New Ministry to Keep in Touch with Young Adult Catholics

We’re with you!

If there was one important message we would want anyone to know as they set out for college or military service, it’s that our parish community is with them in prayer, supporting them in their time away from home, walking with them in faith as we all seek to become stronger, holier, more devoted disciples of Jesus. Welcoming home these students and military personnel is always a great moment. But how might we connect with them, especially during the trying times of finals or basic training?


At St. Ben’s, we’re launching a double approach to making a connection to the parish continue. If parents or high school seniors will notify the parish office of the place where they’ll be the following school year, we’ll help them 1) be connected to Catholic Campus Ministry on their new campus or with their military chaplain and 2) pair them with a parishioner who is willing to keep in touch and maybe even send a care package every now and then.

Our goal is to help these young people know that St. Ben’s cares, that they have a rightful place in our parish even when they’re away, and to support them with our prayers. In other words, just because they’re away from home doesn’t mean they’re completely missing from the community.

Catholics may believe that this sort of social engagement isn’t part of our life. But Jesus didn’t simply go to the mountain to pray. He walked into the lives of others, many times others he’d never met, and he always brings them the joy of new life. This willingness to correspond, in some ways, is not much different than our Hallmark Ministry, wherein we seek to stay connected with parishioners who can’t make their way to church regularly. And the purpose is the same: to remain in touch, to continue the relationship of faithful support, to support those who are in need.

The College/Military-Connect Ministry welcomes parishioners who are willing to correspond with our young brothers and sisters to use their talents to continue building the holy web of contact that is so important. If you’re a parishioner who has the time and interest in carrying out this ministry, you can contact the parish office at 812-425-3369 or cathedral@evdio.org to sign up. You may also go to the parish website (www.saintbenedictcathedral. org) and click on “ministries” and then College/ Military-Connect to sign up.

If you are a high school senior in our parish or a parent of a current college student or military personnel, please also contact the parish office or use the website above to engage a young person in the benefits of this ministry.

Relationships sit at the heart of any group, family, or organization. Our parish is no different. We can work together to represent the parish to these young people away from home in a supportive way.

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