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Meet the Members of Our ACC Leadership Team

This month, we’ve been happy to speak with three members of our ACC Leadership Team. These members — Danny Borgerding, Isaac Uphus, and Darron Nelson — share with us their reflections on parish involvement, their participation on the ACC Leadership Team, and how they aim to serve our entire faith community.

Danny Borgerding


How are you involved in your parish?

Well, like I told Fr. Greg when we first met, “We got married in St. Donatus, live closest to St. Francis, but belong to Sts. Peter and Paul’s.” We attend all three of them because the 10:15 Mass is most convenient for us. I am mainly involved by attending Mass and participating in the sacraments and trying to be a good example for our four kids. I am a Knights of Columbus member, and my wife, Colleen, is the Elementary Faith Formation Coordinator for the BBE parishes.

How did you get involved on the Leadership Team?

Father surprised me out of the blue one day, and after some discernment, I decided I could perhaps have something to offer and would definitely gain something from the experience. Giving some of my time to the church seemed like the right thing to do for me at this time.

What is the best part about being on the team?

I’ve only been involved for two months. However, at my first ACC meeting, I was impressed with the sharp minds on the committee. More importantly, it is inspiring to be in a room with others who are strong in their Catholic faith. Lastly, I am looking forward to interacting more with our three priests who display so much passion and faith, each in their individual ways.

Being on the Leadership Team, what is your hope for the ACC?

I hope as a committee we can assist our priests to fulfill their hopes of shepherding a strong faith community within our parishes. I think it is important that our parishes keep their unique identities while also realizing the benefits of the larger faith community. These are different times — even difficult, you could say — so I am excited to be a part of the bridge between the old times and the new.

Isaac Uphus

How are you involved in your parish?

We help out in a number of ways, including teaching Natural Family Planning, serving as a sponsor couple for engaged couples, and a few other ministries.

How did you get involved on the Leadership Team?

Fr. Greg approached me after my name was suggested by a former ACC Leadership Team member.

What is the best part about being on the team?

It has been nice to get a better understanding of the differences and similarities between each parish in the ACC. Like a good sports team or a well-run business, the ideas and strengths that each parish brings to the ACC is important and will strengthen the ACC. Each parish has its own nuanced culture and the rich history of each parish is evident — that’s pretty neat to see.

Being on the Leadership Team, what is your hope for the ACC?

My hope is that we continue to unify as an ACC, while still preserving the uniqueness of each parish. Change is hard and if we can learn from our experience of growing together as an ACC, we will improve and grow. One area that I hope we can continue to focus on is stewardship as the driving force for our growth. Stewardship is the key to revitalizing our communities and to getting more young men and women interested in vocations.

Darron Nelson

How are you involved in your parish?

I am involved in my parish by volunteering to be a part of the ACC Leadership Team. I was honored to be considered and look forward to giving back over the next three years in this role. Additionally, my wife and I celebrated our wedding and all three of our children’s Baptisms at St. Paul’s in Sauk Centre — all performed by Fr. Greg.

How did you get involved on the Leadership Team?

I was approached by Fr. Greg to consider joining the Leadership Team, as another unique view to the local parishes. As my schedule allows me to attend Mass at different times and locations throughout the year, I felt like it was a proper fit at this time.

What is the best part about being on the team?

The best part about being on the Leadership Team is the ability to learn about the perspectives of the other members and priests in our communities and how I can provide feedback to help make our parishes the most efficient they can be.

Being on the Leadership Team, what is your hope for the ACC?

Being on the Leadership Team, with many, many talented individuals, my hope is that God can help guide us to make all the parishes have a similar, welcoming feel, increase our fellowship at the church, and maintain focus on Jesus Christ, our Lord. God is good, always.

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