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Meet Parishioner Shalon Wilber: Taking Ownership and Sharing Talents with the Parish

We may never know how many talents are hidden within our parish, but what a blessing it is when a parishioner steps up and offers their unique skills for the benefit of the parish family! When COVID-19 led to the need for Masses to be streamed online, Shalon Wilber went to Fr. Greg with a simple question — “How can I help?” Shalon didn’t come empty-handed. As a Broadcasting Coordinator for Arvig, with experience in videography, he had the skills and ideas needed to improve the livestreaming of the Mass.

“Using exactly the talent I know I have is not super intimidating,” Shalon says. “I’m just trying to see if there is a gap I can fill. If I had to get up and speak in front of a group, I’d probably be a lot more nervous.”


Shalon used the skills he already had to improve the audio for the livestreamed Mass. When the church capacity was increased to 50 percent, Shalon continued to help so that those who needed to stay home could have the best possible experience with the Mass.

Shalon and his wife, Kate, were married in 2011 and have been involved with St. Paul’s for many years along with their children, Adelane and Jay. Kate even grew up in the parish. Although the family had moved, they came back to St. Paul’s, and their son, Jay, was baptized there.

When they were dating, Kate was part of the choir at St. Paul’s. Shalon, who also had an interest in and a talent for music, joined her. Shalon and Kate often work together. Kate makes meals for new moms as part of Martha’s Meals, and Shalon is there to help.

“There are so many benefits from getting involved with the church community,” Shalon says. “You come and do one thing, and soon you consider doing things more out of your comfort zone. Once you start, it’s kind of a waterfall and you want to do more.”

Since volunteering has brought him closer with the parish and Fr. Greg, Shalon finds that he has a deeper appreciation for the parish and what it means to participate in the liturgy and life of the parish.

“Being involved has shown me the need to go to church on a weekly basis and bring my family with me,” Shalon says. “It builds on one another, the desire to be involved and to be more active and present.”

In turn, Shalon also sees the impact his dedication and involvement have on his kids. “They were so excited that we were involved and living out our faith is a good example for them,” Shalon says. “The hope is that they will want to come to Mass every weekend and be involved.”

Shalon’s skills were exactly what the parish needed at a unique point in time. His willingness to step out and ask where his talents were most needed would positively impact many parishioners. His involvement has also led to new ideas for the future, and Shalon hopes to help produce some educational videos with the parish.

“It gives you a real sense of ownership to know you’re a small part of what is going on at the parish,” he says.

The Wilber family — Shalon and Kate, and their kids, Adelane and Jay

The Wilber family — embracing stewardship in our community

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